SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

SNC Meeting, Shroomania

Quite some time had passed, since the last SNC meeting, and now finally another one was about to begin. This meeting would prove to be quite a historical event for the SNC alliance and for Shroomania.

"A day to be remembered.", Shady thought to himself as he got off the Presidential plane, "Hurry up my dear, can't let our friends wait for us."

"I'm coming.", Elena answered as she rushed to exit the plane, "I see somebody is already here."

In the distance Shady noticed his friends Shroom and Heraclius exchanging greetings.

"Yes, Heraclius seems to have arrived first.", Shady answered, "Come, let us go and greet them."

Elena grabbed the Premiers hand and together they made their way across the runway, to the place where Heraclius and Shroom were waiting, followed by a group of Black Hand Soldiers.

"Shroom, Heraclius...Dearest of all my friends. It's been a while.", Shady smiled as he walked closer to the two men, "It is good to see you both again. I take it we are waiting for Stas and Paul?"

OOC[[Note: My previous post is now officially moving to Unreal Time Tm. We'll see what happens with it, later./OOC]]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »




Photo: During a brief break in deliberations, Tourism Minister Seela Kimthrel points to a chart outlining Parliamentary spending objectives. His Majesty's 1st wife, Isabelle, looks on at left.

NATIONAL ASSMBLY BUILDING: The Greens and Labor Parties today made good their threat to trip up the King's plans by holding his Naval Expansion bill hostage until concessions are given to Canissian workers, sources inside the Parliament said.

Led in revolt by Greens Party leader and Environment Minister Myra Foxglove (Greens Party, Picon) and Tourism Minister Seela Kimthrel (Labor Party, Aerelon), the government was gridlocked today on passing the Naval Expansion budget. While the Royalist and Nationalist parties are willing to negotiate with His Majesty, their support is lukewarm and many members of those parties abstained from voting. In an unusual show, the entire Libertarian Party withheld participation, stating that they wanted the mess cleared up before they'd even consider voting one way or another.

His Majesty the King came to the Assembly hall today to personally rally for his bill, but was met by unmoving opposition from the Greens and Labor. His wife Isabelle --a staunch Nationalist-- was with him, and (according to some sources) "quite grumpy and rude" to some of the Greens and Labor back-benchers who tried to meet with her.

"We don't see the need to expand military spending more than it already has been expanded," said Minister Kimthrel in an open announcement, "Especially when so much military and foreign aid budget is already being spent on allied countries instead of our own workers."

The King was unmoved by the criticism.

"The opposition tells me they want more jobs for Canissians, then kill a naval expansion project that would have kept dockworkers busy for years," he said, "This isn't serving the people, it's sheer pettiness."

In an effort to unblock the government, Nationalist party leader and Defense Minister Ral Tenn (National Party, Saggitaron) offered a compromise-- to expand the Navy's task forces by one, instead of two; and to instead double up on many support, service, and resupply ships, which he stated are already barely adequate to keep up with need. The end result would be even more ships than the King originally asked for, albeit of support vessels rather than surface combatants.

The King agreed to the compromise, and also to the suggestion by Science & Industry Minister Mark Reebo (Libertarian Party, Gemenon) to invest in a floating X-Band radar installation instead of attempting to build a installation on the Least Cayman Island, near Puerto Los Santos. His Majesty was willing to negotiate that point seperately.

Of interest to many others was the King's announcement of a large infrastructure project he was interested in: His Majesty wanted to begin construction of a major space launch facility at North Katangwa, at a site that is ideally located on the equator. The King said that long-term scientific endeavor would make it an ideal spot to potentially begin construction on a space elevator that would involve the MESS nations.

As part of the King's attempt to mollify critics, and bring the Libertarians into his camp, he approved exploration of Katangwaland's interior by Canexxia geologists seeking mineral and oil deposits.

Many points of contention remain, but for the time being the Libertarians are considering coming in out of the cold and supporting the King's plans. More negotiations will be had with the Greens and Labor Parties, who still want to discuss the Shroomanian WMD testing in Astaria. Public outrage against Shroomania was blunted, however, by revelations about the "Great Sub Bluff" that recently pushed the KKV test off the public radar, and focused attention instead not only on Shroomania's well-played coup, but on the situation in San Dorado and Coilerburg.

"Public concern over the satellite bombing has been cooling," said a disappointed Minister Foxglove.

More as the situation unfolds.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by RogueIce »


From: Rufus Shinra, President of the Shinra Republic
To: Shroom the Seven Hundred Seventy Seventh, Prime Minister of the Sovereignty of Shroomania

My Friend,

I am happy to hear that you would like to visit my nation. Rest assured we will welcome your visit at any time and will show you the best of Shinra hospitality.

Regarding the CBS Warden, I am happy to hear from you that those nasty rumors were unfounded. While extremely unfortunate that the former government in Coilerburg would allow such an incident to happen, whether through poor training of their crew, simple neglect of navigational equipment, or whatever other reason may be, I am glad to know that, despite the actions of others who are not as careful, the Shroomanians are able to show restraint and calm when it is appropriate, and to not inflame an already tense situation needlessly.

Further, I have received a preliminary report from Ambassador Forman confirming that the structural integrity of the Warden is sound, barring the damage from the two collisions, of which your government if of course not at fault. I understand he will make a public statement to that effect, and I am sure such statement will have been made before this letter should reach you.

Finally, I am also glad to hear that the Warden will be returned to the custody of the Corporate Republic of San Dorado. I believe that this is an important step in putting such a tragic and unpleasent incident behind us and moving forward in the best spirit of international cooperation, for which your nation is rightly known and justly proud.

I look forward to being able to work together in the future for further mutual benefit and cooperation, though hopefully in a situation more pleasent than this.

Your Friend,
Rufus Shinra
President of the Shinra Republic

From: Shroom the Seven Hundred Seventy Seventh, Prime Minister of the Sovereignty of Shroomania
To: Rufus Shinra, President of the Shinra Republic

Mister President,

Good tidings to you too, old chum. Indeed, I am in good health, and I do hope that you are also fine and well as well. I might take you up on your offer and give Shinra a visit, as I've long longed to go over to MESSica once more and expend entire rolls of film taking pictures of your super spectacle sights (as they call them in San Dorado). Perhaps we could go on and work to forge closer relations between not only our nations, but those of our allies in the Old Continent and the MESS respectively.

I think that would be a nice change of pace. Lately, I've been so busy with my own nation's affairs that I've missed many international affairs - like that tiff over at Velaria. Unfortunately, not every international issue has missed me...

You are correct in that a nuclear guided missile submarine somehow wandering into Shroomanian waters is an issue we take with some severity. There is no precedent for this matter, for not even in the height of Shroomania's miniature Cold War with the CSR had a strategic weapons platform breached our territory in such an insidious and threatening manner, not until now.

