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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-15 04:55pm
by RogueIce
Midgar, Shinra Republic

Rufus Shinra was sitting in his office, contemplating the CATO announcement. On the one hand, it was basically the SNC with a new name, and they just added Shroomania to the mix. On the other, it was a bit out of the blue for something like this. There had been a few signs, but nothing to really indicate something as relatively 'big' as this.

One such sign had been the Warden Incident. He had received unofficial rumors that the Shroomanians had invited SNC members to inspect the sub that they most definately were not ripping out the guts of. Interestingly, he had not had any information concerning Sirnoth participation in that endeavor. That could have been a significant sign that they were leaning towards a move like CATO. But then, maybe it was simply due to the fact he didn't have a convenient source of 'unofficial rumors' concerning Sirnoth.

Many people commented and speculated on Byzantium, mostly concerning their rather odd dual-alliance. Why were they part of both the MESS and SNC, now CATO? Why did either party allow this in the first place? The Byzantines obviously benefited quite handsomely from the arrangement, often getting some of the best equipment, military and otherwise, from both alliances. But what did the alliances get in return? The Shinra Republic diplomatic mission to Byzantium had come up with an answer of their own.

Information. The Shinra diplomats had posed the question to their Byzantine counterparts and come up with an arrangement for backchannel information gathering. This was used mostly as a means to get a heads up on various foreign policy matters. They could also find a way to, during normal conversation, 'suggest' some ideas to Byzantine foreign ministry officials. Those officials, in turn, could pass it up the line to make some feelings known to the SNC at large, except they would be framed as coming from Byzantium as opposed to the Shinra Republic or MESS. Of course, he knew the same was true going the other way in return. Such an arrangement, Rufus expected, would doubtless continue under the SNC's new name.

Nothing majorly sensitive was disclosed, of course. SPY-3 and STAR remained strictly MESS only, as did the latest CSR technological toys. Those sorts of things did not flow back and forth, at least not as part of any accepted 'wink-wink, nudge-nudge' deal. And so while the Shinra Republic had gotten an unofficial 'heads up' on the SNC being invited to inspect the Warden, Rufus Shinra's plan to gather photographic evidence - had that been necessary, which as events turned out it didn't - would not have been provided by some Byzantine source; Shinra intelligence would have had to do that on their own. And of course they could never have gone public with those unofficial rumors, on that or any other subject.

It was a sometimes useful arrangement, though by no means perfect. Sometimes, Byzantium didn't know what their partners were doing; the initial massed bombardment of Astaria by the Crimsons was such an example. Other times, those who were amongst the 'gossipers' were simply unaware of specific events. And of course, there were the incidents that they simply chose to not pass along at all, for any number of reasons.

And so it was that Rufus was curious about why something like CATO and Shroomania's induction had not come through the foreign service grapevine. Did the Byzantines consider it so sensitive that it was exempted from the rumor mill? Were the decisions made at such a level, and restricted such that it never reached those who would, or could, pass it along? Was it simply something they'd decided to come up with only at their meeting and thus there was no real opportunity at forewarning?

The answer to those questions would have to wait, for now. He had other business to take care of. Pushing a button on his desk, Rufus Shinra requested a telephone call with King Arik of Canissia.


"Hello Arik, been awhile."

"Yep. What's up Ice?"

Rufus smiled to himself at the use of his old internet nickname. Anybody who somehow heard it probably wouldn't think much of it. And it served as a useful reminder of days gone by, when things were comparatively simpler.

"Got an offer to my government concerning some stratellites that Shroomania would like to send my way. Evidently they had a customer who cancelled an order. Did some checking, and it appears I have you to thank for that. So thanks."

"No problem." He could tell by the tone that Arik was not happy over it. Not at all.

"Let me guess. The Nationalists a little upset over CATO?"

"You could say that," Arik allowed. "Speaking of which, that just came out of nowhere, didn't it?"

"It did, a little." Rufus glanced to make sure this call was secure. It was. "I suppose there were some signs, but nothing to indicate what is, basically, a reformation of the SNC. Not to mention Shroomania becoming a member. At least not so suddenly."


"Yeah. Well, rumor had it that, if the Shroomanians had been dismantling the Warden, they would have invited SNC observers along. Granted those rumors turned out to be untrue, but I suppose it was telling that the SNC was included at all."

"I see..." Arik replied. The monarch of Canissia knew about these 'rumors' the Shinra State Department sometimes heard.

"Indeed. Well anyway, just thought I'd call and say thank you for granting me this opportunity to enter into a deal with the Shrooms."

"Don't mention it. Please."

After a few more pleasntries, the call was concluded. However, Rufus wasn't done yet. He placed a request to speak with Emperor Heraclius. "No hurry. If he's in a meeting or something he can call me when he gets a free moment. Just want to have a chat and see how things are going." He knew, of course, that Heraclius wasn't dumb. The Byzantine Emperor would definately suspect this call would focus on CATO. Still, Rufus didn't want to seem like he was too terribly upset over it, hence the 'call back at his convenience' message that would be left.

Still, he would use the chance to see if he could find out anything about just how far back the planning for this CATO development went. It might answer a few questions, at any rate.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-15 08:21pm
by TimothyC
Alaskan Presidential Complex, Anchorage

"And the final note on world situation today Mr. President comes from San Dorado."

"Oh Colonel? Please don't tell me they are joining this CATO also." Timothy delivered with a smirk

"No sir, Alyeska Ship Building INC has received notice that the Bid for 4 OPVs has been accepted, standard load-out, with delivery taking place by the end of the year*."

"Good for them, now if you will excuse me I have domestic issues to handle........."

*NOTE: This takes place in Early January, not late December

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-15 10:56pm
by Zor
Port Adria

The Zorian Petrol tanker ship Pillar of Spring was eased out of the port by a pair of tugs as she began her trek to New Atlantis as she carried her cargo back to her home nation. Despite the Jihad, efforts by the Zorian Government and Zorian Petrolium (ZP as it was generally refered to it) had continued to persue their efforts in drilling to tap into the sugnifigant petrolium deposits in the Ironridge mountains while Port Adria had several storage facillities produced to house the valuable commodity, with frequent security checks put into place to prevent any of the Jihadis getting any smart ideas. Things had calmed down somewhat after the meeting with the Syrian Caliph, but the Royal Zorian Navy was not taking any chances with this first load for symbolic reasons and HMZS Arisaka was assigned to escort the craft to her destination, although her journey would be without incident baring a shortage of coffee which would cause no shortage of annoyance to her captain.

With the termination of logging activity in Veleria, Nygaardsvold Logging had begun cutting its losses. It had sold most of it's Velerian Equipment to Japanistani and Old Dominion interests and ships had been brought in to transport the gear to it's new owners and received a $50 million compesation package to the Zorian Government. It would be at a loss and would be cut back to size to its original operations working the harvest in Zoria, but it would survive. However, the Zorian Government had found a way to make the most of the compesation packages in Veleria, allowing a new company to open up shop at Port Adria, Buy'n Large.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-16 07:43am
by Shroom Man 777


Farbanti, Shroomania

The Eye of Farbanti gazed on. The massive ferris fungus wheel rotated slowly, with each of its cars being huge enough to fit a small party of people and gyro-stabilized for them to dine well within their isolated cabin ride. It was part ride, part restaurant, and all super spectacle sight.

A sight that overlooked Farbanti, and Farbanti's airport.

