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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-23 04:40am
by Beowulf
Bayard governate, Aurore
Stairway Hyperspace Lane
Sector W-5

Wars could be won with more than just bombs and bullets. Sometimes, you used more stealthy methods to get what you want. Several weeks ago, an aircar's computer was smuggled out to the resistance. Turns out, in the name of cutting costs, everything ran on the one computer. Want to listen to music? Same computer as the navigation system. Which was the same computer that told the thrusters how much power should be applied. A month of hacking had developed a music file that could cause a buffer overrun in the music software. With that overrun, they could then take over the computer. The results were obvious. Better yet, since it also had control over the "Black Box", it could write whatever it wanted into the logged data, thus allowing it to seem like a perfectly good aircar hit the ground for no discernable reason whatsoever.

This came in handy when you wanted to assassinate someone. Such as one of the few competant officers left in the Auroran Armee de Terre. The Auroran State had gotten by of late by dint of killing protestors. This included protests that occured at funerals for protestors. As mentioned, most of the officers left were incompetant.

Chef de Batallion Peltier had been in command of a infantry batallion during the last massacre in Bayard Governate. He hadn't been in charge of the overall operation, but he had become known for being capable and thoughtful. Combined with his culpability, he had been selected for this execution.

The trick, of course, was to get the hacked music file into the aircar's computer. For that, the rebellion had cultivated operatives that worked on the base. They worked as servants, and as such, were largely invisible to the officers, while able to go nearly anywhere. From there, it was child's play to borrow one of Peltier's storage chips, extract a music file, and the replace that music file later with a hacked version.

By the time Peltier borrowed an aircar from the motor pool to head to town, his death was already foretold. All that was required was for him to stick the chip into the aircar, and then play the hacked song. Unfortunately for him, they had modified one of his favorites. It was a happy, bouncy sounding H-Pop song. Ironically, despite sounding happy and bouncy, the lyrics were all about how the singer was going to beat someone to death, repeatedly. Shame he didn't know Haruhinese.

He was several hundred feet in the air, headed to town, singing along, "Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi", when the trojan horse activated, sending him hurtling to the ground. The manual controls deployed, but of course, anything he did with them had no effect. It was just a sham to hide the fact that the computer had been taken over. The verdict when the investigators finally got there would be "CFIT", or controlled flight into terrain.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:00pm
by White Haven
Fictional television show broadcast in the Midnight Confederation & syndicated elsewhere
Pilot episode in Goddamned Unreal Time
Senior Captain Theodore West's eyes opened, staring up at the ceiling of his cabin. After a few minutes spent slowly waking up, he rolled onto his side and glanced over at the glowing digits hovering in the air above his bedside terminal. 0754. As usual, he'd woken up just before his alarm could go off, allowing him to slowly drift to consciousness rather than being jarred awake. The low, throbbing hum of an active hyperdrive hovered in the background, a long-familiar, ever-present companion to the veteran spacer--

--But why was it still active? A frown gathered on the still-prone man's face as his mind tore free of the remaining cobwebs of sleep. After a few seconds of thought, he sat up in bed, swinging his legs off the side and speaking into the quiet air, "Link to ops, execute."

Oooh shit. Why did West have to be on the ball?

Lieutenant Commander Illyana Kozlova concealed a grimace as her terminal notified her of the incoming call from the flagship's commanding officer. Her eyes darted aside to glare at the cluster of officers around the astronavigation station for a moment before returning to the screen before her. After taking a deep breath, she put on a professionally-friendly face and pressed the ACCEPT LINK button. The image of a grey-salted black-haired face flashed up on her console screen, a slight trace of a frown on West's lips.

"Operations, Lieutenant Commander Kozlova. Good morning, captain." At her words, the cluster of activity around the navigator ground to a halt, all eyes wrenching around to stare as their owners realized just who was on the line.

A gravelly voice responded, still rough from having just woken up, "Good morning Illyana. Correct me if I'm wrong, but were we not scheduled to drop sublight a little over three hours ago?"

The petite operations officer didn't quite succeed in concealing a wince at the politely-phrased pointed question, nor was she able to hide the flicker of her eyes towards the statue-like crowd outside of West's field of vision. "Ah...yes sir, that would be correct. Lieutenant Chandler is currently very busy--" At her sudden emphasis, the silent, motionless figures quickly turned away and very obviously got back to work. Kozlova, meanwhile, continued without missing a beat, "With several other astrogation and science personnel in an attempt to discover why that's the case. They have so far not enjoyed success."

West's slight frown began to harden into a rocky, unyielding facade at the response. When he spoke, it was not with an angry bellow or harsh language, but the words had almost palpable weight as they buffetted the operations officer. "It would be accurate to say, then, that Majestic and the entire cruiser squadron and support train slaved to her expert navigators are a minimum of three hours off-course at full FTL speeds assuming a simple overshot as a best-case scenario. It would also be accurate, Miss Kozlova, to say that all this went on without the captain, namely myself, being informed of the situation. It would also be accurate to say that we are even now proceeding even more off-course as we are still proceeding at FTL speeds on what might charitably be called an unexpected heading. Would you concur, Miss Kozlova?"


"Ah...yes sir, that summary matches with my own, in large part. I have discussed with Lieutenant Chandler and the others working on remedying this issue regarding your last point, and they all agree that dropping out of hyperspace would potentially deprive us of a proper frame of reference and make determining our location even more difficult. Apparently while in hyperspace we retain our relative coordinate system, whereas dropping sublight would result in us losing lock on our past track." She paused for several seconds, her eyes flitting over to the busy navigators again with a restrained glare, "I take full responsibility for failing to inform you of the situation. Lieutenant Chandler assured me that the matter would be rectified by now, but the responsibility to wake you was mine."

"I see."

Those neutral words dropped into the silence following Kozlova's reply like rocks into a pond, quiet seconds spreading out from their impact. Finally, West spoke again, "Disciplinary action can wait until this is sorted, but rest assured that I will not forget this. I will be on the bridge in twenty minutes. Inform Lieutenant Chandler that I will require a full report by then. West clear."

A tightly-knit formation of ships plunges forwards through the swirling blood-red sky of hyperspace, describing graceful curves around the eerie, frozen-lightning bands of distorted space that plague straight-line courses in the turbulent alternate dimension. At the center of the group rides a whole panoply of fleet fast transports, industrial ships, gas harvesters, deep-range reconnaissance cruisers, and marine assault transports. A full two dozen cruisers array themselves in a shell around the vulnerable support craft, fast, lethal, graceful in a way utterly divorced from the sleekness of atmospheric transit. Their edges are harsh, their long broadsides studded with energy mounts and missile launch tubes. Heavy turrets loom over the dorsal and ventral surfaces, the lighter ships mounting two in a superfiring configuration, the heavier warships mounting three with the central turret positioned to fire over the fore and aft batteries.

And they're all totally lost.

"So, Mister Chandler, if I understand you correctly you have no idea where we are, no idea where we're going, no idea where we came from, and no idea how any of that happened."

"Umm...ahh...." Fuckshit he's right, how do I get out of this how do I put a spin on this ohshitfuckshitFUCK! With an expression of forced confidence that, unbeknownst to the navigator, made him look constipated, he desperately tried to salvage his career, "That's half right, captain. I, er, know where we've been recently. Before that, though, I can't seem to nail down a frame of reference to make our track make sense." His words sped up, almost tumbling over each other in his haste to distribute blame across as many shoulders as possible, "I've had the other navigators on Majestic, the science staff, even some of the other ship's astronav departments look over the data. Nobody can make heads of tails of it."

"In other words," West crossed his arms and arched an eyebrow, his lips quivering in a supressed smirk, "Nobody is having any luck digging you out of the hole you've burrowed the squadron into. Wonderful. Well, don't let me keep you from your frantic attempts to cover your ass. If you find us a way back soon enough, they might even succeed." With that, he turned away and strode over towards the operations center.

I'm doomed...

Sometimes command really, really sucks.

"Miss Kozlova, a channel to all ships, if you please." West's calm voice betrayed none of the his inner grimace at the statement he was about to have to make. After Illyana's curt nod signalled the channel was open, he began to speak.

"Attention to all ships of the Sixth Cruiser Squadron. This is Senior Captain West. As many of you have doubtless already become aware, we are overdue for reversion to normal space. Through circumstances not yet fully understood, the squadron has gone off-course. I have discussed the matter with a number of our astronavigational specialists, and their consensus is that any attempt to drop sublight before establishing our proper hyperspatial frame of reference would result in a drastically increased difficulty with regards to finding out way back again. Accordingly, all ships are to maintain formation on Majestic for the time being. You are also directed to put your own astronav sections to work on the problem. Consult with Lieutenant Commander Kozlova aboard Majestic for the initial data packet."

"Lastly, rest assured that any fingerpointing and blamelaying will be met with the harshest response; now is not the time for that. Rest assured that I will handle such matters once we've gotten our bearings. West clear."

With that, he looked around the bridge and simply said, "We have work to do. Get to it."

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Sixth Cruiser! Will the Sixth Cruiser Squadron find out where they are, why they're there, and how to get back? When will they have to finally drop out of hyperspace? What will they find when they do? Find out next week!

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-26 08:01am
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Rousing the Sleeping Giant
Sector N-19
Between Shinra and Haruhiist space
UNREAL TIME / March 3401

SOS Imperial Marines disembarking from a CV-77K Super Pelican dropship

SOS Imperial Guards and Marines in full armor stormed across the muddy, rocky, and cratered no-man's-land, gasping for breath behind the cover of their sealed helmets. Their boots made deep prints in the ground with every step as they tried to run through the quagmire. Guns, grenades, magazines, and batteries strapped on their tactical harnesses clattered against their armor plate and each other. The radio channels were clogged with the sounds of officers barking commands amidst the cacophony of combat. Tracer fire and energy bolts filled the air in nearly all directions. The ground was churned as mortar shells, rockets, and other explosives detonated, with the dirt kicked up by the explosions briefly mingling with the smoke from still-burning incendiaries before finally falling back down.

For PFC Kanata Sorami, her experiences in Seize were largely a cakewalk compared to this live-fire exercise, the likes of which had not been seen since the time of the Great Crusade. With the inevitable war against the Multiversal Empire of Happiness looming just over the horizon, the SOS Imperial Armed Forces was making some truly grand preparations to ensure that its men and women would be able to acquit themselves well against their reviled adversary. These live-fire exercises were intended mainly to test the readiness of SOS Imperial Armed Forces personnel, many of whom had only seen relatively low-intensity combat against small-time opponents like pirates, slavers, and feral xenos; while they were among the most well-trained soldiers in the entire Koprulu Zone on paper, there were very few opportunities to evaluate in-depth just how good their training was.

"Take cover!" Sergeant Major Rio Kazumiya cried out as she gestured accordingly towards a particularly large crater. "We'll set up the gauss cannon over there! Sorami, Suminoya, help Kannagi set it up! Damn it, where the fuck is Lieutenant Heidelman?!"

Rio leapt into the crater, with the other members of her fireteam following shortly behind her. Sergeant Noël Kannagi, the designated heavy weapons girl, went to work setting up the M79 gauss cannon, with Kanata and PFC Kureha Suminoya both helping her mount and load the massive weapon. "Gauss cannon set up complete," Noël reported as she ducked below the crater edge to avoid an energy beam strike.

Rio peered through the optics of her M110 anti-materiel rifle. She determined that the beam had originated from an abandoned homestead in front of her squad's position. "Kannagi, tear that house down!" she ordered.

With that command, the M79 came to life, spitting out a torrent of 20mm HE-API slugs towards the offending structure. The bullets ripped through the walls and scattered shrapnel and incendiaries all over its interior, lighting the entire house up in short order and causing it to collapse in a large conflagration. The beam fire died down briefly, only to return once more as Noël and Rio spotted several armored figures emerge from the wreckage of the house, their menacing natures all too apparent even with the smoke and flames obscuring their true forms.

Rio returned fire with her M110 to seemingly little avail, as the armored figures appeared to be unaffected by the hypervelocity 14mm rounds. "Kannagi, light 'em up again! Suminoya, set up your machine gun and support her!"

