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Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-08 11:44pm
by Ma Deuce
Raj Ahten wrote:Capitalists of the world unite! Hopefully one month is long enough for delegates to reach Chilitina for my "Freedom" Conference.
I will likely attend, though still being fairly new at this, I must ask how exactly we RP such conferences in STGODs?

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-08 11:52pm
by TimothyC
The Union of South African States will be there - I figure that we have a nice trade relationship with both you and with Madagascar.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-08 11:54pm
by Steve
Ma Deuce wrote:
Raj Ahten wrote:Capitalists of the world unite! Hopefully one month is long enough for delegates to reach Chilitina for my "Freedom" Conference.
I will likely attend, though still being fairly new at this, I must ask how exactly we RP such conferences in STGODs?

You basically each post replies to each other. The conference is considered to take place in "Unreal Time".

I may consider the game stuck at January 1925 for the next week, or at least a few days, until I know everyone's settled, then we can commence time progression. Every in-game year will be two RL months at the pace I'm thinking, or perhaps slightly quicker, with a RL week being two in-game months.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:03am
by K. A. Pital
Steve wrote:I may consider the game stuck at January 1925 for the next week, or at least a few days, until I know everyone's settled, then we can commence time progression.
That's good. Would take time for sending messages, establishing some early plots, etc. for everyone.

Also, everyone shooting commie agitators and unveiling "communist plots"? That may be the case, but you can't blame the messenger for the popularity of communism, heheh. I think I need to send Bukharin to Brazil ASAP. This talk of an Anti-Comintern Pact forming gives me humble nation the vibes - we all know who ended up forming that pact in RL, don't we? :P

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:08am
by Ma Deuce
Steve wrote:I may consider the game stuck at January 1925 for the next week, or at least a few days, until I know everyone's settled, then we can commence time progression.
Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea: I'm still not done my OrBat for one, and I know I'm not the only one; I didn't have as much time as I'd hoped on the weekend to finish, because given the fantastic weather we've over the weekend (clear and up to 18 C) I figured it'd be a good idea get the last of the yard work done before it gets cold permanently.
TimothyC wrote:The Union of South African States will be there - I figure that we have a nice trade relationship with both you and with Madagascar.
Which reminds me, given our close proximity and our, problem neighbor, I think it'd be a good idea to work out early on what kind of trade agreements and treaties our countries have in place, preferably while Steve still has the game in "pause time".

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:11am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
I'm going with turboelectric for all my designs anyway, so no issues with me.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:19am
by Minister of Pigeonry
Steve wrote:I may consider the game stuck at January 1925 for the next week, or at least a few days, until I know everyone's settled, then we can commence time progression. Every in-game year will be two RL months at the pace I'm thinking, or perhaps slightly quicker, with a RL week being two in-game months.
This would be quite nice; I'm still trying to finish up my OOB and whatnot. Big thanks on that to Thanas for all of the help with the Armada; hopefully I'll have everything done in the next few days and a post up soon. Queen Marian needs to bash the Dominites for their piratical naughtiness and I believe Spain might be interested in sending a representative to that Freedom Conference, heh.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 01:20am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Hey Stas, do you plan to draft a reply to my foreign minister or?

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 01:43am
by Norseman
Stas Bush wrote:Also, everyone shooting commie agitators and unveiling "communist plots"? That may be the case, but you can't blame the messenger for the popularity of communism, heheh. I think I need to send Bukharin to Brazil ASAP. This talk of an Anti-Comintern Pact forming gives me humble nation the vibes - we all know who ended up forming that pact in RL, don't we? :P
We haven't even done anything this time :-P I mean it's not like there's a vast secret communist underground in Chiletina, supported by supplies and moneys smuggled over the borders with Peru and Brazil! Or a secret Liberation Theology unit out to explain that Christ was a socialist revolutionary!

... oh wait...

But seriously isn't it a tad prematurely? We haven't even done anything and there seems to be other powers that are whipping up just as much trouble.

I'd write more but I have to leave in a hurry.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 03:19am
by RogueIce
Raj Ahten wrote:Capitalists of the world unite! Hopefully one month is long enough for delegates to reach Chilitina for my "Freedom" Conference.
Since the US is all buddy-buddy with Chilitina, I will of course attend. And I'll note I'm the first to announce this intent in the story thread. :razz:

Anything more detailed will have to wait though. I already know I'm not going to be Calvin Coolidge as my President. I haven't really decided on what my avatar's name shall be, though.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 03:28am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Byzantium is.. a pseudo-capitalist state in that we make money, yet we have some degree of socialism...

And I suspect some people will hate us. :D

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 03:35am
by Norseman
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Byzantium is.. a pseudo-capitalist state in that we make money, yet we have some degree of socialism...

And I suspect some people will hate us. :D
You're a monarchist state with an aristocracy and a state church, a welfare system combined with government control over the economy does not equal socialism, despite what you may have heard in America.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 03:39am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Norseman wrote:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Byzantium is.. a pseudo-capitalist state in that we make money, yet we have some degree of socialism...

