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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 03:19am
by PeZook

FASTA bulletin

Mercury 6 blasts off

At 11:04 local time, the final mission of the Mercury program lifted off from Atlas-Sputnik Launch Pad C, carrying the first female FASTA astronaut to orbit for a four-day flight.

The launch was watched by Nadine Sadler, the first woman to have flown in space ever, native to San Dorado - a valuable contribution to the space program by the tiny Frequesquan nation. The significance of this even is underscored by the fact that Svetlana Savitskaya is a CSR national and a highly renowned fighter ace, having flown in combat action against Astaria.

"Ideology and political convictions matter little in the grand scheme of things", major Sadler was quoted as saying, "What counts is the continued march towards colonization of space."

The Mercury 6 capsule will be used to carry out several scientific experiments, such as radiation measurements, zero-gravity fluid behavior and others.

11K59 booster makes second test flight

The 11K59 booster, the rocket promising interplanetary missions and support of the Soyuz program, has made a second succesful test flight yesterday. Minor problems which arose during the flight did not concern the rocket's designers, and will be fixed for the planned Soyuz 1 and DSP-1 unmanned launches later this year.

Canissian moon probes delivered to the JSC

As mission planning for the first series of Lunar Reconeissance Orbiters nears to a close, the Canissian-made orbital probes have been transferred to the Jerusalem Space Center for testing and modification, before launch some time in early 2012.

The Lunar Reconeissance Orbiters will deliver critical surface maps, necessary for lunar landing planners to chose both safe and scientifically interesting landing sites. Data returned by the unmanned probes will also help design and test equipment for use in the lunar landing.

Last Soyuz astronaut qualifies for the program

Miranda Moonbeam (Shroomania) was the last astronaut to qualify for the Soyuz program. During a special exam last week, Ms. Moonbeam aced all tests and thus earned the right to wear a Soyuz program patch on her right sleeve.

"This is, like, and incredible feeling. All that hard work and dedication, finally paying off! Seriously, this is awesome. You guys should try it...", Ms. Moonbeam commented during an afterparty at her Farbanti dwelling, and offered the Bulletin's reporter a drink.

F-1, J-2 engine tests continue ; Ignition instability problems solved

The F-1 and J-2 engines, planned for use in the Saturn series of rockets, have undergone their second battery of tests last morning. Rocket engineers have come up with an ingenious solution to the earlier ignition instability problems which called into question the use of such large engine bells: by detonating small explosive charges inside the bells and analyzing return waves, the engineers were able to redesign the fuel injectors, resulting in stable and consistent ignition patterns.

While some experts comment that the RD-170 engine in development by Byzantium would provide better bang for the buck, FASTA engineers retort by saying that experience gained in construction of the two "monster engines" will pay off later and help improve the next generation of rocket boosters.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 05:35am
by Siege
Diplomatic Communique, Priority One

FROM: Office of Sidney Hank, President of San Dorado
TO: Lord Gero, Supreme Leader of Miratia
SUBJECT: Congratulations

My good sir,

Let me offer you my heartfelt congratulations, with both the newfound stability of your nation and your personal elevation to the lofty position of Supreme Leader.

San Dorado looks forward to working with you and your administration in order to develop a healthy relationship in terms of politics as well as economics.

We have learned that your nation aspires to join the Frequesuan Treaty Organization. As far as we are concerned you are most welcome; indeed, San Dorado is eager to sponsor your entry into the FTO.

I hope our relationship will be a mutually beneficial one.

Was cordially signed,

Sidney Hank



Grand Hotel, Tri-Cities Metropolitan Area
PeZook wrote:"I think we may be able to reach an agreement!", Mr. Kaniewski smiled, "Let's talk business. We can offer you the permission to brand - unobtrusively, of course - the line of advanced generic drugs, shelf space in pharmacies that carry the products, and branding on the packaging. Ourselves, we want the minimal profit margin your company can get by, licence to produce some of your patented advanced drugs in our factories, and that you mention our deal in your advertising abroad."
“That sounds most agreeable.” Davis nodded. “We would like to set up a yet to be determined number of factories in PeZookia to produce some of our products locally, so to eliminate the cost of shipping. Do you think this could be arranged?" She smiled. "And concerning advertising... As minority shareholder, SinTEK has access to ample advertising space on the international satellite broadcasting network Worldwide One. How does a global saturation advertising campaign sound to you? Think the competition could match it?”

