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Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 11:43am
by Simon_Jester
Well, the Yehat are more like Scotshighlanderbirdies, but I don't see why not. I like Yehat. If we can find anyone who wants to play them I will achieve clam-like levels of happy.

Or, for that matter, if the actual Mayabird wants to play, which may be what Shroomy originally meant.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 12:43pm
by DarthShady
What do you say we make things even more interesting? :twisted: :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 12:54pm
by Shroom Man 777


Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:15pm
by Simon_Jester
Wow. Siege's balls-of-steel military move looks like it might be about to light off Galaxy War II...

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:21pm
by Force Lord
Working on my post.

EDIT: Katr_Kana, I await your interaction with Kordis.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:22pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Simon_Jester wrote:Wow. Siege's balls-of-steel military move looks like it might be about to light off Galaxy War II...
You havent' see anything yet. :angelic:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:25pm
by Shroom Man 777
Brag Boomers are on standby!
MKSheppard 1:30 am
thank goodness
I'm far away from this mess
and shielded by the hippies

shroomman777 1:31 am
first time you are thankful for hippies

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:27pm
by Simon_Jester
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:Wow. Siege's balls-of-steel military move looks like it might be about to light off Galaxy War II...
You havent' see anything yet. :angelic:
Exactly. That's the point.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:28pm
by Force Lord
Galaxy War II? When was the first? :P

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:30pm
by Simon_Jester
Chamarran War, arguably. As far as major conflicts involving combined forces significantly larger than those of an individual stellar nation, anyway.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:34pm
by Shroom Man 777
Bragsday doesn't happen until Byzon says it happens!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:35pm
by Force Lord
Simon_Jester wrote:Chamarran War, arguably. As far as major conflicts involving combined forces significantly larger than those of an individual stellar nation, anyway.
Well, there was the three-year Second Centralist War, which was brutal enough to call the attention of the U.N.. Sorchus and me came up with this (with Zor's agreement) in order to explain why the EUC and the NAC view the Centrality with much suspiscion and worry.

EDIT: By PM, of course.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:39pm
by MKSheppard
Simon_Jester wrote:Exactly. That's the point.
At least we'll see some nice tonnage reductions. :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:39pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
The most brutal war the Galaxy has seen is the Imperium-Tau war.

Enough said.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:41pm
by Darkevilme
There was also the war where some nameless aliens invaded known space and were such a big deal the Earth alliance flet was formed to fight them(the founding of the UN). So technically this is either galaxy war 3 or 4.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:43pm
by Shroom Man 777
BRAGSDAY is far better/worse than any of the examples any of you can give! Dropping moons on little grey alienoids' snooty arrogant homeworlds. And, like, how we decimated the Scron. :lol:

There's also the Amplitur Wars.

But BRAGSDAY. The greatest/worst day in the universe!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:51pm
by Simon_Jester
Shroom Man 777 wrote:BRAGSDAY is far better/worse than any of the examples any of you can give! Dropping moons on little grey alienoids' snooty arrogant homeworlds. And, like, how we decimated the Scron. :lol:

There's also the Amplitur Wars.

But BRAGSDAY. The greatest/worst day in the universe!
Dropping a planetoid on the Apexai homeworld doesn't count. That was one-on-one, mano a bearo. Ditto for your war with the Scron. "Galaxy War" should be reserved for wars that involve more forces on either side than a single national fleet can muster.

The Amplitur War, on the other hand, might qualify since it at least involved more than two galactic-scale powers. Three, to be exact...

OK. So yes, Galaxy War III or IV. Darkevilme is right.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 01:52pm
by Shroom Man 777
Bah! Bragsday is better/worse than all our silly Galaxy Quests! :P :lol:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 02:00pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
When was the Chamarran war again?

The Imperium-Tau war probably holds the record for the number of worlds subjected to exterminatus by sheer bloody mindedness.

It also involved elements from the Empire of Suzumiya Haruhi as well.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 02:20pm
by Simon_Jester
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:When was the Chamarran war again?

The Imperium-Tau war probably holds the record for the number of worlds subjected to exterminatus by sheer bloody mindedness.

It also involved elements from the Empire of Suzumiya Haruhi as well.
Well, I'd like to stick to, at a minimum, conflicts that involve a maximum-effort or near-maximum effort commitment of forces by three or more powers equivalent to a 20+ NCP nation in the game. If the Haruhiists committed heavily to the Tau war, then it qualifies.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 02:31pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Simon_Jester wrote:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:When was the Chamarran war again?

The Imperium-Tau war probably holds the record for the number of worlds subjected to exterminatus by sheer bloody mindedness.

It also involved elements from the Empire of Suzumiya Haruhi as well.
Well, I'd like to stick to, at a minimum, conflicts that involve a maximum-effort or near-maximum effort commitment of forces by three or more powers equivalent to a 20+ NCP nation in the game. If the Haruhiists committed heavily to the Tau war, then it qualifies.
Just how many wars were fought on the Total War level anyway? Just about every Imperial citizen was drafted to fight a war of annihilation, and the death toll is probably on the order of hundreds of billions at least, lasting for decades.

The Imperial Armed Forces was vastly larger in that era. It's a shadow of its former self now.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 02:41pm
by Steve
Well, your war did result in the near-extinction of a major star-faring race (the Tau).

The combined death toll of the Dilgrud Wars is in the neighborhood of 78-80 billion, with the 1st and 3rd being the bloodiest.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 02:42pm
by Force Lord
There's my bit. I'm thinking of doing one or two more posts about the Black Berets' POV before having Forg talk to Shetty.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 03:15pm
by Agent Sorchus
Hey steve do you have a idea of all the times the UN has been active (ie actively stomped on someones war like the Chamarans)? Cause I have half a mind that all the activity was in a short period of time.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread II

Posted: 2010-09-17 03:19pm
by Force Lord
Thanks Katr_Kana. Let's see how things end up when Kordis arrives on the scene.