And I suspect some people will hate us. :D
You're a monarchist state with an aristocracy and a state church, a welfare system combined with government control over the economy does not equal socialism, despite what you may have heard in America.
Actually, the only aristocracy is some lousy mega duxes and what not. THe Imperial Family is the main and only top dog. Though we have a Senate that is our equivalent of a parliament, and they hold the coin purse.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 04:53am
by Norade
What of my nation an oligarchy that owns much of the nations industrial base due to having funded its construction and who are doing everything they can to keep people employed. They also subsidize moving workers to where they're needed to keep them gainfully employed. However they are capitalist, rewarding those who work hardest and who start their own businesses, while also having strong worker's rights and a strong societal safety net. I'm not sure where it falls in the grand scheme of things.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 04:58am
by Norseman
Norade wrote:What of my nation an oligarchy that owns much of the nations industrial base due to having funded its construction and who are doing everything they can to keep people employed. They also subsidize moving workers to where they're needed to keep them gainfully employed. However they are capitalist, rewarding those who work hardest and who start their own businesses, while also having strong worker's rights and a strong societal safety net. I'm not sure where it falls in the grand scheme of things.
I hate to say it but there's a word for set-ups like this, if they are accompanied by patriotism and militarism, and that word is Fascism. This is exactly what the Fascists did, they took control of much of the nations economy, helped reduce unemployment, introduced a lot of welfare programs, but also permitted and benefitted from the existance of a free market. Now a lot of people at the time *did* see the Fascists as a left wing group, though more like a nationalist socialism as opposed to an internationalist socialism.

So yeah... having a welfare state and government control of large chunks of the economy does not make you socialist.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 05:23am
by Norade
Norseman wrote:
Norade wrote:What of my nation an oligarchy that owns much of the nations industrial base due to having funded its construction and who are doing everything they can to keep people employed. They also subsidize moving workers to where they're needed to keep them gainfully employed. However they are capitalist, rewarding those who work hardest and who start their own businesses, while also having strong worker's rights and a strong societal safety net. I'm not sure where it falls in the grand scheme of things.
I hate to say it but there's a word for set-ups like this, if they are accompanied by patriotism and militarism, and that word is Fascism. This is exactly what the Fascists did, they took control of much of the nations economy, helped reduce unemployment, introduced a lot of welfare programs, but also permitted and benefitted from the existance of a free market. Now a lot of people at the time *did* see the Fascists as a left wing group, though more like a nationalist socialism as opposed to an internationalist socialism.

So yeah... having a welfare state and government control of large chunks of the economy does not make you socialist.
Well then paint me green and call my a fascist. Portugal has a set-up remarkably like that of Germany as well, a period of decline and worry about national power followed by a sharp rise in industrial and military might. They don't have as great a hatred for anybody as the German's did, though they feel that reclaiming Africa would be a noble cause and certainly define foreign policy by military might.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 05:46am
by Thanas
Germany will send a delegate to the conference.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 05:51am
by K. A. Pital
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Hey Stas, do you plan to draft a reply to my foreign minister or?
Yes, I will. Takes time to compose quality storyline posts like Siege's and Pezook's from the last game though, and I don't want to put short and often simply lousy posts. A waste of my meager writing skills, it seems. Better less posts of higher quality than more snip posts.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 06:30am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Stas Bush wrote:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Hey Stas, do you plan to draft a reply to my foreign minister or?
Yes, I will. Takes time to compose quality storyline posts like Siege's and Pezook's from the last game though, and I don't want to put short and often simply lousy posts. A waste of my meager writing skills, it seems. Better less posts of higher quality than more snip posts.
Sure. Take your time.

I need to spend time working on my OOB anyhow.. ugh..

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 11:12am
by Evincer
Norseman wrote: We haven't even done anything this time :-P I mean it's not like there's a vast secret communist underground in Chiletina, supported by supplies and moneys smuggled over the borders with Peru and Brazil! Or a secret Liberation Theology unit out to explain that Christ was a socialist revolutionary!
Funny, but the Bolivarian Union does not support revolutionary movements outside of its own borders. It of course does nothing to hamper the activities of Brazilian liberation theologists, and such, within its borders. I am sure there are very active presses.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 11:25am
by Ryan Thunder
So, Panaman Canal board members include; Columbia, Germany, Byzantium, Cascadia, United States, France.

Anybody else before I suggest how much each contributes to the initial construction?

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:05pm
by Thanas
While the official german delegation will be at the freedom conference, the unofficial german delegation led by Karl Liebknecht will be at the socialist assembly.

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:11pm
by Evincer
Akhlut - thought your delegation to the Hague was the Madsen Machine Gun for a minute!

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:14pm
by Steve
Yeah, not quite the post I intended for my first story one, but my first proper story post is.... humongous and still being written. :mrgreen:

Re: SDN World 3 Commentary Thread I

Posted: 2009-11-09 12:42pm
by Ryan Thunder
Columbia will send a delegate to the socialist assembly.