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Posted: 2008-02-06 02:14pm
by Darkevilme
*holds up a finger to the wind to check the weather, it turns brown* yes i do believe the shit has just hit the fan.

Posted: 2008-02-06 02:22pm
by Thirdfain
Thank *god* that battleship started getting closer.

Posted: 2008-02-06 05:05pm
by Covenant
Yeah, like I said, the simultaneous turns thing is the only fair way to do it--and everyone seemed to agree--but it leads to some unusual firing situations. For the benefit of everyone just to see what can happen due to the turn sequences, and especially for the benefit of people fighting in the Aegis system, I made a list of the turn sequence, especially in light of the disagreement about turn order. Remember, damage dealt in one turn is not 'felt' by the enemy until the beginning of their next turn, that's what simultaneous turns means.

Now, that's only what the rules say, if you'd like to come up with a more agreeable resolution we can hash it out, but you posted your stuff for that turn and I'm certainly not obligated to retroactively allow you to fire at me a few days later. You fired at me the first turn in which your ships started taking damage from my guns, so you fired back as soon as you could concieve of there being a threat. Unless you want to start the horrible precedent of saying that you take damage on the same turn that it's dealt, then there's no reason to go back and start fudging the numbers.

Aegis Combat Timeline

Round 0: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:00 am
As the opening volleys of destruction were traded, the Commonwealth Fleet began to draw back, towards the center of the system.
Combat begins between CSC and Fifth Fleet. Hawkings posts first, starting the first round of actual combat deliberations. Since there had already been fleets in-system, Consequences is assumed to already be weapons charged by now, having done some light RP with his fleet, so there's no '1 turn delay' for an entering fleet.

Round 1: starts Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:26 am
Most of the Commonwealth ships now sported new decorations: gashes, chunks of hull blown off, melted external surfaces, and some hull breaches. All told, it was very serious damage, especially considering the minimal damage to the opposing fleet. In even the best of cases, losing a third of your force in the opening of a battle was not good. This was hardly an ideal situation.
Hawkings posts again, starting off the second round, even if this was called round 1. CSC and Fifth Fleet trade fire, Quaros not present.

Round 2: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:17 pm
The Aegis Graveyard, as it is classified currently, begins pouring from hyperspace--gas rushing outwards from glimmering hypernodes as vessels from the Quaros sector glitter in the horizon--and though the cloud is forming some great distance away, even now from the inner planets it swells to a great size in the sky.
Covenant posts into combat after Hawkings and Consequnces both post for round 1, starting rounte 2. Quaros enters combat on round 2 and begins charging weapons, since you can't attack the first round of combat.
"Piss off and find some other corpses to fuck."

As punctuation, another volley lashed the battered Commenwealth fleet.
Fifth Fleet and CSC continue to engage each other, though Hawkings sits this round out.

Round 3: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:39 pm
The joy of a close formation pursuit of a drastically inferior foe was that it left a great deal of time for computer analysis, consideration, and debate of options. The lack of joy came in the conclusions inevitably drawn from the available data, no matter which way you looked at it.
Third round. Consequences posts again, starting the next round--having waited long enough for Hawkings to post. As of yet no fire has been aimed at Quaros fleets, and none this turn is aimed at them either:
Projected damage:
Fifth Fleet:
1544 offensive fleet strength, divided by five, further divided by two for pursuing during a declared retreat. 154 damage-22.5 for 90 D= 131.5 damage accrued to Commonwealth ships. Attempted targets: whatever they think they can kill.
Quaros however, weapons charged, fires on the Fifth Fleet.

Round 4: Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:17 pm
The fleet made a minute shift in position, as the cruisers' parasite platforms shifted to actively drawing incoming fire in upon themselves, effectively becoming targeting beacons that blinded the majority of their destroyers to anything behind them.
Consequences posts first again, starting the new round, in which the Fifth fleet turns to engage Quaros and fires a rather impressive volley, Hawkings resumes his attack, and Quaros begins a retreat after one round of combat.

The next post either by Covenant, Consequences or Hawkings will begin round 5, the second round of Quaros' retreat, having already begun retreat on turn 4.

Posted: 2008-02-06 06:08pm
by consequences
Except that my post where I told your fleet to piss off was deliberately posted without damage allocation to see what you would do, since I considered it to be happening simultaneously with Round Two, and it would have been exceptionally bad form to just start another round given the lack of response by Hawkwings.

Posted: 2008-02-06 06:36pm
by Nephtys
Hamal's Fourth Fleet is:
1x Battleship Division (2x Repulse)
1x Light Cruiser Squadron (6x Illustrious)
2x Frigate Squadron (12x Nova)
1x Frigate Division (2x Aurora)

Reinforced by Bourne's Cruiser Squadron (1x BC, 6x Majestic CA, 12x Sloops)

Total Pointage: 120 + 90 + 84 + 8 + 25 + 90 + 48

120 Capital Strength
205 Cruiser Strength
140 Escort Strength

Total: 465 Points

Posted: 2008-02-06 07:06pm
by Covenant
consequences wrote:Except that my post where I told your fleet to piss off was deliberately posted without damage allocation to see what you would do, since I considered it to be happening simultaneously with Round Two, and it would have been exceptionally bad form to just start another round given the lack of response by Hawkwings.
In both that one and the two earlier attack posts, you hadn't made detailed damage and attack estimates either, so there really wasn't much reason for me to think that was any different.