Mr. President, Rufus, you know me. But even someone as easygoing as I cannot take this matter lightly - especially after our previous experiences in the Pathogen War and in certain other circumstances before that. I have a responsibility to my nation, my people, and those of my friends and allies and I too, in good conscience, cannot afford to put any of them at risk. Please understand that the actions of the former Coilerburg Navy threatened Shroomanian lives in a way unlike anything since the Pathogen War, and the resulting incidents were due to the constitution of that threat.

However, I can give you my word that we will return the Coilerburg submarine in one piece back to the appropriate FTO authorities as soon as we can, readily and completely willingly, and in full concordance with international laws. Your ambassador Reginald Foreman and his staff are welcome to inspect the Warden.

I thank you for your offer at mediating and facilitating our negotiations with San Dorado. President Sydney Hank and myself are actually good friends, but I hardly think three of us would make a crowd, we're all chums. In any case, our new plan is to return the Warden to the Corporate Republic of San Dorado as opposed to Coilerburg. The current political situation in Coilerburg itself is tenuous at best, so our reluctance to give it back to them directly is hopefully understandable.

The unstable condition of Coilerburg and the fact that we've had reliable intelligence of the former-Coilerburg Navy planning hostilities against Shroomania has contributed to our continued impoundment of the CBS Warden. But now that San Dorado has assumed control of that wayward nation and that matters are now considerably less ambiguous, we can at last begin to end this regrettable mess.

I appreciate your concern. I'd like very much to work with you to resolve this matter to the satisfaction of all parties, so that we may move on and work together to make the world a safer and better place. Not just for the Sovereignty and the Republic, but for all people. That, I think, would be the most amicable of all resolutions and I look forward to working with you in the future.

Yours truly,
Shroom the 777th
Prime Minister of the Sovereignty of Shroomania
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

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The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by RogueIce »

((OOC: This takes place before the letter to Shroom was sent))

Ambassador Forman: Submarine is "structurally intact"

Earlier today, Ambassador Reginald Forman, Shinra Republic ambassador to Shroomania, issued a statement concerning the ongoing rumors that the Shroomanian government had been dismantling the CBS Warden, which had come into the custody of the Shroomanian government after a collision with a Shroomish submarine.

"I have completed a tour of the dockyards where the submarine was being held, and I can state the structural integrity of the vessel is sound. There is no evidence to indicate any dismantling on the part of Shroomanian authorities." When question about the internal integrity of the vessel, Ambassador Forman responded, "In respect to the security of the FTO, I did not tour the inside of the vessel. However, as the vessel will be returned shortly to the custody and control of the Corporate Republic of San Dorado, they will be able to answer that question."

When asked why the Federal Republics of Cascadia, a close friend of the Shinra Republic, would issue a public memo critical of a dismantling that had apparently never happened, Ambassador Forman replied, "You would have to ask that question of the Cascadian State Department. I can not and will not speculate or speak on their behalf."



Mister President,

I have been given a tour by the Shroomanian government and I found the external structure of the CBS Warden to be intact, excluding the damage done by the two collisions. While I was not, per the agreement, shown the interior of the vessel, I did not see any evidence within the drydock itself of any major dismantling of the interior sections. While of course any such evidence could have been cleaned up for my tour, such speculation is not backed by evidence and will not be voiced in any official report or statements I make on the matter.

I have also been assured by the Shroomanian government and representitives from San Dorado that the Warden will be returned at the soonest.

Very Respectfully,
Reginald "Red" Forman
Shinra Republic Ambassador to the Sovereignty of Shroomania
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by phongn »

A note to Canassia

" The IRT views with great concern the current Canassian proposal to site military radar systems in the Cayman Islands. We seek further clarification as to Canassia's intentions with regard to the Caymans and the possibility of further destabilizing a country already on the brink of revolution."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

phongn wrote:A note to Canassia

" The IRT views with great concern the current Canassian proposal to site military radar systems in the Cayman Islands. We seek further clarification as to Canassia's intentions with regard to the Caymans and the possibility of further destabilizing a country already on the brink of revolution."

From: Foreign Minister Ren Lars
To: Representatives of the IRT
Re: Canissian Involvement in the Caymans


Your concern is noted, and it is my unfortunate duty to inform you at this time that we have no clear answer to give. While this is no doubt very frustrating, it must be noted that while contacts have been initiated with the Mayor of Puerto Los Santos, and some general discussion about needs and agreements have been contemplated, the actual need for a facility at the Least Cayman Island is being hotly debated.

The facility in question would be twofold: Primarily of interest to the Canissian government would be the building of a radar station that would be used to track objects in orbit on behalf of our space program (in fact, the data from the base could be used to integrate space tracking data for all space programs in the interests of safety). This would be a facility manned partially by civilian technicians and Navy crew; however, the Naval personnel would be technical in nature and not combat personnel.

The second facility would be a small Royal Navy base at the Puerto Los Santos shoreline. This would be a modest-sized base, used to replenish the Radar station and Destroyer-sized craft and smaller, and not be a major, fleet-base facility.

While it was hoped that the addition of such facilities would go a long way to help stabilise the area by providing income and jobs (and the possibility of upgrading the Puerto Los Santo infrastructure as a bonus) it has become difficult to pass the plan in the Canissian National Assembly. Also of difficulty is negotiating with the local Mayor, who insists that we negotiate with him only.

For the moment, we are not sure whether these plans will proceed or not.

FM Ren Lars
Royal People's Republic of Canissia
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Royal Palace
Ashford City

The time had finally come for Lelouch to start his world tour. Porters were busy outside of the Royal Palace packing bags into vans and SUVs as an entire platoon of Royal Guards stood watch. After wrapping up some business with his siblings and General Secretary Ashford, who were all going to be running the country in his absence, Lelouch made his way to the limousine outside waiting for him, with C.C., Kallen, and Shirley all following shortly behind him.

"We've gotten the go-ahead from PeZookia and Cascadia to visit them, but there's going to be a slight change in our itnerary," Shirley said to Lelouch as she followed him. "Emperor Heraclius, Presidents Stanislav and Shady, and King Paul are all going to be in Farbanti for an SNC meeting with Prime Minister Shroom. We're going to stop by there first."

"Notify the Shroomanians that we'll be arriving there as soon as possible," Lelouch said to Shirley as she, C.C., and Kallen got into the limo; he then followed them immediately afterwards, closing the door behind him as he went inside. Once he was in and the vans were finished loading, the Royal Guards platoon dispersed and entered their SUVs; shortly after that, the entire convoy departed for the airport, where a Langley Air Force VC-137C was waiting to take them around the world.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »


Chartered LOT flight LT127, en route to Shroomania

"Your highness, we'll be landing in two hours.", the stewardess informed the King, before disappearing again in her tail-section kingdom. Paul looked at his watch and stretched. He wanted to take the train, himself - promote environmentally friendly means of transportation and all that - but as it turned out, the sovereign's time was precious, no matter if he liked it or not.

