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Posted: 2008-07-09 02:21am
by phongn
Stas Bush wrote:Why would you use ASAT or ABM assets? No specific attacks against IRT were made IIRC. You just happened to be in the fallout plume.
Yeah, the IRT got kind of pissed that it was being blanketed with Co-60 and started attacking the FUN in retaliation for that - at first your spaceborne assets, then hitting the Bear, and then we were pondering trying to get to your lot in a broken-back war while we still could operate.

That said, the Bear said his population was concentrated in the north - which is massively dosed and smarting from major IRT-BR attacks, and then any second-strikes hitting his military forces in the south. He might well be facing many more deaths.

Posted: 2008-07-09 02:39am
by K. A. Pital
Well, technically you wouldn't have heavy Co-60 fallout until a day or several days after the conflict. That's too late to kill the people in the space command post (they were downed on the second day after Hour 0, since we decided stress is too much for them, and the ground command was re-established).

However, you could have downed the satellites, KSATs and other stuff we had there. Not that it played any role post-conflict, but as a strike of rage, yeah :lol:

Yea, I agree that if BRs population is concentrated in the North, he faces nigh-complete death.

Posted: 2008-07-09 02:42am
by phongn
Stas Bush wrote:Well, technically you wouldn't have heavy Co-60 fallout until a day or several days after the conflict. That's too late to kill the people in the space command post (they were downed on the second day after Hour 0, since we decided stress is too much for them, and the ground command was re-established).
I gave it a day before my airborne sampling systems reported what was in the huge cloud of crap coming my way, at which point it was on.

Posted: 2008-07-09 02:47am
by K. A. Pital
Sure, that would work.

I'm actually thinking about how much contamination headed your way after Shepnukistan explosion... yeah, pretty much I guess, I exploded around 15-20 tons over Shepnukistan territory alone, and most of them were airbursts (I used groundbursts to contaminate his rivers).

Still the amount of fallout reaching your territory was smaller and more even-spread out than Shep's. You probably had ~100 or less grams per concentration all in all, still pretty bad but not as bad as the actual targets.

Your population did not die instantly like Shep's, but within the first several months, painfully agonizing. Ouch.

Posted: 2008-07-09 02:54am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Stas, how much radioactive dust came by my way anyhow? Just trying to figure how much would be killed when 80% of the population at least is underground.

Posted: 2008-07-09 03:40am
by K. A. Pital
Well, first of all, given the circular winds that me and Shep plotted, you did not get into the Co-60 path (it went directly opposite of your nation, obliterating all nations east of Shep).

Second, 80% of 30 million underground is not possible unless you cripple your economy with shelter construction, and more than that, it's totally irrelevant if any Co-60 streamed your way; the shit stays radioactive and lethally so, for 5 long years... a term that surpasses any shelter's replenishment rate.

Posted: 2008-07-09 03:48am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Stas Bush wrote:Well, first of all, given the circular winds that me and Shep plotted, you did not get into the Co-60 path (it went directly opposite of your nation, obliterating all nations east of Shep).

Second, 80% of 30 million underground is not possible unless you cripple your economy with shelter construction, and more than that, it's totally irrelevant if any Co-60 streamed your way; the shit stays radioactive and lethally so, for 5 long years... a term that surpasses any shelter's replenishment rate.
Ok. That puts things in perspective. I guess there's the starvation problem.

Actually, my population is only 15million. I was spending the last 2 years doing nonstop underground contruction using explosives and drilling. (Yes, it cost billions).

Posted: 2008-07-09 03:58am
by MKSheppard
Hum, you know; I wonder what would happen if a significant fraction of the UAR displaced persons ended up in Terra Libertia....unlike the libertariano-anarcho-jihadis in that region, they could actually get something done; although any state would still be very poor -- think sort of like west virginia...

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:01am
by K. A. Pital
Hum, you know; I wonder what would happen if a significant fraction of the UAR displaced persons ended up in Terra Libertia....
A large fraction of Libertia was wiped out by fallout.

The other is probably also dead due to Saddamistan's overwhelming attack with chemical and biological weapons.

For all intents and purposes, Libertia is dead. They never had much of an air defense, so even the obsolete of obsolete Saddamistani short-range BMs or cruise missiles would fully deliver payloads. They don't have a C&C center which would surivve such a war, and lack a widespread medical service. No, they're all dead.

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:03am
by MKSheppard
At least we got rid of the goddamn libertopians

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:12am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
MKSheppard wrote:At least we got rid of the goddamn libertopians
Certainly saves me the trouble of helping them, especially when I have to ramp up the underground farms that I was working on with Bear.