On the airport, a lonely detachment of regimental honor guards and SSS men stood abreast - anticipating the unexpected arrival of Duke Lelouch of Langley. With so much happening today, with the arrival of no less than four of the Old Continent's most influential leaders, very few men could be spared.

The men currently on the airport were it.

The few. The proud. The spares.


"Gee... I wonder what we're doing here, us sorry lot."

"We better not screw this up, Balders. We're meeting royalty, the Duke of Langley, leader of a nation amongst the Shroomanian Commonwealth. Keep to your toes, as though you're pirouetting on top of a stage with a pole on it, in front of a bunch of lecherous gentlemen drunk off their arses, flicking their tongues at you. Same goes with you, Lieutenant."

"Right, Captain. I say, piff-piff and hoorah! We'll have to make a great impression and shine those Shinns on! The Duke of Langley, Cap? Why, I love Langley. Those funny comic books of theirs are so amusing. I think they're called... mangoes or something. And those strange animus of theirs, very entertaining, with the spiky hair and the -"



"Yes, sir?"

"Please be quiet."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-16 10:42am
by DarthShady
Farbanti, Shroomania
CATO Meeting

"Well Gentlemen, I would say this is indeed a cause for celebration.", Premier Shady began, "The SNC is reformed into CATO and Shroomania is the new member. Something, that in my opinion. was long overdue."
"If there is nothing further to discuss.", Shady said, "I believe our Shroomanian hosts have prepared a nice dinner party for us. And I think that the Duke of Langley will be joining us. It is time for us to celebrate our accomplishments. What say you gentlemen?"

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-16 08:38pm
by CmdrWilkens

First Multi-Orbit MSA Mission a Success!

Today MSA officials are cheering the succesful launch, orbit, and splashdown of the first orbital MSA mission. While lasting less than three days, and consisting almost entirely of instrumentation checks and basic flight orientation this is considered a major milestone for the organization as a whole. As recently as two months ago officials were not certain if the Delta IV (4250-H series) would be ready for human flight. Instead with devotion from the engineers and an infusion of funds to get two further test flights in the air before the scheduled launch date of the mission everything has continued to unfold in accordance with the master flightplan the MSA agencies have developed over the past several years.

Fittingly enough the two astronauts for this flight, known as Pegasus 1, were CDR José Jiménez of the Old Dominon, the first MSA astronaut in the Dyan-Soar program, and LCDR Nathan Fellows of the Shinra Republic who was the third Dyna-Soar pilot. Both are considered amongst the most qualified pilots in the entire MESS organization, both have been test pilots for their respective forces and both passed the rigorous screening porcess first established by the ODSA when it took prinicipal ownership of the Dyna-Soar program under the MSA aegis. Today both men are back on the ground and ager to get into training for their next flight.

"They have me penciled in for Pegasus 5," said Jiménez from inside the protective cocoon of an MSA isolation chamber. "This is the most amazing feeling in the world. I've handled jets with some awesome punch but this baby shoots a couple million pound feet of thrust under you and keeps it in high gear the whole way up."

Fellows was more subdued in his interview session noting mostly that he was looking forward to getting a chace to practice an EVA on his next mission, "We've certainly tried to work with the FASTA organizaiton to get some idea of the challenges involved but for all of us doing it will obviously be the real challenge and its one that I look forward to facing."

The Pegasus missions, acording to several MSA sources, are slated to run through at least sometime in 2016 when the Jupiter series of rockets will be certified for manned flight and start the MSA on its push for the moon. No one yet knows what will happen to manned flight on the Delta IV series but officials did point out that the entire family is designed for the next generation of mid/heavy lifting. Where the still common Delta II series is being used to lift loads of up to 7 Metric Tons into orbit the base level Delta IV without additional boosters or core units can lift as much 12 Metric Tons, the final variant expected to be available sometime around 2016-2017 should allow for as many as 7 core boosters to be strapped together allowing upwards of 100 Metric Tons to be sent into low earth orbit.

Officials indicated that some missions are likely to continue as the Delta IV series represents a less expensive way to get astronauts experience and experimental time in orbit. Given that officials are confient that both the Dyna-Soar and Delta IV programs will continue to graduate astronauts who will cycle into future launches with the Jupiter and Ares systems.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 02:08am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
CATO Military Journal

Rapid Integration of Shroomania into CATO

With Shroomania finally in the CATO, rapid integration of Shroomania into the SNC Military Directorate has begun. Shroomania's investment in submarine, shipbuilding, hypersonics, stratellites, aeronautics and other key areas will be useful to CATO as a whole. Many of the pre-existing CATO members already cooperate with Shroomania in a number of key areas and this will thus speed up the integration. Integrating Shroomania into the command structure of CATO will take time, but Shroomania, through the Continental Air Defence agreement, already shares many common communication protocols, thus making the process somewhat easier.

In the long term, CATO is moving towards more commonality in ammunition, weapons, fighters etc. While the process will take time, it will reap much cost-saving benefits for all members of CATO as well as allow for more seamless cooperation.

Imperial Byzantine Navy issues new requirement.

The Navy is seeking for a frigate sized ship that is multi-role and can be reconfigured for a variety of missions, namely : Minesweeping, anti-submarine operations, special operations, naval warfare, land support, disaster relief. Constantinople Shipyards has submitted its proposals for a Hassassin frigate which entail a gas turbine powered ship with a Koalition-SV turret that uses guided intelligent munitions, and a modular design to allow the ship to fulfill the above missions, while being an extremely survivable ship. The craft will also deploy some elements of the S-500F for air-defence.

Proposed Hassassin frigate. Note that this is not the final design.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 07:00am
by K. A. Pital
OGONEK: Strange flags observed during a repetition of the parade in Stasograd
Some note that these flags are similar to the projected Union State between the USSR and CSR, which has existed during an earlier age in the aftermath of the Great Patriotic War. The Crimson Star Republic Supreme Soviet today is overseeing a critical package of documents on the state of the union between two states, which has been prepared by the PCIA. Apparently the previously weak bonds are growing stronger in the anticipation of the elections.

The question is, does this signify a mere will of the people or it is another plot by the socialists and communists of the CSR to ever keep the nation in their iron grip?


Palace of the Soviets
- So what the hell is this? Why I get this rag publication right on the eve of the elections? Doubtlessly you know, Yuri, that such publications are nothing but sabotage?

- Comrade President, you said it yourself. It's the eve of the referenda. This election is unlike the others. It's easy to vote your favorite communist or eser into the Parliament, especially as both parties are catering to your word... this is the system of status quo. We are changing that. We don't need to give our critics any more fodder. They would shriek of "clamping down on free speech", and all that.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 10:36am
by Shroom Man 777


Farbanti, Shroomania

After the CATO formalities and with nothing left to discuss, Premier Shady suggested that it was about time for dinner and everyone agreed heartily. Changing the world's geopolitical landscape had built quite an appetite on all the CATO meet's participants and they were eager to indulge in another kind of Shroomanian hedonism, one different from the ones in their naughty man-magazines.


It was time for gluttony.


Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 11:37am
by DarthShady
Breaking News
Live from the Palace of the Soviets, CSR

"We bring you now live to a press conference held by President Stanislav, apparently he and Premier Shady of the USSR, are going to make a joint statement regarding a matter that has not yet been revealed to the public. We are all anxious to hear what they have to say..."

"And here they come now."

