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Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-01 11:49pm
by Simon_Jester
Dave wrote:*grumbles* I was starting to write my first actual space combat scene when I realized my wiki descriptions, first draft and ship art style (Honorverse) don't match up (i.e. Honorverse ships don't have disposable box launchers strapped to the outside of the hull). I'm going to have to rethink my ship descriptions before I can write up the post. (It won't change the OOB, just the fluff.)
Without the artificial constraints on ship geometry imposed by the impeller wedge (which we don't have; omnidirectional shields are the norm in this setting), you have a bit more flexibility in arming your ships. There's no reason not to have weapons that fire "up" and "down" through the hull. Or, for that matter, disposable box launchers on the dorsal and ventral surfaces that fired sideways (in the Honorverse the Andermanis actually did this).

One thing to remember is that ships built to the Honorverse scale are big; structural features less than fifty to a hundred meters across will be totally invisible on something the size of a superdreadnought, and can be safely handwaved.

So let your wiki descriptions and first draft take precedence over the pictures you can find online. Unless you're good enough to do your own 3D modeling (like Darkevilme), the best you can hope for is to find ships that roughly match your design concept.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 12:04am
by Dave
Simon_Jester wrote:
Dave wrote:<snip>
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, pictures-wise. Still, even my first draft differed from what I have on the wiki. Of course, I'd like to reconcile the two and be able to use the wiki as my reference/tech bible.
Shouldn't be too hard.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 07:28am
by Shroom Man 777
Simon_Jester wrote:
I'm thinking wrong in the sense that someone who made a "Free Alliance of Guilds" would probably get in trouble.
Well, at that point you run into the board's very strongly enforced policy against anything that could be taken as a homosexual slur.
Call it the Free Luminal Alliance of Great Guilds. FLAGG! CUNTS FOR EEEEYES! HAAAA!

I say you should go with a Combined Union of Nations Treaty. Then have an elite force called the Fast Advanced Reaction Taskforce. Have them screw over the Fucklands and Gaymans. And then wage the Gaymean War in SDNW2 PeZookia! :lol:

Man, only the other CATO guys indulge in the fun stuff, like PeZook and Siege and Shady (Stas too, while Fingolfin grumbles a lot, that grumpy-face :P). Only Loinstar is the non funsucker in the MESS guys. And Sheppy-pooh is also similarly fun! Everyone else is poohs! :P

Also, those bizarre Bragulan adventures in Shep's battlestar? ALL Shep's idea! Including plumbing problems! :D
Siege wrote:I dunno. I do know there was a chain of islands called the Gaymans... But only CATO nations called it that, I think everyone in stuffed-up, fun-hating Messica or whatever that dreary continent full of pompous lamo's called themselves referred to it as the Caymans instead :).
HEAR HEAR! :lol:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 07:55am
by PeZook
Actually, PeZookians didn't use the "Gaymans" monicker, but that's because we were stuck-up penny pinching monarchists led by a Polish accountant. ;)

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 07:59am
by Shroom Man 777
You still had a Gaymean War though! :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 08:15am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Man, only the other CATO guys indulge in the fun stuff, like PeZook and Siege and Shady (Stas too, while Fingolfin grumbles a lot, that grumpy-face :P). Only Loinstar is the non funsucker in the MESS guys. And Sheppy-pooh is also similarly fun! Everyone else is poohs! :P
*looks pompous on his throne*

Shroom, you didn't put enough Pu-239 in my nuke. Go back and make sure it's done right! Or off with your head! :mrgreen:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 08:17am
by PeZook
Shroom Man 777 wrote:You still had a Gaymean War though! :D
We didn't call it that, either ;)

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 08:22am
by Shroom Man 777
You did! Goddamn it! :D

Oh man, only Shroomanians called it Gaymea! Damn! :lol:


Damn, SDNW4 will be missing in terms of Shroomisms. Man. Such is the price for playing MIGHTY BRAGULE.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 10:53am
by Simon_Jester
Dave wrote:Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, pictures-wise. Still, even my first draft differed from what I have on the wiki. Of course, I'd like to reconcile the two and be able to use the wiki as my reference/tech bible.
Shouldn't be too hard.
Edit the wiki to match your story pieces, not the other way around. As long as it's your wiki, what's the problem?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 11:23am
by Shroom Man 777
Hey Siege, when do we get to see Sidney's date with Sinclair?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 11:31am
by Siege
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Hey Siege, when do we get to see Sidney's date with Sinclair?
Unlike Steve, I prefer to leave such things to the imagination of the reader :).

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 11:39am
by Steve
Hey! I resent that. I've already had posts where implied romance was left firmly off screen. :P

*grumbles more*

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 11:50am
by Shroom Man 777

Such a quick reaction Steve! :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 11:58am
by Steve
Shroom Man 777 wrote::lol:

Such a quick reaction Steve! :D
Well, I did just click the thread..... :P

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 12:04pm
by Dave
Simon_Jester wrote:Edit the wiki to match your story pieces, not the other way around. As long as it's your wiki, what's the problem?
It's not a problem, it will just take a little time. That's all.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 02:06pm
by Ryan Thunder
Okay, okay, we can call it the Combined Union of Nations Treaty Organization as a compromise. :lol:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 02:09pm
by Shroom Man 777
If you don't call it CUNT, the Bragulans will nuke your goddamn planets! :P

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 02:09pm
by Ryan Thunder
What's wrong with CUNTO? It sounds Portuguese! :P

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 02:11pm
by Shroom Man 777
Make Miratian Spanish or something in language, or at least have Spanish integrated to the lingua franca. So when they say CUNTO, they will say El CUNTO! :lol:

El Cunto Gigante!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 02:19pm
by Ryan Thunder
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Make Miratian Spanish or something in language, or at least have Spanish integrated to the lingua franca. So when they say CUNTO, they will say El CUNTO! :lol:

El Cunto Gigante!
There are undoubtedly Spanish-speaking people living on Nova Miratia and elsewhere, but Miraali has always been Trinidadian Creole English. :P

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 02:22pm
by Shroom Man 777
Hrm... I wonder if we can create a Space Spain, and then all the immigrants going to Miratia will upset the Miratians and they will hunt down the illegal immigrants and, like, ban speaking Spanish since whatever creole Engrish is your national language or some shit. Then they can build a space fence to keep the illegals out.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 03:43pm
by Steve
Okay, anyone with ships in the attack fleet, here's your chance to write something on that big god damned Monolith burning in to killfuck the invasion fleet. :P

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 04:19pm
by Simon_Jester
Good work 'Zook and/or Steve. Makes me wish I had something in that half of the fleet, though I've got my own concerns finishing my Battle of Bannerman story (as distinct from the Battle of Pendleton).

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 04:30pm
by Master_Baerne
But... I don't like having my ships killfucked. Makes me rather unhappy, it does.

And to think, the Anglicans didn't want any heavy units committed. :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2010-08-02 04:34pm
by Steve
Master_Baerne wrote:But... I don't like having my ships killfucked. Makes me rather unhappy, it does.

And to think, the Anglicans didn't want any heavy units committed. :D
Nasty, tricksy Collectors.... 8)