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 07:24am
by PeZook

Grand Hotel, Tri-Cities Metropolitan Area
Siegetank wrote: “That sounds most agreeable.” Davis nodded. “We would like to set up a yet to be determined number of factories in PeZookia to produce some of our products locally, so to eliminate the cost of shipping. Do you think this could be arranged?" She smiled. "And concerning advertising... As minority shareholder, SinTEK has access to ample advertising space on the international satellite broadcasting network Worldwide One. How does a global saturation advertising campaign sound to you? Think the competition could match it?”
"Yes, I'm sure the Ministry of the Economy will be agreeable to construction of new factories. Foreign investment, more workplaces for the educated, this sort of thing.", Kaniewski nodded, and took a sip of expensive wine before continuing, "And your advertising offer fits perfectly into our plans. You are aware that GSK and Imperial Pharmaceuticals have already begun a massive PR campaign advocating branded drugs in favor of generics? We've been drafting plans for a counter-campaign, and your input may just be what's necessary to tip the scales in our favor."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 08:58am
by Siege
PeZook wrote:"Yes, I'm sure the Ministry of the Economy will be agreeable to construction of new factories. Foreign investment, more workplaces for the educated, this sort of thing.", Kaniewski nodded, and took a sip of expensive wine before continuing, "And your advertising offer fits perfectly into our plans. You are aware that GSK and Imperial Pharmaceuticals have already begun a massive PR campaign advocating branded drugs in favor of generics? We've been drafting plans for a counter-campaign, and your input may just be what's necessary to tip the scales in our favor."
"I've heard of their initiative, and I honestly don't think much of it. 'Buy branded'? That's it? No, I think a dose of aggressive marketing would be effective here: the sheer expense of branded medicine makes them an obvious target for it. We should inform the buyer that our generic drugs are high quality medicines previously only affordable for the elite..." Davis briefly paused to nibble on her foie gras, "but now, thanks to our efforts, available to everyone. We can leak that we're taking a hit on our profits in order to bring the average Old Continental those proper treatments Big Pharma wants to keep under wraps. How many drugs are they trying to re-patent again, merely to save their profit margin? Get that list, make it public, and beat them over the head with it. Once the buyer comes to consider the competition as savagely greedy cure-hoarders, any further attempt to market 'branded' medicine will just serve to reinforce that money-grabbing image."

Jenna Davis leered somewhat viciously, and took a sip of her wine. "You know, I think this can work out quite well. And I'm going to enjoy taking GSK down."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 09:17am
by PeZook
SiegeTank wrote: "I've heard of their initiative, and I honestly don't think much of it. 'Buy branded'? That's it? No, I think a dose of aggressive marketing would be effective here: the sheer expense of branded medicine makes them an obvious target for it. We should inform the buyer that our generic drugs are high quality medicines previously only affordable for the elite..." Davis briefly paused to nibble on her foie gras, "but now, thanks to our efforts, available to everyone. We can leak that we're taking a hit on our profits in order to bring the average Old Continental those proper treatments Big Pharma wants to keep under wraps. How many drugs are they trying to re-patent again, merely to save their profit margin? Get that list, make it public, and beat them over the head with it. Once the buyer comes to consider the competition as savagely greedy cure-hoarders, any further attempt to market 'branded' medicine will just serve to reinforce that money-grabbing image."

Jenna Davis leered somewhat viciously, and took a sip of her wine. "You know, I think this can work out quite well. And I'm going to enjoy taking GSK down."

"I must say...", Kaniewski, the old business shark, smiled, "...that the opinion about the people of San Dorado is well deserved. You are truly a nasty player, Ms. Davis. I'm glad to have you on our side. Now, I'll make sure my assistants contact your to arrange the details and draft an agreement...and we really need to have a meeting between our marketing people to implement this plan of yours."

The PeZookian leaned back in his chair, apparently satisfied with how the meeting went. Sloshing some of his wine inside its glass, he looked out the huge windows, at the beach right next to the hotel.

"The best thing about this plan is that it's them who will have to pull the unethical moves. As Joe Itler's propagandist Goseph Joebbels used to say, truth is the best propaganda."

Both CEOs drank to that, and finished their meals.

