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Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 01:36am
by Shroom Man 777
Maybe they thought there was a warrior princess on Xena.

God, what a terrible joke.


Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 01:42am
by KlavoHunter
Then wouldn't they send Rus to take her out on a date?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 02:01am
by Shroom Man 777
Rus is into bears now. :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 02:09am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Ryan Thunder wrote:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:If you have bitching to do, MAKE IT FUCKING PUBLIC HERE.
Aiighty then. You're an idiot on a Zorian quest to have the biggest and the best of everything at all costs without actually going to the effort of considering what the best would be be. Your titans are retarded, and I seriously doubt you actually thought through the implications of their points costs before you decided on their capabilities. Kind of like your Astartes, which are individually worth about five companies of tier one regulars. I'd like to see an Astartes fight five damned rifle companies to a convincing standstill, but to date I've seen literally nothing but points costs to tell me that they can in fact do so, even though you've written a lot about them. Or like how a Warhound titan is supposed to kill an entire fucking army of regulars, who'd have their own divisional artillery and superheavy hunter squads and what not.

I bet you only wrote about the Psi-titan because you felt you had to one up my ADAU post. Except you failed to actually do anything interesting with it because there's nothing exciting about a fucking gary stu machine that kills 90 points of stealth ship when it can't possibly be more than 50 points itself with a single attack. Because that'd be, y'know, impossible to transport in one piece.

Anyway, quit being such a blowhard and start figuring out what a Warhound that can actually believably kill an entire goddamned army should look like, for starters. Then talk about that. Or something.

You know Ryan, I would take you seriously, but you hardly post, your posts are lame, and whatever.

Maybe if you actually post anything of worth, I would care. But you know, you don't. By and rights, you should join Bluewolf out of the game. At least I am doing my bit to move the game forward. But you? Meh, you hardly do anything.


And actually it was Shroom's idea. I jsut decided to take it to the logical conclusion.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:02am
by KlavoHunter
There was a nice conversation about this but you weren't invited

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:04am
by Ryan Thunder
So basically, your response to my accusations is to change the subject. They aren't hard questions if your fragile ego can stand to admit that you may be wrong/in this for the totally wrong reasons. :lol:

Or hell, if you can convince me through fluff that a Space Marine doesn't deserve to just get gummed to death by 500 regulars (including some 20 tanks by my estimations...)

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:22am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Ryan Thunder wrote:So basically, your response to my accusations is to change the subject. They aren't hard questions if your fragile ego can stand to admit that you may be wrong/in this for the totally wrong reasons. :lol:

Or hell, if you can convince me through fluff that a Space Marine doesn't deserve to just get gummed to death by 500 regulars (including some 20 tanks by my estimations...)
Nah. Hardly. I did that initial post because I heard from Shroom that some posers were whining about what we are doing.

I did it deliberately to draw you out.

I did it deliberately to spit on posers such as you who spend more time fucking talking than doing anything.

Why don't get the fuck out of the game and be done with it? :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:34am
by KlavoHunter


Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:40am
by Shroom Man 777
You people should translate this OOC animosity, which isn't the first time it's happened (and this isn't the first time I've said it!), into actual IC stuffs wherein people line up to declare Byzantium as the most hated country in the universe or something. That would be awesome. :D

[I mean, seriously, turn the OOC outrage into amusing IC stuff. Have people sell toilet bowls in the shape, form and likeness of the Golden Throne to blaspheme the GEoM or something.]

And I merely said that there was outrage or something over the Brag nukings. It is strange to be on the receiving end of the "you nuclear maniac!" thing, especially considering that I was on the other side (screaming at Shep/Skimmer's nuclear atrocities) back in SDNW1. I have turned into Shep!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:02pm
by Master_Baerne
The difference, of course, is that we like it when you blow up worlds. :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:50pm
by Master_Baerne
Force Lord, do I detect certain similarities between our messages?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:52pm
by Force Lord
My creativity wasn't working right. Besides, we all want the same thing, no? And I did add that bit about the MEH's Leader.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:54pm
by Master_Baerne
Nonetheless, it smells like COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT! Lawsuits ahoy! :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:54pm
by Force Lord

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 03:56pm
by Siege
Three can play that game :).

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 04:12pm
by Force Lord
Oh, and guys, today's Shady's birthday! :D Happy birthday Shady!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 04:24pm
by Master_Baerne
Best wishes for another year, you plagiarizing poltroon!

