SDNW4 Story Thread 2

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Shroom Man 777 »



The Tym Internationale Trotskyite Socialists will not stand for the fascist collaboration with the bourgeoisie Mari! Those big brute oppressors, who move and think so slow as typical with the dulled mind of the fattened capitalist pig dog, thrive only due to the servitude of the Tym under their oppression. They, bourgeoisie who control the means of production, must be made to pay for their decadence, the wealth and means of production must be redistributed to the working-class proletariats made to toil under their shadow. The Tyms are not the only victims of the Mari, who have degenerated into piracy to slake their insatiable appetite, their endless greed. It is a poor showing indeed for the fascists to collaborate with these oppressors of the people.

The fascists have brought only war and violence to the Outlands, warring with the bourgeoisie Byzantine fanatics, and in the worlds they so claim to have stabilized countless have either been falsely imprisoned or outright killed in their political repressions! It is fitting that these oppressors collude and scheme with other oppressors, making a new order of oppressive oligarchy to rule over the common man. Their totalitarian will, manifested by the state, controls the wealth and the means of production - which should rightfully belong to the people! Under their regime, the multi-species peoples of the Outlands will suffer the same servitude as the Tym shackled by the Mari overlords.

That is the true face of their Central State, the true form of the stability they have brought. A peace brought by war, stability brought by tyranny and furthered by atrocity. Their acts of aggression now threatens to plunge not just this sector, but the whole former Outlands, into war as violence between the factions escalates. They have not improved the disorganized violence of the days of anarchy, their so-called order has only organized that violence and directed it to bring more death and mayhem!

Comrades, fellow people, rise up against the fascist pigs, the bourgeoisie oppressors, the foreigners whose imported ideologies only bring more destitution to our worlds! Let us break this vicious cycle, let us begin a new! Let us create an Outer Haven, a place where we can have the liberty we've won for ourselves! We must unite and cast these tyrants off our worlds without boundaries. For the people! Fight for freedom, and an amazing ultimately Utopian united classless communist socialist society!
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by fgalkin »

Somewhere in the Former Outlander Commissions.

Shadow In The Black growled in satisfaction as it examined the reports from its spy probes. For years, the Outlander Commissions had been an ocean of anarchy, of warring factions and cruel pirates. Now, things were even worse, as the Centralites, the Byzantines, and all the rest had plunged the region into an orgy of violence. Shadow In The Black barely understood why they were fighting, but the fighting itself was a different matter. It savored the images of massive death and destructions transmitted to it by its probes and for the first time in centuries, it was truly happy. Dutifully, it relayed the messages to its superiors. It could not be sure for certain, but somehow, it knew that they too, were happy at the chaos that gripped the Outlands.

In the darkness of deep space, the Lost were watching and waiting.

Have a very nice day.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Zor »

Merriksgrad: Two weeks after the infection


The figure was chained up to a ring hammered in the wall, screaming a Xenophobic fire and brimstone tyrade.


Six Tau Transformee brandished their weapons, they were all volunteers and each of them had lost a good friend or loved one in the last firefight.


A salvo of beams and projectiles cut through the air, in a split second the last Orthodox Priest in the city fell dead. Lieutenant Bruce Saxon of the Merricksgrad Milita watched as his remains were cleaned up and snorted with disgust. He had seen the "cure" Byzantium had offered, those who had the misfortune to received it for the most part either died in agony and many who did not became degenerated malformed creatures. The longer they had been transformed, the more likely a horrible painful death awaited those who took it. This was enough to justify the fears of the transformed.

Over the past twelve days, the new Provisional Committee had sought to eek out some semblence of order, uniting the transformees under the common banner of survival and maintaining some order. They gathered together engineers, civil servants, mechanics and so forth to work to get things running. Their first priority is that of defense. Having the bulk of the remaining population at their disposal. After three days of fighting the remaining Zealots and what few Byzantine Priests were not transformed had been pushed back to the District of Redbank. It was hoped they could be contained there until either the spiders got them, they starved or something else, but the arrival of the "Cure". This gave them enough of a rallying cry to charge. A few poor sods accepted the Byzantine Invitation to be cured while the fanatics charged the line with renewed Zeal. The defending Transformee Militias that they set out against lacked their bravery and only had a 8/1 numerical advantage, superior weapons from the fact that most of the armories were outside of Redbank, better organization due to the fact that the vast majority of the surviving police had been transformed, numerous well dug in posistions and control of the majority of the armories. Their equipment and "medicine" had been destroyed and a few of them had been allowed to flee outside.

After reports of what the "Cure" did got out, most people came to beleive that this "cure" was nothing more than a means of brutally killing their mortal enemies. For this reason, what priests remained were deemed mortal enemies and were to be dispatched. This was not a public spectacle, because some disagreed with it. Bruce could understand that, although a mere ten minutes with one of them convinced him that this was the right thing to do. Now the deed was done and at least this city was now secure. Outside its limits their was still chaos as Transformee Militia clashed with external Zealots, But a couple of neighboring cities had been converted to a similar degree. A few thousand of its dezidens had evacuated on commondeered spacecraft just in case worse came to worse.

Some broadcasts had been made searching for help and warning about the Byzantine "Cure". A couple of shipments of the stuff had been destroyed en route, though some areas had experienced the worst of it. At the same time, requests for assistance against Byzantine attempts at extermination had been sent out.
Last edited by Zor on 2011-04-17 03:43am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Trevestadt: Three weeks after the infection

The answer to infection was here.

When it became clear that the plague was caused by a disease, an artificial one at that, the people were quick to enact precautions against its spread. The filtration of food and water, the extermination of vermin and pet animals, the quarantine of the infected and the avoidance of their bodily fluids, the destruction of the silvery spider-things that carried the plague. The Orthodox believers were quickly able to purge the man-Tau. The infected, wracked by their sudden changes, distraught over their disfigurement, conflicted by their transformation into xenos, were usually scared and frightened people, if they could be called that, and were easily dealt with. There were some attempts at resistance, at organization, but the afflicted's attempts at mounting a rebellion was akin to that of a colony of lepers playing Spartacus. Random diseased people wracked by the stresses of sudden physical change, hounded and chased throughout a hostile city, outnumbered by the healthy humans who had protected themselves from the pathogen's spread, and outgunned for the Orthodox believers had access to superior firearms while the transformees were merely freaks to be shot on sight, it was really no contest. Unless the disorganized mob of blue lepers suddenly and miraculously gained insights into guerrilla warfare, magically gained numerical superiority, and were inexplicably supplied armamentations like mana from heaven, they had no hope.

Until now.

The new doctrines of forgiveness and repentance was a chance at salvation. Unlike the weaponized cure, the un-weaponized treatments were more effective though albeit prolonged and costly. But the local Orthodox church and its clergy, claiming that they were the church of martyrs and the church of poverty, opted to fund these reversal treatments out of their considerably deep pockets - getting funding from their off-world bank accounts and hoarded gold, using the monies from donations and indulgences that were originally meant to purchase new jewel-encrusted Aquilas. Those who undertook the rigors of re-humanization had a chance to be human again, to rid of the deformations wracking their bodies, to regain their human souls and be a servant of the God-Emperor once more.

Except for those few whose Tau-transformations also severely affected their minds, many of these desperate transformees were very much the same persons they were before, namely pious Emperor-worshipers, the kind the nano-virals were targeted at. At first they knew not why they were punished by the Tau affliction, at first they thought they would die at the hands of their fellowmen, they were afraid. But the new teachings, which preached that the plague was akin to a test like that which befell Job, an ordeal of suffering to see just how much they loved the God-Emperor, righted their misconceptions.

These people who hated their new Tau bodies would never skip a chance at becoming human again, at returning to their true perfect human forms and abandoning the wretched inferior indigo bodies that had poxed them. Even if it risked death, for if they attempted the cure and died, at least they would regain part of their human souls and have some respite in Purgatory rather than the Hell reserved for pure xenos scum. So they took the cure.

In a strange twist of fate, the man-Tau who were born again into humans were refilled with faithful vigor, their love in the God-Emperor and His mercies reaffirmed. There were still those man-Tau who resisted, who denied the cure, who continued to fight the Orthodox believers. These beasts were obviously possessed by demons. With their newfound faith , the man-Tau born again into humans shouldered their cure weapons. To prove that their restored human purity was unquestionable, they would hunt down those wretches who dared deny the Emperor and correct their sinful ways by trying to help them by returning them humanity once more. Even if it killed them.

After all the Tau-transformees in Trevestadt had been re-humanized, either willingly for they wished to return to humanity or unwillingly by getting hunted down by the born again and shot at by cure-weapons, the believers turned their sights on the aliens. Those who weren't infected by the nanogen, those who were naturally xenos. They were still an affront to the God-Emperor, and it was their sinful ways that brought the Tau curse upon humanity. Thus it was only fitting that the faithful, and the former-Tau now-human again born agains, would also cure them of the sickness of being alien.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Steve »

Outside Trevestadt

The non-human populations around Trevestadt had long gathered into a fortified compound due to the instability and violence in their neighborhood. The Centralists and Communists were killing any who disapproved of their ideology, the Byzantines were in turn slaughtering non-humans in response to violence began by the Centralists... and now, the Nova Atlantean nanoplague had made matters even worse, for the Byzantines that survived the plague and the highly lethal treatment for it were on a rampage, using their deadly treatment as a weapon that they proclaimed would "humanize" the hated xeno.

In truth, while their treatment had varying effect in each species, the result was always the same; death within 36 hours, usually agonizing, with the treatment mutilating their bodies from within.

Angmarids, Tym, planetside Mari, exiled Dilgrud, and all the other races lived together here, fighting for their lives as every day the Byzantine radicals attempted to force themselves in. The Mari leader of the compound in turn mostly looked to his offworld advisors. Meru Ranal and Sajya Turo were from New Anglia, Trill and Astra Dorei doctors respectively, while Otani Paydo represented one of the Dorei religious Esper orders, the Children of the Gift, and was generally listened to by the one Silver Moon Sentinel and the Crescent Brother who had also made their way into the compound.

"The Imperial Orthodox militia is through the north wall!" For the beleagued defenders of the compound, their power cells almost dry, there was only despair. All knew their fate if just one of the dreaded Imperium "cure-guns" hit them; an agonizing death.

The only one relatively immune to actually dying from the cure-gun was Diane Hunter, the Silver Moon Sentinel who, as a Human, would be able to host the treatment without it being fatal (though in its attempts to "purge" xeno material from her body it might very well still be excruciating). The thirty year old's rifle and beamsaber were both lost, destroyed in battle, and so Diane had defaulted to a weapon her father had taught her to use before she went into the order; a longbow, carefully constructed from native wood. With her last quiver of arrows she attempted to hold the breach, her steel-tipped arrows finding unprotected torsos and limbs to pierce and spilling blood which other fanatics would slip in.

Praying to God for help, Diane strung her last arrow and sent it flying, impaling the eye of an Orthodox priest who was trying to rally the forces at the breach. The death of their clergy only enraged them, and she barely had a chance to realize what she'd hit before the needle of a cure-gun embedded itself in her neck; further rounds hit her bare, cut-up right shoulder. She gasped and fell over, realizing this was the end. For a "Xeno-lover", they would show no mercy.

