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Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 07:41am
by Rabid
Fuck fuckity fuck-fuck

Quick update :

I have a number of IRL things I have to care of at the moment which are totally killing any of my inspiration OR motivation to write anything (see : the prologue post I have had in hiatus with Skylwalker for more than a month now). I don't know when I'll be back, hopefully by mid-june - but in case I can't come back at all (I'll let you know if it's the case), I'll let you play with the Nation as you please - I'll just leave some general directions & indications.

I'm really sorry for that giant screw-up.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 10:32am
by Akhlut
Hey, real life gets in the way sometimes. If you can get back in, great. If not, well, life sometimes hands you a bad hand. C'est la vie.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 11:31am
by Skywalker_T-65
OmegaChief wrote:Oh yes, lots of potential, especially once you throw Arcadia First into the mix too, and of course the wildcard of the SPACE VIKINGS.
Trust me I know. I've probably built the most varied nation political wise (what with AF, and the VIKINGS playing around the borders). Well, aside from the Hellenes anyway. And speaking of political things, the Furlings (and the Arcadians too funnily enough) would actually want to help the Chamarrans to a certain extent. Namely because the Furlings extremely dislike the idea of genetically engineered weapons, and the Arcadians don't like seeing people used like that. So as long as the cat-people don't attack us, we would probably help them.

And that would lead to more diplomatic fun since we have a trade route with the Space Greeks. This is going to be fun. :D
Shinn Langley Soryu wrote:Space Swedish Tank in Swedish would actually be something along the lines of "Utrymme Sveriges Stridsvagn," while Space Sweden Industries would be something along the lines of "Utrymme Sveriges Industrier" (in the absence of someone who's actually fluent in Swedish, Google Translate will have to do for now), so the name for the Arcadian assault gun/tank destroyer would be USS Tank, and the company that makes it would be USI.
Meh, so sue me, I don't speak Swedish. :P

That being said, I can use Google Translator though, I just didn't for two reasons. One: USS Tank sounds like it belongs in Space America, not Space Sweden. Second: It is more funny (like Simon said) if Space Swedish only marginally resembles real Swedish. Besides, Arcadia has been mixing languages for a thousand or so years now, nothing would look the same.

As for the Greys, they are just giving Arcadia more reason to dislike them. Of course, the Furlings situation would be enough, but mind-control slavery is up there too.

And finally, as far as Rabids situation goes: Don't sweat it, it wouldn't be the first time that has happened in an SDNW (and certainly won't be the last). Just get back in if you can, if not...we can work with that too. It really isn't an obligation to play this after all.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 11:59am
by Simon_Jester
With luck, Rabid, you'll be back soon; don't beat yourself up over absences of a few weeks. They happen.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 12:56pm
by Akhlut
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:As for the Greys, they are just giving Arcadia more reason to dislike them. Of course, the Furlings situation would be enough, but mind-control slavery is up there too.
The mind control is not...common knowledge, we'll call it. Other nations know that the Philosopher's Kingdom willingly serves the Kritarchy and that the Kritarchy probably engages in experiments on other species, but besides rumors and hearsay, there's not much hard evidence of Gray mind-control efforts on humans.

I'm sure Arcadia probably hates the Grays anyway, but mind-control would be one of those things that is often accused, but rarely proven.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 01:22pm
by OmegaChief
Heh, if there's one thing the Greys are good for, it's conspiracy theories.

"They're abducting people as brainwashed infiltrators!"

"They're watching us from cloaked recon ships!"

Or if you're Umerian

"There's actually an alien race out there and not just swamp gas!"

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 01:52pm
by Akhlut
Spreading false-flag conspiracy theories may or may not be an active strategy pursued by the Grays to maintain secrecy of their true objectives.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-26 05:54pm
by Darkevilme
Skywalker_T-65 wrote: Trust me I know. I've probably built the most varied nation political wise (what with AF, and the VIKINGS playing around the borders). Well, aside from the Hellenes anyway. And speaking of political things, the Furlings (and the Arcadians too funnily enough) would actually want to help the Chamarrans to a certain extent. Namely because the Furlings extremely dislike the idea of genetically engineered weapons, and the Arcadians don't like seeing people used like that. So as long as the cat-people don't attack us, we would probably help them.

And that would lead to more diplomatic fun since we have a trade route with the Space Greeks. This is going to be fun. :D
There are humans, who want to aid the catgirls with the 'subjugate all humans' mission. Okay, this galactic arm appears built to try and confuse the poor dogmatic speciesist felines. But at least we have a reason to indulge in the bizarre little charade that arcadia is ruled by furlings.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-27 10:06am
by OmegaChief
In other news, I set myself up a YIM accound (As I heard that's where all the cool kids are) for ease (And slightly quicker and more reliable way) of contact for all this.

So, for any questions or collaborative work feel free to poke me over at as well as here or via PM :P

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-28 02:06pm
by Skywalker_T-65
What, the Space Swedes just don't like slavery (Grays we're looking at you even if it is only rumors!). And strictly speaking, what was going to happen to the cat-girls would have been slavery of the worst sort (slave weapons). As long as the Chamarrans aren't doing slavery themselves (or else are VERY good at hiding it) then Arcadia would be sympathetic towards them. Just don't attack us or our trade partners (though it is probably enevitable that you will attack the Space Greeks at some point). And it probably wouldn't be a bunch of weapons as help, more likely just stuff to help keep their nation on its feet.

Also, I finally got a laptop as a graduation present, so I will probably be back on more often (like it was with the school one). So good news there! :D

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-28 02:12pm
by Simon_Jester
Remember, there are customs about trading with belligerent* nations. Generally, if I want to ship goods to Country X, which is at war with Country Y, I'm accepting a certain degree of risk that Y's military will stop my shipments or otherwise inconvenience me.

It's only when this becomes unusually provocative by international standards that people go to war.

*Literally "at war"

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-28 04:50pm
by Spoonist
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:so sue me.
To be perfectly boring
Space = rymd

but a nice thing about swedish is that you join terms to make a new one, so
space rocket = rymdraket, so you can just string some stuff together to make it look "good"

For inspiration:

and if you don't have at least one reference to ravens I'll have to send Poe to haunt you

since its vikings here is a short glossary for inspiration
bane = bane , yupp that's old norse for whatever kills ya, so catsbane as in the ship that kills cats is good
yxa = axe, no viking should leave home without one
skepp = ship, yes that means that spaceship is rymdskepp
långskepp = longship, also refered to as drakskepp=dragonships due to their ornamented bows
blot = ritual sacrifice, as in throw a party, get drunk, string some prisoners up a tree and let them bleed, or drown them in a bog if you are in a hurry.
lagom = things that are just the right amount, from the expression "laget om" which means "once around the team", so a 'lagom' amount of beer is just the right amount to get everyone completely drunk, a 'lagom' fleet would be the one that is just right to crush whatever foes are foolish to stand their ground, a lagom woman would uhm not be that good really when you think about it...
Valaskjálf = the other valhalla for the real men
Hell = where the lazy ass bums who don't die in battle end up, ruled by Loki's daughter when he's note off getting fcked by a stallion to give birth to Sleipnerwhich would be another good name for a ship...

And not to have a mjölnirclass missiles I don't know what to say...

Also, refering to wormholes or such as 'the roots of yggdrasil' would be bonus point material...

But that is if you want to be completely boring of course - you can't go wrong with swedish chef glossaries as well..

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-28 06:37pm
by Simon_Jester
Oh hey Spoonist: do you want in on the game? Be cool to have you around.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-28 10:39pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Figure I should post this now since I'm getting tired (stayed up way to late last night finishing setting up this laptop *yawns*) and I doubt anyone will reply to the diplomatic post tonight. Just some clarification on it...I am just trying to make a place where all the nations can go to work out their differences and talk things through, with all the hilarity that could lead to (more of a Space Hague than a Space UN to be honest).

And yes, the Umerian and Gray Embassies would be right next to each other :P
(and the Bastian/Chamarran ones would also be near each other...nice and simple that way, and could lead to confusion among the people who don't know either race well enough)

If there are any more questions about what I am planning there, just ask me, and I'll reply whenever I get the chance to get on again.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-29 03:58am
by Spoonist
Simon_Jester wrote:Oh hey Spoonist: do you want in on the game? Be cool to have you around.
In everyone's best interest I think I should stay clear of this. I could never match bragulans or your techno-academy-empire thingie from last round. I'm simply too stuffy & boring. This is a spectators sport after all.
At most I could join as the chewtoy for more funny/interesting posters to have something to crush... :mrgreen:

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-29 01:27pm
by Simon_Jester
All right, if you say so.

Just remember that you can always create one-offs if you feel like it. Bit-part participation is a good thing, in my opinion- not everything has to be a massively thought out interstellar empire with dozens of pages of backstory. You can do quite well with just a single idea like Hunter S. Thompson IN SPAAACE, for example.

Don't hesitate to pop in with suggestions. Or peanut gallery comments. :D

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 04:14pm
by Force Lord
*emerges from the shadows*

I have only two words to say: writer's block.

*reenters the darkness*

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 04:20pm
by Skywalker_T-65
I have another two words:

So what?
Seriously, we can all understand that. I've been trying to work up a VIKING post for a while now...any ideas? Anyone?

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 04:25pm
by Force Lord
VIKING BESERKER ATTACK! is absolutely essential (IMHO) if your post is related to some sort of combat. Otherwise... write some sort of bastardization of VIKING mythology. TFOR? ODIM? I dunno.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 04:34pm
by Imperial528
Force Lord wrote:*emerges from the shadows*

I have only two words to say: writer's block.

*reenters the darkness*
Welcome to the club.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 05:13pm
by Darkevilme
Maybe if we set the game's main thread rolling so people don't feel so confined in what events they can narrate then the writer's block would evaporate.

If we wait too long to start the game then enthusiasm will evaporate and it'll be stillborn.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 05:19pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Yeah thats true. I haven't run out of ideas yet, but it couldn't hurt to get out of the constraints of prologues. Besides, isn't this the most work that's ever gone into an SDNW pre-game anyway?

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 05:36pm
by Spoonist
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:any ideas? Anyone?
Did you actually miss all of that?

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 05:38pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Well, I meant more plot related and less language fun. And no, I didn't miss your post. I did get some ideas from it, just not enough.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-30 07:25pm
by Simon_Jester
OK, how about I throw together another map draft tonight (it doesn't have to include everyone, we can set sail with people still working on some of the ship's fittings) and open out a "main" thread.

Sorry about the delay- I got complacent because people seemed pretty busy in the opening phase. The volume of prologues we're seeing isn't really out of line with what went up for SDNW4, in my opinion, but your criticisms are well-founded.