Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

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Connor MacLeod
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Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

We now start the second of the five primary RPG game lines by Fantasy Flight games, Rogue trader. Which deals with, unsurprisingly, Rogue Traders. Of the five systems, it is perhaps my favorite, tying with Only War simply because I am an Imperial Guard fanboy and it is thus an unfair comparison. But of the lot, Rogue TRader is perhaps the most diverse and upbeat RPG. It encompasses trade, exploration and conquest, diplomacy, treasure hunting, as well as combat in spades. Rogue Traders are perhaps the most libreral and the most 'human' characters in the Imperium - they see rules as things to be broken or bent (and don't apply to them.) Outside the Imperium they are as god (within the limits of their charter.) They control starships, planets, armies, and the wealth of entire sectors flows through their hands. There's tons of scope for that for all kinds of characters, stories, and it also allows for some of the most amusing, upbeat or even outright silly concepts because of its nature. Or it can be serious.

And of course there is the starship stuff. Rogue Trader introduces BFG-esque space combat as part of its system, and that is (for me, the tech nerd) a huge draw, because I've long loved Battlefleet gothic and spaceships. Even if they look like giant cathredals from time to time.

The format for Rogue Trader's analysis will follow Dark Heresy and the others. STart with the Rulebooks and work outwards from there. And so we start with part one of the Rogue Trader core rulebook. Enjoy.

As an aside, one thing that has consistently come up about the thread [and may come up here] are the ship masses. I'll deal with those in a separate thread, although I've discussed them before here and here I'll probably add some other comments and do some of my own (rough) comparisons to modern naval ships (closest approximation) and note how variable the densities in those cases can be.

To be fair, I'm neither defending nor condemning the numbers in general per se. I've found a number of calcs throughout the various supplements (the most hilarious being in Frozne Reaches and thin skinned ork Roks) so it is quite possible that some, most, or even all of the ship masses are far lighter than they should be. That said, in my own experience it does not neccesarily translate into a vast inconsistency (EG its within an order of magnitude, which is 'good enough' by sci fi calc standards and certainly by my own) and thus would be fine unless one is unusually draconian in their interpretation of 'approximate.' That does not neccesarily mean ships CAN'T be heavier, either, since one of the key parameters (hull thickness) can be variable in alot of ways (nevermind internal designs), but again that comes down to 'don't treat things as narrowly defined absolutes' - I could quite see 'super light' cruiser designs finding a place alongside 'super heavy' cruiser designs. Perhaps the differences come up to other perfromance traits (acceleration, for example.)

In the end I just emphasize the point - "be flexible" and "don't fall into dogmatic patterns" when it comes to thinking of these things. And just because contradictions do crop up doesn't mean it becomes an end of the world, either/or scenario. More often than not, the problem lies more in HOW you choose to view it, rather than the material itself, and nothing is ever lost by looking at a different perspective. Heck I've even gained some insight by looking at things from ym critics POV (Even if some of them are a bit goofy IMHO.)

Page 17
Death worlds, whilst not common within the Imperium, can be found in every segmentum.
The inhabitants of these worlds are determined, tenacious people, highly valued for their strength and stamina, and are often drawn upon as recruits for both the Imperial Guard and some Space Marine Chapters. For most death worlds, their inhabitants are their only exports.
More death world fluff. Again aside from the dawrinian, sardukar like super regiments it can create, we learn that Death Wrolds are colonized for the important materials they provide. And they can be ionic-storm covered, or raidoacitve or otherwise nasty shitholes.

Page 18
...the products of many generations passed in the darkness between worlds, the void born are relatively few among the teeming multitudes of humanity...
void born seem to be a minority. How much of a minority we don't know.

Page 18
Some vessels never make berth, their crews instead raising generations of families in the cold depths of space where gravitational variance, radiation exposure, genetic distortion, and warp anomalies slowly take their toll. What true effect these taints have on individual void born humans is both uncertain and varied, but there is quite evidently something strange about most of them.
Mutation and psychic powers seem more common amongst the void born, although to an extent they seem more tolerant too. One imagines they are lighter G, more innately psychic, etc.

Page 18
Some void born are raised on huge space stations—asteroid mining installations, Battlefleet Calixis refit stations, or Machine Cult research platforms—but the majority come from a variety of backgrounds aboard an active star vessel.
Other origins for void born. In other words, even if they aren't quite populous, there's alot of orbital facilities kicking around the Imperium.

Page 19
Unlike the world born, you are not blinded by ignorance when confronted by psychic phenomena, warp anomalies, and the strange technology of void-ships...
That sounds strangely as if they might be.. oh.. competent... or at least not totally blinkered.

Page 19
..those born and raised on city-sized orbital stations, Mechanicus-administered colonies (often called demesnes), research outposts, and restless explorator fleets, for the rites, rituals, and beliefs of the Omnissiah also govern those places.
Forge worlds are far more than the sum of their continent-spanning manufactories, however. Each is blessed with a higher level of technological advancement than the wider Imperium as a whole...
... much as a third of any given forge world’s entire infrastructure consisting of endless scriptoriums, mimetic vaults, info-tombs, and libraria...
forge world stuff. Repeated elsewhere, so only skimmed over.

Page 20
Hive worlds are home to countless teeming billions. The population is so dense that frequently great swathes of the surface of the world are covered with gargantuan cities stretching from horizon to horizon.
hive worlds: big cities, shit tons of people.

Page 20
Hive worlds are vital to the welfare of the Imperium and are the beating heart of its economy and war machine. They are industrial worlds, producing munitions for the Emperor’s armies in vast manufactories, mining valuable minerals, and refining fuel for the Imperial fleet. Innumerable regiments of the Imperial Guard are raised from their massive populations, and legions of Planetary Defence Force troops stand in readiness to protect them from the threat of invasion.
They produce lots of shit for the Imperium, and they produce alot of soldiers for the Imperium.

Page 20
Whilst many hive cities are strange and unique, products of the vagaries of history and the nature of the planet they have been founded on, the most common type is the so-called “solar hive,” a vast, super-continental sprawls of cityscape and manufactora which grows to dominate its host world. Beyond the hive city, the worlds which host them are usually barren and hostile, much of the surface commonly becoming inhospitable, or sometimes even deadly to human life after centuries of pollution and exploitation.
Definition of a 'solar hive', but also variations of which exist. Also note the more lenient attitude towards the outer enviorment... 'usally' barren, and only 'sometimes' deadly.

Page 20
Hive cities themselves are astonishingly large—massive urban conglomerations set with spires of adamantine and rockcrete whose roots sink deep into the earth, and that can grow to cover continents and soar for kilometres into the sky. Each major hive houses billions of Imperial citizens and is a nation in its own right..
Hive sizes and numbers. With billions of such hive worlds int he Imperium, we're tlaking quintillions of people, easily. Of course there is that '33,000' hive world figure too, and it could be lower. Hive worlds aren't exactly a fixed definition taking all sources together,

Page 20-21
Below this point lies the vast bulk of the working hive—the hive-city. It is here that the bulk of a hive’s population dwells, a concentration of humanity so great as to require constant monitoring and draconian restrictions on its freedom and movement, or risk the whole system’s collapse into catastrophe. Most mid-hivers know only their own hivecity and do not leave it during their lifetime. They never see the sky or set foot on the surface of their own planet.
Mid-Hive conditions.

Page 21
Here the water is distilled from the discharge of the upper hive, and food must be supplemented with factory-produced concentrate or, in rare cases where no other sustenance can be gained, spun from corpse starch.
Hive world Cuisine.

Page 22
"You hail from an Imperial world, one of a million planets united by a belief in the immortal God-Emperor of Mankind."
Hailing from hyper-technological democratic societies to grimy feudal populations...
Imperial worlds. Note again this is a distinct classification from others, and it encompasses (directly) the million or so worlds. Implying that whilst other world types can overlap definitions, there are worlds in the Imperium that are not, technically speaking, 'Imperial' worlds.

Page 22
The closer a world lies to Holy Terra—the home planet of mankind, far from the Calixis Sector—the more important, advanced, and well-governed it is likely to be. Far-flung planets on the fringes, on the other hand, are more likely to be frontier worlds, left to their own devices for much of the time and under the constant threat of physical or spiritual attack. Many worlds have a technological base to match that of Holy Terra, whilst many more have devolved into feudal backwaters with little more than black powder technology. These hardscrabble worlds, as well as those at the periphery of the Imperium, make excellent recruiting grounds for the Imperial Guard, Space Marines, and a Rogue Trader’s low-deck crew...
Proximity affects the technology level, the size and sophistication, and the relative safety of the worlds. (Segmentum solar is one of the safest areas of course.) This is all somewhat relative of course, given the omnipresence of alien races within the borders, theEye of Terror and the maelstrom, and a huge ass hive fleet coming up from below the galactic plane.

Page 22
Most major scientific advances in the Imperium come from the rediscovery of forgotten secrets from the Dark Age of Technology, and innovation is forbidden—the powerful Adeptus Mechanicus of Mars maintain an iron-handed monopoly on all such matters of high techno-arcana. The reliance on ancient template systems, proven patterns, and a tangled web of contracts and dispensations from the Machine Cult to the planet’s rulers, not to mention the availability of local materials and imports, often creates a bizarre mishmash of tech-use on many Imperial worlds.
The AdMech's web of technological dominance and how it affects the Imperium. It seems that at least some of the technological inconsistency can be blamed on them (or their contracting/dispensation/licensing practices and
trade/import/export practices, or mateiral usage.)

Page 22
The method of government employed by the diverse Imperial worlds are equally varied at the planetary level, with monarchies, republics, and oligarchies all presents in numerous iterations and forms. Ultimately, however, most Imperial worlds are ruled by a planetary governor (sometimes known as an Imperial Commander) who has final authority over the world as the Imperium’s chosen representative.
Imperial governance.

Page 23
Many noble houses span the stars in an intricate web of kinship, arranged marriages, and political alliances that ensure power and influence will ever continue, even if the fortunes of a single world fail.

The products of centuries—or even millennia—of tech-assisted breeding...
SPACE NOBILITY. Note teh 'tech assisted breeding' - eg Eugenics if not outright genetic engineering. May be the Famulous stuff, or it may include Famulous stuff.

Page 36
The countless trillions that live amongst the Imperium’s innumerable worlds...
"countless trillions"

Page 48 processions of a hundred at a time, there to undergo a ritual that will kill them, drive them insane, or bind them for all eternity to the Emperor. So intense is the ritual that the supplicants’ sensory organs are almost totally overloaded—leaving them blinded by the experience—with many suffering further nerve damage, incurring loss of smell, touch, or hearing.
Soul binding.

Page 48
It is a rare Astropath indeed who rises beyond his given duties and responsibilities in the ranks of the psychic choirs. Of those few who do so, most are placed in charge of Astropathic facilities and relay stations dotted across Imperial space.
Relay stations and other astrotelepathic facilities.

PAge 48
Most Rogue Trader fleets are accompanied by little more than a handful of Astropaths, with perhaps only one being stationed on each vessel, and so their position is one of grave responsibility. They provide the only means of viable communication between widely scattered vessels, not to mention across interstellar distances...
'handful' of astropaths in a rogue trader fleet is stypical, but suggests that one per ship on other ships is unusual.

PAge 52

Explorators undertake their Quest for Knowledge across the stars, seeking out undiscovered data and unrecorded phenomena, forgotten archeotech hoards, and unknown life forms. All Mechanicus research stations, exploration ships, and outposts any distance from a Forge World are likely to be manned by Explorators. It is also the sacred function of these intrepid (or foolhardy) individuals to delve in the unexplored reaches of the galaxy, either as part of great Mechanicus-backed fleets or by attaching themselves to the Rogue Trader houses to carry them into the beyond in search of both the future and, most importantly, the past.
The Quest for Knowledge and Explorators. It probably explains a bit of their mindset and why they might be mor radical/progressive than other Mechies.

Page 52
Only by re-learning ancient lore found scattered across the stars and painstakingly piecing it together can Man ever achieve such dizzying heights again. Attempts at improvisation or adaptation are viewed by most followers of the Omnissiah as the height of hubris. Imagining that one can set oneself above the knowledge of the Ancients without risking their deadly sins and the dark fate that led to the horrors of the Age of Strife is pure folly.
AdMech Logic re: their practices.

Page 52
There more than a few Explorators who, in their desire to uncover the secrets of the universe, have fallen prey to some xenos dogma and turned from the rigid doctrine of the eight Universal Laws...
Quite a few I'd think have 'turned' from more conservative coggie viewpoints. Also, I honestly don't recognize this reference to the Universal Laws... if it's an in joke, or out-universe reference, or what. The only thing I can guess is maybe to Chaos's favorite number being eight.

Page 56
Missionaries must be prepared to witness forms of worship that would drive a Cardinal to declare heresy...
It is their task to examine the outlandish faiths practised by the ignorant souls they encounter and formulate a scheme to convert them to the Imperial Creed, mark a world as a target for further attention by their peers, or at worse, with a quill stroke damn them to destruction.
Missionaries, being the ones to manipulate and co-opt cults into the greater Ecclesairchy, are by nature more liberal than their politicla, 'civil' collegues.

Page 56
The true skill of Missionaries is to recognise when their arts and methods are likely to prove fruitless and when something far more sinister lies at the heart of the locals’ faith.
Showman, salesman and Inquisitior/spy.

Page 60
Without a Navigator, a vessel is limited to warp jumps of only a few light years at a time, and exact calibration must be undertaken by massive banks of cogitators as even the smallest of errors will have fatal consequences for the vessel and every soul aboard. Without a Navigator, to cross even the smallest of interstellar gulfs without the most detailed and ancient charts is considered a desperate or foolhardy act by most void-farers and suicidal by those who truly understand what horrors lurk beyond the material universe.
Non-Navigator warp jumps. Computer plotting and stellar charts are vital, and still ridiculously short ranged.

Page 60
Each Navigator perceives the warp in an entirely subjective manner as a reflection of his own unique nature, for even such as they may not stare into the abyss and face its true form without suffering the utter destruction of mind and soul.

As Navigators gain in experience and power, the abstraction fades, and they are capable of observing the true warp through a polarised state—their third eye filtering the horror.
Navigator perception of the warp.

Page 60
Navigators who have served the longest may become wracked with bodily failure, incipient madness, and possible mutation, and ultimately they become virtual prisoners reliant on the life-sustaining machinery of their sanctums.
The consequences of their powers, more or less.

Page 68
Vast fleets of military, mercantile, and exploratory spacecraft knit this great realm together, and some of these ships are as large and densely packed with human life as many terrestrial cities...
Implies some sizable populations on some planets.. hundreds of thousands, millions?

Page 72
An Astropath Transcendent is blind yet at the same time has a strange ability to perceive without using his physical senses. An Astropath Transcendent is functionally treated as if he can see normally (including seeing colours and being limited by walls, etc.). However, Astropaths Transcendent are not affected by effects that target their vision, such as blind grenades and cameleoline.
The limited by walls bit is interesting. It may be a function of the materials used (some mateirals innately block psychic phenomena for whatever reason), or it may be game mechanics, or perhaps just a particular quirk of this kind of AStropath. Either way their psychic senses are quite useful.

Page 84
Those with the Psyniscience Skill sense the currents and eddies of the warp. The Explorer can use the Skill to detect the presence or absence of daemons and the use of psychic powers. The Skill also allows detection of psychic phenomena, disturbances, voids, or other areas where the flow of the immaterium has been unsettled or disrupted.
Astropaths can also use the Psyniscience skill to block the communications of other Astropaths.
Psyniscience again.. the psychic skill that isnt psychic.

Page 88
Technomat: Used to maintain and repair technological devices, but through rote memorisation rather than true understanding.
Defined as a "trade" Considering some definition of technomates escribe them as being little more than a servitor, its perhpas small wonder there is no understanding,

Page 94
The ancient and blessed technology of the Mechanicus or some corrupt xeno tech flows through the Explorer’s blood. These miniscule machines repair minor injuries and speed healing.
The "autosanguine" ability. Micromachine tech.'

Page 95
Either chemical and surgical treatments or sheer will has rendered the Explorer immune to most mundane temptations.
"Chem geld" ability.

Page 95
The Explorer can control the flow of molten promethium like no other, manipulating flame like an old accomplice.
"Cleanse and purify" skill, makes it harder for targets to dodge aside basically. How the control is achieved.... good question.

Page 96
The Explorer is a vessel for the Emperor’s mercy and beneficence, his faith in his divinity can heal where no mere skill can.
"Divine Minsitration" - aka faith healing. Only it works. My bet would be on some extenrally-applied variation of the 'autosanguine' ability.

Page 97
The Explorer can channel the sacred flow of energy from his Potentia Coil or other energy source to replenish his flesh. Whilst in contact with a functioning, powered machine, or fully charged battery or power cell..
"electrical Succour" - Admech-related ability mainly (you need implants like the Potentia coil obviously.) I believe i covered this in Dark Heresy.

Page 98
The Explorer’s already impressive bionic body structure is steadied by a gyro-array guided by a targeting system linked to the machine-spirit
Auto-stabilization with enhanced targeting basically.

Page 99
Using the Explorer’s sacred ability to subtly affect ferrous materials, he can un-jam a number of weapons..
Another interesting MEchancius related ability... how he 'un jams' it isn't specified.

Page 99
Heavy Weapon Training
Talent Groups: Bolt, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma,
Primitive, and SP
The Explorer can employ some of the most devastating weapons of the battlefield, able to vaporise single foes and strike fear into the machine spirits of vehicles everywhere.
All the heavy weapons listed can 'vaporize' single foes (explode or reduce to steam take your pick.)

Page 100
The Explorer has been infused with a great wealth of lore and knowledge, either through punishing noetic techniques or by arcane methods kept secret by the guardians of technology and knowledge.
Noetic learning.

Page 101
The Explorer has developed a sixth sense about hails of gunfire, allowing him to sense gaps and pauses in the lethal rain.
Interesting trick. Some osrt of subconscious precog/predictive ability? Pattern recognition?

Page 101
The Explorer may use analytical circuits to calculate trajectory and reactions to a preternatural extent. His ability to read possible outcomes lets him anticipate the movement of his opponents.
Logis Implant. Not restricted to only AdMech either.

Page 101
The Omnissiah has blessed the Explorer with augmetic conduits that parallel the bones of his arms. By reciting the proper litany, he can channel the energy stored in his Potentia Coil down these channels and direct it at his enemies.
The power of the Explorer’s Potentia Coil flows through a network of inductors within his flesh, allowing him to channel this energy into his blows.
Luminen blast and luminen shock respectively.. ADMech only.

Page 102
The Explorer has returned to the crèches of the Mechanicus so they can bring him closer to the most holy of forms, adding an extensive machinator array to his existing augmetics.
His mass increases to three times that of a normal person, and he may no longer stay afloat or swim in water or similar liquids.
Basically allows increasd strenght and toughness, makes the dude less agile, and upgrades his offensive weapons mechadendrites.

Page 102
The Explorer stitches augmetic coils throughout the systems or flesh of his legs, granting him the ability to float a short distance above the ground.

..the character may hover 20 to 30 centimetres off the ground...
The Explorer has proven his devotion to the Machine God by lacing augmetic coils through every portion of his body.
Maglev Grace and Transcendance. Allows some levittation (the latter still can float 20-30 cm off the ground still), as well as reducing or negating fall damage.

Page 130
The Explorer was born with the Navigator gene, either of the Navis Nobilite or in the shadowed ranks of the unlicensed. The Warp Eye stares balefully from his forehead, allowing him to perceive the ebbs and flows of the empyrean.
Unlicensesd nagivators? Probably renegades, but not neccesarily chaos aligned. It also suggests they need to be licensesd to practice, which is proably a form of taxation by the Administratum (and a means of control)

Page 105
The Explorer has been brought before the Emperor and has received a miniscule fraction of His awesome strength, making the character far more resistant to the predations of the Warp.
Rite of Sanctioning. Is this soul binding or something else? It implies it is something else.

Page 107
Mental conditioning or augmetics enable the Explorer to record and recall great amounts of information, effectively granting him a perfect memory.
artificially crated perfect memory.

Page 113
A currency consists of whatever objects are a common unit of exchange in a given locale—government coinage, ephemeral ledger-data, ammunition, gold nuggets, or shells picked from a beach. The currencies of mankind are as varied as the worlds of the galaxy, and are only measured in Thrones when it comes time to collect the Imperial Tithe.

Page 113
...the deceitful Eldar of the Expanse do not appear to employ currency at all, and are said to find such human concepts of valuation primitive or debased. Eldar do value certain items—particularly the lost artefacts of their race.
Given what we learn in Path of the Eldar this is quite likely.

Page 113
One of a number of sector and Segmentum based Imperial currencies whose value directly relates to the Administratum’s audits, the worth of Throne Gelt is secured against the massive riches generated by Imperial planetary tithes, and is locally issued in the form of coins known as Thrones.
The Throne Gelt. Sectors and Segmentums have their own currencies.

Page 113
...a Rogue Trader gauges what he can afford to acquire...

...a vortex torpedo...
A Rogue trader Implied to be able to afford vortex torps.

Page 114
Wt (Weight): Represents how much the weapon weighs, normally in kg (kilograms).
One of the few times I'll quote a stat, and that's to define "weight" normally in regards to suspensors later.

Page 114
The Imperium is vast, and amongst its billions of inhabited worlds there are countless forge worlds, factories, craftsmen, artificers and blacksmiths turning out weapons and armour.
billions of worlds, all with some measure of industry.

Page 117
Las weapons work by emitting short, sharp pulses of laser energy from high capacity fast-discharge generators, with a flash of light and a distinctive snap like the cracking of a whip as the trigger is pulled.
Implying something akin to an explosive/mechanical damage mechanism.

Page 117
...most use a very common Departmento Munitorum sanctioned power pack. The liquid metal core of the pack stores vast amounts of energy, and can be recharged from standard power sources or even via exposure to intense light or heat in a pinch. In emergencies they can even be recharged by placing them in an open fire, though this diminishes the lifespan of the pack and increases its failure rate.
Liquid metal core powerpack. As in Dark Heresy, I generally assume a "sodium sulfur" type battery for consrvatism sake, although its more complex than that (it cna recharge via light or heat, which is damn impressive.)

We also know from various sources that laspistols, rifles, carbines, and even lascannon use the liquid metal batteries (4th ed DArk Angels codex specifies the latter) which may give a possible point of comparison. The lascannon power pack in 4th edition (based on the pistol grip) is at least 20-30 cm long and 10-15 cm in diameter (assuming its cylindrical. Since its a flat picture it could be a block.) call it between 1500 and 7000 cubic cm volume, and 55 kg per pack (as per FFG)

We know a Man Portable lascannon is betwen 5 and 6 shots. From the Inferno magazine Demolisher entry, we know lascannons charge at arund 4 mw and may charge for at least 1-2 seconds which is 4-8 megawatts per shot. 20-48 MJ per pack. Which yields between 145-348 kilojoules for a lasrifle powerpack. 55-131 kj for laspistol. 109-262 kj for a lascarbine and 164-394 kj for a long-las. 2.4-5.8 kj per shot for a lasrifle, 1.8-4.4 kj per shot for a laspistol, 2.7-6.55 kj per shot for a lascarbine, 4.1-9.85 kj per shot for a long-las.

The volume comparisons are also interesting. For a 750 cubic cm lasgun power pack 1/2-1/10th and 10-24 MJ for a powerpack to 2-4.8 MJ for a lasrifle powerpack. 167-400 kj per shot, 10-24 MJ. 33-80 kj per shot at 2-4.8 MJ per powerpack.

Page 117
The time the pack takes to charge is determined by the power output of the source and is ultimately up to the GM, but typically takes several hours. Alternatively, power packs may be charged by placing them in an open flame. This however takes at least a day and permanently reduces the clip size by half (this only occurs the first time it is charged in this way).
I covered tyhis before to. It still bears remembering of course. IF we stick with the 'sunlight' example and assume a 5x10x15 cm pack (10x5 = 50 cm and 10x15 = 150 cm at .14 watt per sq cm is 7 and 21 watts) Between 12 and 24 timeframe ypou get between 300 and 900 kj for the powerpack, and 600 and 1800 kj for the pack. For 30 shots out of that you get 10 kj to 30 kj per shots for the 12 hour timeframe, and 20 to 60 kj per shot. Which is for a rifle that way, just so we're clear :)

There are also several ways to revise the 'fire' calc. On one hand, comparing it to sunlight. Previously I assumed a single facing absorbed sunlight (.14 watts per sq cm) (7 watts for the top or bottom, 10.5 watts for the front and back, and 21 watts for both sides. If we assume at least one side, to all sides we get between 7 and 77 watts if I did the math right. 300 kj for one side.. 600 kj for 24 hours. and at 77 watts we get 3.33 MJ (or 6.66 MJ for 24 hours) At 30 shots its 10-20 kj per shot. which is 111-222 kj per shot.

On the other, analogue to boiling water.

First example was based off this article/video here. I used the pot I found here as a baseline - 1.5-2 liters and about a 17 cm diameter - which fits closely with the estimated size from the vid (based on teh guy's hand size. and the ease of lifting it with the pot lifter. Call it 2 kg of water and a 20 cm diameter pot. It takes 'a few minutes' to simmer and 'a few minutes' for a rolling boil. call it 5-10 minutes. A 'warm' day (call it 75-80F) - call it 300K. call it 306 kj per kg, so 712 kj for the pot within 5-10 minutes, which is 1.2-2.37 kilowatts. Divide that by 20 cm diameter we get between 3.8 and 7.55 watts per square cm.

As an interesting check we can look here at this fun little thing called a Kelly Kettle. The Kettle can boil water in 3-5 minutes, has a diameter of 19 cm at the baes, and boils 1.634 kg of water. At that mass it can take 500 kj to boil. At the diameter (283 sq cm) and the time (180-300 seconds) - 1764 Joules per sq cm, which works out to between 5.9-9.8 watts per sq cm. Which works fairly well.

So, calling it 4-10 watts per sq cm, and a 10x15 cm power pack, or 5x10 for a side (50 and 150 sq cm respectively) we get between 200 and 1500 watts for a given side. For all sides we get 2200-5500 watts. For 200 watts over 12 hours, we get between 8.64 MJ and 65 MJ, and twice that for a full day/night. For 24 hours at 5.5 kw we get over 475 MJ.

Which is.. alot. 143 kj per shot for a 60 shot powerpack, up to 1.08 MJ per shot. At 475 MJ we get 8 MJ per shot. actually it might be double that (halved the ammo capacity). Bear in mind that the above assumes 100% efficiency (or even close to it), and that may not be likely (indeed the fact the pack takes damage tends to argue against it...) If only 15-20% of that energy is 'actually' transferred to the pack, so 'double to triple digit kj' las bolts is more likely an interpretaiton (although single digit MJ is not impossible, esp for heat ray type lasweapons or 'hotshots' or the like..)

Another thing to note is that the 'dangers' of fire charging vary from source to source. The Ghosts/Sabbat Worlds onvels and the Deathworld novel both mention this being a commmon means, which suggests far higher reliability than other sources (like the Munitorum manual) suggest.

Page 118
- Ranged weapons table. Since so many of these cropped up in DH I will skip over most of the basics like the Lasgun or log-las or the laspistol and te like, except to note a few differences. Semi and full auto will list the number of shot fired in parenthesis, since I'm tired of typing it out. Also assuming powerpack is 10% of weapon weight and a sodium sulfur battery for firepower.

Archeotech laspistol has a range increment of 90m, ROF of single and Semi (3). It has an amazing 70 shots per clip but also weighs 4 freaking kilograms. And in game terms has the damage of a lasgun (But with better penetration than a long-las). .4 kg clip 3.1 kj per shot.

Belasco dueling pistol: 45m range increment, 1 shot clip, 1.5 kg weight. 81 kj for single shot.

Lucius pattern Hellpistol has a 35m range increment, ROF of single, and semi(2), 40 shot clip and weighs 4 kg. Lucicus pattern Hellgun has a 110m range increment, ROF of singl eand semi(3), 30 shot clip, and weighs 6 kg. Will be calced later.

Las gauntlets have a 50m range icnrement, single and Semi(4) ROF, 20 shot clip and weigh 3 kg (apiece or together, is not said.) .3 4-8 kj per shot, depending on if the mass is per glove or for the glove together.

Locke pattern Lascarbine is like DH lascarbine, only 2.5 kg mass instead of 3 kg. 3.4 kj per shot.

Solid projectile:: only real differencees is the Ursid pattern heavy stubber having a 40 shot clip, other wise its a heavy stubber. Naval pistol (mars pattern) has 20m range increment, single and semi(3) shot capability, weighs 3 kg, and has a 6 shot clip.

I'm going to skip over calcing solid projectile numbers. Doubt it will vary much and really they just turn out odd.

Bolt weapons: Locke pattern boltgun differs from DH boltgun only in terms of having a Full auto (4) as well as single and Semi(2) capability. Ceres pattenr Bolst pistol is the same.

Storm bolter pecularily has identical qualtiies to Bolt gun (90m range increment, single/semi(2)/full(4) ROF), except weighing 9 kg and having a 60 shot clip and the storm quality. Heavy bolter is identical.

Melta weapons: Inferno pistol and meltagun are the same as in DH core rules. The main difference is there are tow kinds. The Mars pattenr (which is the DH melta), and the Mezoa pattern, which has a 10 shot capacity and weighs 46 instead of 40 kg.

Thermal lance: 10 m range increment, 2 shot clip, and weighs 40 kg. Multi melta (mars pattern) has a 60m range increment, single and semi (3) ROF, a 10 shot clip, and weighs 40 kg. Also has Blast (1) quality.

Plasma weapons: Again mostly the same as in DH, except that the Ryza Pattenr plasma pistol has single and Semi(2) ROF. Mezoa pattern plasma gun has a 40 shot clip (instead of 20), weighs 18 kg instead of 11) and niether have the "recharge" quality (they don't need time to recharge basically.) Mezoa gun also does slighty more damage and is faster to reload it would seem. 6.5 MJ per shot.

Ryza pattenr plasma cannon has a 120m range increment, 16 shot clip, and has the blast (1) quality and weighs 40 kg. 36 MJ per shot.

Flamers are no different from DH. Heavy flamer (locke pattern) is mentioned, with a 30m range increment, and a 10 shot clip. Weighs 20 kg.

Page 119
Grenade and missile launchers here. Voss pattern is like the DH grenade launcher, excpet it weighs 12.5 kg. Mezoa pattern grenade launcher is 10 kg, has a single shot clip, and a range increment of 80m.

Locke pattern missile launcher has a 250m range increment, single shot clip, and weighs 12 kg. Retobi pattern Missile launcher weighs 35 kg, a 200m range increment, and a 5 shot clip.

Page 119
Sometimes also known as “hot-shot” weapons, hellguns are almost exclusively used by high ranking Imperial officers and elite forces who favour the higher power over regular las weapons. While hellguns are rarely seen outside of elite Storm Trooper units, hellpistols can be seen among many of the officer corps and Inquisitorial agencies....

Lucius-pattern weapons use a 10 kg backpack power source rather than a standard plug-in pack, even for the smaller hellpistol. Larger power packs mean greater power behind each shot but make reloading more impractical, which is a trade off most are willing to take. Hellguns can also be linked to larger backpack power sources.
Hellguns here are defined as also hot shot weapons. As noted before, hotshots are power packs, hellguns are guns. you can combine the two but they aren't neccesarily the same thing. Hellguns are 'rarely' seen outside Storm troopers, but lots of mercanry and subsidiary agencies (Munitorum and commissarial troops, etc.) use them.

The greater power behind each shot with backpack sources may explain discrepancies in firepower and number of shots (200 shot capacity for a Krieg Grenadier hellgun, for example.) 10 kg power pack is 5.4 MJ. 30/40 shots per gun is 135 kj (hellpistol) and 180 kj (hellgun)

Page 120
It can be fired like a pistol, though many also can mount folding stocks and longer barrels allow the weapon to be braced two handed for a more accurate shot. It is also more efficient than most las weapons, getting more shots per charge.
The Archeotech laspistol. If we take the above seriously, this indicates that (Based on ammo pack differences) the archeotech pistol is nearly 2 and a half times more efficient than a standard laspistol. That is, it can do nearly 3 timres more damage for an equal amount of energy, or that the archeotech weapon can inflict the same amount of damage for about 2/5 the energy expenditure of a normal laspistol. This also tends to suggest that mechanical damage plays a significant role over thermal (although other sources have hinted thermal effects play a not-insigifnicant role in damage. We could attribute such discrepancies simply to differences in design, pattern, or how they are configured. Thermal damage will certainly be more desirable against certain targets like Orks, despite the tradeoffs in efficiency over a purely mechanical damage mechanism.)

PAge 120
It is still debated whether these devices are of xeno manufacture or an intact pattern from the Dark Age of Technology. Each fits over the forearm with glove controls, and can fire salvos of long raking beams rather than the short crisp blasts of most las weapons.
Las gauntlets. Sound alot like the Yeld Rig las weapons from Necromunda.

Page 120
...a long-las also has a much longer barrel than a lasgun both to increase range and prevent overheating. This can make a long-las up to twice as long as a standard lasgun...
long las vs regular lasgun. The freaking thing comes out to be almost 2 m long.. the IIUP lists a lasgun as 90 cm long, and this would make it 180 cm, with the barrel being well over a metre long.. all of which provides (I gather) greater penetration and 50% longer range. The beam might suffer less loss over that range too, I suppose :P

Page 121
Heavy stubbers are popular amongst military forces and gangers alike, as they are one of the more easily maintained heavy weapons available. Though not as powerful as an autocannon, heavy stubbers can lay down a curtain of suppressive fire and cut swaths though light infantry and vehicles alike.
..the heavy stubber is commonly used hand-held but a bipod mount can be employed...
A drum and belt fed pattern both exist, with the drum fed one supposedly easier to 'port and load''. They are (unsurprisingly) less powerful than autocannon, although the way stubbers can go up to 25mm (and autocannon can go down to 20-30mm) there might be some near-overlap or overlap here.