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 04:28pm
by Force Lord
Master_Baerne wrote:Best wishes for another year, you plagiarizing poltroon!
I know! You could write a post where your admiral finds out about my admiral's message, notes the similarity, and goes all upset and sends a message to my admiral accusing him of being a copycat! :D

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 05:16pm
by White Haven
Hmm. Shady's birthday. Dibs on not being the one to spank the Karlack Aspect. :lol:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 05:30pm
by KlavoHunter
White Haven wrote:Hmm. Shady's birthday. Dibs on not being the one to spank the Karlack Aspect. :lol:
What if it's Alyxia? :luv:

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 05:35pm
by PeZook
KlavoHunter wrote: What if it's Alyxia? :luv:
Uh...then enjoy your highly exotic and extremely painful parasitic brain disease?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 08:03pm
by Simon_Jester
Good dickery, Siege.
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:...Um, what on Earth are you talking about?
You know what I'm talking about. This is in fact the only SDN game that has had an almost dead commentary thread because everyone decided to do any of their running comments on the AIM. Never mind the "dudes" who spend more time on the AIM instead of writing anything.
Fin, I have practically no fucking clue what you're talking about; I've been away from my computer for almost all of the past week, with only the barest minimum of time online at all, and that usually when I was exhausted and nothing much was happening in the AIM chat. I'm traveling, I have other things to worry about than what somebody said about you.

As far as I can tell, you're just in a snit because someone said something mean about your stuff and it isn't in commentary where you can look big by insulting them back. I'd like to think that's not what it was, but based on my past experience with you that probably is what it was. In which case this is pathetic.

Honestly, I don't think you're making a better showing than Ryan. You post more often, but your individual posts are often as poorly thought out (seriously, how are the Byzantines not factoring in the obvious opportunity they're giving the xenos fleet to betray and cripple the Empire by isolating and destroying a large fraction of its battlefleet with two of the crown princes aboard?). And you've got no damn sense of humor; your response to any criticism or difference of opinion about style is to strut up and down and beat your chest about how mighty the Byzantine way of doing things is.
Agent Sorchus wrote:I agree a little with the sentiment of Fin. It would be nice if the Commentary thread was used more often. Now of course It isn't necessarily a bad thing that the chat exists, but I think that the fact that there is essentially two classes of players might create a little tension. (ie Fin might be over reacting, but that is only because he can't know what goes on in the Chat.)
The commentary thread is quiet because the story thread is quiet- relatively few things are posted, many people (including me) are busy and have trouble finding time to put together posts. Why is this a surprise?

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 08:39pm
by Ryan Thunder
Simon_Jester wrote:You post more often, but your individual posts are often as poorly thought out
Now I'm honestly curious. What's poorly thought out about my posts when they aren't meant to be just that? Like I deliberately haven't put much thought into those posts involving Ryan and Aaliyah because they're just supposed to be whatever randomness pops into my head. Did you find my ADAU deployment illogical?

...Am I reading too far into what you've said? :lol:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:[...] an apathetic and hedonistic nation barely that even involved itself in the current affairs of the galaxy much less keep itself posted on the state of its own people
Har har har. I bet you feel real clever just now. :roll:

Anyway, I wasn't consulted on that post at all, so there's a variety of blatant factual errors, as one would expect.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 08:47pm
by Simon_Jester
Ryan Thunder wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:You post more often, but your individual posts are often as poorly thought out
Now I'm honestly curious. What's poorly thought out about my posts when they aren't meant to be just that? Like I deliberately haven't put much thought into those posts involving Ryan and Aaliyah because they're just supposed to be whatever randomness pops into my head. Did you find my ADAU deployment illogical?

...Am I reading too far into what you've said? :lol:
I'm sorry, that "as" was a brainfart.

You don't post often, but when you do it's reasonably entertaining, and you don't write your nation making retarded positions for purposes of trolling others.

Re: SDN Worlds 4 Commentary Thread VI

Posted: 2011-08-13 08:48pm
by Ryan Thunder
Simon_Jester wrote:I'm sorry, that "as" was a brainfart.

You don't post often, but when you do it's reasonably entertaining, and you don't write your nation making retarded positions for purposes of trolling others.
Thanks. I appreciate that. :)