Before the first militiaman could get to her, a bright burst of energy struck his torso and made him disintegrate. From above came the roar of an anti-gravity drive, and with it the sound of her salvation.

As the beleagued compound defenders retreated, their aid came from above in the form of Hawker Harriers. The Anglian craft erupted in fury upon the attackers, their pulse guns raking the ragged mob and slaughtering them with impunity. To add to this display of power, the Marine Hot Landers in their heavy power armor detached from the gunboats' drop pods and brought their heavy weapons to bear.


The militia fire almost ceased. There were a couple of shots from the dreaded "cure guns", but their nasty payloads were little better than stones, plinking harmlessly off the Marine armor. One last charge came from the fanatics, filled with religious fury as they were, but their brave fanaticism was fatal against an enemy that outmatched them so terribly; the Marines, with calm precision, laid fire upon them and sent the few survivors scurrying backward.

There was no pursuit of the thwarted enemy. The Marines took up stations and allowed medics to tend to the wounded. Craft from civilian ships that had volunteered to evacuated the at-risk aliens, primarily vessels of Bragulan, Angmarid, and Outlander make, came to whisk the survivors away to safety.

Pain was shooting through Diane's body by the time a medic got to her. "What did they shoot you with?", the Hebridian woman asked her.

"Their 'treatment'... for the nanoplague.... aaaahhh!" Diane couldn't help but cry out; she felt like her body was being twisted on the inside.

Unconsciousness came moments later, courtesy of the anesthetic the medic applied to her. "We need a containment flight now!", the woman shouted. "Doctor Felin will want a look at this one."

In orbit, the dominating presence was HMS Reprisal. A couple of Anglian corvettes were in close formation with the imposing Star Cruiser, detached from Pegasus Station in DD-29 to rescue Anglian nations where possible now that the Outlands were descending into chaos. Captain Horace Smythe watched the planet, Kantin, rotate quietly below him, knowing that already much of the planet was overtaken by a virulent nanovirus that turned Humans into... Tau.

Anglians did not hold grudges all the time, but the Tau... everyone remembered them. Their acts of brutality against the Imperium, turning one of New Anglia's neighbors into a backward medieval state, and their support for the savage Dilgrud had given them little sympathy in New Anglia in Human or non-Human alike.

Now, those bastards on Nova Atlantis had allowed their infatuation with the Tau and hatred for the Imperium to drive them to a measure that none could tolerate; the release of a plague that might well spread and cause untold misery and suffering.

"Captain." The young man at Comms was looking up. "Message from the surface, sir. Trevestadt's leader is demanding to speak with you."

"Damned butcher," Smythe grumbled under his breath, but aloud he said, "Put him on". He found himself facing a red-faced man wearing Orthodox clergy garb. "Father, I'm afraid I'm busy overseeing evacuations, what can I do for you?"

"Xeno-loving bastards, don't you realize what you've done?!", the man rasped.

"Why, yes, I do believe my Marines prevented you from slaughtering a few hundred innocent people," Smythe replied drolly.

"Xenos are not people!", the man thundered, but it was clearly a reflex reaction. "I... I need your help, Anglian."

Smythe looked at him with some surprise, though he was careful to keep his expression controlled. "Oh? And how might I serve you?"

"You killed our militia," the man answered. "And with all the dead and the lost ammunition, we no longer have enough cure payloads to protect ourselves. The... abominations are massing. The ones driven crazy by this foul deed... they want to infect the rest of us! They're coming for us now!"

"Ah. I see. And you want me to....?"

"Save us!", the priest cried out. "You destroyed our ability to defend ourselves, you have to protect us now! Destroy the abominations!"

Smythe cleared his throat. "So you want my protection."

"Yes! Use your ship's guns and atomize Merricksgrad and the abominations there!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible, sir." Seeing the clergyman start to sputter, Smythe explained, "I'm under orders not to open fire with my ship's guns upon planets in the Outlands. What I can do, however, is extend protection to you and warn the transformed people in Merricksgrad to leave you in peace."

"Yes, very well!", the clergyman shouted. "Just save us!"

"Well, I shall see what I can do. Reprisal out." When the channel was cut, Smythe motioned to Communications. "Get me Major Willers, the Marines will be needed for this one."

To be continued
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Rubicon Noon
Planet Eretz-Nod
Former Outlander Commissions, Sector AA-24


Eretz-Nod had once been an important resource colony of the Outlander Commissions, providing the nation with much of its rubiconium. It was particularly hit hard by the disintegration of the Commissions, as its large rubiconium deposits made it a highly sought-after asset for the various factions fighting for dominance over what else remained of the Commissions. As Byzantines, Centralists, Communards, and inhumanists alike all fought amongst themselves and each other in a truly disgusting squabble over who would get the largest piece of the vegemite pie, megacorps such as Multi-Planetary United and the Spinward Outback Trading Company set their covetous sights on Eretz-Nod, hoping to secure the world and harvest its rubiconium so they could fill their own coffers.

Of course, none of these factions were expecting the sudden intervention of a forgotten power long thought to have been rendered extinct by the Bragulans in centuries past. Eretz-Nod was now the first target on the list for the resurgent Scron, who had emerged from their self-imposed seclusion in the nearby shoals to harvest their prized "ichor" once more.


With the former Commissions in chaos, the Scron expected their first strike to be met with little organized resistance. The inhabitants of Eretz-Nod could do little as they beheld the Scron's motherships falling from the heavens like lightning, burninating the remnants of their already-ruined cities to even larger piles of ash and cinders. Scron assault carriers and gunships followed shortly afterwards, swatting what little aerospace forces Eretz-Nod's defenders could muster from the skies. With nearly complete air and space superiority, the Scron were able to land their troops planetside with relative ease.


The tribulations of Eretz-Nod's inhabitants were only beginning. None of the other warring factions on the planet had access to large amounts of either nuclear weaponry or heavy armored units, the keystones of the Bragulan Star Empire's initial successes against the Scron. With most of their aerospace support now gone and the bulk of their remaining forces consisting of light infantry, they could not hope to go up against the Scron in a stand-up fight and have any chance of success. To make things worse, the Scron absolutely thrived amidst the rubiconium fields; they were capable of establishing a considerable presence even within the "red zones" that were deemed uninhabitable for most sentient species, and prolonged exposure to high concentrations of rubiconium seemed to have a regenerative effect on their physiology.

If the Byzantines, Centralists, Communards, and inhumanists all wanted to survive to fight each other another day, they would have to set aside their prior grievances for the moment and attempt to focus their efforts against the Scron. If MPU and the Spinward Outback Trading Company really wanted their rubiconium, they would have to find some way to deal with the Scron threat before beginning their harvest. Needless to say, Eretz-Nod was going to go through some truly interesting times, even by the standards of the rest of the former Outlander Commissions.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

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Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Mayabird »

Previously on SDNW4 wrote:Authorization for Badwill Operation NOM approved. May commence when ready.
Acknowledged, comrades.
With that command, agents in deep space activated a series of devices.


Transplanar Psionic Waveform Emitters, otherwise known as Psi-Emitters. Many were secretly positioned in derelict ships, unmanned outposts, and seeded asteroids in deep space. They hummed the music of the spheres, calling, beckoning, whispering through the dark. Making a line in space, an arrow directing those they beckoned to their where their gruesome service was needed.

The final device was activated on their ultimate destination.

Brought to you by Mayabird, Simon_Jester and Shroom Man 777

Aray, Outlander Central State
Former Outlander Commisions

The Centralite forces were recalled. The partisan fleets were full of revolutionary fervor, and so they were disappointed, but they followed the state’s command, and these were given by the state. They returned, just in time, and all for naught.


“I sense... a great disturbance...a force!” The powerful esper oracle of the Order of the Black Star, his name renounced at his rank, clutched his head. He tried to concentrate, but there was something simultaneously distracting and repulsive clouding his thoughts.

The nameless one could not know that it was not one force but two pressing against his senses. The second was partially masked by the first, but it was so powerful that its presence bled through.

The first force was the Psi-Emitter planted upon Aray. Its superluminal waves rippled across hyperspace, the final bright beacon in the multidimensional chaos. Every esper in the system could feel it, and there were many, as the Centralites had been gathering them, by or against their will. The second force, even greater than the first, was such that they could even hear it in their minds, the music of the spheres, drums in the deep. In their dreams they saw visions of what was to come, disturbing sights of death and destruction, the sounds of billions of minds screaming before the silence fell. In touching their minds, the psychoplasmic transmissions of the dream machine amplified the psychic footprints of those touched by the warp. It echoed in the dark, and was heard by hungry minds.

The nameless one and his acolytes searched for the Psi-Emitter. The Black Stars suspected an act of terrorism, for they had many enemies. “But what purpose would it serve?” he asked, as they triangulated the source and commanded an orbital bombardment upon the location. The Psi-Emitter was quickly destroyed and its signal ceased, unclouding their esper senses. Revealing the true form of that second, greater force. And then the acolytes screamed in utmost horror upon realizing what was to come.

“The Swarm! The Swarm is Nigh!”

A shadow in the warp fell upon the Aray system. Just as it had in Janus. Just as it had in Nova Genoa. Just as it had in many worlds across Wild Space and elsewhere, all of which were now consumed by the hunger without end of countless billions of organisms. They were life, living things that embodied natures ultimate perseverance, the culmination of the evolutionary process, of Darwinian selection on a galactic scale. Yet they were death, the death of self subsumed into the greater whole, the death of countless billions consumed by their ravenous hunger. Death-in-life. Life-in-death.


The Karlack Swarm.

The World-Eater Hiveship’s presence was enough to drive lesser psykers mad. Even from lightyears away, its looming presence in the warp could be felt by the touch. Now, as it approached the world itself, the voice of the Overmind was unbearable for the pitiful minds of the humans. The chorus of the Swarm seeped into their thoughts, the whispers and hisses and chitterings of countless organisms all linked to the greater brood-minds. The sound was drilling through the feeble human psykers’ minds.

Suddenly, it became quiet. And the World Eater spoke.


The Karlacks came.

All of them.

I have doomed us all Lord Wankiller knew, as the alert reached him. It had seemed such a pragmatic decision, pulling their forces back; large and important it was in its own way, but it was just another step in the grander plan, just a step, nothing more. Now it was the worst decision of his entire life, possibly threatening the entire cause of Centralism in the Outlands. He would pay for his mistakes soon, but for now, he had to save what he could.

“General evacuation!” he ordered. “All ships capable of launch, load all the personnel you can and lift off immediately. Ground forces away from the space ports, support the evacuation with all your capacity. Your sacrifice will be forever remembered. Space forces, cover the evacuation! Hold back the Karlacks as long as possible!”

The ragtag forces organized themselves to defend their world. The bulk of their fleet had been dispatched to fight some unknown enemy sectors away before being suddenly recalled back, much to the disappointment of the eager revolutionaries. Now many of their vessels were berthed and refueled, repaired, for even their uneventful deployment had taxed some of the ships that had been poorly maintained since the dissolution of the Outlands. But even these aged vessels were scrambled to meet the threat, an enemy unlike any other. The once formidable Araynan military mustered what it had left, the rusted down weaponries and warships unused since the final days of the Outlands, brought out their stockpiled arsenals, and prepared for the worst. Most of the soldiers here were new recruits dedicated to the cause of Centralism, tested only in the guerrilla conflicts and brushfire wars and uprisings against the Orthodox fanatics and alien factions, experienced only in the sectarian violence but otherwise unproven in real interstellar warfare. There was a cadre of veterans, though, commanders and officers experienced from the days of old, when the civil war that broke the Commissions apart and pitted the militaries of Arayna against that of the Angmarids, Airaii and others. These battle-hardened elite knew what it was like, and now their experience would be put to good use once again.

The old Arayna military had contingencies for Karlack incursions, as was inevitable for a nation so close to the Swarm. Those remaining veterans, who had survived the purges by pledging loyalty to the Centralist cause, knew of these contingencies and put them to good use. Gunnery crews were instructed to aim for the larger Karlack creatures, whose synaptic organelles were used to coordinate the lesser bio-forms; missile batteries were advised to prioritize the spore pods that would spearhead the invasion forces and to destroy them when they were still exo-atmospheric, before they could disperse their taint; fighter wings and flotillas were told to stick together and cover each other to avoid being isolated and overwhelmed by the horde.

This was their home world. This was the center of the Central State in the Outlands. This was the home to countless people, not only the denizens of Aray but of innumerable refugees who had fled the anarchy plaguing the other systems for the safety of the better world Centralism had made here. They all had helped in building this great society, they were all part of the State and the New Order. For all it had given them, they would gladly pay back in blood - that of the enemy, preferably. But with fascist fervor, they were ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for Centralism.

But the Araynan Centralites, as formidable as they were compared to their rival ragtag revolutionaries in the Outlands, were just that. Ragtag revolutionaries. What they faced in the Karlack Swarm was nothing like the enemies they fought in their petty ideological squabbles. Their foe was implacable, nigh unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with even by the hyper-militarized nations of the Koprulu Zone, a race of assimilated predatory organisms that have evolved into the galaxy’s ultimate killing machines.

The Centralites knew this. But still they fought.

The Swarm descended upon them like a flood of chitin, claw and carapace. This was the true mindless, senseless, all-consuming horde. Utterly inhuman. Utterly without mercy. Without conscience. Their biological perfection was matched only by their hostility. And they came in undeniable numbers. Despite the defenders’ preparations, despite their home-field advantage, despite their revolutionary fervor and willingness to fight and die for State and Order, the Karlack flood simply drowned them in a deluge of death. There was no ark to flee to, no covenant to protect them.

Expecting no quarter, thus they gave none. Lasers, missiles and cannons racked the blackness of space, illuminating it with tracer fire and nuclear flash-outs. They killed, so many of the lesser bioforms that preceded the bulk of the splinter fleet. They came in waves and the Centralites at first weathered them, dealing death to the first living salvos of expendable creatures, but the Karlacks did not stop, they simply kept on coming. Gradually they were overwhelmed, little by little, as the sheer number of living weapons seeped through their defensive envelopes and inflicted damage, thus further diminishing their defenses. The intensity and numerosity of these sacrificial waves grew as the main body of the Karlack fleet came closer and closer. There was no stopping the Swarm.

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More of the suicide space beasts detonated against the hulls of the warships. Despite their small size, the damage these living torpedoes dealt was devastating. The warships reeled. In desperation they focused their fire on the largest of the Karlack bioships, the World Eater, hoping to strike at the guiding intelligence of all the bioforms. But the Mothership simply bore the brunt of the blasts, seemingly unaffected, its brood-mind filling space with guttural laughter as it unleashed a storm of Omega Energy and bio-torpedoes at those who dared to stand against the fury of the Swarm. World Crushers joined the chorus, launching their own bioplasma attacks or disgorging countless winged bioforms, mutagargoylisks and devourators, which swarmed the Centralite ships and spewed acids and glaive wurms on their hulls. Slicer ships fired scything Omega lances, concentrating on enemy capital ships. They did not destroy them outright, instead merely disabled them, for the damaged ships would face fates far worse than destruction.

The remaining Centralite ships disengaged and retreated back to Aray, planning to combine forces with the planetary defense grid, hoping that the added firepower would make up for the losses they had sustained.

In the meanwhile, the World Eater released its space locusts, billions of teeming organisms that would blanket the other bio-forms, to heal the injured or accelerate the decomposition of the dead and reuse their bio-matter. As it did so, the Mothership neared the Centralite ships that had been damaged and disabled. Their helpless wrecks floated in space, and the surviving crews entombed within them would bear sight to a grotesque spectacle.

The locusts and smaller ships dragged the space hulks into place, then the World Eater revealed its Infestation Tentacles. They lashed out and spewed digestive enzymes to weaken the hulls, or snaked into breached sections, gradually making their way to the parts inhabited by the remaining crew. Where then they would begin their gruesome work.


The dying screams of sailors being digested alive filled the minds of the rest of the Centralists in the surviving vessels. The World Eater’s brood-mind broadcasted the sight and sounds of the poor souls’ last moments, and the more sensitive could even feel what it was like to be consumed by the gastric juices of the Karlack bio-forms. Even the most stalwart of the Centralites could not help but feel fear and revulsion, and for those less-than-die-hard members, their despair was unknowable.

Do you think death is the worst thing that can happen to you here? a female voice asked them in the back of their minds. Infestation is what's coming for you.

Soon all will serve the Swarm!

Her cruel laughter echoed in space. For the quivering masses, those broken survivors, that was the last straw. A number of ships left their formations and went for the other side of the system, as far from the Karlacks as they could, going for the hyperlimit and departing despite the dangers caused by the shadow in the warp. These deserters were few, but their abandonment nonetheless struck their comrades deeply, but they couldn’t punish the betrayal for they reserved their dwindling armamentations for the oncoming storm.

The World Eater continued its inexorable advance to Aray, accompanied as it was by its retinue of bioforms. It met the remaining Centralite ships, who were supported by a combination of orbital and planetary surface-to-space defenses. It was there that they would make their last stand.


Karlacks fell before them by the scores of thousands. Their mighty guns blazed at the heavens-turned-hell, striking down the bio-demons that threatened to engulf them. Warships at the fore, all cannons roaring, lasers lighting, missiles launching. Orbital platforms behind them, like space artillery firing for effect. Even weapons from the surface of Aray hammered the endless Karlack hordes. It was their last hurrah. Their final act of defiance against the monstrosities that came to destroy their precious new order.

But losses did not matter to the Karlacks. For every five that fell, twenty could take their place. Their dead could be consumed to replenish their numbers, the ultimate in recycling. Some would be blasted too small to be found, or would enter the atmosphere and burn away, but that did not matter; there was plenty more food on the surface to replace that. Soon they would descend.

Craving for carrion, the dark raven shall have its say, when competing with the wolf, it laid bare the bones of corpses.


Among the cities of Aray there had been a demented preacher. He was actually a Mechanical of the Outlander type, though an android so greatly resembling the human norm that without specialized tools, no one could tell the difference. He traveled from town to village to metropolis, always one step ahead of the authorities, and speaking his seditious blasphemy, for he worshipped the God-Emperor of Man and opposed the Centrality.

Now he stood upon what had once been a cathedral, lined with platinum and chrome, shining with the reflected glory of Aray’s star. It had been repurposed into a Centrum, but now the preacher made it his platform.

“Thy end hath come, oh ye faithless. Thy pride turned thee from the light of the True Faith, and thou bowed before false idols, believing the empty lies of the Centralists! Now the holy face of the God-Emperor has turned from ye, and His protection is held from thee. Tear at thy hair and clothes and heap ashes upon thy heads, o wicked ones, but thy prayers come too late!”

His voice boomed from the Centrum silver, amplified by his internal electronics. Even as flaming debris crashed among the buildings and explosions tore apart others, his words could still be heard.

“For thy hubris, thy vanities will be cast down! Salvation will not be thine! We are sinners in the hands of an angry God-Emperor, and his wrath will not be denied. Behold the fruits of thy depravity! Thy wickedness is returned thousandfold! And even now, the might of the God-Emperor is clear, for He-on-Terra uses the alien Karlacks as the instruments by which thy heresy will be cast down, and by which thy arrogant belief that thou could conquer the universe in an eyeblink is chastened! Yea, the swarm that descends upon us is the very Scourge of God!

Down in the streets, the populace turned their impotent rage towards the preacher standing above. The Karlacks came, but without the power to oppose them, they hurled jeers at the android instead. Inside the Centrum, guards raced towards the rooftop to remove the preacher, to have that last bit of spiteful pleasure before their end.

The preacher would not grant it.

“Wicked, wicked fools! Now I bring down the God-Emperor’s cleansing fire,” he said at the last. Then he turned his head towards the sky, held his aquila to his chest, and activated his self-destruct.


In their last moments, those few foolish exiled Mari regretted their folly and rebellion, but repentance would not save them from their punishment. The most merciful deaths came at the hands of their enslaved Tym, striking down their hated masters while they were too surprised to react. Among those Tym had been Communards, infiltrators who had planned to sabotage their enemies from within. They would not allow the fascists even a chance to damage the scourge of the gods or slow their wrath upon the oppressors.

And when they were done, they airlocked themselves, for even the Tym knew of the Karlacks and the fate that would await them otherwise.

Karlack ground and atmospheric organisms fell upon the defensive lines around the evacuation ports, trying to cut off and devour the escaping Centralists. Aerospaceforms swooped down upon the ports from above, but were stymied by a mighty concentrated air defense.

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The Araynans’ mobile defense batteries blazed away, drilling tunnels through the swarms of aerospace bioforms that besieged them from above. With laser fire, flak barrages, and blasts of raw nuclear force, they swept the skies above the evacuation ports clear, trying to allow at least a few transports to flee before the planet was hopelessly englobulated by the might of the Swarm.


On the ground, the valiant and diverse Revolutionary Guards, Black Shirts, Brown Shirts, Red Shirts, and other military and paramilitary organizations of the Centralist Outland State held the line to the last vehicle, the last man and, often enough, the last round. Wave upon wave of gauntlings, hydragaunts, and larger creatures such as the dreaded carnilisks mobbed the ports. They were met with all manner of defenders, from war surplus battledroid hand-me-downs to überpanzerfausts in the hands of Völkslander mercenaries brought to remote Arayna by the promise of Centralist riches, and safety from their many enemies. But they would find no safety here, for these exiled warriors of the self-proclaimed Master Race had now met an even more masterful race, one whose evolution was far more complete than their own... and it was hungry.

Behind the infantry, war machines and artillery fired with abandon, blasting through countless rounds of machine gun and cannon ammunition, burning enough fuel for a million beam weapons to vaporize a million spherical masses of iron. The Karlack waves were slaughtered by the thousands at sites all over the planet, and for a time the Centralists thought they might even TRIUMPH over their innumerable and chitinous foes.

They were wrong.


Ultimately, the munitions ran out. The fuel ran out. The men themselves ran out, unable even to lift their weapons. There were no reserves, no reinforcements, no secure lines of supply- for where on Arayna were there not mighty armies of Karlacks descending upon the planet from above? Every unit fought surrounded and isolated- the ammunition dumps defended by only a handful of troops who couldn’t shoot fast enough to save themselves, the frontline positions defended by legions of stormtroopers who could shoot fast enough... but who soon ran out of ammunition.

Out of desperation, some of the defenders turned to using the Nova Atlantean nanoweapons, in a vain attempt at transforming the hostile bioforms into much weaker, and easily beaten, Tau. The weapons did not work, though upon sampling the nano-retroviral, a synapse creature noted its curiosity and commanded that those defenders who used the nanoweapons be taken alive. They were restrained by spider-like larvae who wrapped themselves around their heads and hugged faces very tightly.

In the handful of sites, mostly in close terrain in the urban centers, where the Karlack vertical envelopment did not avail them, Centralist resistance lasted longer. Sometimes as much as half an hour longer... but no more. For now, the battle in orbit was lost, utterly lost. The Karlack bombardment creatures- guardianoid long range acidbombers and other, more terrible creatures- were in position. These chitinous alienoids proceeded to biobomb, poison, and sporify the last remaining human defensive positions from orbit.


It was the only way to be sure.

Human, Angmarid, Mechanicals, Mari, all fell before the fury of the Swarm. There was no discrimination between human and inhuman. All were equal in the eyes of the Overmind. All were welcomed to join the brood, to become one with the Eternal Swarm. To die and be born again through the horrific process of infestation. To be consumed, broken down to constituent proteins and nutrients and nourish the ravenous bioforms. To partake in the feast unknown, to be participants in an evolutionary culmination unlike any other, a sacrament against all that was past and holy. Not a sin against nature, but a sin of nature, directed against all who had profaned her.

The Karlacks were a force of nature, performing cold, senseless and dispassionate biological processes on a planetary scale, on those who, in their hubris, thought themselves above such things. Science, technology, religion, politics, ideology - all these things meant nothing to the all encompassing Karlack Swarm. Whereas so many races saw nature as insignificant in light of their vain accomplishments, in truth in the multi-faceted eyes of the Karlack hivemind everything these vain species had built, all those temporary things that defined their short pitiful existences, was naught but microscopic planktons to be sifted and consumed. To be assimilated.


Those who could not make it to orbit fled for the bunkers. There they cowered by the thousands. Hoping for some miraculous salvation to spare them from their fates. But alas, the remnants of their space fleet was scattered across Aray’s orbit, and the ground forces were the first to fall to the Swarm’s warrior strains. The fate of these fallen defenders was be a mercy compared to that of those left on Aray.

The stalking bioforms were joined by new additions to the Swarm. Their bodies were warped and twisted by the mutagenic spores, their minds corrupted by the Swarm. Infested Terrans, mutated humans and non-humans alike, together with the gauntlinglisks and carnilisks and other strains, pried open the bunkers and shelters and dragged the living out, sifting through them and scouring their genetic potential, assimilating those gifted with metahuman potentials or those whose DNA the Swarm had not yet encountered before. The Mari, who stayed in their ships and kept away, were now the subject of the Karlacks’ curiosities as they were cocooned alive, to be brought to the hive clusters for further analysis. Those who were already dead, or those whose genetic materials the Swarm was already intimately familiar with, were merely consumed to fuel the metabolisms of the bioforms. Those few Mechanicals whose logical computations assumed they would be spared due to their inorganic and inedible natures felt fear for the very first, and the very last, time as they were carved to pieces and masticated by the larger bioforms such as carnilisks, whose gastric acids melted the machines down, dissolving them and their mineral components to be later used to grow bone or chitin or claw.

In the center of that storm of flesh was an angry red eye. The last traces of defiance against the Karlacks. Those who began this madness lasted until its very end.


The snap-hiss of their blades, the dismemberment of gauntlings and xenogaunts and arachnomorphs, cauterization. The crackle of their psionic lightning storms, the shrieks of writing bioforms burned alive, incineration. The sickening snap of telekinesis, carapace breaking under the force of many gravities, pulverization. The dark warriors of the Centralist elite put their powers to good use, murdering obscene quantities of the abominations that had brought ruination and digestification to the new order they had forged. The frustration of seeing their dreams dashed against the harsh reality of these monsters from the damned Koprulu Zone, the horror of seeing all their revolutionary brethren, followers and underlings devoured alive, the fear they all felt deep in their hearts in knowing the fates they now foresaw. This only fueled them further. Bioforms were torn to pieces, hurled through the air, or outright exploded by the might of their minds. They proved to the dread Swarm that they, the proponents of Centralism, were more powerful than whatever evolutionary bastardries the Overmind could spawn from his grotesque ovipositors.

Yet this was what the brood-mind wanted. With every creature slain, it felt their power. With the compound eyes and oculars of the swarming gauntlings, it saw their strength. They proved their mettle. They proved their genetic worth, the purity of their seed, the strength of their superior genes over the recessive ones.

Truly, the effort the Star Brood took in quelling this world had been worth it. Not only had the disturbances that threatened to upset the region, an annoying nuisance to the Overmind and the Aspect’s plans for galactic domination, been silenced, but so too had they found truly worthy specimens. To add into their fold.


The beamsabers went out one after the other as their expert esper wielders were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Defilermorphs spewed clouds of thick mucous to obstruct their movements. Burrowed Lurkgaunts collapsed the ground beneath their very feet. The gauntlings came and buried them under corpses. The carnilisks overpowered them, the Overloins took them.

The last who remained was the nameless one, the powerful esper oracle of the Black Star. He still fought against the hordes. Scores fell before his powers and swordsmanship, their misshapen bodies forming heaps higher and higher around him. The walls of twisted Karlack flesh gave him some extra protection, buying him a little more time, and then a little more again, but his powers were not endless. The Horde was.

His spirit was willing, but his mind and body were spent. He fought on, atop a mountain of slain abominations, but he looked around and saw an ocean of Karlack strains surrounding him, and looked up to see the sky blackened by countless mutagargoylisks and devourators. Yet even in the very end, he did not surrender. He harnessed what was left of his fear, his anger, his hate. His suffering. But at this point, it was hard for him to feel anything anymore. He held on to his crimson beamsabers, one of which was his and the other retrieved from the hands of a dead acolyte. He shouted at the abominations around him, beckoning them to finish it.

They just stood there and leered at him with their compound eyes. Then they quivered, all of them and as one, in a chilling effect as though the sea of creatures was rippling like water. They emitted a piercing shriek, as though of exultation, and they all craned their heads towards the heavens.

The nameless Black Star followed their gaze. The mutagargoylisks and devourators and guardianoids were gone. The sky was clear, blue, pristine and beautiful as though the world beneath them was not stained by the blood of so many men and monsters.

Then the clouds caught fire.


The World Eater came like a descending god, setting the very sky ablaze. Billions of locusts filled the air, germinating their spores into Aray’s atmosphere. The World Eater and the other orbiting bioships began to vomit copious amounts of creep onto inhabitable biomass-rich land masses. The spores and creep did their work. They were digestive enzymes, and all living matter that came into contact with them dissolved into protoplasmic fluid. Minerals, resources, inorganic substances that could be used for bone, for chitin and claws, and a myriad other uses were also liquefied.

The process began in the population centers, where most of the planet’s inhabitants were, and the dying screams of millions filled the air as they were digested en masse by the Swarm. It went outwards, to the farmlands and rurals, the places that could sustain life by virtue of terraformation. Those places untouched by the enzymes, for they were deemed to be of low nutritious value, were instead saturated in lethal plague toxins and long-lasting endospores that would spawn feral rudimentary Karlack strains should signs of life return.

After hours, the digestive process was complete. The lands of the living had become a grotesque hellspace where all life had been reduced into an ocean of fluid, a primordial soup. Even the terrestrial Karlack bioforms, both dead and alive, were not spared from this fate. The World Eater extended its Infestation Tentacles down to the ruined surface of the planet, to absorb what had just been externally digested. Much like how a common fly regurgitates gastric juices on its food in order to melt it, before sucking the dissolved nutrients in with its proboscis.

Mountain-sized chunks of still-solid matter, or collected aggregate materials that had hardened in the soup, floating around in clumps, were also consumed. Not by the tentacles. Instead, at the bottom of the World Eater, massive maws filled with an eerie light opened. The solidified objects in the primordial soup then floated into the air along with massive globules of protoplasm, propelled by an unmatchable feat of telekinetic might, heading up into the World Eater’s myriad mouths, those oversized orifices. Among the still-solid objects were Aray’s most fortified bunker complexes, which had somehow withstood the liquefaction process, succeeding in saving those inside them from that grizzly fate. Only to be lifted into the World Eater and grounded down by its teeth.


In the end, out of a populous planet, a center of civilization in the Outlands, only a few thousand survived. They watched from orbit, in the safety of their escape ships, as their world was consumed and ruined forever. Somehow, the Karlacks had chosen to spare them. Possibly their few gnat-like ships were insignificant compared to the banquet Aray offered them. They thanked their gods for their survival, their harrowing escape from the doomed planet, not knowing or caring why they had been allowed to live. They would forever carry with them the legacy of the Karlacks’ visitation of Aray, the bitter memories that would linger on in nightmares, and more. They wept as they saw what had happened to their world.

So many people had come to Aray, under the banner of Centralism, for it had promised to protect them. Refugees, exodites, the dispossessed human and alien alike. The Centrality had been so good at making war with the Byzantine fanatics, the communist guerrillas, the pirates and raiders. They had made so many territorial gains, they had killed so many. It seemed as though their victory was imminent, it seemed as though their dominion was undoubtable. They had done so much, so fast. But in the end, despite their successes, they had failed in protecting their own people.

The habitable terraformed zones of Aray were no longer. The very soil had been stripped off the landmasses’ surface. The more hostile uninhabited parts were not spared, but were instead cursed by an unending geostigma that would take even more destruction to remove. The world was lost.

The World Eater and its retinue of bioships, now fattened by the blood and corpses of countless lives, departed from the system just as suddenly as they came. The shadow of the warp disappeared. The survivors began to fill the hyperwaves with their cries of anguish and loss.
DPDarkPrimus is my boyfriend!

SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
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Unity Yes, Centralism No!

Post by Simon_Jester »

We Made It!* Daily Sunblog
All the News That You Could Use!

Unity Yes, Centralism No
By Adam Selene
The devastation of Aray has everyone asking difficult questions. Who's next? Will there be a 'next?' How do we stop it from being us? Answering those questions won't be easy, and I don't pretend to have all the answers, or even most of them.

It's hard to say this after the mass riots in Bitterwater, the raiders' nuclear bombing of the Heebiedees Islands, and all the rest, but Awcrap* is far from the worst off of the Outland worlds. We still have recognizable governments that aren't hopelessly fragmented. We can still cooperate on planetary defense and patrols of interplanetary space. We still have working infrastructure and relatively few ongoing civil wars. We haven't been conquered by bears or giant robot birds. Here on Squiggly Continent, we even have regular elections. We've had it pretty good compared to some planets, so far.

Of course, the swift rise of Centralism in the Outlands has had effects on us too. The Centralist Party of Squiggly Continent has been demonstrating in our cities for weeks. Ships bearing Centralist logos, with Centralist slogans on their lips, have been paying us regular visits, ferrying troops and weapons to Scarier Continent.** The conspiracy theorists talk about other, stranger rumors- red beamsabers in the darkness, politicians accused of being mind controlled by mysterious psychics- though of course no one can really credit those notions without more evidence.

The destruction of Aray will change a lot of this.

The "Centralist" governments on Scarier Continent,** many of whom are the same personalities we've been seeing in the news for years but with new uniforms, are already showing signs of separatism from the broader Centralist agenda. And I can't blame them. We all know about the massive military effort made by the Centralists to establish their power in these sectors, and there are of course the rumors about powerful psyker 'Monks in Black' supporting them. The internationalist Centralists had a lot of muscle to back up their ambitions.

But that muscle is gone now. What's left are essentially the same people who were running this sector a year ago, with a few new faces and a lot of black stars painted on. And we have to ask ourselves: is International Centralism right for the Outlands? For all their commendable work at suppressing piracy and some of the sector's more violent political elements, they were pretty violent themselves. And there are some more subtle hints at deep strategic weaknesses in the Centralist posture.

We've all seen the propaganda vids of Centralist fleets sweeping through Sector AA-24, hunting their enemies. But when we look at which ships are shown, who's doing what... not surprisingly, most of those ships are the same ones that were always here. The Centrality is two thousand light years and over three weeks' sailing away; it's no wonder they didn't see fit to provide their clients in the Outlands with heavy naval firepower. Everything we saw them do was done by men and ships we already had. So we should be asking, what did they have that we didn't have ourselves?

The real answer isn't "Centralism" or "order, stability, conformity." It's "they were in a hurry." They used everything they had, throwing into the fray against all comers in a way this sector hasn't seen since the Oogler Wars. For a while, it worked. Sending your ships out of port twice as often isn't as good as having twice as many ships, but it helps. But the horrible tragedy of what happened on Aray is that it had a lot to do with sheer strategic exhaustion. So much of the Centralist fleet was busy patrolling, showing the flag, or being patched up after major battles with other factions that there wasn't a lot left to fight the Karlacks.

A united interstellar defense fleet, fresh and battleready, might have been able to stop, or at least deter, the Hive fleet that took Aray. If the Centralists had concentrated more on securing what they had and less on grabbing what was around them, they might have defended the planet.

So on the one hand, the Centralists proved themselves right- we need to reunify some kind of interstellar order in this sector, for the sake of our own survival. On the other hand, we have to doubt whether the Centralists themselves are the men to do it.

So at the very least, I think it's time for us to look farther afield for security guarantees. Or possibly, in a sense, closer to home. We should be turning to neighbors with immediate interest in our survival, not to remote foreign ideologues who are more interested in scoring points by turning our planets to their cause than they are in keeping us alive.

Adam Selene is a staff editor at Astropolitical Review Quarterly.

*We Made It! is the largest city and first settlement of the planet Awcrap, an Outlander world which the local alien races had formerly considered uninhabitable, and which was colonized by human settlers after many trials and tribulations. Hence the name of the planet, and for that matter the capital city.

**This is the continent with the most dangerous wildlife on Awcrap.
Last edited by Simon_Jester on 2011-04-17 03:48pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Force Lord »


Lord Kabrak was scowling as he was guided towards the large, grey structure. It was tell-tale Mechanical arquitecture, though Arpad was not one of the Mechanicals' worlds. Arpad, from what he heard, was once ruled by a warlord from the former Outlander Army, who invited in a group of exiled Mechanicals to aid him in governing the territory. The Mechanicals, however, were not content to be mere bureaucrats, and they overthrew the Warlord after some time plotting. The new rulers, however, were lacking in an ideology to give their government legitimacy, and for a brief moment were at a loss. They soon heard the message of Centralism, and quickly adopted it.

After being led throughout many corridors and rooms, Kabrack came face to face with the Mechanicals...who did not look robotic at all.

"So you are the Leaders of Arpad? You seem like living beings."

One of the skinned Mechas spoke, "A necessity. Who here wants to be ruled by machines? We hide our true form, so as to make it easier to govern. Few know we are machines."

"Indeed. I take it you are the Prime Leader. You have heard of Aray's fate?"

"Of course. An inmense tragedy. Those who survived are already making themselves at home here. I must say, your brethren on Aray were most...foolhardy. They let themselves be overstreched, and now Aray is gone. Is this the average quality of your organization?"

Kabrack growled, showing his teeth.


"Wankiller was a young Lord, foolish and lacking in strategic thought. What happened there was his own responsibility."

"Perhaps, but his arrogance cost us credibility and power. I am certain Arpad is the only planet Centralism now fully controls in the Outlands. And one planet cannot do much."

"Then it seems my Order can no longer do more. The Karlacks hunger for ESP beings, and my prescence here may impulse them to search another snack. I will not be that snack."

"You will leave?"

"Yes. My last demand is that the remaining Centralist factions in the Outlands husband their strength and wait for the right moment, only acting when necessary. It may take decades, perhaps centuries, but a new State will rise again."

"Very well, we shall wait. It has been good business working with you. I assure you none will know of our collaboration as long as we function."

"Then this discussion is over."

Lord Kabrack, now merely frowning, left the room.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Force Lord »

Hissgerd Sector

The following message was sent to Task Corps 2's command staff after the fall of Aray:

Code: Select all


Thus ended the Centrality's plan to back up the Outlander Centralists directly.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Mayabird »

Refuge Embassy
New Anglia, Star Kingdom of New Anglia

What are you waiting for? What's taking so long? Yes or no. Just tell me. Please say yes. Ambassador Sunrose of the Refuge fluttered about nervously. They had received a tightbeam encoded message, very brief, simply informing them that a much more important message would be coming shortly so everyone be prepared.

“Relax, and have a little patience,” said Hrrji-hrrji-Pliida, his personal assistant-of-sorts and beloved lifelong mate (who usually went by Madame in the Anglian press, as humans just couldn't get the inflection right). She hopped over and gave him a little nuzzle.
“Mmmm. Where would I be without you and your calming presence?” he asked.

“You would still be here,” said Madame, “but you wouldn't look nearly so pretty!” And then they laughed like young lovers, because they had chosen matching plumage.

Mister Scanner beeped at them. He was a Mechanical, an AI system dedicated to sifting through media data to find useful information and patterns, and he could be accessed (or bother people) through any console in the completed section of the embassy under construction.

“I believe it will have to do with these rumors I have just been finding about a great catastrophe that is being reported from the Outlands. Not from our territory,” Mister continued, anticipating the response, “but from the former core of the Arayna Republic.”

“Where the Centralists have been active,” Madame noted. She kept up with all the feeds from Mister.

“Indeed. Unfortunately, nothing substantial has come through yet, just the usual contradictory claims and questionably valid reports. Will keep us all posted, as always.”

“Most thankful,” said Sunrose. “I suppose we could look over some reports while we wait...”

Later, while they were in the middle of some reading and adorable snuggling, Mister Scanner beeped at them again. “Highest priority message coming through from Prime. Moving aside for Messenger Mauve.”

Their screen changed to Messenger Mauve's official designation codes. “We require authorization and identification from Ambassador Sunrose. Assistant Hrrji-hrrji-Pliida, please step out of viewing range.” It didn't matter that she would find out everything in about five minutes; protocol had to be followed. Madame quickly flew to the opposite end of the room as Sunrose placed a feather on the DNA scanner, tapped in his personal code, let his eye be scanned, and spoke his mate's name to give the voice-print.
From Central Complex wrote: Planet Aray, former capital of Arayna Republic, was assaulted by massive Karlack swarm (estimate of size between 7-10,000 standard units). Extreme casualties are reported; few escapees have been found. Distant scouts report that Karlacks are stripping all surface resources from the planet.

Current working hypothesis is that Karlacks were attracted by high psi-levels from the planet. Aray was the local rallying point of the Centralists; they had recently pulled back their forces and concentrated them at the planet. Some evidence seems to indicate that the Centralists had very powerful espers (possibly from Centralist state itself, but be cautious with this speculation) controlling their forces and that their sudden rise in strength and appeal to many local peoples was the result of psychic brainwashing on a major scale. [Data included in attached files. Noted ones may be released to sufficiently trusted high-level Anglian officials at your discretion.]

Gold-green Sub-Fleet has been dispatched to monitor the situation. Other fleets are on notice to move in response to the swarm in the worst case scenario that it continues towards Refuge space. Second worse case scenario is that the swarm establishes a base on the planet; further monitoring will be necessary to determine if a full-scale assault will need to be made to drive them off.

Further details follow in attached files.

In light of these events, approval is granted for up to two Anglian expeditionary groups [details on restrictions and allowances follow] to enter outer Refuge space and adjacent regions and perform joint exercises for both local stability and deterrence against the Karlack Swarm. Negotiations are ongoing with the Clans of Hiigara on their approval for the groups near their space and passing through their routes; attached are recognition codes that may be used for direct communications channels with Ambassador Sapphire and Refuge GI: JOE command. It is suggested that the Anglians also be involved in these negotiations.

He read back over the last section. The instructions he had been waiting for! It was good news for him, and Sunrose was quite pleased.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Aray, Outlander Central State
Former Outlander Commisions
After the Scourge


After the shadow of the warp was lifted, the cursed ship was amongst the first to enter the ruined system. It moved with purpose, as it were, searching the remains for survivors - selecting only those on the verge of death - and beginning their gruesome works. The reward was continuing life, the payment was joining his wretched crew in servitude to the dread captain. It was through this, the scavenging of shipwrecks, of drowning sailors, and so forth, that the cursed ship gained lifeblood to continue its works.

But that was not the only thing they did there on Aray.


A representative of the Spinward-Outback Trading Company was there with the infernal crew of Outlander Others, which consisted of a melange of genetically modified humans who were no longer compatible with baseline homo sapiens and alien species too numerous to count.

While the cursed ship was still to do its routine activities in collecting the damned, as its dread captain deemed, they were also under contract by the SOTC, which sought their mastery of the Outlands' lanes and their knowledge of its underworld for their own purposes. One of their purposes was to track down the pirate band that destroyed a Company trading post.

They already had their suspicions. Upon interrogating the band of communards who had attempted to attack a Van De Kraap mineral ship, the dread captain had sifted through the minds of the revolutionaries and had known that their movement was not responsible for destroying the SOTC property. But more than that, the minds of the communards contained a surprising morsel of information. The identity of those responsible for Oblast's gassing. This information had apparently been disseminated by the communist leadership.

Further inquiries, mostly involving more ambushes on pirates, revolutionaries and other scum, and prying information out of their unwilling minds revealed more facts about that illusive ship. Like the fact that it had originated from the world Aguamundo, which was held by the Centrality. Rumor was that the Centrality was using loyalist pirates to do their dirty work, for certainly they would otherwise not allow such buccaneer scum to stay on the ports of their worlds.

To confirm this, then, the representative of the Spinward-Outback Trading Company instructed them to go to the heart of the Centralist movement in the Outlands, Aray. There, they would confirm what was true and what was false. That would be the dread captain and his infernal crew's task. Their reward would be in harvesting the damned there.

It was with some alarm then that the drifting survivors note that the cursed ship was turning its attention away from the shipwrecks and ruined vessels, and towards intact ships and escape pods. They feared, rightly so, that now the dread captain would continue his harvest on the living.

They sifted through the survivors discriminatingly, with purpose. Civilians, bystanders, refugees and the dispossessed were ignored for the worthless trash they were. What the dread captain and his Company benefactor sought were the fascists, and not just the common Centralist goose-stepper but the ranking ones. They were conveniently gathered at the larger, safer escape pods and transports marked by the black insignias of their cause.


The cursed ship's infernal crew sorted the surviving fascists, spacing the worthless goose-steppers while arranging the valuable ones for their master's arrival. They were chosen for their importance. Bureaucrats, ranking officers, authorities, the ones so haughty at the successes of their movements but now laid low by the destitution of their world. They quivered in fear at the sight of the infernal crewmen's hideous visages. They waited for the dread captain's arrival.


The captain was of Angmarid descent, as belied by his facial tentacles and crab claws. He snorted with disdain at the sight of the whelps arranged before him. His purpose was to collect the damned, to bring them to his locker, to give them a choice between continuing their wretched existences by joining his crew or embracing oblivion. He did not sort these fat, useless decadent landlubbers. Scurvy dogs.

"Well, what are you waiting for, Mr. Jones?" the Company man asked coolly. He eyed the Centralites with dispassion. "Carry on."

The dread captain faced them and asked one simple question.

"Do you fear death?"

Then he grabbed the nearest one, crushing the Centralite's shoulders with his crab claws, and began the process of prying his mind open and extracting all its secrets.

Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

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Lipitor 5
Sector A-24, Former Outlander Commissions

Lipitor was close to the Aray system. When the Karlack war brood left the capital for dead, in their infinite insectile malice they had dispersed some of their warrior strains, programmed for autonomous functions, to scatter across the adjacent systems. This was not for conquest, for the splinter strains were not capable of consuming even a small world and were only enough to inflict more suffering upon those dwelling there, to harass and harm, and perhaps overwhelm the local defense forces. They were to delay any potential military counterstrike on the main Karlack force or stymie rescue attempts on Aray by forcing them to come to the aid of the beleaguered worlds around the capital system.

The splinters that made planetfall on Lipitor swiftly disseminated their spores in the atmosphere and deposited warrior strains on the ground. They unleashed only basic bioforms in the form of gauntlinglisks and hydramorphs, but already the local defenders were hard pressed to hold them back as they were reliant on the military might of nearby Aray for protection. Now that protection from the Central State was lost. Consumed by the abominations that now came for their world.


Thousands of gauntlings swarmed the city of Statin. Centralite soldiers battled them but were swiftly cut off from the support lines as Lipitor's military prioritized the defense of larger - far more important - population centers. Until the capitals were safe, Statin had to fend for itself.

"KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!" shouted a Centralite of the Lipitor Legion. He was clad in obsolete Dominion Marine armor and fired at the gauntlings with his C-14 Impaler gauss rifle. He punched a button on his chestpiece, prompting a sudden injection of stimulant packs into his bloodstream. "AH YEAH! THAT'S THE STUFF! AH YEAH!"

He opened fire on more of the damned bugs, tearing gauntling after gauntling to pieces. But in a microcosm for what had happened on Aray, for every arachnoform he shot down, two or three more took its place.

A gauntling leaped over the bodies of its fallen broodmates and landed on the Centralite. They both fell, the gauntling emerging on top. The C-14 Impaler clattered uselessly on the ground. The Centralite screamed as the Karlack began to work on him with its vicious claws, effortlessly shearing through his Dominionoid armor and ripping into his flesh.

He was swiftly put out of his misery when another Centralite, this time in Dominion Firebat armor, doused both man and monster in fire. The screams of the Legionnaire and the Karlack bioform merged into one horrible sound as they were both consumed by the flame.

Hydramorph spikes pierced the Firebat's fuel tanks, acid interacting with the volatile incendiaries. The punctured armor's damaged servos sparked, lighting up the deadly mixture. The Firebat exploded before he even knew what hit him, erupting into a fireball of scattering armor and people-parts.

Another Centralite fell back from the scene of carnage. He made his way down the trenches hastily dug up to fortify Statin from the Karlacks. With his two comrades dead, he had to link up with the rest of the squadron. They had to call for reinforcements. The situation was getting desperate, and if the rest of Lipitor's military weren't coming to back them up...

He noticed two forms in his rearview mirror. They were following him. His two squadmates were dead now, so there was no doubt what those things behind him were. He turned to face them, saw that they were indeed gauntlinglisks. He screamed and opened fire with his gauss rifle.

"AAAAAHHH!!!!" he shouted as he squeezed the trigger. The Impaler roared as hypersonic rounds were spat out at hundreds of rounds per minute. The LED ammunition counter displayed the rounds he had left, which grew fewer and fewer until the counter hit triple-zero. The Centralite looked at his counter, looked back to the gauntlings. They were still there.

They reared up, ready to pounce at the now-defenseless human. Drool dripped from their fang-filled mouths.

A shrieking sound came. One of the gauntlings jerked its head just in time to see the rocket propelled grenade strike it right in the kisser. It exploded. Another grenade came swiftly afterwards and killed the second Karlack.

The Centralite breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to face his unsuspecting savior. There, sitting on an empty ammunition crate, was another soldier. He held his gauss rifle up, its underbarrel grenade launcher still smoking.

"Who's in charge here?" the Centralite asked his savior. "Where is the air support?"


The man didn't say anything. Instead, he pointed up. The Centralite looked up and saw it. A massive warship in the sky. It was unlike any other ship class he had seen before...

Spotlights swept down from the warship, illuminating the desperate battle for Statin.


[Recommended Listening: Morituri te salutant]

Imperial Bragulan Navy Battleship Fist of Undeniable Imperial Truth
Lipitor 5

Soft music played on a vintage phonograph in the Admiral's room on board the battleship. Old clocks ticked down the time, their pendulums swinging. Two figures looked out at the false-windows, which were actually solid crystal displays, to watch the carnage unfold on the planet below them.

"So. Gyrard, I suspect you have a good reason for pulling me away from my... duties." Vice Admiral Bragkov said amusedly after he took a drag from his vodka cigar.

"Your tsvagna can wait, my good Alyxsy." Admiral Gyrard Bragalle replied. "Come, stand here. You need to see this."

"I know all about the Karlack, Gyrard." Bragkov said dismissively, taking another drag from his cigar. "We've all seen the tapes a hundred-"

Gyrard took him by the shoulder, holding him and pointing to the massacre below them. Bragkov's cigar fell on the floor.

"You've seen nothing! Dissecting a dead Karlack in a lab is one thing, unleashing them on man is another." Gyrard said harshly. "You must go into this with both eyes open. Once started there is no going back."

He stepped on Bragkov's cigar.

"Are you prepared to go all the way with this Alyxsy?"

Bragkov looked down and then rose up.

"Da... Da, I am prepared to go all the way with this, my good admiral," he answered. He took out another cigar and lit it.

"Good... good, I knew that I could count on you." Bragalle smiled.

The battleship captain's voice came from the intercom.

"Admiral, the colonists' base will be overrrun in a matter of minutes. Shall we intervene?"

"Take us into orbit, Mr. Malmstyin. We've seen enough." Bragalle commanded.

The classical song played by the phonograph reached its overture just as battleship left for orbit. In Statin, the two Centralites watched as their supposed air support abandoned them. A wave of gauntlings descended upon their trench.

The song ended.
Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2011-04-18 12:18pm, edited 1 time in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Karmic Knight »

[b]CENINTERN Conference, Centrum 14 January 3401[/b] wrote: "Now to perhaps one of the most thorny issues: relations between CENINTERN and the Centrality. Everyone knows that CENINTERN was formed due to frustration with the Centrality's past policy of isolationism, and created constant bickering between the two since Centrum feared that it would be blamed for CENINTERN's activities. It was only from the 31st Century onward that Centrum began to view CENINTERN more favorably as the old policy of isolationism broke down. This created a new fear however: a possibility that Centrum would try to do what the old Soviet Union did to the old Comintern: turn it into a patsy. While this has not happened with CENINTERN, the fear still exists. Opinions about this?"
The Eerie and Huuron delegation's leader, Kerwin DeWine, Generatl Secretary of the Eerie branch of the Union of Eerie and Huuron's Centralist parties, stood to respond.

“Honored delegates of the CENINTERN, the Union is one of the nations that harbors this fear, and I would like to establish why we fear this. We do not fear that the honored delegates of the Centrality harbor any ill feelings toward the CENINTERN, nor do we feel that they hold any desire to subvert CENINTERN directly, but as the strongest power Centralism has, we feel that any action the honored delegates take will have a ripple effect upon this body, as the largest power will unconsciously encourage small such powers to fall in line to get things down, agreements to be made, and a bias to appear.

“We fear that this will lead to a CENINTERN dominated by the Centrality, if not for their wont, for the wont of many who see to it that this body operates in a quick and orderly fashion, or by those who wish to see the wealth and power of the Centrality, which is undeniable compared to the various and scattered nations of this body, not counting the Centrality, for their own or their pet project gains.

“Thus as a member of those who fear domination of CENINTERN at the hands of the Centrality, I feel that this fear is based in a process, so long as the Centrality jumps headfirst into this body with open eyes and arms, that is inevitable. Thus I feel that myself, and those that may think like myself will not have these fears assuaged, but hopefully this will go long to making sure this fear does not become distrust and ultimately suspicion of my honored colleagues of this body. Thank you, that is all I have to say.”

DeWine sits down next to Alonzo Hanna, and said to him, “How do you think that went?”

“We’ll have to wait and see for that, we’ll have to wait and see.”


Hey, remember this? Neither do I!
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Force Lord »

Karmic Knight wrote:
Force Lord wrote:
CENINTERN Conference, Centrum
14 January 3401

"Now to perhaps one of the most thorny issues: relations between CENINTERN and the Centrality. Everyone knows that CENINTERN was formed due to frustration with the Centrality's past policy of isolationism, and created constant bickering between the two since Centrum feared that it would be blamed for CENINTERN's activities. It was only from the 31st Century onward that Centrum began to view CENINTERN more favorably as the old policy of isolationism broke down. This created a new fear however: a possibility that Centrum would try to do what the old Soviet Union did to the old Comintern: turn it into a patsy. While this has not happened with CENINTERN, the fear still exists. Opinions about this?"
The Eerie and Huuron delegation's leader, Kerwin DeWine, Generatl Secretary of the Eerie branch of the Union of Eerie and Huuron's Centralist parties, stood to respond.

“Honored delegates of the CENINTERN, the Union is one of the nations that harbors this fear, and I would like to establish why we fear this. We do not fear that the honored delegates of the Centrality harbor any ill feelings toward the CENINTERN, nor do we feel that they hold any desire to subvert CENINTERN directly, but as the strongest power Centralism has, we feel that any action the honored delegates take will have a ripple effect upon this body, as the largest power will unconsciously encourage small such powers to fall in line to get things down, agreements to be made, and a bias to appear.

“We fear that this will lead to a CENINTERN dominated by the Centrality, if not for their wont, for the wont of many who see to it that this body operates in a quick and orderly fashion, or by those who wish to see the wealth and power of the Centrality, which is undeniable compared to the various and scattered nations of this body, not counting the Centrality, for their own or their pet project gains.

“Thus as a member of those who fear domination of CENINTERN at the hands of the Centrality, I feel that this fear is based in a process, so long as the Centrality jumps headfirst into this body with open eyes and arms, that is inevitable. Thus I feel that myself, and those that may think like myself will not have these fears assuaged, but hopefully this will go long to making sure this fear does not become distrust and ultimately suspicion of my honored colleagues of this body. Thank you, that is all I have to say.”

DeWine sits down next to Alonzo Hanna, and said to him, “How do you think that went?”

“We’ll have to wait and see for that, we’ll have to wait and see.”


Hey, remember this? Neither do I!
I was just waiting. :D

Dirad Kierger was not surprised that something like this would happen. An inevitable consequence of centuries of isolation, he thought. Those Centralist states that managed to survive without Centrum's help were naturally more independent-minded, and thus less inclined to take orders from the Prime Dictator. It was obvious that CENINTERN would not be fully controlled by Centrum, but Kierger knew that CENINTERN still had to take the Prime Central State into account. Standing up, he spoke.

"I am aware of your worries, Mr. DeWine, and I assure you that I see CENINTERN's continued independence as necessary. Centrum cannot be everywhere at once, hence the importance of CENINTERN. My interest is to help, not insist. That is my goal."

Kierger sit down, letting Picard to take the pulpit.

"I am sure Mr. Kierger will fufill his promise, for he knows what is at stake. Now for the last item on the agenda. It's no secret that any ideology has different interpretations, and that Centralists everywhere dispute over the meaning of Dovan's words. There have been times that different Centralist regimes have tense relations due to different policies. In this conference we will hear of such grievances, and attempt to solve them. Well, anyone dare to speak?"
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Steve »

The plains outside Trevestadt had grown tense as the two forces stared at each other. The impromptu militia of Transformed from Merricksburg were well-armed by local definitions, but they knew that meant little against the elite forces of a galactic power, such as the power-armored Anglian Royal Marines staring at them through their full helmets. One of the figures, still in helmet due to the nanoplague, stepped forward. "I'm Major Erik Willers, Royal Marines," he said to the Transformed leader.

A small contingent of Transformed stood before Willers and the power-suited medical personnel he had selected to join him. They consisted of the leadership of those Transformed who had proven both less devout and more sturdy than the others; less devout in that they were not so devout that they would risk near-certain death to try the highly lethal counter-agent being demanded of them by the clergy and more sturdy because they had been able to remain functional despite the sheer agonizing experience of being physically transformed into new forms. Willers had made note of this; it meant he was up against individuals who were, if anything, terribly iron-willed... while at the same time looking primarily to survive.

"I am Town Councilman Louis Mannheim," the lead Transformed stated. "And we demand an explanation of you and your Empire for why you side with those who are trying to slaughter us."

"My orders are only to protect them from your forces attacking," Willers answered. "The Trevestadt forces lost many of their best fighters when we repulsed them from the alien compound this morning, they pose no more threat to you."

"Until the next ship of them comes in, you mean," Mannheim retorted.

"I'm here, sir, to offer the aid of the Empire in curing your condition," Willers continued, ignoring for the moment Mannheim's argument. "We are aware that you and your people have refused to take the treatment offered?"

"You mean the suicide cure?" Mannheim scowled, which looked strange on his Tau-formed face. "Make no mistake, Major, we all want our bodies back, but we want to live too. And the Emperor's Church is demanding four out of five us die in the attempt by using some hasty concoction they have made. We reject this; we will wait until finer minds make a survivable treatment."

"That, sir, is exactly what we are offering," Willers answered. "The Reprisal has state of the art lab facilities on board equipped to handle these kinds of things, and our lab personnel are already hard at work analyzing what we do know of the plague. If we can secure your promise to remain a safe distance from Trevestadt, Captain Smythe has authorized me to offer you our protection as well against any further forces that might attack you. The Empire's purpose here is to save lives and restore order, not further the agenda of Heraclius and his agents."

Mannheim looked to the others, who were mulling what was said. "Let us meet back here in the morning," Mannheim finally said. "You will have our agreement then."

In Orbit

Smythe looked on at the tan-complexioned young woman in the medical iso-lab. She was alive but barely; the Byzantine-designed counter-treatment was still tearing through her body, attempting to attack nanite foes that were not present.

Dr. Felin walked up beside him, the man's face framed by the spotlines marking his Trill heritage. Trill generally did not join the Royal Navy, having a distaste for any of the Anglian military forces; the lone exceptions were in the medical fields, as Trill doctors did not let their culture's distaste for Anglia's "outdated" political system get in the way of their overriding desire to save lives, and there was acceptance among them that the Empire's military forces did tend, more often than not, to help those in need and protect life. "We have isolated the Byzantine agents in her body. She is still in a critical condition, but going over data I believe the treatment elements will shut down soon. She should make a full recovery beyond that."

"What can we do to make the treatments less fatal?", Smythe asked.

"I need to analyze the nanites they are meant to kill to know for sure. For now I believe the main issue is that the Byzantine cocktail includes a highly aggressive agent that attacks tissue that it reads as alien. On a superficial level it is similar to some of the earliest form of cancer cure nanites, before the advent of more sophisticated CRNs, and I can only theorize why the Imperium has developed such an aggressive agent. In this use, however, it appears to be used to keep the nanoweapon under control; the Atlanteans apparently programmed it to be quite nasty when attacked directly, likely anticipating curative efforts." Felin frowned. "That is the tricky part, Captain. Nova Atlantis is home to some of the galaxy's most accomplished nanotech organizations and experts. I'm not sure we'll be able to synthesize a cure here, at least not one that would bring fatality levels to a marginal fragment."


"I have already dispatched my notes and others I've attained to the Trill Science Commission and to Medical command. Our scientists back home will have to work on it. As for the here and now, I think the best I can do is try to find ways to make the process more survivable."

"Keep me appraised, Doctor."
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Force Lord »

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Presidential Center, Centrum
The Center Sector, The Centrality
Unreal Time/Early 3401

The great Presidential Center, residence of the Dictator of the Centrality, was full of activity today. Inside, Kierger discussed with Gates regarding a few well known international incidents.

"Fuck. I knew about the risk about the Karlack Swarm, but this?"

"Dictator, the loss of Aray is irreversible. We all know the effects of this."

"Very well, let's discuss something else. Crevecia, we need to do something about Crevecia."

"Full intervention is still unnecessary, sir. However, the Crevecian Government does need some propping up."

"Send special forces to Crevecia immediately. They'll say if deploying the military is needed."

"As you wish, sir."


Their position was under heavy mortar fire. The squad was ambushed, and unable to move.

The Sergeant tried to radio reinforcements, but was unsuccessful in getting a signal.

Desperate, he ordered one of his men to give them covering fire so they could change position, but before that man could go far, he was shot dead by a sniper.

The remainder of the squad, realizing their bad luck, held fast, in the hope that rescue was still possible. They remained in cover, trying to survive.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Master_Baerne »

NSA Dame Sikala I
Victoire-class Superdreadnought
Orbiting Isabella, Isabella Sector
Ascendance Fédérée

”They did what?” There was very real anger behind the outburst—Elizabeth Seagrace, Countess New Baerne and Admiral Commanding, Isabella Sector Fleet was genuinely furious. Humanitarian—fine, sentientarian—concern was all well and good, but the damned Formics had endangered the entire Ascendancy with their latest move. One would think a race of insects would be more callous towards other nations' casualties, but they'd reacted entirely out of proportion and sent a fleet to the Outlands. Actual warships! Millions of ground troops! Starfleet units taken out of their proper role, defending the Ascendancy, and off gallivanting around to no practical purpose! And worst of all, the loose federal structure of the Ascendancy meant they could do it, legally and traditionally.

And the timing of it! There simply weren't words in any of the languages the Admiral spoke (French, Galstandard English, Formic clickspeech, and German) for how bad it was. The Ascendancy was about to undergo the worst constitutional crisis in its history, and not a constitutional crisis in the sense of a debate over the exact meaning of a founding document. No, this would be an actual threat to the very existence of the State, to the constitution of the body politic. This was most emphatically not the time to be getting bogged down in foreign adventures.

On the other hand, though New Baerne, forcing herself to play devil's advocate, perhaps there was something to be said for a genuine sentientarian intervention in a genuine war-torn hellhole. Perhaps a show of central authority was just what the disparate factions of the Ascendancy needed to remind them how much everyone benefited from the national structure.

The problem, of course, was that as things stood, it wasn't a show if central authority. The Formic expedition was just that, a Formic expedition, launched independently from (without even consulting!) the central government. It was a miracle they'd survived so long; no other nation had such a shambles of a governmental system. God knew the French didn't; for all the politically-correct nonsense about the Ascendancy triumphing in the War of Self-Determination because of their 'greater diversity,' 'more flexible approach,' and 'non-traditional tactics,' the truth was that the Ascendancy only existed because the French Empire had been too busy tearing itself to pieces to take much notice of the Ascendant secession until Lady Sikala I had built up enough of a navy to challenge them. Had Ascendant 'diversity' been pitted directly against the power of the centralized French state, it would have lost. Sadly, nobody realized this—or if they did, they kept it to themselves. Something had to be done...

Hmm. A thoughtful pause, during which the Countess's lips pursed and her forefinger tapped against her jaw. If she could spin the Formic expedition to make it look like a government operation – possibly send ships from her own sector fleet to meet the Formics, or get Fleet Admiral Quick of Capitol Fleet to do the same—that might work quite well. A quick action with genuine public relations benefits and most of the casualties suffered by Formic drones... Yes. It would work quite well. New Baerne reached for her vidphone with a smile on her lips.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Mayabird »

3 September 3400, Three Hours After Liftoff
The Captain II

Considering how long they had been running and overworked, it was actually something amazing that the water purifiers had lasted as long as they did without breaking. But break they did.

“Someone will have to go in and replace some parts in the water pumps,” said The Captain.

“OOOH! OOOH! PICK ME! PICK ME!” Josse squeaked, waving her arms frantically at one of The Captain's sensory drones.

“Maybe I should send one of my repair drones,” The Captain continued. “I got quite a few of them and it'd be nice to test them out...”



“GBWAH!?” Kees bolted up.

“Oatmeal just had an accident. Go newspaper it up. Josse, go fix the water pumps. I'll send a drone to direct you and carry the parts.”

“YAAAAAAAAY!” She scurried off to grab her backpack of tools and the little spider-drone had to scuttle quickly to chase after her.

”Fooking dog.”

“You do not say bad things about Oatmeal! Now go clean up his accident!”

So Kees, who was in a spaceship, in space, in the distant future, went to newspaper up dog crap. While he was in the middle of the chore, The Captain interrupted him with, “And you can toss that in the recyclers when you're done, the whole thing. It's all organic. You can eat that shit later.”

The Captain checked on Josse (still climbing through ducts after the drone and being very happy) and the rest of his crew. Oatmeal had gotten over whatever it was and curled up beside Notsix. She was curled up herself, taking a nap since she knew that sleep sometimes often always became scarce as their trips went on.

“So cute when they're asleep...” he said softly.

And then his internal alarm went off because the recycler had gotten clogged from the wad of newspaper and dog doo crammed into it.

“Kees! Get back here! Grab a plunger and clear that clog! Boy! Where'd you go?”
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SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Karmic Knight »

Previously On, SDNW 4 wrote:So, when Petey reported, “Sentinel Lyons and the Persephone are hailing,” Brandon Michaels, Sentinel of the Black Arm, said, “Hey, Steph. This isn’t what it looks like."
Bridge, Polysyllabic Designation, Deep Space, A10
Early 3400

“Sentinel Michaels,”

“Sentinel Lyons”

“I cannot even fathom in what reality”

“Sentinel Lyons”

“that is a appropriate gesture upon someone”

“Sentinel Lyons”

“of equal rank, catching you red-handed”

“Sentinel Lyons”

“abducting her subordinates. “

“Sentinel Lyons”


“Petey, close communication and issue the order to envelope the Persephone to the Spymasters.”

“We have too few Spymasters to effectively do that Sentinel.”

Michaels sighed, “Hijacking Profile, Petey, Hijacking Profile.”

“Yes sir. Issuing orders… The ships are moving into position, but I would like to point out that this isn’t a civilian cargo hauler, or an already cracked pirate vessel. This is a pillar of the Royal Navy, we’re not going to be able to just take over the central computer and hold the crew hostage.”

“Yes we will. Petey, you are forgetting that I have override codes to all fleet elements as the Sentinel of the Black Arm.”

“Of course sir, I’m just making sure that you are aware of your ability to subvert your own government. Issuing the hijack command.”

“Keep it quiet for now,” Michaels put on dark sunglasses, “And open communication with the Persephone.

“Sentinel Lyons I am giving you one warning to stand down before I take action against your ship in order to protect the interests of this classified site. Those actions would entail arresting you, your crew, and any passengers that are aboard the Persephone, trying the aforementioned persons for treason and other high crimes, and executing all of the aforementioned persons are per my provisions to defend the security and the secrecy of the Order of the Paladins. Do you stand down?

“No, you and what army are going to take over my ship, and commit to these arrests of yours. Your threats have nothing backing them Sentinel Michaels.”

Michaels nodded to Petey, “You will find that all offensive weaponry is off-line, and all defensive weaponry is at 33.3 repeating percent. You will also find your ability to move locked, and the Persephone’s intelligence temporarily off-line. Now, I could knock your entire ship unconscious by cutting the power to life support long enough to cause you to pass out from oxygen depravation, and move through the ship arresting you that way. Or I could have your ship’s internal gravity pin you to the Persephone. Either way is fine with me, but I will once again repeat my request that you stand down and allow me a moment to explain to you why this area is classified, and why your patrol craft is involved. Again, stand down Sentinel.”

“Sure, fine, go ahead.”

“Thank You. We have discovered a technology alien to us, and by we I mean the captain of your patrol vessel, who contacted my organization through the ship.”

“What do you mean ‘alien’ that covers quite a bit.”

“I mean it in its most literal term, we do not know where it came from, and barely know how to communicate with it, but it should prove of great worth the communication and coordination of Artificial stroke Mechanical Intelligences, from what Petey is to gather at least.”

“So, what are you doing with it.”

Slightly peripheral to Michaels’ view, a second communication appeared, Petey appearing next to it, signaling that it was important.

“We’re just about to see. End Communication.

“So, Petey, what is so important that I have to spurn Lyons again?”

“The Copacabana is awake.”

“How do you know?”

“I was contacted, the ship’s intelligence was as I thought, it has agreed to be escorted to a secure facility, do you have any opinions?”

Michaels paused, looking at a map of the Sector. “Yes, the Neo Kobe facility should work wonders, what else do we have operating out of that facility?”

“Nothing major, just what appears to be the infancy of a program to create highly successful artificial human replicas, you would have to ask the facility’s head for specifics.”

“Interesting. Interesting. On a completely unrelated note, do you happen to know where Karl Tagon ended up after he was discharged from the Legion?”

“I do, why?”

“I’m going to need to make a house call then, contact the Copacabana I’ll collect Mr. Harris and drop off some more security.”

“Of course.”

“Oh, and reopen communication with Sentinel Lyons.

“Steph, I’ve got to run, business is as business does, you know, but Captain Howe shall be returned to her vessel before I leave, and we are square. Petey, release Persephone.

“The Polysyllabic Designation is gone from both you and your memories.

"End Communication”
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Mayabird »

3 September 3400

Meanwhile, back on Orange, a rather swanky ship had entered orbit. Two of the orbital traffic controllers, Dingane and Henrik, both MPU men (as MPU had the contract) took the call.

“This is orbital control for Orange in the Orange Free System. Do remember to respect our laws and traditions as are being sent to you. Please state your requested landing location,” Dingane said, in a monotone of professional boredom.

“Image coming through,” said Henrik in an equal monotone.
“Oh, uh, hey there! Before I, uhm, I wanted to check before I set this...which port do I go to for marrying?”

Dingane was caught off guard for the first time in months. “Excu - please restate?”

“Identification coming in,” Henrik said, no longer sounding bored either.

“Where I can get married. It said Bloemfontein, the capital.”

“Sir, I am sure that you can get married at any city on our lovely world. Bloemfontein is the capital and has all the resources, but for a wedding I would recommend-”

“Checking this ID,” said Henrik.

“No, no, you gotta...lemme show you. Helen? Sweetums, come here please.”

Dingane hadn't even noticed her in the background. She had been perfectly still and quiet. Now she arose with mechanical efficiency and crouched beside him with robotic grace.
“Uhm, you see, this is Helen, my partner, better half, you know?”

Ag man...” Henrik said as he read the results of his search.

“I will need to confer on my end. A moment, please.” Dingane muted the voice connection and shut off the video. “Bru, who the fook's the bot-steeker?”

“Wenzeslaus...somethin' somethin'...Krause...kak, he's got more money than Crimbo...”

Who's the doos?

“Big fooking Prussian media mogul.”

“Isit? Him?”

“That's what the ID says. It checks.”

“Don't moguls gotta be bioscope good-looking, pretty and suave and kak?”

Henrik shrugged. “ 'It takes all kinds to make a world?' And he don't need suave; he's rich.”

“He don't look Prussian.”

“Neither does bottie bokkie Helen. You even know what Prussians look like?”

“...Fook you. So he's here cause of that news thing?”

“With the compie and the aardvark? Likely.”

“Weren't no fooking aardvark. Solarian animal, armor-dildo.”

“It don't fookin' matter! And we've got the kak rich naai and his electrotets waiting.”

“Ja.” Dingane turned back towards his controls, then looked back at Henrik. “Bru, tell Boss they got a vip comin'.”


“Vip. 'Very Important Person.' Vip.”

“That's V-I-P, moegoe.”

“Fook you. If he's that rich, the Company'd want to know, send someone out, kak like that. Do it.” Then he switched the sound and image back on. “Roger, that. I conferred with my colleagues and Bloemfontein would be the best location. I am sending over landing coordinates and procedures now.”

“Thank you! Oh thank you! Helen, we're going to be married! A real married couple! We'll have the big wedding you always wanted!”

“I am so glad!” said Helen, and a single tear flowed down her sculpted cheek.

Dingane finished the rest of the official protocols and closed the signal. Then he leaned back and said to Hendrik, “Dobble you fifty rand we get a bonus for this.”

Hendrik thought that over briefly. If they got a bonus, it'd probably be more than fifty rand so he could handle that. If they didn't, he got fifty rand. Either way, he won. “I'm in.”
DPDarkPrimus is my boyfriend!

SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Siege »

Previously on Lipitor 5... wrote:"Admiral, the colonists' base will be overrrun in a matter of minutes. Shall we intervene?"

"Take us into orbit, Mr. Malmstyin. We've seen enough." Bragalle commanded.

The classical song played by the phonograph reached its overture just as battleship left for orbit. In Statin, the two Centralites watched as their supposed air support abandoned them. A wave of gauntlings descended upon their trench.

The song ended.
When suddenly!

All was lost on Lipitor 5. The war against the Karlack splinter fleet, the Centralist cause, and pretty soon the lives of all its human inhabitants too. The broods, though only a tiny fraction of the one that had overrun and annihilated the defenders of Aray, were still too numerous for the small and underequipped local legion to repel. The defenders had been stripped and stripped again of military hardware in order to support the war effort and with the demise of Aray, so too had vanished all hope of Lipitor's survival. Nothing illustrated this better than the rapid ascent of the alien cruiser that had until moments ago appeared to be perched to turn the tide... But it hadn't. No outside help was going to come. Lipitor would go the same way as Aray after all.

Or maybe not.

There was a rumbling in the clouds, the thunder-like sound of rapid atmospheric re-entry and then -- the rapid-firing of heavy weapons. A hammerhead ship, massive and cumbersome, screamed overhead at speeds that hardly seemed safe.

On the ground, moments from death, the Centralite soldier looked up to the sky.


"... they're coming back?"

But they weren't.

This was another ship. As was evident from the fact that this one was on fire.


The battle with the Centralite fleet hadn't gone entirely well for Alpha Squadron. Alright, so their fleet of second-hand battlestars and hand-me-down star cruisers had managed to drive off the rag-tag third-rater warships the Centralites had managed to mass, but the squadron had taken heavy losses in the process and its flagship had come under such heavy fire it had to initiate emergency warp-out protocols. This was usually a pretty safe procedure -- sure, you didn't know where you'd end up, but space was pretty big so the chances of accidentally ending up inside a star were, generally speaking, pretty small. And of course General Duke hadn't ended up in a star.

He had ended up however, in the middle of a Karlack splinter fleet. Which had promptly proceeded to do a number on his battlestar, which was now in the process of crashing quite rapidly toward the surface. Having lost primary thruster control shortly after jerry-rigging the red-lined engines for an angle of descent that meant they would at least not burn up in the upper atmosphere, its engineers and the rest of its crew could now do little but brace for impact.

Which the massive ship promptly proceeded to do -- right on top of the wave of gauntlings that was about to overrun the Centralite trench system.

The impact was, bluntly put, cataclysmic. The sound of tearing metal and rupturing earth, loud like the clarion call that heralds Armageddon, echoed across the battlefield as the battlestar carved a kilometers-long trench in the surface of the planet, sweeping gauntlings and termalisks and hormalings and infestogants and other assorted gribbly crawlies before it before crushing them like so many cockroaches under the threads of a particularly heavy tank.

After finally exhausting both its velocity and the writer's ability to come up with terrible metaphors, the battlestar finally came to a rest. Moments later, the tattered defenders of Lipitor heard the airwaves fill with an automated distress signal:

"This is General Duke calling from Alpha Squadron Flagship Norad II! We've crash-landed and are being hit hard by the Zerg Karlacks! Request immediate backup from anyone receiving this signal! Repeat, this is a priority one distress call-"
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Force Lord »

"This is General Duke calling from Alpha Squadron Flagship Norad II! We've crash-landed and are being hit hard by the Zerg Karlacks! Request immediate backup from anyone receiving this signal! Repeat, this is a priority one distress call-"
The remains of the Lipitor Legion responded thusly:

"Hold fast, Norad II! Will attempt to reach crash site! High improbability of success!"
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

Post by Force Lord »

20 February 3401

The village was on fire.

Frustrated by their inability to clear out the defenders, the loyalist troops chose to burn the whole place down, firing every kind of artillery they could get their hands on. After the massacre, what remained of the village was reoccupied, and survivors were shot, even those who had no stake in the fighting.

Unfortunately for the loyalists, the guerrillas had simply fled the village as soon as the first shell landed, and came back for revenge after the artillery stopped firing. Soon, the sounds of desperate fighting filled the rubble, soon followed by the screams of the dying.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 2

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