Page 121
..a variant of the basic autopistol that uses fragmenting ammunition designed to stop a target dead in its tracks, at the expense of range.
The Mars Pattern naval pistol, an officers sidearm. Fragmenting ammo intrinsic to design.

Page 121
These much larger variants of a regular shotgun fire a huge shell (nearly twice the normal size) and can lay waste to large hordes of attackers. A close range hit from one can literally explode a man into a burst of shredded clothing and flesh. As imagined they generate tremendous recoil and must be mounted down or fired from a braced position to be effective.
Shotcannon. Bolter like damage. Shell must be at least a good 40-60 grams in size, perhaps 80-100 grams. Figure 12-40 kg*m/s assuming a 300-400 m/s muzzle velocity.. 1800 J to 8000 J. I'm nmore inclined to go towards the higher end per shot. A shotcannon should be at last 2x the power of a regular shotgun, and 'literally exploding' a man (or at least his torso) is not a trivial effect.. (given the wound pattenr depicted here you could easily expect the shotcannon to be close to an OoM greater (greater velocity probably, since the round is only 2x the mass.)

Page 121
...this weapon is s squat, brutal looking weapon with an extremely short barrel in a pistol configuration resembling a single-shot hand cannon. It can fire a standard shotgun shell..
shotgun pistol. Probably loer velocity (200-300 m/s maybe) but similar lethal traits. Quite effective shipboard, especially if you carry and use flechette or fragmenting rounds.

Page 121
Unlike the Stub revolver, this pistol weapon also can fire in rapid semiautomatic mode as well as single shots.
This implies semi-automatic isn't much like a burst mode, but more like a "rapid firing single shot" tpye mode.

Page 122
The standard bolter round is .75 calibre with a super-dense metallic core and diamantine tip; other variant shells exist for specialised purposes, such as penetrating armour plating or conducting silent assassinations.
Deplted "deuterium" is the core, this implies the bolter core is some sort of metallic hydrogen. Such hydrogen is under intense pressure. Whether this is the explosive property, or if it comes from some reaction fo the hydrogen itself, we can't say, but I'd bet on the latter (either chemcial or nuclear - I'm betting chemical.)

Page 122
The Locke-pattern weapon is a variant of an old Adeptus Arbites design....
Lock pattenr boltgun based on old Arbites boltgun design. You have tow onder why they still use shtoguns (or how poweful are shotguns if they are preferrable to bolters?)

Page 122
Here, two linked bolters form a single weapon which can shred most foes in a single burst.
Storm bolter.

Page 122
Used for anti-infantry and support rolls, they can lay down impressive swathes of fire, able to slaughter enemy troopers and destroy light vehicles with their explosive armourpiercing rounds. Each uses much larger versions of the standard bolt shell with more propellant and greater range.
Heavy bolter.

Page 122
Melta weapons emit devastatingly intense but short-ranged blasts of heat which can melt through almost any material. Also known as cookers or melters, most types of melta induce highly pressurised gases from an ammunition canister into an unstable sub-molecular state and direct the resulting energies down the barrel. Melta usage is accompanied by a distinctive hissing sound as the beam boils away the water in the air, then a roaring blast as the beam reduces the target to charred scraps or molten slag.
The usual flamethrower melta.

Page 122
The inferno pistol represents very specialised and ancient technology, almost impossible to recreate. Mere handfuls might exist in any sector, each jealously guarded.
Inferno pistols are supposedly rare.

PAge 122
It is an ideal weapon for cutting through bulkheads or armour. Most use a builtin fuel canister like the Mars-pattern, but the Mezoa forgeworld version using a backpack is also common.
Meltaguns come with bakcpack power sources as well as cannisters.

PAge 123
The largest type of melta weapon is the multi-melta, usually only employed by the Adeptus Astartes or mounted upon Imperial vehicles. This huge weapon carries more fuel, fires at much longer ranges, and creates a larger blast area, cooking several square metres at a time.
Area of effect of multimelta.

Page 123
The thermal lance is a rare weapon, nearly as large as a standard multi-melta. It fires a more accurate and directed heat beam using a much longer barrel with added directional containment beams to reduce dispersal, at the cost of lowered damage to the target.
Focused/blowtorch version of melta.

Page 123
Plasma weapons work using hydrogen fuel suspended in a photonic state in either fuel flasks or backpack containers. As the fuel is fed into the miniature fusion core inside the weapon the hydrogen energises into a plasma state, held in the core by powerful magnetic confinement fields. When fired, the fields dilate open and the plasma is ejected via a linear magnetic accelerator in a bolt of superheated matter akin to a solar flare in appearance and temperature.
These seem to be non-super soaker/flame thrower type "plasma weapons, more in line with a particle beam. Presumably this means they have similar PB like velocities, which would be consistent with the "solar flare" like description (although that doesnt tell us enough to calc them, of course.) Of course, these could also be a "bullet" type plasma weapon, since 40K plasma can still be weird, even if we assume this isnt a super soaker type weapon, and the "weird" bullet type plasmas need not be nearly so fast as a particle beam.

Note as well thatn this is evidence for the Imperium having a compact linear accelerator type thing, along with needlers - they have it, it's just not very common and used in specialized ways.

Page 123
Plasma weapons can be used in two firing modes—single shot (the normal and safest method), or a higher powered blast with a longer range and higher temperature. The latter though requires a short recharge time to replenish the plasma and bring it to firing levels; this time will vary with the level of precision technology used in construction. Like most Imperial devices the older it is the better it is.
This has been commented on in DH. the "maximal" setting consumes 3x the energ, but adds penetration and damage and 10m extra range. It also gives them the recharge quality.

It also notes that "blast" type plasma weapons (EG plasma cannon) gain 2 on their radius (so a maximum power setting has a 6 meter blast diameter, rather than a 2 meter one.)

Page 123
It can only hold smaller hydrogen flasks (or sometimes only a single flask) and thus can only fire a handful of shots. They are dangerous to use on board a vessel, as a single shot can penetrate several bulkheads.
Plasma pistol. Armour/bulkhead penetrating capability.

PAge 123
This is a squad-support weapon intended for use by battlefleet armsmen, which has subsequently found extensive use in the private cadres of many Rogue Traders and with renegades and pirates wealthy or fortunate enough to acquire them.
One imagines that armsen only use them in ground actions, since the aformentioned entry mentioned how easily plasma pistols alone penetrate onboard ship.

Page 123
The largest portable plasma weapon is the plasma cannon or heavy plasma gun, which is also seen in service on some Imperial war machines. Rather than using attached flasks, the wielder wears a large backpack containing the weapon’s store of hydrogen fuel. This weapon has a much longer range and ammunition supply, and its violent discharges, hurled like miniature suns from the barrel, have a large impact area. It can also be fired in a special Maximal mode which exhausts even more fuel but provides an even larger blast of heat on impact, creating a fireball capable of destroying even armoured targets.
The "fireball" and radius bits give us some intereting ideas on calcing the output of the weapon. The quick and dirty way is to quote Curtis explosions table on SWTC as far as the energy content of a given fireball diamter. Given a 2-6 m diameter, the output would fall somewhere in the triple digit KJ to single digit MJ, upwards of double digit MJ.

Alternately, we could calculate a "fireball" assuming a specific volume of air for a 1-3 meter radius sphere. yielding between 5-6 kg and 113 kg of mass roughly. Assuming ~1000K temperatuer (roughly cremation temp, which works well enough for my purposes here) that would be bout a megajoule per kg if I recall the specific heat roughly.. so single to triple digit MJ by that method. A third possible option for calcing it is - rather than assuming about the volume, assume that the plasma weapon inflicts 3rd degree burns on a rough surface area equal to the sphere. Surface area in centimeters there is given as between 125,600 cm and 1,100,000 cm square. third degree burns IIRC can be caused by at least 25-30 j per sq cm IIRC (Luke Campbell on Atomic rockets has used 50 cm sq, for example, but I've heard of it being higher depending on severity of burns) which would (assuming I did the math right) give single or double digit MJ possible.

Severl caveats must be made to the above calcs. First and foremost, they are at best order of magnitude estimates, and even then assume a primarily (or totally) thermal damage mechanism. Mechanical (eg grenade like explosive effects) would liekly reduce the yield (in trade for increased # of shots and giving the cooling system a break). Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, the calcs assume the plasma weapons behave like a fireball. Whilst these are not Ben Counter Plasma Guns(tm), the FFG material does give cases of "weird plasma" - a good example being Deathwatch RPG's plasma grenade depictions (a persistant, "not fully consumed" plasma "fireball" and in missile can fuse to the hull.) If you wonder why I bothered with the calcs given that... it's hard to say what kind of plasma weapon they are, so they may possibly apply. And even if they don't, it gives a rough order of magnitude stimate for plasma weapons in general, since even if they differ in mechanism, they are broadly similar in capability.

Page 123-124
Flame weapons use a fuel generically referred to as promethium, though it can also be homemade concoctions or other chemical brews depending on the local technology level. Most are a mono-propellant fuel which ignites via a smaller pilot flame at the tip of the barrel, though some flamers use binary hypergolic fuels.
..the barrel creates a torrent of liquid fire, which spreads out in an inferno that burns even underwater...
Flamer promethium.

Page 125
The common Voss design holds a clip of six rounds, but most find the weapon inaccurate even for a launcher. The Forge World of Mezoa produces what many believe a superior shoulder-mounted weapon with a longer range, for though it is a single shot device it has superior firing systems and is highly accurate.
Grenade launcher

Page 125
A missile is fitted with stabilisation and guidance systems to aid in their accuracy, which is excellent at long ranges. Most launchers, like the Locke-pattern, are shoulder mounted tube-like weapons that fire a single round at great accuracy, while the ancient Retobi design holds a huge vertical clip of 5 rounds but is much more awkward to fire and has less precision.
Misisle launcher.

Page 125
These grenades release a wide range of toxic and viral agents that quickly reduce almost any type of flora to a foul-smelling muck that deprives the enemy of cover while not seriously harming other materials. Larger versions are also used to create improvised landing zones and clear foliage for quick camp sites or building locations.
Sounds like a variation on virus bomb technology to me. Nasty.

Page 125
Blind grenades explode with a burst of dense dark grey smoke including IR bafflers and broadband EM spectrum chaff, all designed to block eyesight and even advanced visual detection.

Good old blind grenades.

Page 125
Fragmentation or frag grenades and missiles are filled with shot, heavy wire, or metallic shards to create high velocity shrapnel fragments when they explode...
Frag grenades seem to come in several varieties of 'fragment' Even rarer can be said to have monomolecular shrapnel!

Page 125
Recovered from xenos crystalline maze-cities, these grenades are filled with compacted shards of diamantine glass. On detonation the area is showered with cutting projectiles, which can slide through most armour.
Egerian Geode. magic crystal weapons.

PAge 125
Krak grenades and missiles use concentrated explosives to punch holes in armoured targets such as vehicles or bunkers. The powerful detonations do not produce a blast effect however..
Which may or may not be a shaped charge.

Page 126
Photon flash or simply flash grenades detonate like a small star, blinding anyone nearby and overloading most vision protection systems such as visors
SElf explanatory.

Page 126
Plasma: These use a deliberate plasma containment failure, causing a blast of heat and light to burst forth like a miniature sun.
Again plasma grenades don't seem to be any more rare than plasma ammo supplies, since that is what they are based upon. (It also suggests varying kinds of plasma grenade.) This also means that the grenade (or a plasma gun powerpack) can be an indicator of yield roughly (MJ-GJ range in other words)

Page 126
A primitive version of the blind grenade, these release a dense smoke which only obscures basic eyesight and optical based systems. They do not block detection systems that use heat or other spectral bands outside of normal human eyesight, but are much more widely available and easier to construct.
Smoke grenades 'primit've compared to blind grenades.

Page 126
Stun grenades use a combination of a loud explosive and a flash of light to momentarily incapacitate targets before an assault is launched. They are designed for non-lethal uses and generally cause no lasting injury.
Flash bangs, basically. Different from photon flash.

Page 126
Virus grenades house powerful biological toxins which can break down biological systems in moments before leaping to neighbouring creatures to infect them. They can quickly kill scores of people before mutating into a non-lethal strain or running out of victims near enough to be attacked.
Niow these, unlike anti-plant, are definite toxin/virus bomb analogues in a scaled down package.

PAge 126
The exotic filament grenade carries compressed segments of monomolecular wire that expand into a cloud of deadly razor-sharp filaments on detonation, slicing through flesh and bone.
Identified as "xeno filament" something tells me its borrowing eldar monowire.
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Cykeisme »

What the.. I just noticed Rogue Trader has man-portable plasma cannons, which I'm pretty sure don't appear anywhere else in WH40k fluff. Considering it only does 2 damage and 2 penetration less than the Astartes version, which weighs almost twice as much, isn't that kinda ridiculous?
Hmm although the Astartes version has a much bigger blast radius.
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Patrick Ogaard »

Cykeisme wrote:What the.. I just noticed Rogue Trader has man-portable plasma cannons, which I'm pretty sure don't appear anywhere else in WH40k fluff. Considering it only does 2 damage and 2 penetration less than the Astartes version, which weighs almost twice as much, isn't that kinda ridiculous?
Hmm although the Astartes version has a much bigger blast radius.
Gangs in Necromunda can have their designated heavies tote heavy plasma guns into combat, so there is that. I expect a lot of the weirdness comes from the GW follks deciding to streamline their weapon lists by rolling the old Rogue Trader plasma cannon, which was expressly an emplaced or vehicle-mounted weapon, and the heavy plasma gun, which could be carried around, into one weapon. Or I could be totally off base.
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

next RT core rules update

Page 127
Long ago the Crux had a pocket stellar domain at the edge of what would later be known as the Calixis Sector. Their planets were one by one razed to the mantle in a brutal campaign by Admiral Jocardis the Penitent. Only the shipboard weapons captured by boarding parties during the war remain of the race now..
Of course we dont know how they did that, but its damn impressive nonetheless, consideirng "razed ot the mantle' implie the crust was destroyed or blasted off entirely, or it was reduced to a molten state all the way down to the mantle. Even more impressive they did it multipel times through the war. We're talking well into e28-e29 joules at least per planet. we know from other, earlier sources that the Calixis Crusade was thousands of warships tops, and only part of that would be diverted here (scores, or hundreds at best) and it could have taken years at most (probably far less) munitions would be well into teraton if not petaton, even assuming millions were dropped. If it was capital ship bombardment.. we're talking well into the e18-e20 watt range (EG THE GIGATONS) per ship even assuming 10 years and a full 200 ships doing nothing but bombarding one planet for all ten years.

Page 127
These glossy black rifles emit a ray of crackling purple light which tears open solid mass. Had the Crux been able to develop these devices into macro weapons for naval combat, the later history of the Angevin Crusade may have turned out quite differently. Beam guns still occasionally appear for sale and many were adapted in earlier centuries to use Imperial pattern lasgun clips (although they burn out the clips completely within a few shots)
If we knew how much damage they do calcable, we could probably extrapolate for lasguns per shot. If we assume 'tear open solid mass' means they're equal to a boltgun round (which by game stats is conservative.. the thing is easily heavy bolter or plasma cannon grade) we'r talking 25 bolter grade shots off a lasgun powerpack. assuming 50-100 kj per bolt round we're talking 1.25-2.5 MJ per pack.

Page 127
Digital weapons, or digi-weapons as they are commonly known, are miniaturised guns which are so advanced that they can be worn on the finger like a ring, but pack the punch of a full-sized pistol. The most compact are those manufactured by the brightly-haired, ape-like aliens known as the Jokaero, whose creations are sought after across the Imperium. Digiweapons exist that replicate the functions of hand flamers, inferno pistols, needle pistols and hellpistols. However, each weapon can only be fired once...
Hellpistol digital weaponry now. No grenades this time though. Digital flamers fire 50 grams of fuel. Digital hellpistols have a 50 gram 'clip' that represents 25-30 kj per shot (indeed a single shot)

Page 127 Mass of various grenades and missiles. All grenades except the plasma and stun grenade mass half a kilogram. Stun are .2 KG. Plasma grenades are 4 kg. Frag and Krak missiles are 1 kg.

Funny enough: Plasma grenades are defind as "very rare", whichis on par with anti-plant grenades. But they are more common than Virus grenades, and the Xenos type grenades.

Page 128
The Graviton Gun fires a stream of particles that disrupt the localised gravimetric field around the target area, increasing the apparent mass of the enemy and slowing if not pinning them outright to the ground. While the enemy is normally not harmed greatly, they are incapacitated until the effects wear off. As it is not a lethal device, the Graviton Gun is useful for when someone must be captured alive rather than dead. They are exceedingly rare relics from the Dark Age of Technology, and each is a sacred device jealously guarded by the Adeptus Mechanicus—who very rarely allow one outside of their armouries.
Rare example of gravitic weaponry.

PAge 128
Needle pistols use a low-power laser beam to propel small slivers of crystalline coated in viral toxins. Enemies wounded by them are almost instantly paralysed or dead within moments. As they are virtually silent and have no muzzle flash, needle weapons are ideal for assassins. Some needle weapons are modified to inject the target with a toxin that mimics the effects of a choke or hallucinogen grenade.
Needlers. They can mimic grenade effects. LAser propelled.

Page 128 Weapons chart
Crux beam gun has a 80m range increment, single, semi(3) ROF, 25 shot clip, and 4 kg mass

Digi weapons as listed all have single shots, a 3 m range increment, and weigh .5 kg

Graviton gun has a 30m range increment, a 3 shot clip, and weighs 5 kg.

Needle pistols and rifles are identical to their DH counterparts.

Ork shoota have a 60m range increment, single, Semi (3), Full auto (10 ROF, 30 shot clips and weigh 4 kg. Ork slugga have a 20m range increment, are single, semi (3), have a 18 shot clip and weigh 2 kg. Amusingly, its noted that these weapons are unreliable in Non Ork hands, but they work just fine for Orks.

Kroot rifles have a 6 shot clip and 110 m range increment, and semi (2) fire capability (and mass 6 kg.
Shuriken catapults have a 60 m range increment, single, semi (3), full (10) rate of fire, 100 shot clips and mass 2.5 kg. Shuriken pistols are 1.2 kg mass, 30m range increment, and a ROF of single, semi(3), Full (5) and a 40 shot clip.

Page 129
These basic weapons also double as clubs due to their large and durable shape. They are smoothbore like all Ork weapons; it is unclear if the concept of rifling has never occurred to them or that they are incapable of creating weapons that well honed.
This is the standard Ork pistol weapon—a heavy calibre slugthrower.
They do, it's a mentioned 'upgrade' for Ork weapons in other RT sources (like Into the Storm.) I think some novels have depicted rifled weapons. Given they can make bolters they may just have other alternatives - rifling has some tradeoffs compared to smoothbore and range isn't always an Ork consideration. Alternately, they just get their human (or other) slaves to make them rifled weapons.

Page 129
They are lightweight and can be easily fired on the move. These weapons fire razor-sharp disks at high velocity to shred a target into pieces.
Shuriken weapons are graceful dealers of death that use sophisticated gravity accelerators to hurl volleys of miniature razor disks to literally slice their victims apart in seconds.
Shuriken catapult nad pistol, respectively.

PAge 129
Despite the wide range of ways available to kill the enemy at a distance, there is always a demand for weapons designed for close and personal combat. For some it is a matter of honour to look their foe in the eye, others simply another way to ensure their safety in a dangerous galaxy.
some reasons for close in weapons.

Page 129
Chain weapons are popular as most races and planets have the basic technology to produce these brutal war-devices.

Even the slightest impact can tear open flesh and solid blows can cut through most armour.
On Chaos and pirate vessels they are preferred over power weapons mostly due to the messy deaths they can bring, the better to intimidate both enemies and crew-scum alike
Chain weapons. Easy to produce, massively psychological weapons. While effective, that is largely a secondarhy concern (not unlike bolters.)

Page 130
Power weapons project a disruptive energy field along the blade or head of a weapon, allowing it to slice armour or strike with explosive impact. In theory any weapon can be upgraded to a power weapon given the necessary technology.

A power weapon can still be used as an ordinary weapon should its power source run dry or become damaged.
Power weapons. note the variable (or mutiple) effects of the power field, and that any weapon can be a power weapon.

Page 130
Rather than encasing an edged weapon with a power field, a power fist uses the energy to disrupt material in a more violent fashion.
Power Fists and Thunder hammers operate powerfields in a more 'explosive' manner, which seems to be more of a rapid 'discharge' effect creating the blast, whereas powerfields for other weapons (like swords) may be more sustained and surround the weapon (enhancing penetration and/or possibly having thermal effects.) Rathre like the heat ray vs blaster difference for Luke Campbell's lasers. I'd imagine its possible to make the powerfield simulate one or the other (variable setting!) at the cost of complexity, not sure if it can do both at once.

On the other hand its possible powerfists have that same 'variable' effect. One minute they're blowing shit apart, and the other they're simply ripping it open.

Page 130
Power Mauls are solid truncheon-like rods with a discharge cap at one end, and a hand grip at the other. Controls along the haft allow the user to adjust the energy field’s strength from a mild stunning blast to a heavy force suitable for breaking down reinforced doors.
Power Mauls (at the higher settings) seem to have similar effects to powerfists/thunder hammers.

Page 130
These rare swords are made from a diamond-like living crystal, each blade harvested from an unknown planet in the Koronus Expanse...
The crystal constantly grows and replaces shards as they are struck off, keeping the edge sharp at all times but also meaning it must be frequently used lest it become dull and blunt. Each sliver is a fractal seed, a replica in miniature of the full sized blade. Indeed, if planted back on its home world it would grow into a new sword.
Magic crystal blade swords. Not unlike the Jakara mono swords from Necromunda, IIRC.

Page 131
Chainaxe weighs 13 kg. Chiansword 6 kg. Power axe 6 kg, Power fist 13 kg, Power maul 3.5 kg, Mower sword 3 kg.

Ork Choppas mass 8 kg, and Harlequin's Kiss are 1 kg.

Officers cutlass 3 kg. Shock glove 1.5 kg. Shock staff 2 kg.

Page 131
The rear of the tube is filled with highly compressed coiled loops of monomolecular wire, nearly a hundred metres worth. When the weapon’s spiked tip strikes the target, the wire is released and instantly bursts through even the smallest puncture to fill the interior of a body or vehicle. In seconds flesh is turned into liquid as the wire races through the enclosed space and then retracts back into the device for its next use. Most victims are dead before knowing they were even struck.
Harlequin's Kiss. Again melee only here,w hereas in other cases they've had ranged capability.

Page 132
Shock weapons use electrical or other force charges bound to a weapon to strike the target with generally non-lethal results.
Shock quality.

Page 133
Trait modifiers:
Compact and Supsnesors reduce "weight" by 1/2 (thereby confirming the "mass reducing" property - recall that 'weight' and 'mass' are generally synonymous in RT :P. Suspensors I should note are extremely rare.

Fire selectors, and Telescopic sights add 1 kg to the mass.

Vox operated, Silencers, Red Dot laser sights, Preysence-scope, Photo-scope, Motion Predictors and the overcharge packs add half a kg to the weapon (each). Melee attachments and Omni-scopes add 2 kg.

Availability wise : Compact weapons, telescopic sights are average, Overcharge packs are Common, Red dot laser sights, mono attachments, Fire selectors are scarce. Vox Operated weaponry is rare. Motion predictors, Photo-scopes, Preysence-scopes are Very Rare. Supsnesors are Extremely rare.

Page 133
Compact weapons are smaller versions of pistol and basic weapons favoured by those who prefer concealment over stopping power. This upgrade halves the weight of the weapon but also halves its clip size and range...
Compact weapons tend to be less powerful as well. Some lasguns are quite compact, for example.

Page 133
For weapons that can use differing ammunition rounds, a shot selector can be fitted for ease of switching from one type to another. A weapon with a fire selector can have up to three different clips added.
An interesting application of this ability would be for certain kinds of lasguns that can slot more than one kind of power pack (like the lasrifle Kage used in 13th Legion). You could have lasguns of varying power levels slotted (EG either a standard, overcharge and a hotshot pack, for example.. or you could do several different charge packs of different "megathule" ratings.. eg the 19 MT, the 21 MT Krieg guns use, or the 28 MT "hotshot" packs, etc..) which offers a potential way to expalin differing perfomrances.

Page 133
Bayonets, chain blades, and other long-bladed combat attachments can be fitted to most ranged weapons..
Yes, you can have gears of war style chainsaw blade bayonets now.

Page 134
Mono weapons have specially fashioned blades with superfine edges that can easily cut through armour and never lose their edge.
The Mono upgrade can be applied to a power weapon, but it has no effect whilst the power field is active.
Game Masters are encouraged to come up with interesting definitions for non-edged weapons with the Mono upgrade. For example, a hammer with the Mono upgrade could be defined as having a pneumo-shock enhancement. The in-game effects remain the same.
The last bit is bordering on game mechanics, but it is interesting in light of "mono" quality on non edged weapons, it echoes the powerfield variations for blunt and edged.

The other peculiar quantity is that it 'never loses its edge' somehow, which is hard to believe (self sharpening or repairing? Magic durability enahcnement? Hard to say)

Page 134
A complex target-tracking cogitator in this device is activated once the user has sighted the desired target. The Predictor then tracks the target, and when the trigger is pulled will chase the target with all the rounds in a clip in one long burst.
Motion predictor. Only used on weapons with semi or full auto fire.

Page 134
A vastly expensive and rare device normally found only in the hands of legendary assassins or bounty hunters, the Omni-scope is a cluster of finely-tuned sensor wands linked to a precision lens. Some of these scopes plug directly into a bionic cranial port, allowing the user to shoot around corners without exposing himself—the scope becomes a “third eye.” The Omni-scope combines the benefits of a Preysense Sight, Red-Dot-Laser Sight, and Telescopic Sight.
The super duper ultra-do-anything scope.

Page 134
This is an enhanced power pack for a las weapon that increases the strength of its fire.
..the increased output of damage reduces the number of shots and so the clip size is halved.
It adds .5 kg to the weapon's size, halves the number of shots, so the per shot output close to quadruple, putting it in hellgun damage range (hellguns using normal power packs could draw 4x as much power from Inquisitor's Handbook, for example.) An Overcharge pack (assuming sodium sulfur battery) has 486 KJ and if we are talking a lasgun 30 shots.. 16.2 kj per shot. Funny enough carbines (.75 kg overcharge pack, 20 shots) is ~20 kj per shot. They're pretty much as I calced for Dark Heresy in other words, as I believe.

PAge 134

This is a weapon sight that enhances ambient light levels, improving the user’s vision and ability to see in the dark.
Photo sight. I wonder if this is simlar to mono sights mentioned as scopes in 3rd. May or may not be.

Page 134
This is a weapon sight that shows thermal images and reveals the hiding places of enemies who lurk in the darkness.
The ever popular presysense or infra-scope. Red dot laser sights and Telescopic sights are also listed, but since these are covered elsewhereI won't go over them again.

Page 134
These anti-grav plates and studs attach to a weapon or equipment, making the use of heavy or cumbersome devices much easier by offsetting some of their weight. They are often used by elite troops on their heavy weapons. Suspensors reduce the weight of a weapon by one-half. When firing a weapon with suspensors, the operator counts as having the Auto-stabilized Trait—he always counts as braced...
Given how RT and DH define "weight" as being synonymous with "mass" - eg (in everyday, informal usage, rather than scientific usage.) In effect, we're talking "mass lightening" of a sort, although it is a gravitaitonal device and clearly offers some sort of lift/propulsive benefit, ginve its stabilization properties, rather than literally changing the mass of the object. (much in the same way the graviton gun "alters" mass, but not literally so.) This offers a potential explanation for the oft cited "mass reducing" technologies mentioned elsewhere (it's not as if we have any *other* ideas on how they function anyways.) It also meshes roughly with the similar devices the old Angels of Darkness sourcebook for 40K described the devices (making a power armor suit weigh some 112 kg for Astartes.)

Page 135
Specially coded vox receivers are integrated into the weapon’s trigger mechanisms, so that they user can operate it by voice if needed. Users can also operate the shot selector and switch firing modes where applicable merely by speaking the appropriate command. For security reasons each receiver is usually keyed to just one voice pattern. Additionally, if the weapon is equipped with a fire selector, the operation of that upgrade may also be controlled simply by speaking aloud.
Vox (voice) operated guns. Quite useful.

Page 135
Ammo weight is not listed; however, should it be important to know how much ammunition weighs, consider a weapon’s full clip to weigh 10% of the weight of the weapon itself.
Oddly by this standard, Autogun packs weigh slightly less than lasgun packs (350 grams as opposed to 400 grams.) Bolt packs are twice as heavy (700 grams) ASsuming a 8 mm round from IA5 (call it between 12-14 grams) we might infer bolter rounds weigh somewhere in the vicinty of 25-35 grams, which would be reasonably consistent with a large .75 calibre shell. This actually works better in a 'realtive'

Hellgun packs are half a kilo, if we assume a powerpack rather than the 'backpack' sources. IIRC they had 'twelve' shots from such a pack, so we're talking ~ 22.5 kj per shot.

Page 135
weapons availability: Charge packs for lasweapons are Common, save for lascannon, whicha re rare. Flamer fuel is scarce. Bolt shells are rare. Melta cannisters (all types) are Very Rare. Plasma Flasks (pistol and rifle) are Rare, Plasma cannon flasks are very rare. Exotic ammo is rare. It seems odd that melta ammo is less common than plasma, when plasma weapons are harder to make.

Oh and Backpack power packs are "rare".

Unusual ammo: Amputator shells are extrmely rare, Tempest Bolt shells near unique. Bleeder rounds and Inferno shells are rare. Hot shots, explosive arrows/quarrles, Dumdums, and Expander rounds are "scarce"

PAge 135
A backpack power pack is worn like a normal backpack. For energy weapons, it is a portable source of power in the form of a massive battery or charge-unit. For flame weapons, it is composed of tanks of volatile promethium. Other ammunition packs are simply stacks of regular stubber or bolt rounds with a feeder line that links into the weapon itself. These items hold 80 rounds of ammunition for Plasma, Melta, and Las weapons, 200 rounds of ammunition for SP or Bolt weapons, and 60 shots for Flame weapons. A weapon connected to a backpack power pack uses the power pack for its ammunition and ignores its normal clip size. Backpack ammo packs or power packs weigh 25 kg.
One of the interesting implcations of this is that any las weapon could use it. So you could have a guardsman with a backpack lasgun source acting as the machine gunner for the troop. Depending on settings, you could easily expect thousands of shots from it - useful for suppressing fire. I believe the Fire Drakes (Fornux Lix I believe) have such from the early guard codesxes.

Anyhow it weighs 25 kg.. 200 round of SB or bolt implies they weigh the same (at least shell + propellant/casing.. this again suggests bolt rounds are seveal times more massive since the bolt is a single self contained projectile. Casing vs bullet weight can vary depending on design.) Flame weapons fire off ~.42 kg of fuel per shot. For plasma (assuming hydrogen energy density) around 45 MJ per shot. Assume similar for meltas. For a sodium sulfur backpack "battery" at 80 shots we get a whopping 169 kj per shot. The hilarious thing her eis that all las weapons (las gun, carbine, pistol, hellgun and hellpistol) all get the same outputs from this. Other sources with the backpack powre source mentioned hellguns consuming twice as many shots, Inquisitors handbook has a charge-pack equipped hellgun consuming 4x as much energy.. go figure.

Page 136
Meltaguns use specially refined chemicals injected into highly pressurised canisters.
Making this category of meltagun a sophisticated kind of (magic) flamethrower. Then again most 40K weapons are a flamethrower of some kind.

Page 136
Raw plasma weapon fuel consists of highly dangerous and volatile photonic hydrogen, compressed and contained within reinforced flasks.
Plasma 'fuel'.

Page 136
There are many kinds of weapons in the Imperium that use unusual types of ammunition, from the viscous gel of a webber to the finely crafted darts of a needle pistol.
Needle pistol darts are crafted (or can be) rather than solidified slivers of toxin of some kind. I imagine it can fire variable kinds of ammo.

Page 136
Filled with explosive micro-shrapnel, these bullets are designed to shear flesh and shatter bone, causing limbs to be blown away.
Amputator shells. Used in any Solid projectile weapon (auto, stub, shotguns, etc.) Note again the micro-shrapnel. You could probably use that in grenades too.

Page 136
This ammunition is treated with toxins to prevent coagulation and keep wounds bleeding freely. These shells are designed to burst on penetration and spread the anti-coagulants quickly.
Bleeder rounds. again any SP weapon.

Page 136
These heavy blunt bullets are designed to cause maximum tissue damage and can tear apart soft targets, though they are less effective against armour.
Dumdums. Only usable in stubs and hand cannon.

Page 136
Vicious and outlawed on some worlds, these dense shells are designed to shred open after impact, creating huge exit wounds.
Expander rounds.. used in Stubs and auto weapons only. A nastier sort of hollowpoint.

PAge 136
This is a powerful charge pack for a las weapon, favoured by snipers in some Imperial Guard regiments. Each hot-shot charge pack is good for only a single shot.
Abnettian hotshots. Increase damage and penetration both, but as we know strian the weapon. Can be used in all las weapons save lascannon (EG pistols, lasguns, carbines, as well as long-las.) Assuming we're talking about a hotshot equal in size to the lasgun power pack .4 kg -- 216 kj, 243 for long las, 162 kj for carbines, and 81 kj for laspistols.

Page 137
These shells contain a volatile, clinging gel that ignites on contact with the target.
Inferno shells. Shotguns and bolt weapons. basically a flamethrower in a bullet.

Page 137
These densely tipped bullets are designed to punch through armour.
Manstopper bullets. Stubs, auto weapons, hunting rifles, and hand cannons. Armor piercing rounds basically.

Page 137
Tempest bolt shells are perhaps the rarest variety, manufactured only in the temples of Mars. They contain a powerful miniaturised plasma-shock generator that releases a pulse of electromagnetic and thermal energy as the shell detonates. They are particularly effective against machine targets...
Basically maeks your bolter an energy and "shock" weapon.

Page 138

Armor entry: Grox Hide/Chainmail is 15 kg. Heavy leathers/furs 7 kg. Feudal world plate: 30 kg. Burnscour Beast Hide 20 kg. All primitive armor.

Flak: Flak helmet is 2 kg. Flak cloak 8 kg. Flak coat is 5 kg Guard Flak armour 11 kg.

Mesh: Mesh cowl .5 kg Xeno Mesh: 2 kg. Mesh combat Cloak 1.5 kg. Mesh vest 2 kg

Carapace: helm is 2 kg Enforcer light carpaace is 15 kg. Carapace chestplate is 7 kg. Storm trooper carapace is 15 kg.

Armoured bodyglove is 5 kg

Powered armour: Light power armour is 40 kg, Power armour is 65 kg.

Guard armor and Guard Carapace cover the whole body.

Rarity is interesting Guard flak armor is considered "scarce" Flak coats and helmets are "average". flak cloaks are scarce. Mesh stuff is Rare, except for the combat cloaks which are "very rare" Carapace stuff is all rare except the Stormtrooper armor, which is "very rare". Advanced Helmet systems are Very Rare. bodygloves are rare. Both types of power armor are "very rare". I have to wonder what the availability is relative to - civilian populace or what?

Page 138
Primitive armour will rarely stop a lasgun hit outright, but can turn a blade and is better than no protection at all.
'primtiive' armour includes chainmail, plate, etc.. are no protection against even lasguns. You'd only needa few hundred joules to punch through most plate (blaster style explosive effects) given a thickness of a few mm. Might imply a few kj at least for a lasgun. 10-60 kj as a heat ray depending on melt or vaporization.

Page 138
Many layers of ablative and impact absorbent material go into making each suit, enough to deflect or negate most low-level attacks such as small arms, shrapnel and proximity blasts. Solid hits from high impact weapons can generally negate it, but given that it is relatively lightweight, cheap to produce, and dependable in most combat situations many veterans keep using it...
High impact seems to be defined as something not small arms, in this context. What we don't know is if this is the "soft" components, or thr rigid ones, or both. I'd guess on the former, given the "all" coverage and how cloaks and coats fall into this category. Insert plates/external plates probably add to it. Also while I'm not sure how they quite define 'low level', it does imply there is at least some ability to stop or deflect las-bolts and bullets.

Page 138
Mesh armour is often of a high tech or even xeno design and is formed from thousands of bonded thermoplas cells linked together to create a fabric-like weave. Lightweight and surprisingly comfortable, it can withstand most impacts or heat energy by becoming briefly rigid, dissipating the force through the now stiff material.
Mesh. Usually Eldar armor, and some high end guard or better.

Page 138
Armoured bodygloves are a favourite for assassins, as they offer full body protection with little or no reduction in mobility. Each bodysuit is normally tailored to the wearer, and can vary in effectiveness depending on the materials used from simple flak protection levels to degrees rivalling the finest carapace armour plating. Many are simply worn underneath normal clothing or robes so as to not reveal their nature.
Armoured bodyglove. Even more high tech armor, and an indication of how sophisticated materials tech and protection can get (ic it can match carapace)

Page 138
Most personal armour includes a helmet of some sort, and some provide sensory capabilities linked into them as well as standard cranial protection. The common catch-all term for these upgrades is auto-senses, and can cover many forms of auditory and visual aids, both ranging outside the spectrum of normal eyes and ears. Most helmets at the least include commlinks and microphones, the latter often linked to megaphone speakers for shouting over rioting crowds or battlefield noise.
The three upgrades are Communications (inbuilt micro bead or vox vaster) Auto senses (improved senses mainly sight) and Preysense (night vision and infrared.) This probably includes both normal human (Inquisitor, Sisters of Battle, etc.) and Astartes power armor.

Page 139
Carapace Armour is generally a sign of status, and is mostly worn by Imperial officers and agents. Made from moulded plates of armaplas, ceramite, or other strong materials, it can cover the entire body or just sections depending on the desired level of protection. The Adeptus Arbites for example wear full body suits including a helmet, while many explorers favour a simple chestplate to wear over more comfortable mesh or flakweave suits.

Some bodysuits have slots designed for simple carapace plates to be inserted in, so that the overall suits can be rapidly configured for as much or little protection as desired. Damaged plates can be more easily replaced without requiring the purchase of an entire new suit.
Carapace seems to be defined here as being the 'solid' plate inserts some bodty armor uses, used to augment softer armor (like flak or mesh - suggesting flak does not have a 'rigid' component here.) We might infer there is actually variable qualities of carapace the same way there is variable qualities of flak. This could mean some guardsmen's rigid protection is some low grade carapace (like the Cadians wear.)

By this definiton, carapace are basically the 40K version of trauma plates (like the SAPI/ESAPI plates used in interceptor and similar armour)

Page 139
Power armour is essentially a sophisticated arrangement of thick and heavy protective plates, and uses an extensive system of muscle-like electrically motivated fibre bundles to replicate the movement of the user and augment his strength. As it is normally fully sealed with internal oxygen supplies and a rebreather, the wearer can survive even in hard vacuum for long periods. The helmet is detachable, as most users still wish at some point to see their surroundings with their own eyes. Most suits have a huge backpack containing power supplies and other auxiliary systems, such as vox-links, auto-senses, and targeters. Space Marines are the most notable users of power armour, along with Inquisitorial agents and the Adeptus Sororitas. The latter users lack the special Black Carapace implanted in Space Marines, allowing the armour to fully meld with the user. As such, many of the strengthaugmenting and advanced support systems are not possible and are not installed in these lighter suits.


Power armour also requires a constant power supply, which must be carried by the wearer (usually as a backpack). A standard non-military power supply lasts for 1d5 hours before it needs to be replaced or recharged.
It notes that normal power armor makes the wearer larger/bulkier, but Light power armor does not, so it probably depends on composition, quality and design. I'd guess lighter power armor might be a crossover between carapace and full plate (like some novels and sources suggest.)

Also lack of black carapace and fusion power source create problems for non-astartes power armor. I wonder if a black-carapace like augmetic interface can be used? I see no reason why not, but who knows.

Page 139
Cameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the colouration of the wearer into their surroundings.

Page 140
Cameoline is .5 kg and rare. Nightcloaks are 2 kg and "average"

Photo-visors and photo contacts are .5 kg and scarece. Filtration plugs are common. Preysense goggles are rare, also weigh .5 kg. Recoil gloves are .5 kg and rare. REspirator/gas masks are .5 KG and rare.
Shifting fabric is rare. Survival suits are plentiful. Synskin is 2 kg and extremely rare.

Normal void suits are 8 kg and plentiful. Selenite-Pattern void suits are 25 kg and scarce.

Page 140
These are simple plugs worn in each nostril to screen out most pollutants and harmful gases.
Filtration plugs.

Page 140
Normally fashioned into a large cloak, or more rarely a stormcoat complete with hood, a night cloak will absorb almost all ambient light and emit almost no heat. When the hood is completely furled the user can disappear into the dark, hidden even from infrared sensors. It gets very hot inside the cloak from the internalised heat..
Useful trait. I imagine this quality, given how common it is (relative to Cameleoline) may also be related to the insulating quality of greatcoats and uniforms used by ice world regiments like the Valhallans. One wonders if Cameleoline offers a similar/superior quality as well, or can the two be combined. We do know the Delaque of Necromunda had such clothing.

Page 140
Relatively simple devices, Preysense goggles allow the wearer to see thermal images from warm bodies, revealing hiding enemies at night.
IR goggles with a fancier name basically.

Page 140
Advanced lenses designed to enhance the low-level light available on even the darkest nights. Users can see in the dark almost as well as in daylight with them.
Good Craftsmanship visors also dampen the effects of photon flash grenades..

Page 140
Consisting of a mask or helmet, rebreathers contain their own air supply and are designed to preserve the user in even the most toxic atmospheres. A character wearing a rebreather is immune to the effects of gases and can even survive underwater. However, rebreathers typically have air canisters that last for about one hour and then must be replaced.
Rebreathers.. different from respirators and similar.

Page 140
These gloves have interlocking plates connected with memory wire. When the user grips a weapon, it locks together into a rigid strut around the hand and wrist, thus preventing wrist or arm damage when the weapon discharges.
REcoil gloves. Rather a useful toy if you are braced. Doesn't make momentum disappear of course. Some weapons might need more extensive bracing (up the arms and such.) I imagine this has similarities to the 'goes rigid' style of flak and mesh too.

Page 140
This is a breathing mask that covers the nose and mouth or entire face, and offers much better protection than filtration plugs.
Respirator. as I said its different from a rebreather (it needs an air supply to work for example.)

Page 141
No matter whether it is too hot or too cold, the suit can maintain proper body temperature via excellent insulation capabilities. Using the differential between body temperature and outside temperature to drive power cells, its reclamation systems produce drinking water for the wearer. Most suits come complete with a hood and goggles to protect the head and face. While it will not sustain life indefinitely, it is usually enough to allow survivors to wait for rescue.
Survival suits for nasty enviroments (like deserts). The power cell charging mechanism is quite interesting. I believe that certain real life technologies (and military electronics tech) has looked into similar methods for power sources - the real life version is nanogenerators. I'd point out this quite likely could be what gives lasgun charge packs their impressive 'charge from almost any source' qualities. It's quite a useful capability. What's more it doesnt seem exactly uncommon either.

Of course this kinda makes me wonder as well why they don't run some of their vehicles off batteries rather than fossil fuels. While there's nothing wrong with fossil fuels, their battery tech is pretty damned advanced and it would simplify some things (no exhaust) as well as giving it the same rechage benefits of lasweapons. I dont know if you could run everything on it (tanks, maybe not) but I'd bet some vehicles like Chimeras could be battery powered by something akin to say, an isotropic fuel rod. Possibly, the discharge rate per kg isn't quite enough to power a heavy vehicle.

Page 141
Synskin is a bio-reactive bodyglove with an inert nonreflective surface that moulds itself to the wearer’s form.
In addition, synskin renders the wearer invisible to the effects of Preysense goggles and Dark Sight.

is still rendered invisible to infa-red goggles and Dark Sight unless he is wearing power armour.
This particular verison of synskin does not augment performance in any way, just makes you stealthier and adds armor. It also isn't spray on, but that may have been a particular artifact of the earlier editions and the Inquisition War novels.

PAge 141
A void suit incorporates a rebreather and allows the wearer to survive in vacuum. Many incorporate simple void-kits that include tether lines, voidsteel clamps, and similar small pieces of useful equipment. However, poor void suits may not adequately shield the wearer from the energies of the void over long periods of exposure, leading to sickness or death.
Void suits for hostile enviroments (where people can't otherwise survive.) Poor suits do not provide radiation protection (not unlike Kara Swole in the Ravenor novels..)

Page 141
A truly ancient design and a relic of the sacred STC, the Selenite-pattern is perhaps the most common heavy void suit used in the Imperium. Intended for use by voidwalkers, belt miners, and the like, the suit’s insulated ceramic-fibre weave provides much better protection than a simple sealed suit from the hazards of space such as temperature extremes, radiation, and micro-fragment impact. Widely fabricated and hugely durable, some Selenite suits are treasured relics of the void born families and star vessels, and may have served many generations in a particular ship’s crew.

The Selenite can sustain life in hard vacuum for up to ten hours before the dual re-breather cells of its life support system must be replaced (which may even be done without removing the suit). A fully functioning suit in good order also contains an internal vox-link, a seal patching kit, a compact grapnel/clasp plus ten metres of line, and a photo-visor.
Selenite suits appear in several local variants...

Selenite suits common to Port Wander and Footfall are fitted with impellor units, allowing the wearer to propel himself through open space in zero or reduced gravity conditions..
..they are not powerful enough to use in a normal gravity environment...
"common" void suits and their features. Again they're surprisingly sophisticated for a 'tech ignorant' Imperium. Alot of this (And survival and other void suits) can translate into capabilities for mundane troopers (barring shitty logistics.)

Page 141
This drug can negate the effects of most dangerous gases and toxins if administered fast enough.
De-tox. general purpose cure.

PAge 141
Injectors can take many forms from cheap low-tech disposable syringes up to sophisticated hypo-sprays and even bio-attuned skin patches.
Useful forms of chemical injectors. skin patches are useful for combat I suspect.

Page 142
A typical medikit contains various cataplasm patches, contraseptics, and synthetic skin applicators.
Basic medkit.

Page 142
A practical item for vessels with no properly trained medicae support, these kits can be used by almost anyone. Each contains essential items such as sythetic skin spray, counterseptics, cast spray, toxin wands, and more, all with easy to follow instructions and built-in cogitators for diagnostic advice.
Advanced Medkit. These are a definite throwback to early 40K when you had computerized medkits.

Page 142
Most food in the Imperium is packaged, processed, and usually completely unrecognisable as anything edible. The quality of ration packs varies widely, ranging from simple and poor fare such as corpse starch rations or cultured algae to flavoured strips of grox meat and fine nutrislurry.
Ration packs and the diversity of food available. No artificial colours or flavoring! :P

Page 142
Recaf is a popular hot beverage, made from crushed and brewed leaves. The composition can vary from planet to planet, but most blends incorporate some form of stimulant such as caffeine or detoxified pharamoxine compounds.
Recaf. It migth be coffee, it might be tea, it might be a combination of both.

Page 142
Sacred unguents blessed by the Omnissiah are much sought after for their mystical properties when applied to machines.
Prevents jamming.. suggesting a psychic "WAAAGH" type effect for human tech. Just replace 'Red' with 'omnissiah' or 'machine spirit.'

Page 143
Stimm is a powerful drug that works to mask pain and drive fighters on when their bodies would otherwise give up.

PAge 143
These devices are used to detect energy emissions, motion, and biological life signs.
... spot things not normally detectable to human senses alone, such as invisible gases, nearby bio-signs, or ambient radiation. The standard range for an auspex is 50m, though walls more than 50cm thick and certain shielding materials can block the scanner.

PAge 143

Auspex scanner weighs .5 kg (scarce) . Demo charges are 1 kg. Data-Loom (Hadd Pattern) 13 kg (very Rare). Data Slate .5 kg (common) Combi-tool 1 kg. Calculance Array 120 kg. Glow-globe/Lamp pack .5 kg. Diagnostor 4 kg (rare) Magboots 2 kg and rare. Melta bomb 12 kg Very Rare. Micro bead (average), Multicompass 4 kg (near unique) Navis Prima 1 kg very Rare. Pict Recorder 1 kg And common. Renumeration engine 7 kg (Very Rare) Shipboard emergency kit common and 6 kg. Screamer 1.5 kg and average.

Servitors (Labor simple monostask) scarce Combat servitors and Complex multitask servitors are rare. Servo skulls are scarce.

Stummers 2 kg and average. Vox Caster is scarce. Grav chute 15 kg. Jump pack 25 kg (both rare)

Page 144
It is a noisy, man-sized stack of chugging, promethium-fueled rod-cogitators, often mounted upon a tracked platform. Its machine spirit accepts reams of figures, and other data, ordering them and spitting forth parchment summations and predictions upon command.
Calculance array. diesel powered at that and probably full of cogs and gears.

Page 144
Data-slates are commonplace in the Imperium, the primary means of storing and reading printed text and other media such as video or audio recordings. They are so cheap and easy to make that many contain a single media recording, such as text, and can only play that si ngle file. Others can re-record new information, or transmit and receive data from other devices.
the ubiquitous data slate.

Page 144
The diagnostor is a sophisticated medical device used among high ranking planetary officials and other powerful individuals. It can detect and diagnose almost every ailment known to the Imperium, and can be incorporated into medical kits, servo-skulls, and other dedicated servitors.
More sophisticated medical tools. Probably some of the stuff you'd expect to see Hospitallers fielding.

Page 144
A limited data-engine and geometric display that has proven useful to those faced with challenging problems of logic or fragmentary information.
Hadd-pattenr data loom... 13 kg. It helps 'logic and investiation' skill tests (in game) but I'm not sure what it actually is meant to represent otherwise. Some sort of fancy calculator perhaps.

Page 144
A common source of light at night or in darkened areas, these handy devices can illuminate an area a dozen or more metres in diameter. A typical glow-globe or lamp pack lasts 1d5 hours before it needs to be recharged or have its power cell replaced.
1-5 hours. Assuming a half watt to 5 watt power source the battery could be as little as 1.8 kj (1 watt-hour per kg) or up to 90 kj (50 watt hour per kg). all told it must be a fairly low end lamp pack, considering that the guard issue in 'first and only' had a 600 hour lifespan and the Night Lords Serf crews in Soul Hunter had lamp pack batteries that last at least a month when charged in a fire.)

Page 144
Aerial machines fashioned in the shape of avian predators, Grapplehawks are an unusual form of cyber-familiar used by some Adeptus Arbites squads and wealthy bounty-hunters
Potent internal suspensors provide enough lift for a Grapplehawk to carry a man’s weight through the air for short distances.
Grapplehawks as used by the Astartes, but apparently others use them too.

Page 144
A smaller version of a jump pack, these rely on suspensor fields to counter gravity to slow descent. Two small jets on either side above the shoulders offer extra braking as well. Unlike a jump pack it is designed to allow the user to land safely from a long fall—such as combat drop from a transport—rather than leap into the air.

The grav chute allows for a safe, guided fall from any height. The user can hover in place for up to a minute at a time if so desired. After an hour of use, the power supply must be replaced.
Grav chutes are a variation of jump pack (not surprising since they look similar, just without huge ass thrusters.)

I find it rather hard to believe that jump packs don't allow for people to slow their descents - we've seen Space Marines do it quite often jumping from jump packs. Likewise, the ability to 'hover' and the ability to reduce gravity ought to make grav chutes effective means at allowing troops to make bigger jumps. The only limit is the battery (an hour isn't that long.) but its still a useful ability.

Page 144-145
Jump packs are large backpacks containing powerful turbofan or rocket engines. A user triggers a jump pack to lift high into the air and then swoop down as part of their assault. Jump packs are also useful in leaping over high obstacles and reaching rooftops in a single bound, but without training most users will seriously injure themselves in crashes. Though bulky, loud, and somewhat dangerous to use they are ideal for the maximum in personal mobility on the ground or even in the void.
A jump pack’s power supply will last for about an hour of strenuous operation before requiring replacement.
The stats say that it can allow for guided falls, unlimited short jumps, or limited flight for up to a minute at a time (sort of a glide I imagine.) I also figure these aren't Astartes grade jump packs.. 25 isnt nearly so bulky as the monsters Assault Marines pack.

PAge 144
Some even contain specialised micro-cogitators or datavaults...
Lord Captain's batons. Mentioned as a means of bridge security against piracy or mutiny.

Page 145
These are powerful vision aids that magnify distant objects. More advanced, high-quality magnoculars can also do such things as give range read-outs, detect heat sources, calculate target location positioning, and take pict-captures of a view for later analysis

Page 145
Melta bombs are affixed to their target with mag-adhesives designed to quickly adhere to metallic surfaces. They detonate with a powerful shaped charge of intense heat akin to a melta-gun beam, and are ideal for destroying bulkheads, vehicle hulls, and other heavily armoured targets.
Metla bombs.

Page 145
A micro-bead or comm-bead is a short-range communication device worn in the ear, good for communication out to about one kilometre. Bad weather, dense terrain, and intervening rock or plasteel can greatly reduce this range, however.
I suspect this is the most common sort of micro bead. Higher qualitiy ones can have 5 or even 10 km ranges. in most situations I doubt the Imperial troops (or PDF) get more scattered than a km or so.

Page 146
When exploring new worlds, a device of this ancient tech-pattern is indispensable— but few have the means or influence to acquire one. After a few seconds of analysing planetary data, a multicompass can display directions, show topographical maps, point out compass bearings, indicate altitude, and much more.
A rather useful multi-compass.

PAge 146
Pict recorders (or simply picters) are relatively simple livemedia recording devices, and some have holographic capabilities. Most also allow for playback as well as recording, nd some are even built into dedicated pict-servitors..
40K cameras.

Page 146
A tool and symbol of status for wealthy factors and brokers, the optics and prongs of this heavy device rapidly stack, count, and assay the worth of diverse currencies.
Remuneration Engine - a really fancy calculator.

Page 146
Screamers are proximity alarms that detect motion or sound— depending on the model—and alert their users to incoming dangers by making a horrendous noise.
another throwback to early fluff - screamers.

Page 146
A servitor is an automaton whose controlling components are organic and mostly human in origin. Some are grown in vats, while others are formed from the aged bodies of honoured tech-priests or despised criminals whose punishment is to serve the Imperium in this fashion. The process of creating a servitor purges higher brain functions and psychic pattern of the subject, rendering him a blank slate for reprogramming. The most common forms of servitor are mindless labour drones, dedicated to a small selection of simple tasks, and fitted with devices necessary to this toil. Some are not even mobile, being built into the machinery they control. Examples familiar to voidfarers include bridge servitors, pilot servitors, and the hulking monotask servitors that transport cargo pallets in Imperial docking transepts. More complex or specialised servitors are less common...
Servitors - come in vareity of functions and abilities.

PAge 147
A human skull—often that of a favoured servant or lowly techadept— that has been fitted with a rudimentary machinespirit, support systems, and a suspensor device to allow it to float through the air.

These limited constructs are devoted to a particular task and have the basic equipment to carry out their purpose.
Servo skulls. Even simpler than Servitors.

Page 147
The reverse of a screamer, stummers generate sound waves to cancel out ambient sounds and noises made by moving personnel in a small area.
stummer typically has enough power for 20 minutes of continuous use before needing to be recharged—a process that takes about one hour.
The opposite of Stummers.. like screamers they are a throwback to early editions.

Page 148
Good bionic lungs count as a full life support system— thus if for any reason the user’s own respiratory system fails, his bionic lungs will keep his blood oxygenated..
What a good pair of augmetic lungs can do.

Page 148
These implanted devices duplicate the effects of sensor systems that go beyond normal human senses.
Common systems function identically to a standard handheld auspex device..
Poor systems possess only a single detection ability (either heat, radiation, or electromagnetics) and have the limited range of 20 metres..
Good systems of course are better sensors. Augur array implants. One kind of wothers why they have these AND enhanced eyesight, but *shrugs*

Page 148
This catch-all category can include additional aural and scent receptors, atmospheric pressure detectors, sonar imaging systems, and more depending on the type of implant desired. These can work in concert with existing bionics or even natural senses.
Alternate sensory capabilities.

Page 149
The paranoid (or prepared) are ever willing to replace crude flesh with more durable, armoured materials—the light armour shielding of a bionic heart provides a last line of defence. Superior models can be triggered to pump more rapidly to increase physical capacity, though this risks stroke or other catastrophe as the rest of the circulatory system is put under pressure.
Another benefit of augmetics is enhanced durability or enhance performance.

Page 149
Internal cogitator implants which aid in data retention and processing. The user can rapidly sift through stacked data-slates and parchments, applying intuition to vast reams of data far beyond the capabilities of a normal man.
Mental enhancements.

Page 149

These systems may be used to repair a severely damaged brain or augment its abilities. Common cortex implants are used to restore paralysed and brain-damaged individuals to some semblance of normality.
Poor cortex implants restore brain function but destroy the personality and memories of the subject, effectively making them a servitor...
Good cortex implants are unusual even among the Mechanicus, and their creation is an almost lost art.
Good quality makes people a lil bit crazy but gives them superhuman intellect. Yet more indiciations of their ability to modify/enhance not only the phyiscal but the mental.

Page 149
This augmentation covers or replaces most of the skull with layers of plasteel and gel padding to better prevent concussion and other brain injuries.
Head armor.

Page 149
Sight, hearing, touch, and taste can be duplicated artificially, and more esoteric senses may be added.

Common systems, while usually very obviously artificial and often oversized, manage to more or less duplicate the approximate human range of senses adequately...
Basic and advanced cybernetic eyes may also incorporate magnifying lenses... a full photo-visor, and/or a system allowing the Dark Sight trait...
basic or advanced cybernetic hearing may also include an internal micro-bead system.
Basically augmetic senses (autosenses?)

Page 150
Micro-cogitators implanted at the base of the skull allow the user to be aware of the direction of true magnetic north, present location to within a few metres, relative velocity, altitude, time of day, and other valuable information. The user must still have access to maps and other planetary in order to benefit from this information, however..
Internal compass/nav data.

Page 150
A neurally linked datavault and pict-capture array, often incorporating augmetic replacement of one or both eyes, that records information of people or scenes viewed. It can then later replay that information, or overlay the present view with additional data on people and objects viewed. It is a tool of chroniclers, remembrancers, and masters of ceremonies—as well as factors or nobles who like to see the secrets of their rivals overlaid upon their view of the negotiating table.
Basically making yourself into a mobile camera/recording device. Mersadie Oliton in the HH series is an example.

Page 150
These devices, also known as sense-links, allow the owner to directly interface with a machine or technological device. MIUs see widespread use among the Adeptus Mechanicus who regard them as objects of divine communion. A basic MIU implant involves a single spinal or cortex connector, while advanced variants include wrist connector probes—and possibly mechadendrite connectors—in addition to the spinal plug.

Page 151
MIU Weapon Interface: Unlike the more advanced version normally only granted to priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, this version is more simplified, allowing the user to remotely operate a single weapon which is normally attached to the shoulder. While not as elaborate, it is easier to use and a favourite of many militant professions.
One assumes that other 'specialized' MIUs are equally simpler (and more common). I imagine this is what SKitarii use.

Page 151
These are implanted inside the lungs and can sift out most toxic gases. Inhaled particulate matter is also filtered, making breathing easier in heavily polluted atmospheres.
Filter implant for lungs. Some Guard troops are implanted in this way for hostile enviroments.

Page 151
Thin carapace plating is inserted under the skin in various locations, giving the user added protection against damage. While not as impressive as most augmentations, and sometimes uncomfortable, subskin armour is very reliable.
Sub-dermal armor. Won't protect joints, and it probably adds to the weight of the body (making the wearer slower, exerting more pressure on surroundings like furniture, and can put more strain on the body.)

One imagines that you could implant flak/flakweave as a cheaper/less heavy alternative (although less protective.) Given that flakweave is used in vat grown muscle enhancements, this seems likely.

Page 151

Vat-grown muscle tissue, hyperdense and augmented with flakweave, is implanted into existing muscle groups to increased their strength.
Although not mentioned anywhere, we know from the Ghost novels (Honour guard onwards) that nerve/muscle speed augmentations similar to this exist, basically giving faster reflexes/reaction time (drawing weapons, etc.) The 'flakweave' augmentation is interesting.. I assume its done for reinforcement and strengthening (so it doesn't get torn off.) since its 'flakweave' this might also suggest it offers some measure of enhanced durability. Skeletal reinforcement would probably be a good idea.

Page 152
Subdermal skin tissue is treated with flakweave and chemical toughening agents, such that the wearer can tolerate a longer term of void exposure before ill effects occur. Chemplant agents also minimize the damage suffered due to the raw energies of the void.
Interesting resilience to radiation and vaccuum exposure. one imagines that again, with flakweave, it might offer some enhanced durability.
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Cykeisme »

Page 144
A smaller version of a jump pack, these rely on suspensor fields to counter gravity to slow descent. Two small jets on either side above the shoulders offer extra braking as well. Unlike a jump pack it is designed to allow the user to land safely from a long fall—such as combat drop from a transport—rather than leap into the air.

The grav chute allows for a safe, guided fall from any height. The user can hover in place for up to a minute at a time if so desired. After an hour of use, the power supply must be replaced.
Grav chutes are a variation of jump pack (not surprising since they look similar, just without huge ass thrusters.)

I find it rather hard to believe that jump packs don't allow for people to slow their descents - we've seen Space Marines do it quite often jumping from jump packs. Likewise, the ability to 'hover' and the ability to reduce gravity ought to make grav chutes effective means at allowing troops to make bigger jumps. The only limit is the battery (an hour isn't that long.) but its still a useful ability.
It's probably just a slightly poorly written statement, I think what they mean is that unlike a jump pack, it is designed only to allow the user to land safely from a combat drop.
Wargear descriptions in the mainstream tabletop codexes (as well as the description in the Deatwatch RPG? I don't have the books onhand) explicitly state that they can be used for combat drops, especially the most popular example you mentioned.. assault marines jumping from Thunderhawks.
Anyway, the "limited flight" afforded by the human-sized jump packs described in the discussed Rogue Trader book would pretty much logically cover a user safely flying to the ground after disembarking from a flying aircraft, right?
"..history has shown the best defense against heavy cavalry are pikemen, so aircraft should mount lances on their noses and fly in tight squares to fend off bombers". - RedImperator

"ha ha, raping puppies is FUN!" - Johonebesus

"It would just be Unicron with pew pew instead of nom nom". - Vendetta, explaining his justified disinterest in the idea of the movie Allspark affecting the Death Star
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next update. 3 more left to go, or so I estimate. Ugh. And Only War is even LONGER.... damn my Guard fetish...

Page 152
The subject has cranial surgery to work in neural receptors and artificial nerve routing, and can be compelled not to reveal a certain item of information, remain within a set area, or perform a specific task. If the subject attempts—or is forced—to counter this compulsion, his brain shuts down into unconsciousness—or even death for some severe volitor patterns. Many bodyguards receive this implantation in the course of their employment.
Volitor implant. Mind control device/enforces loyalty.

PAge 152
Bionic rarities (at least of those I covered) augur array (Rare), augmented senses (rare), bionic respiratory system (rare) bionic heart (rare), calculus logi upgrade (very rare), cortex implants (very rare), cranial armour (scarce) cybernetic senses (rare), locator matrix (rare), memorance implant (rare), mind impulse unit (rare), MIU weapon interface (rare), respiratory filter (rare), subskin armour (very rare), synthetic muscle grafts (rare), voidskin (scarce), volitor implant (rare)

I omitted a few like mecahdendrites, since I covered them and they should be self evident anyhow.

Page 154 undergoing years of training and extensive indoctrination culminating in a techno-arcane ritual initiation called “soul binding” to the God Emperor. This process is what makes an astropath what he is, and without it there would be no astropaths. The benefits of the soul binding are that it allows the astropaths some safety while opening their minds to the warp’s currents in communications from afar, and sifting the truth from the psychic static and perilous lies whispered beyond, and projecting their own messages into that void to be heard by others of their own kind.
What the soul binding does on a fundamental level is combine the psyker’s own abilities with the merest fraction of those of the Emperor which transforms him and protects him in a way that makes the astropath unique among human psykers.
As we learn with other sources, Soul Binding has similarities to the bonds sorcerors form with their patrons. And as noted in other sources, only some survive, those that survive may be dirven insane or have their minds burnt out, and even in the best case you lose your eyes. Why this happens to human psykers but not where it comse to daemonic soul bonds.. no idea.

It is unlikely that other races could duplicate this so easily without some GEoM equivalent, although we know powerful psykers like Librarians can duplicate it, and other psykers (like Weirdboyz) can simulate it less effectively (lack of cohesion is mostly the problem.) The Tyranids already have this ability in a form. Chaos could probably pull it off too, via their soul bonds to daemons.

The years of preparation and training also put a 'delay' on training and preparing astorpaths, so supply has to be carefully monitored.

Page 154
Their survival was made possible by a stringent processes of selection, indoctrination, and training known as sanctioning; a process similar to, but nowhere near as thorough or allencompassing as the soul binding an astropath must endure,
nor as secure.
Sanctioned psykers seem to share some similarities to astropaths, which is perhaps why Sanctioning seems similar to soul binding.

Page 155
They are not psykers in the standard sense, but rather the inheritors of a specifically engineered ability whose true nature is not fully understood, even by those who possess it. Their gifts allow them to peer into the same Immaterium beheld by those gifted with psychic prowess but with singular purpose and acuity, enabling them to actively navigate a ship through the warp itself with a skill unmatched by psyker or machine alike.
Navigators are a form of abhuman, not a psyker per se (hence not under the AStra Telepathica), and it is implied that normal psykers could navigate the warp, albeit far less effectively (but presumably, more effectively than a machine or chartist methods) We know that Ork psykers and some Chaos Sorcerers can do so after all, and some Librarians at that.

Page 156

Perhaps a thousand such martyrs are sacrificed to the Emperor in this manner each day.
Astronomican sacrifice.

Page 156
Of these, the ever-dwindling number of warlocks and farseers of the insidious eldar are known to be among the most subtle and powerful...
Their mastery of the psyker’s arts is measured by long and cautious centuries and most will never attain the brief, bright-burning power of the humans they so scorn.
Differences between human and Eldar psychic powers.

Page 156
Untouchables are individuals who have no warp signature. They are not psykers—in fact, they are completely the opposite. Their presence frequently acts as a damper on psychic activity, lessening or even completely halting its effects. Untouchables, like psykers, actually have different grades of “ability,” though few savants have actually been able to study them closely due to their extreme rarity. Their strange aura makes most folk uncomfortable around them, and for this reason they are often loners, outcasts, and pariahs.

Page 156
While a psyker’s raw power tends to be a constant from the first full emergence of his powers, ongoing training allows him to find new ways to utilise and hone his abilities.
Psyker 'strengthening' - what this could reflect is the limit to which psychic potential can be developed. it's not neccesarily raw power, but it cna also reflect skill and efficiency, some very effective psykers lack raw power but have a great deal of finess and precision.

Page 156
There is a fundamental disagreement over how to codify the power level of psykers, and how this is done can vary both between the colleges of the Scholastica Psykana and other academic sources, but the widest accepted measure is a series of Inquisition-approved ‘bandings’ of raw power. Ranging from the almost nascent Omicron to the world shattering power of an Alpha grade psyker...
Again no 'standard' methods for classifying psykers and other psykers.

Page 158 rarer and more occult arts such as the destructive force known as pyromancy, astral projection of the soul away from the body, the summoning of daemons, and the transmutation of matter at will.
rare arts. note the transmutation of matter... that could be useful in engineering.

Page 159
Particularly valued are more powerful and experienced Astropaths, who often lead a ship or fleet’s Astropaths in a choir that can send a more complicated message or achieve a clearer psychic signal.
Astropathic choirs, in other words.

Page 162
Transmitting a message over interstellar distances normally takes 1d5 hours...
Astropathic communication in this way is a matter of sending and receiving messages that must themselves be encapsulated and encrypted lest they become lost in the warp, hopelessly garbled, or worse yet, intercepted. As a result, messages sent over long distances are often ‘packets’ of information, akin in some ways to letters or brief recordings from the real world absorbed and sent on their way to be (hopefully) caught and possibly relayed on by other astropaths to their intended destination. This process is not instantaneous. However, it is considerably faster than warp travel—an astropathic signal will cross a solar system in moments, across a subsector in hours, a sector in days and, if strong enough, a Segmentum in weeks and so on.
40,000 LS or so in an EArth like system from end to end (roughly 80 AU I believe, from pluto orbit to pluto orbit.. might be a bit larger.) a few moments is roughly a few tens of thousands of c. Subsectors are around 50-100 LY again.. assuming 2 hours (rather than a day) you get a few hundred thousand c (or a few tens of thousands if you do assume a day) A subsector in days.. a few tens of thousands of c again (or thousands if its nearly a week. Across a segmentum.. assuming ~20,000 LY or so, you get maybe a quarter million to half a million depending on how many weeks. This would be faster if we assumed a large segmentum like Ultima segmentum (at least several times faster). a few hours over thousands or tens of thousands of LY would be in the millions of c. Quite a bit of inconsistency there, doesn't one think?

One possibility is perhpas that empty space is "easier" to send a signal across, whereas sectors and subsectors represent "clusters" of human life/activity, which may offer some warp-type "interference" that screws with communications. Or, its just game mechanics and somewhat inconsistent. A third possibility (or a factor that my include some of the others) is that it depends on the style and method of AStrotelepathy used - sending symbols is simpler and faster, but more prone to confusion if the symbols are mistranslated. The 'bucket brigade' transfer may allow more detailed transmissions, but the greater complexity makes it harder to send reliably over longer distances and may require relay via different astropathic ducts (which can enhance reliability at the cost of speed.)

Page 163
Astropathic relays are techno-arcane installations found both aboard major star vessels and in spires and facilities on important worlds designed to boost an astropath’s gifts. Sending and receiving from a relay provides an astropath with the following benefits.
Relays are actual, physical devices that enhance performance and not just the name of the stations. It also implies that starships can act as 'relays'. Also mentions choirs assisting and boosting the power of sending/receiving signals.

Page 163
Astrotelepathic signals are listed: Distance to orbit is "instant" Nearby Solar is 1d5 rounds. Distant Solar is 1d10 rounds. Nearby system is 1d10 minutes. Sub-sector is 1d5 hours. Sector is 1d5 weeks. Segmentum is 1d5 months.

Between this and the other stuff we get quite a bit of variety. For example, 5 and 50 seconds to send a signal across a solar system. That's 20,000 light seconds if we assume an Earth like system (From Earth to Pluto roughly) meaning an average FTL 'velocity' of a few hundred or a few thouand c. And remember, astropath signals are supposed to be FASTER than warp travel.

Get's better. Nearby systen is 1-10 minites. Your average planet, if we use the Calixis sector map, is ~10 LY or so. Some are longer (15-20 LY) and some are quite a bit shorter 2-5 LY maybe. Assuming 2 LY and 10 minutes you still get a FTL velocity of, oh, around 100,000c Much better than the last. If we go with 10 LY and 1 minute you can get a some 5 million c. This meshes roughly with Eisenhorn's 'Xenos' lag times... (10-20 LY in 10 min or so).

Then we get to sector and subsector. A sector is on average maybe 50-100 LY on a side, roughly. A sector 200 Ly on a side. Subsector varies from maybe 90,000c to a few hundred thousand c again.. worse than before, but not too bad. Sector however... 200 Ly in 1d5 weeks we're back to thousands of c. And we skipped "days" . We went from minutes, hours.. then to weeks and months. What the fuck? Assume between 20,000-50,000 LY or so for a segmentum and agan we get to tens or a few hundreds of thousands of c. This isa different result compared to earlier calcs (Sector in weeks instead of days).

I shoudl note that it is possible an alternate interpretation, given the 'nearby' stuff is that its not 'across' a sector, subsector or segmentum, but rather 'nearby subsector' or 'nearby sector' or 'nearby segmentum' In that case we might figure that the subsectors are at least a few tens of LY (say 30-50) to 100-200 LY apart (depending on the subsectors communicating.) AT 5 hours and 30 LY you get as low as 50,000c, but at 200 LY and 1 hour you get 1.75 million c, which is a bit more consistent. Between sectors may mean hundreds or thousands of light years (Such as betwene Calixis and Scarus) as I've discussed/hypothesized before (worlds separated by hundreds or thousands of light years may mean sectors instead) Assuming between 200 and 10,000 LY you still get low thousands/tens of thousands on the other end, but 'thousands' at least can mean hundreds of thousands potentially. And betwene segmentums pretty much means tens of thousands of LY (or huge chunks of the Imperium... say a good 30-40 thousand LY at least - and more if we're doing it between Ultima and elsewhere which is hundreds of thousands again to millions.

Page 164
- basic psychic powers related to telpathy and astropathy.. psychic scream to stun, detect nearby minds, probe minds for info. and short range telepathy

Page 165
- other abilities,, mental domination, engendering emotions (like TError) or fooling the mind.

Page 166
Requiring utmost skill and experience, this technique enables the psyker to enter into another mind and completely reprogram the contents, insidiously reshaping its memories and experiences as he desires. This can be something as simple as an engram designed to fool casual searches by other telepaths, or something more crafted and elaborate to remake an entire personality and constructed as ‘false self ’ the unfortunate victim will believe to be true.
This has obvious uses for many arms of the Imperium.

Page 167
Given extensive time, effort and the malign will to do so, a psyker with this power can freely implant a complete new personality, restructure memories, counterfeit experience, and implant hate with this ability.
As I said, it has uses for the Imperium

Page 168
Diviners can read a person’s aura, the unconscious projection of his being in to the warp. This is a very pale shadow, beneath the notice of most beings, but the diviner can study this aura to learn about the person.
I suspect this is one of the things a auto-seance or scrying is meant to read (a person's own warp emanations, or the imprint they leave on other stuff. Info gained can vary from health state, race, emotional state, deeper insight into feelings (as opposed to shallow), how sane or insane someone is and what addictions or madness they might hav,e and ultimately level of corruption/taint.

Page 168
By reading the Emperor’s Tarot for a specific individual, the psyker can grant insight into what troubles lay ahead. A specific question must be asked, though it can be as detailed as “What must we overcome to defeat the xenos on Choir?” or as broad as “How can I turn a greater profit?”
Tarot divination.

Page 169
At this level of skill, the psyker has learned how to explore multiple outcomes to different choices and actions, and to be able to sort through them to choose the safest course.
Divining the Future represents the psyker’s growing affinity for the Emperor’s Tarot, and his ability to access answers about the future with greater speed and precision.
Psyker precog.

Page 169
Peering in to the future for a brief instant, the psyker is able to see possible outcomes and potential dangers.
By taking a deep look into the near future, the psyker can anticipate the actions of his enemies
seconds worth of precog (one turn basically) - basically short term precog.

Page 169
...the psyker can locate and track down a single object or person in his immediate vicinity. The psyker can find anything, but there must be some degree of familiarity.
Psychic scrying (short range.)

Page 170
Learning to read the Tarot is in part the act of learning to divine the Emperor’s word from psychic impressions. Refining this skill allows the psyker to learn more about others from the crude psychic traces they leave behind on objects and places in the world around them. In its simplest form, the psyker can gain rough impressions from an object or a general area...
More information beyond the strongest emotions requires time, and the longer the psyker stays in a given area, the more information he can ascertain.
The Tarot is a means of communication (via the soul bond, perhaps) between Emperor and psyker. It is not amongst the most reliable of communications - analogous to astrotelepathic communication, it would seem (relying on translation and symbolism.)

Page 170
At this level of skill, the psyker has learned how to explore multiple outcomes to different choices and actions, and to be able to sort through them in less than a heartbeat.
This is again, a short term, immediate future sort of thing.. seconds worth of warning.

Page 171
Telekinesis is the ability to move physical objects with force of will. The psyker’s initial gift in Telekinesis has several applications. The psyker may lift or move any object within his range and line of sight that does not exceed the weight limit of 10 kg x Psy Rating. The object may be moved slowly within the range of the power. Objects move far too slowly to be used as an attack, however. Additionally, this raw lifting ability does not function on living beings, as the smallest movements tend to unbalance the psyker’s mental focus. Once an object is released from Telekinesis, it begins to slowly settle back to earth as the last vestiges of the power leave it.

A more forceful approach can be taken with lighter objects, weighing up to 5 kg x Psy Rating. These may be accelerated with greater speed and force...
Lastly, the psyker can direct a sharp wave of force against a target to shove it away.
Somewhat game mechanics, but not too complicated given that psy ratings are merely 1-10. As a "order of magnitude" assessment it's quite reasonable and simple as a benchmark. Not every Psyker is going to be a super TK powerhouse, nor should they be.

Page 172
Unlike the first gross manipulations of Telekinesis, this allows the psyker to fine tune his ability until he can do anything at range that he could do with his bare hands.
Precision in TK isn't an innate skill, it comes wth practice.

PAge 172
The psyker can hurl a bolt of force at an opponent.
The psyker can wrap a target in crushing bands of force.
Shaping the force of the psyker’s mind into a blade of destructive force, the Telekinetic Weapon is a powerful manifestation of the psyker’s discipline and control.
TK attacks. It's interesting to note that mental "shape" matters as far as applying the abilities, which has implications for how the mechanism can be employed. (A force "bolt" might take the mental image of a TK punch, or a bullet, or similar.)

Page 172
The psyker can create a field of telekinetic energy for self defence.

The form-fitting shield...

The shield is not opaque and does not block line of sight. The defence provided by this power will also work against attacks with the Warp Weapon quality.
TK defense.

Page 172
This technique is an elegant manifestation of the psyker’s killing will in the form of multiple hovering blades of destructive force, visible as hazy distortions in the air.
TK version of Kys' kineblades.. and likewise has offensive (attack) and defensive (block/intercept attack) properties.

Page 172
The psyker has developed his powers to the furthest reaches. He can generate a rain of force bolts that can smash his
enemies in a savage storm of psychic fury.
Gatling gun version of force bolt. I should note that all powers tend to have a 50-100 m top range (assuming psy rating ten, its basically 5-10m per point of rating.) Which renders them close ranged defense compared to say, someone with a rifle.

Page 174
Unlike a Psyker however, a Navigator’s command of the warp is more innate and instinctive and so he does not manifest his abilities in the same way. To this end Navigators have a far more limited range of abilities than Psykers but their powers are more reliable and in some cases more potent.
An interesting contrast between Psykers and Navigators. It suggests specialization caries with it greater reliability in a given art/task/ability.

PAge 174
Some scholars speculate, however, that this unique sub-species of humans was the result of long forbidden genetic tampering. Some say the hand of the Emperor was behind their creation in the early days of the Great Crusade, whilst other supposition claims that it was a spontaneous evolution triggered by mankind’s first steps across the void.
Early fluff had them being part of the Dark Age of Technology and earlier IIRC. We know for certain they weren't created in teh Great Crusade era, they predated that quite some time. It is (remotely) possible that the Emperor in his very very early days (I dont remember exactly HOW old he is...) had a hand in their creation, but I dont think he was DAoT era.

Page 174
A Navigator is the result of focused selective breeding and rigorous screening by their House at every stage of their development.
Quite possibly, I imagine, not a small amount of further genetic engineering, or at least whatever the AdMech can achieve, since they are a rare resource no matter what. Of course its possible that for whatever bizarre reason they can't ben engineered or 'tweaked' in any way.

Page 174
Little is known about how a Navigator’s warp affinity works, or exactly how it is that many Navigators are able to not only look into the warp but also enact their will on it to some extent, making subtle changes to its currents and tides.
This is something I've not heard of before, but in context it makes some sense, since their ability to navigate would depend on their ability to affect warp travel (or to read it.) And I believe some Navigators have demonstrated some meausre of precog/farseeing, which is just another way of "influencing" the Warp.

Page 174
Common to all Navigators is the ‘warp’ or ‘third’ eye. It almost always manifests as a literal mutation they bear upon their foreheads, although in some cases trepanning and a cybernetic shutter implant made during adolescence will be needed to affect the full release of their power. This eye is what gives a Navigator his power to gaze into the warp and guide ships through its turbulent currents and storms—more than a mere additional sensory appendage, the third eye is the source of all a Navigator’s power and their link to the Immaterium.

Through this eye they can see directly into the warp, and when their power is honed, pierce material barriers and disguises, even delve into the souls of men. They can also use this eye to read the currents of the warp—its ebb and flow—and through this understanding subtly alter it, causing ripples that can be felt within the Materium of real space itself. In addition to these lesser powers, the gaze of a Navigator’s warp eye when fully opened can kill, its baleful light sheering the very souls from those that look upon it, extinguishing them forever in a moment of blazing madness and agony.
The Navigator's eye. It seems to act as a 'focus' for their specialized warp powers, both as a sensory organ and a means of manipulation.

Page 175
Their position of control over nearly all Imperial shipping places them in a rare place of power, one that sits almost beyond the reach of both the Administratum and even the Inquisition itself. It is a position that the Great Houses have mercilessly exploited down the millennia and used to gather vast wealth and influence to themselves.
Constantly struggling for position and favour, the Houses use all manner of means to outdo their rivals, sometimes even engaging in open warfare against one another. Only the strict control of the House Novators and the carefully maintained codes of the Navigators keep such conflicts from spiralling out of control.
It has been speculated that the infighting between Navigator houses is deliberately engineered, because without it they would be able to virtually dominate the Imperium, since they are one of the few institutions (The other being the AdMech) that are truly truly vital to the Imperium. (Well, the Emperor is of course, but I don't think he qualifies as an institution.)

I also suspect they control the bulkof long-range interstellar shipping, but they don't worry as much about inter-system shipping.

Page 175
Vital to the survival of the Houses is the continuance of the birthing and training of skilled and potent Navigators. However, the competition between the families has also led to each tampering with and altering the evolution of some of its children, in the hopes of creating more powerful and able Navigators with which to defeat their rivals and win greater contracts. Over many centuries, this altering of the Navigator gene has created many lineages, giving rise to some strains of the Navigator gene in which certain powers, abilities, and mutations are more prevalent.
I guess I was right about the genetic engineering. This does leave some other interesting questions:

1.) can you clone navigators? If so, why haven't they? I'd just guess offhand there's some reason why not, but it probably wouldnt be a good one.

2.) Can Navigators be bred by other than natural means? In-vitro, for example?

Page 176
In the Imperium, there are thousands Navigator Houses, each with a history that can be traced back hundreds if not thousands of years, but still the number of Navigators is a literal drop in the ocean compared to the numberless masses of humanity.
Thousands of Navigator houses. Given the probable number of interestaller ships in the Imperium, that hints at there being many hundreds of navigators per family. If we ever get a handle on just how big Navigator families are, we could probably work from there. That said, not all are likely to be equal, and there are probably many more "minor" houses than there are Major, and I am certain that the "thousands" combines both.

Given the number of 'major' houses in Calixis, we're probably talking bout at least 6000 major navigator houses, and tens of thousands of minor houses. It oculd be larger (EG 10,000 sectors would be many more Major houses.)

Page 176
Some [Navigator houses] have dwindled and died off over the years, some few turned outlaw, whilst many others have prospered in these divergent ways of life creating branches and offshoots of the Great Houses across the Imperium.
There are a few renegade houses. This is not neccesarily Chaos aligned, just non-Imperial.

Page 176
Some of the Great Houses have forsaken ties of sector and system, relinquishing their terrestrial holdings. Instead, over the centuries, these Navigator Houses have taken wholly to the stars to become wanderers and gypsies, their lines preserved on vast fleets of ships constantly on the move.
Void born navigator houses.

PAge 176
Greatest in size and power are the Magisterial Houses. The roots of the original Navigator families...
This suggests 'new' Navigator families may grow up from offshots of older, existing families, or minor families that manage to become more powerful. Magisterial families are probably the oldest and most powerful (politically anyhow)

Page 176
Shrouded houses have suffered great losses or shame within the more established dominions of the Imperium. They have opted to move their powerbase completely to the edge of known space, where they cling to the barest strands of their former status and power.
exiled houses. Not quite renegades, but clearly in decline.

Page 177
Dabbling heavily in the genes of their children in order to improve their lot, their tampering often leads to hideous mutations and unconscionable monsters in their lineage, which in turn leads to rejection by the Paternova and a hunt to extinction by the Inquisition. In some cases, however, it has birthed new strains of the gene and given rise to families with unique abilities and potent powers.
It really says something that Rengade Houses are considered horrible mutants, considering what is the typical fate of a Navigator.

Page 178
Unlike psychic powers, Navigators do not need to summon the energies of the warp or use arcane psychic foci to activate their powers. Rather, their powers are a result of their innate connection to the warp and the legacy of their genes.
Not unlike Orks or Tyrnaids, I suppose.

Page 179
By understanding and perceiving the currents of the warp, the Navigator can hide his presence from those that would use the Immaterium to detect him. Whilst it does not in any way mask his presence in the real universe, it can ably hide him from detection by Psykers and confuse creatures whose essence and existence are linked to the warp, such as Daemons and other warp entities. As the Navigator grows in power, he will become harder to detect, as well as being able to mask others if they stand nearby.
Warp 'cloaking'

Page 179

By using his warp eye to filter small secrets from the near future, the Navigator can choose to make slight adjustments to his actions to avoid harm and manipulate the course of events. Only if the Navigator tries to dig too deep into the near future for secrets does this power become unpredictable and he may become victim of the warp’s lies.
short term precog and probability manipulation. Much sa with precog in other universes.. the further along the future one travels, the more complicated and unpredictable things become.

Page 179
This power allows a Navigator to see a creature’s or object’s reflection in the warp and learn things hidden from the real universe. This power is most useful in unmasking both psykers and daemons, but has other applications, such as reading residual psychic taint on objects and tracking powerful psychic entities.
Navigator can detect major disturbances in the warp, such as warp portals and ships entering and exiting the Immaterium within a radius of 100 kilometres times his Perception Bonus. In Starship Combat this power functions within a number of VUs equal to the Navigator’s Perception Bonus.
The latter detection bit only applies if the Navigator is an adept or greater. I suspect the 'warp reflection' is the sorts of shadows/warp signatures Navigators can sometimes see (of stars, of inhabited star systems, etc.) It would provide an interesting means of scrying/FTL detection.

Page 180
The unflinching eye of a Navigator locks a creature in place with a gaze that pierces flesh and bone to see the immaterial essence of all things. Most commonly employed against psykers, this ability can be used to render them effectively powerless and prevent them from calling upon their abilities. It is also undeniably effective against creatures with a strong connection to the warp, such as daemons, for which it can have spectacular and devastating consequences.
Warp X-ray vision?

Page 180
Time is not an arrow that flies straight and true, but rather ,a tangled web of moments and possibilities. The Course Un-travelled power allows a Navigator to negotiate this web, stepping fractionally from one moment to another, and in the process, altering his position in the physical world. The use of such power is extremely dangerous, however, as the Navigator is not actually physically travelling in place as such, but rather choosing an alternate future in which wish to inhabit. He risks both injury and madness in trying to step outside the flow of time in this way.
This is frankly a rather bizarre power.. its not quite temporal manipulation or spatial mnaipulation.. or even probability manipulation, but something of all 3. I wonder if he/she is supposed to be stepping in/out of the warp or something. except doing this would be an extrmee sort of fuckery for time travel and such. Overall I'm not sure I'd believe or like this being a Navigator ability, although it might be useful in warp navigation (maybe thats what it would pertain to mostly?)

One power I won't detail too much is Lidliss stare, which is bascially just the Navigator using his warp eye to attack other humans.

Page 180
By examining the flow of the warp around him, the Navigator can anticipate near future actions and thus move outside the normal flow of events by choosing strands of reality and slipping between them. Whilst this power can be of great benefit to the Navigator, it is also very dangerous, and should he lose control, the results can be disastrous.
More precog and some seeming probability manipulation.

Page 181
When a ship travels though either real space or the warp it leaves a faint trail, the lingering shadow of its warp drive. Using his third eye, the Navigator can follow this trail across the stars.
Beginners can track a trail weeks old, ADepts months, and Masters years old, although even then the older trails still suffer degradation in information.

Page 181
Using this power and gazing into the void whilst aboard ship, the Navigator can learn things about space in the immediate vicinity of his vessel. This can reveal hidden dangers such as mines, void reatures, and concealed ships, as well as more mundane perils like asteroids and debris. With skill and practice, a Navigator’s void sense can become amazingly precise and reach out across millions of kilometres of space.
...gain some information about the nature of the object (i.e., what minerals are in an asteroid, what kind of crew a starship has...)
An interesting ability considering how it implies long detection ranges.. it may also be FTL. It seems to have value in combat as well. In game terms the actual distance is variable, with the 'millions' implied only for the most experienced Navigators (based on distance per perception bonus stuff.) More experienced are like tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, and novices are perhaps thousands, hundreds or even fewer km. But as I said that may or may not apply given the game mechanci aspect and the lack of 40K canon :P

Page 183
..the Navigator carefully studies the currents and fluctuations of the warp as well as the distance and strength of the Astronomican. Using this information, he tells the captain to make course corrections and when it is wise to leave or enter the warp.
Once the vessel is in the warp, however, not having a Navigator would leave a captain with no idea as to the vessel’s position relative to real space, the distance they have travelled, or where they will end up when the ship exits the warp except crude guesswork based on existing warp charts.
Warp navigation.

Page 183
The duration of a voyage is measured in subjective time; time as experienced by the Navigator and the crew of the vessel in days and hours of “untroubled passage.” This calculation assumes that the vessel is following a favourable warp current and operating under good conditions. If all goes well the voyage will pass in this time.
A Navigator preparing a passage he is familiar with, or for which he has good navigational information, (such as a chart or navigational cipher), will have a good sense of how long it should take to arrive at his destination.
It is quite possible that a Navigator must plot a course to a location with which he is not familiar, in which case he may have no real idea of easy it will be to reach or how long it will take.
The 'time dilation' effect and more navigational factors.

Page 183-184
The subjective time experienced by those travelling through the warp is different from that that passes in the physical world. The amount by which time experienced within the warp and real space varies is not fixed, but if it is necessary to calculate how much time has passed in the real world whilst a ship was in the warp, use a ratio of one day of passage in the “open warp” to 12 days passing in real space on average.
...on the most stable warp routes this should be less (even in 1 to 1 parity in some places), and in turbulent areas potentially much worse. Factual accounts of ships arriving at their destination centuries late are thankfully extremely rare, but known
There have even been accounts of ships that have actually arrived at their destination before they have left!
The dilation factor seems to depend on a great many factors - whether on route or off, off route, 'weather' conditions, ability to navigate (to avoid things in the warp which may affect time or space, etc.) One would imagine that most 'stable' well travelled routes are fairly predictable (possibly even made so by persistant belief) while less travelled routes or "open warp" routes (basically navigating anywhere outside a stable route) is much worse.

IT can also go the other way. Time could be manipulated in such a way that more time passes in the warp than in realspace, which is actually an asset.

Page 184
1 day: Short passage between two close systems by a well-travelled stable warp route.

5-10 days : A journey between systems in the same sub-sector using accurate navigational information.

30-60 days : A journey across the body of a full Imperial sector (such as Calixis) using accurate information and known warp routes.

100+ Days : A perilous journey across a Segmentum at best speed avoiding only the worst known hazards.

Several Years: An odyssey across the galaxy.
The listed examples of travel distances and the time it takes for a Navigator-lead ship of unknown type/quality (presumably average) to get where they need to go. This may be considered just an example, and quite possibly game mechanics but I include it nonetheless because it is calcable.

For simplicity's sake I am assuming a straight line (shortest distance) path between two points.

For one day this could mean anything from a few LY (as I outlined before with the astropathy) to 15-20 LY, or even more with some examples. I assume "close" systems means no more than say, 5-10 LY. Depending on the exact number you could get anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand c (2 LY for example is some 750-800c, whilst 15 LY would be ~5500c)

A subsector is no more than 100 LY across. Assuming two non-adjacent systems no more than 50-100 LY apart in 5-10 days gives a maximum of 7300c, possibly less.

A journey across "the full body" I assume means from one end to another, straight line and no deviation. 200 LY in 30 to 60 days is a mere 2400c.

100+ Days to journey across a segmentum (but less than several years) is a bit harder to measure, as it isn't clear in what dimension, nor what segmentum. (Ultima Segmentum is quite large, for example) SEgmentum solar is the easiest, about 20,000-30,000 LY in diameter (by my estimates). Segmentum pacificus is the nest smallest Segmentum Pacificus is smaller, with its "width" being a mere 15,000-20,000 LY or so, but its "height" is twice its "width". Segmentum Tempestus is a bit larger. It's "width" is twice its "height", and its heigth is about that of TErra (maybe 20K-30K LY). Obscurus is larger still.. at least 25-40K LY "tall", and its with again is twice its length. And ultima segmentum is the real monster: it's "width" is easily over two times that of Segmentum solar (2.3 to be exact) and its "height" is nearly twice its length... which means 40-60k LY width, and 70-100 LY or so "tall".

Given that broad a range of values, FTL speed could range anywhere from a 70,000c to 365,000c approximately. Which contrasted with the previous three examples, is a TREMENDOUS difference in speed - a full order of magnitude or more difference.

The simplest is crossing the galaxy in several years (2-3 years) which for a 120,000 LY galaxy is around 40-60,000c. Not as impressive as the Segmentum one, but still pretty huge compared to Inter-sector and smaller travel.

Also, it is implied that the time traveled is "time in warp" rather than the time in real space, so the actual speeds could be far lower (by up to a factor of 12, if we go by the RT stuff) and depending on the course. furthermore, the text notes
further variance by up to 4 times faster (or slower) depending on the sucess of passage, which represents the skill (or lack thereof) of the Navigator.

I also assumed a straight line path, which is unlikely to be true in most cases due to the unpredictable nature of the warp. If anything, I imagine the jumps (Especialyl the bigger ones across Segmentum or galaxy) would be a series of smaller jumps, following a irregular course across the sector, galaxy, whatever. (IF we take the Commerical vessel example from the DH Inquisitor's handbook, a journey between two systems separated by a few tens of LY could mean circuitous paths with a total travel time of hundreds of LY and dozens of jumps. Such extremeity would probably not be routine for a Navigator-led ship, but it gives an idea of just how the above numbers could fluctuate.)

As a benchmakr, they don't really conflict with examples we already have, and the various factors that can influence speed could explain outliers anyhow, so they're no better or worse than examples from other sources, but it hardly makes them "typical" either.

Page 186
..the accuracy of his entrance point in real space, which in general terms the Navigator can perceive from the warp in a shadowy and indistinct fashion.
It is possible to 'sort of' see the area of space one is going to emerge into, but the current conditions (skill of the navigator) and the nature of the system may all affect this - given there is a good deal of built in 'inaccuracy' (hundreds of thousands even millions of km 'off course' in any direction) for emergence, it stands to reason that they wouldn't want to risk entry into realspace for that reason.

Page 188
The void-faring vessels of the Imperium are far more than simple vehicles. With the smallest more than a kilometre in length, a void-ship bears a striking resemblance to an Imperial hive in miniature, with a population to match. There are the low-decks pressmen and servitors responsible for brute labour...
Not quite true of course. There have been a number of vessels quite smaller than a kilometre that cna also cross the void. The 500-metre Space Marine Rapid Strike vessel from Angels of Darkness for example. It could be argued that the craft there had to make sacrifices to fit a warp drive into so small a hull (which could explain its slow acceleration and top speed, for example.)

Also of note the use of servitors for labor. In theory nothing stops the entire ship to be run by servitors (Space Marine ships do this to cut down on crew complements, and some ships like Tobias MAxilla's, use entirely servitor crews) but Navy Tradition dictates large crews because it basically believes a normal man can serve any task, whereas a servitor is usually far more specialized and limited. Navy ratings, for example can work at the ship's duties one moment, then be gathered to attack or defend a ship (or be deployed in ground assault.)

Page 188
When a master gunner fires a single broadside, he is unleashing citydestroying firepower, and the tech-priests of the enginarium control energies of unimaginable potency.
We dont know what kind of starship this context is applying to, except perhaps that it has to be at least a kilometre in length. Logic would suggest since that they are speaking of starships in general (in context) it refers to the escorts as well as the cruisers and battleships being capable of this. In any event, the context is pretty vague as to what kind of city/how big, the type of weapons and manner of destruction (does it just level, reduceto rubble, turninto a crater, reduce to a sea of lava, totatly vaporize, or what?) and even then the example would not neccesarily be a limit of any kind.

Page 189
Ships take decades, even centuries to build, if the builders have the required skills and knowledge base in the first place. It is rare to find a “new” starship—most are hundreds or thousands of years old, and some date back to the earliest days of the Imperium. Therefore, ships are never mass-produced, and even two ships of the same class are rarely alike. A Lunar-class cruiser produced in the shipyards of Mars will be vastly different from another Lunar hailing from to docks of Port Wrath.
No mass production of starships, and they can take a long time, although this has some qualifiers (Since we know even a primitive world has been known to build a Lunar class in little over a decade.) Ship construction isn't any more consistent than other 40IK industry or logistics is.

Page 190
Transports are easily the most common starships found in the Imperium.
..transports are large, slow, and designed to carry as much cargo as possible within their hulls.
Hive worlds, for example, would not long survive without regular shipments of food and water from agri-worlds, and for many far-flung colonies, the regular passage of a chartist captain or tramp freighter is their only communication with the larger Imperium.
Transports sacrifice speed, manoeuvrability, and armour in exchange for cargo space...

Page 190
Raiders are a broad class of hulls covering everything from privateers to the destroyers used in the Imperial Navy. Typically, a “raider” denotes a vessel designed for speed and combat.

The Imperial Navy also makes use of raiders (referred to as destroyers), though they prefer to outfit them with heavy ship-crippling munitions such as torpedoes and send them out to hunt larger vessels.
Raiders are some of the fastest ships in the Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse. Their speed and manoeuvrability is unmatched by other classes, and their firepower is often as good as other vessels of comparable tonnage. To achieve this, however, raiders sacrifice armour and other defences, along with cargo and stowage space. In essence, they are glass cannons, able to throw out heavy fire, but unable to take it in turn.
I'm not quite sure what differs frigates from Raiders, considering both classes can frequently be of similar size/mass (EG sword frigates and Cobra destroyers.) so the differences in armour can't be that great, unless the introduction of oher abilities (such as torpedoes) offers a massive increase in tonnage to compensate. It could be that destroyers put bigger engines than frigates onto their hulls (which might explain the greater power draw.) They are basically battlecruisers to the frigate's grand cruiser/battleship.

Of course some frigates go the other way, becoming bigger and heavier to enhance offense and defense (We see one such frigate in Salvation's REach, for example.) Why a frigate cannot be made lighter and faster.. I dont know. It seems a rather arbitrary distinction overall.

Page 190
Heavy raiders are a subset of raiders with larger hulls packed with more weapons. They also have more powerful engines, allowing a heavy raider to carry better armour. They may not be as nimble as their smaller cousins, but, given a straight run, most captains find a heavy raider’s ‘legs’ are just as long.
A raider concept on a bigger hull, I guess. Gives them omre weapons carrying capability and the bigger size gives them omr estructure and the ability to add in more armor.

Page 190-191
In many ways, frigates are the pinnacle of the shipbuilder’s art. Lean, fast, and dangerous, frigates can outrun anything they can’t fight, and destroy anything they can catch. Frigates fill the
ranks of Battlefleet Calixis...
..their versatility means they are the Navy’s ship of choice for all manner of actions. Frigates are tasked for convoy escorts, patrols, anti-piracy operations, and even attacks on rebel ships
and stations.
Thus, a frigate captain is ‘in the mix’ much more often than his counterparts aboard the Battlefleet’s larger vessels.

Frigates are a balance between all aspects of ship design; speed, manoeuvrability, firepower, and defences. A skilled Mechanicus shipwright can even increase their cargo capacity and supply stowage without greatly reducing any other aspects. They are also relatively common ships, often with robust, simple designs. Therefore they are easily modified and maintained.
It is interesting to contrast the way ships are described here, with how they were in BFG. In BFG cruisers were the balanced ships o fthe fleet. In Rogue Trader, it's frigates (Which wer ejust a big escort in BFG.) This may be in no part a reflection of how RT upscaled crew and ship sizes, but I' d guess the main reason is that they needed a good "all around ship" that wasn't as big as a cruiser that most RT would use (cruisers would be the "high end" Rogue Trader ship.) Hence, their re-imagining of Frigates and cruisers.

I imagine cruisers and frigates are basically the 'backbone' of a sector's forces.. cruisers are the common, multipuprose capital ships, and frigates are the multipurpose escorts. Destroyers, battlecruisers and the like are more specialized designs. And battleships are bsically designed for fighting and as command ships (or carriers.)

Page 191
Light cruisers are the eyes and ears of the Battlefleet. Smaller and faster than true cruisers, light cruisers have the massive fuel and supply reserves for deep void patrols. These may last for years, even decades, and thus light cruiser commanders must be independent-minded and self-reliant. Light cruisers are also used as the flagships of small squadrons of frigates and destroyers tasked with escorting convoys or hunting pirates.

A light cruiser’s design is usually balanced between combat and endurance. They have the advantage of being only slightly slower and less manoeuvrable than a frigate, while mounting a capital ship’s armament. This is accomplished, however, by giving the light cruiser substantially less armour and reinforced interior bulkheads than a proper cruiser. In short, light cruisers are faster and more manoeuvrable than standard cruisers, but much more fragile.
cruiser analogue to raiders and destroyers, except with greater emphasis put on range and endurance for patrolling and recon rather than firepower.

Page 191
Capital warships are substantially rarer in the Calixis Sector than frigates, raiders, or transports, and are usually only found in the Imperial Battlefleet. Even if a rogue trader is able to procure one, the advanced technologies and arcane knowledge required to maintain such vessels is rare, often only found in naval yards and forge worlds. Finally, light cruisers are built as warships, and converting them to other uses can be difficult.
Light cruisers are treated as capial ships, unlike Frigates. Also, unlike frigates, they seem to be much less modular in their constructions.

It is also interesting that whilst rare, it is possible for cruisers to exist outside of Imperial Navy control (at least nominally.) This probably is not referring to Admech or Marine vessels, since it implies Rogue Traders could buy them, but probably the occasional cruiser owned by a planetary ruler.

Calixis probably doesn't bother with many cruisers (or battleships) because it is a relatively 'peaceful' sector - it doesnt have much direct conflict to it, so the cruiser/battleship allotments (which are always controlled at the segmentum level) are reduced. this allocates those capital ships where they are needed as well as freeing up room in the battlefleet for more escorts - which are better for convoy duty, escorts, and hunting pirates.

Page 191
A cruiser is a warship through and through. These are the ships of the line of Battlefleet Calixis, the heavy-hitters that fight major naval engagements. These ships are rare—building one takes centuries if not longer, and requires knowledge and technology from mankind’s golden age now only known to the most powerful tech-magos. However, each vessel—often five or more kilometres long—carries the firepower to burn planets. They are designed to win wars, and the Imperial Navy guards them zealously.
The reimagined RT cruiser. again it sounds not much like they were in BFG, they actually sound more like pocket battleships. The fluff pretty much confirms what I sadi earlier, cruisers are seen sa the "ultimate prize" of a rogue Trader, something for a powerful or connected RT to aspire to owning. AT least until he gets to the Battlefleet Koronus supplement, anyhow :)

And as noted they treat cruisers as mini battleships, taking 'centuries' to build. Except for the odd feral world that builds them in a bit more than a decade :P They can also get bigger than 5 km, although getting up close to 6 km tends to be battlecruisers/grand cruisers,a lthough cruisers may fit into that category.

Cruisers are basically the common 'ship of the line' while true 'battleships' are basically super duper combat killships (they're deisgned to destroy virtually anything they face.) and flagships. It also mentions that they are armed and armored precisely for the purposes of engaging and defeating other cruisers.

They also carry (what probably amounts to) Exterminatus-grade firepower. Assuming 2-23 hour timeframe as I've outlined in BFG you get between 12-138 Gt/s for sustained bombardment. If they deliver the ifrepower all at once and it takes hours to depopulate the world, it might be more in the tens or hundreds of teratons per volley range.

Page 192
However, some Components will have the external trait. These Components have been designed to be mounted outside a starship’s hull and are placed in protected alcoves or shielded by strange technologies. An external Component does not take up Space, and cannot be destroyed except by a Critical Hit.
External components are an interesting exception especially in how they might be 'protected'

Page 192
The vast majority of starships are consigned to toil through space at speeds much slower than light. They have the unenviable choice of remaining trapped within a single star system, or spending centuries travelling to even the closest suns.
If a ship can survive here, it can reach destinations within weeks or months instead of years.
Warp drive component. Implies ability to travle through the warp in 'weeks' or 'months'. Distance isn't specified, but if we take it to mean 2 years (2 Ly maybe) we're talking tens of c. If we talk tens of LY we're talking hundreds of c. If we're talking about the 'centuries' mentioned explicitly we're talking thousands of c.

Page 192
Void shields create barriers of energy around a starship. The weaker versions on transports exist mainly to deflect celestial debris, while a military vessel’s void shield is strong enough to absorb incoming fire.

Void shielding.

Page 192
Life-sustainers purify the ship’s atmosphere and recycle waste to produce clean water.
In some ships this can and probably would include food recycling (yes its been mentioned they use various means to recycle waste into food.)

Page 192
Here also are the advanced cogitators that direct the ship’s targeting systems, sensors, and other systems.
The bridge.

Page 192
Sight is of little use when dealing with the vast distances of the void. Auspexes, grav-detectors, and auger arrays can spy the reflected light from a tumbling asteroid—or heat from an enemy vessel—thousands or even millions of kilometres away. More advanced sensors can even spot the warp-wake of a vessel traversing the Immaterium.
This implies that the vast majority of space engagements occur far beyond visual range (thousands or tens of thousands of km.) and sensors are used to both conduct combat and to navigate.
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Bedlam »


Vital to the survival of the Houses is the continuance of the birthing and training of skilled and potent Navigators. However, the competition between the families has also led to each tampering with and altering the evolution of some of its children, in the hopes of creating more powerful and able Navigators with which to defeat their rivals and win greater contracts. Over many centuries, this altering of the Navigator gene has created many lineages, giving rise to some strains of the Navigator gene in which certain powers, abilities, and mutations are more prevalent.

I guess I was right about the genetic engineering. This does leave some other interesting questions:

1.) can you clone navigators? If so, why haven't they? I'd just guess offhand there's some reason why not, but it probably wouldnt be a good one.

2.) Can Navigators be bred by other than natural means? In-vitro, for example?

Part of it might be that the navigator houses themselves don't want cloning, etc as it would break their monopoly so probably use their non inconsiderable power to block it as much as possible although they probably can't stop every Mechanicus or Inquisitorial effort. A second part might be some old Space Fleet fluff I remember with there being a sort of 'super father' navigator like a mini emperor for navigators which helped other navigators powers. When each one died the leading navigators from the houses started to mutate and fight until only one remained who would be the next father and could boost the powers of his own house while weakening others, if he can do that he could probably stop the powers of any cloned navigators if he wanted to maintain his own position.
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Zinegata »

Regarding starship combat ranges: Salvation's Reach confirms that Imperial frigates have main armament that have an effective range of half a million kilometers. Battleships might have even greater range.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Bedlam wrote: 1.) can you clone navigators? If so, why haven't they? I'd just guess offhand there's some reason why not, but it probably wouldnt be a good one.
Cloning/replicae is a bit of a hit or miss technology in the Imperium. They can 'vat grow' cherubs and servitors (or parts of servitors) or even replacement limbs/organs, but cloning can be much more difficult. Cloning astartes, for example, often mets with failure (as Corax learned.) Its quite possible that psykers (including Navigators), due to the nature of the warp, are dangerous/unpredictable to clone. Sabbat Martyr mentions that Chaos sometimes uses vat grown psyker tissues though, at least ofr divinatory purposes.

2.) Can Navigators be bred by other than natural means? In-vitro, for example?
Possibly though I've never heard of such.
A second part might be some old Space Fleet fluff I remember with there being a sort of 'super father' navigator like a mini emperor for navigators which helped other navigators powers. When each one died the leading navigators from the houses started to mutate and fight until only one remained who would be the next father and could boost the powers of his own house while weakening others, if he can do that he could probably stop the powers of any cloned navigators if he wanted to maintain his own position.
I vaguely recall stuff like that as well, but I dont remember whre it was stated.

Zinegata wrote:Regarding starship combat ranges: Salvation's Reach confirms that Imperial frigates have main armament that have an effective range of half a million kilometers. Battleships might have even greater range.
We've known a few novels to go around like that, so its not surprising (Nightbringer, Dark Creed, Battle for the Abyss imply similarily long ranges.) Depends on the weapon quite often, however.

Salvation's REach also mentions ship to ship combat at significant percentages of lightspeed, which was more explicit (and less problematic) than Sabbat Martyr was. If I rmeember also, the frigate involved was a 'close range' gunboat variant, designed to take and deliber punishment from relatively closer ranges.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Ambition compels me to finish off the RT core rules. Three BIG updates to go. Don't choke on em.

Part 1

PAge 192
the distinctive armoured prows of Imperial warships, made up of 30 metres of adamantium or more.
Prow thickness.

PAge 194
Jericho-class pilgrim vessel
Dimensions: 2.25 km long, 0.3 km abeam approx.
Mass: 9 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 20000 crew, approx.
Accel: 1.6 gravities max acceleration
Jericho class Pilgrim ship. i'm not really going to do power generation stats from the acceleraiton and masses and other stuff, mainly because i'm too lazy at the moment to do it. Also it would require a certain bit of arguing with regards to exhaust velocity and the like.

PAge 194
The gigantic Jericho pilgrim ships are converted refinery vessels. Their huge fuel tanks are rebuilt into hundreds of passenger compartments, and a single ship can hold many thousands of the faithful.
Pilgrim ship origins and capacity. Most starships in the Imperium have been adapted from one use or another or get converted over time. I suspect a good many of their transports are old warships.

PAge 194
...but most must make do with bilge-berths and corpse rations in the
ship’s cavernous cargo bays.
appetizing accomodations on board a pilgrim ship.

Page 194
Vagabond-class merchant trader
Dimensions: 2 km long, 0.4 km abeam approx.
Mass: 8 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 18000 crew, approx.
Accel: 2.1 gravities max acceleration
Vagabond stats. Again not going to calc.

Page 194
Hazeroth-class privateer
Dimensions: 1.5 km long, 0.25 km abeam approx.
Mass: 5 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 22000 crew, approx.
Accel: 5.6 gravities max acceleration
chaos/pirate raider vessel.

Page 195
Havoc-class merchant raider
Dimensions: 1.6 km long, 0.4 km abeam approx.
Mass: 6 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 24000 crew, approx.
Accel: 5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Another raider.

PAge 195
Sword-class frigate
Dimensions: 1.6 km long, 0.3 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 6 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 26,000 crew, approx.
Accel: 4.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
The good old Sword class. note that in FFG, even frigates have fuckoff huge crews that are well over twice as big a the Lord Solar Macharius (a ship more than twice as big.) The reasons for the disparity (nevermind the size differences) are.. up in the air sufficed to say. I suspect it refers to varying sophistication of ships, availability and level of automation, use of servitors, etc.

Other arguments have noted in the past that the tonnage figures and accelerations are much lower than my previous estimates. again these will be something that will have to be dealt with separately as it is.. complicated. There are a number of possible ways to explain it. Also note that the acceleration is 'max sustainable' - what sustainable means can be key to interpreting it as it may imply 'what it usually engages at' compared to 'maximum combat' or 'emergency power' accelerations (which provide greater acceleration short term accelerations, but with undesirable costs or tradeoffs long term - damage, maintenance, fuel use, etc.)

Page 195
Its laser-based weapons and turrets are accurate and hard-hitting, its plasma drives are rugged and reliable in extreme conditions. Few task forces do not include at least a pair of Swords to guard the flanks of larger vessels or pursue smaller, faster raiders.
Sword armament is entirely laser based, and comprises weapons (batteries) as well as turrets. Whether the turrets are point defense or additional antiship guns is not clarified.

Page 195
Tempest-class strike frigate
Dimensions: 1.5 km long, 0.4 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 6.1 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 30500 crew, approx.
Accel: 4.7 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Strike frigate. I believe we saw this in Salvation's Reach, which implies it has served beyond Segmentum Obscurus (considering the Ghosts stories take place in Segmeumt pacificus.)

Page 195
The Tempest is a specialised frigate produced in the Calixis and surrounding sectors. It trades long ranged firepower for heavy, short-ranged broadsides designed to devastate enemies at ‘knife-fight’ distances. To get to those distances, Tempests have triple-armoured prows and boosted drives...
A "slugging' ship for close range and power and durability.

Page 196
Dauntless-class light cruiser
Dimensions: 4.5 km long, 0.5 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 20 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 65000 crew, approx.
Accel: 4.3 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Dauntless class mark the beginning not only of the vastly huger 'cruiser' classes than previous novesl have indicated (3 km cruisers rather than 5) but also highlights the featherlight crew hulls.

Page 196
They carry enough fuel and supplies for patrols that last months or even years, and enough firepower to dispatch any smaller vessels foolish enough to close with them. The Dauntless is popular because it combines the manoeuvrability of a frigate with a daunting forward lance armament.

Page 196
Lunar-class cruiser
Dimensions: 5 km long, 0.8 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 28 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 95000 crew, approx.
Accel: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration

Page 196
The Lunar class cruiser makes up the backbone of Battlefleet Calixis. Its (relatively) uncomplicated design dates back to the dawn of the Imperium, and it can be constructed at worlds normally unable to build a ship of the line. Its variety of weapons batteries, lances, and torpedoes make it both a versatile combatant and dangerous foe.

Page 197
...a ship is more than a collection of tech-systems and armour plating. Any veteran voidsman knows a ship has its quirks and vagaries.
A good voidsman knows the personality of his ship, and treats it like another member of the crew.
The ship has a "soul" for lack of a better term. This being 40K we might treat this as just moresuperstitious nonsense, but there are reasons why this might be true. Consider titans, which are smaller but just as sophisticated in many ways as a starship. They have a measure of sentience and "personality". Indeed some novels depicting starships have hinted at some sort of machine intelligence or AI=like entity much like what a Titan bears (that can be communed with, influenced by the pilot/navigator, etc.) On some level, the idea that 40K starships are governed by some super-computer would go a long ways to explaining some things about them (like why they can persist for centuries.)

Alternately, we might attribute it to some bizarre warp phenomena, a sort of "possession" or imbuing of the ship in some way, just not a daemonic one.

The RT game seems to hint at the former though, given the "Machine spirit oddities" entry, especially the Titan like qualities. To simply, the spirt may be particularily warlike (making it better at shooting, or more resilient, or better at detecting enemies, but also more bloodthirsty. ) It may have a warp affinity (easier to go through the warp, but has malign influence on the crew.) It may be rebellious, it may be "beast of burden" like - plodding but reliable. It may be afraid of combat. It may be a berserker (performs better in combat than out of it), slow but tough (resolute), adventureous, or 'ancient and wise.' (lots of knowledge but older and fragile.)

These "peculiarities' of the Machine Spirit are interesting mainly in how they affect ship performance, often boosting/assisting the crew in the performance of acvitiies (but at the expense of other capabilities, often.) It does give an interesting glimpse into how the human and machine parts of a ship interact, though.

Page 198
The ship has been recovered from a space hulk - a mass of wrecked ships that drifts intermittently through the warp and realspace. The ship is very old (and thus of high quality),
One (and perhaps the only) example of age being an indicator of actual quality.

Page 199
A Nose for Trouble occasionally scans nearby vessels as if searching for weaknesses (even if they are friendly), or a ship that is Ancient and Wise flares its retros when on a collision course with an asteroid, warning the helmsman to danger he did not notice. Of course, the ship is not sentient, and will not strike up conversations with players or send them messages telling them what to do. But there should be some spark in its hull, a bit of something beyond a mere machine...
Machine spirit 'personalities' for lack of a better term. The spirit can be aware and reactive without being sentient. This may be where the variation in crew sizes come in.. more 'sentient' machine spirits (like in endeavour of will or Gildar Rift, or with Titans) would be more automated ships.

Page 199
Warpsbane Hull The entire hull of the vessel is covered with silver, handinscribed hexagramic wards. These reinforce a Geller Field projected from a 50 metre statue of an Imperial Saint, located just fore of the bridge.
Super warp resistance.

Page 199-200
Void shields create barriers of energy around a starship to protect it from stellar debris and incoming fire.

Single Void Shield Array: A single double-layered void shield.
Multiple Void Shield Array: Twin, multiple-layered void shields.
The differnce between different kinds of voids. I suspect its 'layers' or thickness, suggesting an ablative quality to voids

Page 200
Commerce Bridge: This bridge has a station equipped with cogitator-servitors and a hololithic projector, given over to quickly loading and unloading cargo.
The yalso mentiona a "command" bridge that has enhanced cogitator relays. for command and control (like for warships, I suppose.) warship bridges are mentioned to have additional armour plating.

Page 201
The Imperial Navy’s standard sensor array. External: This Component does not require hull space.

Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
All sensors are treatd as "external". Whilst somewhat game mechanics I thought it was interesting to note in terms of how they might be "protected" against easy destruction (as outlined in the earlier provided "external" definition. I'd bet on the alcoves type idea, but it could be something else - armored shutters, dedicated shield relays, etc. Some sort of physical barrier would be harder, and interfere with the ability

Page 201-202
R–50 Auspex Multi-band : The sensors of this ship have been optimised for navigation, at the expense of the sensor’s other uses.
Deep Void Auger Array: These, quite simply, are the some of the best sensors created by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and are reserved for their own ships and Imperial Naval scout vessels.
Interesting ways that sensors can be specialized/adapted, and that the 'best" stuff (admech quality) only appears on Navy scout craft (probably becaues the Navy version is much bigger than the AdMech stuff.

Page 202
Mars Pattern Macrocannons [and Macrocannon Broadside]: The most common macrobattery, these are reliable, hardhitting weapons firing kilo-tonne ordinance, mounted along the vessel’s dorsal ridge or in broadside.
They list two entries that say virtually the identical thing except for the name (just Macrocannons for one entry and other being macorcannon broadside.) The difference I imagine is in number of guns, aside fromthe fact that the "broadsides" are cruiser (or better) mounting only. Maybe they're bigger?

Also the 'kilo-tonne' ordnance. That could mean it's firing 1000 ton shells, or it may mean its firing kiloton yield shells. You can imagine there are going to be opposing camps on this one.

all I have to say is: Atlas class megaton surface to ground bombardment nukes. LOL (or rather we know megaton range bombardments exist, so it cannot literally be 'kiloton' arguments even if it isn't gigaton shells.) Of course, there are the 'terawatt/tetrajoule' quotes too (balanced by the continent destroying refrences, the vaporizing square kilometer areas, and the nova cannon. Besides everythin else mass-wise in the FFg material is usually measured in 'mega' so why not? We learn later on the Orks fire thousands of ton shells as well.)

Page 202
Sunsear Laser Battery These laser batteries are common on Naval frigates, providing a balance between power used and damage inflicted.
Funny enough, these aren't a broadside or battery listing.

Weapons stats given here. The only one that really matters is range and "appropriate hull types" Of the latter the only difference is "Macrocannon broadside" being restricted to cruisers. All other weapons listed can be mounted on all ship types. VU is roughly 10,000 km range (although thats only an approximation and its an entirely relative value. Ships max range is roughly 2x its VU)

Range breaks down the following

Thunderstrike macro cannons: have range 4 (VU). Mars pattern macro cannon (normal and broadside) have 6 VU range. Sunsear laser battery has a 9 VU range. Ryza pattenr plasma battery have a 5 VU range.

Of the lances: The Starbreaker Lance has a 5 VU range, and the Titanforge lance weapon has a 6 VU range (both the weapon and battery)/

Page 203
These weapons are rare and expensive examples of the ancient art of plasma-craft. Their power draw is considerable, but so is their effectiveness.
Funny detail is that on "critical" it lists "vaporization" - which could mean the weapons can vaporize targets (eg reduce to steam, explode violently or both), or they somehow make the components detonate violently enough to do considerable damage (EG vaporize or explode violently.) I am sure there could be arguments said both ways. Since we can't calc component mass, its not really worth arguing over.

Page 203
Lances are the rapier to the macrobatteries’ hammer. They send a single beam of energy burning through their enemy’s armour and deep into its vitals.

The Starbreaker is a recent attempt by lesser forge worlds to copy the STC Titanforge. Unfortunately, they are less powerful than the weapons they emulate.
The Titanforge Lances are an STC standard for lance weaponry, found on naval warships throughout the Calixis Sector. On larger vessels, multiple lances may be mounted in a set of gargantuan turrets (not to be confused with the smaller defence turrets).
Lances come in "weapon" and "battery" designations. I assume the difference again, is in numbers of guns per mounting rather than anything else. But also may vary in strength.

Page 203
Compartmentalised Cargo Hold: Cargo holds have been installed across the ship, spread out to minimise their effect on the vessel’s handling.
That means cargo carrying is probably a significant portion of the ship's "dry" mass, which makes sense in transports, since they're meant to carry lots of cargo. Of course considering the implied cargo carrying tonnages in later stuff (trillions of megatons comes to mind..)

Page 203
For a truly enterprising Rogue Trader, a war is just another business venture. These barracks allow him to attempt just that—by filling his ship with thousands of troops.
Barracks can hold "thousands" of troops.

Page 203
Augmented Retro-thrusters: Multiple manoeuvring thrusters draw immense power, but offer impressive performance nonetheless.
Thrusters can be made more powerful, at the expense of drawing more power. It shows how power allocation and tradeoffs between systems can be made.

Page 203
Reinforced Interior Bulkheads: Additional adamantine plates in key locations make this vessel hard to destroy.
Interior sturctural enhancement.

Page 204 - I'm just going to comment that "power draw" figures are listed here. There probably would be some way to make sense of these or derive firepower based on them by comparison (either to other weapons whose yields are known, or something, such as the plasma drives or nova cannon) but I am reluctant to because I suspect it leads to some silly implications. For example, Passenger quarters, barracks, and cargo holds draw half the power of laser cannons and macro batteries, whiuch could imply tera, peta, exa, or whatever. watts/joules you care to name.. it would be silly either way. So I probably won't bother because it would just muddy the waters with more inconsistency than we need. And you could just as well argue for weak guns based on probable power draw of the cargo holds and such too and be equally valid, so it's also a double-edged sword type argument.

Page 204
Additional adamantine plates protect this vessel from harm.
Adamantine is the hull armour.

Page 204
The trademark of cruisers and battleships of the Imperial Navy, heavy sheets of adamantine 20 metres thick cover the bow of this vessel.
Ah, the armoured prow. Earlier it mentions 30 meters.

Page 205
The interior of the ship is a maze of passageways, blind compartments, and triple-sealed pressure-hatches. Enemy boarding parties become quickly lost and separated, while the defenders spring cunning ambushes from behind hololithic bulkheads.
Possible design of internal defenses.

Page 205
Crew Reclamation Facility: The Mechanicus has no qualms about converting the grievously wounded into servitors...but the rest of the crew may differ in opinion.
ITs implied the crew do not like the idea of their mates turned into servitors, which echoes similar events in "Dark Apostle." where the Elysian officer objected to his men being converted into servitor troops.

Page 205
Extensive supply stowage allows the vessel to make longer journeys and better repair damage.
Implies there are at least some components or ship parts they cannot build onboard or replicate. The component notes it doubles operational endurance basically.

Page 206
The ship possesses a stock of ancient, skull-faced killing machines. Sealed in cyro-stasis until absolutely required, a mere dozen can be successfully sent on hit and run raids to maim and kill on enemy vessels.
Starships can stock a complmeent of close in combat servitors.

Page 206
A gigantic observation dome made of diamond panes and armoured glass adorns this vessel’s spine....
Windows/observation dome basically.

Page 206 - Starting mention of Archeotech components. Rare stuff, I'll note them as "Archeotech" when listing them

Page 206
This life sustainer uses extensive conduits and purifiers to do a thorough job of cleaning the air and water through methods lost to the Mechanicus..
It mentions "the air is sweet" as the ability, so that tells us how good it works over usual stuff. Archaeotech.

Page 206
The STC standard drive for this vessel is much older than anything ever seen before. Mechanicus sources believe it is unknown archaeotech.
Overcharged: The strange and exotic nature of the materials used in the drive’s containment domes allows for a hotter plasma ‘burn,’ while taking up less space.
ARcheotech, obviously. Whilst it does not say it is impossible to replicate (it implies that it is STC and they want to examine it to perhaps do just that) it may still be rare due to difficulty in replication (needing superior materials, for example.) It does describe the drive as "modified", so it suggest its not a totally radical design compared to what the AdMech knows of.

Page 207
This bridge is interlaced with ancient cogitator circuitry and hololithic technology, granting the Captain and bridge crew unparalleled control over their vessel.
Archeotch. another advanced command and control capability.

PAge 207
Auto-stabilised Logis-targeter: More than simply an auger array, the Logis-Targeter uses nea-rheretical cogitator circuitry from the Dark Age of Technology to ensure extremely accurate weaponry.
It's an external component (Sensor duh) and obviously archaeotech. this implies that guns are linked into the sensors already.. this is just a better at doing it.

Page 207
Teleportarium: These relics from the Dark Age of Technology are highly sought after, able to send individuals instantaneously through the immaterium to appear on a ship or planet many thousands of kilometres away.
Archeotech of course. Interetsing is both the range, and the fact that it implies these teleporters can transport non-Space Marine, non Terminator types to their destination.. safely.

Page 208
Ghost Field
A wondrous and terrible mechanism used on the ships of the enigmatic Eldar. To possess it is to invite damnation, but even crudely and imperfectly installed aboard a ship, the ghost field’s powers create phantoms of its ship to confound enemy auger arrays.
Its a bloody holofield array. Apparently an interesting side effect is that "ghost fields" interefere with void shields (they can use only one or the other, but not both.)

Page 208
Designated ‘shard’ weaponry by xenotech scholars, their shipboard cannons do not seem to require power or even ammunition.
Magic alien weapons with an extenral power source.

Page 208
Plasma drives are not only the engines that move a ship through the void, they also generate power for the entire ship.
This sort of justifies the idea you can use the output of a plasma drive to determine the relative output of other systems (although as I noted before, using game mechanics introduces all manner of problems doing this.) It does also suggest that since they still provide the "listed" thrust while powering other systems, that diverting power between systems could very well improve thrust (and thus "max sustainable" may not be the upper limit for engines period, explaining inconsistnecies with other accleeration figures)

Page 208
A vastly larger version of the digital energy weapons used by nobles and worthies of the Imperium, the grid is an interlinked network of hundreds of miniature laser turrets scattered across a vessel’s hull. The lasers, while not powerful individually, act in concert to shoot down incoming ordinance and small craft.
Alien weapon of uknown origin.

Page 208
Another example of Eldar technology, runecasters are often housed in large, vaulted chambers. In the centre of the chamber, clusters or rune-stones float suspended above a wide crystal lens. Xeno-tech researchers have re-appropriated the devices from their previous, unknown purposes. Through some incomprehensible means, the device is almost prescient—aiding Navigators in avoiding the worst storms of the Immaterium.
Additionally, any journeys made using this Component take half their normal time.
Imperium modified eldar tech, and implied proof that precog plays a role in navigating the warp successfully. We end up getting lots of odd/interesting little devices to assist in shortening warp journeys like this.

Page 208
Gravity Sails: Not ‘sails’ in the traditional sense, these devices are long blade-like fins extending from the prow of a ship. Some xenoarcheologists believe they are relics of the Yu’vath or another long-dead race. Imperial vessels are too bulky to rely on them for propulsion, but they can aid in manoeuvring, somehow ‘tapping into’ gravitational fields and pulling starships along them.
I want to again note this is probably Eldar tech of some kind, given the "sail/blade" like setup, and the fact they use fancy drives, but I probably bet it won't be. although I bet the eldar could use gravity this way. It may give an indication of ways in which their 'sail' technologies work, or it could indicate it haves like some sort of glorified tractor beam.

Page 209
Wolfpack Raider
Hull: Raider
Class: Pirate vessel of Unknown type
Dimensions: aprox 1.7 km long, 0.3 km abeam approx.
Mass: 6.5 megatons approx.
Crew: 18,000 crew, approx.
Accel: 5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Another Renegade vessel.

Page 209
Onslaught Ork Raider:
Hull: Frigate
Class: Onslaught-class ork pirate raider
Dimensions: aprox 1.5 km long, .4 km abeam approx.
Mass: 9.5 megatons approx.
Crew: countless boyz, even more grots.
Accel: 2-4 gravities acceleration
An Ork ship.

Page 209
Looted Drive: This may have been an STC-standard drive... once.
Big Red Button: If this vessel chooses not to turn, it may move an additional 1d5 VUs...
2x Looted Prow Macrocannons: These macrocannons used to be on an Imperial ship. Not anymore.
Dorsal Gunz: Technically macrobatteries, ‘improved’ with orky tek.
Interesting tidbits, considering that Heavy Gunz show up in BFK with listed masses in the thousands of tons. Again echoes the 'kilo-tonne' macro cannon shelsl.

PAge 210
Wayfarer Station
Hull: Space Station
Class: Wayfarer-class station
Dimensions: 5 km in diameter, approx.
Mass: 22.1 megatons approx.
Crew: 10000 crew, 80000–100000 inhabitants (many of whom also perform ‘crew’ duties), approx.

A general class of small space stations, designed to operate without constant support on the frontier. Many have evolved into independent trading communities or refuelling depots, cut of from regular contact with the Imperium.
Space stations. And this is a 'small' one.

Page 211
Hull: Frigate
Class: Modified Firestorm-class Naval Frigate
Dimensions: 1.8 km long, .3 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 6 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 25500 crew, approx.
Accel: 4.4 gravities max acceleration
The Sabre, a modified Firestorm frigate. It ironically has archeotech and was launched in M36 built in the gothic sector.

Page 212
Massive batteries of macro-weaponry fling shells and munitions, torpedoes the size of hab-blocks streak through the void...
"hab block' sized torpedoes would be hundreds of metres long.. truly freaking huge. Only the biggest of battleships could mount them (and they'd be small starships in their own right.)

Page 212
Great warships can spend days chasing down their opponents and hours manoeuvring into position for single devastating volleys from their broadsides.
A Strategic Round lasts for roughly thirty minutes...
Timeframes and such for ship to ship combat... note that 'days' of travel and acceleration can imply some truly immsense speeds. Assuming a 12 hour acceleration time at 2.5 gravitiies you get around 1,080 km/s. A Frigate at 5-6 gees might pull 2-3 thousand km/s. depending on how many 'days' spent you could figure on a rough order of magnitude figure there. call it at least hundreds, if not thousands (or tens of thousands) of km/s.

In addition to torpedo and cannon velocities we'd be talking possibly thousands of km/s. for a 50 tonne macro cannon shell that would be around ~20 MT of KE. For a torpedo? it could be tens or hundreds of megatons of KE, depending on its own velocity and the torpedo mass (hundreds to thousands of tonnes.) Ship speed can add to range and velocity of shells (at least for broadsides) but it can complicate targeting and is a time consuming way of adding damage.

Moreover, you don't always want to (or won't always be able to) accelerate to high speeds for combat.. and combats round planets will never get this face or occupy ranges quite this extensive. What the above describes is more likely in cases where two opposing forces 'advance' to meet one another across system distances (perhaps they're trying to kepe the enemy away from the base) or when one force ambushes another (convoys, for example.) Examples of this sort of conflict include the Bakka/Macragge fleet engaging Hive fleet Behemoth, or Admiral Parol fighting against the Orks in third armageddon, or the Battle of Gethsemene in the Gothic war.

That such potential velocities (hundreds or thousands of km/s, nevermind near-relativistic velocities) is not decisively destructive on Imperial ships also says something about their normal velocities (ship velocities should be within an order of magnitude of projectile velocities, basically.)

Page 213
Hidden vessels: The fury of a running plasma drive is almost impossible to hide in open space. However, a canny captain may use a convenient asteroid field, nebula, or even planet to mask his engine signatures. Alternatively, ships can go on Silent Running to lurk in the cold darkness of space while his opponents fly right to them.
Silent running evokes the 'no stealth in space' argument - assume they have some fancy forcefield or other shielding measures to hide or divert emissions in 'running silent' Hiding behind objets works pretty well of course.

Page 213
Ships’ scanners and detection equipment are fickle devices, and easily fooled by powerful celestial phenomena such as solar flares, magnetic storms, and unpredictable gravity fluctuations. The interference may be powerful enough to mask the approach of attackers.
Considering the weird sorts of natural phenomena that can exist in 40K, nevermind warp storms, bizarre stellar events, and the odd void whale.. I'm never surprised.

Page 213
During space combat, opposing ships can be less than a hundred metres apart, or have many thousands of kilometres between them. The latter is far more likely—it is rare that a gunner on a ship can see his target with an unaided eye. In space combat, the distance from one ship to another, or how far a ship moves in a Strategic Turn, is measured in void units (VUs). The distance represented by a single VU is deliberately abstract and left open to some interpretation due to space’s vast size. However, a good guideline is a single VU equals roughly 10,000 kilometres. Since even a single VU represents a vast distance, it is possible for two ships to be within one VU of each other. At that range, space combat becomes truly brutal, with ramming attempts and even boarding actions.
again 'many thousands of km" and "beyond visual range" engagements are typical. considering how big most starships are this is going to be quite a distance (tens of thousand sof km, which fits with the void unit analysis.) It also implies 1 VU range is roughly "point blank range" as far as engagements go (ramming, boarding, etc.)

Page 213
This is the default action of a starship— since starships are huge vessels with immense momentum, players do not have the option of simply not moving their ship.
Momentum matters, obviously.

Page 216
...a stern chase—a flight and pursuit between two ships that might last hours, or even days.
Funny thing about Stern chases (at least in the rules) despite the listed acceleration figures, it IS possible for a cruiser to overtake say a raider. It's HARDER, but not impossible. I suppose one could try to use this to make an argument WRT acceleration figures, but in truth it probably is just easier to call it abstracted game mechanics (it takes into account manuvering, accelerating, firing weapons to scare or cripple targets, relative velocities, distance, etc.) The 'chasing' taking hours or days can again imply high (thousands of km/s or more) velcoities for projectiles, but this is complicated by extreme examples (cruiser vs frigate) since technically any higher accel ship should be able to get away. Which actually suggests short transit times between shots, otherwise ships would be able to 'out run' projectiles eventually, nevermind that a ship woudl rapidly outstrip effective weapons range.

Page 216
Active Augury
...information about celestial bodies, phenomena, and ships within 20 VUs of the vessel. If there is a vessel on Silent Running within scan range, it is immediately detected. For every degree of success, the character can extend the range of his scan by five VUs.
It also mentiones that for this (or other combat actions) you can get the machine spirit's aid with calculation

Page 218 use the ship’s augers and calculate exact firing solutions on an enemy vessel.
Sensors used for targeting purposes. This tends to suggest that individual guns are fired by the bridge ro by a separate gunnery officer rather than invidiually at the guns. Individiual gunfire is possible though (probably a backup/redundnacy measure if fire control/gunnery is lost)

Page 218
Starship weapons in the 41st millennium are as varied as the ships that carry them. Lasers, plasma projectors, macrocannons, rocket launchers, terra-watt beam weapons, and more esoteric weaponry such as grav-culverins and gamma emitters, all can be found in a starship’s broadside.
Weapons broadisdes. Note the 'terawatt' beam weapons, rocket propelled munitions and 'gamma emitters' (grasers?)

Page 218
Macrobatteries form the main armament of most ships, filling the broadsides of vessels with rank upon rank of gigantic weapons. Each requires a crew of dozens, if not hundreds, to operate. Whether they fling kilo-tonne warheads across the void or roast their targets with high-intensity energy, macrobatteries fire in volley. Their salvos are designed to blanket the space around a target, hopefully catching it in a maelstrom of destruction and overwhelm their defences by the sheer number of shots.
Implies energy weapons of some kind might be heat rays and have a 'proximity effect' I assume this means lasers 'track' across the target shadow slicer beam fashion (both weapons battery and lance energy weapons.) Projectiles of course explode in proximity. kinetic munitions may have some shrapnel/shotgun like effect.

That said it doesn't rule out direct hits. i suspect the efficiency of penetrating void shields depends much on the range and accuracy issue - direct hits are better at knocking down shields than 'indirect' ones.

Also again 'kilo-tonne' warheads either specifying yield or mass. Considering a crew of 'dozens' or 'hundreds' per gun, and assuming 1/3 to 1/2 of a ship's crew is involved in guns we might figure that a escrots (20-30K crew) has 7-15 K crews fr guns and between 30-600 guns. I'd guess a happy medium between dozens and hundreds.. call it 100-150 crew per gun so 70-150 guns for an escort (both broadsides). A cruiser of around 30-48K crews for the guns 300-500 guns. (both broadsides) We can safely conclude many scores (at least) to many hundreds of guns, which fits examples we know of. exact numbers can depend on the size and power and type of guns (and whether its a single or mixed battery, at that.)

Page 218
Lances are rare and potent weapons that fire incredibly high-powered beams of energy capable of burning through the hull of a warship, or cutting a smaller vessel in half. Unlike macrobatteries, lances are often mounted on gigantic turrets where multiple energy projectors focus to create a single, titanic beam.
Lances are the precision weapons again. Either phased array or superlaser like beams. they do raking and piercing effects.

Page 219
Each Weapon Component does not necessarily consist of one weapon—a single macrobattery, for example, can have dozens of individual macrocannons arrayed in broadside.
Again 'dozens' of guns per ship, possibly hundreds depending on a component. You could have 50-70 guns per broadside on a Lunar, for example, and one prow. How this matches up to turrets.. dont know.. still multiple guns (several turrets?)

Page 219
Range: This is the range of the weapon. Starship weapons may be fired at targets no farther away than twice the weapon’s range.
As I noted before, upper limits on range.

Page 220
Void Shields create an invisible energy barrier around a starship. Miracles of lost technology, these barriers serve two purposes. First, they brush aside swaths of dust and detritus adrift in the void that would otherwise scar, befoul, and even destroy a starship (though they offer little protection against especially large objects like asteroids). Their second purpose is to absorb the terrific energies of incoming fire. If it absorbs too much energy too quickly, however, the void shield collapses, and must bleed off the accumulated energy before it can be raised again.

Armour can take many forms, but is often layers of adamantine and ceramite many metres thick, covering the outer hull of the vessel.
Void shields and armour. Unlike in BFG, voids have a 'nav shield' effect against small debris but not large (momentum issues, perhaps?) It could reflect multiple 'types' of void sheilding - the 'warp dumping' effect as well as a more mundane absorption/deflection mechanism at work.

Page 220
The hull of a starship is often covered with short-range, rapid-firing weapons. These could be rapid-cycling multi-lasers, quad-barrelled auto-cannon, or even vulcan megabolters. All are collectively referred to as turrets and are designed to shoot down torpedoes and assault craft, as well as help defend the ship in the event of a boarding action.
The turret rating does not correspond to the actual number of turrets—a starship with scores of defence turrets...
Point defense.

PAge 221
If one attacker fires on a ship, the ship’s void shields reduce the hits as usual. Even if they overload and another attacker fires on the ship in the same Strategic Round, the void shields will be restored in time to protect against that attacker’s fire as well.
This echos BFG tactics.. basically coordinating your fire between multiple ships ot overwhelm voids is the way to defeat warships, it would seem. Again this may be a range and combat style dependent.. close up may be a differnet story than far away.

Page 221
Oftentimes, an especially lucky or well placed blow will do more than boil off armour or consign some unlucky pressmen to the void. Shells and beams may tear deep into a starship’s gut, ripping out her insides, crippling her systems...
the 'critical hits' for starships. What these abstractions repreesnt.. I have no idea. Especially accurate shots, amybe, golden BB's... etc.

Page 222
The starship’s plasma drive explodes in a single, cataclysmic explosion. All starships within 1d10 VUs of the stricken craft... be struck by the flaming debris of the destroyed vessel.
Treat this as 1d5 macrobattery hits... that void shields and armour will protect against normally...
This could probably be calced given the range and such but I'm not sure how to do it and it would still be game mechanics either way, so not going to bother. Warp core detonation is also mentioned, it bsically tears a hole into the warp (vortex weapon) which is even nastier. Deliberately overloaded warp drives are alwahys nasty (As demonstrated agianst Hive Fleet Behemoth.)

Page 223
Needless to say, if every Component is consumed by fire, the ship is reduced to a burned-out hulk and counts as destroyed.
That seems to imply that the main danger of fire is that it will damage internal components and kill crew, which is largely borne out by the gameplay effects. Actually destroying the hull is another matter. This may speak to the durability.

Page 224
Humanity developed the grav-plate during the mystical Dark Age of Technology, allowing them to simulate the effects of gravity in the chambers and passageways of their starships. However, these systems are fickle. Poor maintenance or battle damage can shut grav-plates off at inopportune times, leaving crewmembers stranded and drifting in mid-air. Additionally, if someone is forced to exit a ship and step into the blackness of the void, he will leave the effects of the grav-plates behind.
human antigrav.

PAge 226
The distances between a planet and one of its moons can be farther than a man in a land-crawler can drive in a year—the distance between two planets (or two stars) can be orders of magnitude further. An Imperial starship can generally travel the distance between a planet such as Holy Terra and its moon in little more than an hour, while that same starship could take two weeks to travel between the same planet and its star. In general, it shouldn’t take much longer than that to get from one location in a star system to another; however, faster starships should take less time, while mass conveyors and other bulk transports may take far longer. In the end, travel times should be left up to the GM.
travle times like everything else are arbitrary. Although the times here are interesting. 2 weeks to travel 1 AU, and 1 hour to travel ~385,000 km Assuming a steady accelration up to the midpoint, then turnover and decel for an equal length of time, and ignoring any intiial velocity (assumes zero) We get an average accel of about 12 gees for one hour (half an hour accelerating, half decelerating) and an average velocity of around 100 km/s (maxes out at maybe ~200 km/s before turnover?) 1 AU in 2 weeks, however, is worse 50 milligees constant accel, and a mere 250-300 km/s velocity average! Not impossible, but its rather bizarrely inconsistent both ways with the stated accel figures.

Page 227
In systems with multiple stars or large gas giants, gravity can behave strangely—sometimes in seeming defiance to the laws of physics. The most feared phenomena are the gravitational rip-tides found near gas giants during the conjunction of their larger moons, or at the midpoints of binary star-systems. Most avoid them, but a skilled—or insane—helmsman may try and
se the flux to his advantage.
...the helmsman has built up enough speed for his vessel to “shoot the rapids”—using the speed generated by the tide’s pull to shoot out the other side at tremendous velocity.
Using this you can apparently subtract a "day" from the travel times for every success.. but failure means the ship takes damage and has to try and break free from the pull of gravity... I'm not really sure what to make of it. Especially the whole 'defiance to the laws of phsyics' bit. I suspect its meant to refer to gravity slingshots but..

Another thing to note is asteorid fields and ice chuks in ice rings are very dangerous to starships and void shields offer no protection.

Page 227
Even with the help of warp drives—and the immaterium is a fickle ally at best—travel between star systems can take as long as months, or even years. Beyond the bounds of the Imperium, where the fires of civilisation are even farther apart, the journeys could even take decades.
Depends on the means of travel and the route, of course. Again they don't seem to make a definite case for consistency in warp travel.

Page 227
Generally, a starship stocks at least six month’s food and supplies in its lockers—although some vessels may cram an extra month’s supplies on board if they anticipate a long journey. These stores can be stretched to last longer, although at a cost to the crew.
The consequences of long journeys are varying..
This implies a upper limit on ship operational times (normal ones at least) austerity measures or creative recycling/use of resources (or plundering nearbuy systems) can extend it, so its not impossible to go beyond it (just not typical probably.)

Page 228
Weary Machine Spirit: Long voyages strain the systems of a starship, sometimes to the breaking point. Without a full shipyard, repairs are often temporary.
For every month the ship spends at space without visiting a shipyard or civilised planet for proper repairs
Starvation is not something that should happen unless a ship has been at space for longer than a year or had its food stores drastically reduced for some reason.
Of course, the threat of mutiny is also present when crews are confined within iron bulkheads without the warm sun or fresh air for months or years on end.
This implies the 6 month limit is perhaps due to other things (crew getting ill, mutinous, or strain on ship systems, as per above.) but the food supplies can allow it to last longer at least. Food logically is also less of a concern since in theory they could find a planet to restock at away from base. Also given the impressive recycling and hydroponic abilities of the Imperium on stations and hive/forge worlds, they can probably make it last quite awhile the same way with water and air.

Page 228
To survive amongst the deep void, starships must be largely self-sufficient. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the case of repairs and maintenance. Any true void-faring vessel has bunkers full of fuel and storage holds with additional supplies and ship components, from delicate cogitator circuitry to massive adamantine plates to weld over hull breaches. Though the supplies are seldom enough to completely repair a starship (especially if it has just come through a truly nasty engagement), they are enough to let the crew patch up the worst of their ship’s injuries.
self sufficiency of starships. Some even go sof ar to have machine shops and fabrication facilities onboard (assuming access to raw resources.) even warships can be this way. The imperia navy is an interesting blend of specilaist and generalist ships, both designed for specific, short ranged duties (EG destroyers and battlecruisers and carriers) as well as more generalist and long range operational duties (frigates, cruisers, light cruisers, etc.) Some can build and rebuild their own fighters as well as fabricate and install new components. I imagine they might also be able to replenish or replace fuels (or run on alternate power sources. Plasma fuel may be rare, but hydorgen is plentiful and nothing is wrong with fusion.)

Page 274
It is important to note that building a brand-new starship is an exacting task requiring many years (often decades) and much toil. Normally, building new starships is reserved to the Imperial Navy. Rogue Traders are far more likely to acquire a recomissioned Naval vessel or repair and refit a salvaged derelict.
This time around starships take years (or decades) rather than cneturies to build. We do hear of starships built for private individuals or concerns, which tends to skew things to the lower end of the scale (the rich - the only ones who can buy ships, can live for centuries, but it would take a huge chunk of their lifespan to buidl the ship they needed immediately.)

Of course the fact that decomissioned or salvaged ships can be 'sold' or bought or even loaned out is pretty hilraious considering how they constantly harp on how rare and precious Imperial starships are meant to be.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2

Page 280
The Imperial ruins of Grace are overrun with tribes of feral Orks, the cast-off seeds of past battles. They must be purged from this world and their spores charred from the ground where they lie.
Getting rid of orks.

Page 284
Administratum tithe clerks flock for an assessment, empowered by their superiors to bleed the Rogue Trader a little more in the name of the God-Emperor.
Rogue Traders can be tithed (taxed) in theory.

PAge 284
An ambitious Magos demands a new compact of tech-ritual and prayer, one much more favourable to Machine Cult coffers
Proof the AdMech probably is more concerned with material wealth and power than "relilgious" crap, at least in certain branches. One sort of Rogue Trader "Misfortune"

Page 288
...few charts exist that show even a fraction of the Imperium and its worlds.
And what few did have been demolished by the soul drinkers. Again alot of what we know about the scope and numbers is conjecture.. although since this is fictional sci fi analysis any sort of precision was a faint hope to begin with :P

Page 291
The ancient and powerful ships of the Imperium often boast many thousands (if not tens of thousands) of crewmembers. Many of these crewmen toil endlessly in the lowest decks maintaining one of the vessel’s millions of arcane systems and machines...
"thousands' of crewmembers.. or tens of thousands. Whereas tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands) is the norm for BFG warships.

Page 302
With over a million worlds and a population running into countless thousands of billions, it is the largest empire in the galaxy of the 41st millennium.
The Imperium.

Page 302
Through His vast psychic powers, the Emperor directs the Imperium’s warships through the nightmare realm of warp space. It is said that He foresees the many possible futures of the human race, and steers humanity so that it may overcome the many trials and challenges ahead.
Implies that thorugh his limitted means of guidance (tarot, astronomican, visions and sendings and angleic chmapions) he 'guides' the Imperium. This suggests he can have quite an active hand in moving ships across the Imperium to where they need be. We know from HH: collected visions that when alive he was able to 'focus' and greatly speed up warp travel with his powers, and we also learn that if they burn out lives more rapidly they can boost the power to the astronomican to enhance its effects. Both can be useful in providing the needed 'guidance.'

Page 302
The Imperium itself is inconceivably vast, spanning many thousands of light years, and it would require months, even years, of travel to traverse it.
"months or years' to travel either across 'many thousands of light years' or the full breadnth of the Imperium hundreds to housands fo c or tens of thousands of c for the former, tens to hundreds of thousands of c for the latter.

Page 302
As powerful as it is, the Imperium does not rule the entire galaxy. Mankind’s worlds are spread thin across the 200 trillion stars that make up the galaxy.
200 trillion stars in the galaxy. May be a typo, since other sources say 200 billion. (unless 'billion' is trillion.) Ther eis of course the fact this is meant to be the Milky Way galaxy too, but its also an 'altenrate universe' and as I recall Earth is in the wrong place.

Page 302
The Imperium is embroiled in a constant state of war, sometimes simply continuing its wars of expansion, other times fighting against foes who threaten the survival of the entire human race.
as noted previously, the Imperium is in a perpetual state of expansion with some contraction, not unlike oceanic tides. we might conclude that whether or not the Imperium is doing well or poorly is dependent upon whether they gain more than they lose, and how valuable what they lose is (gaining tons of new colonies does not quite outweigh the loss of a major hive or forge world, for example.)

And as i've noted, 'constant state of war' is something of an exaggeration, although they're perpetually under the belief they're at war.

Page 302
The Administratum is probably the most powerful organisation in the entire Imperium.
Which is sort of true - they controll almost all of the manpower, resources, and information within the Imperium one way or another. This is offset by their utter incompetence in running things (unless under a strong central authority - EG Vandire).

The AdMech is probably more powerful in practical terms (controlling technology) or the Navigators (Controlling trade.) The Ecclesiarchy is a close third though.

Page 302
The order owns and administrates the factory planet Mars, whose vast orbital workshops turn out the majority of the weapons, spacecraft, and other technologically sophisticated machinery used in the Imperium.
Admech again providing what seems like a substantial fraction of the Imperium's total material output.

Page 305
"Then Drusus, unwilling to leave what lay beyond in the darkness of heathen unbelief, did order a Watch be set upon the worlds along the Rim. There, his servants would defend the Emperor’s worlds from the predications of the dread Halo Stars. And Drusus did also grant a measure of his Authority and his Duty to a chosen few. They were empowered to travel beyond the bounds of Imperial space, to convert the Heathen, make war upon the Xenos, and carry forth the Light of the Aquila."

"They would return with the bounty of a thousand worlds, and in the traditions of the Imperium, they would be known as Rogue Traders."
This smacks of self-serving Rogue Trader propoganda, but it does imply it is legal for other groups than the Adeptus Terra to issue Warrants of Trade. At least in some form. Whether these are major (like the Emperor-granted ones, or the Adeptus issued ones) or not is up for debate.

Page 306
The galaxy is a vast spiral, ninety-thousand light years across and fifteen-thousand light years thick, containing hundreds of billions of stars. Only a fraction of those stars have habitable planetary systems, and only a tiny fraction of these have been investigated by Humanity or any other spacefaring race.
Scope of the Imperium.

Page 306
Human worlds are scattered throughout the galaxy, but their distribution is far from even. The greatest concentration of human worlds is in the galactic west, centred on the cradle of Humanity itself: sacred Terra. On the fringes of the galaxy, human worlds are few and often far apart.
Distirbution of worlds in the Imperium.

Page 307
However, few [alien races] are so widely distributed or so numerous as humans. Most occupy only a single world or planetary system. The majority of aliens are comparatively primitive, peaceful or powerless, and of little interest to Humanity. Only a few alien races are powerful, aggressive and possess technology that rivals that of the Imperium. Among the most common are Orks and Eldar, though many more exist.
Other races.

Page 307
Most worlds maintain fleets of interplanetary spacecraft—ships built to operate within their home system and in the vast majority of cases lacking the warp engines needed for travel between stars.

Interplanetary spacecraft are common on all technically advanced worlds. Even on primitive or feral worlds, the planet’s governor and his associated staff and warriors would have access to spacecraft...
Interplanetary shipping is administered by the Imperial Commander of each system. Some Imperial Commanders keep a tight leash on space travel, while others are far more lax and allow the organisation and maintenance of independent space fleets to serve the system.
local (substellar/interplanetary) craft and their role/commonality. Note that while implied to be unusual, it isn't impossible for 'local' fleets to have warp engines. It could suggest that only a relatively few planets do so (which makes sense, it would reqiure a certain level of technical understanding to build a warp drive) or it may mean that each planet can only maintain relatively small numbers each. Or possibly, both.

Page 307
Imperial Commanders are obliged to build ground-based defences, spaceports, and what defence fleets they can. The number of weapons and ships in any individual system will vary, depending on the enthusiasm of its governor as much as the possible danger. In addition to ships under the control of the Imperial Commander, planets lying in vulnerable positions or having a history of trouble may also have an Imperial Navy base. Although Imperial Navy ships are independent of those of the Imperial Commander, both would be ready to meet an emergency. Imperial Navy ships may also be stationed in one system so that they can patrol a number of nearby star systems.
Much like the Guard, the Navy may establish 'garrisons' in one or more systems in a sector/subsector. One imagines they may be 'temporary' (in case of trouble) or effectively permanant (in the case of being able to patrol/cover multiple planets in a region, and/or to guard an especially important world.) I imagine the Navy maintains permanant/fixed facilities in all systems (not only to represent its interests and as a place to allocate trained Navy personnel, but also to support temporary deployments of ships should the need arise.)

Page 307
Generally, only those planets that can support humanity, or be terraformed so they become habitable, are heavily settled, yet there are plenty of worlds where humans cling to life against nigh-impossible odds. Such worlds are those with natural resources of great value to the Imperium, or ones occupying a strategically vital location, perhaps near one end of a warp portal.
reasons why the Imperium occupies worlds (aside from 'because it can). Note the implication of some form of terraforming.

Page 307
For convenience, the Adeptus Terra classifies the worlds of the Imperium into one or more broad types. In most cases these classifications describe the use to which the planet is put by the Imperium, while some describe the environment where this defines type.
Thus, a planet might be classified as a Hive World, because it is defined by its vast cities and astronomical industrial output, but its might also have as a secondary classification: Night World, Ocean World, or even Death World.
Planet classifcation. They note that planets may have 'classes' and 'sub-classes' and may 'combine' several features. This probably accounts for all the.. diversity.. in planet definitions (EG forge worlds contributing regiments to the Guard, or hive worlds that are still somewhat habitable rather than being irradiaed industrial wastelands or continetal-sized cityworlds, etc.)

Page 308
Urban conglomerations called hives, many miles in height, are the principle population centres. Factory, mining, and atmosphere processing are main industries, and the worker-populations are only maintained by a high import/export ratio, with the main import being foodstuffs and fresh water.
Hive worlds.

Page 308
Agri-Worlds are almost entirely given over to the cultivation of crops, hydroponics, animal fodder, or animal husbandry. They have few conurbations, with the population spread widely across the planet’s surface. They are often clustered around Hive Worlds, who cannot survive without the constant supply of food. Some Agri-Worlds are almost entirely serviced by slaveserfs, servitors, or ancient machinery, and some are so thinly populated that only a single company of troops are stationed there as deterrence against pirate attack.
Agri worlds.

PAge 308
The majority of the Imperium’s worlds are listed in this category, though the term could be misleading, for even on those worlds not touched by outright war in generations, most subjects carry firearms. Civilised Worlds are generally self-sufficient, possess starports, and are able to defend themselves against most threats they might be expected to face. Most of these worlds are further categorised as Cardinal Worlds, Garden Worlds, Mining Worlds, or any other of a thousand classifications.
Civilised worlds. Note that here they are defined as the 'majority', while in other cases it is implied hive worlds may be or that feral worlds may be. Alot of this will probably be a 'depends on ow you classify' sort of thing. You migh thave lots of 'civilised' hive worlds, or mining worlds, ro the like.

Page 308 barren rockscapes strewn with volcanoes and wracked by ion storms. These worlds are nearlyimpossible to colonise but must be properly explored—which necessitates the provision of outposts and other facilities. Some harbour rich mineral, vegetable, animal, or gaseous resources, and the Imperial Guard greatly values troops raised from these harsh places.
Death Worlds.

Page 308
This category includes wide variety of locations, such as orbital stations, asteroid emplacements, and major facilities on Dead Worlds, Death Worlds, or on other planets. They are responsible for a wide variety of research, from animal breeding and domestication to weapons testing and gene-engineering. They also serve as listening and watch posts for planetary and system defence of major planets.
Research stations.

Page 308
The word ‘feudal’ refers not to a political system, for the entire Imperium is administered according to a feudal system, but instead to the world’s technical base, which will be just prior or just post-black powder.
In general, the Imperium will allow such worlds to progress at their own pace, and it may be many centuries until a Feudal World progresses to a level similar to the bulk of the Imperium.
Feudal worlds. Not to be confused with the manner in which the Imperium is claimed to be governed. Again its more like a protectorate or guardianship until the world develops to the point it can be properly integrated. It may still provide troops however.

Page 309
Most long-established human worlds have populations with distinctive physical traits, such as a dominant hair colour, body shape, or height. Extreme cases of physical adaptation have produced mutant populations that are no longer human.

On more technically advanced worlds they may be permitted to live, but rarely enjoy the rights of the world’s other subjects.
Generally speaking, they form a huge downtrodden portion of the Imperium.
'mutants' and others that may diverge to some degree from the so called 'norm'.

Page 309
Abhumans are creatures evolved from human stock—but changed or mutated to a greater or lesser degree. They differ from ordinary mutants in that they conform to a recognisable physical standard, breed true, and are no more prone than normal humans to further mutation. There are many millions of these creatures living within the Imperium, and they are tolerated or exploited by the authorities very much like the rest of the population. It is rare for Abhumans to reach positions of power within the Imperium’s hierarchy...
They are recruited into armies, fleets, and other services (although not the Space Marines). In the institutions such as the Imperial Guard, they are often placed within distinct groups and segregated from other humans.
Abhumans. It is rare (but not impossible?) for them to rise in the imperium, despite bein tolerated (and better treated, generally) than outright mutants. What's interesting is that the Navy has uses for them (what, we dont know) but it would make sense. We also know of Ogryn being used for doing labour such as mining.

Page 309
Confidentiality can still be assured, as an Astropath need not understand a message to transmit it. In this way, with various secret languages, codes, and ciphers, covert orders and other sensitive information can be passed across the galaxy...
Probably similar to the way couriers can be conditioned to carry and provide a message without knowing its contents.

Page 309
Astropaths are an essential part of civilian life, working for commercial shippers and anywhere where interstellar communication is needed.
They also, no doubt, form a means by which the Telepathica can tax or gain money from the commerical sector in order to sustain itself.

Page 310
Although the range of a single Astropath is not vast, only several light years, by means of re-broadcasting a message via a relay of other Astropaths, a communication can theoretically be sent from one corner of the Imperium to the farthest flung reaches.
Astropath ranges and the 'bucket brigade' relay system.

Page 310
Messages may take days or weeks to traverse the distance or even wander off course and be picked up by the wrong receiving Astropath. It has been known for messages to be delayed by many years, even decades..
Astropathic messages are affected by the 'weather' of the warp (currents/storms) and can be delayed. I also suspect much of the delay (in terms of days or weeks) is from having to receive then transmit on from relay to relay. Transmitting across a segmentum, which can take many thousands of relays, could be delayed only a little or alot depending on how long it takes to receive the message, then to pass it along. What's more is that depending on how many astropaths there are in the relay (and the amount of traffic involved) there could be delays, re-routings, etc.

No exact range is stated, but it is implied from the previous quote that 'days or weeks' applies to travelling form one end of the Imperium to another. Assuming 'days to weeks' to send the message some 100K LY we could be talking tens of millions of c (two days) to 1.2 million c (1 month). Longer (years or decades) obviously is correspondingly slower (hundreds of thousands or thousnads of c.) And of course if we were talking less than 'across the Imperium' - segmentum or sector level, the speed is correspondingly slower (across a sector is 'only' a few hundred LY which is thousands, to tens of thousands of c.)

PAge 310
Interstellar spaceships are equipped with warp drives enabling them to travel between the stars. A few of these craft are owned by Imperial Commanders, Navigator families, or other independent organisations or individuals. The vast majority belong to the Administratum, the administrative branch of the Adeptus Terra. All legally operating human ships, whether owned by the Imperium or not, are registered and policed by the Administratum.

I'm guessing we're using 'interstellar' in a slightly different context now, since interstellar was used not long ago to refer to ships without warp drives (those restricted to a single system) and that local/private warp ships were uncommon. Again though, while apparnetly rare, there can be some 'private' ships. Given the short ranges (lacking a navigator or astropath) this probably isnt seen as being much of a problem or disruption, as long as fleets aren't too big.

Page 310
Because the material universe and the warp move relative to one another, the ship reappears in a new position several light years from the starting point. This process is called a jump or a hop, and the process of entering or leaving is known as a drop, shift, or translation.

Journeys are undertaken in short jumps of up to four or five light years. Longer jumps are unpredictable and dangerous. The tides of warpspace move in complex and inconsistent patterns, and ships attempting longer hops often end up widely off course.
Warp 'jumps' and their range. No time is attached but we could combine 'distances' mentioned in other sources with ranges. Assuming a couple days for a short range warp jump of 4-5 LY we get a few hundred to a few thousand c. Which fits with chartist navigatoinal speeds within an OoM.

On the other hand, thousands of LY (with a navigator) in a few days would be a couple hundred thousand c... which fits in (within an order of magnitude) of typical navigator (long distance) speeds.

Page 310
It is possible to make long jumps of many light years by steering a ship in the warp itself—sensing, responding to, and exploiting its currents and thereby directing the craft towards a corresponding point in the material universe. Only the strain of human mutants known as Navigators can pilot a craft through the warp in this way.

Some individuals are sensitive to the movements of warpspace. They can, for example, sometimes tell that a spacecraft is approaching even before it drops back into the material universe.
Navigators and psykers, respectively.

PAge 311
The Astronomican is a psychic homing signal centred upon Terra. It is powered by the continuous mental concentration of a thousand psykers.

The Astronomican’s signal is strongest close to Terra and gets increasingly weaker further away. It extends over a spherical area with a diameter of about 50,000 light years. The Astronomican does not extend to the extreme fringes of the galaxy, and because Terra is situated in the galactic west, its signal does not reach a massive swathe of the eastern part of the galaxy at all. Nor is the extent or strength of the signal constant—it can at times be blocked by localised activity within the warp itself.
I suspect that its meant to be 'radius' rather than diameter, as a number of places have been previously mentioned as being half a galaxy away or 50-60K LY from Terra at various points(EG Thandros, , besides which, 50K LY diameter woudln't even cover half the galaxy. Indeed they say the galaxy is a mere 90K LY across when its bigger elsewhere (again variable like the number of stars in the galaxy.) but even at that the Imperium would hardly cover the galaxy the way it does in some maps.

in other resepcts, the Astronomican weakening with distance, and the fact its signal can fluctuate (it isn't constnat) or be interefered with aren't surprising. I suspect the Eye of Terror and maelstrom represent major interference in that respect.

Page 311
The time differences between real space and warp space are quite drastic. Not only does time pass at different rates in both kinds of space, but it also passes at very variable rates. Until a ship finishes its jump, it is impossible for a ship’s crew to know exactly how long their journey has taken.
Time is of course fucked up. So is space for that matter. It can be an assert or drawback, depending.

Page 311
Once within warp space a ship may move by means of its main drives, following powerful eddies and currents in the warp, eventually reaching a point in the warp corresponding to a destination in real space. The most difficult aspect of warp travel is that it is impossible to detect the spatial movement of warp space once a ship is in the warp. The ship can only blindly carry on, its crew trusting that it is going in the right direction. The longer a ship remains in warp space, the greater the chances of encountering some unexpected current that can turn it unknowingly off-course.
Navigating around inside the Warp.

Page 311
All warp-drives incorporate navigational mechanisms. When the ship is in real space, these monitor the ever-shifting movements of that part of the warp corresponding to the ship’s current position. It is a ‘window’ into warp space. By means of observing these movements in the warp it is possible to calculate a course, corrective manoeuvres, and approximate journey time to a proposed destination. Calculation relies on the assumption that the warp-currents observed from real space don’t change significantly during flight. This method is known as a ‘calculated jump’. It is not safe to make a calculated jump of more than four light years at one go. The longer the jump, the greater the chances of a significant change in warp current movement.
it could be who is using the nav mechenisms that determines the kind of jump that can be made. a normal person using them can't travel very far compared to what a Navigator (or even a psyker) can do. the 'calculation' angle explains the importance of stable warp routes or charts - known data makes for easier calcluations (adjusted for by sensors and other means of detecting the currents of the warp.)

Page 311-312
The second, and more efficient, form of warp-navigation is the piloted jump.

A Navigator onboard a ship in the warp is able to pick up these signals and can steer a spacecraft through warp space, compensating for current changes as he does so. A piloted jump can cover a far longer distance than a calculated jump. Most piloted jumps are no more than 5,000 light years at a time, but longer jumps have been made.
Calculated jumps, and piloted jumps. I suppose I should start getting used to using those terms, they're better than none :P Although I suspect even navigator assisted jumps use some degree of calculation (at least from the sources I recall they do.) - the main difference is Navigators are better suited to adapting or adjusting those calculations to suit unforseen circumstances (as well as being able to detect and react better.)

Page 312
The ship heads outwards towards the rim of the solar system, carefully increasing speed by tiny increments as it does so. Although the vessel’s engines are capable of terrific acceleration, the risk of collision with inter-planetary debris is high if the ship accelerates too quickly or too much. As the sun shrinks in the ship’s wake, the density of debris lessens and the ship’s speed reaches approximately one percent of light speed.

After several weeks of travel, the ship arrives at its first destination. This is the ‘jump-point’ lying around the star system like the circumference of a circle. This delineates the point at which inter-planetary debris falls below maximum warp density. Once this invisible line has been crossed, it is safe to activate warp engines. A crew careless or foolhardy enough to prematurely activate warp-drives would be lucky to find their ship hurled thousands of light years off course. More likely, the ship would be torn apart and destroyed, never to be heard of again.
A direct takeoff from old Space Fleet stuff. To be honest quite a bit of the stuff from thsi point on is from Space fleet, and it will run more than a bit contrary to the earlier-established stuff. Why this is and why it wasn't adjusted I dont know. Laziness maybe.

Anyhow, we get the 'jump point' - which is the zone of safety at which a ship can engage its warp engines without risk. It is possible to emerge closer, but the hazards (for those in the system and onboard ship) increase unless you have a skilled navigator. This means that 'emerging outside of the system' is mainly a precaution, not an absolute, and can help explain the occasoins where they emerge much closer (up to a point.)

The other interesting tidbit is how 'planetary debris' and 'max warp density' is the reason for long distance emergence. collisions are a problem of course, but it sounds as if even small debris can be a danger to a ship in or emerging from the warp.. which is.. interesting. Are they travelling fast when they enter or exit the portal? Other sources usually ascribe gravity messing with the portal and the general innacuracy of emergence points being the problem... oh well.

And of ocurse the 1% travel speed. That's not an absolute of course, and it shows that not all warp travel may be at 'constant burn' (which can skew acceleration figures.) Top speed can e dictated by a number of factors. acceleration, availability of propellant (and desire to conserve), as well as the hazards of interstellar debris. Of course, 3000 km/s is not exactly a trivial speed for collisions either, especially for a transport. a 1 gram piece of debris woudl be around 1 ton of TNT equivalent, and have nearly the same momentum as a 1 ton car traveling at around 10 kph. It goes without saying this is a hypervelocity impact (insanely so - 1% of c as opposed to tens of km/s or less..) Considering that a 1 gram bit of debris might be 1 cm in diameter or so (assuming rock -iron would be smaller) that impact is concentrated on a muchs maller area (by contrast a APFSDS is something like 2-3 cm across.)

Also several (2-3 weeks) of warp travel at 1% of c is between 3.6-5.4 billion km. That fits with certain other novels for the 'safe distance' although closer emergence points are known (within a few AU of the planet)

Page 312
Its true interstellar journey has begun. Ships travelling in warpspace do so by means of jumps varying in length up to 5,000 light years. Only a long journey would involve more than a single jump. Even so, almost two weeks pass onboard ship before the craft is ready to end its jump. Meanwhile, because of time shifts in warp space, over a year has passed in the real universe.
2 weeks onboard, 1 year in the warp, up to 5,000 c in the real universe, and 130,000c in the warp. That kind of 'bookends' figures.. you have a potential 'speed' (assuming a 1:1 parity between warp and realspace travel) and an 'actual' one (depending on the actual parity.) In this case its much slower, and this may be representative of 'open warp' travel as described before (whereas along a known and stable route is generally closer to 1:1)

Page 312
If it is lucky, the ship will come out close to the jump-point, otherwise it may take many extra weeks to reach the inner planets. It is always wise to allow a safe margin when jumping towards a star. The results of reentering space within the jump-point would be the same as prematurely activating warp drives on the outward journey, and would almost certainly end in disaster.
Considering 1% c travel time (repeated again) we're talking emerging some 3.6 billion km from the jump point, which means it might double or even triple emergence distance (and time to arrive in ystem.)

Page 312
Initially, the ship travels at approximately one percent of light speed, decelerating gradually through the denser inner regions.
This could reflect a time vs speed balance issue (not wanting ot take too long to get in system, vs risks of collisions) or it may show that foreward thrusters are significantly weaker than the rear ones. 40K starships don't ever seem to do turnovers.

Page 312
In theory it is possible to travel anywhere through warp space. However, the shifting tides of the warp make it easier to travel from some systems to others, and short warp jumps are always more accurate than longer ones. This is particularly true when moving a large fleet, which may become spread out across several light years of space over an extended journey. Long established and well-charted warp space channels connect star systems and entire regions, providing relatively predictable conduits through which the majority of shipping passes.
The 'open warp' vs 'warp route' bits. I guess. Speeds up travel but makes warp journeys predictable (which is dangeorus in dealing with pirates.)

PAge 312-313
A warp gate is a point in real space which is linked to another point in real space by a tunnel through warp space. The tunnel somehow avoids the normal disturbances of warpspace, allowing a journey to be made within a fixed time and in perfect safety. The existence of warp gates represents something of a mystery, and much debate rages over whether they are natural or artificial. If artificial, then none can say who made them or for what purpose. Furthermore, some warp gates have been artificially enhanced, their entrances delineated by mechanical constructions whose exact function can only be guessed at.

Other warp gates are mere black holes in space.

Warp gates occur in the depths of space, at the boundaries of solar systems, within solar systems, and even on planets. The largest are easily big enough to permit the passage of spacecraft and are usually situated at the edge of a solar system or amongst its outer planets. Other gates are only large enough to permit the passage of small vehicles, or perhaps human-sized creatures. These occur mostly on planet surfaces and lead directly to other gates on the surfaces of other planets. All gates are rare, the smaller types extremely so. Planetary gates are often disguised, or respond only to electrical, psychic, or other signals, which would seem to indicate a certain amount of intended secrecy on the part of their builders.

All space-going races are prepared to utilise warp gates when they find them, although discovering where they lead can often be hazardous. Many gates appear to be defective, and can dump a ship randomly into warp space. Others can lead to places which may once have been stars or planets, but which are now no more than empty space. The possibility of emerging into a distant, hostile alien star empire also has to be considered. It may be that craft vanishing into warp space have been transported beyond the galaxy itself. Warp gates often become extremely important to whomever controls them, and many are of vital strategic value to the Imperium. Imperial Commanders and other interests vie for control of a warp gate in their sphere of influence, and these relics are often heavily defended against outside attack.
Warp gates, like the webway, although plenty are independent of it and used by everyone (most especially the Imperium.) Interesting that they speculate on 'inter-galactic' portals. Like in many novels (EG Dark Creed, Warrior Brood, or the Deathwatch RPG) they are considered important strategic points.

PAge 313
A warp portal is a point in space where the warp and real space interface, forming a stable entrance into, and exit from, warpspace. It is not necessary to activate a warp drive to enter the warp in this manner, although any vessel not equipped with warp shields would be unlikely to survive for long within the empyrean. It does not lead to a tunnel, and a spacecraft entering a portal is cast to the chance currents of warp space. With careful manoeuvring it may be possible to re-enter normal space using the same portal from the other side. Again, the exact nature of the portals is not understood, and no one knows whether they are mere accidents or have some secret purpose. Some aliens use warp portals to travel between warp space and real space, specifically the creatures known as Enslavers, which live within warp space itself. Like warp gates, portals occur in all places and may appear on a planet’s surface. Some have a definite physical constituent, whilst others are invisible or take the form of a hole in the ground or a dark cave mouth.

Warp portals do have their uses, for there are recorded instances of spacecraft with damaged warp drives, trapped within the warp and doomed to destruction, suddenly locating a warp portal enabling them to return to real space.
More windows than tunnels, they're basically a way to enter the warp without a warp drive (but you still need warp shields/gellar fields, since its open warp.) We knwo the tau use such portals as they find them, so they must have some sort of gellar field. What's interesting is that these portals are stable and don't seem to leak the warp into realspace, the way they would in (for example) a daemonic incursion. It is possible that therea re differnet kinds of portals - naturally occuring ones are rifts opened up into the warp for indefinite periods of time, and may or may not close over time or 'leak' the warp into realspace. Others may be artificial (such as the enhanced link between the warp and a psyker) and prevent the leakages while still allowing access to the warp.

Page 313
Interstellar craft may be privately owned, but most operate on behalf of one of the Imperial organisations. Of these, the Imperial Navy is the largest, numbering tens of thousands of uncounted warships and cargo vessels of varying sizes. In addition to its spacecraft the navy maintains military spaceports, space stations, mining and factory ships, various orbital research stations, and countless unmanned orbitals serving as early warning, exploration, and research satellites.
Everyone seems to own at least a few ships, although the Navy is the largestt. Note the mention of the Navy having is own facilities (good for establishign temporary or permannt bases), factory ships, research stations and watch posts. The research bit is interesting (what do they do R&D on? is it independent or allied with the AdMech?). The orbitals are interesting too.. does 'unmanned' mean they are servitor crewed? How do they communicate their findings (do ships swing by on routine patrols to retrieve data, or do they have some psychic servitors to transmit?)

Mining and factory ships aren't surprising.. any sizable fleet will need a certain degree of self suffiicency to maintain itself (like the goliath fuel ships.)

We also know they maintain various star forts stations and other fixed orbitals that can be towed through the warp (or are warp capable.) as well as maintaining their own 'sub stellar' flotillas to assist and defend such fortifications, to maintain blockades/quarantines, etc.

Page 313-314
The Adeptus Terra not only has ultimate control of the fleet, but also maintains a number of its own ships. These reside permanently on Terra, whilst many more are scattered throughout the galaxy at any one time...

A further corps of ships lies under the direct control of the Adeptus Arbites, to be used for transportation and war.

Space Marine Chapter Masters are at liberty to commission new ships, or capture enemy ones, and use them how they will.
non-naval fleets. The Adeptus Terra seems to have a permannat pool to assign to various groups (or this may mean its directly under Administratum control). The arbites is not surprising, we've seen it in various novels (Execution Hour, the Shira calpurnia novels, etc.) the Ecclesiarchy (and sisters of battle) and Inquisitors are known to have their own ships as well. Keeping a reserve at a 'headquarters' (terra, the egmentum bases, sector bases, etc.) seems to be routine, and may explain some of the odd numbers sometimes thrown about.

Space MArines have always had ships (I omitted their reference, except for the last bit) but the ability to 'commission' or capture additonal ships to expand their fleet is rarely touched upon (The Navy is not happy with them having their own fleet, dreads them gaining more space fighting warships, etc.) So far only a few chapters (like the Space Wolves) have been known to capture and use warships as outlined above.

Page 314
Interstellar ships, space stations, mines, and factory craft also owned by individuals, corporations or mercantile families make up a fairly small fraction of the total. As far as interstellar travel is concerned the Imperium is all–powerful; elements not controlled by the Imperium are only permitted to exist because their owners are cooperative and useful.

Most noteworthy of these privately owned ventures are the Rogue Traders and the great mercantile families of Navigators. Even the largest of these families owns a relatively small number of craft..
Those outside of Imperial control. Alot of this depends on the definition of 'interstellar' - given the reference to rogue Traders and Navigators, I'm thinking of 'long distance' craft.. vessels able to operate effectively beyond the sector/subsector boundaries (EG requiring navigators, or at least astropaths.) as opposed to 'chartist' captains and the like. Still it implies there may be a small number of truly 'interstellar/intergalactic' non-Rogue trader/Navigaor 'families' who control a few ships.. I'd guess this represents the Terran nobles/families who helped carry out and pay for the Great Crusade (and who perhaps still carry influence nad power within the Imperium at large.. the noble's aristocracy, and the ones who ultimately politick with or control the High Lords alongside the various Adeptus.)

Page 314
The Administratum has a great deal of control over interstellar shipping one way or another, but even so, illegal interstellar craft still lurk on the fringes of society. These ships are owned and operated by unregistered merchants, smugglers, and even by pirates.
as I said these probably represent not just the 'illegals' but also mercenaries, chartist captains (or something similar), and the like. They've got warp-capable ships, but their short ranges make them impracticalbe over the most local distances (a few LY or tens of LY range.)

Page 314
All illegal ships are at a considerable disadvantage compared to registered vessels. Navigators are, on the whole, loyal citizens. They are also quite rare. Interstellar travel without a Navigator is relatively slow because the maximum distance a ship can jump is only four light years—compared to 5,000 with a piloted jump. There are some Navigators who will work onboard illegal ships, but they are few and far between. The vast majority of illegal interstellar shipping is therefore locally based, usually operating within a group of close sub-sectors or from peripheral inter-sectors.
This again tends to reinforce the idea that the 'unregistred' are chartist captains vs navigator owned/piloted. It bears in mind that being 'unregistered' is not the same as being non-Imperial or Illegal per se - it depends on who is doing the 'registering.' Chartist captains, mercs, privateers, adn such are tied to and 'registred' by local planetary or (sub)sector authorities, but not neccesarily by Segmentum command or Terra. Whereas any ship with a Navigator, evne if it operates only within a sector (EG Naval battlefleets) are considered 'registered' with Terra and thus benefit from that status.

Page 314
Planets all have local laws governing what can and can’t be imported and exported. Some planetary governments also charge an import duty or have complex quarantine laws.
Many routes are the property of hereditary captains or are operated exclusively under a fleet charter.
Important tax and economic benefits in all this. 'hereditary captains' and 'chartist' captains i would guess stem from this stuff.

Page 314
A typical unregistered ship operates out of a hidden supply dump near the solar system’s jump point. It would be foolish for the captain to bring his ship into the solar system itself, so cargos are ferried to the supply dump by sub-stellar ships.
This would, I think, technically be smuggling.

Page 314
Interstellar pirate ships operate in a similar way to unregistered traders, but their intentions are far more sinister. Few Imperial Commanders will tolerate pirates in their system, so most pirate bases are within otherwise uninhabited systems.

A pirate’s usual mode of operation is to lie in wait just inside a system’s jump point. If the target is leaving the system, the chances are that any accompanying sub-stellar craft will have now turned back.
One imagines that if pirates can operate short-range warp craft, the local/subsector/sector authorities (and various commercial, governmental and other organizations within it) could arrange some form of defense or protection for their interests to supplement the Navy (which can't be everywhere and will always put Imperial interests first.) Warp capable PDF
ships, privateers/merc, and the like seem likely in this situation.

PAge 314
Imperial Commanders are prone to quarrel with their neighbours. In these quarrels one side may be prepared to hire illegal ships, even pirates, to attack and destroy a rival’s shipping. Such fights are common, but are directed mainly against sub-stellar craft belonging to the foe.
Or, equally possible, they may build/own their own short range ships to carry out wars. It's hardly unprecedneted, esp in the FFG material itself.

Page 315
Each Segmentum is divided into sectors varying in size according to local demands and stellar density. A typical sector might encompass seven million cubic light years, equivalent to a cube with sides almost 200 light-years long. The Imperium is not divided into a grid of sectors; rather, sectors are scattered throughout the vast reaches of the galaxy, forming small island chains of civilisation in the limitless ocean of the void. Sectors are connected to their neighbours by well-charted routes through the warp, but they are rarely adjacent and thousands of light years may separate one from the next.
8 million cubic LY, but it was close. This seems to be the reconciliation from the old fluff of "planets being separated by hundreds or thousands of light years" subsectors/sectors can be relatively close together, but these clusters are essnetially isolated from one another to varying degrees.

Page 315
Sectors are divided into sub-sectors, usually comprising between two and eight star systems within a ten-light-year radius, though some may encompass more systems. This size is governed by the practical patrol ranges of spaceships. Because sub-sectors are divisions of worlds rather than volumes of space, there are vast numbers of star systems within each sector, which do not fall within a sub-sector. These are referred to as inter-sectors, or more commonly as wilderness zones, forbidden zones, empty space, and frontier space.
Subsectors here are defined unlike in othe sources. forming perhaps a 10-15 LY cube (or a 10 Ly radius, take your pick.) In theory the two-eight system limit implies there might be scores or hundreds of subsectors within a sector (the distances implied hundreds easily), but for all the wilderness zones, etmpy space, and so on. In fact, there are usually fewer than a dozen sub-sectors, although they can have far more planets (some have dozens, and this doesnt seem unusual.) It may depend on how the planets are defined or classified (eg major vs minor, etc. Sectors can have thousands, even tens of thousands of stars/planets, but only a scores or hundres will be properly Imperial inhabited.)

Page 315
The Imperium’s interstellar ships comprise merchant vessels, warships, civil craft, and several other specialised types. These are organised into specific fleets: merchant fleets, battlefleets, and civil fleets. Each of the Segmentae Majoris has its own merchant, civil and naval fleets. So for example, Battlefleet Solar is the warfleet of Segmentum Solar; Merchant Pacificus is the merchant fleet of Segmentum Pacificus; Civilis Tempestus is the civil fleet of Segmentum Tempestus, and so on.
Warfleets, civil fleets, and Merchant fleets and the segmentum. This seems to be one origin of the "battlefleet" confusion (battlefleets being sector level detachments, as opposed tos egmentum). We might rationalize that "battlefleet" is a term defining any detachment to a base of operation or region, and "battlefleet solar/pacificus/etc." represent the ships held at segmentum headquarters. Although in theory, all sector level (and lower) battlefleets are simply detachments from the segmentum fleets, which are in turn 'detachments' from the adeptus Terra. I'd personally call the segmentum level forces 'warfleets' as wars can be bigger than battles IMHO :P

Page 315
All interstellar spacecraft are registered as belonging to one or more of the Segmentae fleets. Registration allows a ship to be identified and permits the fleet authorities to record and administrate shipping within each of the Segmentae. A ship that is not registered in a Segmentae may only travel to that Segmentae with the special permission of the fleet authorities. This is purely an identification measure. An unidentified and unregistered ship may be assumed to be hostile, and attacked or destroyed.
Registration seems to be handled at the segmentum level or higher, which probably also affects navigator allotment and the like. It also seems to restrict travel between the segmentum (meaning that there is yet another level, reserved for the adeptus, the navy, rogue traders, inquistiors, etc. - the "Imperium proper" and its allies like the Space Marines and Admech - who can travel anywhere in the imperium.)

Page 315
The combined merchant fleets comprise almost 90 percent of all stellar spacecraft in the Imperium. Each fleet is based in one of the five Segmentae Majoris, and its records and associated administrative staff operate from the Segmentum Fortress for that Segmentae.
That means of all the 'millions' of spacecraft mentioned 9 out of 10 are merchant ships, with the 10% being mostly warships and whatever civilian ships are regeistered and permitted.

This can also be used to tell (when one of the other number is known) ho wmany of another type must exist. To be fair, this is for segmentum level 'registered' fleets - the truly old big player rogue trader dynasties (who operate routinely at segmentum levle ore higher, rather than having their warrants issued within a sector or a grouping of sectors - the 'wildcat' charters in other words.) It would also include inquisitors, the Navy, and the Navigators, AdMech and possibly the Astartes. although the last two would hardly fall into 'civilian' and the Navy is its own branch. otherwise given 'dozens or hundreds' of rogue traders per sector, and thousands of sectors, fleetnumbers could get truly insane (a pervcent of a percent and all that.)

Page 315
Each merchant ship serves its fleet under an arrangement called a Merchant Charter. Not all charters are the same; some confer more power and responsibility to the ship’s captain than others.

There are different types of Merchant Charter. All types take the form of a feudal oath sworn to the fleet authorities on behalf of the Emperor. A captain may not register his vessel with the fleet authorities until this oath has been sworn and a record of it entered at the Segmentum Fortress for that zone and on the Segmentum Fortress on Mars.
I'm guessing these are slightly different from Chartist captains, but similar. in a way this means the Navigators control both civil and merchan tfleets by virue of their Navigators. Note that registration has two parts (both at the segmentum bases, as well as segmentum solar's naval base, which is is basically the uber-base of the Navy.)

Page 315

A Fleet Charter is the least prestigious level of interstellar captaincy, and is also the least secure. A Fleet Captain may be deprived of his command and given a shore posting at anytime, and his ship reassigned to someone else. A Fleet Captain is appointed to his position in exactly the same way as a free captain, but plies fixed routes like the Hereditary Captain.
Possibly a variation of a chartist captain, although permitted to trade across the segmentum. Whether they have a navigator or not is up for debate.

That said 'fleet' charters also seem to suggest they have some ties to the Navy (naval transports and the like) which may serve both mercantile and military interests, and may have military (or ex military) crews, officers, and even armament/defenses.

Page 315
So-called Free Captains are appointed to command individual vessels by fleet officials.


Free Captains may trade as they wish within the fleet Segmentae, except that they are usually forbidden from trading along established routes. Instead, they roam the less densely populated and unexplored sectors..
A step up. I wonder if there are sector level equivalents of Free Captains (sometimes I think sector level rogue traders, or people like Maxila or Cynia Preest/Unwerth Sholto from the Eisenhorn/Ravenor novels are such individuals, but definitions tend to get a bit confused in those books compared to the rest of 40k sometimes :P )

Page 315
Less common, but far more sought after, is the Hereditary Charter. A Hereditary Captain may nominate his successor, and that successor may swear the oath of allegiance and thereby becomes the new captain of the ship when its current captain dies or retires. As well as inheriting a ship, the captain inherits a route or routes, and is obliged to carry cargo and passengers only along this route. Some routes are more profitable than others and so are more highly regarded.
The main difference betwen Fleet and Hereditary charters is that Herditary charters are controlled by the owner and can be distributed as such. EG it is tied to 'families' whereas fleet charters (or hell even free charters) can pass in a more erratic manner.

Page 315
A Hereditary Free Charter is the most coveted and highly honoured form of captaincy. It is also the most ancient. A captain may be raised to a Hereditary Free Captain as a reward, but Hereditary Captains are no longer simply created as once they were. The captain is free in that he may trade freely within the confines of the Segmentae where his fleet is based. Most of these old captaincies are members of more than one Segmentae fleet, and some are registered in all five of the Segmentae Majoris.

Although the Hereditary Free Captain is theoretically an imperial servant, his obligations are relatively few. The ship may trade where and how it pleases within the confines of its charter.

I wonder how this differes from a rogue trader?

Also it is possible for some old/well established 'Captains/charters' to be registered in multiple segmentum.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last part and we're done!

Page 316
Although the vast majority of interstellar spacecraft are part of the merchant fleets, there are still many ships registered to individuals, families, or trading cartels. All privately owned interstellar craft operate along routes licensed to them by the fleet authorities responsible for shipping within that Segementum. These route licences must be bought, and must be renewed after a fixed time, usually a hundred years. This means few privately owned ships like to risk the effects of time dilation on long journeys. A licence may run out before the ship has completed its journey.

Civil fleets usually bid for route licences as they come up, the route going to the fleet prepared to pay the most for it. This system enables the Imperium to maintain routes, which, for whatever reason, it finds inconvenient to service from its own spacecraft. It is also a good way of raising revenue.
Civil fleets.. the 'privately owned' stuff.. but still controlled by other adepta (EG Navigators, rogue traders, etc.) It's yet another moneymaking/taxiation scheme (one of meny the ADministratum seems to favor.) probably trades freedom and privacy for a limited lifespan (the need to renew the charter.)

i should note that this was changed from old Space fleet numbers, where it was said tha tonly 'several thousand' ships were registered to families and the like. It still suggests that perhaps civil fleets are in the minority that they were in space fleet, but perhaps not as much so.

Page 316
As well as route voyages, the fleet administration also issues one-off licences for single trips. Many of the smaller fleets manage to survive entirely in a hand-to-mouth fashion reliant upon one-off licences.
The civil fleet equivalent of 'fleet charters' I suppose. All it really says is that all civil licenses/charters are temporary, only the time they are held changes.

Page 316
Civil fleets vary in size from a single vessel to several dozen. One of the largest is that of the Navigator family Redondo, numbering forty-seven registered interstellar ships. Most ship owners have only a single vessel.
Assuming 2000 navigator families and each having a dozen or so, thats tens of thousands of Navigator ships. It suggests navigator families do not own (directly, or at least through civil fleets) large number sof ships. That siad, navigator vessels are not the only civilian ships either.

Page 316
The Imperial fleets number many thousands of ships, the majority of which are at least a thousand years old. Some are as old as the Imperium itself, a full ten thousand years. A very few claim a pre-Imperial origin. It is not surprising therefore, that spacecraft vary tremendously in their detailed appearance, even where they belong to the same general class or type.
"thousands' which could mean anything from 'up to ten thousand' to 'up to a million'. They're likely to be more common than civil ships - at least half to 2/3 of a fleet is going to be warships as opposed to civil ships. So assuming a 2 million ship fleet, 90% of which are merchant, 200K will be civilian and warship. That means at least 100-150K ships or so in the warfleet, which fits with the lower limit estimates of battlefleet sizes.

Page 316
The spaceships of the Imperium are vast constructions that take many decades to build. Each craft represents a huge investment in time and resources. But once completed, fitted out, armed, and commissioned, a spaceship continues in service for centuries, even millennia.
'decades' to build ships once again. Bear in mind this isn't an absolute - building speed can depend on who is building it (differences between a forge and a hive world building a ship and a mining or feral world, as well as the sophisticiation of vessels (Gothic class cruisers, with thier lances, would be more complicated than a Lunar class. Also battlecruisers vs Grand Cruisers.)
Other factors such as delays, the warp, and wartime can effect build rates.

Page 316
To combat this constant process of decay, every interstellar spaceship has a maintenance crew of hundreds of thousands of dedicated craftsmen, continuously striving to repair and refit the ship. Inside a large Imperial warship there are factories and workshops, huge forges and plasma furnaces, even small refineries and ore smelting plants to provide raw materials for the work of reconstruction.
Another slight change. In Space fleet it was 'hundreds or thousands', whereas here it is 'hundreds of thousands. This tends to rule out cruisers and escorts, and suggest the bigger grand cruisers and battlecruisers (although even thse aren't quite 'hundreds of thousands' as per BFK) and more probably battleship scale vessels.

This also tends to suggest the aformentioned 'decades' was applying to battleship scale vessels or other large cruisers (eg 8+km ones, unless those are errors :P) since the last quote was simply the previous paragraph of the current quote.

Page 316
Plasma drives are used to move through star systems at sub-light speeds. They burn with the fierce energy of a star, converting their fuel into a super-heated gas plasma to provide the immense thrust needed to propel these gargantuan craft through space.
That could mean they are either fusion drives, or that they are stellar scale outputs (although what kind of star is also up to debate.. star sizes and outputs are not fixed after all..) :P

Page 316
If a spaceship’s warp drives were switched on while it was still within a star system, the huge rent in the very fabric of space that they create would be catastrophic for the population and planets of the system. The spaceship itself would be torn apart as the massive pull of the star’s gravity reacted unpredictably with the energies released by the warp drives.
There we go! gravity fucking with a warp jump. I knew it was there somewhere.

Page 317
The vast majority of spacecraft in the Imperium are not interstellar ships at all, but sub-stellar ships which travel only within the confines of their own star system. The laws governing the ownership and operating of sub-stellar ships are the concern of the Imperial Commander of each system. The Imperial authorities take no great interest in what happens on this, galactically speaking, tiny level.
We now get a differentiation between 'sub stellar' and 'inter stellar'.

Page 317
Most space warfare centres around planets, installations, and other important targets within a solar system. It is therefore sensible to maintain sub-stellar warships in the proximity of vulnerable systems. These craft may be Imperial Navy vessels operating out of a naval base, or they may be vessels belonging to the Imperial Commander of the system.
That most planets cneters around formations inside a system also can dictate the speed of engagements. You don't fight in proximity to a planet at fractions of lightspeed - at least not for very long.

Page 317
If a system has several inhabitable planets, it will need cargo ships of one kind or another. These may be owned and run by the planetary government or by private individuals, cartels, or companies. Most systems would have both government controlled and privately owned craft.

Industrial ships include all manner of vessels used for maintenance, manufacture and mining. Such craft may be owned by governmental or private groups in the same way as cargo ships.
Industrial and cargo substellar ships. They also mention prospecting and exploration/scouting ships ot find new locations in a system.

Page 317
It is not always possible to build bases or docking facilities on planets or asteroids, so space stations may be constructed instead. These huge constructs provide all the facilities normally available on a planet.

Beacons are small space stations that serve important roles in a system. They act as navigational beacons by broadcasting a local signal recognizable by ships in the area. Beacons also monitor passing spacecraft, receiving and relaying information regarding size, course, and registration signal. In an emergency, they act as deep-space lifeboats where the crews of crippled ships can survive until they can be rescued.

Beacons usually have a small crew, though some are entirely automated. The position and number of beacons in a system varies from none at all to hundreds.
Fixed emplacements such as beacons and stations.

Page 317
Each of the five Segmentae Majoris maintains its own Segmentum fleet, which further subdivided between sectors.
The battlefleets are highly mobile and extremely potent weapons, able to gather to meet large threats where necessary.
Although based in a Segmentae like merchant fleets, naval ships are universally registered—so a ship from one zone may be recognised in any other. This makes possible cooperation and coordination of naval forces, should the Imperium face such a threat that not even a Segmentum fleet can contain, and reinforcements must be called in from far and wide.
Again segmentum fleet are the largest 'formation' - ships get divided (somehow) amidst the various sectors (and probably redistributed.) The battlefleets (navigator piloted ships) are the fewest in number but also the most mobile, and are used to shore up defenses where need be. They are the 'elites' to the PDF/Guard of substellar and (probably) short range warp capable forces. Hell even the way they amass is similar.

Page 317
He is in charge of the entire naval contingent of a Segmentum.
The Lord High Admiral formulates fleet-strategy throughout the entire zone, overseeing repair schedules, supervising construction programs, and ensuring the general space-worthiness of the fleet.
Lord high Admiral. theoretically equal, although BF solar is more prestigious for obvious reasons. Only 5 such ranks in the Imperium. Generally the "broad policy/big picture" guys, handling the major stuff to be handed down to more local levels.

Page 318
The Admiral is based at the Segmentum Fortress, along with other sector-level administrative staff of the Administratum and other branches of the Adeptus Terra. He must answer not only to his naval superior, the Battlefleet Commander, but also to the Adeptus prefect in overall charge of the sector. The Sector Commander has direct command of a portion of the warfleet, and the duties of his ships are divided up into patrolling, permanently stationed and reserve fleets. The reserve fleet is usually stationed on the Segmentum Fortress. The remaining portions are placed under the command of Group Commanders.
I think they mixed up some of the Space fleet and "Rogue Trader" terms... I think they meant to refer to sector reserves rather than Segmentum reserves (although technically the sector reserve is part of the Segmentum reserve anyhow...) - its not exactly mutually exclusive though, the segmentum and sectors both can have reserves of ships.

given the three different classifications I suspect we have what amounts to a 'cycling' of resources. You have the 'active' or patrolling fleet - ships that are out and doing things. You have the two other forces on varying levels of standby - the 'reserve' and the 'staioned' fleets. Stationed fleets may be on standdown - they aren't completely shut down but they aren't fully mobilized either (crews dispersed save for skeleton or watch crew, etc.) used for defensive and backup purposes (if the patrol fleet needs aid, the stationed fleets are mobilized.) The reserve fleet is the stuff officially 'shut down' and stored away. I doubt the components fixed or equal - reserve fleets coudl be quite larger than either the stationed or active/patrol fleets, and I suspect it varies (as does the size of such fleets) form sector to sector (the segmentum command shuffling about or redirecting ships from one sector to another, assigned to other duties like Crusades, etc.) also some ships (like battleships) probably do not go out on patrol as much compared to escrots and crusiers (due to limited numbers, logistics, and the fact they are usually flagships. You reserve those to meet threats, not chase down pirates.)

I would also venture to guess that the current 'stationed' fleet represents the next patrol fleet when the current patrol tour is over, that the fleet in reserve (or part of it, anyhow) gets cycled out as the next 'stationed' fleet, and the current patrol fleet goes into reserve.

Page 318
Group Commanders are Commodores and Rear Admirals in charge of a portion of a sector’s fleet. They are sometimes based around the Segmentum Fortress, or more often, on one of the permanently manned docking stations in one of the sub-sectors. Group Commanders are responsible for patrolling and keeping order within sub- and inter-sectors around their base. A typical command consists of a sub-sector base, noncombatant staff, and a couple of squadrons of ships. One squadron might be a light patrol squadron, whilst the other would only fly to meet specific threats.
Group commanders. again I suspect it may refer to "sector fortress" rather than segmentum fortress, since we're talking sector level threats. another 'oopsie' resulting from translating space fleet stuff to the FFG material. They seem to be 'battlegroups' or what we sometimes here as 'sub-battlefleets' or 'subfleets' - the subsector-level detachments of the sector's battlefleet. They seem to maintain the 'stationed/patrol' format of the sector level, although withotu the reserves (or if they have reserves, its a small reserve.)

A "couple of squadrons" could mean a half dozen ships (depending on composition of squadron.. I'd guess at least one cruiser squadron and one escort suqadron, so maybe 2-4 cruisers and 2-6 escorts?) - it could be bigger of course.. some sources certainly suggest that (FFG itself comes to mind..)

Page 318
A typical squadron might be three spacecraft of which the Squadron Leader’s ship is one.
The space fleet definition of a 'squadron' So we're talking more like 6-9 ships per subsector.. which isn't unreasonable. Keeping 1-2 squadrons of escrots for patrol and antipiracy and one squadron of cruisers as backup/response forces makes sense. Of course from the Warp Storm storis pertaining to the Macharius, we knew there was a battleship too, so its probale that a battleship, battlecruiser, or grand cruiser is stationed as a flagship of sorts.

anyhow, 6-9 ships per subsector is 36-72 per sector.. which is (roughly) what the Battlefleet numbers worked out to from the BFG blue book. Throw in a few battleships and battlecruisers as flagships.. *shrugs*

Page 318
.. even the many thousands of spaceships in the warfleets must be spread thin, with individual ships and squadrons set out on their own assignments. The Imperium cannot maintain permanent fleets ready to respond to invasion or rebellion. Nor would it make sense to do so, for it would take so long for a fleet to get from its base to the warzone that the enemy would surely have moved on by the time it arrived.
"thousands of ships" in the warfleets. this actually sounds like these are 'non-battlefleet' detachments since a battlefleet is basically a permanant fleet deployment maintained to respond to invasion or rebellion. so the 'warfleet' could be inteprreted as the segmentum level of the 'patrol' fleet.s of a sector. Segmentum HQs do have stationed and reserved assets after all. :P

The fact that those 'thousands' of ships are spread thin on individual assignments can reinforce that.

Page 318
...temporary battlefleets are gathered together whenever they are needed. Warships within a relatively small area are summoned to join the battlefleet. It is rare for ships more than fifty light years from the battle zone to be included in the fleet, and more commonly only those within a dozen or so light years are summoned.

Even with ships this close to the battle, it will take at least days and more often weeks for them to arrive.
Battlefleets used to be temporary in Space Fleet. another 'oopsie' I think, they forgot to modify this to suit 'modern' BFG-onward conventions.

The interesting thing is that it seems likely that they have at least a handful of warships within 12-50 LY of any potential crisis. Even within a sector (8 million cubic ly) we could be talking about a hundred or more warships just for that.. strongly indicating many hundreds of thousands/millions of warships.

If we assume these temporary battlefleets are from the 'mobile' elements of the warfleet scattered across the galaxy (mentioned before) it is even more hilarious (the galaxy being a big place and all that... millions of warships is quite likely there, even allowing for massive tracts of emtpy or uninhabited space in the Imperium.)

"arrival time" over a dozen-50 LY in 'days or weeks' is a few hundred to a few thousand c. Another possibility is that these are non-battlefleet warships amassed to fight.. ships relying on calculated (EG non navigator) jumps would travel that slowly and could still be that numerous/distributed compared to the Navy proper. It would also help explain discrepancies between the "50-75 ships" battlefleet numbers and others (where hundreds or thousands of combat ships exist per sector.... 2000 ships in 8 million cubic LY would be about one ship per area ~20 LY diameter. 200 ships is 35 LY diameter or so.)

Page 318
A massive campaign involving millions of men, thousands of ships, and whole chapters of Space Marines is being fought against the Tyranid invasion. Fleets are being mustered far and wide to undertake the long journey to the warzone. The journey will take decades, in some cases, and many of the crew will never see the battles they are heading towards. But the Imperium knows all too well that in mere decades the Tyranids might consume the entire Eastern Fringe.
Battles against the Tyranids. Considering that in that time the Orks and Chaos have risen up to cause problems This can point to the Imperium being mired in multiple serious conflicts as well as a number of minor ones.

Page 318
Most of these battles are small-scale and involve only substellar craft in skirmishes with smugglers, brigands, and rebels. But occasionally, larger conflicts occur when whole systems or groups of systems must be brought into line. Sometimes these systems have their own fleets, and the Imperium must send its largest battleships and cruisers to crush the enemy. In these circumstances an Imperial Navy battlefleet will be facing an enemy containing ships exactly like its own.
Implication that some 'local' or system forces might duplicate Imperial designs (with or possibly without warp engines.) Some might be warp capable, given that 'groups of systems' would need some sort of fTL ties to hold them together.,

Page 320
Rogue Traders have even attempted to cross the voids of interstellar space, but over such distances even the Astropaths’ powers of communication are useless, and whether such missions have succeeded is unknown.
Some fleets/ships have attempted intergalactic journeys.. with the results unknown. AStropathic communication has definite limits.

Page 320
His total responsibility may extend to dozens of spacecraft, often huge, lumbering cargo vessels crammed with a small army, a full crew of technicians, and volunteer settlers to establish colonies on new worlds.
A rogue trader 'fleet'. Bear in mind 'spacecraft' can mean anything form capital ships to attack craft/shuttles.

Page 320
Many Rogue Traders are individuals who have reached a position of power within the Imperium’s hierarchy. These come from the ranks of the Adeptus Terra, the Imperial Navy and Imperial Guard, or even the Inquisition. A few are influential civilians, amongst whom the Navigators are the most famous. Politics sometimes obliges this course, for free of Imperial command the Rogue Trader is also conveniently out of the way, beyond the centre of real power.
Origins and reasons for Rogue Traders. Politics being a proiminent part of it.