President Stanislav walked out onto the podium, followed closely by Premier Shady. Both men seemed to be in quite a good mood, but nevertheless maintained a formal composure. They greeted the members of the press and Stanislav approached the microphone, while Shady remained on the stage.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, Citizens of the CSR and the USSR, I come to you today with news of a great event.", Stanislav began, "An event that will influence the future of our two great nations. As you all well know, the people of the CSR and the Shadow Union share a great brotherly bond, our two nations have been linked together for decades, ever since the CSR took down the Nazi regime and brought freedom to the people of the USSR. This bond and our collaboration have lasted for years, as is apparent by the fact that the economies of our two great nations are so heavily intertwined and that our armed forces are integrated together in their duty to protect our people.

I hereby announce our intent to strengthen the brotherly bond between our two nations by uniting them into one great nation, a nation that will stand strong and united, we shall form the Union of Crimson and Shadow Republics, the UCSR. But this decision is not ours to make, this is a decision that must be made by the citizens of our two nations. That is why I am announcing a nation wide referendum of unification, that will be held in both the CSR and the USSR, where you, the people, will decide upon our common future.

Comrades, the future of our two great nations lies within your hands. I am confident that our people will make the right choice and that together we shall create a glorious future for our two nations."

OOC: Assume that the CATO Conference is now moved into unreal time. :D

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 11:50am
by Siege
Co-written with Steve

A Friendly Conversation


The Presidential Palace was a huge, white-bricked building towering 350 meters into the sky. The twelve stories at its base were a public museum, containing a bewildering variety of artefacts dating back to the days of the Founding, and featuring massive glass windows and glass-wrapped corners that created the impression that the tower was physically and visually light as if floating on mid-air.

Above the museum towered dozens of floors holding the offices of the presidential administration and record-keeping, the presidential libraries, parts of the diplomatic service, and finally immediately underneath the richly adorned crest the offices of the presidential security service.

Even higher, eight massive gargoyles hid four helicopter pads that granted access to the apex of the skyscraper. Glittering in the afternoon sun like a jewel in the crown of the San Dorado skyline the fifteen highest floors of the cloud-piercing spire contained the most expansive penthouse in the city. The residence of the president was decorated by gleaming, steel-clad ornaments depicting gargoyles, historic scenes, and winged ships of Mercury representing the thrill of the Age of Art Deco at its most exuberant.

The very highest room in the Palace was a single, circular space called the Smoking Room. This high up a series of massive, triangular windows granted a breathtaking view of the city’s Central Districts. From this lofty vantage it became apparent just how huge the city of San Dorado was. A forest of skyscrapers framed the Central Districts. Beyond it hundreds of square kilometres of city sprawled toward every horizon, threaded through by the silver and black of monorails and highways. In comparison the Dodgson River, itself nearly a kilometre wide, seemed an insignificant dribble of brownish-blue trickling through one of humanity’s greatest megalopolises.

Inside the informal audience chamber soft red carpets covered the floor. The lights appeared as Saturn and the other planets. Mahoney book cases lined some walls; from others hung black-and-white photographs of city landmarks and one impressive painting of a storm-battered 6-gun bark sailing toward a distant coastline: Bannon's The Arrival of Sir Siegfried.

And finally, draped rather unceremoniously in two Chesterfield chairs, two heads of state.

The largest city in all of Frequesue was a sight to see. Cascadia had its own "metropolitan zone", the massive network of cities surrounding Puget Sound and its outlet to the sea - Bremerton, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma, Quincy... - that were very much the economic and cultural heart of central Cascadia, but San Dorado was that region compacted into a much smaller area. A city-state akin to Singapore back on Old Earth, if not more.

Stephen was, admittedly, not entirely comfortable with all of the luxury and grandeur around him. The ostentatious display of power and wealth that San Dorado's elite indulged in struck directly at the core of Cascadian ideals of civil virtue, of selfless service to the Republic, that politicians and the civil elite at least had to give lip service to and which many, Stephen included, attempted to hue to; the Presidential Mansion in Adams was as night to the display before him was to day.

Of course, none of this was going to be said aloud and he took the environment for what it was intended for, a comfortable place for them to talk about all sorts of affairs of state. Business was going to be the major feature of this trip instead of friendly touring as he'd done years ago on the Old Continent; Sophia and Deirdre had stayed home this time for that reason, allowing him to focus on talks with the other leaders of Frequesue on sundry international matters. Hank would be the first he dealt with, with the two leaving from San Dorado together to travel to Sabika and Coilerburg before Stephen continued a clockwise movement around the continent, likely to end his trip at Baerne.

"Everyone's talking about the news from the Old Continent about Shroomania joining the SNC and the entire group being renamed. Canissia's apparently reacting rather badly, I'm curious as to how your side of things is holding up given San Dorado's ties to Shroomania and cooperation with FASTA."

Sidney briefly considered that question. The 148-year old friendship between San Dorado and the Sovereignty had gone through a rough patch recently. In the wake of the colossal cock-up that was Coilerburg sailing a submarine chock-full of nuclear warheads into Shroomanian waters –and perhaps even worse, the Shroomanians finding out about it- certain acerbic words were exchanged between the leaders of the two nations. Insofar as Shroomania was concerned the trustworthiness of the FTO was on the line, and in turn the inspection of one of the FTO’s ultimate strategic weapons by OC intelligence analysts –communist intelligence analysts no less!- had been a sore point with San Dorado. Yeah, the Shroomanians had covered it up nicely. Other nations even seemed to buy their excuses. That didn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Still, Prime Minister Shroom was… Well, he was Prime Minister Shroom. It was hard to get angry with him, and even harder to stay so. And ultimately San Dorado would be happy to bury the whole sorry affair as deeply as possible and forget it ever happened in the first place. But what to make of this new ‘CATO’?

“I myself consider it a net gain”, Hank finally replied, and took a sip of his wine. “The dominant power in the old SNC was always the Crimson Star Republic. And let’s face it, it’s no secret that the goddamn comm- I mean, the Reds and us have never been the best of friends. We’ve found them at best unreceptive, at worst outright hostile. As a result we’ve never considered the SNC as a whole as a particularly amicable bunch. Individual members, sure. But not the block itself.”

Now that there’s CATO however that could change. We’ve excellent ties with Shroomania, and it’s been a pleasure doing business with Byzantium and PeZookia these recent years. All things together, I think our friends in this newfound alliance outnumber our ideological adversaries. Unless they elect to throw up trade barriers or some such we should be golden.”

The president scratched his chin. “I can sort of understand the Canissian resentment though. They’re being left out in the cold by the rest of the continent. Then again, geopolitically speaking it might just be better for Canissia to ditch their MESS membership and hook up with CATO themselves. Or pursue a dual membership. If Byzantium gets away with that, why not them?”

What I think Canissia, and by extension the rest of the world, have to keep in mind is –and I hope you’ll pardon me the allusion- that the MESS isn’t NATO, and CATO isn’t the Warsaw Pact. See, it seems like we’re going to be stuck on this rock for the foreseeable future so personally I’d appreciate it if we didn’t go about inventing clashes of civilizations where none need occur. MESS, CATO, the FTO… Sweet Lady, between us we could all prosper beyond our wildest dreams!”

"Of course, though I do understand some of Canissia's concern, I believe my Secretary of State put it best in a meeting before I left; 'Christ, we've been encircled by MESS for a century, you don't hear us complaining!'." Stephen let out a cackle at that. "I do agree that there's no real reason for the current alliance systems to go at it. If anything worries me it's Japanistan. They've gone isolationist since the shakeup and the fall of the Uesugi government in the Pathogen War, but there's no telling how they will react to this."

"Of course, you won't see me looking for such entanglements. That's one of the reasons that the two Pan-Pacific summits have failed, in my honest opinion; some of the participants want a military pact of a sort, Cascadia is steadfast against it, as is Alaska too in my honest opinion. I'm sure that by now even King Yenchin is wary about being aligned militarily with the Zorians given the East Velerian situation."

A butler brought a bottle of wine for them, one of Sidney's best Stephen supposed. He wasn't a drinker himself, actually a practicing temperant by choice, and had imbibed far more alcohol through wine during six years as Cascadia's President than he had in his entire life beforehand - and even most of that was as social lubricant during political fundraisers, dinners, et cetera. "Don Gregorio, I see," he remarked upon reading the label, knowing it was one of the most expensive and well-considered wines from the southern Cascadian province of Rosario, even labelled in both English and Rosarian Spanish. "For the occasion I imagine?"

Sidney smiled. “I like to play the part of the attentive host from time to time. And as far as Pinot noir is concerned I maintain that not even the Vineyards can match Cascadia… Much to the chagrin of King Brandon, as I’m sure you can imagine.” The president poured two glasses of the bright red liquid.

“But yes. Perhaps the Pacific nations simply have too little in common”, he contemplatively added. “Though on the other hand my head of public affairs keeps telling me we should send an envoy if there’s going to be a third conference. Due to the circumstances we couldn’t be present at the previous two, but it’s never a bad idea to talk with the neighbours. Even if they’re neighbours thousands of kilometres away across the Pacific Ocean.”

Sidney gestured aimlessly in the general direction of the painting on the wall. “And now we’re on the subject of the Pacific… What do you make of Velaria? Is that continent falling to pieces, or is it actually going places, or is it merely a playgroud for next generation colonialists? Because I honestly can’t tell anymore, and our intelligence is… conflicted on the matter.” The president elected not to tell Garrett that said ‘intelligence’ was whatever the EIA managed to pry out of known San Doradan gun runners and other seedy elements in the region. Some things were better left unsaid in polite company.

"Veleria's status depends on region. Western Veleria is the most stable, Eastern Veleria wasn't too bad either until this whole Zorian business threw everything to hell. North Veleria is Cascadia's primary zone of interest, primarily the central and eastern coasts until we set up the Hasiyah Treaty alliance to protect the locals from Japanistan in case they decided for further expansion. Of course, that was when Uesugi's faction was in power in Tokyo, the Takeda are being nice and quiet. Anyway, the worst problem we have is Fredonia, the interior Sulay are restless and the entire country seems on the perpetual verge of civil war. Hell, we had to send in the Marines during the quarantine period after the Pathogen War."

"The trouble point is Southern Veleria. The nations are basket cases save for San Marin. Zakiriyah and Alyaniyah are fighting an on-again off-again war over the old Astarian zone between them, when their broken-down government systems get them the logistics and troops to fight anyway. The locals are heavy into human-trafficking - if you remember the Star of Sweethaven incident back in '09, our people aboard were initially taken by traffickers in Bissauru - and, ironically, without the Astarian Navy to stop them they've been getting bold again. And with the Fredonia situation I simply can't assign a carrier group to the area like I'd love to." Taking a sip of wine and, admittedly, savoring the rich taste, he continued after finishing the drink. "I'd say it's a little bit of everything, really. Some parts are falling places, some are beginning to find their footing, and some, well, I guess even Cascadia could be accused of some colonialism given Van Halstoff and Welles Island."

“As long as you’re keeping the slavers away I won’t fault you”, Sidney grumbled. He remembered the Star of Sweethaven and the ‘dispatch heard around the world’. He remembered it vividly, if only because it was one of the few times the Board of Directors had unanimously elected to voice its condemnation of a foreign nation. Even in San Dorado slavery was universally despised, and it was one thing to hear about slavery on an intellectual level, it was another to be confronted by it in such a manner. “Still. I think if any continent is going to cause trouble in the near future, it’ll be Velaria. And coming from someone from this continent that says a lot, but even Frequesue has been mostly stable these last few years.”

"Your organization is responsible for that, I'd say. Unfortunately I don't see Veleria getting the same thing going." Finishing another sip, Stephen added, "And I look forward to seeing the progress the FTO has made."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 12:52pm
by Lonestar
Royal Palace

"This," Lord Wythe said as he slammed his ham down on the table "Is Bullshit!"

"Tell us how you really feel George…"Lonestar said. The leader of the Whigs in the Legislature, and chair of about a dozen important House Committees leaned forward.

"Are you to tell me that some god-damned retards on the effing continent are shooting down satellites before us? And we are just now doing unmanned launches of the X-20B 'stretch'?"

CNO Saldana spoke up. "Lord Wythe, our STAR Cruisers, and in fact our AEGIS vessels as well, can shoot down LEO satellites with no difficulty. The same applies with the ODAAF's Mach 3 interceptors."

"Forgetting for the moment," General Davis of Global Strike Command leaned forward "That we can turn that little city into dust in well under a day."

"So, what's the problem George?" Lonestar asked.

"Some of my constituents are getting fired up at the military's re-organization. Slashing the army so low, shifting most of the military funding to the navy and ODAAF…"

"It isn't economical to maintain as large an army that we had when Shepistan was around." Said Treasury Secretary Chiu. "For one, there's no real need. Even occupation duty in Shepistan is limited to clean areas around FOBs. We are also burning through an enormous amount of cash reclaiming affected areas, and it looks as if the Delmarva Peninsula will the only large section declared inhabitable anytime soon. Since we no longer have to worry about a large army coming across the mountains(SRGC remnants notwithstanding) Navy and Air Force get the monies."

"Dammit!" Wythe shouted "I know that! But it grinds this poor old man's heart to see the army that he proudly served in in such a reduced state. Planes and ships are just toys for…for…geeks!"

There was a silence around the table, and everyone was looking around at each other. Lonestar suddenly had images of Strom Thurmond and Byrd in their later years.

"Lord Wythe…" Lonestar began "The times, they are a-changing…"

"Don't tell me that you young puke…" Wythe gasped and clutched his chest.


Results: Filler, the X-20B stretch has begun unmanned trials. The SSC is nearing completion in Tian Xia. I've been busy with real life, bite me.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 02:18pm
by PeZook
Somewhere in the CSR

Winds swept over the massive steppes, forcing the grass to wave in an impressive display. The horizon seemed boundless, stretching as far as the eye could see with no obstructions visible. Millenia have passed since the first nomad people rode across this land, travelling where wind would take them, absolutely free on this grassy ocean, but any man who stood on these plains felt the same elation, the same urge to just go forward, race against the birds and chase the setting sun.

The horse-warriors of the ancient past were long gone, of course - but man still retained this lust which forced him to see what was beyond the horizon - it was just that horses were no longer enough.

The rocket rose to the heavens with a mighty roar, trailing smoke and fire. A single man rode on its top, a warrior of the modern age, on a metal horse which left the wind far behind.

"Orel-1 reports all systems nominal. Stand by for staging.", said a military-uniformed technician, one of many controlling this military mission. Unlike in other launch centers, everyone in this facility was a member of the military - and for good reason, too. The cosmodrome, hidden away on the steppes, serviced CATO's military space program.

"Staging complete. Stage two engine performance nominal, comrade general."

General Siergyei Volkov nodded, watching the screens. Orel was a mission designation for a series of test flights of the tenatively named Soyuz-BK, loosely translated to "Soyuz-Armed Ship", a cheap space fighter designed for permanent presence in space - basically, a Soyuz capsule without its orbital module, and with a 30mm cannon installed in place of the flight engineer's seat.