Plus, if the 'piss off' comment really was just a tossaway meant to be in the same turn as my entry into combat, why did it take you several more days to actually pose your attack? An attack which wasn't even at me anyway--so there was no reason for the delay. It's not like I could pose in and then attack regardless.

Finally, you did indeed attack him while he wasn't responding, even if you actually didn't think it was starting another turn, and you didn't raise any questions about us trading fire until now, when the turn sequence is disadvantageous to you. It just sounds like you either fumbled it up, or that you've now got sour grapes about seeing my fleet escape.

Posted: 2008-02-07 03:26pm
by Thirdfain
Surely, Nephtys, you will have some response to the rebel transmission. I don't think Darkevil or I can continue until some sort of reaction occurs.

Posted: 2008-02-07 08:09pm
by Crossroads Inc.
All I know is my poor forces may end up eating some Serious Crow with that transmission. I've been trying to defend Darkevil, really, would seem a shame to form a bangbusd on her so early.. Curse you Thirdfain! curse you for send a message ofd ther terrible truth of the enslavment of Makay!

Posted: 2008-02-08 03:11pm
by consequences
Covenant wrote:
consequences wrote:Except that my post where I told your fleet to piss off was deliberately posted without damage allocation to see what you would do, since I considered it to be happening simultaneously with Round Two, and it would have been exceptionally bad form to just start another round given the lack of response by Hawkwings.
In both that one and the two earlier attack posts, you hadn't made detailed damage and attack estimates either, so there really wasn't much reason for me to think that was any different.
I'm only posting damage estimates in time for the person in question to respond, and that only once after significant downtime on Hawkwings' part because I had no real problem with his initial damage allotment.
Plus, if the 'piss off' comment really was just a tossaway meant to be in the same turn as my entry into combat, why did it take you several more days to actually pose your attack? An attack which wasn't even at me anyway--so there was no reason for the delay. It's not like I could pose in and then attack regardless.
That attack was meant to go in on your powering weapons turn, since as far as I know, there is no real-life time to STGOD time correlation, and I wanted to give the relatively innocent party time to post something in reaction to your arrival.
Finally, you did indeed attack him while he wasn't responding, even if you actually didn't think it was starting another turn, and you didn't raise any questions about us trading fire until now, when the turn sequence is disadvantageous to you. It just sounds like you either fumbled it up, or that you've now got sour grapes about seeing my fleet escape.
There's a reason I called it projected damage, in case Hawkings suddenly decided to reverse course that round, or do something else that warranted a number change, like a newly arrived third party attacking my fleet for no immediately apparent reason for instance.

In PM I said that as soon as you started pounding me my fleet would immediately try to hit back(Sun Feb 3 8:31 am). I'm not sure how that was in any way ambiguous. I also specifically asked if your damage declaration was for the round after I'd fired.

Consider that by your timeline your fleet is arriving from a day's further travel away, being dispatched after my fleet has shown up on Commonwealth scanners, and somehow arriving within one hour of my forces, and managing to drop out of hyperspace to get a look at the situation without running into an interdiction field. I could quite reasonably throw a raging tantrum about you even being able to participate in the fighting, much less 'sour grapes' about a single turn's delay, when you wouldn't have gotten an hour of slack jawed idiocy from the people you were shooting anyway.

Posted: 2008-02-11 06:38pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Just so im clear on Dark's last move, ALL of us are being targeted and im not going to get Any help from the Makay forces as they are still firmly under The Kitties control?

Posted: 2008-02-11 06:56pm
by Darkevilme
Yes. The makay forces are under thrall and firing on you. All things listed as forces committed are against you and nephtys.

Total assets to reiterate are first conquest fleet, the experimental stealth squadron and two squadrons of makay cruisers. The latter two groups are attacking Crossroads and the former is attacking Nephtys.

Posted: 2008-02-11 07:48pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Ok I just wanted to make sure just how SCREWED I am going to be ;) Or AM I,,


Posted: 2008-02-11 08:22pm
by Nephtys
Well, we've got our own combats to resolve. I wonder how we can resolve how many days until 4th Fleet's lead elements arrive. They've been briefed on the situation up until the transmission.

Edit: Actually, is that allowed? Just wondering, for fleets to FTL within combat range. Since I'd logically be over the planet, not on an outer system sections. Not to mention is situational awareness allowed directly before FTL entry? As with the conquest fleet, since we had no real word about it's presence before? Naturally, the rules will apply quite clearly to 4th Fleet as well whenever that's resolved.

I assumed new entries would start at system edge, which prevents 'ambushes' by FTL arrival. It'd also allow skirmishing and something besides commital to decisive engagements, since we can assume they'd play vector-tag until one side either is chased down, or both commit.

My proposal:
Since both Thrall Fleet, BETAC and Tradeships are in planetary orbit of an inner system planet, that's our site of interest. 1st Conquest's FTL arrival at system edge will allow some number of turns (2? 3?) before they enter the fray. 4th Fleet arrival: 2 In-game days.

Posted: 2008-02-11 10:19pm
by Crossroads Inc.
also.. Does ANYone remeber one little thing?

I sent Both of my 45pt Battleships And the Bentusilon out on a "Secret" mission a few days back? Would it be out of sorts to let everyone know now thats they were heading to Makay?

Posted: 2008-02-11 11:40pm
by Beowulf
Crossroads Inc. wrote:also.. Does ANYone remeber one little thing?

I sent Both of my 45pt Battleships And the Bentusilon out on a "Secret" mission a few days back? Would it be out of sorts to let everyone know now thats they were heading to Makay?
That was a secret?

Oh, and Neph? What's the composition of your Fourth Fleet?

Posted: 2008-02-12 06:12am
by Darkevilme
Hmm i have no problem with Nephtys's reinforcements taking two days. As for the Chamaran battlefleet how about this, on the one hand they'd normally only be able to appear on the edge of the system but seen as Chamaran's have upgraded drives they appear on the edge of the inner system and will be in combat range one turn from now. So i'll rewrite it as them merely arriving this turn as opposed to arriving and shooting. Shooting begins next turn.


Posted: 2008-02-12 06:46am
by Crossroads Inc.
Sounds good to me, it will give my forces just a little more time to realize how screwed they are,. eat some more Crow, and desperatly try to make it to Nephs forces now that they realize the Makay forces will be of no help. Alas, im not sure if My forces will arrive in time.. The Bentusilon DOES have an extra +5 Hyperspace speed, so if it broke away from the battle ships it might make it.

Posted: 2008-02-12 07:24am
by Darkevilme
Well on the plus side your war robots are already going pretty much in Nephtys's direction so in a sense you've already begun your 'retreat under fire' As for the Bentusilon, while it's as fast the conquest fleet i suspect it's still a day or more out and has no reason to outstrip its escorts.

Posted: 2008-02-12 03:28pm
by Nephtys
Hrm. This'll be interesting. I have actually an in-system map made (for fun) that I'll post in a little of my view: But as a rule of thumb, the size of an outer system is FAR larger than an inner system's edge, and I thought we made hyperspeed different than realspeed? Hyper'll let you go system to system faster, but is irrelevant for in-system maneuvers. I figure it'd take at least 2 or 3 turns to fly in, given how we have ST-type performance envelopes (say .2c realspace is a 'decent' velocity average, after accel is accounted for', and that's still several hours from system edge to inner system.

Arriving at an edge also makes more sense, in how they wouldn't have literally appeared the instant the ruse failed.

Posted: 2008-02-12 04:09pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Also, how many points of interdiction is being put up? IE how far away will the ships enroute have to drop out of hyperspace to safely arrive? I've been hopin to drop my main ship right on top of the others ;)

Posted: 2008-02-12 04:15pm
by Nephtys
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Also, how many points of interdiction is being put up? IE how far away will the ships enroute have to drop out of hyperspace to safely arrive? I've been hopin to drop my main ship right on top of the others ;)
'drop-on' FTL seems like an extremely bad idea for anyone.

Posted: 2008-02-12 04:19pm
by Darkevilme
Hyper engines overcome interdiction, which is normally thought of as like gravity screwing with things. Therefore the Chamaran fleets engines can overcome the tomfoolery of the star at a closer proximity before having to bug out of FTL. And for Interdiction, the conquest fleet has its own interdictors, 14 points total defence.

Edit: The post has been amended also, one turn before contact as opposed to three.

Posted: 2008-02-12 11:01pm
by Nephtys

Current scene in my mind.

Posted: 2008-02-12 11:14pm
by Nephtys
Darkevilme wrote:Hyper engines overcome interdiction, which is normally thought of as like gravity screwing with things. Therefore the Chamaran fleets engines can overcome the tomfoolery of the star at a closer proximity before having to bug out of FTL. And for Interdiction, the conquest fleet has its own interdictors, 14 points total defence.

Edit: The post has been amended also, one turn before contact as opposed to three.
Given how this is going to make quite a major impact on how this turns out, I'm going to have to request a mod ruling. We shouldn't decide this sort of self interest thing for ourselves, for a more interesting game. A mod can also review 4th fleet's arrival date, and how that can affect the situation (if at all).

Posted: 2008-02-13 01:34am
by Crossroads Inc.
Neph? what game did you use to make that and can it be used for other things?

Also I sent my ships into Hyperspace to Makay on Jan26, which, in gametime, was just as the attack on Farmagasta got started. When, in gametime, did you send your ships Neph?