"Now, Ms. Davies, I'm sure you are a busy woman, but is there anything else I can do for you? You are a guest in my country, after all.", Kaniewski asked after they were done.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 09:20am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles

To the CEO of PolPHarma

It has come to our attention that you and possible partners are going to actively promote your generic drugs. While my company, TBP, will aggressively defend our market share, it will no doubt lead to a multi-prong fight between us and GSK. However, we are willing to cooperate with you in perhaps sharing patents and joint advertising, but this must be done in an agreeable profit sharing arrangement. If you are however interested, then perhaps we can meet either in Constantinople at a nice restaurant, or over at Orena. What do you say?


Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 09:28am
by PeZook
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Imperial Chronicles

To the CEO of PolPHarma

It has come to our attention that you and possible partners are going to actively promote your generic drugs. While my company, TBP, will aggressively defend our market share, it will no doubt lead to a multi-prong fight between us and GSK. However, we are willing to cooperate with you in perhaps sharing patents and joint advertising, but this must be done in an agreeable profit sharing arrangement. If you are however interested, then perhaps we can meet either in Constantinople at a nice restaurant, or over at Orena. What do you say?

To: TBP Co-CEO's office
From: PolPharma marketing offices, Orena

Dear Sirs,
Regarding your message and offer of co-operation, I am pleased to inform you that Mr. Kaniewski will gladly meet your representatives in the Tri-Cities, where he is currently conducting negotiations with our foreign partners for securing several patents in exchange for distribution rights.

I have been authorized to inform you that PolPharma is most willing to enter negotiation with TBP for patent licences and distribution of generic drugs in Byzantium

Gabriel Janowski, executive assisant, CEO PolPharma


"Holy shit...", Gabriel Janowski, one of CEO Kaniewski's executive assistants, muttered to himself as he sent the fax, "...that SinTek chick is gonna love this...two markets opening up for her just like that..."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 10:17am
by Siege
PeZook wrote:"Now, Ms. Davies, I'm sure you are a busy woman, but is there anything else I can do for you? You are a guest in my country, after all.", Kaniewski asked after they were done.
Jenna Davis looked exceedingly pleased with the way the meeting had went. “Well, I intend to stay in the country for a few days at least...” she mused, a twinkle in her eye. “I like to get a feel for the places I do business with, plus it’ll be some time before your people and mine have finalized the details. Any places in particular you think I should see before leaving?”

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 10:32am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles


The co-CEO from TBP arrived at the Tri-Cities with an even thicker folder than before. He was taken to the seaside resort where he met his counterparts.

"Gentlemen, and Gentlewoman, I come here with a set proposals. As you might have heard, or not heard, Byzantine Pharmaceuticals and Tachibana of the Kingdom of Serenity have agreed to form a joint venture company Tachibana Byzantine Pharmaceuticals, or TBP. Both our companies have agreed to share our patents and to jointly market our products, be it in generic form etc.

We are here on the basis that an agreement could be achieved, but only if we can come up with a suitable licensing agreement that will ensure all parties benefit. I also must add that both our parent governments have jointly funded our biomedical research and they themselves expect some form of return on their investment as well.

Our common goal is of course GSK. Now the company is large, but TBP can be said to be either equal if not larger, especially on the account of our far more efficient operations. Either way, we can either benefit, or we end up fighting a multi prong fight, of which both our governments have agreed to support us regardless what happens."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 10:39am
by PeZook
SiegeTank wrote: Jenna Davis looked exceedingly pleased with the way the meeting had went. “Well, I intend to stay in the country for a few days at least...” she mused, a twinkle in her eye. “I like to get a feel for the places I do business with, plus it’ll be some time before your people and mine have finalized the details. Any places in particular you think I should see before leaving?”
"Why, there's obviously the Tri-Cities Old Town, dating back to the XVth Century, and of course the warm tropical beaches - though as a Frequesquan,you're probably used to those. Personally, I find the northern mountains endearing - there's nothing like going hiking for a few days to keep the old husk working", Kaniewski chuckled, obviously referring to himself, "And if you're into that sort of thing, Orena can offer plenty of museums, fine clubs and a world-class opera house. We also have one of the biggest Gothic castles on the Continent, originally built by the Knights Of The Pink Cross. And, of course, plenty of nature preserves, parks and forests."

Karol Kaniewski described at lenght the various things to do and see in PeZookia, as the pair and their entourages left the hotel. He was obviously a coneisseur and a patriot, and knew plenty of history and interesting places.

Suddendly, one of his assistants rushed over, PDA in hand and explained something in a hushed tone. Kaniewski looked at his watch.

"Interesting...", he said, noticing the quizzical expression of his guest, "...TBP wishes to enter negotiations on generic drugs as well. I'll have my assistants arrange a conference."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 10:50am
by Grand Moff Yenchin
Serenity Sentinel


Second Rising Sun Launched

After a week of delay, the second sounding rocket of Blue Sun Corporations, RS-2, was successfully launched at their Dongting Bay Launch Site. The rocket carried instruments to measure the airglow of the atmosphere, as well as a GPS receiver to provide info of the flight trajectory. The rocket reached its peak height of 270 Km after 262 seconds and began to descend, while still sending info. Surya Azul, spokesperson of the Corporation announced that the launch was extremely successful that the Blue Sun's space project was accelerated by the results. She urged the government to speed up in the process of establishing a national space agency.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 10:57am
by Siege
PeZook wrote:"Interesting...", he said, noticing the quizzical expression of his guest, "...TBP wishes to enter negotiations on generic drugs as well. I'll have my assistants arrange a conference."
Davis raised an eyebrow. "That is interesting. I guess the clubs and the opera house will have to wait..."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 12:27pm
by Coiler
FROM: Geoffrey Stone, President of Coilerburg
TO: CBS Warden

By direct order, you are to proceed to designated Position G off the coast of southern Frequesue and take station there until further instruction.

FROM: Geoffrey Stone, President of Coilerburg

SubRon 1 of submarines CBS Assassin, CBS Infiltrator, CBS Whisper is to take station off the coast of Southern Frequesue, in the designated Position E.

While President Stone did not see any hint of harm or malice in the new nation of Miratia, it never hurt to be prepared....

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 04:38pm
by Coiler
The Grand Oceanic Restaraunt, Shipborough, Sabika

Two men sat at a table in one of the finest restaraunts in the entirety of Sabika, appearing like a pair of rich friends going out to eat, talking about nothing more mundane then the local football scores, or how many unexploded rounds the Coilers had left behind after their latest invasion.

They weren't. They had a much more important duty on their minds.

One was Shroomanian shipping executive Steven Arim, and the other was former Sabikan general Johano Urbano. They were talking about invasion.

"Frequesue or Veleria, what should it be?"

"Look at it this way. With Frequesue, we can get the many recruits we need from there, and then just march overland into the part of the CFR we want to carve for ourselves. Our supply lines from Sabika can stay nice and close, and we have the option of not being too far from civilization. Whereas with Veleria, we have to load the men onto ships, fight with a very long and shaky supply line, and risk being stranded in shitholeland if something goes wrong." Urbano said.

"Ah, but what about the FTO? Frequesue also has a great deal of powerful nations, some of them nuclear powers. They may not take too kindly to this-expedition, and if they intervene, we're done. There's no FTO in Veleria, which is why we should go there."

"We could compromise, send forces to both locations."

"Haven't you heard of concentration of force? I thought you were-"

"Yes, I have. And I've thought of a plan. You see, in the northern CFR, the remnants of what Minoy sent over before the Coilers sunk their fleet have sort of taken up shop as a nation of sorts, with the backing of many ethnic Minoyans living there. It's actually pretty safe, though there are feuds between them and the other groups. They've even drawn a map of their 'nation', although no one recognizes it yet.

All we need are a few hundred men to give them a little more backbone and a steady route of supplies-I've already spoken with them. We can hopefully get Sabika to recognize them, and hopefully the CentNorth Republic will get more widespread from there. Then the majority of our adventurers can go into Veleria as planned."

Arim groaned. "Are they really calling it the CentNorth Republic?"


"Apart from that, it's a good plan-except are you sure we'd get enough recruits?"

"Ha! Coilerburg in particular has a lot of out of work former soldiers who'd do really well. San Dorado has-you know what they have! Trust me, we can get our men. And most of them will be trained already, unlike the stupidly gung-ho Shroomanians we had to get earlier."

"So it's a plan?"

"It's a plan."

Mere hours after that, the advertising machine got to work, particularly in Coilerburg, where the demand was rightfully greatest. Helmut's large New Army had been greatly reduced in size, leaving many men with military training and no work. As a result, many flocked to this new "Adventure" with its "Earn Fabulous Riches" and "Military training preferable"

At the same time, most of the men the two plotters already had were moving into the so-called CentNorth Republic and directing a small yet steady route of needed supplies that would improve their standing in the confused den that was the CFR...

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 05:15pm
by Coyote


For the first time, Katangwan pilots can expect to fly an actual jet-powered aircraft, courtesy of CaE, Canissian Aerospace.

Six medium-range CaE-146 jet aircraft have been delivered to the Katangwan government for domestic use around the Velerian continent. There are few destinations beyond Veleria that can be reached by the limited-range aircraft, but for now, close hops are all that are expected of the fledgleling Katangwan Air Lines, a civilian airline and flag carrier for Katangwan national pride.

Prospective Katangwan pilots have be trained extensively on simulators in Canissia before flying actual aircraft, and they will soon be serving as secondary crews on Royal CanissiAir flights before transitioning to the pilot's seats themselves.



Researchers have found more oil deposits off Katangwan shores, with fields reaching farther out to sea than previously realized. These oil discoveries are being capitalized on by Canissian petroleum developer Canixxon, in close cooperation with the Katangwan government.

"At least 50% of the workforce is Katangwan," said Colonel Johan S'vimbi, from his villa near the capitol of Khalid. "And I don't mean just grunt labor, I mean managers are being trained from among Katangwa's poorset villages. We are satisfied with the agreements of our Canissian brothers and sisters."


Seaside Palace, Canissia

King Arik Coyotus-I sat back, relaxing in the rooftop hot tub-- made all the warmer by the lovelies Katerin and Siobhan. They sipped on chocolate martinis and fed one another decadent ice cream while enjoying the cool night.

"Pity that the lights from Neve Tikveh so overwhelm the stars," he said, looking up at the sky as they relaxed.
"You could order them to be turned off," Siobhan said with a mischevious smile.
"What would all those people do in the dark?" Katerin asked.
"Probably what we just finished doing," Arik said, still catching his breath. "I don't know if the country is ready for the resulting population explosion."

They sat for awhile, but the door near the rooftop garden opened and Samira came over.
"Hey," Arik said, "Join the party."
"Not in a party mood," Samira said, "Dear, do you know much about the Cult of Odin?" she asked. Arik shrugged.

"They're a popular religion, paganist, been spreading a lot lately... why?"
"Have you heard anything from them in the threat folders lately?" she asked, "The internal security memos?" Arik was suddenly concerned.

"No... what's the problem?"
"Well, I was just reading a report in Newsday," Samira said, "It had an in-depth article about the Cult of Odin. It's pretty creepy."
"Creepy... how?" he asked.

"Like, if you ask about their religion, even just out of curiosity, they start enlisting you in their rolls," she said, "They hit you up for money, mail stuff to your family, that sort of thing."
"An annoying religion," Arik said with a dismissive wave, "Like many others. I can have Karl look into it, but if they've done no crimes..."

"Well, it just got me worried," she said. "My cousin Nora was in a teenage rebellious phase and she said she was going to run off and join a cult," Samira said, "Then, a few days ago, she ran away from home and hasn't been heard from. I was just... thinking..."
"How old is she?" Arik asked.
"Eighteen," Samira said. Arik frowned.

"Well, as a legal adult she can do as she pleases, so we can't go looking for her as a lost kid. But I can have Karl do some asking around..."
"Please?" Samira asked. "If she's been sucked into something..."
"We'll find Nora," Arik said.

Cult of Odin drawing some questions.


Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 06:35pm
by Zor
Norse Temple, Caprica City

Priestess Iva Steinsvik was cleaning up after a night's service when a local offical came in congradulating her on the location of that young woman Nora. Apparently the authorities where looking for her, being related to someone rather high up in society as a runaway. Earlier that day, she was asked if she knew where she was and she gave them the adress of a local hostel, having provided a bowl of homemade microwavable soup to her yesterday. She was quite happy about the whole affair, she was quite Drunk when she saw her yesterday night and thought she would be better off with her parents. Releived, she decided to take a short break with a cup of Green Tea and a few biscuts and the Radio from the common room congradulate herself.

