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Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-11 10:47pm
by Lonestar
Viceroy of New Granada

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-11 11:00pm
by CmdrWilkens
Ryan Thunder wrote:
CmdrWilkens wrote:Total aside with this no longer troubling Mexico and the note expiring we will be sending an ultimatum to Gran Colombia, just as a heads up Ryan.
Buh... Wha?

EDIT: Are you nuts? I sent diplomats. You appear to have ignored them...

EDIT2: Also, the capital is Caracas. :|
I ignored them because they arrived without a note :D

My bad about the Caracas thing but simply put, and this is VERY OOC, with the forces of worldwide communism distracted elsewhere Mexico is picking a bone with Colombia to secure her (Mexico's) position as the preeminent power in the Caribbean. Now I may be willing to settle for less than total control over Panama as a client kingdom but I can't tolerate someone who isn't my ally controlling so vital a link as the Panama Canal for the next dozen years until I have my own canal. *stir the pot, stir the pot*

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-11 11:19pm
by Steve
Heh. Rogue should honestly dislike such ambition from Mexico, and of course the threat of shut-downs to the Panama Canal may spur irritation against Mexico in other quarters. But your plan is solid... well, as soon as you figure out the tricky business of how to invade with no actual land border. :wink:

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-11 11:28pm
by Siege
By Jove has the Union been dealt a bum hand. Fully a third of its army effectively written off on the first day of combat, half of its territory (corresponding to an estimated third of its population) lost, no mobilization going until now... But by God, as long as Vesting Holland stands I will bleed the Hun and his perfidious French stooges dry! *shakes fist*

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-11 11:34pm
by Steve
Honestly mobilization should have begun the day the Dutch got the ultimatum, and I will rule such as happening. Just that since the deadline was only 2 days or so, I think, they haven't nearly had the time to remotely begin proper mobilization.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-11 11:55pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Siege wrote:By Jove has the Union been dealt a bum hand. Fully a third of its army effectively written off on the first day of combat, half of its territory (corresponding to an estimated third of its population) lost, no mobilization going until now... But by God, as long as Vesting Holland stands I will bleed the Hun and his perfidious French stooges dry! *shakes fist*
I sense patriotic pride. :lol:

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 12:16am
by CmdrWilkens
Steve wrote:Heh. Rogue should honestly dislike such ambition from Mexico, and of course the threat of shut-downs to the Panama Canal may spur irritation against Mexico in other quarters. But your plan is solid... well, as soon as you figure out the tricky business of how to invade with no actual land border. :wink:
Such a plan is in place and will be communicated to the mods if Colombia doesn't agree to an outright surrender (which oddly enough would probably cause me more problems with the US as you say than a somewhat less one sided result). Anyway period preparatory to war was announced 96 hours prior to when the war would begin (it coincided with the 3 day note after which this ultimatum was delivered with the 24 hour expiry) and mobilization was announced effective with the issue of the ultimatum. Given this sequence I expect to have reserve units kitting out for the first week of any conflict followed by movement to staging areas. All active duty formations are currently moving to their assigned positions as they were already brought to alert 3 days ago, only those units specifically mentioned as being on the move at that time will reach their staging points within 24 hours of the ultimatum's expiry.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 01:40am
by Ryan Thunder
Right, so ITT we learn that the Mexican Emperor is a crazed lunatic. Oh well. Too bad for him.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 02:53am
by K. A. Pital
So no one would take control of the USSR? Should I just presume my former nation become a huge loose NPC? I'm still looking into the threads to see if (and who, by will of the mods) takes over my nation and help with transit issues, but if no one would, I'm not going to wait forever.

My nation's fully fleshed out, as is it's OOB (and future tech tree to some extent, although I doubt anyone could manage it as efficiently as myself), so anyone could take over and continue playing. I would also give that person access to the picture repository that keeps Soviet Navy ship pictures and photos of USSR locations in the 1920-1930 period.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 03:11am
by Steve
For the moment it's an NPC. Rogue, Timothy, and I will take up the question of finding a new Soviet player I imagine, but Rogue saw fit to announce Russia as an NPC to A) see if we could keep you in and B) to prevent a rush of players looking to take over.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 03:54am
by Evincer
Too tired to post right now, but the Bolivarian Union is placing its navy and air force on alert following the notification from Gran Colombia of a possible Caribbean war.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 07:10am
by Thanas
Steve wrote:Honestly mobilization should have begun the day the Dutch got the ultimatum, and I will rule such as happening. Just that since the deadline was only 2 days or so, I think, they haven't nearly had the time to remotely begin proper mobilization.
No, the deadlines was 30 minutes.

Let me fill you in:

a) Ultimatum delivered at 11:30
b) War starts at 12:00
c) Now, we are at the end of Day 1 and the beginning of Day 2 - meaning that the Dutch had about 24 hours so far to mobilize.

That means that any positions that are not filled by regulars are filled by completely surprised and hastily activated reservists.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 08:56am
by K. A. Pital
Any positions within 20 or so km of the border. Because 20 km per day is the highest tempo for infantry divs to move.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 09:18am
by Steve
Ah, didn't realize the ultimatum was so short. My bad.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 09:32am
by Norseman
One might wonder how the preparations for such a surprise attack were done without anyone in Europe proper noticing...

Then again IMHO the reason the Dutch are getting so shafted has more to do with the fact that Karmic Knight isn't here to scream bloody murder.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 09:39am
by Thanas
Actually, I have been shifting troops IC to northern Germany over several posts over the past ingame months. You can find it in my posts.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 09:56am
by K. A. Pital
His bane is his small territory and the vast disparity of forces. Germany and France could, even advancing 3-10 km per day depending on the heaviness of fighting, and with heavy battles and partisans on every corner, still overrun him in several months or so. The only matter is losses they take.

Had it been a large nation, things would've been rather different.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 09:59am
by Lascaris
Thanas wrote:Actually, I have been shifting troops IC to northern Germany over several posts over the past ingame months. You can find it in my posts.
Even so the part on going after border posts sending in the armored trains etc would NOT work. The Dutch would had gone to full alert the moment you delivered the ultimatum. Arresting every German and French citizen for deportation very much included.

I won't even question how all these armed German tourists got into a Communist police state in the first place.

Further I'd be pretty certain that one says 15 divisions are in frex Brussels what it means is that the HQ of the respective army is there not that he has packed a quarter million men there in peacetime.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 10:01am
by loomer
How exactly would they arrest 'every' German and French citizen in thirty minutes?

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 10:24am
by Thanas
Lascaris wrote:
Thanas wrote:Actually, I have been shifting troops IC to northern Germany over several posts over the past ingame months. You can find it in my posts.
Even so the part on going after border posts sending in the armored trains etc would NOT work. The Dutch would had gone to full alert the moment you delivered the ultimatum. Arresting every German and French citizen for deportation very much included.
Preposterous, even assuming the dutch commander immediately ran for his telephone, phoned commanders etc - it takes time to get such an operation ready.
I won't even question how all these armed German tourists got into a Communist police state in the first place.
By boat or as normal travellers? The netherlands has a fucking lot of waterways and assuming you have got around 50 switch operators on a single rail line, that is about 200-300 men per railroad alone. One can easily smuggle that many people in considering the amount of trading that is going on in that.
Further I'd be pretty certain that one says 15 divisions are in frex Brussels what it means is that the HQ of the respective army is there not that he has packed a quarter million men there in peacetime.
Ah, so now lets all assume that his brigades are placed in the best manner to resist a german invasion. Awesome. Why did I need to make a detailled OOB again?

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 12:54pm
by Norseman
Okay I'm quitting, too many other players are leaving and I'm just not having any fun here... The moderators can do what they want with Brazil, this map of ports inland and at sea ought to tell you where the forts are. Good bye.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 01:11pm
by Lascaris
Norseman wrote:Okay I'm quitting, too many other players are leaving and I'm just not having any fun here... The moderators can do what they want with Brazil, this map of ports inland and at sea ought to tell you where the forts are. Good bye.
Why I start feeling a restart is in order?

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 01:13pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
What the fuck? The game has barely started, and aside from the nonsense of a Soviet-Manchurian war, what other crap is turning up? As for Karmic, he has occasionally disappeared? Or has he quit? He hasn't exactly posted much since the start of the game anyway.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 01:13pm
by Lascaris
loomer wrote:How exactly would they arrest 'every' German and French citizen in thirty minutes?
Ok. Somehow I was under the impression it was rather 1-2 days than 30 minutes but I see the ultimatum was about on par with that of Italy to Greece in 1940.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2009-12-12 01:21pm
by Ryan Thunder
What a bloody mess...