"Systems of target craft operational. Orel-1 is in sight."

One of the central screens changed, displaying a picture from a FLIR set mounted on a target satellite - it was put on orbit mere hours ago by another rocket for no other purpose than to be destroyed. After engaging the target, Orel would test its automated docking systems by performing a rendezvous with another, unarmed and unmanned Soyuz craft. After half day in space, Orel-1 would deorbit and land in the steppes - such a short mission was necessitated by the need to avoid overflying Japanistan.

Fortunately, those capitalist pigs from San Dorado will be able to solve that with their rocket, general Volkov thought. The launch centre was working like clockwork.

"Orbital insertion complete. Main engine cutoff...Orel-1 is preparing to arm the primary weapon system."

Performance of the combat computer was closely monitored. It acquired the target satellite with the onboard targetting radar, calculated the firing solution and programmed the first of eight rounds in the cannon's autoloader.

"Round ready..."

General Volkov took one last look at his console and nodded his approval.


Silence fell in the control room. For several seconds, nothing happened, and then suddendly, the video feed from the target satellite was cut off.

"Target destroyed. Orel-1 reports the first round didn't connect with the target. Second round didn't load properly, and had to be inserted manually."

Results: First flight of the Soyuz-BK is a moderate success. The anti-satellite cannon requires some more work. Missiles will be tested another time.


OOC: Well, whaddya know. I did manage to find some time to post this week :D

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 02:54pm
by Coyote


King Arik Coyotus arrived shortly after the CSR/USSR bombshell had been dropped. The room was in a tumult, with the Nationalists leading the uproar.

"This is outrageous!" Defense Minister Ral Tenn said, "The Slavic Union-- now with Shroomania in their pocket-- has begun to openly make a grab to sieze control of the Old Continent! We must protest this!"

"Protest what?" asked Tourism Minister Seela Kimthrel, of the Labor Party, "Of all the countries in the world that we need to be wary of, our closest neighbors have never been among them!"
"Says the Party that evolved from the defeated Communists!" a Nationalist back-bencher yelled. It started a furious exchange among the Nationalists and Labor, with the Greens hollering out occassional support for Labor, and the Libertarians for Nationalists, and the Royalist Party looking to their King for leadership. King Arik let them howl for a moment, then took his stand at the podium and banged the gavel for attention.

"Enough of this, everyone!" he said, "Decorum, please!" he called out. The noise subsided, but there was a continuing undercurrent of grumbling from each camp which he decided to ignore.

"Majesty, if I may!" called Ral Tenn. Arik sighed.
"Go ahead," he said. The Defense Minister straightened his tie.

"All due respect, Majesty, but the Slavic Union has been a vast alliance made up of ethnicity and to no small part political ideology-- and while we've always managed to get along, there are differences among us. Recently, you've overseen deep military cutbacks that have encouraged them..." he got no farther before the Royalists, then the Labor and Greens Parties, started to call out derision on the Nationalists. King Arik banged his gavel for attention.

"Order!" he shouted, "Listen up, Minister Tenn has the floor!"
"Thank you, Majesty," Ral Tenn said, "Now, as I said, all due respect, but we've weakened our negotiating strength and we blindly assumed that the more multi-ethnic Shroomania would balk at an alliance with the the Slavic Union, and work more closely with us. But let's look at the political topography, sir. After the fall of Shepistan, and the change of government in Japanistan, the MESS Alliance has... relaxed. Now, the CSR, with their Communist ideologies, are trying to become the dominant power bloc. We must move to block this expansion of their ideology!" A great deal of grumbling and murmuring rippled through the Assembly Hall.

"First of all," the King said, "I do not, necessarily, buy into the idea that the Slavic Union is trying to muscle it's way to global dominance. They are already a powerful economic and political bloc, and they've been good neighbors for decades. I actually see no reason to be threatened by CATO; in fact, I think it is in our interests to seek observer status in the organization at least--" a great deal of raised voces forced him to pause, the gavel hovering in the air, until he was able to continue: "Observer status and possibly even some form of limited partnership."

The Nationalists were not happy to hear that; but the Greens and Labor were heartened by the words of cooperation. The Libertarians were wary; they welcomed markets that were easily accessible by land routes but at the same time were fearful of having investments nationalised by Communist policies.

"Majesty, if I may," Trade Minister Rayzha Rumaclin, of the Labir Party, said, and the King acknowledged her. "I have to ask the Nationalists why they don't get into such a fit over our close ties to the MESS nations, with which we have tied our very economy to, as well as a great deal of military, industrial, and scientific research policy. Why do you fear closer ties with a power bloc next door, and don't faer even closer power ties to far-flung governments that we don't even share borders with?"

"Precisely because they are over there and we don't share borders with them," said Minister Tenn, to some chuckles from the Nationalist camp. "We do not want to see Canissia become subserviant to a vast, powerful Union that is based on ethnic and political identity."

"Who said anything about being subservient to anyone--?" asked Culture Minister Anoritte Barona, one of the few Royalists in the Parliament. But the tide of shouting was rising again. The King repeatedly slammed the gavel down on the podium, finally restoring a bit of calm.

"I am not going to begin a conflict when there is no reason to do so," the King said calmly, "I will not be a party to a new Cold War; unlike some vested interests I do not seek to replace Shepistan and Japanistan with new bogeymen to justify the existence of an enhanced military regime. We are going to wait and see what the stated goals and aims of this CATO organization are, and we're going to wait and see how a Unified Crimson and Shadow Republics affects us, if it affects us at all.

"I will meet with King Paul to ask for his insight on this, and I will meet with the Emperor Heraclitus as well, and I know for a fact that with these men we can find our equilibrium in this --and we will all be reassured that this is nothing to worry about and not a threat." He pointed his gavel at Interior Minister Viktor Krahn, of the Libertarian Party, who had been patiently raising his hand for awhile. "Yes, Viktor?"

"Thank you, Majesty. Sir, I respect you and your leadership, but in the interests of protecting Canissian business, I must ask that you reconsider some details of a recent bill you posited before the floor." The King frowned, having an idea what was coming. He waved Krahn on. "Yes, of course," Krahn said, "It regards th epurchase of numerous top-of-the-line fighter aircraft from PeZookia..." Again, grumblings and consternation rose from the Hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please," the King said, rubbing his eyes as a massive headache set in.
"... From peZookia," Krahn picked up again, "A purchase we regard as problematic for Canissian business interests. Would it not be better to take the F-15 fighters that we retired from the Reserves --fighters that were replaced with F-16Ls that were purchased from Shroomania-- and use those in Katangwa? A purchase of MiG aircraft will make the Katangwans beholden to CATO nations for parts and replacements, after all, and we gain nothing by simply storing the F-15s indefinitely..." Shouts of approval came from throughout the Hall, and the King could tell he'd definitely lost the support of Labor with that one.

"The purchase of the MiG-29s will be put on hold," the King said, not wanting to fold his cards on the MiGs but knowing full well that if he forced a vote on it he'd lose badly and that would weaken his position vis-a-vis the rest of the CATO issue. By putting the decision on hold he retained some semblance of control on the situation.

"Please note, Majesty, that we are not unwelcoming of partnerships with our neighbors," Minister Krahn continued, "We agree to uphold the agreement to construct the docks at Khalid, as the PeZookians are well situated to perform that mission."

"I'm sure that King Paul will be relieved," Arik said, keeping the sarcasm from his voice. "Ministers, please remember that these people are not just our neighbors, they are our friends and have been allies in the past against the Nazis and partners in commerce and scientific endeavor. We have many reasons to cooperate, and few reasons to be dismissive or defensive in our mindset. That said, let's get on to the finer details..."