Results-Nora is located with aid from Zorian Norse Figures.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-08 09:35pm
by CmdrWilkens
Breaking News
Generic Drug Vote May Lead to New Elections

In a stunning development within the last hour authorities within the House of Commons have begun releasing a running Whip count on the current vote to authorize the National Healthcare System to begin purchasing non branded or so called "generic" drugs for the Perscription Drug Program. The Whip count shows that the measure, attached to the bi-annual funding authorization for the NHS, is unlikely to pass. In turn pundits are already noting that a vote such as this on a funding measure would be considered a vote of No Confidence in the current Gvoernment.

The move is a suprise as the Federalist Whip and staff were apparently not expecting anything remotely resembling opposition given the expected cost savings in the issue brief given to all Parliamentary staffs. In fact sources are already saying that a Whip effort has only begun in the last few hours after the debate was opened and the debate limited to six hours. When the first four consecutive speakers, including members of the opposition Republican and neutral Whig and Green parties, were all against the measure and emphatically so the Federalists first realized the issue may cause trouble.

Spokesman for the King have not been available for comment but from all reports the Sovreign himself is currently attending festivities associated with the 10th successful commercially valuable launch of the Delta-Thor rocket system in the southern provinces. Speculation on all fronts is running rampant and already theories from a new coalition government or elections before the end of the year have all been floated but so far nothing has emerged and voting has only just begun in the House itself. More information will be available as it develops.

Wilkonian parliament was voting to allow for purchase of generics when Pharma backed centrist/conservatives and nativists began rallying opposition which may, emphasis on "may" :D, in fact lead to a no-confidence vote and elections a year early.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 12:16am
by TimothyC
News Flash:

Dateline Anchorage

The Republic of Alaska has announced it's intentions to open an embassy in the Duchy of Miratia.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 12:30am
by Ryan Thunder
"...The Supreme Leader has announced that a tract of land has been designated for the new Alaskan embassy, and that construction is to begin as soon as a building plan is recieved from the Alaskans. The government has created a hundred new jobs to aid in the construction. He requests that citizens interacting with the foreigners respect any cultural ...
... It is now official that the Republic of San Dorado has purchased Spectre factory buildings from the government, and will be moving the factory from Sulo military base to a more foreigner-friendly location, where it will continue to employ Miratian citizens. No personnel changes have been announced, and it is expected that no jobs will be lost in this transition..."
- Public Address Network

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 05:06am
by PeZook
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote: "We are here on the basis that an agreement could be achieved, but only if we can come up with a suitable licensing agreement that will ensure all parties benefit. I also must add that both our parent governments have jointly funded our biomedical research and they themselves expect some form of return on their investment as well.

Our common goal is of course GSK. Now the company is large, but TBP can be said to be either equal if not larger, especially on the account of our far more efficient operations. Either way, we can either benefit, or we end up fighting a multi prong fight, of which both our governments have agreed to support us regardless what happens."
The hotel's conference room was spacious and modern - and necessary. Delegation from three different companies were present and listening to TBP's presentation. Once the Byzantine CEO was done, Karol Kaniewski, PolPharma's director, stood up.

"Your offer is very interesting, however I must request more details. Does TBP expect to earn a profit margin on PolPharma's patents? If so, how much do they expect? On our side, we can propose an entry into the PeZookian distribution network, but our branding policy is to be as unobtrusive as possible, with only small company logos in the lower part of the "generic" line of packaging."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 06:10am
by Siege
Super Spectre


Tower of Commerce, downtown San Dorado

“I have to say, Samuel, that this time you’ve really managed to awe me. This is, well, this is pretty spectacular.” The President put down the newspaper he’d been reading. A big picture of the supersonic Miratian aircraft called the ‘Spectre’ adorned the front page, topped by an obnoxious headline: RALSON BUYS BIG IN MIRATIA. President Hank had barely managed to send a congratulatory telegram to the Miratian government in the time it had taken Ralson Concerns LTD to negotiate a massive take-over.

Sam Ralson looked utterly pleased with himself, having settled his rattlesnake boots on the conference table and folded his arms under his head. “Thanks, Sidney. That means a lot to me.”

“Tell me though - what do you intend to do with the factory?”

“Y’know how we’ve been working on a successor to the Silver Streak? Something that had to be SSTO?”

The President nodded. “I do.”