"Got it, boss!" Kureha replied as she brought up her own M358 machine gun, deployed the bipod, and peered through the gun's optics before opening fire. Meanwhile, Noël was silent as she aimed the gauss cannon towards the armored figures and opened fire once more. The 20mm HE-API slugs did their job with distinction, smashing through several enemies' armor and igniting their guts. While the 8.6mm HE-AP slugs were individually weak, what they lacked in stopping power they more than made up for in force of numbers; while the first few shots harmlessly exploded against the enemies' armor, the rest were more or less able to chew through by way of sheer numbers. Even though the remaining figures decided to take cover, Kureha and Noël continued firing at whatever targets they could see until their guns were empty. "Sorami, I need a reload!" Noël called out.

As Kureha loaded up her machine gun with a new ammo belt, Kanata scrambled over to Noël and helped her reload the gauss cannon, allowing her to continue her barrage. Much to Noël's barely-concealed dismay, though, more armored figures started coming onto the battlefield, their arrival heralded by an increase in the intensity of beam fire; several of them took positions in the ruins of the homestead as the rest of them advanced. She and Kureha resolutely continued firing, but the enemy just kept on coming. Even with their excellent defensive position and the sheer firepower of the M79 supporting them, it was only a matter of time before they would be overrun; the armored warriors outnumbered them, and the sheer volume of enemy beam fire was proving to be too much.

Just then, Rio heard a familiar voice on the radio. "Sergeant Kazumiya, this is Lieutenant Heidelman! Sorry for getting separated from the rest of you girls! The Marines will be dropping reinforcements directly on your position! Be on the lookout, and hold out until they get there! Over!"

"Copy that, Lieutenant," Rio replied before turning to face the members of her fireteam. "Okay, ladies, listen up! We got Marine reinforcements coming down on us any time now, so--"

"I think we got incoming, boss!" Kanata interjected as she looked up towards the sky. Several beams of light came down from the heavens and struck the homestead, vaporizing both the ruins and the armored warriors attempting to hide within. The adjacent enemies were bowled over by the sheer force of the explosions, if the shockwaves hadn't destroyed them entirely. Rio looked up as a seemingly angelic figure descended upon them...

A rather fanciful artist's impression of the "Blue Tears" prototype

SOS Imperial Marine Corps Captain Cecilia Alcott, an infantry officer of Anglian descent, had been one of the lucky few chosen to participate in Project Infinite Stratos, meant to help close the all too real supersoldier gap between the Holy Empire and its neighbors in the Koprulu Zone by developing all-new infantry weapons and powered armor. Captain Alcott was assigned to test a prototype weapons system code-named "Blue Tears," which consisted of a suit of power armor with integrated repulsors, a built-in heavy particle beam rifle, and the ability to deploy and control a quartet of armed drones. She had dropped onto the battlefield from a CV-77K Super Pelican, which was now egressing from the battlefield, and after eliminating the threat from the homestead, she was going to make sure that that threat would stay eliminated. As the remaining armored warriors attempted to get up, Captain Alcott proceeded to cut them down with her drones; none of them had a chance against the withering beam barrage from above.

Meanwhile, all Rio and Kanata could do was stare up at Captain Alcott as she proceeded to cut a path through the rest of the battlefield. Rio chuckled. "Gotta love those jarheads," she said. "Okay, Kannagi, Suminoya, pack it up. We're advancing. Sorami, help take down the gauss cannon."

"Yes, ma'am," Kanata said as she went over to help Noël disassemble the M79. Once they were finished, they climbed out of the crater and began walking, with Rio taking point. She walked up to one of the fallen warriors, its bifurcated form still twitching slightly, its mechanical nature made evident by the sparks coming out of where the gauss slugs had shredded its armor and melted its internal components. Despite its grievously damaged state, it attempted to rear up and fire on Rio and her fire team with its remaining weapons.

In response, Rio took her M110 and fired several slugs at point-blank range directly into the machine's head, smashing its oculars and utterly destroying its central processing unit. The lifeless remains of the infernal contraption collapsed back onto the ground.


"Looks like you've been terminated, scum," Rio spat. She turned to face her teammates once more. "Let's keep moving."

Rio and her fire team left the scene behind them, following in the path of Captain Alcott's one-woman rampage. They eventually linked up with a Imperial Guard mechanized infantry company, where they were finally reunited with the wayward Lieutenant Heidelman, and joined them in their advance deeper into enemy territory, fighting their way through their mechanical foes and even some of their vehicles. Grav tanks butted heads with Scorpion IIs, Samurais, Shoguns, and anti-tank infantry as Super Stingers, Shadows, Suzumebachis, Tigers, and Griffons provided valuable close-air support, while enemy gunships were swatted from the skies by Kusanagi and Yatagarasu fighters.

Even with this show of overwhelming force, enemy resistance continued to harden as the Imperial Guards and Marines made their advance. Eventually, Kanata, Rio, Kureha, Noël, Lieutenant Heidelman, and the other ground forces simply sat back and watched the fireworks as missile and railgun strikes from an orbiting Ushijima class assault ship rained down on the enemy positions. The prefabricated structures that had been dropped in to set up the training area were reduced to rubble, and the enemies themselves, fascimiles of MEH war equipment with similar appearances, were likewise annihilated.

Similar scenes played out on several other planets in the sector as other SOS Imperial Armed Forces units played their deadly games. In adjacent Sector M-19, the SOS Imperial Armed Forces conducted joint exercises with their comrades from the Shinra Republic. When the time would come for them to crush the MEH into dust, they would be more than prepared.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-27 03:43pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Written with Shroom

Somewhere in deep space
A fleet of Gothic looking ships emerged from the Warp with a silent bang. To the simple observer, the ships appear to be cathedrals in space, conveying a sense of Gothic serenity not unlike some of the more Gothic churches on Nova Terra or Earth. To the more trained observer however, the ships had the word ‘death’ written all over them; guns and launchers of various calibers dotted their sides, and thick plates of armor covered every square inch. These ships were bred for war, and their cathedrals were the places of worship for the Religion of Hate whose Litanies of Fury the God Emperor of Mankind proclaimed from his throne. It is not for naught that the insignia of the Imperial Navy’s motto is “Stars Mundare”, or in other words, “To Cleanse the Stars”. Today, the purpose of this fleet was not to destroy its enemies, but to plan for their destruction.
Battle Barges and Battleships, along with their attendant escorts, soared towards the waiting Bragulan fleet. The contrast between the doctrines of the two enemies could be any more stark; one favoured numerical superiority and relatively crude technologies, while the other favoured individual superiority and superior technologies to win the day. Nevertheless, they were here to meet and discuss important matters.
When the two fleets came to a relatively comfortable distance, each launched a shuttle to the equidistant point between both fleets. Both fleets were like ravenous war dogs, both steadied with barely restrained violence. The two shuttles docked together, and the commanders of both fleets met at the docking port. Rus Komnenos was dressed in his battle armor and he towered over the Bragulan. He had a Fenrisian wolf pelt right over his armor, and his mighty frostblade Xenocleaver. By his side were his elite Varangian Rus Guards, all wearing Terminator armor. Rus gazed at the Bragulan admiral, and chuckled, “No real offense, but that is one fine fur you have there. I’m sure your mate would be proud.”
Admiral Nykloyai Gearsmyoviych Bragznetsov looked up at the towering superhumans in their terrific armors adorned with a combination of banners, spikes, skulls, and all other manner of permutations of such. He sniffed. Even amongst the Bragulans, the hygiene of these ‘Space Wolves’ was renowned. For a bear with such sensitive olfactories, the aroma was almost overpowering. Bragznetsov envied his escorts, the cadre of the Space Fleet’s elite Navy BEARS, for their sealed suits blocked out the foul stench of superhumanity. But they were also wearing vests loaded with armed micronuclear charges, a precaution if the meeting went south, so Bragznetsov didn’t envy them too much.

Spasibo. Your face also has fine furs, and would surely make a magnificent mane should such follicles be redistributed and agriculturally cultivated on the rest of your body,” Bragznetsov returned the favor by complimenting the Byzantine’s beard.

Rus gave a boisterous laugh. “Good sense of humor, my good Bear! Come come, let’s gather the alcohol and food, and we can talk business.”

Both sat at a table on board of the Thunderhawk shuttle and food was served. Naturally, both sides served their own respective food which they considered ‘edible’ but for alcohol, they shared. Astartes had better constitution than the average human anyhow. “This drink... I like it! MORE! ” Rus roared as he slammed the empty armorcrys glass onto the floor, shattering it.

After the light snack, they proceeded with the topic at hand. “How much do the Chamarrans know?” asked Rus. “I suppose they should know a little, granted they might get angsty with their long furry tails being some source of personal embarrassment to themselves. Why a bunch of pseudohumans would want a tail at all defies my reckoning.”

“Heh,” Bragznetsov chuckled. “The Chamarrans know enough.”

“Hmph. Right. I suppose that would keep them from getting too jumpy when we arrive. Wouldn’t do for them to get so uptight that they start nibbling off their tails, much as they are a disgrace to their own kind. In any case, I have here in this data storage device, all the intelligence we have gathered of these heretics.” Rus handed Bragznetsove the data storage device. Rus then activated a projector which projected a holoimage of the Sol system.

“We all know the target is really Earth. We are simply dragging the kitties along for the ride. The data storage device also contains my proposals for your perusal, but I thought I should at least share the plans for the siege of Earth. Considering your history, I thought you might find it appropriately ironic.” Rus gave a savage grin. The holoimage showed his plan with all its full graphical glory.
“Yes, I like this plan. Irony, like blood in the water or a nail in the heart. This plan is acceptable to us. It is elegant in its simplicity, and in its violence. Your fellow human nations do not know of this, da?” Bragznetsov grinned a predatory grin.

“Of course not. It will be bloody yes. The weak kneed ones might find it rather atrocious, but whatever. We will do it our way. Our way is better. Not least a bit more interesting. It will be a glorious art.”

“It is a shame only so few can appreciate the genre we have perfected,” Bragznetsov commented.

“For shame indeed. Come! A toast! Some of that great beer you bears drink!”

Conscripts came bringing a case containing a cold fusion generator, and beer cans.
“Thank the God-Emperor for cold fusion,” Rus exclaimed as he grabbed one of cans, lifted it above his open mouth, and squeezed it with his power-fist. The can crumpled and squirted its contents straight into his throat. The spray also soaked his beard, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Ah yes, that’s the stuff.”

“But before we deal with Earth,” Bragznetsov began as he opened his own can and took a more measured sip from it, savoring its cool mixture of pure alcohol and battery acid. “We must deal with Xena.”

“The warrior princess?” Rus asked as he belched. The liquor was starting to get to him, so he willed his Preomnor and his Oolitic Kidneys to filter the alcohol from his bloodstream. His post-organs did their job, and he quickly regained his composure.

“Xena holds the largest concentration of enemy forces in their entire territory. We have decided with our Chamarran comrades that before committing to Earth, Xena must be neutralized.” Bragznetsov continued. The Bragulans had set up a microfilm projector that beamed an image of the solar system in question onto a bulkhead. “If we attack Earth first, the Xena fleets will rush to the defense of their homeworld and their supposed Goddess. Yet if we attack Xena first, the Earth fleet can reinforce them. So they must be divided. We must send a small force to tie down the Earth fleet, while the bulk of our forces bury Xena.”

“Yes yes. I will lead most of our forces to Xena. My brother will play games with the MEH in the Sol system. We brought enough ships for that. He can go play hide and seek with the fat bastards.” Rus waved a power-fisted hand dismissively. “After we are done with Xena, we move to Earth and the real fun begins.”

“I am glad that we are in agreement.”

“We could always in the worst case scenario use the cats as meat bags to soak up enemy fire anyhow. Maybe their tails might even be useful somehow.” Rus laughed.

“Maybe. You will be with the human force during the beginning of the operation, yes?” Bragznetsov asked.

Rus replied, “Oh sure. Someone in their pithy little crusade has to have a backbone, lest the lot of them get mistaken for invertebrates. Byzantium is an example all the spineless mollusks should aspire to follow, if not in matters of the Only True Faith, then at least for their own orthopedic well-being. Otherwise, the lot of degenerates are better off as Zorians!”

The Byzantine laughed. His contempt for other members of his own species astounded even the Bragulans. Bragznetsov cleared his throat and continued.

“Good. By the way, we took the liberty of designating their force the Shinran-Human Interstellar Taskforce of Space. The S.H.I.T.S.”

“Sounds appropriately weak kneed,” laughed Rus. “Wait, Shinran-Human?”

“Our scienticians have decided that the endemic albinism and androgynity of their population warranted the creation of a new sub-species.”

Rus laughed. “Oh yeah those midgets. Seriously, they are so physically challenged, it’s a wonder they haven’t all committed ritual suicide by now. Never mind that bearded lady of theirs. What’s her name again? Her name is so insignificant that I keep forgetting.”

“Bearded lady? I thought the females of your species did not have face-furs.”

“Oh, you shall see, bear!” Rus laughed some more. “You shall see!”

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-28 08:16pm
by Darkevilme
Travel, Travel never changes

There are some things that seem fixed in the human condition, things with their origins lost in the depths of ancient history. Death was one, ceaselessly battled for millenia as an implaceable foe, taxes were another and a necessity some enterprising humans still strive against. The third constant is one no less dire however, and one that humanity's vast enterprises have yet to be martialled against.

“So where you from stranger?”
Samuel King looked up from his Ipadbookberry with a mild glare and a look that projected 'don't bother me' with a force and fury that would drive any sane individual clear to the other side of the spaceplane. But Samuel was not dealing with any sane man and the passenger sitting next to him was undeterred.

And I was an hour into this flight as well.

“Shinra republic.” Samuel said after briefly considering lying. Samuel found himself reconsidering the idea almost immediately with regret though at the predictable reaction of the bothersome passenger.

“Really? I would never have guessed.” the passenger continued with an oblivious cheerfulness.
Samuel gritted his teeth and tried to turn his gaze back to his Ipadbookberry, signalling to anyone with more social skills than your average piranha that the conversation was over.

“You haven't asked why.”

Samuel turned his glare on his fellow flier again “Why are you surprised I'm from Shinra.” he said, taking a slow deep breath don't say it. Don't you fucking say it.

“Well I thought you were all like Albinos and stuff, I would never have-”Motherfucker
Samuel 's fist caught the man on the jaw before he finished the one-too-many'th repetition of the same old thing, sending him crashing out into the aisle. Samuel rose from his seat a moment later to stare down at the man, who was now understandably looking up at him with shock, confusion and some fear. But instead of coming down on him with the fury of his hands Samuel instead transfixed him with his finger pointed down at him like the barrel of a gun.

“I have had it with this motherfucking albino bullshit from motherfuckers like you. Say it one more time I dare you motherfucker, say Shinran's are just albinos just one more time!”


Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-28 08:21pm
by Mayabird
Theological Defense Observatory Two
The Refuge


A tiny signal. The Mechanical that analyzed the data from their sensors checked it, could not find a fault, and passed the blip up the chain for others to double-check and dissect. There had been a couple false alarms before.

Unlike most observatories, the ones for detecting theologically-unsound anomalies did not need to be in a quiet place. They did not work on regular wavelengths, after all. The only noise that would block or distort those signals would be other theologically-unsound signals, and if there was that much distortion, they were probably doomed already. And so the file was sent elsewhere in the same hollowed asteroid base of Theological Defense.

Others analyzed the blip. Mostly Mechanicals, of course, though the organics also added their expertise. They would need to be absolutely sure of its veracity before sending the data to Anti-Seminarian. A definite signal would require some sort of action, but they could not afford to go chasing after every possible danger – even the resources of Theological Defense were limited, though they had the power to claim anything and everything in the Refuge for their use, for the Refuge itself was limited.

The blip was genuine. It was what they had all been fearing.

The arrival of the MEH (unlike that of the Central Alliance, though its wake created the largest Inconclusive signal on the list) had been a giant obvious Level 11 Class 1 Massive Incursion complete with its own walking unsound minor deity. Their technology reeked of terrible methods. Fortunately, it seemed that they had also managed to piss off the entire rest of the galaxy, and so massive armadas were being sent from all vectors to annihilate them. Unless they were already too late, the MEH would be stopped before they could become a true threat.

But small incursions, bits of forbidden technology and the like? The first levels of all the different classes? They were hard to find, like a small wiring fault in a habitat, but they had to be sought out and corrected immediately before they caused great damage. Small incursions could grow. Many tiny unsafe signals could build into a large one. And so forth.

Use of forbidden technologies or the like could be done without alerting the gods, it would appear, since the Thinkers had flagrantly used and abused it for an unknown but long age, then used it again after the Escape for plain survival. In Old Home in their wars they had used forbidden technology for over a century before being spotted. How much was too much? That had been the debate before the diaspora, as they used more and more. Now they knew it could not be risked.

But the Outside did not know, not in general. Those few who knew did not understand, could not understand the danger they were in. There were those who would invite it, beckon the gods to take them. Like planet-dwellers suddenly made space-farers, they would not have ingrained the care that must be taken to survive, how rigorously they must always be on guard. The Outside could not be trusted. The Refuge and Theological Defense would have to smother the sparks before the flames could spread, no matter where they were, no matter how many they found.

The blip. They had a rough idea of the direction it had come from – down that way were Karlacks, and then Byzantines. But which one, and where, and what was the nature of the incursion? As always, more data would be needed, but now they would be watching most carefully, and the superiors would be deciding what more needed to be done.

The message was sent to Anti-Seminarian.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-29 03:51am
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Old Warriors, New Wars
Ushijima class assault ship HSS Midori Kanda, Sector N-19
Between Shinra and Haruhiist space
UNREAL TIME / March 3401

Field Marshal Homura Akemi (center) briefing Field Marshals Sayaka Miki (left) and Madoka Kaname (right) on the front lines during the Great Crusade, circa the early 30th century

"The Magnificent Five" was the nickname applied to a cabal of five of the oldest and most experienced officers in the entire SOS Imperial Armed Forces, all of whom had careers going as far back as the Directorate War and the Great Crusade. Though they were repeatedly offered positions as part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they all declined, preferring to leave the burdens of administration to younger, more bureaucratically capable officers; their real place was on the battlefield, though after the pacification of the Risea Sector in the mid-3100s, there simply wasn't much of anything for them to do.

Until now.

After the pacification of the Risea Sector, the members of the Magnificent Five had settled into a state of semi-retirement, occasionally returning to give advice to the Joint Chiefs or to help oversee important programs like Project Radio Noise or Project Infinite Stratos. With the upcoming war against the Multiversal Empire of Happiness and the massive general mobilization of the SOS Imperial Armed Forces, the Empress herself personally called the Magnificent Five back to full-time active duty, knowing that their considerable experience and expertise would be essential for success against the damned fatties.

Field Marshal Homura Akemi, one of the members of the Magnificent Five, stood on the bridge of the Ushijima class assault ship HSS Midori Kanda, which was participating in the Sector N-19 exercises as part of its combat trials. She gazed down on the planet as a rain of missiles and railgun rounds came down to vaporize the simulated enemies on its surface. "If only it really was that easy," she said to herself as she turned away from the window and walked over to the holographic projection table where the other members of her group were waiting.

"Man, these new guys have absolutely NO idea how easy they have it," Field Marshal Kyoko Sakura said as she contemplated the map projected onto the table. "When we joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-schmancy orbital support! We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for every platoon, and we all had to share the rocks!"

"Yeah, yeah, we know, Kyoko," Field Marshal Mami Tomoe remarked. "Anyway, looks like today's exercises went well. Seems our Corps hasn't lost its edge."

"All the training and fighting spirit in the universe can only take them so far, though," Field Marshal Sayaka Miki mused. "It doesn't matter how well your soldiers are trained if they're forced to fight with inferior equipment. I just hope our latest advances in warfighting technology will be sufficient enough for us to prevail against this new enemy."

"Well, at least between us and all the other coalition militaries, we still have a distinct numerical advantage," Homura interjected. "I've read some of the intelligence reports gathered by the Shinra Republic regarding the fatties' military capabilities, and if there's any grain of truth to those accounts, they could kill a hundred of our guys for every one of theirs, destroy ten of our ships for every one of theirs, and they'd still lose. This is going to be a war of attrition, plain and simple."

"Any talk about our ground forces will be pointless if we can't even get them planetside to begin with," Field Marshal Madoka Kaname, the leader of the Magnificent Five, spoke up. "Fortunately, there may be a few things that can stack the odds in our favor some more. ONI reports that many of the MEH Navy's large combatants are undergoing crash upgrade programs in order to keep their ships competitive with ours. Incidentally, major increases in junk shipments from Klavostan over the past few months have also been reported. ONI believes that the hastiness of the upgrade programs and the...quality of the materials used may significantly degrade the MEH Navy's ability to put up an effective defense against the coalition navies, but we cannot be sure of anything until we actually encounter them in combat. The MEH is also apparently recovering from a massive Ork WAAAAAGH! that successfully took out its major agricultural facilities at Wolf 359. They're in a very precarious position with regards to supplies, though they may still be able to rectify the situation before we come for them."

"All else fails, I suppose we can just have the Imperium's heavy combatants spearhead our advance," Sayaka said. "We know for a fact that their ships are more than heavy enough to take whatever the MEH can dish out, and on the ground, there's just no beating the Astartes or the Titan Legions."

"What about our own heavy ground forces?" Kyoko asked.

"If you're talking about Project Infinite Stratos, we have only six working prototypes," Mami replied. "Sure, we can reorganize the test squad into an actual combat unit, but there are just too few operational suits to make any real difference. We'll just have to depend on our armored units, our close air support assets, and our orbital support to do most of the work here."

"Look, we still need to settle a few things with the rest of our allies so that this invasion of ours will go off without a hitch," Madoka said. "Coordination is just as vital as numerical or technical superiority. If we all charge in separately, the fatties will be free to pluck us one by one like juicy morsels, but if we can get our fleets and our armies to move as one, the fatties will choke on our combined might and die."

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-29 05:47am
by Beowulf
Anping City
Planet Tainan
Taiwan sector
Tian Guo
Fucking Unreal Time

He awoke with a headache. It felt like he'd gotten completely smashed the night before, and failed to drink enough water before going to bed. He fumbled for his glasses, before realizing they weren't there. In fact, he could actually see fairly well. Certainly well enough to see the man sitting in the chair on the other side of the room. He knew that man, but from where? And why was the man in his bedroom?

"Ah, I see you're awake. I've got another game for you to play."

He continued looking at the man in confusion.

"Oh, right." The man snapped his fingers. "Having some more memories would probably help."

He remembered why the man seemed so familiar, and lept at him. The man dissappeared, and reappeared on the other side of the room, wagging his finger and "tsk"ing. "Let's have none of that now. You've got technology beyond your wildest dreams, a comfortable place, and something of particular interest to humans... infinite life. "

"Where is she, Q?"

"Her?" Q looked thoughtful for a moment, but it was clearly all an act, one he didn't even try to hide. "Oh, yes, her. You'll find her again, I promise you. And others you knew. This is, as I said earlier, a game. One last thing: Remember the third law of thermodynamics. It applies so long as I want it to." With that, Q disappeared.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-29 09:54am
by Darkevilme
The Bragulan Economic Exposition Extravaganza of Friendship (BEEEF)
Vlyadibragstok, Southeastern Severnaya Sector / just beyond Northwestern Lena Sector
Unreal Time / October-December 3400
There was polite applause, and cheers from some of the more virulently anti-human aliens. After several more exchanges, wherein aside from the MEH other miscellaneous matters were discussed from trade treaties to arms deals to the time and location of the next meeting, the meeting eventually adjourned. Most of the guests filed out, but some stayed behind. Putyn, Fulcrum and Dash, the Chamarran and Eoghan representatives, and a few others remained.

“Now, gentlebeings, we are here to discuss the specific matter the most esteemed emissary Fulcrum brought up, that of the Multiversal Emmissary of Happiness,” the Eoghan Ambassador Ailill chirped as he pulled up a briefcase marked ‘OMINOUS’. “As we all know, those of us gathered here all have interest in the matter, and as emissary Fulcrum said, maybe we can be of mutual assistance to each other?”
Satia Kithandra waited a moment nodded “The Hierarchy will deploy its entire force of battlegroups to deal with the MEH. Due to proximity we can do that without compromising our own security. To our comrades in this endeavour we can offer the use of the E-24 fleet base that has been built up over the past few months, it is ideally situated to provide a staging area for the offensive. Extensively damaged ships will however be allowed the use of shipyards in Hierarchy space as the E-24 base is only able to facilitate light repairs. We've also done our best to manufacture a stockpile of Bragulan war material to ease their supply situation so far from home. Due to the logistical concerns with the Eoghan and Refuge forces also working at the end of similarly stretched supply lines and our joint fleet exercises with the Bragulans the Hierarchy believes the Chamarran and Bragulan forces should form the core of our offensive. ”

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-29 10:48am
by Mayabird
Refuge Embassy, Centrum, The Centre System
The Center Sector, The Centrality

“You know,” Epaulette said, as he observed the new construction, “with our Nova Atlantean embassy on hold, it will become even more important for us to maintain our theological defense observation post here.”

“That is why we're building this,” said Staffer. A much more powerful system (which was also much larger) was being installed as they spoke.

“The Centralists probably believe that we are installing even more anti-Esper measures into our embassy. What a perfect cover! Of course, triple-redundancy is plenty enough for me, and I don't mind living a little dangerously.” Staffer could not roll his little eye-spots, but he would have if he could. The only one in their embassy who could be read by Espers was Epaulette himself, and as far as they could tell, people who tried to peer too far into his mind left with a pounding headache and delusions of grandeur.

“Still, we do have a large hole in our sensor net now. Still better than nothing, these little embassies of ours, but so few and so distant from each other! So much space that we still can't properly scan. Another hundred shifts or so, and they would have installed a system that would let them start to watch the edges of the Lost's space. I wonder who will be getting that now.

“Maybe one of the small consulates will. We're expanding with the Bragulans, Solarians, and Hiigarans, you know. More general contact for trade and communications, less work for the main staff, so they can focus on the bigger picture. Or something like that. I am a bit fuzzier on these details since we aren't getting all this attention. But I cannot blame them – after all, we are a small and faraway outpost, and they are much closer. More important to be on good terms with the neighbors than others, yes?”

“Yes,” Staffer said, as he prepared to make his escape.
“You are such a good listener, Staffer. I must congratulate you on that,” Epaulette continued. He did not notice Staffer's utility cart rolling away. “My oldest egg-sister was a good listener as well, but now with our separation, she is becoming quite the talker too. I don't know how sweet Pidiweew gets Contact to transmit so many of her letters. She does keep them short, I admit – I never understood how she could be so concise, conveying so much information so briefly – but it seems a great indulgence. Still, it is one I appreciate.

“Anyway, she just told me that Brrunk – she's her second oldest – Brrunk just transferred her chores from the general cleaning to the aeroponics bay. Can you believe that? She's still a downy chick, hasn't even started molting to her juvenile feathers, but she's already moving up in her responsibilities. Of course, she'll start with the simplest tasks, things she could handle, but still remarkable. At her age I think my parents were despairing at my laziness, never wiping the corners and leaving smudges and down about. Such a dutiful niece, and Pidi says she is an excellent student as well. Pidi managed to get a little clip of Brrunk's singing sent too, and the chick has a beautiful voice already – oh, but I shouldn't just tell you. I should show you so you'll know. Come with me, Staffer!”

Epaulette ducked into his office and pulled up the clip.
“Amazing, isn't she? I should write back, suggest that Brrunk think about joining Contact when she's of age, or whatever we end up calling ourselves then. Probably still 'Contact and Diplomacy Divison' but Diplomacy for short. I wonder about that frequently, though it's of little practical concern. What do you think, Staffer?” Epaulette turned around and found his assistant nowhere near. “Where did you go? I hope you weren't offended by my bragging on my family – or maybe I left you behind when I came rushing in here?” He peeked outside but did not see Staffer anywhere. “It is time for a smoke break anyway.”

He lit a stogie and sat back, lost in thought a moment. “You know, I shouldn't have bought so many boxes of cigars. It's not just the expense, which I know Contact resented. I have been looking over the smoking pipe, the one I was presented as a gift by that Congress member whose name slips me at the moment. This pipe would seem to fit my personality better, something more elegant and somehow erudite. Cigar tobacco and pipe tobacco are quite different things, but I wonder if one could be converted to the other. Should look into that later.” He closed the image of Brrunk at her recital and opened a report he had requested on the number of mentions of the Multiversal Empire of Happiness in the Centrality news.

Epaulette chuckled to himself. “Such a sudden drop off. No ship sales, no visits. An excellent sign!”

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-29 11:58pm
by Mayabird
Thank you to Shroomy for the pictures and criticism.


[A very deep engine roar, almost a rumble]

“Wow, what's that you got there, Leroy?”

“It's the new Batasu I-2 Thumper!”

“I thought you already had a truck, Leroy.”

“This ain't just no truck, Jimbo! The I-2 Thumper is a civilian version of a military tank! I didn't just weld that turret on – the Thumper comes with a wide selections of Murcan-made weaponry, just like the Thumper itself, good for shooting or blowin' up anything that needs killin'!”

[Sound of an explosion.]

“Well that's nice but what happens if they shoot back?”

“That's why you got all this nice armor plating. Watch!” [Sound of a gunshot and then a ping off metal.]

“Wow, Leroy, that didn't hardly dent it!”

“That's right! I can go anywhere safe and secure in my I-2 Thumper just like our troops. Nobody'll get in MY way none, not with this! And it's all Murcan-made from the start to finish, no furriner parts at all, so you'll be supporting good hard-working Murcan workers by getting one. Hey, where're you goin'?”

“I'm fixin' to buy my own Batasu I-2 Thumper!”

[Deep engine roar/rumble again]

“Batasu – Murcan made for Murcan men!”

* * *

“Hey there folks! Have you been finding yourself with heart trouble, liver failure, or other such internal ailments? Over at Ed's Organ Emporium, we got a full selection of body bits to fit your needs! We don't got no sissy waiting list here! If you can pay, you can get what you want, when you want it! Transplants, implants, we got it all! We'll even give you a complementary dialysis treatment while you wait!

“Ed's Organ Emporium – we got the best organs for the best healthcare in the world!”

* * *

[Gospel music plays in the background]

Praise Jeebus! Halleeujah! Reverend Anal Roberts, the great prayer healer himself who lets the power of the Lord work through him, after being moved by his faith has released a new book to answer the questions of God's blessings. Jeebus: the Invisible Hand of the Free Market sets out to explore why God loves rich people more, why socialism is evil, and how you too can gain God's favor and be greatly rewarded by His invisible hand, praise Him!

His book, written in the name of Jeebus, comes in print, audiobook, and pop-up version for the kids. Buy them separately with the money that the Lord has granted you, or get all three with the Platinum Prayer Package! Halleujah! It is personally approved by the Sovereignest Citizen Shrubya himself! If the Lord wills you to purchase any of these items, the Reverend will be inspired in his heart to also send a book on Godly cooking, “Praise the Lard!” May the spirit of Jeebus send you to your phones to order now! Amen!

* * *


“Too many kids, not enough food? We got just the solution for you! Chiild Indentured Services will take your excess kids off your hands for a great price! We'll pay big marks for as many as you need to offload. Child Indentured Services will take them all - sick kids, disobedient kids, even girls! They will be fed, housed, and given daily church services recorded by Billy Biscuit Graham himself! You can rest assured that Child Indentured Services will ensure that your children will become productive god-fearing Murcans instead of mooching beggars! Don't waste your time having relatives adopt them when you could be making a profit! Come in today and check out our pricing!”

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-30 12:38am
by Force Lord

Code: Select all





Code: Select all




Even later...

Code: Select all




Later again...

Code: Select all






Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-30 02:07pm
by Agent Sorchus
Part One
Part Two

Brew Station part 3

Dharaz had been forced to leave almost his entire krew of able bodied orks back at the Bigga Fish to keep the many reprisals to a minimum of damage. He'd brought only 3 orks with him, one o' his Nobz in Mega Armor; Kispin, a flash gitwith a power hook where his hadn was supposed to be; and his master of stills and overall second in command, Rhy'kir.

Of course it didn't help when the ambush was meant to separate them. They'd only otten the Mega Nob out of the way by locking the door, yet it was enough since he was the greatest part of their Daka. Rhy'kir handed him another gox of ammo for the borrowed rotating barrel DakaKannon. Between the DakaKannon and Kispin's flashgun they were making plenty of noise, and if it had been any other fued that had started this that would have meant they were winning. But no this wasn't personal, this was a matter of professional prde, and the other side prided themselves on their silence and cunning.

The first one charged in on the side, leaping off the ceiling height pipe he'd been wall running on. The ninga grot's sword dropped down towards Kispin's neck, which only missed because Kispin decided to headbutt the flying grot. The DakaKannon Hammed as the flash bomb the grot had thrown at him went off.

The DakaKannon was cast aside and his Stabi-Slasha was drawn while he was blinded.

Dharaz's sight returned revealing two more of the gretchin attackers upon him. Kispin was hidden in the smoke and to his side Rhy'kir breathed fire; his alcohol imbued breathe and rumors of his replacing blood with alcohol made for quite the conflagration, and supposedly spoke greatly at his art of distillation.

Dharaz's first slash was parried, which sent the grot flying, who returned the favor with a throwing knife or three. One missed, another pinned his jacket to his shoulder and the third knocked his tri-corned tri-horned hat off.

He kicked the other gobbo loose and grabbed his hat with his numbed hand. Both the two ninjas stood together, taunts on their tongues. He stabbed forth only for them to leap over the blade and deflect it into some machinery where it would be trapped. Their tongues started to move faster only for him to steal the taunts away. His other hand brought the hat around with the horns directed into the blow. One of the gretchin was speared by two of the horns before being thrown into the other.

Dharaz drew one of his muzzle loaders and blew away Rhy'kir's attackers, before helping him up. The stubborn door still separated them despite the dents the Mage armor had put in it. They ended up having to jump form box to box suspended on a conveyor rail over a 'bottomless' pit to get out of the otherwise dead end. It was Kispin's idea, and even thought it was dumb, if the grot with the hook for a hand felt like climbing hand for hand was their best way of getting out of the trap Dharaz wasn't going to argue.

They meet up with the Mega Nob and limped into the feast hall past a crowded fight, the combatants invissible and only the cursing in the pidgin language of many sailors in space evidence of the fighters presence. Dharaz grabbed a platter of steaming food from a bunch of serving gretchin, show took one look at his size and scattered.

The ork he was meeting had a booth near the fight. Beneek took one last wistful glance at the faight as Dharaz and Rhy'kir settled into the booth with their backs to the fighting. " So da pirate actually arrives on time. Ya know I was hoping you'd be late so I could see the fight through. Then again you're running outa time aren't ya?"

"Yeah ya git, you don't need me to tell you that."

"Get on wit it. We needs all da good booze that ya have that only need a day more in da vats," Rhy'kir was impatient, he knew that the transfer would take time, and that it might not count in the master of the stations eyes.

"Ooh, I gots some butter toat. Not much else supposed to be distilled in the next couple days. But if I were to get you some o' that what ya going to do for me?"

"Remember those Trill you used to get ingredients from back when you was in control o' your own still?"

"Yeah and if I could get some more I'd have my own still again. But they's been gone for many years so I can't get my hopes up."

"Yer' in luck, I happen to have a crate or two left over, and my Kaptin," Rye'kir nodded at Dharaz, "recently picked up some Trill from a Phfor ship that had some 'engine' trouble. He could be persuaded return them to their homes, and while he does that he can keep an eye out for your old friends."

"What sort o engine trouble?"

"Looked ta me like some big Kannon Shells got lodged in their intake manifold, but what do I know, I'm not a tech-boy."

"Hah, sounds like a good ol' day to me. The deal sounds good enough especially since I don't think I can fill ya all da way up." He pulled out a string with a series of fingers on it, and sorted the fingers until a number was showing. "That's how much I've got fore ya. Deal?"

"Deal ya rotten old ork."

"Good. Now Rhy'kir lets go get dat loaded properly so it don't go flat. Good fight and good dinner Dharaz, smell ya latter."

So close. Yet still not enough to claim the bet won or the Warboss happy. Dharaz lifted the platter of food to his mouth and tilted the remains down his maw. Might as well not linger.

Dharaz turned for one last look at the breaking up fight. One of the stations Boyz was laid out on the ground, one black eye and one dented bionik, shallow cuts and deeper bruises covering him. A smashed stool had been scattered about, the other fighter leaning up against one of it's legs, using it as a staff. The little Eoghan sailor was downing a victory drink before limping off.

Dharaz stared for a moment, his cunning mind trying to see how this could help him. It finally settled on curiosity until he could know more, so he followed the little sailor into the darkness.

To be continued.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-30 03:49pm
by Force Lord
MEH Earth
Unreal Time/Late February 3401

"Retreat! Back to the shuttle!", shouted Lord Redav.

"But the President-!", said a bodyguard.

"We'll get him later! We need to change position!"

The Central Guard retreated towards the shuttle, taking in their wounded. As soon as everyone was inside, the shuttle hastily made lift-off and flew away.

"Pilots, I need you to try and keep us alive and find a safe place to land while we try to figure out where the President is being held," said Lord Redav.

"We'll do our best, sir! We'll even fake our deaths if the shit hits the fan!"

"Just make sure that by faking it, it doesn't become real!"

CNS Count Dracula
Near MEH Space
Unreal Time/Late February 3401

Commodore Saul Mobutu knew his small force could only do correspondingly small damage to the enemy, but he also knew that Centrum would not wait to rectify such a situation. Such reinforcements had to come by secret, so Mobudu could only tell he was reinforced if a friendly stealth ship decided to communicate.

Right now, his ship was waiting for its prey.

"Sir, coded message has just arrived."

Now what?, the Commodore thought as he walked towards the communication's console.

He read the following message:

Code: Select all




The Commodore smiled. So he wouldn't have to wait for his prey after all.

He would hunt his prey.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-30 07:03pm
by Force Lord
The Central Times

Major military exercises in Blackagar and Maschtek Sectors announced

The Central Government has announced today that major military exercises will be made in Blackagar and Maschtek Sectors "sometime in the first days of March", and that all branches of the military will participate. Officials have said that the purpose is to ascertain the fighting readiness of the Central Armed Forces in increasingly hostile times. The Secretary of War, Cracus Vompey, has warned that the Centrality can never "remain on its laurels" and must be ready to fight at any time. Foreign concerns that the recent military preparations mask an ulterior motive have been dismissed by the Center of Foreign Affairs as "the paranoid fetishes of decadent elites".

General Secretary launches harsh criticism at the MEH

In an unusual outburst, the General Secretary of the Centralist Party, Viso Fredon, launched a blistering attack on what he termed "the MEH's total brain-deadness" while interviewed during his tour of the Aurora shipyards.

He stated that the MEH's actions to date "betray a childishness that views anything as a toy to be played with". He added that the MEH's documented attempts to acquire ESPers by any means necessary is "despicable and outrageous".

"ESP is not a power-up you can gain by stealing," he said.

He finished with an ominous warning, "If the MEH crosses the line too far, I have the following to say to them: We will burn your calories."

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-31 11:18am
by White Haven
Office of the Director of Operations
Deep Purple

The sound of knocking on the frame of Warren Naismith's office door drew a sigh from the white-haired figure behind the desk. He reached up to pinch at the bridge of his nose, then called out, "Enter." As the door smoothly slid aside, he continued, "You know, I have a perfectly functional door chime, but everyone always knocks. Why is that?"

"I can't speak for the others, Warren, but I do it because it annoys you," replied the dark-skinned, imposing figure as the hatch hissed shut behind him, "Director of Operations, I heard. Congratulations...or is that condolences? Whatever."

The smile that split Naismith's face was rare on the scale of binary stellar eclipses and honest politicians. Had anyone outside the room been able to see it, they would have stood to collect a tidy sum from one of the office betting pools. He waved his visitor to one of the comfortably-padded chairs in front of his desk, "Shawn, it's been...what, eight, nine months? It's good to see you. Drink?"

Shawn waved the offer off with a grimace, "Later. I'm afraid I was out that long for a reason, and I'm back on business."

The speed with which the smile shriveled and died on the director's face would have terrified most everyone else in the building. He straightened up in his chair and nodded slightly, "Very well then. I was wondering what kept you out for so long. Do tell."

Padding rustled as the man on the opposite side of the desk leaned forward and deposited a data storage module on the wooden surface. "I've been out beyond the spinward border."

"What, playing footsie with the hyenas?"

"That's...rather the point, Warren. There are no hyenas in hyena space."

"Shawn, either you're being entirely too Zen..."

"Serious as a Shepistani bombardment. I've been scouring space out there, hoping I was wrong. Not only are there no hyenas in hyena space, which would be bad enough for the balance of power, there apparently never were. Oh, there're people out there, but no serious multisector of even single-sector polities. I don't know how it happened, but there is no national navy or fortified sector border to that entire flank." Shawn leaned back as he finished, gesturing to the storage unit, "None of this is on the net yet, it's all in there and on the Spike's systems, and I've...impressed upon my team the gravity of the situation."

The silence in the office stretched out, long seconds ticking away as a growing grimace twisted Naismith's already-forbidding features. Finally, with a sigh, he broke the pause, "I believe...that I may have to demonstrate my frowny face sometime soon. In the mean time, however, we need to work with this. For the moment, the secret's still secret, but Murphy's a right bastard and we both know someone else will find out sooner or later. Options, options..." He began numbering on his fingers as he spoke, "One, do nothing, hope we can keep things from going out of control with an open path for flank attacks. Possible addendum, front line forces grow to two numbered fleets per color, one in Scylla, one staring down their opposite along the flank line. Problem: flank line extends for hundreds and hundreds of light-years. Best case scenario, we're still down to only one unoccupied numbered fleet per."

His eyes lost focus as he stared up into the air in thought. Across the desk Shawn's arms crossed over his chest, an amused smile spreading across his lips as he watched the thought process, "Two, push for a formalization of the status quo, some sort of official treaty limiting things to the Scylla sector. Outcome...who bloody knows, this war doesn't make sense to begin with, treaties regarding it are a wildcard. Three, 'here there be dragons' effect. Manufacture something dangerous and mysterious out there so nobody wants to poke at it. there a four?"

"Four," Shawn spoke up, leaning forwards with a spreading grin, "Is hyenas. We know they're not real, but they've been 'real' for long enough to build up inertia. Far easier to run some operations and disinformation to reinforce their reality than to construct a brand new fiction."

"..." "..." Warren's mouth opened and closed soundlessly a few times before he let out a snort and shook his head, "Should have known you'd have run through the same options I had by now, you've been chewing on this for months. Hmm...reinforce the fiction. I like it. Well, let it never be said that no good deed goes unpunished."


"Congratulations, Agent Shawn Evors--"


"--on your promotion to the newly created position--"


"--of Director of Hyenas."

"...You bastard. I'll get you for this."

"I seem to recall saying that to you at some point. I believe it was after...something about you using me to distract a male prostitute."

"...I'm sooo going to get you for this."

"Be that as it may, I expect a report on my desk as soon as you've had a chance to prepare a course of action."

"You absolute son of a bitch. Drinks?"

"Wouldn't miss it, my schedule's clear enough to wait."

With that, the two men walked out into the hallway together.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-05-31 02:14pm
by Shroom Man 777
Zor wrote:Commonwealth Foreign Ministry announcement in the Outlands

In Light of recent events in the Outlands and the actions promoted by various Byzantine hate groups, victims of the transformative nanoplauge from the former Outlander Commissions shall be accommodated at several asteroid facilities. These facilities shall be under quarantine for public health and safety purposes for the time being.

On the same note, the Commonwealth additional aid shall be provided to non Byzantine aligned communities in the Former Outlands, including food, medical supplies and manufacturing equipment to help rebuild capacities which have been ravaged by in-fighting.
Outlands Broadcasting Corporation



NOVA AUSTRALIA - Several Tauist groups, composed of actual Tau and human supporters alike, have taken exception to the quarantine protocols enacted by the Commonwealth government for Man-Tau refugees from the Outlands. The groups have likened the Man-Tau's struggles in the Outlands with the old Tau's war of survival against the genocidal Byzantines, and have called for better treatment and respect for the Man-Tau. A number of protests have occurred in Nova Atlantis, centered in the Tauist Temples in the Tau Enclaves, where Ethereals have gathered their followers to support the Man-Tau of the former Outlands.

Amongst the statements of prominent Ethereal leaders include:

"Nova Atlantis played a hand in the genesis of the Man-Tau, yet they treat these creations like lepers to be cast away in leprosariums. The emergence of the Man-Tau is no a sickness, it is a cure. For blue is beautiful, and that these hybrids have come to accept their newfound blueness is a truly great thing. This fusion of humanity and Tau may be the way to the future, for a new era of understanding between our peoples. This is why the Man-Tau must be welcomed with open arms and acceptance, not fear and isolation. The struggle of the Man-Tau against the Orthodox fanatics in the former Outlands is a true inspiration for the Tau in Nova Atlantis, and our Enclaves must take it up to themselves to welcome their new brothers to the Greater Good."

Another, more extreme Ethereal, had this to say in protest to the quarantine:

"The Man-Tau are magnificent beings. In turning man into Tau, they have achieved the greatest good of all. This was what should have been done in the war, to Byzantium and all its allies, and had this been done before all would have been right in the galaxy. The Man-Tau must be supported in their struggle against the mon'keigh! They should not be quarantined! They must be freed! This is wrong! This is abominable! JUUUUUNNNN SMIIIIIIIIIITH!!!!!"

Despite the domestic contraversies, Man-Tau refugees from the Outlands are slowly trickling into the Commonwealth, as some of them opt to leave the violence of their homes for the safety of the Nova Atlantean asteroids. Other Man-Tau have adamantly refused to leave their homes, and some of them have made enclaves on several planets after fending off their Orthodox opponents.

The number of Man-Tau in the Outlands is estimated to range between several dozen thousand, to more than a million, varying between the calculations of various census agencies. Independent Commonwealth census takers have stated that some Anglian agencies are downplaying the numbers, while other have said that the Commonwealth numbers are grossly inflated.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-06-02 03:57pm
by Siege
Wild Space


The IOU Nuisance Value dropped out of hyper and raced toward the planet, dropping any pretense toward stealth as it did so. With all sensors radiating at maximum power and its engines redlined well beyond the safety limits the small 200m long ship was as inconspicious as a bull in a China shop, but then that was the idea behind this whole exercise.

The Bragulans, it was widely known, were busy elsewhere. They had business in the Outlands, and in the antispinward quadrants of the galaxy. That left their border squadrons damned near depleted, and that in turn gave the Sovereignty a chance it had been anticipating for some time. Or rather, that elements within it had been anticipating.

But the Nuisance Value was oblivious to political manoeuvering. It was just doing its job, tearing through the system at extreme velocity, tagging any Bragulan sensor system that it could make out as it went. There weren't that many: Thyiiluue was a dead world and had been for centuries, ever since Darvyl Sagatantron Byzon's Bragulans had fire-bombed the native Apexai into nonexistence. The IBGV had attempted a few excavations on the world since then but none of them had garnered much in the way of results, and come 3401 Thyiiluue was considered a dead-end assignment even by the most dedicated of commissars.

But all that was about to change. Even though none of the sparse few Bragulans that took notice of the lone Independent Offensive Unit tearing through the system would be able to predict it.



Posted: 2011-06-02 11:07pm
by Simon_Jester
And so it was that the aetheric detectulators and mantenna arrays of the trireme did PICK UP the cries of the hapless humanoid-alienoids.

Elysian Hero-Trireme Far-Go
Harkening to the Cry of NYAAAH!*
The Month of Augustus, 4153 AUC**

*Sector B-26

When last we discussed the deeds and adventuresome tales of the mighty sons of fair Elysium, these noble and bemuscled heroes had harkened to a mysterious subetheric PLEA, strange in form yet unambiguous of meaning: "NYAAAH! HEELLLP!"

Swiftly did the Elysians tune their sensoriadetective-systems and direction-finders to learn from where this plea came, for they knew that wherever someone was crying for help, there they would find glorious battle, as might be found in the sagas of old! Little did they know what adventures awaited them, but much did they wish to find out!

Soon, the heroes had DISCERNED from which of the nine vectors the desperate signal came, and did SET FORTH, the drummers beating double-time as the manly rowers plied the trireme's hyper-oars with might and vigor. Onward they flew, at speeds immeasurable, through dimensions inconceivable, towards a destination ineffable. As yet, they saw not the cause of the distress so plainly set forth before them, and perhaps well they did not, for the THING, the abomination, the blasphority which awaited them was such as to chill even the hot-burning hyperthermic heart of humanitarian heroes such as themselves! What awaited them in orbit about the giant gas-planet toward which they sped was nothing less than... a KRAKEN!


Nor were the hapless scouts, in their quest to determine what damage the great cannonball splash of the massive MEHstars had wrought upon the fabric of time and space in these constellations, able to resist such a terrible beast. For the armamentations of the scoutship were not COPIOUS, as would bedeck a mighty vessel of war!

Consider, if you will, the ferocious offensive might of the fabled Britannian ships of the line, the motherships of the Homeworlders, the mobile fortress-monitrons which serve the whims of the immortal sorcerer-kings of celestial Khitai in the uttermost east, or the behemothic megadromons of the Constantinopo-Chrestians, in which great mobs of press-ganged SLAVES do labor mightily to load supercannons with hyperrocketbullets the size of BUILDINGS, in preparation for the waste-laying and devastation of planetoids in their endless purges! Contemplate the massive munitions wielded by the great dreadnoughts which do the bidding of the Tyrants of Centrum, the mobile starcarriers of Shinra- or even of the Spacemericans who dwell in the fabled United Sectors, of which perhaps you, gentle listener, have not heard.

But nay, the weapons of this scouting vessel and its crew of exploratorians, pseudonatural philosophers, and meteorologists- who had so recently been making happy study of the nearby meteors- were hardly even significant! They lacked even the hundredth part of the armamentations of a great ship of war, yea, perhaps even the thousandth part! Indeed, what handful of puny weapons they possessed were fit only for deterring the tiniest and most feeble of menaces, such as random meteoritic menaces, or primitive and skulking banditoids in their rocketcanoes and orbitorafts.


To fire such weapons at the terrible KRAKEN would merely serve to annoy it, as the child's shotsling might annoy the rampaging, slavering gaoogabeast! For the gaoogabeast is properly sought after only by the boldest and mightiest of huntsmen, preferably when backed by numerous loyal porters, guides, loaders, and a reinforced mechanized battalion. And even this would be inadequate to slay a kraken, with its polytentaculous bulk which does BLOT OUT the suns!


Wisely, prudently, like the tiny meepfish hiding amid the shoals of a great reef of Constantinopo-spikeskullcoral from the predations of some larger maritime beast, so did the threatened scoutship seek a place to conceal itself. This it had done, among the copious chondritic conglomerations and ever-rolling, racing RINGS of the giant planet by which they lay! The kraken, confused and hungering, did not seek to prey upon the many asteroids, spacedustbunnies, and snowballs of the rings, but instead did SEIZE these useless fragments of debris and HURL them aside, seeking to clear a path by which it might PIERCE the rings without being battered by meteors! Only thus could the beast find the ship concealed within, with its nutritious metalliferous shell and tasty organic center.

Lo, did the monstrous creature search, howling to the stars in hunger by unknown means that did curdle the subether for myriamegaleagues in all directions. And yet before it could find and devour the helpless denizens of the scoutship, the creature was found out by the mighty hero-astronauticalists of ELYSIUM!

ROCK STRONGGO, son of IRONBEEF, stood upon the prow of the hero-trireme and pointed, spotting the horror with his own eyes before even the lookout-boy perched atop the trireme's great mast had seen it! Instantly did he make his decision, doubtlessly and dauntlessly did he decide on a daring course of derring-do!


And yet did Polydamas the Kind of Annoying cry out in DISMAY at the sight of the dread thing. For he saw its mighty bulk, so much larger than his own, and was struck with a moment of unbecoming WOMANLY FEAR!

"How are we to fight such a creature? It is many times the size of our ship, mountainous in bulk and ancient like the red paleodwarves of Asvesthe, which are said to predate the very universe itself!"


Then did Manius of the robust health UPBRAID his faint-hearted comrade. "Nonsense, Polydamas! We shall comport ourselves with manly STRENGTH and HONOR! We will triumph, for we are fit and ready!"

ROCK STRONGGO took up the cry, drowning out the voice of valiant Manius with his own, far louder and still more valiant voice. "AYE! WE RAM AND BOARD THE KRAKEN! ONWARD, ASTROGONAUTS OF THE NAUTIKON, FOR TONIGHT WE DINE... ON CALAMARI!"

And with this cry, great Mares, lover of slaughter, BOLSTERED the courage of the Elysians. Like the mightiest of wrestlers grappling for some magnificent prize of wealth and glory, so did every Elysian warrior from the greatest of captains to the lowliest of spear-carriers ply his oar with might and main. Only ROCK STRONGGO and a handful of picked men stood aloof, waiting for the moment when their prowess would be needed. Nor was that moment long in coming, for the dread monstrosity of the vasty spacedeep did HARKEN to the war-cry of the sons of fair Elysium! As the snarling Byzantine turns his attention away from the purging of the tiny Bragulan cub towards the enraged Mama Bragulan with her rending fangs, furious claws, and rocketbullet-spewing K-bolter, so did the kraken of space turn its blasphoritous gaze and innumerable tentacles from the hapless scoutship towards the oncoming trireme!

Now it was that ROCK STRONGGO and his dozen picked men displayed their might! The mighty general and his warriors, clothed in valor as if in a garment, SPRINTED to the railings and did ply their formidable weapons against the grasping tentacles of the Thing That Should Not Be. The stalwart dozen manned the missileballistas and hydrotomic cannon of the covered ship, smiting the dread kraken's toothed, suckered, suckertoothed, and tooth-besuckered appendages in their myriads. Like a Crevenian megagoat set upon by a pack of spacewolves, even so did the terrible creature SQUEAL in rage and dismay!

And yet the most dire woundings it was to suffer at the rock-steady hands of Elysium were yet to come! In the bow of the pitching, ether-tossed ship stood STRONGGO son of IRONBEEF, all alone. Behold how the son of IRONBEEF did DISDAIN the use of his vessel's missileballistas and slaughter cannons. Such womanly accessories were neither desired nor needed by the mighty ROCK STRONGGO, peer of murderous Mares, beloved of Heliopollo. Nay, the adamantine-clad hero stood undaunted and ERECT at the prow of his trireme, and his hand found one of the harpoons left there for him by his faithful servant-boy. He judged his moment, and as the bow rose under the buffets of a mighty magnetopsychogravitic wave, so did he HURL his spear at the hideosity that sprawled across the sky before him, blotting out constellations uncountable with its terrible bulk, so vast as to daunt even the whale-like MEHmen.

Nor was his mighty DART cast in vain, for even as the dread kraken reached forth with its suckered quasipseudopedopod, ROCK STRONGGO's harpoon did PENETRATE the creature's unnatural hide. The kraken's squeals of pain and dismay rose to mighty bellows; even as a NenAltKik brontosaurianoid with its tail caught in a rock crusher might shout its thunderous agony and confusion to an uncaring cosmos, so did the kraken's cries set the very subether to terrible shaking, like an earthquake of space, as ROCK STRONGGO's swift-flying spear did PLUNGE into the core of the SINEW animating the great tentacle. Armed with the keen knowledge of MUSCULATURE of an Elysian hero, the harpoon did thus PARALYZE the tentacle, defeating its attempt to crush the hero-trireme's bows!

But these wounds were mere PINPRICKS compared to the dread kraken's obscene bulk, and valiant STRONGGO knew this. Thus did he turn to his crew and BELLOW to be heard over the shrieks of the hundred-armed monstrosity and the spray of ethereal waves dashing against the hardy flanks of his ship!


And mighty STRONGGO, son of IRONBEEF, did gesture with his spear at a point in the core body of the kraken!

The oarsmen STRAINED, piling on all possible speed to dart inside the reach of the beast's remaining tentacles, like a smaller yet more artful WRESTLER eluding the clumsy grapplitudinous embraces of his mighty-thewed and oxlike opponent. And yet as the visage of the massive monstrous megametamollusc loomed over the bowsprit did the most noble FREE ELYSIAN WARRIORS reveal that in addition to their omnicornicopious reserves of brawn, they possessed formidable resources of skill and cunning, the fruits of learned MATHENERVA'S many blessings upon their people. For they did not ram MINDLESSLY, in the manner of berserk beridged-foreheaded barbarians or suicidal Shofixti spacehamsters. NAY, at the last moments did they BACK OARS, reducing their speed that their noble hero-barque might not be CRUSHED into SPLINTERS by the impact!

And so did the Elysian vessel strike ROCK STRONGGO'S chosen target at the TRUE and proper ramming speed: neither top speed, as might be used by fools who craved the firm and inescapable embrace of THANAMORTOS, nor bottom speed, as might be used by womanly cowards who lacked the forthright formidable forcefulness of true heroes, but at MEDIUM SPEED! For this was the province of seasoned Elysian warriors worthy to war in the company of ROCK STRONGGO! Warriors such as Manius the Fit, Stentor of the loud warcry, Quadroptolemus the arch-farmer, Astrometrius the Navigator, Ajaxalon the Greater of the wall-like bullshield, Pyrophilus the Disturbing, Phylonctetes the Archer in his corselet of linen, Ajaxalon the Lesser, swiftest of spear-tossers, Euryalysis, wealthy peer of murderous Mares, Adonemo the clean-limbed and fair-visaged, and Crispus the, um, Boring Son of Petrus. Never mind.

Anyway, the RAMMING! The indefatigably rigid adamantine-shod ram which curved forth from the hero-trireme's bow did SMITE the kraken, at a point chosen by ROCK STRONGGO from his extensive knowledge of squidoid anatomy, obtained not to make him a more effective killer (as that would be difficult to imagine), but BECAUSE he was a more effective killer, who had devoured countless tentacled creatures, feasting on their chewy yet delicious flesh, during his many victory-feasts!

At ROCK STRONGGO'S gesture, the oarsmen had already hauled their oars inside the ship, as the mighty general leapt down from the bow after his heavily-harrowing harpoon cast. The beast's unnatural tissues, struck cruelly by the Elysian vessel's full force, RIPPED apart! There was a terrible squelch, a hideous crunch, nay, a sound never heard before or since: a SQÜNCH, of such proportions that the very planetoids did reel in horrified disgust. But the brave sons of Elysium were UNDISMAYED as their vessel drove deep into the kraken's innards!

When the sqünch subsided, the Elysians found that they had been plunged into darkness, in some vast and cavernous tubule of the monstrosity's innards. At this, ROCK STRONGGO let out a mighty shout of triumph! Though he was but second-loudest of the Elysian band, being marginally less loud than the brass-lunged and titanomachian-throated herald Stentor, his voice was nonetheless of commendable manly might, and did ECHO through the tubule for many leagues, drowning out the rhythmic squelches, dripping, and pumping noises around them.


Obediently did Pyrophilus the Disturbing SEIZE a prized weapon from the hero-trireme's armormentarium. The secret of ELYSIAN FIRE was little known. Some said the titanoboa Promethehissssss had STOLEN it from almighty ZEUPITER and passed it down to men. Others claimed that the secret of the all-inflammatory and blessed promethium had been WRESTLED out of the sinister clutches of Elysium's remote, rumored, warped and warp-haunted cousins, the Constantinopo-Chrestians. Still others maintained that any idiot who knew how to read a chemistry book could make the stuff, but they were commonly bludgeoned and sandfacekicked into womanly submission for their annoying geekery.

Whatever the truth was, the gout of ELYSIAN FIRE which streamed forth from Pyrophilus's beloved flamer did light their surroundings most acceptably. The innards of their loathsome hundred-armed foe were indeed hideous beyond belief, and streams of unnamed ichors flowed across the floor of the great tubule.

"What do we do now, general?" the men chorused, like the chorus of some pseudohistorical martial-comedy. And the invincible son of IRONBEEF was swift to reply.


Again did ROCK STRONGGO point the way with his spear. Again did his men obey, burdening themselves with sword, rocketjavelin, bombdiscus, and all the other armamentations fit to grace the forms of Elysian heroes. Also did they clad themselves in high-crested helms and gleaming armor like unto that of the gods on Olympus. Against mortal men, the heroic astrogonauts would present their bare and manly forms as is proper, but they knew not what horrors the beast they hunted might contain. At last, when all was ready, they removed their most noble SHIELDS from the frames used to guard the hero-ship's rowers, and did strap these nigh-impenetrable slabs of hardened metal to their brawny arms.

Armed for war, clad in rattling armor, the Elysians did LEAP from their trireme, iron-shod boots striking the tubule and raising further flows and oozes of monstrous ichor. Thus did the hero-sailors of the indomitable Nautikon form up to MARCH, with only mighty STRONGGO knowing where. They lit their path with gouts of ELYSIAN FIRE, forded rivers of unnatural fluid, hacked passages through gelatinous jungloids with their spathachetes of adamantine, and drove DEEPER into the monstrous beast. Soon they came upon another great tubule, but here they at last met foes worthy of their steel!

