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Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 04:00pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Good to know at least some of my ally's population agrees with my King.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 04:14pm
by Simon_Jester
Orions are a lawless and disorderly breed, their rulers whimsical and ungoverned.

Executions should be carried out with dignity, propriety, and discipline by a correctly selected and organized firing squad, with the rituals that establish the state's self-confidence and authority in doing violence unto those who did violence unto the people.

This... stageplay simply serves to reinforce that the Orions' monarch takes offenses against the state as offenses against his own person, and deals with them personally, rather than thinking and acting as a true and rightly-guided governor would do.

With a king like this, who needs a republic in order to be ungoverned?


Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 04:40pm
by Eternal_Freedom
You really should post that as an official response in the story thread. It could lead to interesting places, especially with a good chunk of my navy sitting not far from your coast and at least one of my subs trailing at least one of yours.

Seriously, do it. I sense interesting possibilities.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 04:55pm
by Simon_Jester
The Umerian government has no interest in telling the Orions that they are an ungoverned breed. If they are so unaware of their own dignity that they cannot act in a dignified fashion on their own, it is not the place of the Technocracy to tutor them in such matters.

That said, I finally got round to posting my submarine's (non)reaction to your submarine. As far as your guy can tell, my guy didn't even notice the ping.


Gimme a while to think- it's not that no Umerian will say this, but people in official positions of power have no interest in doing so. The odds are good the Umerian government will issue no official statement. On the one hand they have no fundamental problem with shooting murderers. On the other hand, it is not their place to school the king of Orion in the proper dignity and majesty of a head of state- if his tutors were unable to do that when he was a boy, it's too late to do anything about it now.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 05:03pm
by Siege
Simon_Jester wrote:I like Drax's homicidal indifference to the lives of Orions. It seems... fair.
Admittedly she's a special case, the Drax family history is storied to say the least. Even so I agree with your sentiments. Actions have consequences, and not all of them will be nice.

Besides, crazies blow up a skyscraper? That's unheard of in San Dorado, and that is saying something.
Also, is that a GLOURIOUS EKRANOPLAN-type vehicle the Delta Dukes are flying in? Or more of a conventional large flying boat? :D
It is indeed an Ekranoplan, and one larger than the Caspian Sea Monster at that.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 05:10pm
by Eternal_Freedom
I gotta say Simon, that is a wonderfully-worded response.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 05:18pm
by Simon_Jester
Uh, thanks...

Which one? :?

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 05:31pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Your one in this thread, not the one about the sub, although that was quite amusing too.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 05:52pm
by Simon_Jester
Although I confess to some curiosity about how your Spectre will respond to Stiletto.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 06:18pm
by Eternal_Freedom
I think I'll write that up, along with the King talking to his ministers about reactions to his dealing with the terrorists.

EDIT: The responses are both up. I love this game :D

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 07:39pm
by Simon_Jester
Hey, E_F...

So, let me get this straight. My submarine is running a battery of six thousand horsepower diesel engines, that I already told you sound "like a broken dishwasher," and that you already know can be described as "god that thing is loud" and "with all the noise they're making they could run over my daughter's stereo and not notice it."

And yet somehow, they can hear over all that racket, from seven kilometers away, the 'clunk' of a torpedo (which weighs, like, 1500 kg at most) being removed from a tube (gently, because it contains high explosives) and another torpedo being inserted into that tube.

Over all that racket. From seven kilometers away.


See, if I were opening the torpedo tubes, flooding them and getting ready to fire, I'd believe that you could hear that coming.

But as it is, it's pretty goddamn clear that you are either completely failing to do your homework, or you're just plain scrambling for excuses to present all your OOC knowledge as if it were IC known to your characters. In this case, that's lame but harmless. In future cases, it could become a very serious problem.

I would appreciate it if you would observe more discipline in keeping track of what facts are written in my posts, but not known to your characters. Otherwise I'll practically have to start god-moding in self defense. Because your characters will magically know what to do about every action I take far in advance unless I arbitrarily declare the effects of that action, without giving you a chance to have them respond on the basis of secret information they should not possess.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 07:45pm
by The Romulan Republic
I'd like to check my OrBat to make sure their isn't a mistake, but, barring a mistake, the numbers should be pretty much done now.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 08:11pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Yeah fair point Simon, i forgot that part since it's been a while since i wrote the fast part, and you had said you slowed down, so I got mixed up on that one. I'll go back and edit it to something different immediately.

EDIT: It's now changed to have the sonar guy confirming your boats new course and speed and telling the skipper there's no chance they caused any damage at this range. My apologies.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 08:43pm
by Simon_Jester
OK. That said, in the grand spirit of SDNW4's STEALTH FAIL* and Things Not to Do So Your Cloaked Ship Doesn't Get Spotted, I think I'm at least gonna ring your bell a little.

*Scroll down that post and you'll see the index of links.

The last part of that post may be subject to amendment depending on how the Thanasian Rhenisch battlegroup reacts to the news that there is a suspected 'pirate submarine' operating near them.


Come to think of it, Eternal_Freedom, this is what it looks like when the Technocracy decides to teach someone dignity and proper deportment. Their school system has a lot to teach on a quite-low budget, so they're a firm belief in occasional bouts of corporal punishment on the theory that the burned (or in this case bonged) hand teaches best.


Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:07pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Ok, I like that and will happily accept that as my punishment for getting cocky about OOC knowledge :D

Also, you have a Captain Combat-Ignorance? That's a really really bad name :D

EDIT: Hold on, isn't dipping sonar fairly common? Why would we be surprised?

Oh, and I love your reasoning for how we found you.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:19pm
by Simon_Jester
I admit to having consulted with Junior Field Commander Alarieléte on some of the details.

Combat-Ignorance is a very common Umerian name, because the Umerians are big on education. Sort of like how a lot of Chinese people of a certain age have names like Red-Flag or Patriotic.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:20pm
by Eternal_Freedom
I'm sure it is a common and sensible name, it's just hilarious when they're a Captain commanding a carrier :D

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:22pm
by Simon_Jester
Especially when he's the captain of a carrier assigned to school your submariners on How Not to Be Seen

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:23pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Yeah, yeah. Still, as Commander Williams points out, we probably had the last laugh cost-wise :D

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:33pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Another post up. I decided to go with the 'Britonian Royal Family married into a couple Arcadian lines' idea I tossed around in the last thread. I should note, neither Sam or James actually consider themselves Britonian...they consider themselves Arcadian (or, to be technical, Glacian and Larenan).

That being said, unless they just ignore Isabella and any other displaced royals floating around, both of them would be rather annoyed with what Harris published. Retracted or not.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:36pm
by Simon_Jester
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Yeah, yeah. Still, as Commander Williams points out, we probably had the last laugh cost-wise :D
Probably. Then again, he's accounting wrong.

It cost us a truly impressive amount of avgas and fuel oil.

It cost you various minor nuisances.

It also cost you... our having learned that much more about how to locate and kill your attack submarines in time of war. Which might cost you nothing... or it might cost you everything you have. :angelic:

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:38pm
by Eternal_Freedom
You know, I'd forgotten how much of a total bastard you can be since BARIS ended :D

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:51pm
by KlavoHunter
Steve wrote:BTW, I know we've got like three carriers off Champas, or at least will soon, but is anyone sending a lot of humanitarian supplies? The Cascadian Air Force is maintaining an "Air bridge" via refueling aircraft across the Pacific. If anyone wants to participate we can make it smoother. Refuelers flying from Umeria, for instance, to take the pressure off of the Chuuk-based ones.
I need to grind out a post about this, but that is exactly what Komradistan is doing with air transport.

In fact, it's likely that, to overcome the temporary lack of airfields, they are pushing pallets of food aid out the back of their planes with parachutes, as I'm pretty sure would be our doctrine for resupplying friendly insurgents in the field.

In fact, that's exactly what this operation is cribbing heavily off of. Komradistan even broke open the entire ready reserve of Champan Cuisine MREs that we had ready to go if we ever had to supply friendly rebels in that country.

We happen to have a stash of those tailored for EVERY country. An army marches, works, and fights based on what's in its stomachs, after all.

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 09:54pm
by Simon_Jester
Umerian humanitarian aid is going in by rail; we're close enough that this isn't actually much slower than flying it in. And since Umeria's rail link to the Vedic subcontinent necessarily passes through Champa, there's probably been considerable investment by the Umerians in ensuring that there are at least a few adequate rail lines running through the country.

Plus, you CAN build railroad spurs using huge gangs of men with shovels and sledgehammers and big bags of gravel, which is the cornerstone of all Champan development projects. ;)

Re: 2014 STGOD OOC Commentary Thread 1

Posted: 2014-07-09 10:00pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Out of curiosity Simon, about how much would all that hullabaloo have cost? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? I'm writing a follow-up post where a poor aide has to explain to the Admiral what happened.