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Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 04:40pm
by Master_Baerne
I'll get right on that...

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 06:26pm
by Raj Ahten
Seige Tank I may want in on your new fighter's development and make it a joint project like many of our other deals. I must admit I have an ulterior motive for this and the other deals though: I'm really not that big a fan of doing all the weapons development work personally so having my nation partner up with others gives me more time for political machinations and espionage plots. :)

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 06:33pm
by Siege
Hmm, I guess that can be arranged, although the end product might have a few odds and ends where we'll each have to stick in our own bits (because for some of the avionics and the radar set and such I might be drawing on CATO technology, which could be restricted).

Do you have any industries that could materially contribute to the project, or do you want to stick to providing funding?

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 06:46pm
by Raj Ahten
SiegeTank wrote:Hmm, I guess that can be arranged, although the end product might have a few odds and ends where we'll each have to stick in our own bits (because for some of the avionics and the radar set and such I might be drawing on CATO technology, which could be restricted).

Do you have any industries that could materially contribute to the project, or do you want to stick to providing funding?
I have an aerospace Industry having produced upgraded Gripen's domestically. Plus if I understand it properly a lot of the production for the joint sub program is done in Indhopal. I was also under the impression that Indhopoli companies were heavily involved in pretty much all the old FTO high tech endeavors including the space program, which has likely been barely scraping by in Indhopal with the dissolution of the FTO and subsequent loss of launch facilities.

Frankly I'd want the deal to be a joint design because then I would have a major stake in it. It would therefore be less likely to be canceled by any random diplomatic shenanigans such as reactionaries saying, "It's not an Indhopoli project, so why should we bank roll it?". But you're probably right that some of the electronics will have to be different.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 07:03pm
by Siege
I'm not actually sure what the FTO space program entailed exactly, since the Lucrelance rockets and Silver-series orbiters are very much domestic products of San Dorado. Maybe it involved satellites, I don't think we ever specified it. (I incidentally never cut access to the Camp Kittyhawk launch facilities -insofar as I know still the only spaceport on the continent- after the dissolution of the FTO, so whatever you wanted put up there probably was, unless domestic politics prohibited its launch.)

My own aerospace industries are familiar with high-mach engineering as well as engine design for trans-atmospheric vehicles, so I guess we'll do most of the heavy lifting in those areas. Still, that leaves plenty of aircraft to design and making the project into a joint design is alright with me. We'll need some contractual certainties to ensure that Indhopal isn't going to pull out halfway (say over some feckle diplomatic matter) and leave us with a half-complete design, but otherwise... Let's do it!

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 07:05pm
by Ryan Thunder
SiegeTank wrote:I'm not actually sure what the FTO space program entailed exactly, since the Lucrelance rockets and Silver-series orbiters are very much domestic products of San Dorado. Maybe it involved satellites, I don't think we ever specified it. (I incidentally specifically never cut access to the Camp Kittyhawk launch facilities after the dissolution of the FTO, so whatever you wanted put up there probably was, unless domestic politics prohibited such.)

My own aerospace industries are familiar with high-mach engineering as well as engine design for trans-atmospheric vehicles, so I guess we'll do most of the heavy lifting in those areas. Still, that leaves plenty of aircraft to design and making the project into a joint design is alright with me. We'll need some contractual certainties to ensure that Indhopal isn't going to pull out halfway (say over some feckle diplomatic matter) and leave us with a half-complete design, but otherwise... Let's do it!
You know, I hate having to ask this question again, because its probably the same answer I got last time, but anyway; Are you referring to the Warbler? :P

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 07:08pm
by Siege
Ryan Thunder wrote:You know, I hate having to ask this question again, because its probably the same answer I got last time, but anyway; Are you referring to the Warbler? :P
Heh, no, this is nothing so ambitious as the Warbler. This is going to be a successor to the F-171B Spectre, basically a long-range hypersonic missile interceptor. The Warbler is... Well I'm not actually sure what the Warbler is, but 'super space jet death machine' seems to fit insofar as descriptions go :D.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 07:14pm
by Raj Ahten
SiegeTank wrote:I'm not actually sure what the FTO space program entailed exactly, since the Lucrelance rockets and Silver-series orbiters are very much domestic products of San Dorado. Maybe it involved satellites, I don't think we ever specified it. (I incidentally never cut access to the Camp Kittyhawk launch facilities -insofar as I know still the only spaceport on the continent- after the dissolution of the FTO, so whatever you wanted put up there probably was, unless domestic politics prohibited its launch.)

My own aerospace industries are familiar with high-mach engineering as well as engine design for trans-atmospheric vehicles, so I guess we'll do most of the heavy lifting in those areas. Still, that leaves plenty of aircraft to design and making the project into a joint design is alright with me. We'll need some contractual certainties to ensure that Indhopal isn't going to pull out halfway (say over some feckle diplomatic matter) and leave us with a half-complete design, but otherwise... Let's do it!
I'm willing to go for a strict contract. The president can sell it as making sure you don't pull out half way :lol: . Then there is the fact that I could really use a steady supply 5th gen + fighters and good ones are simply too damn expensive to design all by myself.

Thinking on the space program if you kept it open I guess I've still been launching satellites from there; though I'll probably need to develop a small launch capacity for my more sensitive birds in the future. The Silver Streak project could probably spinned of to do that. Plus if I helped develop cruise missile subs you would think that means I have a certain understanding of missile technology.

Frankly though my tech secrets are probably known to everyone at this point already as I had a lot invested in joint FTO programs.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-05 08:22pm
by Shroom Man 777
Lonestar wrote:
Stas Bush wrote:No, but Shroom apparently wants to end it after May 16, which means...
I'm not going to quit.
I don't want to end the game, and I definitely won't go nuking everything on sight if that's what you people are thinking.

I'm just gonna go on and do an AWESOME series of SPECTACLES for the lulz, which will leave the lot of you weeping and hating me forever. Though, I dunno, you guys can totally be funsuckers and ignore it and pretend it's not even happening. It's not gonna affect anyone, really. Even though it'll be totally AWESOME!

Whacky hijinks!

Goddamn, it's gonna be great. You people will think I've gone mad! You people are so gonna LAUGH! (Or groan and ignore it)

But now I must go!

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-06 01:14am
by K. A. Pital
Where's phongn? If the IRT doesn't want any NPF treaties about the japanis, that's fine, Stanislav will move onward to Langley or wherever nation he decides...

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-06 01:37am
by Steve
He might be busy with work.

Re: SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII

Posted: 2009-05-06 01:42am
by Mr Bean
SD.Net World Redux Comment Thread VII is kaput