“To put it bluntly, we weren’t getting anywhere. Building the aerospike engine we want has turned out to be a bitch and a half, and the people who had any experience with altitude compensating nozzles, like Tian Xia and the CSR, weren’t going to let us look at their engines, let alone take one apart to see what makes it tick. We were stumped.” The grizzled CEO smiled. “And then, suddenly, here come a bunch of people with an aircraft factory sitting in the middle of nowhere doing nothing. Building hybrid jet-ramjet engines. I thought they were kidding at first. Long story short, turns out they weren’t, and now we’ve got our very own ramjet factory.”

“I take it this will serve you well?” The President smiled.

“Sidney, my experts think this single acquisition shaved three to five years off the development time required for a proper turboscramrocket. This deal is what will allow us – not just my company, but San Dorado’s space program - to stay ahead of the curve.”

Sidney nodded. He knew exactly what Sam Ralson meant. It was ever so difficult for the comparatively minute city-state of San Dorado to stay competitive with rivals who frequently had access to vastly more manpower, money, natural resources and geopolitical influence. Its megacorporations had long realized that the only way to stay ahead of the competition on the cutthroat international markets was to never sit still, and to always look for opportunities beyond national borders.

This was why Standard Oil was investing heavily in Arabiapolis, why SinTEK was trying to break into the Old Continental markets, and why Ralson Concerns was buying Miratian factories. San Doradan corporations couldn’t afford to rest on their laurels, had no home market to fall back on, had to perpetually hound their competition. If they couldn’t develop an idea themselves they would buy out those foreign corporations that could; and if they couldn’t do that, they’d form strategic alliances to force a market entry, to buy out the competition once they had lost their standing on the market. San Dorado had to keep moving forward, had to stay ahead of the curve. If the city-state ever stopped doing that, it would surely lose the disproportionate footprint it could leave upon the world.

And President Hank was convinced that the space race was one area where they could not afford to fall behind. The future was out there. If San Dorado could only be amongst the first to stake out a claim on the High Frontiers, that would surely guarantee a golden future...

Result: We buy a Miratian factory. Also, ramblings on San Dorado ;).

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 06:42am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
PeZook wrote:The hotel's conference room was spacious and modern - and necessary. Delegation from three different companies were present and listening to TBP's presentation. Once the Byzantine CEO was done, Karol Kaniewski, PolPharma's director, stood up.

"Your offer is very interesting, however I must request more details. Does TBP expect to earn a profit margin on PolPharma's patents? If so, how much do they expect? On our side, we can propose an entry into the PeZookian distribution network, but our branding policy is to be as unobtrusive as possible, with only small company logos in the lower part of the "generic" line of packaging."
"It works this way: We both have exclusive patents which will last a few good more years till they expire. We are, prepared to allow you to produce generic drugs based on our patents only if you give us a fair share of the profits. We would also expect the same from you. Branding is quite... redundant when you are trying to outflood the opponent. Patients will for the most part accept what their doctors and their pharmacists recommend, and doctors are quite empowered themselves to say what drug is cheaper and more cost effective than another drug after all. Which is why the strategy that TBP is pursuing throughout the world is preferential prescription of our drugs vis a' vis rival companys'. We simply steal the carpet from under the opponents."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 07:08am
by Lonestar
Virginia Register

Lord Fairfax departs for MESS Conference amid row with Legislature.
The Lord Fairfax departed for an emergency meeting with other MESS leaders after the House refused to ratify the Bio-Weapons Ban Treaty. The Lord Fairfax had been a big supporter of the treaty, and is now looking at "all options" in reaching an understanding with fellow MESS Leaders…[More]

First EFV Production units delivered to ODMC
The first 10 Expeditionary Fighting Vehicles have been delivered to the Marines, out of an estimated 120. Several other MESS Allies, notably the Byzantine Empire and Wilkonia, are also in the process of taking custody of their first production EFVs.

"The EFV will be used to replace the large numbers of AAVs in various MESS services." A Chesapeake Arms spokesman said...[More]

John Meadow tapped for next MSA Manned mission
Wilkonian Marine John Meadow has been tapped for the next Manned MSA mission, MSA sources report...[More]

Dominion Boeing begins testing of X-21, receives SSTO demonstrator contract
Dominion Boeing has begun testing the X-21, a "stretch" version of the X-20 Dyna-Soar which allows two astronauts, a higher ceiling, and larger payload. A XB-56 is being used as the mothership for the testing procedures.

In addition Dominion Boeing has won a contract for a SSTO demonstrator, which has been dubbed the DC-X(Dominion Clipper-Experimental)…[More]

Delmarva Peninsula to be first target of Shepistan Recovery efforts
The Delmarva Peninsula will be the first area of Shepistan targeted for restoration efforts, a Government Report announced today. The Peninsula is large, but easy to secure. It is expected actual recovery efforts will begin in 6 months…[More]

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 07:52am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Constantinople Times

Army and Marine Comitatenses take delivery of the first few EFVs from Old Dominion

The Army and the Marine Comitatenses are taking delivery of the first few EFVs from the Old Dominion. "We purchased 100 of these vehicles, in part because we need them to either seize coastlines or to seize river sides. There are many rivers in the Empire and ensuring our troops can ferry across rivers safely is a prime concern. We may purchase more vehicles, as we plan to eventually field army regiments of these vehicles, which along side existing BMD-4 variants. The Marine Comitatenses will also benefit greatly from these vehicles as well," says an Army spokesman.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Posted: 2008-12-09 08:27am
by PeZook
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote: "It works this way: We both have exclusive patents which will last a few good more years till they expire. We are, prepared to allow you to produce generic drugs based on our patents only if you give us a fair share of the profits. We would also expect the same from you. Branding is quite... redundant when you are trying to outflood the opponent. Patients will for the most part accept what their doctors and their pharmacists recommend, and doctors are quite empowered themselves to say what drug is cheaper and more cost effective than another drug after all. Which is why the strategy that TBP is pursuing throughout the world is preferential prescription of our drugs vis a' vis rival companys'. We simply steal the carpet from under the opponents."
"I can't see any problems with this arrangement. We actually have plans to begin marketing the generic drug line to doctors, and the government is preparing an information campaign to counter GSK's bullshit about generics being 'unsafe'. So...unless Ms. Davies has any objections, I think we may start drafting an agreement to sign?"



Finance Tower, Orena

"Well, fuck me", Miles Hellbender put down the news printouts, "What the hell do these people have against free enterprise?"

Hellbender knew the answer to that question, of course. Price gouging and agressive marketing using underhanded moves what was GSK did, and everybody knew this. It only became a problem once Big Pharma companies broke with the unspoken agreement to remain silent about these practices - GSK's newfound opponents would certainly use this angle in their advertising. Fortunately, the Old Continental markets were still saturated with branded drugs, and the opposition's offensive has not yet begun.

There were two approaches. Fold, and accept far lower profit margins from now on, or fight tooth and nail to protect GSK's established market share. Hellbender did not get to his position by folding, but he had to admit reality was quickly stripping away his options.

"Hellen, I need an analysis od the situation. Call a meeting of all department heads.", he said into his desk intercom.

One hour later

"We can't outbid our opposition. GSK is the biggest single pharma company in the world, but we can't compete against four firms, two with state backing. If we continue to stubbornly hold to our current strategy, we'll loose financial liquidity and collapse.", the marketing director was merciless. While the "buy branded, buy safe" campaign was apparently moderately succesful, GSK's higher management anticipated a massive onslaught of ads attacking the price and morality of branded drugs.

"I have read your proposal, but it's unacceptable", Hellbender said, thumping the document on his desk, "GlaxoShroomKline is an established company with a tradition to uphold. We will not engage in producing knockoffs!"

"Sir, this way the opposition markets our drugs for us, and since we still hold much of the distribution channels..."

"I told you I've read the document. This will completely and utterly ruin our brand."

"Not necessarily, sir...", Imperial Pharmaceutical's financial director butted into the conversation, "...IP has done simulations. We could accept a lower profit margin if we increase sales volume."

"We must capitalize on our current advantage in distribution. We have the biggest field sales force on the continent, contacts with retailers, distributors and doctors. Even if we don't copy the competition's packaging and USP, we must match the new market reality."

The discussion continued in this vein for quite some time, but eventually, Hellbender capitulated. Such was life - GSK would enter the generic drug game before the competition cut their legs from under them.

Results: GSK folds, and will release its own generic drug line, using distribution to keep the competition down.

For the PeZookian government, this pretty much means victory.