For the kraken's IMMUNE SYSTEM had sensed their passing as they brutalized the beast's innards, and RALLIED to defend its mighty organic citadel. Arrayed before the Elysians was a seemingly endless HORDE of peasantoid-celles, hastily mustered to delay them, the gibbering, grotesque, gelatinous GREEN BLOOD CELLS!


At ROCK STRONGGO'S formidable warcry did the Elysians form a PHALANX, interlocking their shields. Taking their spears in their hand, the astrogonauts began a measured advance, and the green blood cells did QUAVER and edge back in spineless FEAR, as the ambulatory slime molds of Delta Lyncis II might ooze away into their hiding-places when the ravening beastie-monster comes near! But despite rightly fearing the heroes' wrath, the dread command of their god-king- the KRAKEN- urged them to stand their ground. And so did they OBEY their tyrannical master, even as the numberless hordes of PERSIA might follow their pointy-helmed and mustachioed CHANCELLEMPEROR!

But the plight of these poor downtrodden celluloids was infinitely worse than that of any mere PERSIAN garritrooper. Before hurling his vast legions against his many foes, THEIR tyrant would at least ARM them with weapons from his copious Kruppenmausergesellschaftwerken factories, that they might have some hope of slaying their foes before the eunuchly cowardice of his satraps and generals got them all killed. Green blood cells had not even this pathetic minimum of strength and hope. Nay, their blasphoritous master conscripted them from their endless toil in his meat-fields and drove them to ENGLOBULATE their enemies with their own bodies, ENTANGLING the intruders at the cost of their own lives so as to stall them until other, more potent cells could arrive.

To achieve this against the valiant and fair-countenanced sons of Elysium, the green blood cells would have to close and GRAPPLE with the mighty hero-astrogonauts in their full manly glory. Pity these quivering minions of the vile kraken!

For now the Elysian phalanx fell upon their foes! Loud was the sound of keen-edged mithril smiting the green blood cells, and mightily did the heroes thrust with their heavy spears, laying waste to all in their path. The lunges and rushes made by the foul slimes FAILED, for while Elysian darts did pierce all which stood in their way, they themselves were guarded by their IMPENETRABLE wall of glittering shields! Those of the lesser abominations which pressed the attack found it hard indeed to overcome the mighty arms of the warriors holding them. Indeed, for every three of their foes which they slew by the blows of their potent weapons, the Elysians crushed two more to death by standing FIRM and RIGID against the press of the green tide, while creatures to the rear ranks smashed the front line against adamantine resistance. And one more was destroyed by the stamping, hobnailed SANDALS of Elysium as the peerless company of champions MARCHED towards their goal over a foul, reeking carpet of their bleeding foes- for yea, such was the kraken's enormity that even its blood cells had blood!

Now and again, the pressure of some scores of bubbling creatures finally proved TOO MUCH for the Elysians, and one or two warriors fell beneath the hordes. But even after shoving a gap in the phalanx, the green blood cells learned to their decadent deliquescent DISMAY that to GRAPPLE with Elysian heroes is easier said than done, even for a pile of goo! Even so did Manius of the robust health, momentarily overborne, SEIZE one of the cells bodily and cause it to BURST with a mighty wrench of his arms, while his comrades moved their shields to COVER HIS REAR lest others pile upon him from behind. Even so did Astrometrius the Navigator display his cunning by successfully THROWING one of the cells over his hip with a cunning ROLL, tossing it onto the spear of a comrade where it was impaled through its very nucleus.

Ultimately, even these mindless mobs of 'moebic monstrosities learned that their assault against the front of the Elysian ranks was to no avail. They tried to flow AROUND, but here they encountered the dreaded Elysian FLAMERS- terrible gouts of fiery promethium that sprayed forth from the deadly weapons of Pyrophilus the Disturbing and his comrades! This too failed, and the green blood cells faced the terrible choice of dying with HONOR to the spears, shields, arms and feet of the Elysians, or dying with FIERY AGONY under the copious streams of their flamers!

After some THOUSANDS of the cells had been slaughtered in these ways, the ignoble creatures took a third option, and did OOZE away with great and unexpected speed! The Elysians let up a mighty bellow of triumph as their foes fled from them, waving their spears and taunting the mutagoopoids. Then did Stentor the Loud, herald of Elysium, bellow in his voice like that of fifty men: "Silence in the ranks!" And STRONGGO, mighty STRONGGO son of IRONBEEF, did bellow as loudly:


Thus did the sons of Elysium, blessed by all gods, continue their MARCH! Onward strode the heroic astrogonauts, clad in valor and armed with righteous manly might, trampling the quivering innards of the kraken beneath their hobnailed sandals. The gods were with them, and they drove forward, deeper into the monstrosity's interior, on their fantastic voyage of conquest.

At last they came upon a tubule wider and more capacious than any they had yet seen, one which pulsed with a veritable TORRENT of unholy anti-ichors. Noble STRONGGO did call for a halt, that his men might rest their mighty lances and take a moment for calisthenics to stretch the kinks out of their muscles, weary from ascending, descending, marching, countermarching, and hacking their way through miscellaneous capillorganoids with fire and spathachete! Meanwhile, consulting with wily Astrometrius the helmsman and diverse other sages of the expedition, Stronggo did check to be sure that his bearings were PROPER- for the treacherous tentacular tenebrosity did seem to stretch into UNKNOWN dimensional curlicues and perversities. Yea, such was the confusion of the beast's innards that there was no shame in this; even the most manliest of men might ask for directions in such a monstrous maze. But STRONGGO, heroic STRONGGO of the loud warcry and rock-crushing biceps, had gauged the path ARIGHT, and none could find fault with his guidance. Then did Euryalysis, peer of murderous Mares, let up a cry of alarm.

"Look! Warriors!"

And the astrogonauts did look, and they did BEHOLD peculiar forms emerging from a side passage, like unto themselves in appearance and armamentation. Stentor the herald did call out to them: "Hail, fellow-travelers! We are a company of Elysians, astrogonautical venturers of the Nautikon! Be ye friends, or be ye foes?"

But the strangers made no answer. Euryalysis, first to spot them, did shout in his massive-aggressive ways and CHARGE at one of them, raising his spear to deliver a crushing, killing kerstab to the kisser. The strange warrior did mirror the ferocitous one's actions, raising his own weapon and launching his own onslaught, meeting Euryalysis half way between the lines of the blessed Elysians and the mysterious strangers. When the two did meet, and their brazen weapons did collide, there was a terrible EXPLOSION! All were hurled onto their backs, half-stunned by the blast, save only mighty ROCK STRONGGO son of IRONBEEF, who weathered the mighty concussive force with his shield and squinted to behold, out of the smoke, what could be seen of the two warriors. Naught but two pair of smoldering boots remained.

Then did wily Astrometrius, of the head full of numbers and ink-covered fingers, beloved of Mathenerva, cry "Nay! Touch them not, for they are anti-bodies!"

All were confused, save again only mighty STRONGGO, for he was undismayed at this turn of events.


In obedience did the Elysians cast their wicked-edged and weighty darts at the unknown foes, using the great expertise of their long practice at spear-hurling in the Colympicomicossal games and other such sports. Foremost among them in this feat of arms were Ajaxalon the Lesser, whose arrow-swift casts sought out GAPS in the durable corselets and helms of the anti-bodies, slaying them be they ever so burdened with the pseudosteel gifted them by the kraken, and Manius of the Robust Health, whose brawny arms did drive his darts THROUGH the armor, even as the razor-beaked grawk bites through the shell of the goopa tortoisoid!

Many foes were slain in this way, and did not EXPLODERIZE, for they had not come into contact with the Elysian warriors themselves! The survivors from the ranks of the anti-bodies were pelted with great gizzardoid STONES, seized from the ground and hurled into their ranks, with less gracefully thrown casts of the Elysian warriors' main stabbing LANCES, and with diverse other weapons of far-flying ferocity! Soon had every Elysian man defeated his nemesis, and thus proved his WORTH to go on.

Quietly did Manius the Robust say to his hero-comrades, "let us gather up the boots of Euryalysis, and what bits of his armor remain, that we may give him the proper rites in due time." And some of the astrogonauts did harken, and say sadly, "Indeeds." For they were not savages, and did MOURN the loss of one of their valiant brethren, all the more when he had died of sheer excess of valiancy, from the glorious and aggressive courageosity flowing through his veins, literally causing him to be so brave he exploded!

After Manius and the others had done this thing, the mighty son of IRONBEEF restored them to order once more.


Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-06-03 03:19am
by Dark Hellion
Godsdamn Unreal Time

The suppression drone pushed his way through the crowd. Generally a crowd of Bragulans was immune to pushing, but generally the pusher wasn't several metric tons of claw impervious armour. And when the general gist of its destination made it into the mob's mentality they began to split. It was headed straight towards the Karlack wing and only the dumbest individuals in the galaxy would stand between an unstoppable metallic killbot and the unspeakable biological horrors of the Karlack. Today, only a single candidate stepped forward.

The human had unkempt hair and smelled of Romulan Marijuana and bong water. "Stop the oppression in the Outlands! Oppose the warmongering of Imperialist Powers trying to take the freedoms of the Outlanders!" He was used to his cries being ignored but now people had moved away from him and approaching was a silent metal figure. Unable to read the mood he continued his spiel.

"Stop the abuses in the Outlands man! Working together we can make a difference!"


"No way man, its a free country! But you know what won't be free if we don't act; the Outlands!"

The drone considered his options.

Move or I will incapacitate you

It raised an arm and displayed two projectile electrodes. The human raised his hands in protest.

"Don't tase me bro!"

Request denied

There was a sickening crunch as it walked over the spasming man's body. The rest of the walk was uneventful as people seemed to throw themselves out of its way. With little ado it arrived at the door to the Karlack wing and spoke with the guarding Hydramorph.

I have a message capsule to deliver to the aspect.
Hrrrrr Hsrrsrrrr
Krrreeeeee ClckKrck
Maybe. Depends upon the weather
Generally not with men
Every other week
Acid does tend to do that to people
Yes thank you

With those generally pleasantries out of the way the drone went inside. Immediately it had to contend with the various creeps inside. Luckily, these creeps only tried to eat your skin off instead of taking pantyshots of catgirls. It walked pasts various gauntalisks and carnilings and abominations that had not been named because battlefield reports had only said "I see a new Karlack, it looks like an ARRRRRRRGH!" Finally, it arrived at the door to the inner sanctum, where the aspect would reside. Its psi-detectors told it that what lurked inside could crush it like a tin can. It entered.

What followed was a meeting with very little pretense. She didn't pretend not to be hopelessly corrupted, it didn't pretend that it was capable of being horrified. Instead it handed her the message capsule and left.

Normally, it would take several hours of heavy decon to leave the Karlack chambers. However, the suppression drone had the advantage of not being made of pitifully fragile flesh. Instead it simply superheated its outer shell until the contagions boiled off. It gave a small nod to the guarding Hydramorph, stepped around a few Bragulan medics and went back to the BEEEF.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-06-04 11:21pm
by Mayabird
The Bragulan Economic Exposition Extravaganza of Friendship (BEEEF)
Vlyadibragstok, Southeastern Severnaya Sector / just beyond Northwestern Lena Sector
Unreal Time / October-December 3400

Darkevilme wrote:
There was polite applause, and cheers from some of the more virulently anti-human aliens. After several more exchanges, wherein aside from the MEH other miscellaneous matters were discussed from trade treaties to arms deals to the time and location of the next meeting, the meeting eventually adjourned. Most of the guests filed out, but some stayed behind. Putyn, Fulcrum and Dash, the Chamarran and Eoghan representatives, and a few others remained.

“Now, gentlebeings, we are here to discuss the specific matter the most esteemed emissary Fulcrum brought up, that of the Multiversal Emmissary of Happiness,” the Eoghan Ambassador Ailill chirped as he pulled up a briefcase marked ‘OMINOUS’. “As we all know, those of us gathered here all have interest in the matter, and as emissary Fulcrum said, maybe we can be of mutual assistance to each other?”
Satia Kithandra waited a moment nodded “The Hierarchy will deploy its entire force of battlegroups to deal with the MEH. Due to proximity we can do that without compromising our own security. To our comrades in this endeavour we can offer the use of the E-24 fleet base that has been built up over the past few months, it is ideally situated to provide a staging area for the offensive. Extensively damaged ships will however be allowed the use of shipyards in Hierarchy space as the E-24 base is only able to facilitate light repairs. We've also done our best to manufacture a stockpile of Bragulan war material to ease their supply situation so far from home. Due to the logistical concerns with the Eoghan and Refuge forces also working at the end of similarly stretched supply lines and our joint fleet exercises with the Bragulans the Hierarchy believes the Chamarran and Bragulan forces should form the core of our offensive. ”
Fulcrum bowed most genteelly to Kithandra. "We of the Refuge are honored by your generosity and consideration. Indeed, such a distance will be a major strain on our resources. Still, we will insist upon sending as many forces as we can manage and supply, despite the difficulties. By numbers it will no doubt be a fraction of that which your respective settled nations can send, but if nothing else, we will provide some experience in dealing with unusual and deadly threats.

"Coordination of our forces and logistical lines will be of great importance, and so I nominate my deputy Dash to be our interim liaison."

Then he swept the small stunned gray bird forward with one massive wing and hoped no one else heard Dash's small squawk. "He is very dependable and resourceful, and will serve well until we can arrange more permanent communication lines."

"I will work to my fullest for the good of all!" said Dash, though he did sound a bit odd, for he used his adrenal implants to speed up his thinking in order to buy himself a few more subjective seconds to think of a response, and then had to speak very slowly while slowing himself back down so the others would understand him.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-06-05 01:11pm
by Shroom Man 777
Early March Edition

The fighting machines of the Ford Regional Overall Defense force.
THE PREFECTURE, TESTINGSTAN - Following the Shinra Republic's shocking revelation and allegation of the Multiversal Empire of Happiness' involvement in sentient being smuggling and esper trafficking with the stated intention of performing experimentation, President Garrison Ford, Prefect of Testing, has condemned the MEH for its alleged acts and has offered the Ford Prefect Country's support to the Shinran-led coalition of willing nations and their mission to bring freedom to the subjugated espers in the MEH.

"We offer both military and non-military support to this great coalition of freedom. The Ford Regional Overall Defense force, with the combined strength of its Smarmy, Chair Force and Mavy is ready and willing to make a contribution to the forces already arrayed by the great star nations of the free galaxy. While our one-system nation and its military may be small compared to many of this galaxy's empires, our fighting forces are nonetheless well trained and well equipped, second to none in their professionalism and skill. The technology we employ is unique, and the expertise we can contribute to the coalition would be invaluable." President Garrison Ford said in his address. "In the event that the coalition accepts our offer, General Montgommery Strak will lead the FROD contingent in their operations in the antispinward frontier."

This move was widely supported by the Testingstani government and the majority of the populace as well. Demonstrations were held outside of government buildings, denouncing the MEH's abuse of espers. Newtypes, as gifted individuals are called in the Ford Prefect's Country, are highly regarded and serve in prestigious roles in the government, the military and civilian organizations where their talents are immensely valued. The Multiversal Empire of Happiness' initial announcement, stating their intention to perform experimentation on esper specimens from convict populations, already shocked people throughout the Prefecture. The Shinran revelation, of the MEH actually performing these acts, sparked further outrage in all sections of Prefecture society.

In a rare appearance, the previous President of the Prefecture and Garrison Ford's progenitor, the Father Prefect, expressed his utmost displeasure at the actions of the MEH, stating that:

"In the coldest winter, the whale seeks to breech the ocean and despite his weight wishes to sail through the air as he would the water. He tries to do this and achieves his flight... only to impale himself on the jagged edges of a great iceberg."

The Father Prefect demonstrates his displeasure to a pupil of his dojo.

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-06-05 02:01pm
by Mayabird
The Bragulan Economic Exposition Extravaganza of Friendship (BEEEF)
Vlyadibragstok, Southeastern Severnaya Sector / just beyond Northwestern Lena Sector
Unreal Time / October-December 3400

The secret meeting after the secret meeting ended well, with arrangements made for informing them of the next meeting and so forth. The representatives all went their separate ways to contact their superiors or anything else they needed to do, like wash off after being too close to Karlacks.

“Whadja do that for?” Dash asked, as they entered the first compartment of the yacht's double airlock.

Fulcrum began, barely hiding a chuckle, “Whatever do you-”

“Making me the go-betweener, the liaison!”

“You are here and assigned to me, so you must have the skills and training necessary to perform.”

The doors shut and the fans came on, blowing in an acrid scent of disinfectant. The lights and background sounds changed as well.

“Ya shoulda warned me, at least!”

“But you still responded well to the surprise, and that was the important thing.”

A small wall panel opened. “Please deposit your breath-filters into the compartment,” the yacht instructed. They did so, coughing up the filters discretely hidden in their windpipes with a HORK and a HRRRAAARRRHRKK respectively.

“ sayin' it was a test?” Dash continued.

“A test, and an important lesson that you will not forget: delegation! I cannot perform all the duties that may be asked of me – we simply don't have the time - but we do not live alone and for ourselves only. Thus, we can ask of others to do that which we cannot do. As we learn as chicks, we all have our Duty and our role to fill, small though it may seem. Every piece is important to the whole.” Fulcrum was very proud of this explanation. He'd thought of it right after he nominated Dash for the position.

“So, I should find some other sorry sots to do most of my work for me?”

“Precisely!” said Fulcrum, quite cheerfully. “Of course, it is important that the contacts communicate with each other, determine when and where these people will meet and who carries what and so on, but that is better done by others. You are there to be our face, standing proudly and wearing the Plutonium Medal to remind them of your heroism and trustworthiness.”

“Yeah, yeah, I can do that,” Dash agreed.

The second set of doors opened, revealing two large round isolation pods. “Please step into the biohazard capsules,” the yacht said. “We will soon begin the decontamination procedures.”

As Dash hopped in, he asked. “But who'll watch you, keep you out of danger?”

“I am sure I can take care of myself,” Fulcrum said.

Then their little chambers closed behind them. It was dark inside, which was calming, and they had a little speaker set so they could still talk to each other. It was an Avian psychological quirk – they needed their bit of personal space and usually didn't mind being alone, but they had to know that someone else was around.

“Also bodyguards,” Fulcrum added. It was distorted slightly on Dash's end by static as the hard radiation and heat outside sterilized the airlock. “I am hopeful about these new ones. They are more tough-minded.”

“Okay, yeah, but BLAAAH!” Dash squawked as he was hit with the first cleaning spray. His feathers were soaked through and it made him a little cranky.


“I hate this stuff! I hate getting wet! It makes me so heavy. Why can't we do this with a civilized dust bath?”

“They can't be absolutely sure that they get all the possible Karlack spores with washing powder,” Fulcrum answered. “It has to be liquids.”

“I look ridiculous.”

“Then imagine how I look!”


They shared a laugh, which was interrupted only by the knocks on the outside of the capsules, to let them know that they were being transported to the med bay.

“Remember,” Fulcrum said, “Keep your beak straight forward and your eyes alert. Don't let them see your discomfort and maintain your dignity. This is all necessary to ensure that we are not infested with spores. You did an excellent job of that today.”

“How do you know? I was under the hat.”

“I will say that you did an excellent job anyway.”

Fulcrum wasn't really saying it to Dash, though. He meant it for himself. He had three goals for this trip, and in one day he accomplished both the real mission and the real real mission. Contact with Karlacks, allies against MEH, and as a bonus, he joined a secret club (and the secret club within it)! The first and official mission of making a good impression on others was going well also. It was a warm feeling of pride, knowing how successful he was and how well he was doing his duties for the Refuge.

And that was much better than that tiny irritating feeling of willneverbecleanwillneverbecleanwillneverbeclean why did we have to go to so many meetings before getting back here willneverbecleanwillneverbeclean...

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:32pm
by Master_Baerne
The Bragulan Economic Exposition Extravaganza of Friendship (BEEEF)
Vlyadibragstok, Southeastern Severnaya Sector / just beyond Northwestern Lena Sector
Goddamn Unreal Time / October-December 3400

"As you may be aware," said the Formic Hive Queen serving as the Ascendant representative at the BEEEF, "there is a fleet of my nation en route to the former Outlands. I have been directed to offer their support for the invasion of the MEH; the central Ascendant government is as disgusted by the xenocidal tendencies of the MEH as any other civilized power would be. Accompanying the fleet are two million crack Formic troops, which would be of great use in any planetary conflict. Does the coalition have a use for our forces?"

Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Posted: 2011-06-05 08:24pm
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Belkanische Allgemeine Zeitung
xx March 3401 edition

The CFA-44 Nosferatu, one of the Imperial Belkan Aerospace Force's most advanced fighter craft
DINSMARK, GREATER BELKA - Following the Shinra Republic's shocking revelation and allegation of the Multiversal Empire of Happiness' involvement in the trafficking of sentient beings, in particular ESPers for the purposes of experimentation, the leaders of the Belkan Empire have collectively condemned the MEH for its alleged crimes and have volunteered the support of the Imperial Belkan Armed Forces to the Shinra-led coalition of the willing and their mission to liberate the enslaved ESPers of the MEH.

"Our support for this coalition will primarily be military, though we will not discount the possibility of committing civilian aid to the effort at a later time," Sky Marshal Vladimir Rald, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Belkan Armed Forces, said in an official statement today. "The Imperial Belkan Armed Forces, with the combined strength of their Ground and Aerospace Forces and their Space Navy, is ready and willing to do its part to fight for a galaxy free of the Multiversal Empire of Happiness' tyranny. Our fighting forces not only possess cutting-edge technology and some of the best training in the entire galaxy, but a vast and truly unique pool of experience gained from our centuries working as mercenaries. Our most skilled and experienced officers shall lead our forces into glorious battle to wipe the stars and the skies clean of the corpulent menace posed by the MEH."

This move has been met with overwhelming support by the Belkan government and the majority of Belka's populace. Demonstrations were held in public places all throughout Belka, simultaneously supporting the Imperial Belkan Armed Forces and denouncing the MEH's abuse of ESPers. As with many other nations all throughout known space, the Belkan Empire holds ESPers in high regard, making particularly heavy use of them in the Imperial Belkan Armed Forces as elite infantry and pilots. The MEH's initial announcement, stating their intention to experiment on ESPers from convict populations, already provoked massive outrage among the Belkan people before the Shinra Republic released conclusive proof of the MEH actually making good on its proclamations. "I'm a Belkan mercenary ESPer, and I say, 'KILL THE FATTIES!'" an Ground Force 1st Lieutenant identifying herself as "Vita" told reporters during an anti-MEH rally while waving around a picket sign featuring far more vulgar slogans.

However, there are concerns over Belka's commitment to the coalition. As the Imperial Belkan Armed Forces are also (in)famous for being some of the finest mercenaries money can buy, many Belkan military assets are already committed to ongoing mercenary operations, particularly in and around the Wild Space region. Most analysts believe that the assets for a Belkan expeditionary force would need to be drawn mainly from the country's system defense forces and from any other currently uncommitted military units.
Col Detlef Fleisher, leader of the 52nd TFS "Rot"
With recent news of the Ford Prefect's Country also joining the coalition, many influential Belkan military officers have been especially vocal regarding the competence and military capabilities of their erstwhile comrades in the Ford Regional Overall Defense Force. For instance, Colonel Detlef Fleisher, leader of the Aerospace Force 52nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Rot," has said of the FROD's insistence on using mecha for its ground and aerospace forces: "While there are MANY good reasons why our ancestors in the Zeonic Federation and ZATO were crushed and scattered to the nine vectors of space by the Haruhiists, their insistence on using mecha for everything to the neglect of more conventional warfighting equipment is the one that is most cited in many military history textbooks today. Even with crew training and actual firepower being equal, mecha are individually far more expensive to produce and maintain than tanks and aerospace craft and possess significantly more disadvantages. It is common knowlege that the FROD's performance lags considerably compared to its neighbors, as demonstrated by publicized results of military exercises with the Shinra and Haruhiist militaries. The FROD are simply using the wrong tools for the job, and while I do hope that such a grim event will never come to pass, it may take something as drastic as a one-sided massacre by MEH forces to shock them back to reality. For all of their stupidity, at least the fatties actually employ tanks and proper close air support."