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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-01 01:15pm
by Norade
TCA Diplomatic Fleet, Bilbringi System


Captain Izaak Yetheral, hadn't been happy that his ship had been chosen to carry the President's diplomat, yet such was the duty of the fleet's flagship and he would wear his formal uniform with pride and set and example for his men. Thus it was in neat order, flanked by a pair of smaller Carrack-class vessels, that the Dauntless-class Cruiser Alliance had dropped out of hyperspace into a holding pattern at a measured distance from the planet. Normally a junior officer would have called down to control and requested a flight path in, but for this event the Captain had taken it as a personal duty.

He had gone to a holotransmitter and keyed in planetary control before speaking and saying, "This is Captain Izaak Yetheral of the Trade Control Alliance cruiser Alliance, I request a slight path for my fleet so that we may send down delegates to set right diplomatic ties between our governments."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-01 01:20pm
by Master_Baerne
Star Empire of Manticore

"This is Bilbringi Orbit Control to TCAS Alliance. Your shuttles are cleared for approach vector 118 to the Imperial Palace. An honor guar will meet them."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-01 01:48pm
by Norade
TCA Diplomatic Fleet, Bilbringi System

The reply was a short one, as Captain Yetheral simply says, "Copy that control, shuttle will launch along designated vector."

With that having been done a junior officer sent word down to the main hanger informing them they're clear to launch along 118. Shortly thereafter the ships disgorged a deep blue and silver Lambda-class shuttle with the letters TCA along the main fin in a brilliant gold. The flight was a short one and soon the shuttle touches down and a pair of marines in clone armor, of the same blue and silver as the shuttle, stepped down the ramp followed by man in a well fitted suit of finest Corellian design, followed by another pair of honor guard.

Having seen the honor guard set out by the Manticorian's he said simply, "Honor guard dismissed, I don't expect any trouble here."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-02 06:32pm
by Master_Baerne
Imperial Palace
Landing Pad 118
Bilbringi, Bilbringi System
Star Empire of Manticore

With a heavy crash of armored feet on stone, most of the stormtrooper honor guard turned on its collective heel and marched off into the Imperial Palace. Left standing were the Minister for Foreign Affairs, William Alexander, and four remaining stormtroopers.

"Your Excellency. Welcome to the Star Empire. If you wish to freshen up a bit before doing any business, one of these gentlemen will show you to your rooms. If not, a conference room has been prepared."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-03 04:22pm
by Norade
Landing Pad 118, Bilbringi

"I would be perfectly happy to start the meeting straight away," said the man with black hair streaked with bits of grey at the temples.

After saying that he had followed along and was shown to a meeting room. He took a seat and waited for the other man to do the same before he pulled out his datapad. Datapad out he'd typed in a few commands and brought up his notes and speaking points for the meeting.

With that done the middle aged man introduced himself as, "I am Bartek Brant of Teyr, Diplomatic envoy for the Trade Control Alliance and Teyr."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-03 06:34pm
by Master_Baerne
Imperial Palace
Bilbringi, Bilbringi System
Star Empire of Manticore

Minister Alexander nodded in agreement and led the way to a luxuriously appointed conference room inside the Imperial Palace. Inviting Brant to be seated, he took his own place and, steepling his fingers thoughtfully, said:

"Now then, Envoy Brant, what can the Star Empire do for you?"

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-06 04:34am
by Norade
Imperial Palace, Bilbringi

"I am here to apologize for the message sent in haste by President Acker. He has a mind for political maneuvers, but not much of a head for diplomacy," said the man as he looked down at the data pad and shakes his head at what he's been asked to do.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-07 01:04pm
by Master_Baerne
"A situation those such as ourselves must find... trying at times." Minister Alexander smiled thinly. "Still, we quite understand; His Imperial Majesty's response could have been somewhat more understanding. We will certainly not hold the mistakes of one man against an entire nation, head of state or not."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-09 07:33am
by Thanas
Vyraeth wrote: COMMUNIQUES
The Imperial Remnant

FROM: President Zhovan Andrak, The Rachuk Republic
TO: Lady Feena D'Asta
SUBJECT: Visitation of the Republic and Commenor

Lady Feena D'Asta,

Salutations, Lady D'asta. The Rachuk Republic opens its arms to you and your faction, and let this letter serve as approval for your visit to Commenor. I will personally provide you with a tour of the surface, and it is my hope that through this meeting, both factions can gain a better understanding of one another. My foreign minister will be in contact with your offices.