God, I need a drink, he thought.

Canissian Parliament all in an uproar over the USCR announcement, following so closely on the heels of the CATO announcement.

Paranoid Nationalists are swaying the Libertarians (and to a small extent, Labor) to engage in protectionist trade practices and increase military spending.

King is counting on lukewarm Labor and Royalist support (and the Greens) to counter the tide, to little effect.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 03:55pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles

Not far from the launch pad where the Soyuz-BK was launched, at two launch pads, two different rockets were hauled into place. One was a 3 stage rocket named Zenit-L, consisting of a RD-171 as the first stage, a RD-0120 as the second, and the RD-58 as the last. The rocket was readied, checks were done, and then the final count down began. Soon the rocket launched into the sky into space, where all the sections separated flawlessly. The next rocket, Zenit-S, was a three stage solid propellant rocket, rated for 20 tonnes into LEO. That rocket was readied, then launched, flawlessly as well.


- Zenit-S and Zenit-L make successful Launches. I will make notes on the launch payload for Zenit-L later. Probably around 13-20 tonnes.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 04:03pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Constantinople Times

Sultan Saladin IV rescinds Jihad against Zoria

Sultan Saladin IV has rescind the Jihad against Zoria. "The Zorians have agreed to repent their sins, and pay repatriations to those who have lost their lives, their land. I call upon all Muslim to cease any more attacks on Zoria. Those who break the law, shall be punished." It is understood that Hadhramara is now semi-administered by the Caliphate of Syria, and that the infidel Muballi is now on the run.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 04:56pm
by Coyote
Seaside Palace, Canissia
Late Night


The King was up late that night, revising, revamping, cutting here and there and adding elsewhere. He'd neglected to exercise that evening as he usually did, and picked at his dinner. He absently hugged his kids and sent them to bed. Then, with some brandy and sheafs of papers, he went to his study to work.

He didn't drink too much; he was too serious about his work. He was trying to find a way to ramrod his original Naval Expansion Bill back through the Parliament again in the wave of paranoia ("got to try to make this work for me, somehow," he'd muttered).

"The Cayman Islands thing at Puerto Los Santos," he said aloud, looking at the opening summary page of the proposal, and th emap. He crossed a line through it with his pencil. "Dead. As a doornail," he said. His wives were there, helping him as best they could in the situation, and he turned to Jia. "Hon, can you send a letter to the IRT telling them that we won't be setting up shop in that area of interest of theirs?"

Caymans out, floating X-Band installation in, he figured. "I will need Destroyers and Frigates to keep it safe, so I still have that," he said. He looked at the current Naval Expansion Bill that had been agreed upon in principle with the Parliament:

1 "Triton"-class Carrier
1 "Neptune"-class Amphib Assault
1 "Ryujin"-class LSDNs w/MEU
1 "Nabiya"-class LPDs w/MEU
2 "F100"-class Frigates (already approved)
2 "Anuket"-class Corvettes (already approved)
2 "Pegasus"-class Corvette/Hydrofoils (already approved)

Maritime Reconnaissance:
12th Reconnaissance Wing
--will expand by adding a 13th Recon Wing

2 "Provider"-class Supply ships
2 "Industrialist"-class oilers
2 "Supply"-class TFUR ships
2 "Sustainer"-class Supply ships
2 "Onager"-class Ocean tugs
2 "Hope"-class RO/RO

He then looked at his list of other projects, some of which he'd managed to get started; some of which were dead in the water:

PeZookian Dock work offer accepted.-- major dock to be built at Khalid in Katangwaland.
USSR MiG-21 Purchase goes through. --16 MiG-21s to Katangwa, already approved!
Two new oil rigs readied for Katangwan offshore work by Canexxia.-- 2 oil rigs.
Canissia gets 50% mineral rights to Katangwan interior.-- Canexxian geologists to probe interior of Katangwa.
A "big project" for Canissian industry in Katangwa announced.-- space port & future elevator at equator in Katangwa.
Peacekeepers offered to San Dorado for political transition with Coilerburg.-- turned down but police welcomed, investment also.

PeZookian MiG-29 Purchase DELAYED. --90 MiG-29s to Katangwa flown by Canissian pilots (I probably won't get this, start pulling the F-15s out of mothballs instead)

Shroomanian Stratellite offer CANCELLED.-- stratellite network for TV, cell phones, radio, internet, for Katangwa. Canissian Parliament angry over Shroomanian KKV test.-- furor was dying down in wake of 'sub bluff', but CATO thing blew it.

He thought about what the Parliament could sink their teeth into, and added the following:

6 "Pearl Point-class" light freighters will be built for nascent Katangwan Merchant Marine when Navy orders are done... Katangwan merchant sailors have to be trained, training will be done by contractors TBD.

"Katerin, could you please send a message to King Paul and Emperor Heraclitus and let them know that I'd like to arrange a visit sometime soon. We'll be discussing trade with PeZookia, and science with the Byzantines."
"Of course, dear," she replied, and started drafting up a note on her laptop.

"Isabelle," he said, "I need you to meet with the Nationalists and find out what we need to do to maintain close relations with all of CATO and yet placate their concerns. If they want a military increase, or some new weapons system, or if they want, I dunno... a MESS base or two located somewhere in the north. Get a wish list and see if it is something we can work with." Isabelle started jotting down notes as Arik turned to his other wives.

"Shawna, Samira, and Siobhan," he asked, "If you could meet with the other parties and get the same-- let's start winnowing down what we need to make everyone happy and satisfy their security needs. We're going to seek as much balance here as possible, and make it clear I am not going to burn any bridges with any CATO member. I think we've more then expressed our dismay by sacking the Stratellite and MiG deals. We don't need any more childish lashing out; I want to hear what the adults have to say."

King Arik tries to salvage the situation as much as possible.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 05:06pm
by Beowulf
Hong Kong Items

Huang Di condemns space weapon tests

"These tests increase the risks to manned space flight both by increasing the chance that a legitimate space flight will be mistaken for a possible weapons usage, as well as by polluting space with orbital debris," the statement issued by the Huang Di's office contained, created as a reaction to the recent weapons tests by Byzantium and San Dorado...


Office of Research and Development, TXAF
Tian Xia

"How goes the integration test of the SIM-172B?"

"Well, we think we've managed to get it small enough to fit into the available mission bay. Based on the size and weight of the missile, we think we should be able to fit 8 of them into a bay. Less if we want to fit other mission equipment into the bay. This includes the radar and optics for a good targetting solution, so that we don't need an off board radar to target."

"What about other weapons?"

"Well, we're working on trying to fit a laser in, but it's becoming a bit difficult. For one, there's the powersupply requirement. If we want a useful laser, we're going to have to go with something with more power than a solar array, which is what the X-38 is currently base-lined for. We're looking at fuel cells and ultracapacitors to store the energy.

"As far as guns go, like Byzantium has apparently tried, there's technical difficulties with them. For one, most lubricants vaporize in vacuum, so we'd need a pressurized housing for the gun. If we do that, then we have to deal with atmo loss from the gun every time it fired. Or we could go through and find vacuum safe lubricants, but that's an additional difficult. Additionally, unless the gun fires through the center of mass of the vehicle, we'll end up torqueing the vehicle every time the gun fires, which means we'll need to expend propellant to realign the gun. All in all, although it appears attractive, we'd prefer to stick with lasers and missiles."