"Honey, wake up. We're almost there.", he said, gently touching his wife's arm.

"Hmm? Oh...", he woke up, dazed slightly, "How far away are we?"

"Two hours. I wanted to go through the itinerary..."

"Right...right, give me a minute, okay?", she said and excused herself. Kamila came by the business class section a few minutes later, carrying a rather large and thick folder.

"Hello", she said cheerfully, sitting down in one of the empty chairs, "I brought all the documents here with me...where's lady Agatha?"

"Oh, she had to go powder her nose. How are things? You seem to be in a good mood", Paul observed, and it was true. Despite a lot of personal turmoil in her life lately, including divorce proceedings, she seemed more optimistic than before.

"Why fine, thank you...I'm almost done moving out. The Chamberlain's Office found me a nice apartment in the city, so I won't have such a long commute, and..."

"You won't be staying in Orena for long, will you?", Paul interrupted, smiling to himself as he opened the folder.

"Well,, sire. I wanted to..."

"Don't worry, I'll sign the resignation. For now, though, let's see what the Shroomanians have prepared for us.", he said and pulled out the visit's itinerary.

Damn, this is going to be such a media scandal, he thought to himself as he read the document, thinking of Kamila's divorce.

Farbanti, Shroomania

The airliner touched down, and the well-adjusted machine went to work. There was a small welcoming comittee at the airport, and a motorcade quickly spirited Paul away to a hotel, where presidential apartments were already waiting for him and his entourage. There, they quickly prepared to attend opening ceremonies of the conference.

"Kamila, I'd like to get to the site a little early. I have to say 'hello' to Shroom, and I understand he'll be arriving straight from the airport along with the other delegates?"

"Yes, sire. I'll notify the security detail."

Kamila left, and the King finished getting dressed up. It was funny that he even had special people to tie his tie knots for him - the entire formal suit was already prepared for him when he got to the hotel. Agatha was getting attention from hairdressers and stylists in the next room...and all for a few minutes before the cameras.

Then again, this conference is going to shake things up a bit...

"Sire, the motorcade is waiting.", Kamila reported not five minutes after she left.

"Thank you. We'll be right there."

Results: King Paul arrives in Shroomania early, to avoid the pomp and make the job easier on the organizing staff.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Farbanti, Shroomania

Most of the participants of the meeting had arrived and things would soon start rolling. The last to arrive was President Stanislav of the CSR. His plane landed at the Farbanti airport, where he was welcomed by the Shroomanians and soon whisked away to his hotel in an armored limousine, from where he would go to the meeting.

With all the key players there, the meeting was ready to begin.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Weapons Free

Silver Streak in orbit. Parts of Messica can be seen in the background.

The orbiter soundlessly powered through the near-vacuum of low earth orbit. Nations and continents sped by far beneath. Captain Eddie Sadler felt a breath-taking freedom. He could go anywhere. He could do anything. He could--

“Snap out of it bro, we’re approaching the ATV.”

Eddie tore his gaze away from the rolling white clouds below. He threw a brief glance over at his sister Nadine, pilot, mission commander and the first woman in space. Another first for San Dorado, he thought to himself. First twins in space…

He peered at his instrumentation. “I see it. Computer’s talking to it.”

The Carnegie automated transfer vehicle was based on work done by FASTA, a light drone spacecraft intended to wholly automatically resupply orbiters in space.

“Forty meters. Thirty nine. Thirty eight...”, Eddie read off the instruments.

“So far so good. Okay, coming up for final approach…”

“Depressurizing the payload bay.”

Responding to cues from the orbiter’s flight computer the ATV silently manoeuvred itself into position above the bay of the Silver Streak. The bay doors on the Carnegie slid open, revealing two dangerous-looking projectiles inside.

“Well hello there darlings”, Eddie murmured and set the Automated Cargo Transfer System in motion. The bay doors of the Silver Streak opened. Slowly and delicately the robotic machinery in the ATV began transferring the missiles onto the launcher mechanism mounted inside the Silver Streak.

The two astronauts grinned. ACTS was working. So far they were two for two.

“Kittyhawk, this is Outlaw”, Nadine radioed. “We’ve received our payload and are ready to commence phase three.”

“Copy that Outlaw” came the reply from Camp Kittyhawk. “Commencing phase three of operations. ATV in motion… Now.”

Above the Silver Streak the unmanned freighter fired its retrorockets, sending it away from the orbiter. Once at a safe distance the ATV engaged its main engine, propelling it away from the military shuttle.

“ATV is gaining distance”, Eddie reported. “Ten kilometres… Fifteen… Twenty.”

“Outlaw, this is Kittyhawk. You are now weapons free. I repeat, you are weapons free.”

“Let’s do this thing”, Nadine said and activated the weapons systems. In the payload bay the launcher mechanism jerked into motion. “Arming primary…” She pressed the red button on the centre stick. “Fox Three!”

Nothing happened.

“Well sis, that’s kind of underwhelming”, Eddie quipped.

“Shut up. Kittyhawk, we’re having a problem with the primary. It won’t fire.”

“Copy that Outlaw. Disengage primary and switch to secondary.”

“Okay… Primary is disengaged. Arming secondary… Fox Three!”

This time the second SIM-120 flashed off the weapons rack into space, its active radar seeking out the target ahead of it. It connected with the ATV and the 25kg high explosive blast fragmentation warhead detonated, tearing through the small pod and rending it apart in a cloud of orbital debris.

Nadine smiled. “Kittyhawk, this is Outlaw. Direct hit on the target. Mission is accomplished.”

“Copy, Outlaw. We’re looking at the debris field here, it should burn up over the Pacific. Well done- pack her up and come home.”

“Retracting the launch mechanism. Closing payload bay doors. Clear the runway Kitthawk, we’re coming down”.

Eddie smiled. “What do you think sis, will we make it in time for tea?”

Nadine smiled back. “We’ll be just in time for tea and medals.”

Result: SIM-120 test is a success, but the launcher mechanism on the Silver Streak is still a bit buggy.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

Seaside Palace, Canissia

"Wow," King Arik said as the intelligence information scrolled across his screen. "Wow," he said again, because he couldn't think of anything else to say.
"What is it, sweetie?" Siobhan asked as she sidled up next to him.

"San Dorado just tested a space-to-space intercept, it looks like," Arik said, "Or at least as far as we can tell with what space-tracking assets there are. Look," he said, pointing to th eprintouts coming from the ground stations. "Here's the fisrt blip, that Silver Streak, here's the target drone... here's this blip, here, just showed up for a second... and then look, here."
"The drone blip is gone," she said.

"Yeah," the King said, "We got some feedback from debris."
"Wow," Siobhan said.
"My thoughts exactly. I was hoping that the HERV announcement would highlight the need to get into space fast... but it's really kicked off an arms race in space."

"Which... technically does fulfill your objective," his wife reminded him.
"True, that," Arik said, "Gods, I kinda regret the Eagle, now, in a way. Oh, sure, when all the bugs are worked out it'll be the best ship out there, but it's so complex that it's taking forever. And now we're being surpassed..." He picked up his cell phone and put in a secure call through the Palace router.

"Yo, Colonel Axman... yeah, it's the boss. Hey, we've temporarily suspended THEL to look into the 100kw solid-state laser stuff, so how's that coming? Pretty well? Tell me, Colonel... I have some more redesign work I want to consider. Get with the Canissian Aerospace guys and the Air Force to see if we can mount one on the Eagle..."

Eagle to undergo weaponization tests.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »


FASTA bulletin

Soyuz 6 lands in Anatolia

After 14 days in space, FASTA astronauts Svetlana Savitskaya (CSR) and Carter Blake (Vineyards) landed safely in their modified TMA capsule in eastern Anatolia.

The record mission was filled with critical points, and several times the control team considered aborting the flight: mostly due to health problems foreseen for the astronauts. The intrepid crew performed several EVAs, accomplishing complicated work tasks and moving about the outside of the spacecraft. They performed dozens of important scientific experiments, providing loads of data for analysis by the world's scientific community.

Finally, by their long stay in space and good health upon return, they proved human beings can live and work in space for prolonged periods of time.

In other headlines...

First FASTA lunar lander mission to launch on New Year's Eve

Long-term Human Space Presence Experiment given go-ahead

FASTA technologies in everyday life

Class 2014 recruitment expected to be lower than anticipated ; Moonbeam Incident to blame
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »


Farbanti, Shroomania

The King of PeZookia, His Highness King Paul, had arrived rather early. No doubt to avoid the pomp and ceremonies, landing discreetly in a chartered flight. Prime Minister Shroom hadn't quite expected him so early. At the time, the Shroomcoats were just beginning to put on their costumes, and the guard elephants were being herded to their tactical positions.

Had it been the unexpectedly early presence of any other world leader, Shroom might've felt embarrassed at the half-ready state of his affairs. But this man was no other man, this man was King Paul - the Prime Minister's brother in arms. Not just a Continental comrade, not just a friend or an ally, but more than that. He knew him better than any other man world leader.


"A bit of an early bird, aren't we?" Shroom smiled as he turned and saw the King arrived with his retinue. Shroom went over to shake hands with his old friend and to kiss Queen Agatha's hand. The Prime Minister also noticed the presence of the King's aide, Kamila. He remembered that remark he made earlier, back when he was going crazy, when he shouted to an imaginary Rufus Shinra and asked him about what if Kamila orbited his dick. The Prime Minister smiled at her, and quickly turned his attention back to Paul and Agatha. "But this is great, you guys get to catch me without my wig on."

Farbanti, Shroomania

Heraclius smiled and shook his hand, and Shroom tried not to wince at the Byzantine Emperor's firm grip. He just smiled as, then again, trying to give each other a good squeeze was as customary in Byzantium as it was in Shroomania, being one of the Greco-Romanic traditions shared by both nations.

"It's been a while since we had an SNC meeting, and in Shroomania no less! I take it King Paul, Premier Shady and Comrade Stasilav will be arriving soon?" Heraclius asked in a most jovial mood.

"As a matter of fact," Prime Minister Shroom smiled. "Premier Shady should be arriving just about... Now."

"Shroom, Heraclius! Dearest of all my friends. It's been a while," Shady approached Shroom and Heraclius, accompanied by his Black Hand guards who were in ceremonial attire, with right hands clad in black velvet gloves. Like Micheal Jackshroom. "It is good to see you both again. I take it we are waiting for Stas and Paul?"

"Indeed we are waiting for Comrade Stas," Shroom said as he led the both of his guests off the airport and towards the convoy that would whisk them over to where they would be going. "But you'll be surprised to find that King Paul is already here."

"Really?" Shady asked in slight surprise.

"Yeah," Shroom shrugged. "Beat you guys by a good couple of hours, actually, and as strange as it may sound, he's waiting for all of us."

"Then let's not keep him up," Heraclius said businesslike as he straightened his Imperial robes.

"Let's." Shady concurred. "Not."

"Then gentlemen," Shroom beckoned them to the convoy. "Shall we?"

"We shall!" Heraclius then declared and waved his cape.

Then they did.

LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

We're reporting LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV covering the COLOSSAL CONTINENTAL CONFERENCE of five of the Old Continent's Great Powers!

Here, in Farbanti, the capital city of the Sovereignty of Shroomania, the Prime Minister himself is hosting four of the world's most influential leaders.

Represented are Byzantium, PeZookia, the USSR and the Crimson Star Republic. Emperor Heraclius IV, King Paul, Premier Shady, and Comrade Stanislav. An unprecedented gathering, with the Sovereignty playing host no less!

For this event, Shroomania has spared no expense in organizing spectacles to behold befitting of the assembled leaders of its most prestigious neighbors. A show literally worthy of songs - actual-factual Super Spectacle Sights! Shroomanian Super Spectacle Sights! The boldness, the brilliance, the awesome alliterations!


Look, the Shroomcoats are coming! The Shroomcoats are coming!


And they're not alone, as they've come with... yes, they've come with them!


The elephant guards of Shroomania!


Positioning themselves, in their majestic elephantine enlargement, to framed formation! And what's this...?


Bagpipers from the Shroomttish Guard - just listen to the atonal sound of that music!


The (unofficial de facto) "Minister" of Mercenaries seems to be amongst them, decked out in full regimentals. Cross your legs, sir, we don't want to see your shillelagh!

And hey, what's this?


The ceremonial guard of Premier Shady - the renowned Black Hand! His hand doesn't look so black, but that's one spiffy velvet glove though.

And now... and now... it's the moment we've been all waiting for!

Five world leaders, marching side by side. Shroom the 777th shoulder to shoulder with his longtime friend King Paul, together with the venerable Emperor Heraclius IV, striding tall and proud, high and erect with Premier Shady and Comrade Stanislav!


Just look at that powerwalk! These men mean business, yessiree!