President Zhovan Andrak
The Rachuk Republic

FROM: Minister of Foreign Relations, Rachuk Republic
TO: The Office of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps & Feena D'Asta
SUBJECT: Your visit to Rachuk Republic Space


Your request to visit the Rachuk Republic has been approved, however, as a matter of protocol, there is a brief form we will require before your visit can take place.

Please declare the exact composition of your party, any weapons that the party maintains, and your expected arrival date in Commenor space. We will also need to know the class and armament of any vessels being brought into our sovereignty, as well as size and designation. As a reminder, foreign warships are not permitted in Commenor space, although under special circumstances, they may be permitted with prior approval.

Secondly, as a courtesy to all foreign officials, we issue notices about the security of our space, and precautions that foreign parties may wish to take before coming into Republic territory. Here is a list of worlds and their security status:

Commenor: HIGH
Hensara III: HIGH
Vladet: HIGH
Damoria: HIGH
Talasea: MEDIUM
Chorax: LOW

If you intend on visiting Vladet, you must be vaccinated against Rachuk Roseola, as it is a highly contagious virus that exists surface side.

Finally, for questions regarding security, your liaison is Fleet Admiral Korven Naestrum of the 1st Fleet. He will assist you with any special arrangements or precautions.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to answer them. Enjoy your stay within the Republic's borders.

Norak Khuvar
Minister of Foreign Relations
The Rachuk Republic

The following communique was sent to the Rachuk Republic in reply:
From: The Imperial Diplomatic Corps, Baroness-designate the Lady Feena D'Asta.
To: Norak Khuvar, Minister of Foreign Relations, The Rachuk Republik


I will arrive at Comnenor within a few days. My entourage will consist of myself and the following personnel:
- Cmdr. Mirith Sinn
- Special Assistant Lana Karol, from the Imperial Budget office and Moff Saenger's staff assistant.
Neither one of us will carry any weapons.

We will be accompanied by our standard guard of 24 Red Guards, who are armed with the standard stormtrooper weaponry. The Vessel of choice will be the Allegiance class command ship Loyalty.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me or my office.

Feena D'Asta

- diplomatic developments continue.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-09 07:34am
by Thanas
Norade wrote:Presidential Palace, Teyr

Short days after meetings with the Manticorians more ships from a contacted faction dropped into the Teyr system and they were quickly escorted to a lane. They didn't seem to want to send a message and leave like the other delegation had, but instead seemed to want a face to face meeting. Thus an escort to the planet was arranged for the diplomats being sent over and they were greeted by an honor guard of clone trooper armored soldiers, and a welcoming party consisting of President Acker, and his close personal aid, Leeza Therian, as well as a 3P0 series droid.

Speaking first President Acker said, "I owe you my apologies for making you come to me in this way, our government is in a period of transition right now and details seem to be falling through the cracks. Please join me in the official meeting room and we will open relations in a better way than a message that frankly isn't doing me any favors at the moment."
Leena D'Asta smiled, thinking of the early days of the Remnant. "Of course. We all know how hectic these things can get." After they were seated in the official meeting room, the D'Astan lady continued. "The Imperial Remnant would like to offer you a trade deal on the same conditions as we offer all other nations." (OOC: No tariffs, except for Coruscant and Anaxes, attempt to curb piracy). "We also would like to offer you access to our holonet."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-09 08:19am
by NPC Factions
The Romulan Republic wrote:Freedom’s Hope dropped out of Hyperspace ahead of the group of ten transports, which were encircled by a flotilla of two CR90 Corvettes and two Corillean Gunships as escorts. A few seconds later a Bulk Cruiser dropped out of Hyperspace at the rear of the fleet, completing the formation.

Captain Janson knew almost immediately that something was wrong. The tactical officer signalled an alert.

“Four unidentified ships off our starboard bow. Looks like a VSD-I, a Dreadnought, and two Interceptor Frigates Sir.” A pause. “They’re launching fighters.”

“Increase power to deflector shields and turbolaser batteries. Prepare to launch fighters. Ask the Honor of Bakura to send some fighter cover our way, or we’re going to get swamped.” Up ahead, the captain could see the Remanant destroyer moving to engage the enemy VSD. Which meant the frigates and the Dreadnought were all his. Wonderful.

Quickly he considered the situation. They were outnumbered. The priority was to protect the transports. He could engage the Dreadnought and hold it off, while the freighters made a run for it. The frigates might attempt to pursue, but some of the freighters carried decent armaments, and those coupled with the escorting corvettes and Bulk Cruiser could probably handle the frigates well enough. He considered briefly weather he should have the freighters split into two groups, but decided against it. He didn’t have enough ships to cover two groups properly. They would stand a better chance of getting out together.

“Communications, tell the freighters and escorts to run for it and get into Hyperspace as quickly as possible, then call for back up. Tactical, maximum power to forward shields, have turbolaser batteries target the Dreadnought but hold their fire until I give the order. Laser and quad laser canons may fire at will. Helm, close with the enemy Dreadnought. We’ve got to hold them while the convoy gets clear.”

The question now was weather the pirates would split up to pursue the transports, or concentrate on him. If the former, he was fairly confident he could take the Dreadnought on his own, but he would just have to hope the other escorts were up to protecting the convoy. If the latter, then he wasn’t so confident about his own chances, but he could hold them a while, maybe long enough for reinforcements to arrive or too convince the pirates it wasn’t worth the trouble.

* * *

Kyp was jolted awake by the sound of an alarm calling personel to battle stations. He scrambled out of his bunk along with the other three pilots who shared their small room, then hurried down the hall toward the hangers. As he arrived, the squadron commander was waiting, already dressed in his flight suit. The squadron of 12 Z95-Headhunters was being prepped for launch, and Kyp hastily clambered into his flight suit and then into the cockpit of Fighter Number 6. Alarms sounded again, warning that the hanger force fields were about to be dropped, then one by one the fighters began to move out of the hanger. Kyp followed the first few out, accelerating as he left the shadow of Freedom's Hope. The squadron commander’s voice sounded harshly inside his helmet.

“Alright, we’ve got eight, maybe nine enemy squadrons. Fighters 1-6, take the bombers. Fighters 7-12 fly cover for them. Let’s go!”

Kyp sent his Headhunter spinning ‘round, falling in behind one of the squadrons of bombers. He accelerated again, quickly overtaking the rearmost craft, then felt a surge of adrenaline as he blew it apart in a precise burst of blaster fire. He sensed a volley of enemy blaster fire heading towards him and altered course, swerving back and forth in an effort to stay out of the enemy fighter’s line of fire. Then the other fighter was gone, leaving only tiny fragments of debris.

“That’s some nice flying, kid.” The commander’s voice sounded in his ear again. Kyp had no time to reply as he sent his Z-95 rolling to one side to avoid another burst of laser fire, then locked onto a second bomber and obliterated it.

At this point in the battle, the pirate captain recognized that his original plan had failed. The presence of the Remnant VSD had complicated matters already. This new progression meant that he would have to modify the plan if he still could destroy the enemy freighters. Therefore, he chose a most un-piratelike tactic. "Concentrate all forces on the enemy flagship. Fighters, punch a hole through the enemy formation. Bombers, bombing run. Interceptor frigates, try and flank. Full spead ahead, let them have it."

The pirate forces moved to execute. Now he has to fight just for his survival....

If the pirates could take the dreadnought out fast enough, maybe the objective still could be completed.
Norade wrote:Mining Convoy, Mid Route

A disturbance in hyperspace was detected by the lead escort, TCAF Task Master, the Carrack cruiser assigned as the command vessel for the escort mission. It's Captain warns the rest of the fleet to be alert, and his fears were confirmed when they were pulled out of hyperspace right next to an Interdictor cruiser displaying an unknown IFF. He was in the process of sending them a warning message but the ship jumped shortly after tugging them from hyperspace leaving them a few precious moments to get the freighters formed into a tight group to make them easy to cover.

Giving his orders in a hurried but calm fashion Captain Wesz Byron said, “Our first priority is to get those freighters in a group so we can cover them easier. Next is getting into hyperspace. I don't want any fighters going out unless it looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while.”

The orders were carried out swiftly, with even the most stubborn pilot unwilling to risk his ship for his pride. As swiftly as everything came together the slowest and least maneuverable of the freighters were still moving into position the Assassin class vessels dropped out of hyperspace and gained locks on the single craft most out of formation. The Carrack, TCAF Sheppard, which was in the rear of the convoy was already turning to line up her broadside to them but the enemy was attacking easy prey and a volley of missiles put the fleet back on her heels from the start.

Being offered the Sheppard and advantage, though only half of hers guns could fire at the missiles as they approached, it offered her the best field of fire and a better angle than forward and gave a second chance at anything attempting to sneak by. They also had support from the Marauders, TCAF Tender, and TCAF Keeper, who moved over to intercept. Soon space was filled with laser and light turbolaser blasts reaching into the missile streams and heavy turbolasers blasts aimed and fired at the aft quarter of the enemy ships with the intent to score some quick damage and knock the enemy out of the fight.

Meanwhile up front the lead ship was scanning for any late arrivals and using her nav computer to plot a jump for the freighter's that couldn't calculate a jump fast enough. Her utmost priority was jumping first and finding out what happened later. That was of course if one of the flock wasn't knocked dead in space before that could happen.
Using overlapping shields, the Assassin class corvettes moved forward at high speed. The mining convoy captain had made one crucial mistake - without having deployed Bombers, he had no missile capacity, which at this velocity meant he had deprived himself of the best method to destroy fast ships. In the attempt to outflank the corvettes, the mining escort had also forgotten to place his corvettes into the path of the assassin class corvettes. Using their speed and high velocity, the Assassins surged past the Marauders and the Sheppard. Only the enemy flagship could still catch them at this point, but without any fighters, it could not launch missiles either. In any case, the fighters would have to come from the Marauders - who were at this point behind the corvettes, who now used their weapons to fire at the freighters at close range.

Master_Baerne wrote:HIMMS Retriever
Nebulon-B Frigate, Captain Rafael Cardones commanding
Flagship, Task Force EF-1207 Alpha
Manticoran-Havenite Trade Route

Captain Cardones had spent much of the past week enjoying a holonovel from the unusual locale of Retriever's command deck - After all, there was very little for a captain to do on convoy escort. However, he was still a Manticoran officer, and when his com/scan officer shouted out a report, he was ready.

"Action aft starboard ventral, Captain! Reading... two Tartan-class light cruisers and two squadrons of TIEs!" the man's voice was an odd mixture of trepidation and excitement. Much like my own reflected Cardones. And isn't it a bad sign when we're relieved to be attacked? Escort duty does not agree with me.

"Acknowledged. Move Retriever and Harrier towards them, along with a Lancer...Make it Bulwark of Carida. Standard assault formation, and task our fighters to attack - Bulwark and our own PD can cover our backs." Cardones had a nagging feeling that something wasn't right, but two Nebulon-Bs and a Lancer ought to be able to deal with a pair of obsolete light cruisers while still leaving him enough to respond to other developments...

"Aye, sir. Tracker is reporting a sensor ghost, nothing to worry about, but under the circumstances..." said the com/scan Lieutenant Commander, tapping commands into his console. "It's in the aft port dorsal quadrant, here." he continued, highloghting a region of space behind and slightly above the convoy.

"Call Seagrace, tell her we could use her wing here. I've got a bad feeling about this..." the captain muttered, rubbing his clean-shaven chin. Pirates came in two categories, the petty, who usually couldn't scrape up even a pair of obsolete cruisers, and the professional, to whom such an exlenditure was small change. There was more going on here than met the eye. "Guns, fire when ready. Flight Ops, concentrate on the second Tartan, I want to reduce their strength as soon as possible."

EDIT: Oops, forgot that Thanas got to play the pirates.
Seeing that the Manticoreans were not going to take the bait, the pirates chose to committ fully to the assualt. Soon, the two Tartan light cruisers were joined by an old Dreadnought, a Munificent frigate and four Hardcell corvettes. The two pirate squadrons were now joined by the third squadron, all flying close escort. The pirate ships continued to move towards the - now outgunned - frigates.

Results: Pirate action continues.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-09 09:44pm
by Norade
Master_Baerne wrote:"A situation those such as ourselves must find... trying at times." Minister Alexander smiled thinly. "Still, we quite understand; His Imperial Majesty's response could have been somewhat more understanding. We will certainly not hold the mistakes of one man against an entire nation, head of state or not."
"Yes, to do so would harm a nation and a man undeserving of such. However that is neither here nor there, I was sent to fix things and I am here now to offer reduced tariffs if you would be willing to ensure strong trade relations between us."
Thanas wrote:
Norade wrote:Presidential Palace, Teyr

Short days after meetings with the Manticorians more ships from a contacted faction dropped into the Teyr system and they were quickly escorted to a lane. They didn't seem to want to send a message and leave like the other delegation had, but instead seemed to want a face to face meeting. Thus an escort to the planet was arranged for the diplomats being sent over and they were greeted by an honor guard of clone trooper armored soldiers, and a welcoming party consisting of President Acker, and his close personal aid, Leeza Therian, as well as a 3P0 series droid.

Speaking first President Acker said, "I owe you my apologies for making you come to me in this way, our government is in a period of transition right now and details seem to be falling through the cracks. Please join me in the official meeting room and we will open relations in a better way than a message that frankly isn't doing me any favors at the moment."
Leena D'Asta smiled, thinking of the early days of the Remnant. "Of course. We all know how hectic these things can get." After they were seated in the official meeting room, the D'Astan lady continued. "The Imperial Remnant would like to offer you a trade deal on the same conditions as we offer all other nations." (OOC: No tariffs, except for Coruscant and Anaxes, attempt to curb piracy). "We also would like to offer you access to our holonet."
"We feel that such an offer is in our interests, especially the generous offer of a holonet connection which is difficult to do without," said the envoy.

(OOC: Offer accepted.)
NPC Factions wrote:
Norade wrote:Mining Convoy, Mid Route

A disturbance in hyperspace was detected by the lead escort, TCAF Task Master, the Carrack cruiser assigned as the command vessel for the escort mission. It's Captain warns the rest of the fleet to be alert, and his fears were confirmed when they were pulled out of hyperspace right next to an Interdictor cruiser displaying an unknown IFF. He was in the process of sending them a warning message but the ship jumped shortly after tugging them from hyperspace leaving them a few precious moments to get the freighters formed into a tight group to make them easy to cover.

Giving his orders in a hurried but calm fashion Captain Wesz Byron said, “Our first priority is to get those freighters in a group so we can cover them easier. Next is getting into hyperspace. I don't want any fighters going out unless it looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while.”

The orders were carried out swiftly, with even the most stubborn pilot unwilling to risk his ship for his pride. As swiftly as everything came together the slowest and least maneuverable of the freighters were still moving into position the Assassin class vessels dropped out of hyperspace and gained locks on the single craft most out of formation. The Carrack, TCAF Sheppard, which was in the rear of the convoy was already turning to line up her broadside to them but the enemy was attacking easy prey and a volley of missiles put the fleet back on her heels from the start.

Being turned broadside offered the Sheppard an advantage, though only half of hers guns could fire at the missiles as they approached, it offered her the best field of fire and a better angle than forward and gave a second chance at anything attempting to sneak by. They also had support from the Marauders, TCAF Tender, and TCAF Keeper, who moved over to intercept. Soon space was filled with laser and light turbolaser blasts reaching into the missile streams and heavy turbolasers blasts aimed and fired at the aft quarter of the enemy ships with the intent to score some quick damage and knock the enemy out of the fight.

Meanwhile up front the lead ship was scanning for any late arrivals and using her nav computer to plot a jump for the freighter's that couldn't calculate a jump fast enough. Her utmost priority was jumping first and finding out what happened later. That was of course if one of the flock wasn't knocked dead in space before that could happen.
Using overlapping shields, the Assassin class corvettes moved forward at high speed. The mining convoy captain had made one crucial mistake - without having deployed Bombers, he had no missile capacity, which at this velocity meant he had deprived himself of the best method to destroy fast ships. In the attempt to outflank the corvettes, the mining escort had also forgotten to place his corvettes into the path of the assassin class corvettes. Using their speed and high velocity, the Assassins surged past the Marauders and the Sheppard. Only the enemy flagship could still catch them at this point, but without any fighters, it could not launch missiles either. In any case, the fighters would have to come from the Marauders - who were at this point behind the corvettes, who now used their weapons to fire at the freighters at close range.
It seemed clear to all involved that the battle would not end swiftly and the order was given by Captain Byron to have the corvettes launch their fighters. As fighters were launched the Task Master and the corvettes Purse and Crook lined up firing solutions from across the convoy. The as the enemies entered range of the newly engaging Marauder corvettes they latched onto a pair of corvettes with tractor beams while the Marauders behind hoped to do the same to another pair. It was hoped that this would allow the turbolaser fire from the Carracks to strike more accurately and finish these four ships off quickly. Even as this is taking place the V-wings were already broken down to twelve flights of four fighters each and had started to make runs at weakened shields with their torpedoes and laser cannons. Whenever possible these attacks would have been conducted from behind the enemy corvettes, minding engine wash, as the enemy vessels had a large blind spot when approached from their aft.

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-11 03:21am
by The Romulan Republic
NPC Factions wrote: At this point in the battle, the pirate captain recognized that his original plan had failed. The presence of the Remnant VSD had complicated matters already. This new progression meant that he would have to modify the plan if he still could destroy the enemy freighters. Therefore, he chose a most un-piratelike tactic. "Concentrate all forces on the enemy flagship. Fighters, punch a hole through the enemy formation. Bombers, bombing run. Interceptor frigates, try and flank. Full spead ahead, let them have it."

The pirate forces moved to execute. Now he has to fight just for his survival....

If the pirates could take the dreadnought out fast enough, maybe the objective still could be completed.
Captain Janson felt a sinking feeling as he saw the bulk of the pirate fleet closing on his command ship. He wasn't too worried about the rest of the convoy, but now the crew of Freedom's Hope had to hope they could hold out until reinforcements could arrive or they could escape into hyperspace.

"Increase power to shields. Turbolasers are to hold their fire until I give the command." He watched the Interceptors coming closer, moving in to flank him. Captain Janson wished his command came equipped with Ion canons. But they would have to make do with a turbolaser broadside. He would concentrate fire on the frigates. They would go down faster than the Dreadnought.

"Helm, bring us about 90 degrees to starboard. All turbolasers target the frigate but hold fire." The Dreadnought gradually began to turn, picking up speed. The captain waited, watching the enemy turbolaser bolts impacting the shields and the fighters and bombers battling outside the bridge. Then, as the Dreadnought cut across the frigate's nose, he gave the command.

"Port turbolasers, fire!" As one, every Port-facing turbolaser opened fire on the frigate, the bolts flashing as they struck its shields...

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-11 06:41pm
by Master_Baerne
NPC Factions wrote:
Master_Baerne wrote:HIMMS Retriever
Nebulon-B Frigate, Captain Rafael Cardones commanding
Flagship, Task Force EF-1207 Alpha
Manticoran-Havenite Trade Route

Captain Cardones had spent much of the past week enjoying a holonovel from the unusual locale of Retriever's command deck - After all, there was very little for a captain to do on convoy escort. However, he was still a Manticoran officer, and when his com/scan officer shouted out a report, he was ready.

"Action aft starboard ventral, Captain! Reading... two Tartan-class light cruisers and two squadrons of TIEs!" the man's voice was an odd mixture of trepidation and excitement. Much like my own reflected Cardones. And isn't it a bad sign when we're relieved to be attacked? Escort duty does not agree with me.

"Acknowledged. Move Retriever and Harrier towards them, along with a Lancer...Make it Bulwark of Carida. Standard assault formation, and task our fighters to attack - Bulwark and our own PD can cover our backs." Cardones had a nagging feeling that something wasn't right, but two Nebulon-Bs and a Lancer ought to be able to deal with a pair of obsolete light cruisers while still leaving him enough to respond to other developments...

"Aye, sir. Tracker is reporting a sensor ghost, nothing to worry about, but under the circumstances..." said the com/scan Lieutenant Commander, tapping commands into his console. "It's in the aft port dorsal quadrant, here." he continued, highlighting a region of space behind and slightly above the convoy.

"Call Seagrace, tell her we could use her wing here. I've got a bad feeling about this..." the captain muttered, rubbing his clean-shaven chin. Pirates came in two categories, the petty, who usually couldn't scrape up even a pair of obsolete cruisers, and the professional, to whom such an expenditure was small change. There was more going on here than met the eye. "Guns, fire when ready. Flight Ops, concentrate on the second Tartan, I want to reduce their strength as soon as possible."
Seeing that the Manticorans were not going to take the bait, the pirates chose to committ fully to the assualt. Soon, the two Tartan light cruisers were joined by an old Dreadnought, a Munificent frigate and four Hardcell corvettes. The two pirate squadrons were now joined by the third squadron, all flying close escort. The pirate ships continued to move towards the - now outgunned - frigates.

Results: Pirate action continues.

HIMMS Retriever
Nebulon-B Frigate, Captain Rafael Cardones commanding
Flagship, Task Force EF-1207 Alpha
Manticoran-Havenite Trade Route

"Damn it!" cursed Captain Cardones, slightly unprofessional, if entirely appropriate. "Bring Tracker up to support us, and order the other two Lancers to cover the convoy as it scatters. All fighters, concentrate on the enemy squadrons. Bombers are to attack the corvettes, preferably a squadron per corvette. We've got to kill as many of them as we can - Every one of their ships we get is a freighter that will survive. Speaking of which, they're to jump for the nearest Havenite naval base, append the coordinates in the signal. Also, tell Seagrace we don't just want her any longer, we need her." Cardones gritted his teeth as turbolasers and missiles began to explode againsthis ship's shields. "And focus the frigates' guns on those cruisers, then move to the Dreadnought."

Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Posted: 2009-11-15 07:05am
by Serafina
Cultural Union trade convoy

The sensors of the Munificent-cruiser picked up the Raiders about five seconds before they left hyperspace - more than enough time to react for droids.

Without delay, the 800m-long Star Frigate began to turn, while both Marauder-cruisers snapped out of their escort position and raced towards the enemy.

Shortly after the pirates had left Hyperspace, TC-1702 relayed his order.
"Concentrate our firepower at the leading cruiser.
Marauders, engage that Gunship - full power to the tractor beams.
Release all fightes - mark enemy fighters as top priority and ignore their bombers until they are dealt with. Release our bombers at that moment and order them to take out that strike cruiser
Hardcells, protect the convoy if anything breaks trough".

Response to the pirate attack