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Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 09:03pm
by Lonestar
SiegeTank wrote:Oh, I know :D. It fits with the Old D being a rather paranoid place.

The entire country suffers from severe cognitive dissonance. We have no problem accusing people of being warmongering aggressors while denying that we could remotely be perceived the same way. :D

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 09:10pm
by Steve
And the President of Cascadia pounds the gavel. 8)

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 09:38pm
by Lonestar

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 09:44pm
by Steve
Ha, you enjoy being a bastard far too much, Matt.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 10:39pm
by Steve
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, there is protocol for such matters y'know. And you're not even talking to Lonestar IC, it's his Foreign Minister.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 10:46pm
by Ryan Thunder
Steve wrote:Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, there is protocol for such matters y'know.
Just remember, I did it purely to stir shit up politically, though. :D

Oh, by the way, any SD.netters in the room can see that I'm Ryan and not Gero. Nobody else will notice, though.
And you're not even talking to Lonestar IC, it's his Foreign Minister
Ah. My mistake.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 11:00pm
by Beowulf
Sometime you can retro an edit back to allowing you to avoid saying something stupid. This time I'm not letting you. So your speech is preserved for posterity. :P

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-06 11:06pm
by K. A. Pital
Haw, haw haw haw. Fun to see you all in damage control mode, esteemed colleagues, he-he, but I doubt even if the MESS started painting the faces of it's representatives and it's carriers pink and drawing peace symbols on them it would do much to your collapsed public image...

Trying to invoke a defunct pact for cheap pokes at the supreme local powers in Frequesque just smells so... desperate. :lol:

P.S. Let it be known that I still heavily support slowing down time. This would make the play easier for everyone and let us linger in the year 2017 which is awesome. If there are no votes against the slowdown in the coming weeks, we should instane one on the Middle of May which would be change of year.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 06:33am
by Karmic Knight
Pezook, are the Vineyards still part of FASTA?
Stas Bush wrote:P.S. Let it be known that I still heavily support slowing down time. This would make the play easier for everyone and let us linger in the year 2017 which is awesome. If there are no votes against the slowdown in the coming weeks, we should instane one on the Middle of May which would be change of year.
I agree with Stas.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 06:38am
by PeZook
Karmic Knight wrote:Pezook, are the Vineyards still part of FASTA?
Yep. You even had an astronaut up there already, and several more participating in the space station programs.

Probably. I never got around to making crew lists for those :D
Karmic Knight wrote: I agree with Stas.

We should linger in 2018 so that me and Shroom can have fun with FASTA lunar campers :D

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 06:54am
by K. A. Pital
Being fair to Lonestar's fella, this isn't really convincing evidence of anything... beyond OD military utilitarianism of course - cannibalize the best cadres of your annihilated enemy for your military, also get invaluable experience in biowarfare countermeasures since the sheppos were preparing for biodeath from day one. Heh,the Red Army took in a hefty number of former Tsarist Officers - were they not "gloating" over the destruction of the Tsarist Russia? :lol:

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 06:54am
by Lonestar
Stas Bush wrote:Being fair to Lonestar's fella, this isn't really convincing evidence of anything... beyond OD military utilitarianism of course - cannibalize the best cadres of your annihilated enemy for your military, also get invaluable experience in biowarfare countermeasures since the sheppos were preparing for biodeath from day one. Heh,the Red Army took in a hefty number of former Tsarist Officers - were they not "gloating" over the destruction of the Tsarist Russia? :lol:
Allow me to rephrase, have we ever actually gloated over the destruction of Shepistan?

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 07:36am
by PeZook
You know, for some reason I doubt the SLA will just fall in line after you announce Al Sheppard The Barking Mad will be their future leader :P

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 07:42am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
PeZook wrote:You know, for some reason I doubt the SLA will just fall in line after you announce Al Sheppard The Barking Mad will be their future leader :P
Even funnier that the Sirnothians opposed the Shepistan attack on Astaria and actually provided some support for the Astarian's retaliatory attack.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 07:45am
by Lonestar
PeZook wrote:You know, for some reason I doubt the SLA will just fall in line after you announce Al Sheppard The Barking Mad will be their future leader :P

Don't damage my calm.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 08:39am
by CmdrWilkens
PeZook wrote:Damn! If you people are gonna slow down time, I have to get to the lunar landing STAT! :D

EDIT: Also, Wilkens, hurry up with that exchange guy. I want to finalize the landing crew already!

LCDR Raquel Luna, Canissian Navy.

As an aside since I just got my mission planning files back when I got my Senate information back I haven't been posting the MSA launch series but in short here is where we are after Pegasus ended:

Daed1 Q1 2016
Daed2 Q2 2016
Daed3 Q2 2016
Daed4 Q3 2016
Daed5 Q3 2016
Daed6 Q4 2016
Daed7 Q1 2017

Either 5,6, or 7 will be the MSA lunar landing. 1 and 2 were systems test, 3 and 4 were orbital rendevous and then TLI plus return, 5 will be the first practice with the Lander (we could land if we are adventursome) and then either 6 or 7 will be the atual landing and excursion. PeZook I've tenatively scheduled your guy to go on 6 because that is when we plan to land and bumping up to 5 would be easier than bumping down from 5 to 6.

Daedalus is currently funded through 12 missions and will be followed on by two different mission groups.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 08:55am
by PeZook
You guys are landing after only one test flight of the fully assembled lander? And not even on LEO, but you skip straight to lunar orbit tests?

That's rather risky, IMHO.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 08:58am
by CmdrWilkens
PeZook wrote:You guys are landing after only one test flight of the fully assembled lander? And not even on LEO, but you skip straight to lunar orbit tests?

That's rather risky, IMHO.
It is, and I ran a series of dice rolls with the total and major failure rates up to 5% to reflect that.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 09:06am
by PeZook
Well, mine gave me a failure in Selene 6, which means another LM test flight is inevitable. That means Selene 7 in Q4 2016, and Selene 8 in Q1 2017, with the landing on Selene 9.

Unless we accept the risk an upgrade 7 to a lunar orbital test...

And then we can have a LITERAL race to the Moon! IN SPACE! :P

A question, though: does the MSA release their launch scheules publically? If you don't it's no biggie, we'll just have Lev steal them, but I have to ask ;)

EDIT: BTW, one of these days I'm totally gonna have to put together a novaterran Moon mission in Orbiter :D

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 01:30pm
by RogueIce
Stas Bush wrote:P.S. Let it be known that I still heavily support slowing down time. This would make the play easier for everyone and let us linger in the year 2017 which is awesome. If there are no votes against the slowdown in the coming weeks, we should instane one on the Middle of May which would be change of year.
That's why I said the 17th. It's close enough to the 15th, which would otherwise be the new year, and starts the 7 day cycle on a Sunday, which is rather convenient and easy to remember.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 02:06pm
by RogueIce
And now I have done my part to make things more interesting. :D

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 05:16pm
by DarthShady
I seem to be a bit late to the party. :D

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 05:25pm
by Coyote
Well... if it's at the point where we are now all aiming for dickitude, then there is no chance at salvaging the ol' trainwreck.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 06:17pm
by RogueIce
Coyote wrote:Well... if it's at the point where we are now all aiming for dickitude, then there is no chance at salvaging the ol' trainwreck.
Indeed. Heck I called Lonestar's man on the carpet for it in private.

I was actually going to do something like Steve's banging of the gavel last night, but I was too tired to write it up. And of course when I got here this morning it had already moved on.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VIII

Posted: 2009-05-07 06:29pm
by DarthShady
You guys had plenty of time to answer the CATO proposal, instead some of you chose to play the dickery game. Well excuse me for being a dick right back. :D :wink: