SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Siege »

PeZook wrote:"I can't see any problems with this arrangement. We actually have plans to begin marketing the generic drug line to doctors, and the government is preparing an information campaign to counter GSK's bullshit about generics being 'unsafe'. So...unless Ms. Davies has any objections, I think we may start drafting an agreement to sign?"
Jenna Davies took a sip of her gin-tonic, and slowly shook her head. "No objections here. I think we're just about ready to do business, gentlemen."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coyote »

Royal Air Force Z-001
en Route to the MESS Conference

King Arik loved it when someone called a conference. Usually conferences --the government way to say "meeting"-- involved images of stuffy-suited blowhards, status reports, whingeing, finger-pointing, and toadying yes-men currying favor as they bowed and scraped before those from the higher orders. And there was that, to be true.

But at MESS functions there was also donuts, delicious new coffees, wet bars... and the chance to go somewhere on what was, ostensibly, a flying Palace, the Z-001.

Technically speaking, the Z-001 wasn't a pure, true Zeppelin. It was actually heavier-than-air, but most of its weight was offset by a massive rigid-frame helium assembly. Lift was generated by stubby wings with engines at the tips, featuring fore-and-aft contra-rotating propellors assemblies. Technically an 'Aerostat', it was an extremely capable heavy-lifter, carrying everything a King on the move needed.

Z-001 had a full command and control suite, an airborne command post, as well as missile-interception defenses similar to TROPHY. An attack would mean an uncomfortably close pre-impact detonation, but the Kevlar-reinforced lower envelope would be able to lessen the effects to the point that a "shootdown" even would be a long, slow, steady process. A detonation near the top, where the solar panels were, would be more problematic, but not by much.

Z-001 also had the King's private suite-- a King-size bed, a hot tub (if a bit small compared to the ones at the Seaside Palace) and fully-stocked bar; wardrobes, staterooms for up to six VIP passengers, and a decent-sized galley with a professional chef. A squad of SPS police were also aboard whenever the King traveled, and the King himself-- required by law to have served in the military before being eligible for the Crown (although some Kings and Queens had waived that if they had physical disabilities)-- was a veteran of the Army Infantry, and no stranger to physical demands.

For now, however, the Z-001 was on a quick cruise to the MESS conference, and that meant relaxation on the way. With him was Shawna, Jia and Katerin, who would keep him up to date on worldy events during the trip.

King Arik knew that many in his government-- primarily the Nationalist Party-- were still unhappy with his ongoing snubbing of the military budgets. He had spent a great deal on science and space research, as well as the Deep City projects of underground tunnels, shoips, and industry --but he was going to have to change his focus, and soon. The Navy was somewhat mollified with the hard work they'd done at Maroon Harvest, but he would have to jump-start the Army and Air Force again.

"Decca for your thoughts?" Shawna said, sidling up to him on the rear observation deck. Arik smiled. He'd briefly had a flash of memory about him and Rufus Shinra bungee-jumping from the back of the Z-001 over open ocean, but he was certain that was in the previous world, not this one.

"Ever feel like you're in a different world sometimes?" Arik asked, laughing, "Like maybe you're looking at things through one lens, and everyone is looking at things through an entirely different lens?" Shawna smiled.
"Sometimes I do, indeed," she said. Arik let it go.

"I was just thinking about business and pleasure," he said, "Part of me is contemplating the budgets and military; part of me was thinking we could use the back of this Zepp for some fun. Base jumping, launching off hang-gliders of parasailing... stuff like that."
"I'd try it," she said. She handed him a Black Russian, which he took gladly.

"Not looking forward to the conference?" she asked after a sip of her own drink.
"Eh," Arik shrugged, "There's got to be a reason for the Old D to reject the biowar treaty," he said. "Something beyond weapon effectiveness. People dislike those weapons; I know I do."
"People are more scared of the alternative," Shawna said, "Nukes. I mean, people feel like they know what to do in a bio attack. Take meds, see a doctor, self-quarantine. We all got it in school. But nukes scare people-- the blast, the radiation, the fireball... nothing you can do about it."

"Yeah," Arik said, "I always saw it the other way around-- don't tell anyone, but I saw disease as much worse than a quick--" he snapped his fingers.
"I suppose," Shawna said, "But what about the possible drug company angle?"
"There could be something to it," Arik said, "I guess we'll find out." He turned around and looked back up the narrow corridor where the kids were playing.

"I hope we all know what we're doing," he said as the landing field loomed into view. Down below, in the cargo hold, the Royal limousine was getting readied to take His Majesty to the conference.

Arik arrives at the Conference.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coiler »

Off the coast of northern Veleria

"The beauty of all this is that this land is truly untamed wilderness. So we can land here, legally declare a nation, and no one can challenge us, since no one else has claimed it yet." Arim's smile was twisted as he thought of the riches he would gain as ruler of his own country.

Urbano was less happy. "What if the established nations around here decide to try and sweep us off?"

"Then they'll fail. I've seen their "armies", and they're just screaming mobs with guns. Half of them are still using guns from the Second World War, for goodness's sake. Almost all of our 11,000 strong army is armed with modern weapons, and the majority of them have military training. The Coilers in particular have been pretty useful-we got so many that some could even be organized in exactly their old units. Really, I'd think a single battalion of them could lick the entire 'army' of one of these dumps as long as they stayed on the defensive.

Besides, one of our designated points is on an island, and they don't have a navy worth more than a few pirate speedboats."

"Anyway, you should get ready to command, General. We're almost about to land."

From Arim's yacht, they could watch the armada of cargo ships approach the northern shores of Veleria, on their way to conquest of an untamed continent. The leading vessels had already started to lower boats into the water. As he watched, the executive muttered "It's a good thing we didn't land where the so-called "Fleet Commander" wanted to, that was a Cascadian airbase. To think we could've gone there-uh!"

Several hours later, all were ashore. The next day, Shroomson's Island was secured, and the Republic of Nuparadise was declared to the world.

(OOC: Arim's fleet lands here:

Last edited by Coiler on 2008-12-09 08:12pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Steve »

Gulf of Carpenta, North Veleria

The fleet of adventurers seeking to carve their own country out of the jungle did not go unnoticed, not when their ship's course did not divert from the coastline off Welles Island Air Force Base and did not match any expected arrivals to the two year old Cascadian air base.

The Republic COG was moving off-shore to help monitor the situation and the 2nd Tactical Squadron, comprising the brand new SF-10D Strike Condors fielded by the RCAF, was conducting flybys to directly observe the unexpected visitors to the area. As the ship grew closer the AFB went on full alert with the island's guards, companies detached from the Army's 7th Infantry Brigade, 2nd Division, taking up prepared defensive positions and a flight of attack helicopters from the 1st Army Aviation Brigade arming. The commander of the base, Air Force Brig. General Miles Ousterfelt, wasn't taking any chances with the unknown contact.

While Welles Island prepared for the worst, their reports made their way to Adams Capital District on the situation.


I'm assuming that Coiler didn't know about Welles Island AFB. I posted the link to the post two months ago when I established Welles Island in the Comments Thread, and for your benefit, here's the map I posted then for reference:

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Shinra Republic
Province of Florida
City of Miami

"Arik, Rufus, its good to see you," Andreneas was in a fine mood though one would hardly expect that to see the sizeable briefing books his staff carried behind him. "I'm even glad to see you Fairfax."

The last was directed at Lord Fairfax the leader of the Old Dominion and the reason that Andreneas had summoned the conference in the first place. The refusal of his nation to ratify the BioWeapons treaty was a stab in the heart of the developing plans for economic and diplomatic pressure to be brought to bear on various Furesquean states as well as the IRT. If the MESS wasn't united (and if it didn't have the SNC fully signed up) then it was unlikely that any remaining player was going to sign on.

"I'll put everything aside but since my aides are heading out and I see everyone else managed to ditch their attendant train that I'm really happy to see you guys again and hear my real name again."

The smile was warm and quite a few of the men present smiled along. All were wearing some name that hid who they were in some sense and yet the mask was also the man at this point already five years in to this next attempt to create a real world out of the clay granted to them by cosmic chance.

"I will be blunt. I have little in terms of major intra-MESS matters to discuss but rather I am here to find out what it will take to get your Parliament, Matt, onboard the BioWeapons treaty. My own country has already paid for a goodly portion of the upfront costs of setting up the monitoring agency. Purchasing the neccessarry staffing supplies the recruitment and facilities aquisition and such. In turn it has become a matter of prestige for several of the political parties that Wilkonia been seen as leading the charge for universal adoption. I don't want to create a new stress line within our alliance but my responsibility to my people means I need this government to stand with me. The opposition developing now will fight me tooth and nail for every credit of spending on space and force every credit of spending on an even larger Army and Air Force, heaven forbid that the world's largest Navy be enough for those fools. Yet at the same time I cannot take a side for fear of damaging the monarchy and my ability to hold back the reckless hawks that would use those same arms to enforce their will on others."

"So again Matt I need to know what can we offer your nation to bring them onboard? There has to be something, we got the exception for defensive weapons research, hell I've even made sure that two thirds of the initial inspection teams are MESS or unaligned but they still shot this down."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Emperor Heraclius IV hadn't gone on a state visit for a while, and figured it was just as well that it was time for one. Embarking on his personal jet, an BAM Airbus A380 that was fitted out with all the necessary command and control equipment to ensure that he had an unjammable link to his forces no matter where he went. Codenamed ERE-1, it took off and headed for the MESS conference.

The aircraft was actually fitted out with AESA radars similar to those on a F-22 to ensure sufficient aerial coverage and active defence systems to deter air-to-air missiles. The aircraft is actually armor plated in some areas and was given beefed up engines.

As it landed heavily on the tarmac and taxied towards the airport in Miami, Heraclius wondered how best to deal with the Old Dominion's.. little political problem.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

To the honorable leaders of the Miratian government

The government of His Majesty the King would like to officially propose a mutual exchange of ambassadorial teams to further the spirit of international co-operation.

Furthermore, King Paul I would like to invite the Supreme Leader for an official state visit, in order to both exhibit PeZookia's support for the legal government, and discuss several international initiatives participation in which may immensely help Miratia.

PeZookian Steel and Copper enters negotiation with Miratian authorities

Seeking to secure access to Miratian uranium deposits, the heavy industry giant PeZookian Steel and Copper sent a delagation to the newly stabilized nation to discuss an investment plan for its uranium mines.

Reportedly, PS&C will fund a comprehensive refurbishment of the Miratian mining complex (working in cooperation with Corona Mining) in exchange for part of the mine's output. The company has also already sent engineers to help modify and modernize the country's only seaport, and construct a state-of-the-art commercial airship docking tower.

This announcement comes hot on the heels of PeZookia establishing official relations with the country, which until recently was mired in civil war. The King himself proposed the establishment of a full-blown embassy in Miratia's capital city.
Last edited by PeZook on 2008-12-10 11:55am, edited 1 time in total.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Lonestar »

MESS Conference

Lonestar leaned back.

"Greg, I'm not sure what you want me to do. I can't just ignore the House of Burgesses, I mean, the legislature's powers are limited, but they do exist. For example, only a member of the Chancellor's staff(that would be me) can introduce legislation, and I don't need their approval for a lot of things. But two powers they do have are the budget, and ratifying treaties."

"We, which is to say Wilkonia, has invested a lot of money on this treaty…"

"And I don't necessarily disagree with you. But appearances aside, the Old Dominion isn't a Military Junta that can just ignore the wishes of it's people. And, the voting citizens of the Old Dominion, as well as more than a few residents, have made it clear they do not want to tie us down with international treaties limiting our military options."

Wilkens tapped his finger on the table, and looked around at the other leaders. Arik had a faint scowl on his face. Beowulf was carefully neutral. Rufus looked frustrated. Heraclius was looking thoughtful.

"We've done a lot for the Old Dominion, Matt." Greg said finally. "Everyone here has." Lonestar scowled at that and glanced at the Byzantine Emperor, who had the grace to look mildly embarrassed. "This is a poor way of showing gratitude."

Lonestar now leaned forward, intertwining his fingers and putting his hands on the table.

"Greg. What. Do. You. Want. Me. To. Do? Are you telling me to ignore an elected body? How would you like it if I interfered with your internal politics? Any of yours?" Lonestar added with a wave of his hands.

"If the Treaty doesn't get ratify, I'm going to kill the EFV order for the RWMC." Wilkens said. Lonestar stared at him, as that was well over a thousand units. "I will then forbid licensing of Wilkonian-devolped 'New Horizons' systems to the Old Dominion. I will withdraw my troops from the Continent of Shepland…."

"Oh, you Son of a Bitch!" Lonestar said

"…Finally, we all know that the Old Dominion has been intentionally collapsing Shepistani bunkers rather than helping the Shepistani citizens and military personnel tapped inside. We also know who you have locked up in one of your own bunkers. I'm sure there are people who would like to see the 'Killer of Astaria' put on trial…this is just a short list of actions Wilkonia will take. So, what's it going to be?"
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Lonestar »

Dominion Defense
Last FFG of program joins the ODN
The Cape Fear River, the last of the F-100 Frigates ordered for the ODN, has been commissioned into service. Commissioning was delayed due to installation of systems that allow interoperability with the STAR system.

With the comissioning, the Occoquan Naval Yard has no new construction projects other than 2 National Security Cutters. Newport News is currently performing a overhaul of the
Lord Fairfax, damaged in the One Week War, as well as one of the new STAR CGNs, and both remaining SSNs(both are currently undergoing final fitting out and trials) of the 2008 program. Todd Hatteras Shipyards is constructing two other CGNs...[More]
Last edited by Lonestar on 2008-12-10 09:48am, edited 1 time in total.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Beowulf »

Ares Blog

Overhaul of DGN-52 destroyers begins

TXNS Imperious pulled into Peking Navy Yard today to begin scheduled overhaul. During this overhaul, it will be upgraded with the STAR- system. This overhaul is expected to last for 6 months, following which, the other 8 members of its class will undergo the same overhaul. ...

Sub-orbital test of Starbooster conducted

The suborbital test is the first flight test of a Starbooster TSTO reusable booster. It was conducted with one half of the all-up stack, and verified engines and auto-land capability in representative test.

Multiple Kill Vehicle hover test conducted
In the 20-sec. free-flight test in the National Hover Test Facility at Fouliang Airbase, the MKV-L used its propulsion system to hover while it acquired and tracked a simulated target. Lockheed's MKV-L design has a seeker-equipped carrier vehicle that dispenses and guides a small kill vehicle (see it strapped around its body).
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Exarch and Consul leave the yards

The cruisers Exarch and Consul have finally completed their fitting out and the ships have left their yards. The ships, among the largest afloat today, boast a sizable armament and are equipped with the STAR combat system. The ships are expected to serve the Empire well and will go on sea trials that will last for the next 6 months. Meanwhile, another Exarch and Consul class cruisers are undergoing refit as well for the next 6-9 months as well. Reports indicate that the navy will authorize the construction of the next destroyer class soon. The

Navy undertakes the delivery of the 7th and 8th Invisible Hand Ocean Surveillance vessel

The Navy has undertaken the delivery of the 7th and 8th Invisible Hand class Ocean Surveillance vessels. "The new ships will further bolster our anti-submarine capabilities," says a navy spokesman. It is believed that the second batch of OSVs will incorporate some new upgrades which will be introduced to the older ships of the class as well.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Ryan Thunder »

A Message to the Right Honorable Leaders of the PeZookian Government

Please bear in mind that this message is short for the sake of efficiency, which I have promised to the people:

We accept your proposal to exchange abassadorial teams.

I would be glad to visit and discuss these initiatives.

May our relationship be a mutually beneficial one,
Supreme Leader <Horatieu Gero's signiature>
SDN Worlds 5: Sanctum
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Siege »

Sharp Shooter


Camp Kittyhawk Rocketfields, outskirts of San Dorado

The Lucrelance II lifter rocket took off from its pad without a hitch. Booster stages fell away, the main stage ignited, then the second stage, and finally the rocket deposited its 2,500 kilogram payload into a low orbit over the Earth. Thrusters engaged and disengaged, maneuvering the satellite codenamed LITTLE PEBBLE into the proper trajectory as it revolved around the planet once, before coming up on Frequesue again.


Mission Control, the Paragon, outskirts of San Dorado

The atmosphere in the High Tower mission control center was tense, but professionally calm. “Alright ladies, gentlemen”, announced the mission director, closely following the projected trajectory of the recently launched satellite, “our bird should be coming over our radar horizon… Just about now.”

“I have it sir”, a radar operator announced. “LITTLE PEBBLE is on time and on track.”

“Very good. Inform the navy that we’re ready to proceed with the test.”

“Yes sir!”


CNS Monkeylord, South Velarian Sea

The Combined Navy taskforce was steaming several hundred nautical miles south of San Marin, and a good thousand miles east of Astaria. There wasn’t much shipping in this region of the ocean: most commercial ships preferred to round Velaria’s northern coast rather than its more volatile and underdeveloped south. And what little shipping did come this way certainly went out of its way to avoid Astarian waters. The island remained in total quarantine, and probably would be for decades to come.

It was rumored that several nations had done aerial reconnaissance and satellite sweeps of whatever was happening on the island. If that were true, whatever they’d found had apparently been too disturbing to release to the public. Consequently, any sane man avoided Astaria like the plague. And after today, they would have another reason to stay away from the island.

On the bridge of the Monkeylord, Captain Ramanujan took her eyes off the flight deck as her XO approached.

“Word from the Paragon,” he said. “SHARP SHOOTER is a go.”

“Alright then”, Ramanujan nodded. “Give the word and launch the birds.”


LEO, over the South Velarian Sea

At a command from High Tower the satellite shed the false skin that hopefully had prevented any earthbound prying electromagnetic eyes from finding out what it actually was. The OIKS(L)-X1 satellite soared through its low earth orbit at many thousands of kilometers per hour.

Then the satellite received a signal, fed to it by the destroyer CNS Queen Asphixia’s Revenge some two hundred and fifty kilometers below. Radar data on a missile approaching on a kill trajectory cycled through the satellite’s memory. Then, it received the signal to engage and destroy. Thrusters fired, and the artificial satellite positioned itself so that its business end pointed at the incoming threat.

The miniaturized chemical laser aboard discharged, pumping all the energy stored in the satellite’s capacitors into one burst of coherent energy. In an ephemeral flash of heat and destruction, the laser satellite vaporized a good part of the approaching AA-101 Starslayer missile. The anti-satellite weapon, launched from a modified Rafale-M just minutes ago, disintegrated almost immediately.

Its work done, the satellite received a final command from the destroyer below. Its thrusters fired for the last time and, as it approached the shores of Astaria, it began its atmospheric re-entry.


Forward Observation Post, Exclusion Zone Gamma-Seventeen, Astaria

“There it is.” Lance Corporal Henricksen pointed at the heavens as a stripe of fire appeared overhead.

“Yeah, that’s pretty hard to miss”, nodded Gunner Jurgen, stoically ignoring the uncomfortable hazmat suit he was forced to wear. The two men of the Shroomanian 28th Expeditionary Army were glad to have some distraction. Most of the time, they were merely broadcasting variations of ‘the cure to infection is here!’ over the shortwave radio. They had orders to machinegun everyone who showed up in response, but no-one ever did. Considering what they had heard about what was going on further inland, they were glad of it too.

The soldiers watched as the San Doradan satellite soared overhead as a ball of flame, falling lower and lower as it did. It disappeared over the cliffs in the distance. Henricksen could’ve sworn he heard the big boom of its inevitable impact, though that might just be his imagination.

“Tell me again, why are they crashing their satellites into Astaria?” Jurgen wondered idly.

“Apparently ‘cause there’s all sorts of nasty shit aboard those satellites. Hydrazine, fluoride, lord knows what else. It’s bad for the environment to de-orbit ‘em into the sea, they obviously don’t want to crash them into anybody else’s property… And apart from our guys, everyone here’s dead anyway.”

“Dead, and walking.”

“Well, yeah… but no-one's going to complain about goddamn zombies getting hit by satellites, right?”


Result: San Dorado has proof-of-concept that laser satellites can work. The Rocket Authority begins using Astaria as its defunct satellite dumping ground. Also, the Astarian interior has a bad case of zombie infestation :).
Last edited by Siege on 2008-12-10 04:52pm, edited 1 time in total.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Lonestar wrote:"If the Treaty doesn't get ratify, I'm going to kill the EFV order for the RWMC." Wilkens said. Lonestar stared at him, as that was well over a thousand units. "I will then forbid licensing of Wilkonian-devolped 'New Horizons' systems to the Old Dominion. I will withdraw my troops from the Continent of Shepland…."

"Oh, you Son of a Bitch!" Lonestar said

"…Finally, we all know that the Old Dominion has been intentionally collapsing Shepistani bunkers rather than helping the Shepistani citizens and military personnel tapped inside. We also know who you have locked up in one of your own bunkers. I'm sure there are people who would like to see the 'Killer of Astaria' put on trial…this is just a short list of actions Wilkonia will take. So, what's it going to be?"

The silence was palpable.

Inside I was cursing myself. I knew this hand had to be played. Hell I'd known I was goign to play this hand from the moment I walked in and saw Matt. The thing was I figured that I would at least be able to be a bit more subtle about it. RUling a nation as unweildy as both of ours were isn't something they teahc you abotu in High School. Nobody tells you about political facitons, protest groups that wield influence of both money and media. Nobody tells you these things so you learn.

My curve in the first world had been steep and the deaths of millions was literally still blodd on my hands. I was hoping to do better this time around. I knew there was no chance to stop the nukes from getting out, the IRT had seen to that if my Subs were rerpoting accurately a few years back, but I was hoping we could stop the chance of people fearing medicine after seeing what it could be turned to in service of evil.

Yet here I was blasting Matt after forces that I could only begin to guess at had robbed us of the chance for unity. I knew this was the hand to play but suddenly it felt like bile in my throat. This is why I would have been a crappy politican back home. Oh usre I can sound cocksure and ruthless but I do have a conscience and browbeating Matt's whole fucking country over this no matter what the greater good is still gonna tear at me.

So now was the time to offer the olive branch. My mind had been racing to find a way for him to be able to give us the leverage I needed and still keep his hosue in order.

"Obviously its not the way go."

The tenative spark in Matt's eyes was a relief, I could tell he was just as frazzled by the games politicians play as I was. We may have been dictators in all but name but I think it fair to say that our performance was not marked by the conceit most associate with dictators.

"I can think of two ways out of this that don't invovle my nation having to publicly rebuke yours. I've already done enough to maintain a reputation as an honest broker in future meetings so I'd rather not open the pandora's box that would be a full governmental redpudiation."

"Greg quit talking fancy and just say it," Arik was interested now as well. Everybody was. They knew why I had called the meeting and most of them were there as observers because this honestly came down to Matt and I and our unweildy blessed but cursed need to have nations with real federal/republican institutions.

"Okay option one is that you agree that the treaty will not have force of law but you will, nonetheless, as head of state and government admit the inspectors under the terms of the treaty and reduce your stockpiles to the point of maintianing only enough for defensive wepaons research. Obviously this could get your locals hot on your hide."

"Indeed it would, what's option two?"

"Option two is, and I'm pretty sure that Rufus hasn't put a corrupt practices act into play yet so I'm safe saying this here, I buy off your House of Burgess."


"Are you shitting me?"

"Greg you gotta be joking!"

"No guys I'm serious. Matt you are going to take a hit for this if you have to be seen as bypassing the burgess even if it gets us more of what we need. In turn my own government doesn't have any real means of retaliating against me since they are about to go into their own eleciton cycle. Politicians worried more about their own survivial in a coming election care more about being re-elected than trying to build a case for action agains their Monarch. This gives me certian leeway to act. I have control over some not insignificant sums of cash but more importantly I have control over a great deal fo the resources of my nation to invest in pet projects.

Obviously a direct bribe is out of the question but instead my point is to send a team of negotiators from Wilkonia who would be authorized to negotiate a settlement with your House in return for ratification. I don't think your politicians are likely to pass up a chance to stick it to me if all they have to do is ratify the treaty. It works out best for all, you can pressure them by pointing out that you'll accept the treaty whether they ratify or not (but keep that private) and I will offer them a concession from Wilkonia in return so they can publicly point to the real reason being outside force rather than their own domestic lack of power.

The only person who takes a hit is me because then I'll likely have every tin pot dictator knocking on my door with hand out asking for some cash to sign a treaty to ban weapons he couldn't produce if he spent the next decade trying."
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"I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. "
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

The Lance

Jerusalem Space Center, October 6th 2011

The massive horizontal hangar was bustling with activity. The personell was used to frantic pace of rocket assembly, but this was something different. A truly Frankensteinian combination of Lucrelance and 11K59 elements was being cobbled together using various adapters.

"Guiding rails check complete.", the megaphone announced, which was a cue for the crane controller. He began gently moving the massive third stage, guided by two dozen hands, as it slid along the guidance rails.

"Ready the adapter...steady..."

"Abort, abort!"

The crane froze. Engineers congretated at the area which was supposed to join the two stages.

"Goddammit...", one of the specialists said, after comparing the 11K59 back-end and the adapter, "These don't fit! FUCK!"

Four weeks later, Atlas-Sputnik launch pad D

Following more than four weeks of delays and minor technical problems, the Lucrelance IIA rocket was finally rolled out to the launch pad. For the people gathered at the control bunker, this was the defining moment. Not only would FASTA get their first medium-weight booster, they would prove that the new, restartable 11K59 third stage actually worked. The rocket itself looked like a monster patched together, with the third stage being much thicker than the rest of its body.

"Fuel pressurization complete."

"Launch control to automatic procedure."

"Gyro power to internal. Fifty seconds."

"APU disconnect. Passed third mark, automatic is still go, thirty seconds."

"Final electrical check. Fourth mark, still go."

"Ten seconds. Fuel pumps running. Engine start."

"Engines running...optimum thrust achieved...we have some lift, and...we have liftoff!"


The rocket screamed across the sky, with excited technicians and engineers shouting off flight parameters. Staging proceeded without a problem, with the solid fuel boosters falling off and smashing into the sand east of the launch pad as planned.

Orbital insertion soon followed, and at T+5 minutes 26 seconds, the second stage shut down, putting the missile on a ballistic trajectory with an apogee of 350 kilometers. Explosive bolts threw the second stage away, exposing engine clusters of the final stage - modified from an 11K59 rocket. It coasted through space for five minutes, as engineers remotely tested the payload's systems.

All checked out, and so at T+11 minutes 12 seconds, the third stage ignited, burned for one minute, and shut down.

"Moment of truth...", the booster station engineer muttered under his breath, and sent the ignition command. He held his breath.

In orbit, the CSR-made third stage burned its little ullage motors for a split-second, and then reignited its engine.

"We have ignition! Thrust optimal...the rocket is performing well"

The third stage only failed after its fourth restart test. It continued on a ballistic trajectory, re-entering the atmosphere some 500 miles north of Katangwa, treating the locals to a magnificient spectacle, as the 100-tonne vehicle broke up and disintegrated, racing at mach 14.

Result: Succesful test of a FASTA Lucrelance IIA rocket, equipped with a restarteable third stage. Program proceeds to Lucrelance IIB upgrade with modernized engines and custom-designed (restarteable) third stage.

Working restarteable engines also prove viability of Selene spacecraft's "One Booster Package" propulsion concept.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Ryan Thunder »

"Alright, folks, you have ten seconds to come out with your hands behind your head before we blow this place to Mars. Any takers?" The colonel lowered the megaphone and pulled a signaller from its place on his vest. From his perch atop the turret of a land battlecruiser he had a good line of sight to the building they had finally tracked these last few die-hards to. He figured they wouldn't give up, anyways, but it couldn't hurt to ask. Brave young men were idiots.

After about five seconds, a half-dozen men in loosely-fitting green clothing--what probably passed for cameoflage amongst these particular rebels--filed out of one side of the building, looking dejected. Muffled cries of indignity could be heard from inside the abandoned sawmill as they left--their former comrades were doubtless not amused by their departure. Heavily-armoured soldiers efficiently secured and loaded the captives into waiting armoured police cars before driving off to a safe distance.

"I think that's it, sir." The tank commander commented. The colonel shot the man a brief but withering glare before nodding reluctantly.

"Yeah," he said, then mumbled under his breath "...bloody waste." He thumbed the signaller. A few moments later the concrete building imploded into smouldering rubble as a rocket smashed the roof in. Once the ruins had cooled down, infantry would check for survivors. There probably wouldn't be any.

"Good work, sir!" the tank commander yelled over the din of exploding ammunition.

"Ah, fuck you," the colonel retorted "I cannot believe you actually thought this was worth bothering me for." His face bore a disgusted expression as he ordered, "Let's get the hell out of here."

Result: Miratia is now certain that the last hanger-on remnants of the Miratian warlord militias have been eliminated. The deep jungles can now be safely exploited, pending some checking for mines and IEDs.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Zor »

Union Press

RZA presence in Veleria increased

The Hexigon, Port Victory-Today at a press conference, Three Star Legate Fredrick Shimomura has that in light of the attack upon innocent civilians in the Former Japanistani East Velerian Settlement, that the Royal Zorian Army shall increase it's military presence in Zorian Veleria with a surge of some 2,500 Soldiers to secure the area, as well for the mining programs which are happening in the Ironridge mountains. "It is clear," Legate Shimomura told the press "for the future of our continued presense in this untaimed land, we must secure or people against the threat posed by agressive barbarians."

Land Grant program in Veleria announced

Parliament Hill-Today, a bill in parliament passed, allowing a land development program for the Dragonsnake River area. The plan will allow Zorian Citizens who meet various criteria the right to aquire one of 50 patches of land which have been designated by crown officals near the Dragonsnake Delta for development along with state assistance, with formal ownership being granted of said plot after 5 years of sucsessful agricultural production while meeting various enviromental codes. Among various crops which have been selected for cultivation being Cocoa, Rubber and various spices which will do well. By extension, this program will lead to the development of several new facillities in Port Adria and an estimate increase of personnel by some 2,000 within three years.
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by PeZook »

SiegeTank wrote:
PeZook wrote:"I can't see any problems with this arrangement. We actually have plans to begin marketing the generic drug line to doctors, and the government is preparing an information campaign to counter GSK's bullshit about generics being 'unsafe'. So...unless Ms. Davies has any objections, I think we may start drafting an agreement to sign?"
Jenna Davies took a sip of her gin-tonic, and slowly shook her head. "No objections here. I think we're just about ready to do business, gentlemen."
"In this case, I guess there's no point in deliberating further.", Kaniewski stood up, "I am pleased we've come to an agreement. My assistants will contact yours with a draft proposal of the agreement. Now if you'll excuse me, there are important matters in our Fabowice plant I need to take care of."

With that, PolPharma's CEO left the conference room. Outside, in the lobby, a TV was set on the 24-hour news channel.


Government declares nuclear infrastructure expansion plan

The Ministry of Infrastructure published a bold "power reform" plan today at its website. The plan calls for construction of no less than six hi-capacity nuclear power plants by 2015, and two modern fuel reprocessing facilities.

These power plants would help PeZookia finally transfer to sustainable energy sources, thus conserving oil and coal supplies for more vital applications, such as synthetic materials and medicine.

In a press release following the publication, the Ministry also hinted on plans to encourage development of electric cars and public transit. In the words of the Ministry spokesperson, "The post-crisis economic recovery makes it possible for us to draft ambitious plans once more."

Critics of the plans point out they will impact military procurement significantly, and point out the government still can't handle runaway public debt, which is threatening to ruin PeZookia's international credit rating. The budget has been running a deficit for the last six years, with no end in sight.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coiler »

"So, we have a little strip of land in the Velerian jungle, and Cascadian planes constantly flying over our heads. What do we do now?" Urbano's voice sounded cranky and weary, which worried Arim. He should have been used to this by now.

"Well, now we should enter talks with the Cascadian government, as they're the strongest power here. Explain to them that we're not invading anyone's territory, and are just claiming unclaimed land. Trust us, a meeting like this is what we need."

So an envoy was sent out to the airbase, bearing a message saying that Minister Arim of Nuparadise wished to enter talks with the Cascadian government.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Economy staging a rather quick recovery.

The Byzantine Economy has begun to regain its pre-Shepistan war strength and economic activity is fast gaining pace. Government contracts and stimulus packages have since gotten most of the economy on track. Growth is expected to be flat this year before booming next year.

Government orders and begins installation of heavy ABM missiles in Greece and Anatolia

Heavy ABM missiles acquired from CSR have begun installation in certain parts of Greece and Anatolia. Some 200 hundred missiles will be installed in 4 batches. It is believed that the state is studying possible new missiles for possible future threats.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coyote »

Northern Astaria
"The Most Dangerous Game"

Bob Bando looked at the group of "hunters", dressed in their finest store-bought regalia. Well, not all of them were posers, he thought. Some of them might know what they're doing.

This was the third hunt he'd arranged since coming down to see for himself. He'd developed a taste for combat and weapons after serving his time in the Canissian Army, being one of the few survivors from the great "robot evacuation" in the northern region of Shepistan. It had whetted his appetite for adrenaline and he found adjusting back to the peacetime army of drills and inspection to be unbearable. After some time as a mercenary-- ironically, hired to help Shepistan in their war against Astaria-- he found a calling that provided excitement and adventure, and was far, far more lucrative. It was probably illegal as hell, he knew, but he'd set everything up himself, with th ehelp of a few like-minded friends that he'd met as a merc, and so far he'd just kept his organization confined to quiet circles. Ask no questions, so get told no restrictions, he figured.

"Alright, some of you this is your first hunt-- ever," he said, casting a critical look at a pasty-faced fatso with a donut-ring of grey hair, looking rediculous in full Safari gear --including a pith helmet. Some sort of CEO type, Bando figured. Damn nice gear, though. The CEO guy had a beautiful Shrum-Mannlicher rifle with a Canipold scope on it that would easily cost a year's salary for most of the other hunters that came through his program.

"If it is your first hunt, welcome," Bando said, his smile wide and genuine. These people --posers or not-- were his bread and butter. "You are about to embark on a hunt experience like no other in your lifetime. No mere lions or tigers; no Cape Buffalo; wolves, or even charging bull elephants will be in your sights," Bando said. "Instead, you have traveled a great distance to hunt... the most dangerous game of all," Bando said, and with a dramatic sweep he stepped away from the screen behind him to reveal the life-size image of a horribly disfigured human being.

"Some call them zombies," Bando said, "Some call them reavers, to some they are poor victims of imperialist aggression," Bando said, with a deprecatory sneer on his face to display his thoughts on that matter. "But no matter who or what they are, one thing is unmistakeable-- these shambling, diseased cretins are no longer men as we know them."

On the screen, the image shifted to show camera footage of 'zombies' running at full sprint to tackle other, uninfected people, leaping on them with howls of rage and literally tearing their victims apart. Several scenes similar to that were played out-- many from low-flying aircraft.

"Hyper-adrenal, hyper-enraged, these men have descended to the level of base aggression that not even the most viscious of predatory animals can reach. Their anger cannot be sated, their rage cannot be abated, they cannot be bargained with or reasoned with-- they have descended to the beast within, and they scar, disfigure, and cut themselves to resemble their inner rage.

"Male or female, young or old, slight or muscular of build, make no mistake-- they are possessed with maniac strength. If you are captured by them, they will rape you to death, eat you, and sew your skin into their clothes. And if you're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order. If you try to run, it is like a red flag to a bull. They will chase you down, it is their instinct. The best you can hope for is that if they are not hungry, they may ignore you." He stopped, and gave an evil, skull-like smile to the fat CEO. "I have seen them eat a man alive. Tackled to the ground by five of them, and they began chewing on him as he struggled to get away. He was still screaming as his intestines were pulled from his body," he said as the CEO turned pale.

"We'll go in in small groups of five, that is why I limit my hunts to eight people total," he said. "Four hunters and one guide-- that's me. I go out with each group while the other group stays here at the base camp. I keep an eye on conditions outside the gate. If I say it is time to leave, we leave. No argument from you-- I don't care how much you've paid, who you or your lawyers are, or if you have a perfect shot lined up. It's for your safety and mine, and that's why you signed th econtracts and forms you did. If you ignore my order to leave, then I get to leave you, and I won't be held responsible by your heirs. Remember, you don't need to outrun them-- you just need to outrun the chap next to you," he said. The hunters eyed one another, sizing each other up. The leaner, fitter ones always smiled.

"Group that stays behind is locked in. You can call back to the hunt lodge in Katangwaland for evac, but you cannot and should not ever try to go into the hunt area without me. Not only are you in danger from the reavers, but I and my team of hunters will shoot anyone that isn't 'us' out there. Again, it's in your contract and forms you signed. Are there any questions?"

One hunter raised his hand-- a tanned, wiry-looking fellow with a bolt-action Old Dominion copy of a Shroomser rifle and a common 8x scope. Probabvly the only real hunter in the group, Bando guessed.

"Do these... zombies, reavers, whatever... how intelligent are they?"

"They can use machinery somewhat," Bando said, "They don't maintain it, and of it breaks they'll as often as not fly into a rage on the spot. While they sometimes use guns it is increasingly rare, since many times they just fire until the weapon is empty then use it as a club. They prefer to bludgeon with clubs or use bladed weapons-- I suppose it fulfills their more primal instincts somehow." The man nodded, accepting the information for what it was.

"Earlier, they used cars and trucks-- to ram, to run over people, to hunt down prey," Bando said, "But they don't fix their cars; they don't fuel them up. I haven't seen them using guns or vehicles for months, the last one I saw used a pistol about eight months ago. Haven't seen advanced tool-using since. So, if that's it..." he said. No one had any more questions. "Alright. I've already put you in your teams, so first team will come with me now, second team will remain here..."

Semi-secret "Hunts" of questionable repute being organized by thrill-seeking hunters in Astaria.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Lonestar »

" No guys I'm serious. Matt you are going to take a hit for this if you have to be seen as bypassing the burgess even if it gets us more of what we need. In turn my own government doesn't have any real means of retaliating against me since they are about to go into their own election cycle. Politicians worried more about their own survival in a coming election care more about being re-elected than trying to build a case for action against their Monarch. This gives me certain leeway to act. I have control over some not insignificant sums of cash but more importantly I have control over a great deal of the resources of my nation to invest in pet projects.

Obviously a direct bribe is out of the question but instead my point is to send a team of negotiators from Wilkonia who would be authorized to negotiate a settlement with your House in return for ratification. I don't think your politicians are likely to pass up a chance to stick it to me if all they have to do is ratify the treaty. It works out best for all, you can pressure them by pointing out that you'll accept the treaty whether they ratify or not (but keep that private) and I will offer them a concession from Wilkonia in return so they can publicly point to the real reason being outside force rather than their own domestic lack of power.

The only person who takes a hit is me because then I'll likely have every tin pot dictator knocking on my door with hand out asking for some cash to sign a treaty to ban weapons he couldn't produce if he spent the next decade trying."
Lonestar stood up and walked over to the wall, staring intently at the banner some PR Schlub had put up for the conference. Who shall Break us?

Who indeed.

"Greg," Lonestar turned around and began talking. "I am almost positive I just posed the question, 'How would you like it if I interfered in your internal politics?'. You forget, this is not Earth, and this is not the last world. All of us here have the memories and values of a lifetime spent on this world. And here you are, asking to buy my country's honor."

"I don't think you meant it as an insult, but it was one. One whopper of one. Why you thought it would be a good idea to bribe a country whose founding fathers were Crusading Knightly Orders, I don't know why."


"But, I will spare you the humiliation and dishonor that will come from you attempting to bribe my people. As the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I have the authority to make policy. So, I will issue a new set of military regulations and policies that will essentially recreate the BW Ban treaty. They will have the force of law…at least until the next Chancellor takes power." Lonestar sat down, shaking with anger.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coiler »

Frequesue Military Digest

Coilerburg receives second nuclear submarine

The Vigilant class submarine CBS Overseer was officially commisioned into the Coilerburg navy today, to act as a detterent alongside its sister ship Warden. Together, the two submarines carry a large amount of destructive power....

Increased fighting in the northern CFR

Over the past several days, large-scale fighting has erupted in the northern CFR, largely between the Revolutionary Front and the Minoyan-dominated "NorthCent Republic". The latter organization, just recently recognized as a state by Sabika, has apparently repelled several attacks on its designated border by Revolutionary Front fighters....
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coyote »

MESS Conference

The room was silent for another uncomfortable moment. Arik hated these kinds of confrontations.

"Is there... any way that this can be worked around?" he asked. "A veto, an override-- with some sort of honorable way out? Perhaps... the Old Dominion could just keep the cultures, preserved somehow, in case cures are needed. Like the US did with smallpox," he said, instinctively looking around so no one would accuse him of going crazy, talking about 'nonexistent' countries. But it was just them in the room.

"Keep the cultures on ice, but don't develop them. Shift production to chemicals instead. Point to the crap in Zoria as evidence to why 'despite the recommendations of the House of Burgesses, the potential for disaster is too great, yadda yadda, accidental release'."

"People will still see that as maintaining a stock of bioweapons," Greg said, also uncomfortable.
"A technicality," Arik countered. "We said 'no bioweapons'; Old Dominion complies. Nothing field deployable, no shells or bombs. But nothing about bioagent stocks preserved for 'research' and to serve as a potential antidotes in case of an enemy or terrorist attack."

"Lie to the rest of the public?" Matt asked. "We're on the sliding scale of ethics here, today, ain't we?"

"Lie? No. Mislead. Bury in technicality," Arik said with a shrug, "It's not like we'd advertise it. All bio weapon stocks will be destroyed. Science research? Civil defense antidote stocks? Heyy, that's just prudence. Bring it up only if someone asks."

Around the table, the others looked at him, then at Matt and then at Greg.

"Or," Arik said with a small amount of sarcasm," we just ditch the whole thing and go back to biowar. Yummy."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Beowulf »

Coyote wrote:MESS Conference

"Or," Arik said with a small amount of sarcasm," we just ditch the whole thing and go back to biowar. Yummy."
"Biowar scares the everliving crap out of me. There's a reason why I dusted Astaria with chemical weapons. Next time it won't be chemical weapons. I'll turn who ever uses them into a self lit parking lot. I don't care if it's a MESS member or not."

The rest of the table stared at Beowulf.

"What, I never told any of you I dusted Astaria? Nobody was curious as to why Astaria and South Veleria got hit with several hundred Tomahawks loaded with a spicy mix of chemicals to kill off a good portion of the populace... well, the populace that was left after Shep killed a bunch with bio agents."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan