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Posted: 2008-07-01 07:29pm
by Tanasinn
Sakamoto flashed a brief smile, "that makes things easier for both of our nations," she paused to think, of course, there are ways to sweeten the deal, our situation considered. Sakamoto was coming to the same conclusion her male counterpart would: the commencement of meaningful trade would require the ressurection of the Union merchant fleet, and that would take up valuable time in the shipyards. It was a dangerous neighborhood, as the navy-types were wont to remark, and diverting the shipyards to produce anything but warships was bound to meet with at least some degree of dissatisfaction.

"We're also interested in importing military hardware," she began, "mostly naval equipment," she gave a shrug of mild exhasperation, "pirates, barbarians, and tin-pot tyrants are springing up like fungus these days."

Posted: 2008-07-01 08:13pm
by Rogue 9
Shelton's smile flickered for a moment, but quickly returned. "We can produce ships under contract. Production of main line warships for export would have a very hard time getting past the Senate, but I'm sure we could work out a deal for lighter vessels and freighters, if you require it."

Posted: 2008-07-01 08:18pm
by Tanasinn
Sakamoto shrugged slightly, "We'd be in no position to complain, to be frank, no matter the agreement. I can sympathize regardless. These are, after all, violent times, and not much comes cheap. We will deal in what you're interested in dealing in."

Posted: 2008-07-07 09:33pm
by Rogue 9
Shelton smiled grimly. "Nothing comes cheap indeed. To have effective trade we'll have to undertake the construction of bulk freighters; we were dependent upon the Empire for mass shipping, just like almost everywhere else. But food and finished goods for raw materials is a trade I'm sure our government would authorize and our companies would be more than willing to carry out."

Posted: 2008-07-07 10:12pm
by Tanasinn
Sakamoto nodded, "Likewise on our end: the Union has been on war footing for a while, so our own merchant fleet is in need of recontruction. In that case, Mr. Shelton, it seems we've come to an agreement."