[ooc]It's not hypocrisy if I don't actually conduct the weapon tests.[/ooc]

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 10:49pm
by Beowulf
Cape Race
Easternmost Tian Xia

In the first non-test launch, the Atlas launch vehicle was setup in 501 configuration to launch a Space Based InfraRed System High satellite into geosynchronous orbit. In this configuration, it required no additional solid rocket boosters. This was considered to be the least likely to result in a failure of some type, though it was not the configuration that would be used to launch the X-38 for tests. It was also the cheapest configuration.

Two days before launch, the mobile service tower and mobile launch platform seperated from the vehicle integration facility. The mobile service tower was designed to completely encapsulate the mobile launch platform and launch vehicle until shortly before launch. This is to help protect the vehicle from weather, amongst other things. The two structures moved along rails to the launch pad.

Several hours before launch, fueling began. Liquid Hydrogen poured into the Centaur upper stage, and just as quickly boiled away. It took some time before the stage became cold enough to maintain the hydrogen as a liquid. Similarly, LOX and kerosene poured into the stage, though with much less boiloff of the LOX. The outside of the vehicle became frosted with ice as the LOX made the vehicle cold enough to freeze the moisture out of the air.

Half an hour before launch, the mobile service tower moved further along the rails, away from the pad itself. The Atlas vehicle was exposed for the first time. It was not long before the count down reached T-3, and the massive RS-84 engine ignited. Thrust built up until the rocket reached full throttle. At that point, the umbilicals were severed from the vehicle and the hold downs released the vehicle into the air.

222 seconds after launch, the Atlas core burned out and seperated from the Centaur stage. Along with the core, the 5.4 meter diameter fairing covering the payload seperated and fell away. Several minutes would pass before the fairing and stage burned up in the atmosphere. The Centaur stage ignited several seconds later, propelling the payload higher and faster.

Significant amounts of delta-V were required for this mission, considering the high latitude of the launch site. But the vehicle had plenty to spare. Almost a tenth of the delta-V budget was required for the plane change manuever to get the vehicle to it's final 0 degree inclination.

Much later, the Centaur vehicle had completed the 3 different burns required of it to place the spacecraft into it's final orbit, and made the final one that would drop it low enough to slowly lose the remaining altitude and burn up in the atmosphere.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 11:02pm
by phongn
Tonkin Heavy Armaments Offers Frigate Upgrade

Tonkin Heavy Armaments (TOHARM) has announced a major upgrade program for the world's vast fleet of Standard Multirole Frigates (OOC: OHP) widely procured in the late 1970s and early 1980s. While still highly capable vessels, these ships face rapidly obsolescence in the face of rapidly improving missiles threats from air, land and sea. TOHARM's comprehensive upgrade program extends the life of these vessels with the Tonkin-standard Mk. 41 VLS, a 57mm naval gun and a selection of sophisticated, modern radars. The APAR and CEAFAR radar systems are offered (the latter with optional CEAMOUNT designators) along with numerous other sensors, modernized computers and general overhaul to provide an affordable, advanced surface combatant.

The Royal Svalbardian Navy is expected to be the first customer for this New Threat Upgrade program as surplused Republic of Tonkin Navy frigates are transferred to that navy and upgraded ...

MODS Docking, Re-entry tests underway

Tonkin Manned Orbital Development System tests continue with announcements of automated docking and orbital maneuvering tests at the so-called MODS-1 orbital station today ...

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-17 11:51pm
by K. A. Pital
Comrade Stanislav Rocket Factory

Ilya Adamovsky, the commander of the Crimson Star Republic space militarization programme and the "Space Forces" which so far consisted of orbital planes, armed orbital ships and killer satellites, entered the room.

- So how are we? - he asked several designers who were assembled in the hall.

- A few meek cries of condemnation, comrade, but nothing serious, - smiled Gubanov, one of the chief architects of the CSR's space weapons. - I assume we can now safely test full orbital bombardment?

- No, - the commander waved his hand. - The ability to drop warheads from space should be expanded, but we cannot fully test these weapons.

- Deorbiting mockups is not the same as...

- It's pretty much the same. The only difference is the detonation of a nuclear payload. Deorbiting them towards Novaya Zemlya would be possible, but inevitable questions will arise. Remember, everyone is watching space and tracking every object there. I don't think we need to detonate anything to be sure the concept works. What of kinetic bombardment and nuclear mines?

- We're working on both, - Gubanov was anxious. - The results will be coming forth soon, I assure you. And the laser program is also coming forward, thanks to the Byzantines. I recently returned from Byzantium...

- Yes, I know. I have my doubts you dedicated the visit entirely to science and oh, while we're at it... cut it down with the hookers. Such behavious is unacceptable for a Crimson scientist! - Adamovsky left the room to visit the crew of the CSR's military spaceship.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-18 08:03am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
CATO Military Journal

S-500 systems begin full scale production.

The Six of the Seven missiles in the S-500 IADS, as well as the new AESA and solid state X-Band, S-Band, L-Band, and VHF radars, have completed acceptance trials. Other radars are said to be undergoing development, but most of the S-500 is now ready for operational deployment. The new missiles feature new seekers, and the sixth missile features a long range of approximately 700km and altitude of circa 400km. Actual data is largely secret and thew new system promises much greater performance than previous systems, and consolidates CATO's SAM system development into one large system that provides greater modularity and redundancy, and greater effectiveness thanks to state of the art data links, software and hardware. The S-500 reinforces CATO's commitment towards better integrated air defence systems for its members. A navalised version is said to be on the way as well. There is no word on whether the system is comparable to the MESS STAR system, though spokesman pointed out that the design philosophies are slightly different with slightly different aims. All systems are subject to spiral development and further upgrades.

Acceptance trials of the new Su-53 enters final stages.

The Su-53 has entering the final stages of its acceptance trials. Based on the Su-50, the premier stealth aircraft developed in CATO, the Su-54 fills in the similar role filled by the Su-34, but unlike the Su-33, the Su-53 is substantially larger than the Su-50, structurally reinforced, and features a larger weapons bomb bay that allows it to carry 2 large Klub IIs internally, as well as 2 R-77M2 and 2 R-73M1 internally. Interest in the fighter bomber is said to be high and members of CATO are expected to make purchases of the aircraft.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-18 08:33am
by Coyote
Somewhere in the Japanistani Empire
Location Unknown

"Admiral," the 'military policeman' said, "The foreign devils have been delivered."

The Admiral sighed deeply, hoping against hope that this would not be the case, but knowing better all along. He nodded his acknowledgment to the 'military policeman' and looked out at the prisoners on display before him. They were bound with poles behind their elbows and knees, the ends of the poles tied together at each side so as to force them into gestures of supplication.

This was primarily because they had been most disrespectful and demanding after capture, and entirely unclear of where they stood as prisoners of the Empire. Or where they kneeled, as the case may be, the Admiral thought to himself, his face betraying no emotion. Finally, he turned to the 'policeman' and nodded-- a brief, subtle gesture.

The man standing at ramrod-straight attention saw the gesture, and pivoted on his booted heel and gave a brief order to the two guards. The two men, who had been at statue-like attention themselves, suddenly descended in the nearest prisoner and dragged him brutally towards a raised dais near the base of the Admiral's own, higher resting area. Emotionless, the 'policeman' strode forward as the Admiral's aide briefly read out the list of charges and the decree of the Emperor. The devils would not understand it, but then, what did it matter? The would mew piteously about their "rights" --again-- or about how their ship had been blown off-course and into Japanistan's territorial; waters... If they were, indeed, such poor navigators, then again, what of it? They had no business being on the sea.

The guards held the man over the low teak table, baring his throat as the policeman drew his sword. The man screamed, panicking, crying, as other prisoners tried unsuccessfully to get to their feet-- some making noises of rage from behind their tightly-gagged mouths, others noises of pleading, still others --particularly the females-- crying.

They cannot even die like men, the Admiral thought to himself. He reached out a white-gloved hand and sipped at his tea. He briefly considered an alternate means of death, something more befitting the pathetic gaggle of cowards and defeatists before him, but it was too late. The Emperor's decree was for a speedy and efficient execution, and so it must be carried out. The Admiral had mistakenly assumed that the prisoners were warriors of a sort, and might die in a worthy fashion, but he was disappointed.

One by one, their heads were lopped off, many of the prisoners squirming pathetically in their binds, screaming, kicking, forcing the guards to beat them into submission with batons. The Admiral, impassive, watched as the prisoners made pathetic spectacles of themselves. It was, I suppose, only a matter of time...but how is it we were once beaten by these weak devils...? He mad a mental note not to underestimate the tenacity of the enemy, at least as a group, and not to let this poor display here serve as his only reference point. Still, it had been decided earlier that the soil where the alien blood landed would have to be shoveled up and placed in bags, and taken to sea to be disposed of.

Finally, the enemy commander was left. By this time, thoroughly inured by the display and in deep psychological shock, the man simply stared vacantly, hate and passive acceptance both reflected in his eyes. The Admiral had considered executing him himself, but he could not bear to give these cowards the honor. The man went passively to his fate, feet dragging, stumbling, head low... and then removed.

The 'policeman' turned, his uniform spattered with the blood of the weak. He bowed, as tradition demanded, and the Admiral bowed back at him for a job well done, but in truth both men could tell that they each felt soiled by the experience. It had been an unclean day, executing such filthy creatures unworthy of their attention. Next time, the Admiral decided, They will just be processed in a manner more suited to their indignant nature.

For now, the Admiral had the duty of writing the reply to the Emperor, admit his error in judgment regarding the prisoners, and do whatever was required of him in supplication if desired. Still, had it truly been his fault that the Toketai had identified the errant tramp freighter as a foreign intelligence-gathering ship? The Admiral had performed his duties perfectly, right up to the intercept and capture of the rusty-hulled vessel. By the time they'd discovered it was, indeed, a barely legal independent merchant scow full of little more than some fifth-rate goods from shanty trade towns along the Velerian coast, it had already been decided to do away with the unwanted guests. The old tramp steamer --still registered under the Astarian flag, of all things-- had already been scuttled.

News of the foreign devils' new alliances has the entire chain of command spooked, the Admiral figured. Perhaps it is time for us to seek out new alliances of our own, and enhance our intelligence-gathering capabilities against this... CATO and their imperialist lackeys...

Another day dawns in Imperial Japanistan.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-18 10:15am
by Shroom Man 777
LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

The Prime Minister announces his intention to go on world tour.

With the recent formation of the CATO and the subsequent profound changes in the continental and global geopolitical landscapes, Prime Minister Shroom the 777th has announced his intention to embark on a worldwide journey to foster goodwill between the nations of the MESS and the FTO, as well as independent and neutral nations in the Old Continent, Messica, and Pan-Pacific regions, along with the nations of the Commonwealth.

"There've been a lot of big developments lately, not the least of which being Shroomania's integration into the SNC and its reformation into the CATO," the Prime Minister said over at the press conference. "This might have come off as surprising to a lot of people, and so I think the appropriate thing to do would be to offer some reassurances to quell the anxieties of our neighbors and our friends overseas and abroad around the world."

"The formation of the CATO only affects the Sovereignty's relationships with fellow member nations, and the organization's goal is to enhance regional solidarity and security. However, it is understandable that there may be some uneasiness with this sudden development...

"So, we want to reassure the world at large that Sovereignty's cordial and positive relationship with the international community will remain unchanged, that the Shroomanian people will remain as open as they have ever been, and that we're all still good friends," the Prime Minister concluded.

"The Sovereignty of Shroomania has always engaged its friends in the global community with a sense of fairness, cordiality and politeness - and will always continue to do so. By traveling around the world to meet the leaders of many nations, I hope to strengthen Shroomania's relationships with friendly nations, to rekindle our close ties with the Commonwealth, and to open up new opportunities for international cooperation and develop some goodwill."

The Ministry of Shroomanian Homeland Affairs in Foreign Territories (SHAFT) has announced that the nations the Prime Minister intends to visit include: Canissia, San Dorado, the Vineyards, Cascadia, Shinra, Langley, Zoria, and Khitan.

Planning for the massive worldwide tour will take approximately half a year.

I'm going to be off the game for the next two weeks.

When I get back, I fully intend to kickstart this AWESOME world tour.

Um, Siege can post the return of the Warden and how its crews has gained weight after having buffets every day while getting awesome haircuts and manicures, and are now fully decked out in zoot suits and awesome attire and are fully spoiled and pampered metrosexuals ever since their stay in Shroomania.

The Warden's captain (Corvin Cannula!) will either have become a morbidly obese slugman or came out of his closet to fall in love with his Shroomanian debriefers.

(I guess either way he will be declared unfit for command, because he's become too fat that he's no longer buoyant or the Coilerburgers/FTO guys are closet homophobes and anti-Shroomites just like the goddamn Shinrans)

The Warden's crew will have Shroomania Syndrome.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-18 11:17am
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Farbanti, Shroomania
Unreal Time

"C.C., honey, wake up. We're there," Lelouch said to his wife as he gently nudged her awake.

"We're there already?" C.C. asked groggily as she got up from her seat.

"Yeah, we're right over Farbanti," Lelouch said as he took C.C. over to the window and let her look at Farbanti's brightly-illuminated skyline. Shirley and Kallen were also busy gazing at the lights of Farbanti, and they were all awestruck by the sheer brightness of it all.

"So...beautiful," Shirley intoned.

"The lights of Ashford City have nothing on this," Kallen said.

Amidst all the glitter and the bright lights, Lelouch's VC-137C finally touched down to a rather tiny reception. With the vast majority of the ceremonial troops and SSS agents off attending to the other SNC/CATO leaders, only a few of each could be spared to attend to Lelouch's arrival at the airport; needless to say, he and his female companions looked a bit disappointed when they disembarked, though they were ultimately glad for what they had.

"If we had planned this out just a bit further in advance, maybe we could've gotten more people," Kallen muttered under her breath.

"Shut up, Kallen, you're making us look bad in front of the Shroomanians," Lelouch said through closed lips and clenched teeth as he approached the lead honor guard.

"Ah, Duke Lelouch! It's an honor to meet you," the lead honor guard said as he saluted. "We're terribly sorry for the small reception; you did announce your arrival on extremely short notice, after all. We could have spared more men to greet you if we had just a little more advance warning."

"And I apologize for putting you and your men on the spot here," Lelouch replied. "Now, where are Prime Minister Shroom and the SNC leaders?"

"They're just about to have dinner at the Eye of Farbanti," the honor guard replied, gesturing towards the massive ferris wheel that overlooked the airport. "If you hurry, you can catch them. If you'd just follow us, please?"

The honor guards and SSS agents led Lelouch, C.C., Kallen, and Shirley over to a waiting limo and ushered them in. Once Lelouch and his delegation were inside, the limo immediately departed, speeding towards the Eye of Farbanti as fast as it could.