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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-15 07:12pm
by The Yosemite Bear
yes, but I've decided I wanted to go gobbo heavy just to pull a china, and throw lots of unskilled labour at the problems. (forts with naval facilities on all of the Alutian islands and working on a bridge to Kamchatka...

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-15 07:19pm
by Mr Bean
The Yosemite Bear wrote:yes, but I've decided I wanted to go gobbo heavy just to pull a china, and throw lots of unskilled labour at the problems. (forts with naval facilities on all of the Alutian islands and working on a bridge to Kamchatka...
The problem with a gobby heavy force is the fact they are weak just like Sauron orcs they go down in a hit or two, are physically smaller and can thus carry much less armor. They might be useful down the line as snipers and scouts if they were not fucking idiots. If there where a Kobods equivalent of a small smart animal I'd be buying them by the bucket to build my underground Doom Bunker and training them with my handy Vietnam survival guide which detailed all the nasty things the Viet-Cong built as body traps and letting them go to town on defenses for my various cities, forts and lands.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-15 07:23pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Well note I've got a lot of points, they aren't my military force, they are my labour force.

As in who do you think I've got mining Klondike gold, building forts, roads, bridges, farming, maintaing wolf mounts for the orks, feeding the wolf mounts for the orks....

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-16 01:45pm
by Solauren
Current SD.Net Lords of Darkness (II) Force / Location Information

All Details are Sorted by Continent, then User Name (Alphabetically)
All Errors are my own, etc, etc...

Continent: Asia

Darth Yoshi
Location: Asia (Bejin)
Goblins: 20000
Orc: 10000
Naga: 1000
Minotaur: 350
Centaur: 500
Ursiod: 200
Ogre: 15
Satyr: 250

Oberst Tharnow
Location: Asia (Siberia)
Orc: 2000
Ursiod: 100
Satyr: 100

Continent: Australia
Location: Australlia (Mainland)
Goblins: 1000
Orc: 2100
Naga: 600
Satyr: 500

Australlia (New Zealand)
Goblins: 500
Orc: 12000
Naga: 1500
Centaur: 250
Ursiod: 500

Continent: North America (aka Lords of Darkness Central)

Almighty Borne
Location: North America (Cornwall)
Goblins: 500
Orc: 2000
Minotaur: 50
Centaur: 50
Satyr: 200

Location: North America (Pennsylvania)
Goblins: 2500
Orc: 12000
Naga: 300
Minotaur: 350
Centaur: 250
Ursiod: 200
Ogre: 12
Satyr: 250

Crossroads Inc
Location: North America (Sandusky)
Orc: 13000
Naga: 300
Minotaur: 300
Centaur: 300
Ursiod: 300
Satyr: 400

Location: North America (Ohio River valley)
Goblins: 1000
Orc: 1100
Naga: 300
Ursiod: 60
Satyr: 320

Location: North America (Oakland)
Goblins: 1050
Orc: 12000
Naga: 600
Minotaur: 350
Centaur: 200
Ursiod: 500
Ogre: 4
Satyr: 350

Location: North America (Omaha)
Goblins: 300
Orc: 700
Naga: 100
Centaur: 50
Ogre: 10
Satyr: 100

Location: North America (Cincinnati)
Orc: 4500
Centaur: 500
Ursiod: 100
Satyr: 600

Location: North America (St. Louis)
Goblins: 9000
Orc: 6000
Naga: 1000
Minotaur: 50

Mr. Bean
Location: North America (Mephis)
Orc: 30000
Naga: 15000
Minotaur: 1000
Centaur: 1750
Ursiod: 2500
Satyr: 7000

Location: North America (Prince Edward Island)
Goblins: 850
Orc: 750
Naga: 300
Minotaur: 50
Centaur: 50
Ursiod: 50
Satyr: 150

Location: North America (West of Mephis)
Orc: 12500

Location: North America (Between Lake Superior + Lake Michigan)
Goblins: 2100
Orc: 8400
Naga: 1200
Centaur: 400
Ursiod: 650

Location: North America (Mexico)
Orc: 7500
Naga: 400
Minotaur: 50
Centaur: 150
Satyr: 800

The Yosemite Bear
Location: North America (Alaska)
No Order of Battle Listed

North America Total Populations (Special Feature: Requires 5 or more players on a given continent)
Goblins: 17300
Orcs: 110450
Naga: 19500
Minotaur: 2200
Centaurs: 3700
Ursiod: 4360
Ogre: 26
Satyr: 10170

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-16 05:14pm
by Starglider
Continent : Africa

Location : Seychelles Archipelago (off the north coast of Madagascar)
Cygnataur : 440
Naga : 360
Centaur : 240

Will post that other stuff I mentioned when I get time.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 04:06am
by bobnik
Solauren wrote: Bobnik
Location: Australlia (Mainland)
That's kinda non-specific. May I suggest Australia (Southern Highlands/Illawarra) instead?
Solauren wrote: Zor
Australlia (New Zealand)
For the sake of your health, don't let any Kiwis see this! :shock: Game over man, game over!

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 05:42am
by KroLazuxy_87
How plausible would it be to setup shop somewhere near enough to Europe to trade, yet far enough away for comfort. (i.e. Persia, southwest Russia, northern Egypt) and structure a long-term goal around the production and trade of drugs? (i.e. Cannabis, poppy, as well as more traditionally medically sound crops)

Assuming I limited the exposure of my orcs to the outside world, and always expressed interests in aiding the populace(despite truer, underlying motives) would I not stand a decent chance at not being Crusaded?

I can think of a half dozen ways this could go wrong, but a dozen ways this may work. In lieu of no one else wanting to chance Europe, I'm considering a change in plans.

My force would be 3/4 Satyrs, and 1/4 Orcs. The Satyrs' superior intelligence and ability to calm those around them will come in handy. (not to mention they're probably the least scary of the minions)

The orcs will tend the crops and provide security in the fields.

Assuming you all don't blow a hole in this tentative plan in the next, say five posts, I'll more properly articulate my (new) plan.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 06:40am
by Styphon
KroLazuxy_87 wrote:How plausible would it be to setup shop somewhere near enough to Europe to trade, yet far enough away for comfort. (i.e. Persia, southwest Russia, northern Egypt) and structure a long-term goal around the production and trade of drugs? (i.e. Cannabis, poppy, as well as more traditionally medically sound crops)
I believe something along these lines (well... not the drug part) was the idea behind Oberst Tharnow's plan to set up near Lake Baikal. He'd probably be happy to work out some kind of a partnership with you, which should give us a pretty decent starting force if he ever gets back to me on my little deal with him (still up in the air since page 5, I think). :P

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 07:10am
by Serafina
KroLazuxy_87 wrote:How plausible would it be to setup shop somewhere near enough to Europe to trade, yet far enough away for comfort. (i.e. Persia, southwest Russia, northern Egypt) and structure a long-term goal around the production and trade of drugs? (i.e. Cannabis, poppy, as well as more traditionally medically sound crops)

Assuming I limited the exposure of my orcs to the outside world, and always expressed interests in aiding the populace(despite truer, underlying motives) would I not stand a decent chance at not being Crusaded?

I can think of a half dozen ways this could go wrong, but a dozen ways this may work. In lieu of no one else wanting to chance Europe, I'm considering a change in plans.

My force would be 3/4 Satyrs, and 1/4 Orcs. The Satyrs' superior intelligence and ability to calm those around them will come in handy. (not to mention they're probably the least scary of the minions)

The orcs will tend the crops and provide security in the fields.

Assuming you all don't blow a hole in this tentative plan in the next, say five posts, I'll more properly articulate my (new) plan.
First, i think may be the least scary minions, as they do not have any distinctively non-human traits, aside from skin color - which wont get you labeled as a demon in an instant.

As for your plan, thats more or less what i would do if i had more minions to go with - sprawl over the russian landscape, waiting for the Khanate of the Golden Horde to fall and then take its territory. If i can keep some outposts in Siberia (which is why i want to start there), i already have something close to a trade route to the east.

Given my low number of minions, i will just go and grab the resources of Siberia itself.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 07:49am
by Starglider
So if we all left suddenly, would the orcs enslave and/or genocide all the other species? There are six times as many of them as any other species. A few naga will escape by swimming off to remote islands, but the centaur and minotaurs would be screwed and the goblins would be slaves at best. Ogres may already be doomed by their ridiculously low population, barely viable for breeding.

I confess I am biased against orcs because they are so boring; as Tharnow points out, they are just burly humans with an unusual skin colour. Their cultures and militaries aren't going to have the kind of systematic differences from humanity that the less humanoid species will.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 12:13pm
by Samuel
Starglider wrote:So if we all left suddenly, would the orcs enslave and/or genocide all the other species? There are six times as many of them as any other species. A few naga will escape by swimming off to remote islands, but the centaur and minotaurs would be screwed and the goblins would be slaves at best. Ogres may already be doomed by their ridiculously low population, barely viable for breeding.

I confess I am biased against orcs because they are so boring; as Tharnow points out, they are just burly humans with an unusual skin colour. Their cultures and militaries aren't going to have the kind of systematic differences from humanity that the less humanoid species will.
I know- but these same traits make them so easy to throw at problems until they are solved. They are fodder for war and not much else.

Unless we get the ability to do genetic engineering as part of our kit :twisted:

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 12:20pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Current SD.Net Lords of Darkness (II)

S'Ok As we approach the 9th page if this thing, and after looking at the list of players Solauren has provided us with, I feel ready to Launch a new thread, perhaps in Off-Topic for editing purposes, with a streamlined Post fixing and addressing all issues currently raised thus far. Brining up the most recent issue addressed by Starglider, all Minions have an innate sense of fellowship toward other minions and regard them as Equals in that Each Minion has its own unique talent that set it apart. So that said, if we all left the Minions would probably work together Equally, and proceed to conquer the world under a united banner.

As far as breeding and what not, if I do a Thread Relaunch I have already worked out new details concerning interbreeding as well as other aspects.


Additional... ON the Topic OF maps, Anyone who has larger more detailed Geographic Maps of the US Or North America, Please post them, I have found it EXTREMELY Difficult to find any map that either does not have roads, or is not a simply a blank "green" map that just shows state outlines or such. So anyone with purely geographical maps let us know.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 01:45pm
by Solauren
Map we should redo monsters + cost and base them on an external system.

What about D&D3.X/D20 System? I'm just suggesting that because it's 'Open Liscence' and could be used to modify some of the monsters to make them more appealing we don't end up with a total of 50 ogres on the entire planet.

We'd have to limit it to creatures without magical powers (or elminate their powers), but it's still workable.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 02:44pm
by The Yosemite Bear
That's just because someone needs to set up in Sri Lanka with an army of Cat People. (Rakasha for real this time)

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 03:15pm
by Solauren
I don't think Catfolk are O.G.L there Y.Bear ;)

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 03:32pm
by The Yosemite Bear
True but Rakasha were supposed to be in Sri-Lanka

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 03:37pm
by Starglider
Crossroads Inc. wrote:I feel ready to Launch a new thread, perhaps in Off-Topic for editing purposes
I have roughly transcribed and simplified the old Warhammer Fantasy Battle custom creature rules (e.g. multiplying all the point values by 4 to eliminate quarter points and other silliness). I submit this as a means of determining the cost of standard and custom species, which should be at least semi-balanced for small medieval-era battles.

Code: Select all

Movement (run speed over one mile)
2  - pig             - 8  mph
3  - elephant        - 12 mph
4  - human           - 16 mph
7  - bear            - 24 mph
11  - horse (typical) - 32 mph
16 - greyhound       - 40 mph
22 - lion            - 52 mph
29 - cheetah         - 64 mph

Strength (bench press)
4   - 10-year old human
8   - human (average)      - 150 lbs
12  - human (weightlifter) - 400 lbs
20  - grizzly bear
30  - horse
50  - elephant
100 - tyrannosaurus rex

1  - fish
2  - horse
3  - dog
4  - chimp, parrot
6  - moronic human (IQ 70)
8  - average human (IQ 100)
12 - genius human (IQ 120)
18 - IQ 140
26 - IQ 160
36 - IQ 180
48 - IQ 200

Willpower (for keeping nerve in combat, resisting torture etc)
6  - human average
20 - Jack Bauer

Charisma (for negotiation, politics etc)
4  - human average
8  - Nixon
12 - Cleopatra

Damage Capacity (wounds required to put creature down)
2 - goose
8 - dog
12 - human
30 - bear
50 - horse
* this is roughly proportional to weight for normal mammals

Natural Armor
0  - blob of jelly
2  - naked human
4  - heavy clothing
6  - flak vest
8  - chainmail
12 - plate mail
16 - kevlar full plate

Close Combat Skill (includes agility, spatial awareness)
6 - human (typical infantry)

Ranged Weapon Skill (includes eyesight, fine motor control)
4 - human (typical crossbowman)

Perception (chance of spotting ambushes etc)
4 - human (typical)

Swimming (over one mile)
2  - human            - 2 mph
6  - penguin          - 6 mph
16 - tuna             - 16 mph
21 - dolphin          - 21 mph
24 - orca, blue shark - 24 mph

Flight (to take off from ground, run speed must be >= 1/3 of max speed)
40  - 40 mph (minimum for goblin sized creatures)
60  - 60 mph (minimum for human sized creatures)
80  - 80 mph (minimum for bear sized creatures)
100 - 100 mph (minimum for horse sized creatures, max for goblin sized)
120 - 120 mph (maximum for human sized creatures)
140 - 140 mph (maximum for bear sized creatures)
160 - 160 mph (maximum for horse sized creatures)
* Flying creatures must be lightweight; natural armor may not exceed
flight points over 20, damage capacity may not exceed flight points
over 10.

Ambidexterity                   : 6 pts
Extra arms                      : 8 pts per pair
Prehensile tail                 : 6 pts if it can hold things
Poisonous bite/stinger for tail : 7 pts
Gills                           : 4 pts
Sees Infrared                   : 5 pts
Echo-location (or equivalent)   : 9 pts

Typical human infantry is 50 points.
Sum points assigned to above traits and adjust as follows;
      If over 1200 pts, add 200%
Else If over 600 pts, add 150%
Else If over 300 pts, add 100%
Else If over 150 pts, add 50%
Then apply any modifiers from this list;

Long Lived (half human lifespan)      : -25% of total
Short Lived (double human lifespan)   : +25% of total
Fast Reproduction (double human rate) : +50% of total
Slow Reproduction (half human rate)   : -50% of total
Dysfunctional in Daylight             : -25% of total
Only Eats Meat                        : -10% of total

Add starting equipment costs to final total as desired.

Knife / Dagger       : 2 pts    Shortbow               : 4 pts
Shortsword, Spear    : 4 pts    Longbow                : 6 pts
Longsword, Battleaxe : 6 pts    Crossbow               : 7 pts
Halberd              : 5 pts    Compound Bow           : 9 pts
Shield, wooden       : 3 pts    Musket                 : 16 pts
Shield, metal        : 6 pts    Grenade (crude, each)  : 7 pts
Legionary armor      : 4 pts
Chainmail armor      : 10 pts   Horse (riding)         : 35 pts
Plate mail armor     : 15 pts   Horse (battle trained) : 45 pts
Full plate armor     : 20 pts   Giant Wolf (mount)     : 60 pts
If you use this system, you would need to increase the points available for players to spend by a factor of about 40.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 03:40pm
by Solauren
Problem is, alot of us may not have access to Warhammer materials, while some D&D materials are online (legally) for free.

I, of course, have no knowledge of anywhere that could provide illegal free copies of any D&D published material...

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 04:09pm
by Starglider
Solauren wrote:Problem is, alot of us may not have access to Warhammer materials, while some D&D materials are online (legally) for free.
The species creation part should be stand alone; I wasn't expecting people to use any formal rules for anything else. Certainly the Warhammer rules would be entirely unsuitable for an STGOD. The idea is simply to quantify abilities and roughly balance numbers against capability. I am not sure about that multiplier for high point value creatures, but it was in the original rules, and it matches Crossroad's preference for assigning disproportionately high points costs (relative to their gross abilities) to powerful creatures.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-17 04:18pm
by Samuel
Long Lived (half human lifespan) : -25% of total
Short Lived (double human lifespan) : +25% of total
These are typos.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-18 05:47am
by Raesene
Regarding maps, I found some topographical maps here:

Canada as example
Australia and USA
Prince Edward island, a.k.a. LoD's Margraviate Ostarrichi

Some can be enlarged by clicking on the map to give a larger picture, the scale however is quite big and too large for details.

I`ve found another website that has old historical maps of the world yesterday, but am not on my own computer right now and can't remember the URL - will post it as soon as I have found it again.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-18 11:36am
by Raesene
Out of edit-time, so in a new post:

Map of the Northern British Colonies, 1776

The website has more historical maps, but only for about the same geographical region.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-18 04:35pm
by Samuel
Starglider, the list encourages optimization of creatures- a creature that is all brains, one that is all muscle, one that is all cunning, etc. Is that what it is supposed to do?

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-18 05:21pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Yeah I have to say I am not too keen on the mechanics of that list, this thread as its core was a Redeux of one originally started by Zor, I kept the core of his minions and only added Satyrs to have a "thinking" minion to offset all the military ones.

One another note, I want to Really thank Raesene for his maps, When this flips over to the next page i'm going to post an updated more detailed map at the top.

Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Posted: 2009-07-19 03:31am
by Raesene
You're welcome.
I have some more: A topographical map of Earth and Madagascar

Has anyone links to good articles about the conditions at the time ? Number of natives in the regions, climate, etc. ?

I imagine going the route of the Honourable East India Company, annexing one tribe after the other until I have enough manpower to start expanding towards territory with mineral resources.

Next post: page break ! :-)