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Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 03:49pm
by Force Lord
Siege wrote:Can someone give a brief rundown of the disciplines one can participate in at the Esper Tournament?
The only ones I can think of right now are Virtual Combat, Speed, Precision, and Memory. I'm sure there's more, but I'm burnt out a bit right now.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 04:00pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Force Lord wrote:
Siege wrote:Can someone give a brief rundown of the disciplines one can participate in at the Esper Tournament?
The only ones I can think of right now are Virtual Combat, Speed, Precision, and Memory. I'm sure there's more, but I'm burnt out a bit right now.
Here is a list:

Telepathic and Precognitive Fencing-- Split into two different competitions, competitors use their respective discipline (either telepathy, or precognition) to fight in a fencing match. Different types of weapons can be used to further split up the contest. Rapier, Foil, Staff, Poleaxe etc.

Scan and Counterl: Telepaths a simple thought. A clear precise image given to them by a referee. Each telepath then tries to get past the others blocks and take the information. This can be displayed through the use of brain scanners to see what each telepath sees in their thoughts.

Precognitive and Metacognitive Speed Chess: Exactly what it sounds like.

Telekinetic, Pyrokinetic, and Electrokinetic Duels. Very impressive

Various Physical Contests for Body Augmentation.

Telekinetic/Electrokinetic strong man contests.

Far-Seeing Marksmanship: Bow, Crossbow, Blaster Rifle etc.

ID This Substance and its Properties using different ranges and interposing barriers.

And last but not least--though there will only be a few competitors... Mage Duel for those nations with magical traditions.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 04:01pm
by Force Lord
Speed Guessing What Number I'm Thinking Of is also appearing. The Centrality is well known for such contests.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 04:09pm
by Siege
Hmm, the Shield won't want to participate in combat routines (not their specialty, and there's Bragulans watching so best not to give the game away). Precision and Memory are probably more to their liking. Still, I imagined there'd at least be some Creative disciplines as well though. You know, create candy or fireworks out of thin air, something less militaristic.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 04:45pm
by Simon_Jester
EDIT: For the record, LoC9 has 'outsourced' the writing of the Prussian attack on Zebes to me. My latest post is part of the setup for that. If there is anything particularly objectionable about it in the eyes of the mods, or of LoC9 himself, they are welcome to PM me.

I want to assure all involved that I will act in good faith and will carefully represent the Prussian state in a way I believe to be consistent with LoC9's own work, and with the insights that can be deduced about it from that work.
Force Lord wrote:Speed Guessing What Number I'm Thinking Of is also appearing. The Centrality is well known for such contests.
Speaking of the ones I thought of, Speed Guessing What Number I'm Thinking Of would be a relatively low-impact telepathic 'combat' sport. It's the psychic equivalent of, say, very stylized fencing: no use of techniques that are even theoretically lethal, no all-out attempts to mindcrush or anything.

I'm not sure whether the competitors are guessing the numbers each other are thinking of, or if they're trying to read the mind of a neutral judge (who may himself be a powerful telepath). It just seemed like a... Centrality-esque name for a telepathic sport.

Ditto for Precision Electromagnetics, obviously an application of electrokinesis which tests the contestants' ability to manipulate electric and magnetic fields carefully, rather than their ability to throw huge-ass bolts of lightning.

Also Telekinetic Ice Sculpting (thank you Shroomy!), again a test of finesse more than brute force.
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Precognitive and Metacognitive Speed Chess: Exactly what it sounds like.
Heh. Of course, all our high-end precognitives decided to stay home; you can decide for yourself what to conclude from that...

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 06:10pm
by Agent Sorchus
Don't forget telekinetic endurance lifting or others that are more specialized endurance rather than brute force events.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 09:47pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
DarthShady wrote:I still have some catching up to do, but I hope to do some writing of my own soon.

Hurry up and eat your damn meal you damn Karlack! :lol:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-17 11:57pm
by Lonestar
Obviously there will be no GD Pyskers at the Tourney, all of them are gainfully employed.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 04:33am
by Dark Hellion
Won't the speed chess be hard to judge? IIRC anyone with enough processor speed or accurate enough precog should start stalemating consistently against all other competitors who pass that same barrier. There simply are not enough possible moves in chess to not end up in this situation given the processing power that can be thrown around in the games time period. Unless its "Future Chess" which has a far higher number of possible moves.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 08:57am
by Simon_Jester
Hi, DH! Good to have you back.

So, what's you guys' response to the Refuge?
Dark Hellion wrote:Won't the speed chess be hard to judge? IIRC anyone with enough processor speed or accurate enough precog should start stalemating consistently against all other competitors who pass that same barrier. There simply are not enough possible moves in chess to not end up in this situation given the processing power that can be thrown around in the games time period. Unless its "Future Chess" which has a far higher number of possible moves.
Use of computer processor power is going to be a no-no for this event for the same reasons it's a no-no to bring a shotgun to a wrestling match and 'win' that way.

With precognition, what's being tested is precog versus precog: in a direct competition between two precognitives, "always in motion, is the future," as Yoda might put it. What's impressive is the ability to use precognition to scry an opponent's moves two or three moves in advance, given that they're trying to do the same. The margin of superiority, if any, will be very narrow between two master-class precognitives, and every glimpse you get of the future of the game is a sign that you are doing better than your opponent.

Of course, if you're both really good... well, I'm sure there have been occasions where two precognitives walk into the room with the board, size each other up, nod to each other, and one of them concedes amicably.

Sort of like the Umerian precognitives deciding not to come to the game at all... :mrgreen:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 10:00am
by Master_Baerne
ESP Chess intrigues me. :D

There can be Pairs MAD Chess, where two precognitives from different teams have to try and reach a stalemate in the shortest amount of time possible, and 4D Chess, (because everything's better with four dimensions!) in which is chess on a pyramidal board with occasional time skips, and Elemental Chess, where electro-and-pyrokineticists play chess with pillars of fire and suchlike.

Also, are there any other fencers here? Because if nobody objects, I'd like my competitors to take that event.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 10:05am
by Shroom Man 777
There could be rowboat events, dragonboat racing and like long-distance rowing where they test their telekinesis stamina. Sure, esper superfreaks can lift enormous masses with their brains, but can they use their telekinesis for prolonged periods of time for repetitive motion (rowing) to propel their dragonboat across, say, the Shroomanian Channel? They will have to use telekinetic paddles! :D

BTW, the grand winner of psychokinetic sculpting built this:



Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 12:00pm
by Force Lord
So, when would be the best day for the Tournament to start?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 01:34pm
by Force Lord
*looks at Shep's post*

Uh oh.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 01:51pm
by Agent Sorchus
Master_Baerne wrote:ESP Chess intrigues me. :D

There can be Pairs MAD Chess, where two precognitives from different teams have to try and reach a stalemate in the shortest amount of time possible, and 4D Chess, (because everything's better with four dimensions!) in which is chess on a pyramidal board with occasional time skips, and Elemental Chess, where electro-and-pyrokineticists play chess with pillars of fire and suchlike.

Also, are there any other fencers here? Because if nobody objects, I'd like my competitors to take that event.
I would like to take the one part of the fencing sports. After all humans would be going up against the reflexes of Mongooses, a particular challenging prospect, though the heavier blades would have an advantage for the humans alongside their greater reach.

Of course Eoghans would be at a disadvantage for most of the sports thanks to the fact that the powers are not entirely under their own mental control. I can deal with it though.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 05:55pm
by Siege
I hope that Force Lord will forgive me man-handling his Centrality without prior permission, but I just wanted to arrive in style, y'know? And when it comes down to psykionics it don't get much more stylish that a sweet honkin' grey saucer with lotsa lights!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 07:37pm
by Mayabird
Once we get through some more Refuge-Centrality posts I'll find out if the Refuge will be sending a delegation of observers. If things are going to be a mess, might as well throw in panicked birds, right?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 07:45pm
by Simon_Jester
I always envisioned the Bragulan-Apexai war going down like Superiority by Arthur C. Clarke: overwhelmingly superior technology on the Apexai side, based on physical principles far in advance of anything the Bragulans had... coupled with a catastrophic failure to integrate that technology into something a military could really use.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 07:56pm
by Siege
Well, that's pretty much ridiculously accurate insofar as I'm concerned.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-18 09:50pm
by Shroom Man 777
Who kicked the Centralist ambassador out? I bet the Centralites, in some weirdo bragskirovka, kicked their own ambassador out of Shepistan and blamed it on the Sheps! :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-19 10:16am
by Force Lord
Siege wrote:I hope that Force Lord will forgive me man-handling his Centrality without prior permission, but I just wanted to arrive in style, y'know? And when it comes down to psykionics it don't get much more stylish that a sweet honkin' grey saucer with lotsa lights!
Hey, no prob. You handled it nicely. :)

EDIT: And some more Triumvirate discussion.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-19 11:53am
by Shroom Man 777
You're a clever cookie, Force Lord. You've gone a long way from getting your boats captured by the Anglicans. :D

The Loin Stars/Spin Zone is gonna be an interesting place. Koprulu Two!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-19 01:41pm
by PeZook
We must struggle to out-violence them!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-19 01:59pm
by Dark Hellion
Since I am at least partially back in, can someone please give me the TLDR version of what has happened up until now so I can make some semi-informed decisions until I get a chance to read 30 something pages of the story thread?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread IV

Posted: 2010-11-19 02:34pm
by Steve
Well, a bunch of things happened at Pendleton, including a Collector Monolith roughing the fleet up until the examination of both a slave-owner and a former slave on Pendleton made it decide the Pendletonians were corruptions of sentient life that were unworthy of Collector support and Shep nuking a chunk of the planet to protect a dropship from planetary defenses that had no realistic hope of hitting it.

A rogue Collector entity called LEGION was stiffed on his pay by a smug Solarian megacorp owner, so he attacked the guy's company and its assets, prompting the Solarian intel agency to step in. When they found out about LEGION, they assumed he was a part of the Collectors still and blew up a Collector trade station in retaliation. The Collectors nearly started Galaxy War III by racing two of their $10,000 point Monoliths into Solarian space, but some deft negotiating by Sidney Hank and the Collector CIs on the scene defused the situation (much to the annoyance of the trigger-happy Imperium, which slagged a planet on its way home out of pique at not blowing up robot xenos). However, a second situation erupted from this, as a Chamarran stealth ship had been following the Collector fleet for its own reason, and it's badly-programmed AI ended up blowing the ship up after it was evacuated by the crew with a Solarian boarding team aboard. This, naturally, pissed off the Solarians toward the kitty-cats, but after some tense negotiations this situation has been allowed to cool.

There was a diplomatic crisis after the inconstant Prussian Star League annexed a neutral system, under a fascist neo-Nazi government, close to a vital trade route, resulting in Umerian naval maneuvers and tensions between the Prussians and Umerians. A deal has been brokered on arranging a final disposition in this system and for the Grand Trunk Hyperspace Lane.

Zebesian pirates have been acting up in the "northwest" quadrant of the map, prompting a major international effort among various states, including former enemies, to deal with them. Unknown to the powers that be, the mysterious "Boskonians" are behind the Zebesian campaign.

The Centrality is now hosting an Olympic Games for Espers; the Shepistanis, taking umbrage at someone honoring hated psykers, is plotting to mess the games up in some way, though none know what nefarious plots are being considered.

Nor are the Shepistanis the only group going about against the Esper community - the organization of the enigmatic "Mr. Williams" has just recently suffered a setback on the Outback world Hanson where a merc secretly working for Hiigaran Intelligence and some Sisters of the Silver Moon wrecked their local facilities and made off with crucial data on their activities on Hanson, including experiments on how to suppress Esper powers.

Spinward of the Outback and New Anglia, the Refuge has appeared in the former Outland Commissions, a collection of biological and computational intelligences that are on the lookout for strange and malevolent entities that once tormented them long ago and which have driven them across the cosmos.

And, finally, last but not least.... Q has made his hand known once again, as some of the "participants" of SDNW2 have been revealed as alive and well over a thousand years after most of them "died"... but their new lives aren't entirely fun and games due to what Q has done.