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:13am
by PeZook
So...I can pretty much write such little vignettes for a while ;)

What other recurring characters should I wrap up? :D

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:17am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
PeZook wrote:So...I can pretty much write such little vignettes for a while ;)

What other recurring characters should I wrap up? :D
We could do a Video Conference between the surviving Emperor, Kings and what not.

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:24am
by K. A. Pital

Heavily irradiated and ravaged zones that still remains largely uninhabited are painted black. Of course, the areas around all nuclear reactors that were destroyed during the war, as well as multi-groundbursts against capital cities in my nation, and key military installations, are black.

Also, I updated the tallies, and included Saddam going apeshit with bioweapons (attacking the closest nations with most success, and the farther down, the harder it is, since you need to penetrate multiple airspaces and stll not fail to deliver the warheads).

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:35am
by RogueIce
Why do I have two tallies?

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:37am
by MKSheppard
RogueIce wrote:Why do I have two tallies?
One is from conventional attacks; and the other is from saddamistani BW unleashed on you I think.

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:44am
by RogueIce
Well let's see, around 18 million is a bit more than 50%, so I'm figuring 65 years to recovery?

So I'm 25 years away now I guess.

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:47am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Well, if 4-5million died from starvation, despite the input from underground farms, I guess I should be operating at a steady state after .. 30-40 years? Of course with everyone dead and trade collapsed by >70%, the economy would have shrunk considerably.

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:54am
by K. A. Pital
Why do I have two tallies?
I assumed that Saddamistan went apeshit and fired whatever bioweapons he could on his missiles, several hundreds in a swarm. However, with nuclear incision and nuclear-tipped SAMs, as well as a huge air defense network over all the Central Nations, Saddam's attack would have a small percent of delivery. Thus the closest nations got bad juju (and Zor, since he attacked Saddam, received most of the pounding and was killed).

Posted: 2008-07-09 04:57am
by MKSheppard
Stas Bush wrote:I assumed that Saddamistan went apeshit and fired whatever bioweapons he could on his missiles, several hundreds in a swarm.
He also had nuclear weapons as well; they'd be fired off as well; I'd probably take a look at the Shinra Republic's death toll from BW and raise it to something like 4-5 million -- because the nukes and other stuff will destroy a lot of hospital beds and sanitation infrastructure; making the BW attacks a lot deadlier.

I think what prevented the total eradication of civilization from biological weapons and smallbola etc was the collapse in international travel following the nuclear war; and because we're all on islands basically making imposing a quarantine a lot easier...

Posted: 2008-07-09 05:02am
by MKSheppard
Oh mang, you're cryofrozen, how fucking cool is that?

Posted: 2008-07-09 05:05am
by K. A. Pital
He also had nuclear weapons as well
His total death toll is 16-17 million whereas it was just 10 million earlier. Chalk it up to faulty RT intelligence in the immediate post-war environment, after all we aren't the all-knowing guys especially in a war lol:
I think what prevented the total eradication of civilization from biological weapons and smallbola etc was the collapse in international travel following the nuclear war; and because we're all on islands basically making imposing a quarantine a lot easier...
Definetely. Internal travel collapsed as well, and with the massive destruction of urban centers that are disease spread hubs, road destruction and so on, nukes essentially cauterized what otherwise would become the plague of humanity's end.
Oh mang, you're cryofrozen, how fucking cool is that?
Well I thought just putting my corpse for the people is kinda old-fashioned when you still have XX century tech level. Lenin was proposed to be cryofrosted by Soviet authorities and people alike, but the tech of 1900s did not allow for such.

Posted: 2008-07-09 05:41am
by PeZook
Hmmm...with only 400 thousand deaths in total, I figure PeZookia should be up and running by 2052. Poland suffered similar devastation in WWII, except we lost twice the % of population that PeZookia suffered, and within 30 years, Warsaw (With something like 40% of the city totally levelled in WWII) was completely rebuilt and chugging forward. Seeing as Shep aimed for radiological contamination, I'd say Astoria is rebuilt around 60-70%, and the population should be back to pre-war levels or around them.

As for the economy, transportation probably sucks and is based on recovered 40 year old automobiles, shipbuilding is gone, electronics are gone, aerospace is gone. It's not unfair to say the GDP is at 60% pre-war levels due to a collapse in trade and services.

Posted: 2008-07-09 06:36am
by Shroom Man 777
Well, there goes the last Coiler in Coilerburg :twisted:

Posted: 2008-07-09 07:02am
by K. A. Pital
*from cryochamber*
Well, workday's over :) see you tomorrow.