It begins!
If Langley's Lelouch was just boarding his flight "now" he might miss the initial ceremonies, but I think if he's quick, he can catch the AWESOME afterparty! Byzantine wine, Shroomanian sausages, and Crimson-Shadow vodka cigarettes for everyone!
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Byzantine Military Journal

Defence Ministry chooses the single 150 KW laser train for its future CIWS

The Defence Ministry has chosen the single laser train consisting of several 15KW modules to produce a 150KW laser with excellent beam quality to be its next CIWS. The laser was designed by a research group in the Defence Science Institute collaborating with Byzantine Heavy industries. It is expected that it will take 1-2 years to iron out the remaining engineering issues before the system can be deployed on the navy's warships. A Solid State laser THEL is expected to follow soon after. The Defence Ministry is continuing funding of the 3 laser projects, and a fourth project termed as a "Heat Capacity Laser" as it foresees that the technologies derived from the 4 projects would yield higher power lasers. The Defence Ministry say that they are directing the existing research groups to scale up their lasers in hope to reach 0.5-1MW power in the near future. Currently however, 150KW is deemed more than sufficient to deal with supersonic threats, as well as mortar and artillery shells, and artillery rockets.

First 2 destroyers of the Strategos and Praetor class emerge from the yards.

The Strategos and Praetor have finally emerged from the yards and will now undergo refit. The two destroyers will be the first of the class and represents an upgrade in defence capability for the Imperial Byzantine Navy.

Army officially accepts the K-3 Black Tiger.

The Army has officially accepted the K-3 Black Tiger tank. "The tank's performance is unquestionable, and incredible. Not only is it capable of dealing with a wide spectrum of threats, it is capable of defending itself from a wide spectrum of threats and has a greater upgrade capacity," says an Army spokesman. The spokesman also said that artillery, IFV and engineering and bridge derivatives of the tank are well into the end phase of trials and are expected to be accepted. Production of the tank and its variants will begin next year.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Karmic Knight »


"You lost a member of the Royal Retreat Guard?"

"It sounds bad when you put it that way, but..."

"No, I'm in charge now."
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Secret Report to the SNC military directorate

Dear Sirs,

A recent development of new ramjet/ducted rocket engines, and new rocket motors with high impulse, good throttle-control and 3D thrust vectoring nozzle and a ring of additional vectoring nozzles has yielded fruit. These new engines will be incorporated into existing missiles and the rocket engine will also be scaled up for space to space missiles. The following missiles have begun trials for eventual deployment next year.

1. The R-77M2 features a new inertial/Active Radar/cyogenically cooled focal plane array Infra-red imaging seeker derived from work done in the S-500 IADS. The seeker has an option of passive radar seeker to allow it to either home on jam or home on the enemy's radar emissions. A further refinement to the ramjet/rocket engines with thrust vectoring and ring of vectoring nozzles and airframe have resulted in boosted speeds up to MACH 6 and range to 0.3-220km while allowing high speed 14G maneuvers. The weight of the R-77M2 is approximately 5% more than the R-77M1 while retaining similar dimensions.

2. The R-37M missiles is an alternative to the R-172 missile with range up to 450km. Improvements to the missile include a new seeker, and slight refinements allowing it to gain greater maneuverability and speeds up to MACH 6. A variant of the missile, the R-37SM, features a booster pack to increase the range to 700km for other uses including destruction of satellites, while using a different thrust vectoring rocket motor more optimized for high altitude maneuvers. This R-37SM utilizes a kinetic warhead for kinetic kill.

3. The R-73M1 features a new high sensitivity cyogenically cooled focal plane array dual band IR imaging seeker and a electro-optic imaging seeker. Improvements to the airframe, ramjet engines and solid propellant rocket engines results in a MACH 5 missile which has extreme maneuverability and 40km range.

4. The R-27M2 is a shorter range contemporary of the R-77M2 but has higher maneuverability. There are two versions of the missile: one with 50NMi range and the other with 80NMi range. Enhanced airframe and improved engines results in a formidable missile.

5. The R-172M also features the same new seeker used in the R-37M and R-77M2, but also feature an electro-optic component. The missile has been given a more powerful TVC rocket engine and ramjets to boosts speed to MACH 6 and improved maneuverability.

6. The R-80 is a prototype missile currently undergoing last stage development. Details will be revealed later.

7. The R-82 is a prototype high endurance missile. Details to be revealed later.

8. The Klub IIA is a smaller version of the Klub II with shorter range. It can fit in the Su-50's internal weapons bay. Stealthy and with range >100Nmi, it is an excellent air to surface missile.

All missiles incorporate a laser proximity fuze, mid-course telemetry updates, countermeasure resistant, and have the option of being used in the air to surface role, and in the role of intercepting various missiles. The R-77M2, R-73M1, R-37M can fit in the Su-50's internal weapons bay.

(OOC: The Klub IIA is similar to the Joint Strike Missile/Naval Strike Missile by the Norweigians)
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2009-03-10 03:10am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"Welcome all to the latest SNC general meeting. I and Melchett will be the main pace makers for this meeting. Let's start with the main agenda for this meeting," said Decius who gestured to the screen.

"Why not, Decius old chap, skip to the more.. pertinent parts of the meeting?" Melchett was quite excited, but understandably.

"Indeed, why not. All right, to make this simple. Ayes for Shroomania joining the SNC?"

"Aye! Aye! Aye! Aye!"

"The 'Ayes' have it. Shroomania is now part of the SNC!"

The necessary flash and bangs happened, and then Decius continued, "We of course need a more suitable name for our Alliance. We have, after considerable haggling and tossing out names which simply.. can't work like C***, we have decided to name our alliance "Continental Alliance Treaty Organisation, or CATO."

(OOC: I'll leave it to you Shroom to add the flash and bang)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »


"The 'Ayes' have it. Shroomania is now part of the SNC!"

The four leaders of the Slavic National Conference then stood, and regarded their new brother in arms. Paul, Heraclius, Shady and Stanislav - as once they gave Shroom affirming nods.

"The Sovereignty of Shroomania accepts this honor," the Prime Minister returned their nod. "The Sovereignty has entered a new age, one of further cooperation with its neighbor nations, of forging a new bond determined by the dedication to peace and prosperity throughout the world, and security and solidarity between our peoples and those with the global community as well. The Continental Alliance Treaty Organization, the CATO, is one small step in breaking down the boundaries built in the long and arduous history of the Old Continent - and one great leap in unifying our nations as friends, as allies and as brothers. Thank you, all of you."

The other assembled men and women of the Shroomanian government, together with those of PeZookia, of Byzantium, of the USSR and the Crimson Star Republic - as seen in the teleconferencing telescreens all around them - stood up as one.


"Hip hip," said Lord Melchett McMeistervater.


"HUZZAH!" bellowed Lord Moonbeam.


"HUZZAH!" bellowed Lord McMeistervater.


"HUZZAH!" the other Lords and Ministers cheered.



"Now, what shall the name of the reformed SNC be? It can't be just Slavic, as that would be no longer appropriate."

"Oooh! Oooh!" an eager Lord raised his hand. "Call it the Continental Union of Nations Treaty!"

"CUNT?!" Moonbeam roared incredulously. "That's a naughty word! Get out!"

The Lord hung his head in shame and walked out.

"Any other suggestion?"

"How about the Continental Association of States in the Treaty of Regionally Allied Terms of Engagement?"

"That's..." McMeistervater sputtered. "No! Out!"

I say it should be the Confederated Region of the Old Continent!"

"CROC..." Prime Minister Shroom considered it for a while.

"And add it up with 'Organized in Defense and Integral Liaisoned Entete' and it spells out CROCODILE!"

Everyone became silent, and the person who made the proposition slowly realized that his presence was neither wanted nor needed - so he left the room.

"We should just stick with the Continental Alliance Treaty Organization," Prime Minister Shroom suggested.

"CATO?" Paul looked over at him questioningly.

"Yeah," Shroom shrugged.

"It's simple, and it doesn't sound like C***..." Heraclius conceded.

"It's also catchy," Shady agreed.

"The parallel with NATO," Stas snickered. "Is ironic."

"And," Shroom added. "CATO was like the name of Bruce Lee's character in the Green Hornet. Karate kick! WA-CHA!"

"Then CATO it is!"


Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »


CNS Pride and Profit in the harbour of Navalopolis naval station, Coilerburg

Rear admiral Harold Lowe looked out over the harbour and sighed, wishing for the days when he still sailed the seas. These days he spent most of his time locked up in a dusty closet they called an ‘office’, arguing with officers of the Coilerburg navy whilst his Tanstaafl bodyguard looked at him with an expression that spelt ‘you should let me throw them in the bay’.

The Coilerburg Navy was a right mess. It had never been a truly effective fighting force, but after going through a massively destructive cutback designed specifically to curtail its fighting ability followed by three more reorganizations in five years the navy was in tatters. On his third day in Navalopolis Lowe had discovered the miserable, rusting hulks of three destroyers berthed up in a drydock, their existence seemingly forgotten by everyone who should care. The sight had been so depressing the rear admiral thought he could cry.

There were not enough men, and they hadn't been properly trained. There were not enough funds. There was not enough equipment. Morale was at an absolute all time low. And so on and so forth, a never-ceasing torrent of woe. At least, Lowe considered, that did make parts his job a little easier. Despite the hardship upon which the navy had fallen there were still some competent officers around who cared, and the amount of cooperation he received from them was overwhelming compared to the utterly apathetic attitude of the Coilerburg Air Force and the outright hostility shown by much of the Army's higher echelons.

“Sir.” Kulbir Thapa, his Gurkha bodyguard, materialized at his side. Even after a year of serving together Lowe was still frequently freaked out by how silently the man could move. “General Eckhart is here to see you.”

“Right”, Lowe sighed and threw a final look at the bay. Diesel submarines and corvettes were tied up to the quays, looking rusted and sickly compared with the two San Doradan destroyers and the massive LHD anchored in the middle of the bay. Yep, Lowe thought, We’ve got a long way ahead of us.

Result: The CNFN has begun its reorganization of the Coilerburg Navy. Since the organization is in such a bad shape that effectively means it’s become a de facto part of the CNFN itself. The CN consisted of:
  • 3x FFG
  • 27x corvettes
  • 2x SSGNs
  • 10x SSKs
  • 2x AOs
  • 2x AKEs
One of the SSGNs is of course the Warden, which isn’t actually present in Coilerburg at this time (I figure it's currently en route from Shroomania to Coilerburg).

The 27 corvettes I’ve got no use for in my own navy, so I’ll be using them as the core of a new coastguard style organization that’ll keep the shores of North Frequesue safe (there are some lingering pirate-related issues in Sabika). The advantages: (1) I don’t have to use expensive destroyers to shoot at speedboats anymore, (2) shooting pirates is a simple job that’ll net the Coilers some prestige points at home, (3) it’ll bring Sabika and the ‘new and improving’ Coilerburg closer together.

The SSKs... Hell I don’t know what to do with all of those. I’ve six of my own already, and sixteen diesel subs is just excessive.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »

The Ring


People's Victory, Savitskaya Way

The unmarked Lada was parked across the street from the small brick two-story apartment building, located in a rather neglected part of the city. Despite massive Shadow investment, People's Victory was still in rather bad shape, though at least electricity was on all day and there was water in most households.

This particular household was of interest to NOD, hence the unmarked Lada and two surveillance officers inside it. The brick building housed a flat occupied by Dejana Midzic, mother of Nadya and Ana. One of her daughters came to Sjenska to visit, and NOD immediately put her under surveillance just in case.

So far, however, it was one boring assignment. They bugged the apartment, followed Nadya and her mother to a local store and back, and spent the last six hours listening to both women catching up on each other's lives. There was some talk about getting Nadya's mother a PeZookian visa, but no mention of Ana at all.

In the morning, a change of watch drove over in a different car. They exchanged passwords and reports, after which the first pair of officers drove off for a shower, proper meal some sleep.

"Well, it doesn't look like we'll win any medals for this", one of the new officers remarked, trying to look inside the apartment via his binoculars.

"Too bad, Dagan, but duty to the Motherland is often dull and unforgiving."

"Yeah...", Dagan put down his binoculars, "Well, the target is preparing to leave the apartment."

"Write it down...what's that car doing here?", his partner, Javor, pointed to a white, decreipt Zil van which was parking on the curb. It had no markings of any kind - and was doubly suspicious because of that - very few people in Sjenska had cars, and none lived in the immediate area.

Dagan took a look at the van and grabbed his radio, "I'll call in the license plate."

"Target is coming out of the building."

Dagan was still busy contacting their dispatcher when four men got our of the van and began walking towards Nadya. She didn't notice them at first, and when she did, it was already too late.

"What the...", Javor shouted, seeing the kidnapping. He reached into his jacket for the Skorpion submachine gun he always carried.

"No", Dagan grabbed his hand, "Don't. We'll follow them."

And so, they called in the kidnapping and watched as the goons expertly grabbed Nadya, subdued and gagged her, and sped off in their cranky old Zil.

Both officers followed their mark throughout winding, decreipt streets of People'sVictory. Cars were few and far between, and thus it was a real challenge to their fieldcraft to remain undetected - or, at least, not suspicious. They had to stay back, rely on other assets to track movements of the van, delay turns and use a hundred other tricks. After half and hour, they crossed through most of the city, and were heading for the outskirts: occupied by huge sprawls of hovels and slums, now being systematically demolished and replaced by new multi-story apartment blocks. It seemed like the chase was coming to an end, when the van suddendly turned and came to a stop in the middle of the road.

"Watch out!", Javor yelled out, seeing a glint of light reflecting off an AK barrel. Dagan dove to the floor just in time, before the sharp, brutal report of the rifle echoed throughout the empty street.

The bullets tore through the windshield and struck Javor in the chest and head, killing him instantly. Dagan opened the door and rolled out, grabbing their own AK stored under the passenger seat. The shooter anticipated this, however, and put two bullets into his silhouette.

After only a few seconds, the van drove off, leaving behind two bodies and a small pile of shell casings littering the street.

Fabowice, two hours later

"Suspect no.2 just boarded a plane to Damascus", Tomasz announced after putting down his cell phone, "He had a passport for the name Hassan Al-Sayid. Border guards are checking the document right now."

"So he basically got away. The Syrians aren't the most cooperative bunch...", Sebastian said solemnly, looking at the table littered with documents relating to the mysterious slave trader.

"We could try pressuring them through the Byzantines. They seem to listen to them, but that will take time.", Amanda pointed out, "What's far more worrisome is that we have no other leads. We don't know if he contacted anyone, he only used a pre-paid phone during his stay. We should've arrested him."

"Yeah, in hindsight, we probably should've. But we wanted to crack the entire ring..."

Both Sebastian and Amanda stared at the documents for a while, lost in their own thoughts - remembering Astaria and their organized, sanctioned slave trading practices. Their experience in that country had inspired both comissars to volunteer for work in the ASTF. So far, though, the task force had little success: and right now, they gained a rather miserable failure for their record.

"Sebastian...", one of their assistants walked into the room, "I just got forwarded a report from a criminal detective. His informers say there are people on the streets trying to contact Miksevich's organization."

Sebastian and Amanda both looked up, both of them surprised.

"Now that's interesting...somebody's checking us out?"

"Probably. Maybe we could try throwing out some bait, see what we can reel in."

"Right. Let's try to do that."



Cayman Islands

" Station One!", the familiar jingle sounded from the TV, announcing the start of the world-renowned San Doradoan news program. The TV was on inside the spacious beachside condo, only barely audible over the sound of a running shower. It was a nice place, with palm trees visible outside, and the morning sun glistening on the lazure sea. It was paradise.

Paradise and peace, bought with blood money Ana earned working for Karic...and other contractors after that. She was going through her morning ritual, listening to world news while taking a shower. After that, she'd go to the beach and grab a few drinks, and then maybe drive to the city.

"Today, we bring you a special segment on the situation in the former Border States. As you know, these failed republics were annexed by the USSR. Today, our world-renowned reporter Brad Pitt brings you a detailed report on the fate of people living under the yoke of communist opression."

Ana snorted under her breath. She watched Station One because they had a good network of correspondents, but their take on world affairs was often cringe-inducing. She knew first hand that communist opression was by far preferable to Karic's model, which she helped create.

"Thank you Stan", the young reporter's face showed up on the screen, "I am standing here, in the center of the former capital of Sjenska, where the USSR's rule has been the most prominent. The people here seem to have been thrown from the fire onto a frying pan, from the brutal regime of Sdrjan Karic straight into the world of communist terror. Daily, people are arrested and executed - all of this in the name of order, but you will see quite soon how terrible such government repression really is."

Ana finished showering and walked out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around her hair. The reporter kept rambling on in the background as she was getting dressed.

"On this very street, a young woman was kidnapped this morning, in broad daylight. A PeZookian citizen, she was but visiting her mother when several goons - no doubt from the security services - abducted her, right there from the street! This girl, Nadya Midzic, has never done anything wrong..."

Ana's head shot up upon hearing the name. She didn't quite believe it at first, until she grabbed a remote and switched channels to the state-sponsored Shadow news network.

"It is an unfortunate incident. We will do anything in our power to find Ms. Midzic and punish those responsible for abducting her and killing a NOD officer. Such foul acts will not escape justice!", a man in a ridiculously huge hat was speaking to a reporter. Ana recognized him as a high-ranking Shadow Militsia official.

Then Nadya's photo showed up on the screen, and Ana felt her blood chill.

She was a woman of few sensibilities: she left her family to work in the intelligence community, and later went freelance. She had no reservations about taking money for the foulest acts. She's arranged assassinations, threats and kidnappings, she's organized an exceptionally brutal system of repression for President Karic ; All these years, she never fealt guilt or remorse for her choices.

But now, seeing her little sister's face on that TV screen, she felt a very real fear. A cold, penetrating right to her bones. A fear that her family was not untouchable, and that throughout her life, she's left them helpless and alone, to fend for themselves.

And then, just like that, fear gave way to anger, and she grabbed her cell phone.

"Jonas? I need a favor..."

Results: Someone is in for a world of hurt.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

Seaside Palace, Canissia


The King almost dropped his chocolate martini.

"CATO?" he spluttered, "What the hell--?" He looked over at Colonel Rassnar, who was as shocked as he was, and the slack-jawed expressions of his wives who were regional specialists in all matters SNC and Shroomanian, Katerin and Jia. "Did anyone see this coming?" he asked. Heads were shaken all around.

"Crap," he said. He reached for the phone when it rang, and his worried expression turned sour. He picked it up. "Yo," he said, trying to sound all relaxed, "King here!" The others in the room could barely hear the tinny voice through the speaker, only King Arik's side of the conversation.

"Yeah, well, it was a surprise to me too," he said, "To all of us. No, no one said anything... no, not even Heraclitus..." He sat, listening, making a few "uh-huh," noises. Suddenly, he downed his martini in one gulp and waved to the nearby Palace staffer for a refill.

"No, no... look, I understand the Nationalists may be all alarmed and say that we're being boxed in, surrounded, whatever you want to call it... but great jumping Buddha on a pogo stick, we're talking Shroomania here, we're practically joined at the hip. And PeZookia. We are joined at the hip. And Byzantium is a MESS ally..."

He listened a bit as the tinny voiced seemed to raise a pitch.

"Okay, look, It's not only non-threatening to us, it makes sense. Look, we have free trade with Shroom and PeZookia... we're friendly with the USSR... yeah, Stanislav is Stanislav, but he's always dealt fairly with us..." He shook his head as the irate person said more.

"Look... why would they limit our shipping? Hell, we have the same arrangement, just informally-- as long as it doesn't run counter to the MESS alliance, we're also informally invested with continental defense alongside the CSR, and we always knew that..." The person on the other end yelled.

"Look, you remind them that we practically were counting on the CSR as a whole to come to our aid when we thought war with Japanistan was inevitable, and when war broke out with Shepistan we knew if it went on too long they'd thrown in with us because a strike on us affects PeZookia and Byzantium... so if anything we should go along with the whole notion of CATO... yes! Yes, I think we should congratulate them ..." He listened as the person went into a long tirade.

"Goddamnit, listen to what I'm saying... we can be, like, observer members of CATO. What is it about CATO that undermines the MESS? We have every reason to support a strong continental-regional defense pact, even if we don't join... I dunno, allow overflights, whatever...." The person's voice raised what seemed to be a challenging question.

"Oh, that's just stupid. Shroomania is on the same damned continental shelf, so of course they're part of the continent, geologically speaking... besides, it's not like they'd invalidate their treaty just because... or, for the love of God, you can't be serious! We just got agreement on the goddamn bill..." He listened impatiently and downed his second martini.

"Okay, fine," he said, "I can't believe the Nationalist Party will split the coalition and go with the fucking Greens and Labor over this... fucking Libertarians, too? What, I've got the Royalist Party and that's it? Fine... you arranged all this, didn't you? Goddamnit... Okay, fine, what do you want, then? What is the price tag for the blackmail?" The person dictated terms.

"Fine," the King said, fuming. "Fine. You want to cut off our noses to spite our faces? Burn up perfectly good relations with our neighbors because of this...? Look, we'll cancel the Shroomanian stratellite deal, but the MiGs and the dock work goes through. Hell, the fucking MiG-21s are already paid for..." He suddenly looked exasperated.

"What the fuck does that have to do with it? It's the fucking Cayman Islands...? Okay, fine. We'll kill the Cayman deal for the floating X-band station. But that's it. No more concessions. We'll 'punish' Shroom with the stratellite thing but that's it, I'm not pissing on all our neighbors because the Nationalist Party got a bug up their butts over CATO. It's not encirclement!" He put the phone down as the person talked. Finally, he lifte dit to his ear again and forced a smile.

"Well, the Navy deal continues because we need the jobs, am I right? Good. Yeah. Happy new year to you, too," he said, and hung up. "Goddamn knuckle-dragging Nationalists." He sighed, and looked around at the tense faces in the room.

"Colonel Rassnar," he said, finally, his voice calm, "Draw up two letters to Shroom. First, canceling the stratellite deal. That one's public. Second, an apology from me, personally. That one's not public." He sighed again.

"Politics," he muttered.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Karmic Knight
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Karmic Knight »

News From the Vinish Press

New Years Celebrations go off without a hitch

New Monarchists Call for Closer relations with CATO

'SDN Kingdoms: The Lights in the Dark' Released, A Possible Comeback for Fantasy Novels?
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Farbanti, Shroomania

While all seemed peaceful and well at the SNC conference, outside the conference was a different story altogether.

With only a few hours before Lelouch and his entourage were due to arrive, the Shroomanian staff at all levels was in a complete and utter panic. Additional security forces being called up, caterers rushing to prepare additional dishes, planners busy trying to rearrange itineraries and negotiate with hotel owners to free up additional suites, traffic on the ground and in the air being redirected, ceremonial troops being redeployed... Chaos was the rule as everyone tried their hardest to prepare for Lelouch's arrival in the little time afforded them. It would be nothing short of a miracle if they could manage to get their act together in time...


Langley Air Force VC-137C
Somewhere over Byzantium...


The VC-137Cs in service with the Langley Air Force were relatively old but reliable craft, faithfully serving Langley's heads of state ever since Char Aznable first purchased them in the late 1960s; engine, avionics, and airframe upgrades carried out during Gilbert Durandal's administration in the late 1990s ensured that they would serve for another few decades. While Lelouch had his sights on replacements for the VC-137C fleet for quite some time, it was never high on his list of priorities; they still served the purpose of getting him from point A to point B in luxury and style quite well. At the moment, he was in his private cabin with C.C., Kallen, and Shirley, discussing the details of their trip.

"How much longer until we reach Shroomania, honey?" C.C. asked impatiently.

"We probably won't be there until it's evening in Farbanti," Lelouch replied. "Hopefully, we can make it just in time for dinner."

"I hope we didn't put them on the spot or anything like that," Shirley said. "We did announce our arrival there on extremely short notice, after all. Usually, one spends weeks or even months planning visits like these out. We only gave them a few hours."

"Yeah, I think we really should have waited a bit before we actually got onto the plane," Kallen said. "One can only imagine what those Shroomanians are going through right now, having to deal with our imminent arrival while trying to take care of the SNC leaders as well." She sighed. "You really are impulsive, you know that, Lelouch?"

Lelouch simply smiled widely at Kallen's statement. "I know."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Shroom Man 777
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Re: Canissian Consumer Callback, Convert Contract Consignment to Cascadian Contingency


Due to recent political events, the Canissians have terminated their order for Shroomanian stratellites - jeopardizing MacMillan's stakes in transatlantic telecommunications.

The suggested course of action to take in light of these unfortunate circumstances is to offer the stratellites to the Cascadians. Their declared neutrality in world affairs may separate them from the predicted MESS and Messican reaction of the formation of CATO and Shroomania's status within it.

A less likely contingency, should the Cascadian Contingency not succeed, would be to offer the stratellites to the Shinra Republic. Despite their status in the MESS and Messica, recent political communications between the Shinra and Shroomanian governments have been optimistic.

Shroomania offers stratellites formerly meant for Canissia to Cascadia.
If the Cascadians don't accept them, then we can go try and sell them to the Shinras.
Or not, then we'll figure something out.

(OOC: Langley, I shall deal with you laters mang. Real life is bitching mes!)
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Sith Marauder
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

An Easy Start


San Dorado International Airport, outskirts of San Dorado City

The monsoon season had made way for the tropical summer of the southern hemisphere, and the sun battered the runways of San Dorado International Airport. The sky was startlingly blue. Noon had barely passed and the temperature was already well north of 30 degrees centigrade. It would be another uncomfortable, swelteringly hot San Dorado afternoon.

Down on the tarmac there was not even the slightest breeze to comfort the assembled dignitaries. Sidney Hank looked at the slowly approaching aircraft and wished the pilot would hurry up. He’d been out in the open for mere minutes and already he was sweating. The sun reflecting of the Boeing’s stark white paintjob was painful in spite of his sunglasses.

“His jet is bigger than yours”, Daphne whispered.

Briefly forgetting his discomfort the president glanced sideways and raised one eyebrow. “So?”

“Just saying.”

“His isn’t supersonic.”

“A fair point”, she grinned.

There wasn’t any more time for chitchat. The aircraft came to a halt. The assembled bigwigs collectively put up their bigwig expressions. The airstair deployed. The door opened. The marching band began playing Press On Cascadia Fair. President Stephen Garrett emerged in the doorway, smiling handsomely and waving to the assembled journalists before descending.

Meeting somewhere halfway between the plane and the dignitaries Sidney energetically shook the hand of the Cascadian president. “Stephen! Good to see you again, it’s been too long since San Magdalena. And congratulations on your re-election.”

“Thanks for the congrats, and likewise good to see you… But Jesus Sidney it’s hot down here.”

“You’ve noticed, haven’t you?” The president smiled. “Alright, let’s be on our way then. My chopper is waiting-- and let me tell you, ain't no place in San Dorado that’s got better airco than the Palace. So how’s your trip holding up so far?”

Result: President Garrett of Cascadia has arrived in San Dorado.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes