SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by RogueIce »

Tampa, Florida Province, Shinra Republic

President Rufus Shinra was on a vacation, of sorts. Officially, he was down in Tampa on a vacation, enjoying the warmer weather during the winter season. Of course, as a world leader, he was never truly "away from it all". At this particular moment, he was watching President Garrett's inaugural address.

"Nice speech," he said aloud, though nobody was in the room with him. Turning off the TV when the talking heads took over, he went back to a desk in his hotel suite and looked over some paperwork.

There was, of course, the Warden incident. The Republic had already taken steps to increase its ASW patrols after the Shepistan mining of several years ago, however he had ordered more steps be taken. The MESS as a whole was pretty good on ASW of course, after the One Week War. But it never hurt to be better. With the strong IADS all over the world it seemed, submarines and space seemed the likely avenues of attack these days.

He read over some of the latest from Shroomania concerning the Warden. Cascadia had issued a note over the Shroomanian dismantling of the sub, and Shroomania had denied that. Intelligence, naturally, knew that was not the truth. He wondered why they would bother denying; unless the Shroomanians were going to put it back together again, it'd be pretty difficult to hide. Unless of course they never intended to return it. That was always a possibilty, and it was not unlikely that the FTO was eager to just sweep the whole thing under the rug, so they wouldn't make too much noise about it.

Nonetheless, he wasn't happy about the precedent such a thing could set. So he had issued orders to get pictures of the dismantled Coilerburg SSGN - although he supposed it was now technically San Doradan, sort of, given the merger issue - and find a way to "leak" them to the press. It would give Shroomania a bit of egg on their face, but he would rather that than let other nations think they could get away with these sorts of things. Even though Shroomania might deny it, Rufus had a feeling the rest of the world governments knew. And if nobody did anything, well...why shouldn't they if such an unfortunate incident happened in their own back yard?

Rufus considered it further. The FTO had no GPS system of their own. It could thus be argued that the Coiler sub had gotten itself lost. That might raise the question of why a missile sub from the FTO was poking around the Med, but then why not? International waters were international waters, after all. If it came to that, he would use that argument should it ever need to go public. Well, not Rufus Shinra himself, but he'd certainly find a way to make sure it got out there.

Orders were issued, and he went on to other tasks.


  • President Shinra orders mission to get pictures of the SSGN Warden being dismantled in Shroomanian docks. If successful, pictures will be "leaked" (through supposed Shroomanian sources, not Shinra) to the press. He is also planning how to make sure the point gets across that this is not a good idea should such an incident occur in the future. Because President Shinra doesn't like it any more than President Garrett did.
In other news... (aka 'What RogueIce Is Too Lazy Doesn't Feel Like Putting In Story Form')
  • Shinra Republic tosses bid out to replace Cascadian tanks. Given our past cooperation on various defense technologies, including the current RCA tank fleet, it is hoped we will be able to continue our proud cooperation with the Cascadian Republics.
  • Message sent to San Dorado offering financial and other assistance for the merger between the corporate city-state and Coilerburg. Additionally, an offer is made to start an exchange between Shinra police officers and San Doradon officers, as a back-door means of providing "advisors" without actually having advisors (mindful of the F-ing Continent's neutrality and thus maintaining appearances). Of course, police equipment will be offered to help bolster the increased force that will probably be necessary.
  • Message sent through Kingdom of the Vineyards to the FTO as a whole to see if joint ASW exercises between the FTO and Shinra Republic would be desired, including existant units stationed at Syl, as well as any other transient units that may be deployed to area for duration (and of course available for port visits to any coastal FTO nation interested). Given the threat of subsurface pirate activity from the jihadis, as well as the previous incidents of 'independent' submarines causing trouble. As we do have observer status to the FTO we would of course like to repay that hospitality offered.
  • Backchannel message delivered via Shinra ambassador to San Dorado concerning the fate of the Warden. Basically, hints dropped in a roundabout way that "somehow" the Shroomanians might be pressured to cease the dismantling operation, and also attempting to gauge whether the San Doradan government would be happy or upset if such a thing were to happen. Setting up a roundabout and deniable way such that, should the photos from the mission earlier outlined become public, San Dorado would know who did it. And also seeing, again in a roundabout way, whether San Dorado would desire such an outcome. SiegeTank, feedback appreciated on this
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »


Surplus M60's Get A New Lease On Life


The venerable M60-series tank --once the mainstay of many MESS nations armored forces, especially Canissia-- has been out of the inventory and off the books for so long they no longer even appear as military equipment, only "equipment, surplus, long-term storage". Most of these old warhorses were scheduled for scrapping, sale to museums, or (for the most part) being used for target practice.

But in a cost-saving, money-generating measure, some of the old behemoths are being taken out of storage, dusted off, given a once-over, and being put back out in the field for the Katangwan Army.

Later this week, 14 of the M60A3 series tanks will be taken to Katangwa and used to form the nucleus of a Katangwan Armored Battalion. The 14 tanks will be used to form three combat platoons of four tanks each, and a Headquarters platoon of two tanks, plus support vehicles such as Serval jeeps.

Defense Weekly readers will know that 14 tanks is not a Battlion make, but these tanks will be formed into one Heavy Company. The other three companies will be made up of FV-101 Scorpion light tanks, which are already in Katangwan hands.

The Canissian Army is working diligently to bring the Katangwans up to speed, and they are organizing the KSA military into a cohesive and capable fighting force. The Katangwan Army remains a small force; at 11 Battalions of mostly Light Infantry it doesn't even qualify as a truly capable Division. But they know the bush as their very own, and they can do well with the weapons they have.

The loss of a few tanks from storage will mean that the Army can begin to shut down a few warehouses, and other tanks in storage can begin to supply spare parts to the Katangwans. The dies and tools for building many of the spare parts will probably be sold to the Katangwans at some point so they can begin self-sustainment of these assets. But most importantly, more and more Canissian forces can return home as the Katangwans assume more responsibility for their own defense.

The eventual goal is to leave just one Brigade of Canissian Army in the KSA, with a couple of Squadrons of Air Force alongside. The recent announcement of the sale of MiG-29s to Katangwa "fudges the books" on that, so to speak, since for th etime being it will be Canissian advisors that fly and maintain the Katangwan MiG-29s until the Katangwans themselves canbe brought up to speed on piloting jet fighters. The MiG-21 fighters, an earlier generation of MiG, will be used to transition piston-engine pilots into the jets.


Training for Katangwan pilots will take place in Canissia, before the KSA flyboys return home to get some hours in the MiG-21s before they can tackle a hotrod like the MiG-29s. In th emeanwhile, Canissian pilots will fly the MiG-29s not only as patrol aircraft for Katangwan airspace, but serve as "Aggressors" for MESS aircrews seeking to hone their skills.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Diplomatic Communiqué, Priority Two

FROM: Office of President Sidney Hank
TO: His Royal Highness King Arik Coyotus-II of Canissia; President Rufus Shinra of the Shinra Republic
SUBJECT: Coilerburg

Mr. President, Your Worshipfulness,

First of all I want to offer my deep-felt thanks for both your offers of assistance in dealing with the Coilerburg situation. Unfortunately we find the nation deeply impoverished by the vagaries of its recent history: its infrastructure is crumbling; its industries are struggling because foreign investments have dried up almost entirely.

This a shame all the more because there is no reason for Coilerburg to be poor. In the not too distant past the country was home to some of the most formidable heavy industry to be found on the continent. It has great ports, and an excellent rail and highway infrastructure. The hinterland has abundant deposits of coal, lignite, natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash and other natural resources.

In the past two decades however these formidable assets have regrettably been used almost solely to drive the inane schemes of shortsighted, power-drunk men with dreams of regional domination. Strangely enough Coilerburg’s strengths, then, have perhaps been a curse more than a blessing to it.

But that was the past; we must now look to the future. What Coilerburg needs most of all right now – apart from stability – is an injection of foreign capital to revitalize its industry, to rebuild the roads and the railways, and to impart renewed energy, strength and confidence to its people. It is our hope to attract this capital by creating an atmosphere favorable to investments both foreign and domestic. The best way for your nations to help Coilerburg is to invest in its economy. I promise you will not be disappointed; we can guarantee very favorable terms.

Concerning your offers for peace keepers-- it is indeed true that the nation is experiencing some degree of turmoil, and we would take you up on your offers if peace keepers were likely to improve the situation. However it is the assessment of the transitional government (with which I and my staff agree) that the arrival of significant numbers of foreign troops on Coilerburg soil at this stage would only serve to reinforce the perception shared by some concerned citizens that their nation is being sold to the highest bidder. Unfortunately we will have to convince the populace that we mean well, and the best way to do so is not through the deployment of large bodies of fighting men. Know however that the offer is much appreciated.

We will, however, gladly take up the Shinra Republic’s offer of an exchange of police officers of our nations. San Dorado in the process of sending several police battalions to Coilerburg to help enforce the peace in the capital. Shinran (and indeed Canissian) advisors are welcome to join them.

All that being said, there of course remains one important subject to discuss: the incident involving the Coilerburg nuclear cruise missile submarine CBS Warden. In the interest of full disclosure: The submarine was where it was because the former President Oliver Farve of Coilerburg intended to continue his nation’s time-honored tradition of military adventurism by launching an invasion of a chain of small islands in the Atlantic claimed by Shroomania, presumably in the hope of diverting the attention of the citizenry away from their nation’s crumbling economy. The use of nuclear weapons in achieving this conquest he had not ruled out.

If this ‘plan’ strikes you as utterly insane, that is because it was. It is the reason Mr. Farve is currently being detained, the reason we have elected not to make a fuss over the impounding of the submarine, and the reason I am asking you to be discreet with this information.

We are aware that the Sovereignty of Shroomania has partially dismantled the Warden. It is a course of action with which we are deeply unhappy, not merely because of the precedent it sets but also because the dismantling and inspection of the SSGN by foreign powers represents a massive breach of the strategic security of the Frequesuan Treaty Organization. We are negotiating the return of the submarine to Coilerburg at the highest level, but any additional pressure you can exert upon the Sovereignty so that we can conclude this whole sorry affair as swiftly as possible is much appreciated.

Let me finish this message by one again emphasizing how much I appreciate your offers of assistance. To me this highlights that this world has truly entered a new era. This is a time in which none need be afraid of what lies beyond the seas, where we can instead look to the horizons knowing that distant friends await us there, ready to come to our assistance with aid and advice.

I can only hope that when the time comes, we will be able to reciprocate the favor you do us.

Yours cordially,

Sidney Hank
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Lelouch's office, Royal Palace
Ashford City


When not busy with more pressing matters, Lelouch liked to muse about just how utterly irrelevant his country was on the world stage.

As far as the rest of the world was concerned, the Duchy of Langley was a politically unstable archipelago east of the Crimson Star Republic notable for its own special brand of animated smut and not much else. While it had a relatively thriving arms industry, exports were few and very far in between. While it was relatively close to Velaria, it lacked enough force projection capabilities to effectively influence matters there. While it was a very proud member of the Shroomanian Commonwealth, its accomplishments during both Great Wars were often overlooked in favor of those of its cousins in Frequesque. While it was a FASTA member, it was only a junior member of the organization; its financial contributions were small, and it was highly unlikely that a Langley citizen would ever get into space. While Lelouch himself was certainly a more capable leader than his predecessors among the Knights of the Round ever were, he was more well known for his bouts of petulant behavior in front of foreign dignitaries than anything else.

After stewing in more or less total isolation since 2011 or so, Lelouch decided that it was time for him to see the outside world again. He summoned Chief of Staff Fenette to his office and explained his plans to her in a succinct manner: "Shirley, I want to go on a world tour. Contact as many other world leaders as you can and ask them if they'd be interested in a visit from little old me."

"R-Right away, sir," Shirley stammered slightly before going back to her office to carry out her duties. Lelouch simply sighed before going back to reviewing important state documents on his computer. "There are just some things that can only be discussed in person," he said to himself.

Lelouch wants to make house calls to his fellow world leaders. He mostly intends them to be friendly visits, though he's perfectly willing to talk business if need be.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

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Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by RogueIce »


From: Rufus Shinra, President of the Shinra Republic
To: Shroom the Seven Hundred Seventy Seventh, Prime Minister of the Sovereignty of Shroomania

Mister Prime Minister,

I hope this letter finds you in good health, my friend. I still fondly remember the hospitality you and your nation showed me during my visit to your lands, and it is my sincerest hope that I may return the favor in the near future. I also wish that our nations may enter into closer cooperation on various matters soon, as befits this new era of global cooperation that we have entered and which, it is hoped, shall continue for some time to come.

In the spirit of the aforementioned cooperation, I feel that I must address the controversy surrounding the CBS Warden and her unfortunate tresspass in your waters. To wit, I'd like to discuss the rumors floating around that your government is dismantling the submarine. While the seriousness of a nuclear guided missile submarine intruding into one's territorial waters cannot be overstated, the dismantling of a military vessel is also a serious matter. Such an action would create a precedent, if the rumors are true, that I would not feel comfortable with and could not in good conscience leave unanswered.

Therefore, I would be greatly relieved if you could give me your personal word, as one leader of a great nation to another, that these rumors are unfounded and without merit, and that such action is not at this time, or any time previous or hence, being undertaken.

I feel that it might also serve to put these rumors to rest if you would permit my ambassador to your nation, Reginald Forman, and select members of his staff to access the dock where the CBS Warden is presently berthed to assess the integrity of the vessel. Such inspection is only intended to ensure the integrity of the vessel itself, and I would not request you permit my personnel such access as may compromise the strategic knowledge of FTO equipment.

Finally, I would formally like to offer the services of my diplomatic mission to your nation, as well as any other assistance I am able to render, to serve as a third-party mediator and facilitator to ensure the rapid return of the submarine and her crew to the Corporate Republic of San Dorado, which has taken over operational control of the former Coilerburg Navy. I make this offer to, again, help dispel any rumors concerning improper conduct on behalf of the Shroomanian government, of which I am sure such rumors are without merit.

Once again, I would like to say that it is my fondest desire to work with you in this matter and in the future on a cooperative and mutually beneficial basis, and hope that the bonds of friendship between the Sovereignty and the Republic shall remain as strong as ever, and may grow stronger still.

Rufus Shinra
President of the Shinra Republic


In other news...


From: Department of State, Shinra Republic
To: Royal Office, Duchy of Langley

We would be honored and delighted to host His Grace Duke Lelouch of the Duchy of Langley for a visit to the Shinra Republic at his earliest convenience. On behalf of the President and our nation, I would like to formally invite His Grace to visit at any time he so desires.

Warren Wright
Secretary of State of the Shinra Republic
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

The cargo ship arrived in the Hadramara main port. The Sultan had been busy ordering new construction equipment and refurbishing old ones. Most of them were licensed Byzantine and CSR designs which were hardy and reliable. These were loaded onto the cargo ship and they would be delivered to the construction crews that were being organized. A lot of rebuilding would be done, and construction jobs for the locals would go a lot way to ensuring that none of the young men got too bored as to resort to banditry or some other form of mischief. Prefab housing would also be issued to house the refugees. Doctors also arrived to provide necessary medicine and aid to the refugees.

Byzantine and Syrian civil service trainers had also arrived to train potential candidates for the civil service. While the actual government leadership was an issue undergoing discussion, a working government must be formed to actually service the leadership. As such, many Hadramarans were actively recruited and educated to form the core of a civil service. Scholarships were also issued to well-read Hadramarans to study in Byzantium or in the Syrian Caliphate.

Byzantine and Syrian Policemen were sent to train the local law enforcement forces as well. The most able of the officers of the Hadramaran army would be sent to military academies throughout the Byzantine Empire and the Syrian Caliphate. MiG-21s acquired from the USSR would serve as the core of the new Hadramaran air force. More aircraft were on the way, but for the time being, potential pilots would undergo intense training to get them ready to fly the said aircraft.

An amnesty was extended to all fighters of the warlord Muballi in exchange for them laying down arms and jobs. It would go a long way to ensuring peace and order and reconciliation, though it would take time for the wounds of the civil war to heal.

Though a lingering question remained, where was the warlord Muballi?


Official Communique to the Cascadian President

Congratulations to you President Garrett on your recent re-election. I, Sultan Saladin IV, Caliph of the Islamic world, however have a request of you. The recent war in Hadramara has wrought much devastation in the country and much rebuilding is required. The people Hadramara are in dire need of doctors and medicine, and other amenities. We would be eternally grateful if you can provide the said help. Thank you.

Sultan Saladin IV.


Official Communique to the IRT

TO the leader of the IRT,

We request that the borders of Hadramara be recognised and that we in turn would recognise the borders of Ragatara. Also, we would be potentially open to various discussions of mutual interests as well.

Sultan Saladin IV.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

From his Imperial Majesty Heraclius IV

To: Royal Office, Duchy of Langley

Dear Sir,

We would be most happy to receive you and your royal entourage in the ancient city of Constantinople. Along with tours of the city and the surrounding areas, we would also be happy to show you some of the latest armaments produced in Byzantium.

Yours sincerely,
Emperor Heraclius IV.


To the Cascadian Defence Dept

From Byzantine Heavy Industries

Dear Sir,

We would like to again offer our upgraded K-2 Black Panther tanks as well as our K-3 Black Tiger tanks. These are the only tanks in the world with Electrothermal Chemical guns, as well as a suite of active and passive protection systems, and the latest ERA, NERA and composite armour. Further, the tanks themselves are capable of firing rocket propelled ammunition that allows the tank to strike targets 8km away and also guaranteed penetrations in the frontal arc for any known tank, perhaps excluding the Japanistani Super Tank.

Yours sincerely,
The CEO of Byzantine Heavy Industries.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by TimothyC »

Basement, Presidential Complex, Anchorage

"So as you can see here Mr. President, the target is in view of the chase craft, and here we go...."

"How exactly are we getting these images Colonel?"

"We are using our network of low power communications satellites to downlink the data to Elmendorf sir."

"Thank you for the explanation."

The image on the screen showed a video of a small winged Cylinder with a target painted on one end slowly growing larger in the camera, surrounded by a whole lot of telemetry.

A voice coming thought the speakers crackled "5 meters"

"So if I get this right, even if this doesn't work, the mission is still a success?"

"That is correct sir. Just by being able to enter the correct orbit, and move this close shows that the core of the software is working."

"2 meters, Δ V, Point Zero Five mps"

The seconds ticked away

"And we have capture." The line to the command center at Elmendorf was filled with cheers.

"Excellent job Gentlemen, This mission was a true success. Where do you go from here?"

"Harder, higher orbits, and eventually landing on one of the moons sir."

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Beowulf »

Ares Blog

X-38 test vehicle coming in for landing

The X-38 is a further development along the lines of the X-20 Dynasoar project. It is designed to carry a pilot and up to four passengers to orbit. Alternatively, it can be outfitted with a mission bay. It has been designed to complete it's landing under parafoil, resulting in a much decreased landing speed over the X-20. It is to be fitted with a launch abort rocket, and two MA/LOX orbital manuevering engines.

It is currently slated to be launched on the equally newly announced Atlas V space launch vehicle. The Atlas V is a two stage medium lift vehicle. The first stage is a RP-1/LOX fueled stage powered by the RS-84 engine. The second stage has been named Centaur, and is powered by the RL-60 LH/LOX engine.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by K. A. Pital »

CSR, PCIA Headquarters, Lubyanka
President Stanislav was carefully inspecting the reports on the recent Warden incident. Certainly, something was brewing in the backyards of the nations involved.

But why object against Shroomania's actions? After all, they lost the submarine in Shroomanian waters. They shouldn't be making any noise. But they are. What the hell was that submarine all about?

- Yuri, would you kindly, release a message to all our intelligence agents at home and abroad to pick up and dig through every single note, every single fart anyone makes in relation to the Warden, - the President deliberated for a moment. - And release the following to the media... "The Crimson Star Republic considers the Warden incident to be a misbehaviour on the part of the former government of Coilerburg. Speculation on the legality of Shroomanian actions is counter-productive and damaging to the talks over the incident".

- Legality?

- They're just trying to get the sub back. That's clear. Why? We'll see. But legal business? Forgive me if I'm being arrogant, but not all nations follow the Anglo-Saxon model of law.

- Anglo-Saxon?

- Precedental.

- You meant Tonkinese?

- Right. Not everyone follows Tonkinese law model. Precedental right is based on precedents, but there can be also normative right. And I somehow think Shroomania is not using precedents of other parties' collisions, neither should it.

- Anything else?

- As a side note, Yuri, I heard you're planning to go forth with the referenda participation, - Stanislav smiled.

- How'd you...

- Long ears. No, it's not that I object. Qualified men are worthy of that. Just keep sure we don't get lunatics running in the streets, right?

- That's my job, - the PCIA chief smiled, he was visibly elated. - Comrade President, there are also others who are "in the game"...

- That is fine. You know, we know, I know. It's not the 1920s. Political questions aren't solved by a gunshot in the head of a politician you dislike. Well, in most parts of the world, including the CSR. That doesn't apply to the Third World, naturally.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Lord Gero rebukes President Stanislav
[...] It is reported that in a written statement, the Supreme Leader has requested that the CSR President Stanislav "get bent" and "mind [his] own business". The Public Information Corps claims to know nothing of this message, and asserts that Lord Gero wouldn't dream of using such language in a diplomatic capacity, and that he has only the respect for President Stanislav that is due a foreign leader such as himself.

Some hours earlier, in Lord Gero's Office

"Oh, God, it did not just send that..."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Lelouch's office, Royal Palace
Ashford City

"So, Shirley, how many replies have we gotten back so far?" Lelouch asked Shirley.

"Let's see..." Shirley trailed off slightly. "Byzantium, San Dorado, the Vineyards, Shinra, Alaska, Tian Xia, and Tonkin so far. Already looks like it'll be a long trip for you, Lelouch."

"I'm particularly interested in visiting Canissia and the Crimson Star Republic," Lelouch remarked. "There's a lot I'd like to discuss with King Arik regarding the situation in Katangwa. Also, I've heard that President Stanislav is going to be on his way out of office soon; I'd like to at least say a few final words to him before he retires."

"No responses from them yet," Shirley said. "Nothing from Shroomania, PeZookia, the USSR, or Wilkonia either, for that matter."

"We can wait. I still haven't finished packing my bags yet."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »


From: Shroom the Seven Hundred Seventy Seventh, Prime Minister of the Sovereignty of Shroomania
To: Rufus Shinra, President of the Shinra Republic

Mister President,

Good tidings to you too, old chum. Indeed, I am in good health, and I do hope that you are also fine and well as well. I might take you up on your offer and give Shinra a visit, as I've long longed to go over to MESSica once more and expend entire rolls of film taking pictures of your super spectacle sights (as they call them in San Dorado). Perhaps we could go on and work to forge closer relations between not only our nations, but those of our allies in the Old Continent and the MESS respectively.

I think that would be a nice change of pace. Lately, I've been so busy with my own nation's affairs that I've missed many international affairs - like that tiff over at Velaria. Unfortunately, not every international issue has missed me...

You are correct in that a nuclear guided missile submarine somehow wandering into Shroomanian waters is an issue we take with some severity. There is no precedent for this matter, for not even in the height of Shroomania's miniature Cold War with the CSR had a strategic weapons platform breached our territory in such an insidious and threatening manner, not until now.

Mr. President, Rufus, you know me. But even someone as easygoing as I cannot take this matter lightly - especially after our previous experiences in the Pathogen War and in certain other circumstances before that. I have a responsibility to my nation, my people, and those of my friends and allies and I too, in good conscience, cannot afford to put any of them at risk. Please understand that the actions of the former Coilerburg Navy threatened Shroomanian lives in a way unlike anything since the Pathogen War, and the resulting incidents were due to the constitution of that threat.

However, I can give you my word that we will return the Coilerburg submarine in one piece back to the appropriate FTO authorities as soon as we can, readily and completely willingly, and in full concordance with international laws. Your ambassador Reginald Foreman and his staff are welcome to inspect the Warden.

I thank you for your offer at mediating and facilitating our negotiations with San Dorado. President Sydney Hank and myself are actually good friends, but I hardly think three of us would make a crowd, we're all chums. In any case, our new plan is to return the Warden to the Corporate Republic of San Dorado as opposed to Coilerburg. The current political situation in Coilerburg itself is tenuous at best, so our reluctance to give it back to them directly is hopefully understandable.

The unstable condition of Coilerburg and the fact that we've had reliable intelligence of the former-Coilerburg Navy planning hostilities against Shroomania has contributed to our continued impoundment of the CBS Warden. But now that San Dorado has assumed control of that wayward nation and that matters are now considerably less ambiguous, we can at last begin to end this regrettable mess.

I appreciate your concern. I'd like very much to work with you to resolve this matter to the satisfaction of all parties, so that we may move on and work together to make the world a safer and better place. Not just for the Sovereignty and the Republic, but for all people. That, I think, would be the most amicable of all resolutions and I look forward to working with you in the future.

Yours truly,
Shroom the 777th
Prime Minister of the Sovereignty of Shroomania

RogueIce wrote:
From: Rufus Shinra, President of the Shinra Republic
To: Shroom the Seven Hundred Seventy Seventh, Prime Minister of the Sovereignty of Shroomania

Mister Prime Minister,

I hope this letter finds you in good health, my friend. I still fondly remember the hospitality you and your nation showed me during my visit to your lands, and it is my sincerest hope that I may return the favor in the near future. I also wish that our nations may enter into closer cooperation on various matters soon, as befits this new era of global cooperation that we have entered and which, it is hoped, shall continue for some time to come.

In the spirit of the aforementioned cooperation, I feel that I must address the controversy surrounding the CBS Warden and her unfortunate tresspass in your waters. To wit, I'd like to discuss the rumors floating around that your government is dismantling the submarine. While the seriousness of a nuclear guided missile submarine intruding into one's territorial waters cannot be overstated, the dismantling of a military vessel is also a serious matter. Such an action would create a precedent, if the rumors are true, that I would not feel comfortable with and could not in good conscience leave unanswered.

Therefore, I would be greatly relieved if you could give me your personal word, as one leader of a great nation to another, that these rumors are unfounded and without merit, and that such action is not at this time, or any time previous or hence, being undertaken.

I feel that it might also serve to put these rumors to rest if you would permit my ambassador to your nation, Reginald Forman, and select members of his staff to access the dock where the CBS Warden is presently berthed to assess the integrity of the vessel. Such inspection is only intended to ensure the integrity of the vessel itself, and I would not request you permit my personnel such access as may compromise the strategic knowledge of FTO equipment.

Finally, I would formally like to offer the services of my diplomatic mission to your nation, as well as any other assistance I am able to render, to serve as a third-party mediator and facilitator to ensure the rapid return of the submarine and her crew to the Corporate Republic of San Dorado, which has taken over operational control of the former Coilerburg Navy. I make this offer to, again, help dispel any rumors concerning improper conduct on behalf of the Shroomanian government, of which I am sure such rumors are without merit.

Once again, I would like to say that it is my fondest desire to work with you in this matter and in the future on a cooperative and mutually beneficial basis, and hope that the bonds of friendship between the Sovereignty and the Republic shall remain as strong as ever, and may grow stronger still.

Rufus Shinra
President of the Shinra Republic
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

10 Shrooming Street, Farbanti, Shroomania


The Prime Minister slouched on his swivelly chair and placed his feet on his desk. He sighed and rubbed his temples, massaged his brain, and tried to think things through. The Cascadians and, now, the Shinrans. The San Doradoans and the Coilerburgers. First they parked a missile submarine off Shroomanian waters, and now they wanted their missile submarine back. With the parking ticket too. No doubt they were scheming schemes.

Schemers trying to control their little worlds. They were good at that.

Too bad Shroom wasn't.

The Prime Minister got his feet off the desk. Kicking the table hard and sending him spinning on his swivel chair, in a totally undignified manner for someone in his office. He laughed as he did so, carelessly, mindlessly. The office around him spun around wildly, blurring about all the various bits of it. The portrait of Winston Church-Shroom, the head-statue of Shroomaximus, the wicked caricature of Queen Asphixia XIX, it all merged into one kaleidoscope of bizzare imagery superimposed upon the big Union Shroom flag hanging about by the wall.

The Prime Minister laughed.

He laughed.

He remembered the Old World - Nova Terra. He remembered the ashes of the nuclear fire. He remembered how it had consumed everything. How it had left nothing.

How it had reduced them all to ragged messes. Those of them who survived, anyway.

Paul lost his wife. Arik too, and then he died. Same with Heraclius, but he had his son to succeed him. Stanislav was frozen, entombed in his frostbitten Red Throne. Shady destroyed himself in a mad bid for power. A bid at godhood. While he, Shroom the 777th, had actually succeeded in that.

The swivel chair stopped spinning and Shroom just stared blankly at the ceiling.

He tasted blood in his mouth, but it wasn't his blood. The coppery taste of grey matter mixed with donuts, a flavor he'd never forget...

"What's the matter? Never seen a ruthless genocidal warmonger before?" the voice said in his head. "Prime Minister?"

"Prime Minister?"

Shroom blinked.


"We got a letter from Langley," Alison explained. She was poking her head into the Prime Minister's office, but then decided to let herself in anyway. "It got buried under the piles of manga and animu so it's a few days old, but basically Duke Lelouch wants to do a world tour and..."

"Let them in then..." Shroom said absently, still looking up the ceiling.

"Okay..." Alison hesitated. "Sir, are you alright?"

"I'm just fine," the Prime Minister went on. He gave the table a little nudge, and spun himself on his swivel chair again.

"Okay," his aide went over to the door. "Why don't I get you one of those little milkbottles of yours?"

"Wait..." Shroom stopped his chair and tried to get up.

"Breast milk is good for babies for six months up to two years..." Alison went on as she left his office.

"WAIT!" Shroom screamed as he bolted after her. "NO!"

"Though, really, how did you get so much of the stuff," Alison wondered out loud. "You must've milked some bad mother-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Shroom pushed her away and ran to the kitchen, where he slammed the refrigerator's door open and took out bottles of white liquid. He popped their corks and began pouring them out into the drain. "Goddamn it! This can't be!"

"Prime Minister..." Alison rubbed her arm as she entered the kitchen shortly after him. "Shroom..."

"No!" the Sovereign of Shroomania broke down. "My secret! My filthy secret! I can't let anyone know! I can't! I'll be ruined! No! I can't! My secret, my filthy secret. So dirty. So goddamn dirty. Unclean... unclean... what'll they say, what'll they all say?! No one must know... I'll spill it all. My dirty laundry, my stained sheets... Oh my god oh god oh god... Oh God. No no no no no no no no... Lusy-chan... what'll I do? What can I say? No one'll listen... no one listens. All the time, I can't stop hearing them. I can't stop remembering. I see them in my sleep. All those years. All those fucking years. All for nothing. That true fucker burned it all. The children were blown apart like leaves. Everyone who didn't wear sunscreen with SPF 1,000 had a really fucking bad day. Them. You. Everyone. Gone. Yeah, Rufus?! Well, what if Kamila orbits my dick?! HA-HAA-HAAAA!"

"Ssshhh... it's okay. We aren't there anymore."

"I just went crazy," Shroom said simply. "I never said sorry to any of them. They tried to stop me. I didn't listen. And now we're here."

"Come on," Alison tried to soothe him, placed her arm around him. "Shroom, take it easy."

Shroom's shoulders sagged, and he went over to sit down on a stool. She sat beside him.

"You always knew, didn't you?" he asked feebly.

"Yes, I did." Alison nodded. "I didn't say anything at the time. But I knew."

"Are we talking about the breast milk?" he feebly asked. "Or..."

"I guess we're talking about both. I guess."

"When he destroyed Astaria, I remembered everything again. I couldn't just leave those girls to die. I couldn't send them back to their doomed country, you know? They were like kittens. How could I refuse? And when they thanked me... what else could I do?"

"It's okay..." Alison supported him. "To be honest..."


"I drank a little bit from your stash too."


"I immediately knew what it was from the flavor, but it tasted good so I thought 'what the heck' and had some more. You didn't notice, though, so I thought it was okay."

"But we'll have to quit eventually, won't we?" Shroom asked, not-so-feebly.

"Yeah, it's not a healthy habit," Alison answered. "We'll have to stop sometime."

"But not now. Not yet." Shroom said.

"Yes," Alison nodded. "Prime Minister."
Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2009-02-12 07:42am, edited 4 times in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Combert Harbor, Shroomania

The drydocks were enclosed in a massive structure that looked like this:


Then it led underground in a tunnel like so:


Where the submarine was kept in pristine condition, like this:


The Coilerburger submarine was whole and intact. On the outside, at least. On the inside, it was an utter mess as Shroomanian and SNC engineers - just finished with their rigorous analysis - began placing things back in proper working order. On the inside, the Shroomanians and SNC engineers worked hectically - stuffing torpedo tubes full of pornographic materials, along with the vertical launch silos to ensure that the weapons systems could not be used until the porn was manually removed with shovels. On the outside, the submarine wasn't even scratched. There was no reason to literally take the thing to pieces when a whole lot of testing could be done by using sonic electronic ball-breakers to audio-analyze the hull's composition. Also, chopping up the hull would be hard. The internal components on the inside within the insides of the interior of the submarine's insides were easier to disassemble and analyze.

And reassemble too.

After an arduous process, the Shroomanian and SNC engineers sealed the sub's hatch-hole shut. Unnecessary and unauthorized personnel would not be "permitted such access as may compromise the strategic knowledge of FTO equipment."

But they would be allowed to assess the integrity of the vessel, to make sure it hadn't been torn to pieces by chainsaws or something.

Office of Naval Intelligence men, personally led by Colonel Jack Easly (who knew all of his men), then began preparing accommodations for those who would spend a lot of time sitting down and looking at the Warden from the outside.

Accommodations such as lunch, made out of the finest of exotic delicacies.


Langley lechons were roasted over open fires.


And placed on buffet tables that encircled the submarine.

And also, there were Byzantine Balut Eggs:


"Mmmm... tasty little obscenities, ain't they?" Jack Easly commented as he peeled one of 'em open and sucked in the boiled duck fetus.

High overhead under the dark ceiling were walkways where ONI men watched patiently. They would make sure lunch went swimmingly.

Reginald Forman can have lunch looking at the Warden.
He can eat SDN World Filipino delicacy while doing so, too!
Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2009-02-12 06:30am, edited 2 times in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Official Communique to the Shroomanian Prime Minister

From the Byzantine Emperor

Dear Shroom,

We have worked together much on the recent incursion by the Coilerburg Submarine. We have read with extreme irritation about the pressure being exerted on Shroomania to return the submarine intact, a submarine armed with nuclear warheads no less. The SNC however stands by your decisions, as a friend and partner and ally, and would support you wholesomely without question. Regardless whether Coilerburg imploded or not, such a travesty must not go unpunished. Again, the SNC stands by and supports you and urge you not to buckle under pressure but try to glean as much intelligence data as we can from the said submarine.

Yours sincerely,
Heraclius IV.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Official Communique to the Emperor of Byzantium

From the Prime Minister of Shroomania

Hi Heraclius,

Thank you for your support, old friend. I personally find the pressure being exerted by the international community unreasonable, and I am grateful for the SNC's support. I appreciate it, and so does the Sovereignty.

As you know, our military analysts have acquired all the information they can from the submarine in a miraculously short time. Save for perhaps repairing the submarine to perfect condition and testing it out at sea to determine its full performance capacity, I say we've gotten as much as we can hope for.

Due to the unexpected involvement of your 'friends' in the MESS, the submarine will be returned. However, I believe that we've gotten the better end of the deal in this. The Coilerburg catastrophe has resulted in the implosion of its incompetent government, the seizure of the submarine has lent us some very vital information, and now we're on the way to better integrating our joint Continental Defenses. We've been taught, once again, what laxity brings and we're better for it.

We will move on from this experience with a stronger alliance, and with new knowledge to more effectively defend ourselves. Rest assured that from this incident, the Sovereignty's commitment to the security of the Old Continent has only been strengthened and that together, I believe we can prevent any shenanigans like this from ever happening again.

Yours truly,
Shroom the 777th
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Location: Temple Prime, Sarajevo, USSR
It was another late night for the Premier, he seemed to be having more and more of those recently, working hard. He was more than a little bit tired, so he decided he needed a break. He poured himself a glass of Vodka, took a sip and leaned back in his chair. He could see the beautiful night sky through the window, it made him think. He was thinking about the future.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Sorry to bother you, Comrade Premier.", Elena said with a smile, "But you have a call. It's the Crimson line."

"Put it through.", Shady said and finished the last of his Vodka.

The black phone on his desk rang and Shady promptly picked it up.

"Stanislav, dearest of all my friends...It's been a while since we talked."

"Indeed it has my friend."

"Any particular reason you are calling, at this hour of the night?"

"Yes...It's time."


"Yes. I need you here as soon as possible. We will hold a press conference in the morning."

"I'll get on a plane, right away."


With that, the two men exchanged greetings and the conversation ended. Premier Shady hurried out the door. He had a plane to catch.

Thirty minutes later, USSR Presidential Plane, Entering CSR Airspace

"So it's finally time?", Elena asked.

"Yes.", Shady answered and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I didn't think it would be so soon.", She said nervously, "I thought you would wait longer."

"History waits for no man.", Shady smiled, "Relax my dear, be happy. We get to be a part of creating a better future for our nation and our people. There is nothing to worry about."

"I guess you're right.", she smiled.

"Of course I am.", Shady smiled and kissed her, "You'll see."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

This is Worldwide One, news and entertainment straight from the heart of San Dorado!

SDPD announces exchange program with Shinra Republic
Hero-cop Max Dalton is one of the first to be rotated to the Shinra Republic

San Dorado Police Chief Joseph Dos Santos announced his department has signed an accord with the government of the Shinra Republic to start a mutual exchange program for police officers.

Says Director Sinclair: “We have much to learn from one another.” Earlier this week the SDPD announced it was sending several battalions to Coilerburg to train local officers and maintain the peace in the turmoil-stricken nation. At this stage it is unclear whether the Shinran officers will also operate in Coilerburg.

Gunhawk breaks all records
Jack Slade is James Webster

Jack Slade’s latest movie, Gunhawk, has broken all box office records on its first weekend. In Gunhawk, Slade reprises his role as the tough and cynical private detective James Webster.

CSR ambassador Rubikov has lodged a protest against the film, claiming that the portrayal of Crimson personnel as villainous thugs is totally misleading and just another example of propaganda against his nation.

Says Jack Slade: “Hey, man, it’s just a movie.”

Coilerburg unveils breakthrough, arrests in Navalopolis probe
The Roterburgh attack was the worst in turmoil-stricken Coilerburg

Coilerburg is holding in custody the ringleader and five other suspects in the conspiracy behind the militant attack earlier this week that killed 16 people in the capital of Roterburgh, the top Coilerburg interior ministry official said today.

“Some part of the conspiracy has taken place in the military”, Nathan McKenzie, adviser to the secretary of the interior, told a news conference, detailing how the gunmen had driven from Navalopolis to carry out the attack on the capital.

CNFN unveils massive sub overhaul program
CBS Warden in better days

CNFN rear admiral Amita Ramanujan announced today a massive overhaul program of the navy’s nuclear submarine fleet. The statement comes in the wake of the impounding of a Coilerburg SSGN by the Sovereignty of Shroomania.

Says Ramanujan: “We have reason to believe the incident has seriously compromised the security of our submarines. The overhaul is intended to restore that security.” The rear admiral refused to elaborate on the details of the program.

The Coilerburg question: who’s in control?
Corporate fixer Willy Bank, here seen on archive footage

A Worldwide One editorial – With a stroke of the pen, San Dorado this month acquire an unusual degree of responsibility for the state of Coilerburg. Yet according to the President, the city-state isn’t out to “seize [Coilerburg’s] sovereignty”. So what’s going on?

Says Eileen Marshal, professor of international relations at USDLP: “San Dorado may not control Coilerburg in a de jure fashion, but de facto I think we can safely say that we are running the show. The ‘regional manager’ appointed under the terms of the Coilerburg-San Dorado economic stimulus package can effectively overrule Acting President Trudeau, and he has the ear of President Hank.”
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

Seaside Palace, Canissia

King Arik woke, not in the bed, but on the floor-- actually, the thick bearskin rug in front of the fire, with Jia and Samira next to him, still with their garters on under the thick, comfy covers. He smiled and cuddled closer to both of them, and noted a blinking light on the floor.

Whaaat--? he wondered. He didn't want todeal with it, but... he looked around, and saw the wall clock. It was nearly 9AM. Crap. I'm awake, he thought, even though he snuggled some more between the two deliciously warm, soft bodies to either side of him. Still, his mind was perking, and he began to smell the coffee. Giving his darlings delicate kisses, he got up, tucked them back in, and looked around for a robe. Someone always provides a robe... He had no idea who came in after his debaucheries-- Palace staff? Another wife? He doubted dour Colonel Rassnar would. He found a robe folded on the couch and put it on, leaving two more for the ladies, and went to see the source of the blinking light.

His cell phone was blinking. He unclipped it from the belt on the discarded pants and opened it to reveal a waiting text message:
MSG FROM SWITCH, it read-- 'message from the Palace switchboard', actually a sophisticated automatic communications routing system rather than a physical switchboard with an operator. The name was a holdover from the days when the Palace literally did have a bank of Operators. He kept reading.

Arik puzzled over it for a moment, but as the fog of sleep lifted from his mind with each passing second, he read it more clearly. "Duke Langley to tour Novaterra; wants visit with you". A little envelope insignia next to the message indicated that this was a compacted version of the message and that a more in-depth, detailed request was waiting on his email.

Arik went downstairs and met his other ladies and kids waking up as well, and sat with them, having coffee and breakfast. Then they went to the morning briefing table, where all the colored folders were laid out. An orange post-it note stuck out of the Shroomanian folder, which Arik turned to.

"Hah!" he said, "So they didn't cut up the sub?"
"As near as we can tell," Isabelle said, "The pictures we saw were of another sub, an older Shroomanian sub that was surplus, probably never finished due to some budget cuts or something a few years ago."
"A grand bluff," Arik muttered. "Still, begs the question --why?"
"Probably to send a message," Katerin offered, "Don't come poking around, or this could be real next time."
"People always underestimate Prime Minister Shroom," Arik said with a smile. "What's with the Duke of Langley?"

"He's going on a tour to meet with world leaders and wants to stop by," Shawna said, "Interested in your take on the Veleria situation, I gathered."
"Well, by all means, let's invite him by, then," Arik said, "We'll have Colonel Rassnar make the preparations for a full state reception..."

Lelouche invited to Canissia.
Shroomanian "sub bluff" speculated on.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Steve »

Adams Capital District

"This whole mess with Shroomania and Coilerburg has been a royal pain," Stephen remarked at the meeting with his SecState, the returning Mr. Parnell, as government settled into business while the new Congress started their first session. "Do we have any indication yet as to just what Coilerburg was up to?"

"None. It may have just been a test deployment that went awry," Parnell pointed. "As it is I highly doubt they intended to put a nuclear warhead into Farbanti."
"And now Shroomania's playing games with established maritime law to keep their hands on the sub as long as possible, likely to examine it."
"Which, of course, means they've probably let the SNC see it too, and through Byzantium the MESS may have gotten similar information." Parnell took a brief sip of water. "Which means the entire FTO has had their missile submarine fleet undermined. Which underlines their immense irritation."
"What about that note that your people sent? I wasn't exactly looking to enter this little argument."
"It was one of my subordinates who wrote and sent it with the permission of Deputy Secretary Wells, who I've already informed of my disagreement with the failure to notify me," Parnell explained. "Not that I think we did anything wrong. It keeps us on public record as opposing such behavior even if the Shroomanians were pulling a bait-and-switch play."

"Indeed. Any other business?"
"Duke Lelouch of Langley is going to embark on some world tour, he wants to visit."
"Of course he does. But Langley is a Pacific nation, even if its closer to the Old Continent than to us, so I don't see any reason not to gladly welcome him. Deirdre does like some of those shows his country exports, after all," the President added with an amused grin. "Try to see what his planned schedule is and work it around our own. I've got that Frequesue tour coming up that President Hank invited me on, and the situation with Coilerburg turning to San Dorado to overhaul their nation is going to make the trip that much more critical."

"Of course. And then there's the Sultan of Syria, his congratulatory note to you on re-election included a request for assistance with the humanitarian situation in Hadhramara..."
"We'll answer that Congress is already working on a relief and aid package and we're cooperating with international bodies providing aid to the region. Furthermore, to assist in bringing needed supplies to interior locations isolated from the main ports by bad roads and blown bridges, we're willing to have the Air Force's transport fleet airlift humanitarian aid straight to needed locations. I'll have Robert make the necessary calls to the Air Force on what we'll need to get an airlift going."


Cascadia is satisfied with the Shroomanian response in general (I presume that some elements of Shroom's reply to Rogue was made public knowledge).

A state visit to Frequesue has been planned.

A positive reply to Langley's world tour request has been sent.

The Cascadian Congress is debating the size and nature of an emergency relief plan to Hadhramara in light of the war caused by Muballi. A number of NGOs are already operating there, and the Cascadian Air Force is undergoing planning to help provide airlift aid to the interior of the country that is too isolated from the ports to receive aid shipped through them.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »

Fredericksburg Times-Dispatch

Afterbirth Casserole's latest hit tops Shepland Top 20
For the 3rd week running, Pop band Afterbirth Cassole's newest single, 'Bloody and Gummy Sheppy' has topped the Shepland 20. "We believe in good, wholesome, Dominionite Music" Said lead singer Joey Lance…More

Lord Fairfax leaves NNSB&SW
The Lord Fairfax has left Newport News Shipbuilding and Steel Working after undergoing a refit and repair overhaul since the end of the One Week War. The Lord Fairfax will undergo sea trials for a month then return to Gosport Naval Yard for post-trials refits…More
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

Seaside windmills could provide Coilerburg with renewable energy sources.

The Ministry of Shroomanian Homeland Affairs in Foreign Territories (SHAFT) has entered negotiations with the provisional Coilerburger government to allow Shroomanian contractors to aid in reconstructing the stricken nation's infrastructure - from its roads and bridges, to its sources of power.

Coilerburg relies on combusting coal for the majority of its national power needs.

Moreover, the SHAFT has also offered to send men (and women) Ministry of Medicine to Coilerburg. MOM doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals would be crucial in rehabilitating the nation's stricken health care system.

Recently, Coilerburg has experienced outbreaks of cholera and tuberculosis is known to be endemic to some Coiler communities.

"What we're doing is extending the hand of friendship to Coilerburg," said Minister of SHAFT Lord Melchett McMeistervater. "Conditions within the nation that has led to years of instability and unfitness, and that in turn has caused the turbulent events that have so recently plagued us. As a way of moving on, we'd want to offer our services in rehabilitating the nation of Coilerburg as part of the multinational investment effort that's currently underway. To show that there are no hard feelings, that every cloud has a silver lining, and that we're all looking ahead to a better future. That's what we'd want to do here."

Shroomania wants to invest in Coilerburg. Infrastructurally, medically, anatomically... :)
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

A New Dawn


Farbanti, Shroomania

It was morning again in Shroomania. The Sovereignty's most glorious capital was waking to a perfect morning. Sunny, with moderate cloud cover and zero percent chance of rainfall. The air was clear - thanks to the Prime Minister's acclaimed Schwarzenegger Sterile Sky Statute - and the new monorails were running on time.


The everyday hustle and bustle of the Old Continet's most ostentatious city gradually came to being. Shroomanians walked with a skip in their step, assured in another pleasant day in God's Country, in the wellness of their nation, in the pleasantness of their fellow people, and how their world was just wunderbar. Things were as good as gold.

But this day was special.

It was a day that would be remembered in history. Because it was a day that would make history.


Contrails crisscrossed the clear blue skies as SAF air patrols swept over the Shroomanian capital. In the streets, mild-mannered Mushroom Marines formed up in areas where the planned events would unfold, to protect the common people and the very important people alike. Mounted officers, on their stallion steeds, galloped on their ponies to keep the peace.


Guardsmen, of the Navy, the Army and the Mushroom Marines, were decked out in their regimental Shroomcoat parade uniforms. And they gathered in the places where the spectacles would unfold, and they came in force. With marching bands, with the military musicians, the orchestras...


And the regimental elephant guard.


Lord Melchett McMeistervater stood by with his honor guard, ready to welcome the esteemed and most honored visitors of the Sovereignty.


The Prime Minister too was waiting. The sense of anticipation was palpable in the air but he felt like as though he was the center of calmness amidst all the things around him. He wore no wig, no gaudy dress or robes of office, nothing but a simple yet finely tailored suit. One that Alison had gotten just for him, in fact, just for this occasion.

Shroom had long missed his friends. Paul. Shady. Heraclius. Stas.

Now, he was going to meet them all again.

"O Shroomania...." the Prime Minister hummed to himself. "Shroomania. God Save the Shroom, God Save the Shroom... Dum-dum-dum dee-dum-dee-dum."
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Emperor Heraclius IV hadn't visited Shroomania in a while, but it was always interesting to be in Shroomania. The Ecumenical Patriarch often went into a fit, so he naturally wasn't part of the entourage. He stepped off the Byzantine Command Aircraft, which was incidentally an A380, and met Prime Minister Shroom. Smiling and shaking his hand, "It's been a while since we had an SNC meeting, and in Shroomania no less! I take it King Paul, Premier Shady and Comrade Stasilav will be arriving soon?"
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.