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Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-10 10:29pm
by Thirdfain
Blatant landgrabs? SIR! I am upholding the peace against INTERSTELLAR BARBARISM!

The capslock makes it true. *nod.*

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-10 10:41pm
by Master_Baerne
He's right. Capital letters are simply capital for instilling authority in one's sentences. Simply capital, I say!

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-10 10:43pm
by Raj Ahten
Thirdfain wrote:Blatant landgrabs? SIR! I am upholding the peace against INTERSTELLAR BARBARISM!

The capslock makes it true. *nod.*
The Volunteer Guard will put all imperialists in their place! Against the wall after the revolution is over!

(If the Chamaran's will let them transit through their space anyway :lol: )

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-10 10:53pm
by Thirdfain
I think that judging by the distances and times, the revolution will be well over by the time they get here...

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-10 10:54pm
by Raj Ahten
Thirdfain wrote:I think that judging by the distances and times, the revolution will be well over by the time they get here...
Shhh! Don't tell them that. :wink:

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-10 10:59pm
by Thirdfain
Oooh, maybe we'll get to have in International Incident.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-11 03:39pm
by Dark Hellion
Prepare yourselves for my species low self-esteem and use of run-on speech patterns. Revel as a strongly suggest that we should politely consider whether something should be done.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-11 11:31pm
by Rogue 9
Checking a few things with Nephthys before I post my response in the diplomacy thread. Stand by.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 12:08am
by Ohma
Yeah, Mahal doesn't like the smell of imperialism.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 02:41am
by Dahak
No one here is imperialistic. We all are benevolent nations out to save and help lesser nations :P

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 09:58am
by Rogue 9
If you want people to buy that, you should really come up with a pretext that has at least slightly fewer holes than a block of Swiss cheese. :razz:

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 03:29pm
by Raj Ahten
Well, I hope Mr. Druganov was as insulting as possible there.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 03:52pm
by Master_Baerne
He certainly succeeded there. Unfortunately for diplomacy and peace, dueling's legal in the Star Kingdom. If Druganov doesn't withdraw his remarks, it'll be the Countess's duty, as the senior noble present, to kill him.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 04:02pm
by Raj Ahten
Master_Baerne wrote:He certainly succeeded there. Unfortunately for diplomacy and peace, dueling's legal in the Star Kingdom. If Druganov doesn't withdraw his remarks, it'll be the Countess's duty, as the senior noble present, to kill him.
That might be cool to see how that plays out actually.

Druganov isn't an easy mark though, the entire reason that he's head of mission is that he's a combat veteran with a hefty war record (And political conections). He is also a gene engineered soldier who was made big enough to use support weapons without power armor or the like among a few other enhancements.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 04:07pm
by Rogue 9
Oh, so he's about a match for a Zambaran, who are about the build of a Wookiee only with an extra pair of arms. :razz: Sorry to rain on your parade, but we're not about to have dueling in the assembly hall.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 04:13pm
by Raj Ahten
Rogue 9 wrote:Oh, so he's about a match for a Zambaran, who are about the build of a Wookiee only with an extra pair of arms. :razz: Sorry to rain on your parade, but we're not about to have dueling in the assembly hall.
I'd imagine not. But it would certainly make the six O'clock news worth watching anyway :lol:

On a more serious note, Druganov would probably refuse to duel or do anything of the like because he would consider that legitimizing a social structure that he despises.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 04:31pm
by Master_Baerne
It's probably a good thing for the Countess, that. And me, since I'd rather not make up another ambassador. :)

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 04:45pm
by Raj Ahten
BTW Karmic, if we have a deal on this planet development thing, how do we want to write it up in the main thread?

PS: Darth Raptor I'll have a response for your latest post later tonight as well.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 07:32pm
by Rogue 9
Really, I expect better. Such blatant lies openly presume that everyone else is blind; do you really think it's going to put anybody off?

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 07:52pm
by Darkevilme
Maybe Maybe not Rogue. But out of the five people who can directly intervene in the situation / are adjacent to Llaeler three are in on it, one is gonna try and war profiteer and the last is a sinister robot intellect that's been worryingly quiet so far.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 08:51pm
by Raj Ahten
Darkevilme wrote:Maybe Maybe not Rogue. But out of the five people who can directly intervene in the situation / are adjacent to Llaeler three are in on it, one is gonna try and war profiteer and the last is a sinister robot intellect that's been worryingly quiet so far.
Will we be hearing the Chamaran's take on the situation soon?

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 09:10pm
by Master_Baerne
The reason the lies are so pathetic is because, well, they're lies. There's only so many ways one can bend the truth, after all. Darkevilme raises an excellent point, however: At the moment, there's precious little anyone can do about it.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-12 09:25pm
by Rogue 9
One could at least go to the trouble of having a better set-up; this was just sloppy. :razz:
Darkevilme wrote:the last is a sinister robot intellect that's been worryingly quiet so far.
Quiet enough to not even post an ORBAT, now that you mention it.

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-13 02:23am
by Tanasinn
This robot intellect is perfectly content to let the organics try and cut each other up. If they involve themselves, it will be in an attempt to escalate the situation. ;)

Re: Space STGOD planning.(2k9)

Posted: 2009-02-13 07:31am
by Dahak
Rogue 9 wrote:Really, I expect better. Such blatant lies openly presume that everyone else is blind; do you really think it's going to put anybody off?
I'm busy dressing the Kaeleer as victims and you as a bad person :) Facts are relative, anyway :P