Page 321
The Warrant of Trade is not just a title and its associated rights and responsibilities—it is an actual document, and perhaps the single most prised piece of parchment in the Imperium. It bears the signatures and seals of the most powerful individuals in the Imperium. In fact, some of the oldest Rogue Trader families claim that their Warrants are signed by the hand of the Emperor Himself, though most keep such documents safe in a stasis vault far from prying eyes and thieving hands. Much like the rosette carried by an Inquisitor, the Warrant is proof incontrovertible of a Rogue Trader’s authority.
The Warrant of Trade.

Page 321
Upon receipt of the Warrant of Trade, a Rogue Trader may be granted command of significant military resources. In many cases these are provided directly by the highest levels of the Imperium, but equally, they may be provided by backers with an interest in the profits the Rogue Trader might bring. As such, many Rogue Traders owe a portion of their profits to these investors. Of course, there are plenty of Rogue Traders who conveniently forget all about this as soon as they pass beyond the Imperium, though these explorers may well find substantial rewards placed for their subsequent capture.
Some rogue traders are supported for economic/moneymaking reasons. As we learn there is something of a trade in funding/supplying Rogue Traders.

Page 321
Jokaero digital weapons are popular with some—miniature lasers and needlers that are worn as rings but contain the same power as a pistol. They might be carrying alien phase weapons that can bypass armour, Ha’Kaidan neuro-stars...
Digital weapons and alien weapons.

Page 321
Rogue Traders wield incredible power, and it is easy for them to forget that once back within the Imperium, they do not have free rein to act as they wish. This strident attitude will draw attention from the authorities. Many Rogue Traders dispute the right of the Imperium to exercise authority over them.
This tends to suggest many are in fact radical compared to more conservative elements in the Imperium.

Page 321
The Imperium being spread out across such a vast region of the galaxy, it lacks discrete borders and is defined more by the warp routes that connect individual sectors.
Also mentioned is that as space travle is controlled by the Segmentums, the Imperium exerts control over the movement of its populace between worlds.

Page 321-322
The Warrant of Trade issued to all Rogue Traders grants not only the permission to go beyond the Imperium’s borders, but to deal with who or whatever might be out there with the full authority of the Senatorum Imperialis, the High Lords. The Warrant also elevates the recipient to the highest of ranks to which a servant may rise, granting him equivalent status with such men and women as Imperial Commanders, Inquisitors and Space Marine Chapter Masters. They are granted the power to deal with such peers of the Imperium as equals, and the Warrant allowing them to call upon what aid they can negotiate.
Reference to 'peers of the Imperium' again.

Page 322
...the Warrant of Trade grants enormous rights to the recipient, allowing him to claim by conquest whatever worlds and privileges he may obtain in whatever manner he wishes to do so. Many Rogue Traders use the Warrant to conquer or colonise newly discovered planets, taking up the role of Imperial Commander and thus pushing outwards the Imperium’s borders. Others use the Warrant to gain exclusive trade rights with newly discovered cultures, earning for themselves unimaginable riches and establishing the foundation of powerful noble lines.
This may be one reason why some noble families are spread out across multiple planets, or why some trade/nobility and other organizations can span entire subsectors/sectors if they are tied to a Rogue Trader dynasty. The conquest/colonization angle can also show why Rogue traders might be granted a great deal of (conventional) military resources like the Guard or starships - it can be a tool to circumvent the normally sluggish hierarchy of the military to achieve a goal, but without invoking a Warmaster.

They even mention Rogue traders often coming from the Navy or the Imperial Guard (well the officers at least.)

page 323
Through their long and varied careers, some officers of the Administratum might amass considerable personal power, holding sway over a small empire of divisions and departments with responsibilities across dozens of planetary systems.
Probably more 'merchant prince' type Rogue traders. Even the Administratum and non-military sides of the Imperium can use shortcuts.

Page 323
An entire class has grown up over the millennia existing solely to meet the demands of interplanetary commerce. The merchant interests of the Imperium take many forms, from cartels to federations and small concerns to mighty corporations.

Most centre their efforts on a relatively small group of worlds or a stretch of a lucrative trade route, for the nature of the Imperium does not facilitate a stable, galaxy-wide economy.
Interstellra trade, such as it is, in the Imperium. I'd say they do have a galaxy-wide economy of sorts. At least, the Navigators and AdMech usually do.

Page 324

The most common cause for such a change in career is that the governor has been replaced or deposed in some manner, yet remained of use to the Adeptus Terra. Perhaps an Imperial Commander has lost his world to alien invasion, yet has retained a measure of his assets, such as his own planetary defence forces and fleets. Some such individuals may be appointed to Rogue Trader status and given the opportunity to conquer for themselves, and for the Imperium, a new planet.
Their fleets are massive conglomerations of whatever vessels escaped the destruction of their planet, accompanied by whatever assets the Imperium might assign to them.
'political' reasons for Rogue Traders. Individual such as this are more akin to a 'penal legionnaire' than anynthing. It also suggests that it isnt uncommon for the 'imperial Commander' to have warp capable starships of some kind (or else how could he or whoever he leads escape?)

Page 324
Although rare, there are recorded cases of an Inquisitor being granted the Warrant of Trade and taking up the rank of Rogue Trader.


...the Inquisitor will understand that he has no alternative but to accept. As it is most often members of the alien-hunting Ordo Xenos who find themselves being appointed as Rogue Traders...
Although no longer able to call on the nigh-limitless resources of the Inquisition, the Rogue Trader will still wield considerable powers and influence.
unsurprisingly, it's not allowed for an Inquisitor to hold rank as rogue trader and Inquisitor at the same time. This also shows how politics can use Warrants as a tool - the Inquisitor being granted a Warrant is basically being forced into it, so it can be a way to remove an Inquisitor from the organization without tedious politicking (or as a result of that politicking.)

it's also suggested Inquisitors and rogue traders (the powerful ones at least) are quite similar, except that Inquisitors are powerful within the Imperium, and rogue traders are powerful outside of it.

Page 325
Warrants are granted on the highest of authorities, usually by the office of the High Lords of Terra themselves—and by extension, the Emperor.
Warrants are issued for many reasons. Some are granted in recognition of a great service done to the Imperium, while others are created for entirely political ends.

Rogue Trader Warrants are hereditary. Once one is issued, it will be passed down from one generation to the next, at least for as long as there are heirs extant to receive it. Many Rogue Trader lines die out and yet more are created to replace them, ensuring a constant supply of individuals driven to expand the Imperium’s holdings.
Issuing of warrants, and their hereditary nature. not unlike Space Marines.

The four main reasons given are as reward for exceptional military service (the most common), political expediency (to get rid of a rival or a potential threat without eliminating him or her outright), self-promotion (Selfih, self serving reasons engineered trhough political mainpulation and bribery), or as a means of exile.

Page 325
In a galaxy at war on a thousand different fronts, Lord Generals and High Admirals lead dozens of mighty crusades to re-take entire regions lost to rebellion or alien invasion. Such mighty leaders have under their command millions of warriors and hundreds of warships, and over the course of a crusade lasting decades they might claim dozens of planets in the name of the Emperor.
Admirals and Lord generates.. armies in the millions and fleets in the hundreds.

Page 325
Many a Warrant of Trade has been granted in order that a Lord Militant might simply conquer region after region until he has expended his forces and is no longer a threat, real or potential, to the Imperium.
Sort of a rogue trader version of a penal legion, just as like with Imperial Commanders who lose their planets.

Page 328
Lady Sun Lee arrived insystem and immediately commenced a continuous broadcast....

Throughout the week it took for Sun Lee’s flotilla to reach the inner system.....
A week to travel whatever known distance. Whether this was max burn or not, we dont know.

Page 329
If he is not already in possession of a spaceship by dint of current rank, a newly appointed Rogue Trader may be given a flagship, often a cruiser. Every vessel in the Imperium’s registry is a precious asset and capital ships are not squandered, for they take decades, even centuries to construct and can tie up the equivalent of many years worth of planetary industrial output.
Alongside a flagship, a Rogue Trader may be accompanied by frigates and other escorts, as well as a multitude of cargo vessels, tenders, processing vessels, and many more auxiliaries.
vessels take 'decades even centuries' to construct and tie up 'many years' worth of planetary output. This seems to refer to capital ships rather than escorts. It also implies that its the capital ships which are relatively rare, not really the escorts (which can be built in a matter of years or less.) or merchant ships.

And yet again the amusing inconsistency of 'ships are rare, yet we give them out and sell them off when it suits us'. :P

Page 329
Entire Imperial Guard regiments may be seconded to them, along with all the auxiliary units needed to maintain them and advisors to aide in their use and deployment. Though such gifts are considered temporary attachments, in reality it is likely to prove permanent.
Rogue Traders can command troops assigned to them. A 'garrison' of sorts.

Page 329
Plenty of Rogue Trader fleets are furthermore accompanied by entire populations of colonists, volunteers or otherwise, who will settle newly discovered worlds so that the Imperium’s borders are expanded from one generation to the next.
Nonmilitary version of Guard conscription for a Rogue Trader.

Page 330-331
..the Warrant will often come with a number of conditions attached to it. In fact, it would be a sure sign that an individual is being virtually exiled if no conditions were attached, the authorities clearly hoping the recipient will go and get himself killed somewhere beyond their concern.

Conditions attached to a Warrant may take many forms, but invariably involve some form of military service or intervention.
A common condition under which a Warrant is granted is that a particular world be ‘visited’ by the Rogue Trader and his fleet.
If the Rogue Trader’s remit extends to actually dethroning the governor in question, then many will proceed to such a course as soon as possible.
Settlement of new worlds in the name of the God Emperor of Mankind may be a condition placed on a Warrant of Trade.
A common condition of the granting of a Warrant is that such worlds be brought back into the fold by the application of overt military power.
The means of controlling or limiting Rogue traders. The Imperium, being what it is, is not just going to allow anyone free and total reign unless you happen to be 9 feet tall and glowing gold.

Page 331
The Explorator Fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus are ever investigating the wonders of the galaxy, relentlessly recording and cataloguing celestial phenomena and stellar bodies. A report of a habitable world will be dispatched, along with whatever data can be gathered on it by preliminary investigation by an Explorator team. If the world proves of no great interest to the Tech-Priests, perhaps because it harbours no resources or life forms of immediate use to them, then its details will be transmitted and filed away for future generations....

...the report may progress through the data-mills of the Administratum for many years, even centuries, before finally crossing the desk of a clerk tasked with dispatching settlement missions to such worlds...
The Explorator fleets.

Page 331-332
The Rogue Trader will be operating on the level of a Lord Militant leading a crusade, and for such missions additional military forces might be seconded to his command. In some cases, the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes might accompany the fleet, usually for a short time only, but occasionally for extended periods. Though he may well act as a figurehead, the Rogue Trader will not be in direct command of such units, and an administrative body will be formed, often titled a ‘crusader council.’
By and large the force described sounds like what happened in the hoare Rogue Trader novels with the Damocles gulf crusade, with varying levels of influence or involvement. It probably is the best reconciliation of earlier fluff where Rogue traders coudl command/lead Space Marines as well as inquisitors and such.

Page 332
Exploration is the essential mission of all Rogue Traders, yet occasionally they will be tasked with exploring a particular region at the behest of the Imperium’s authorities.
one of the final types of "conditions" attached to a Warrant.

Page 332
The most common method of ensuring a Rogue Trader complies with the conditions of his Warrant is to ensure there are very powerful representatives of the Imperium on hand to remind him of their obligations. This might be an Administratum prefect, but it might also be an agent of a more obscure division, perhaps even of the Inquisition. On occasion, the Rogue Trader might find his flotilla accompanied by one or more Space Marine vessels...
Sometimes the Rogue Trader’s compliance might be guaranteed by more subtle means, such as the promise of further powers or the granting of additional assets at various stages in a voyage.

Members of a ship’s crew could be agents of the Imperium, and it is not unknown for actual assassins to be emplaced aboard a Rogue Trader’s flagship as insurance against non-compliance or betrayal.
Yet another explanation for why Rogue Traders might 'command' allied forces (assassins, Inquisitors, or Space marines.) It's also known the Navy may attach a vessel to keep an eye on a Trader as well.

Page 333
The granting of a Warrant of Trade has the potential to establish a hugely powerful noble line, which, if successful, can grow over the generations to become equal to the most ancient of Navigator clans and merchant houses.
This probably is going to be the most effective means of keeping a Rogue Trader loyal and in line.. he won't turn if he has something to lose, after all.

PAge 333
Yet there are circumstances that have in the past led to the revocation of the Warrant of Trade and the forfeiture of the powers associated with it. Revocation means the effective death of a Rogue Trader line, its powers and privileges lost for all time.
Acting against the Imperium, being caught out acting with Xenos, failing to provide the appropriate Tithes to the Imperium or generally overstepping whatever boundaries the Imperium might feel like (Accidental or otherwise.) Many of the Warrants issued by Vandire are also of this category.

Page 334
Although the proscriptions that bar most human contact with aliens do not apply to Rogue Traders, there are those xenos pronounced so dangerous, vile, or otherwise undesirable that not even a Rogue Trader is permitted contact with them. Entire star systems are declared ‘perdita,’ their outer limits marked by sentinel-buoys that transmit warnings to vessels to turn back, on the authority of the Segmentum Fortress or even the Inquisition.
Some aliens are too heretical even for Rogue traders (or inquisitors) why they are Perdita rather than Exterminatus'ed, i have no clue (lack of resources? inability to bombard? ineffectiveness of bombardment?)

Page 334
It is worth remembering that a Rogue Trader flotilla is a sizable military force in its own right, certainly carrying sufficient firepower to raze to ashes many of the Imperium’s worlds. While a single vessel making a return to the Imperium will rarely cause concern, an entire fleet often will.
A rogue trader fleet (a dozen or so vessels) can carry enough firepower to basically destroy a world. it's more than one vessel but probably not huge numbers (fewer than dozens?) and even then not all of them will be warships. It's also worth noting that only the most powerful tend to command (or be able to field) something of cruiser grade or greater.. most are frigates or raiders. It's also noted that cruisers alone carry enough firepower to 'burn' worlds, so above might refer to escorts.

ASsuming the 12-138 GT/s figure from 2-23 hours for a whole flotilla and 12 or so vessels we could get high Mt/s sustained firepower to single/double digit GT/s firepower for sustained, and somewhere in teratons for single bombardments. Given the variables above, figure its an order of magnitude calc. It can also depend on what 'ashes' (and burns) means :P

Page 338-339

Map of the Koronus expanse. I'm not sure if all the worlds listed here are Imperial worlds or not, but there aren't any hive worlds, civilised worlds or Forge worlds.

There are fourteen designated "special".. including Port Wander. There are twenty five worlds labeled as "unidenfitied" including the four worlds of the Ork E mpireo f 'Undred 'Undred Teef'.

There are three cemetary worlds, eleven or twelve dead worlds, two forbidden worlds, two war worlds, one frontier world, one penal world, two Death Worlds, two feudal worlds, two mining worlds, one agri world, three Feral worlds and one pleasure world.

That's thirty two worlds, fifty seven with all the "unidentified" worlds.. and no idea how many (if any) are Imperial. Precious few if any.

PAge 340-341
On the underside of the station are the main repair yards, where damaged ships can contract out for refurbishment and mending. The yards include entire sealed dry-dock bays, where smaller ships can be totally enclosed for more intensive work. Also along the station’s keel are a variety of elaborate and mysterious arrays and probes used by the Adeptus Mechanicus in their arcane research into the nature of the warp passage leading through the Great Warp Storms to the Koronus Expanse beyond.
Port Wander's yard facilities.

Page 341
In addition to these static defences, squadrons of heavily armed monitor craft are stationed near Port Wander, and warships from Battlefleet Calixis pass the port on regular patrol.
Mobile defenses of Port Wander. As noted before, the Navy maintains its own sub-stellar monitors for defense of stations and static defenses.

PAge 341
Other vessels move through the area, offloading raw fuel gases mined from the two larger planets or minerals and ice from the further reaches of the system. There are also numerous asteroids sharing its space, most of which have been turned into fuel depots, palatial manses and estates, crude habitats, storage facilities, ship yards, and other more useful installations.
asteroid 'manses/estates', shipyards, fuel depots, and 'fuel gases' from the gas giants (mentioned in Into the Storm, as I recall)

Page 341
....Port Wander itself, set amongst a clutch of asteroids, many of which have been converted into other installations, ship yards, housing units, research stations, repair docks, and storage facilities. Surrounded by vessels of all shapes and sizes, it glows with the lights of hundreds of beacons and tens of thousands of souls.
Port Wander again.

Page 342
It is a huge and primal stellar mass, far brighter and more energetic than any star should be. Its fires rage so fiercely that the cataclysmic energies unleashed within cause vast bulges of burning plasma to distend Furibundus’s form, writhing as though immense beasts fight within. The outer envelope constantly tears and ripples, throwing off huge flaming masses into the near voids.

Further inwards, close to the primal roar of Furibundus, there is a planet set in a frantic orbit and blasted to molten rock over and again by its proximity to the bloated star. The only way it can be seen is by the shadow it casts on the movement of plasma-ribbons. This is Altar-Templum- Calixis-Ext-17, and it is here that the Mechanicus hide a heavily shielded fortress-temple, within which Tech-Priests study the secrets of this furious star.
Mechanicus faiclity in close to a highly energetic, violent star.

Page 345
Jerazol is a desolate world of ash and charred bone. It is a world, tales say, murdered for greed and spite. Discovered by a pious Rogue Trader whose name does not survive, Jerazol was verdant, fertile, and supported a population of humans whose culture had developed to a primitive tribalism.
... was also found by other explorers, who believed that the primitive humans where hiding wonders of lost technology in warrens beneath the earth....
...when the nameless Rogue Trader stood against them, they destroyed his vessels, letting their wrecks fall to the surface of Jerazol like the burning tears of a god. Then, it is said the murderers bombarded the world, burning its surface to ash and choking its atmosphere with smoke.
unknown number of ships fight a rogue trader and destroy his ships and bombard the world into extinction. It does again show that conventional weapons can depopulate a world though.

Page 348 is a blighted void, a few barren worlds circling a bright and turbulent star. Closer in to the solar energies is the Processional: a thin orbiting chain of wreckage, warp-crushed space hulks, and dead vessels of a hundred different xenos origins. If the myriad docks of the Segmentum Obscurus each launched a new vessel at the very same time, that vast fleet might approach the scope of the Processional. The currents of the warp have cast these uncounted thousands of sorry wrecks and ship-ruins here...
Perhaps "thousands" of docks (shipyards?) in segmentum obscurus.

Page 349
A billion heathen souls await the coming of missionary zealots and great auto-temples dropped from orbit.
Auto temples!

Page 350
Zayth is a world scarred deeply by war. Enormous vehicles the size of cities churn the surface of Zayth’s single macrocontinent. Each is a fortress and weapon platform armed with fearsome devices of war and destruction. Within them dwell Zayth’s human population, protected from the radiation and toxins unleashed by centuries of warfare. Zayth’s surface has been barren for millennia, ploughed and poisoned by shellfire, rapacious, urgent strip-mining, and the passage of hive-vehicles. Despite their weaponry and extraordinary vehicle cities the humans of Zayth have fallen far from the knowledge of their ancestors in all but war., and the knowledge of producing their hivevehicles is long vanished. Great generators and engine vaults are permanently sealed by copper doors or guarded by hereditary Engine Orders who guard the traditions and culture of each clan fortress.
More mobile hives. Except they fire on each other.

PAge 351
The xenos wielded tech-devices as though relics, and hunted, tore apart, and consumed surveyor servitors dropped from orbit.
scouting servitors dropped from orbit by an Explorator team

Page 351
The Disciples of Thule possess records that speak of a strange machine world deep in the Koronus Expanse: hidden cogitation arrays are packed beneath every part of its crust in huge vaults descending to the very limits of geoauspex probes.
I wonder if its a Necron World engine

Page 352
The physiology of an Ork is such that they are exceptionally hard to kill and can shrug off injuries that would kill a human, and can survive and recover from having limbs severed and crudely reattached later
Ork durability.

PAge 353
In the Expanse, Orks are usually encountered in small raiding ships, roughly the same size as an Imperial escort vessel.
Ork escorts.

Page 356
...Imperial ships taken in raids or pulled as hulks from the void and refitted, and steered by the craft of vassal sorcerers and powerful daemons pacts.
Warp navigation by sorcerors and daemon pacts.

Page 357
The tunnels beyond these portals are stable passages through the warp that are not subject to the vagaries and dangers of warp travel and can reduce impossible journeys to a few hours’ travel. The size of tunnels and portals that make up the Webway varies from those that can only be walked through by a human-sized creature, to ones so large that they allow the spacecraft of the Eldar to move from place to place swiftly and relatively safely.

Webway. Oddly rather than instantaneous travel its journeys of 'a few hours time'. Probably pan-galactic.

Page 358
...great starships called Craftworlds, huge spacecraft many times more vast than the greatest ship of the Imperium that drift through the void on a journey without end.
Craftowlrds are bigger than the biggest Imperial ships (20-60+ km)

Page 359
Rak’Gol technology is judged by the Magos Explorators to be inferior to the Imperial standard, but what they lack in this regard they more than make up for with their ferocity and single-mindedness...
Rak'gol are the ones with the fission pulse engines.

Page 360
...through dark transformation of body and mind, some of these xenos devices can grant life eternal. The body is restored to youth and the passage of years no longer weakens the flesh. Other Halo Artefacts were found to possess stranger and greater powers...

These individuals become physically bonded to the device they have obtained and are transformed over time into undying inhuman monsters. The powers granted by a Halo Artefact come at great cost: a body, mind, and soul corrupted by ancient alien technology.
Halo artifacts. We saw one of these brought up in the Haarlock saga.

Page 361
Their homeworld is Pech and is fully part of the Tau Empire. However many Kroot fight for others as mercenaries, which is at odds with the Greater Good and something the Kroot seek to keep from the Tau.
They are thinly spread across the galaxy and cross the voids in imposing warspheres...
Kroot are far more widespread than the Freaking tau. And they have intergalactic warp capability. Why this is the case when the Tau quite obviously want warp drive (Medusa V)

Page 366
Electro-Graft: This is a small port that is grafted into your nervous system. Once you have been properly trained, this will allow you to interface with machine data ports and certain types of data nets. Electro-grafts can take many forms, such as electoos, skull shunts, finger probes, or spine jacks.
Electoo Inductors: These are palm-sized metal skin grafts that appear much like tattoos to the uninitiated. The electoos are wired into your nervous system, where they derive power from the bio-electrical emanations of the flesh. They can be used to emit or siphon power in many ways.
This implant involves tubes, wires, vox-grills, or other augmetic parts replacing the lower face and neck. It purifies your air supply,

The respirator unit also contains a vox-synthesiser capable of transmitting your voice in a variety of ways....
This is a framework of metal, wires, and impulse transmitters that is bolted onto your spine and lower ribcage. As you gain further implants, this mantle acts as a sub-dermal anchorage point.
Cradled within the cyber-mantle is a power unit known as the potentia coil. This mass can store energy and produce various types of fields. Coils come in many types, from small crystal stack affairs to bulky electrical galvinators salvaged from vehicle engines.
This is a series of linked processors, implants, and cortical circuits that augments your mental capacities. Most sit within housing bolted onto the skull, whilst others nestle within the brain itself. As you grow in the seriousness of your devotions, more and more of the brain that deals with useless things such as emotion and intuition can be scooped away to provide room for additional augmentations. Cranial circuits are often very crude-looking and rather aged.
Mechanicus implants. There are always more implants.

Page 367
The soul of this creature is bound to a higher purpose or being, in return for a measure of protection. When this Trait is first gained, the entity to which the soul is bound must be decided. Many Imperial psykers, especially astropaths, are soul-bound to the Emperor, for example, whereas Chaos sorcerers may be bound to one of the Ruinous Powers.

Page 371
It is this merchant navy which acts to move trade and tithe goods from one system to another, transporting untold quantities of essential freight across the stars. Free traders are normally part of commercial fleets and travel where their masters decree, but some small operators continue to act independently of the conglomerate..

While their passages are normally quiet..
The vast mercantile network of sector and system.

Page 374
Servitors are fusions of flesh and machine made from culture-grown organics, harvested corpses, or mindwiped human bodies. Millions of these cyborg creations are found throughout the Imperium and human space, used to perform monotonous functions without deviation or question. Servitor technology is said to predate the Imperium itself and is the exclusive purview of the Adeptus Mechanicus...
Servitors. Some are 'vat grown' (from cultures?) others are made from corpses (See: Dark Apostle) or living humans.

Page 374-375
The Charron Pattern is a light battle servitor, humanoid in shape, found often in the service of the Imperial Navy and numerous other star vessels as shock troops and defenders in boarding actions. Those found in the Koronus Expanse are often very old, their inorganic components having been recycled through numerous bodies and recovered from the fallen of the battlefield.
A Naval battle servitor.

Pge 375
One of the more unusual servitor types, the grapplehawk is a large cyber-converted avian creature used to hunt and capture or kill human and animal prey. They are armoured, fitted with enhanced sensory equipment and grav-assisted flight systems.
Grapplehawks have inbuilt vox and cogitator, and auspex. And they're a kind of servitor so you can also make servitors from animals.

Page 375
Servo-skulls are human skulls (often that of a favoured servant or low ranking tech-priest) that have been fitted with rudimentary artificial intelligence, support systems, and an anti-grav motor to provide mobility.
Servo skulls with AI.

Page 387
The Flickering Eye: Magoros’ star is a flickering pulsar whose death throws bathe the system in hard radiation. Ships crossing the system must contend with its periodic flashes that blind sensors and hammer void shields.
These flickers and their deadly radiation have spelled the doom of most of the system’s worlds, leaving little more than dust and death in its wake.

The star will flicker once every 102 minutes for approximately 58 seconds, sending out a wave of radiation that sweeps across the system and its worlds. This pulse is powerful enough to blind sensors momentarily and to send stuttering ripples through void shields. Humans exposed to the pulse without the protection of a vessel or an atmosphere risk being fried alive.
Pulse from a pulsar will fuck with sensors, but not seriously disrupt shields. This is hard to figure without knowing the ship type, the distances, the type of star (The Crab Pulsar for example outputs in the e31J range, but that's it) or other key details. It could range from megawatts/sq m to terawatts (or more) per square meter depending on output and range and facing. It could be gigawatts, terawatts, or more (exawatts per square meter is quite possible depending on pulsar output and distance, for example.) It's interesting, but not much way to get any precise figures from it.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Back to Rogue Trader. IT will be a huge update really, because I intend to dump out all the 'adventure modules' as I have been doing. One three book moduel (Warpstorm trilogy) plus three adventure books (Lure of the Expanse, Edge of the Abyss, and Soul Reaver.)

I'll do Soul Reaver and Lure of the Expanse first, since they're singles, then Lure of the Expanse (2 updates), and Warpstorm (2 separate updates). And then I'll take a weekend off :P

first Lure of the Expanse. Don't worry about the mention of Arcadius, its not so bad here.

Page 8
It orbits the immense star Furibundus, a collection of haphazard structures built into aclutch of asteroids, and protected from the star’s fury by layers of void shields.
Void shields providing protection from a nearby star.

Page 9
The Liege’s throne is beauteous alabaster, an ancient masterwork engraved with a hundred scenes of the God-Emperor’s victories, said to have been looted from the wreck of a warship during a long ago war, and equipped with embedded field generators to shield its delicate surface.
Embedded field generators.. to protect statuary.

Page 11
..the Astral Knives’ doctrine is to ritually assassinate those whom omens and the tarot indicate to be corrupt, so as to preserve the God-Emperor’s protection on those who must brave the warp.
Death Cults in SPAAAACE

Page 24
Abel Gerrit is a scion of the House Arcadius, an ancient clan of Rogue Traders whose traditional area of operation has for several thousand years been the Imperium’s Eastern Rim.
Recently, however, the clan’s head has determined it wise to branch out into other stretches of the galaxy.
Abel Gerrit is just such a distant cousin of the rulers of the House Arcadius. Although he does not bear his clan’s Warrant of Trade himself, and is far down the line of succession, Abel is nonetheless empowered to act in the interests of his House.
We have had the Arcadius inflicted upon us in Rogue Trader unfortuntely. we do learn that for the last several millenia they have been exiled to the Eastern Fringe (probably because noone wants those twits near Terra, in case they blow up the Golden Throne.) He has a "heavy raider"

Page 25 Ork invasion overwhelmed his clan’s home system of Adrianni-Spinward.
..Armelan’s actions were as rash as honourable, and all save a handful of his vessels were destroyed as the Ork fleet crushed the system’s defences.

House of Armelan was left with a single warp-capable transport (the Grace of Sopha) and a dozen or so inter-system vessels.
Indication of the minimum defenses of a plantary system (at least maybe dozen or more addittional sublight warships I'd wager)

Page 26
..landed himself a place at a very high-stakes game attended by a Sector Lord of the Adeptus Terra. Over the course of the game, Blitz lost heavily, until he staked all on the turn of the last card and won a favour from that Sector Lord.
Blitz demanded the Lord grant him the Warrant of Trade, and reluctantly, he agreed. A year and a day later, Jeremiah Blitz was granted his warrant and the cruiser Ordained Destiny..
Rather interesting that the warrant of trade can with a cruiser. With dozens (hundreds) of rogue traders per sector we're talking hundreds of thousands of escort/cruiser sized vessels potentially just in Rogue Trader hands!

Page 27
"This system is interdicted by the House of Bastille, pending Writ of Conquest. Any who approach within one astronomical unit will be considered hostile to said interest, and engaged without warning."
Implies some ability to attakc targets one AU out (fighters, missiles, torpedoes perhaps.) Although the nature of the weapon isnt known. Also implies warp emergence point of greater than 1 AU.

Page 27
None were prepared for the nigh-complete destruction of that ancient line, due to a cataclysmic, freak vortex torpedo malfunction during a conference of its most senior members.
Rogue Trader house wiped out by vortex torpedo malfunction. How did they get ahold of a vortex torpedo.

Page 27
House Bastille’s existing interests are maintained by naval force, and expanded in the same manner, each conquest being exploited by the sizable merchant fleet the House maintains. The Lord-Admiral leads these actions from the bridge of his flagship, the cruiser Colossus, and commands a sizable flotilla of lesser warships.
military forces of the Rogue Trader in question.

Page 27
Lady Sun Lee is the matriarch of the House of Ma’Kao, a powerful dynasty with holdings across the entire Segmentum. Those holdings include facilities on several dozen Agri-worlds providing essential foodstuffs to many prominent Hive-worlds (including Scintilla).
Meaning they are more legitimately powerful than Arcadius :P

Page 28
Her flagship is the light cruiser Nihontu, and it is accompanied by three smaller escorts. Furthermore, the Nihontu carries an entire regiment from House Ma’Kao’s private guard. Each warrior bears weapons and armour equal to those carried by the elite of the Imperial Guard.
Military forces of the Ma'Kao Dynasty.

Page 28
Feckward has broken countless laws in his dealings, and it is only his Warrant of Trade that keeps him from prosecution. Yet Feckward simply does not care, and continues to remain just distant enough from heresy to avoid the ire of the Inquisition.
Warrant of Trade provides legal protection.. as long as one avoids the Inquisition.

Page 30
While docked, the Explorers’ vessel is incapable of raising its shields, so whatever happens, some damage will have been caused by the attack. Only once the ship is at least 100 metres from the docking arm is it possible to raise the shields, at which point the vessel should be safe enough.
The battery of turrets is of little danger to a shielded void-ship. However, there are quite a few of them, making up in numbers what they lack in individual strength.
Sufficient number of gun batteries (point denfese) can threaten a starship. Also void shields have a minimum distance from the hull of 100 m.

PAge 30
Once clear of Footfall, switch to narrative time to describe the short journey to the jump point, which should take no longer than a couple of days.

..have the rivals engage in a little ship-to-ship bluster. Its easy, after all, to be confident when communicating across millions of kilometres of space.
couple of days to cross 'millions of km" Probably more like 1-2 AU. no fewer than a few gees.

Page 31
After several days sublight travel...
..the Explorers’ vessel will arrive at the periphery of the Footfall system, from which point it can enter the warp.
if it took several billion km? Several tens of gees :P

Page 31
The Ritual of Astro-Navigation will involve all of the Explorers that witnessed the Foretelling, and will entail them entering a trance, guided by the Navigator, in order to decipher the coordinates of the planet they seek from amongst the tangled strands of memory planted in their minds by the Seven Witches.
The Navigator character must gather the Explorers around an astrographics orrery, which the Navigator uses to plot the vessel’s course through the warp.
..he now discerns the location of the Dread Pearl and can locate this in the ship’s astrographics archives. Furthermore, the Navigator now knows the journey duration time..
This value is 50 days.
Basically seems to involve enmeshing the people in the Navigator's perception of the warp, then draws on the memories of the folk involved to discern the appropriate nav info. Rather interesting rituals those Navigators devise. 50 days to travle where it it is, so the travel speed is not particularily fast (nearly 2 months)

Page 31-32
The competitor’s vessel is 100,000 kilometres (roughly 10 Void Units) to the Explorer’s port, and its attacker is currently a further 50,000 kilometres beyond (an additional 5 Void Units), hidden for the moment from the Explorers in the lee of the vessel it is attacking.
50,000 Kkm combat range perhaps, implied 150,000 km range perhaps.

Page 34
The rest of the mutineers should have either pump-action shotguns, shotgun pistols, mono-swords, or shock-staffs taken from the arms locker.
Mono weapons as standard shipboard armament? I mean even on a rogue trader vessel that's something. Also shotgun pistols.

Page 34
This encounter takes place during one of the periodic drops into real space that all vessels must make when undertaking long or arduous journeys. Translating back into the material universe, the ship’s Navigator takes readings of nearby constellations, and more importantly, calibrates his position in the temporal sphere.
purposes of re-entries into realspace during long journeys.

PAge 34
The vessel is an ancient Adeptus Mechanicus probe, thrown thousands of light years off course. The probe’s pattern was proscribed many millennia ago, as its builders utilised levels of automation and machine intelligence found to be anathema to the Cult Mechanicus. Those who built the probe were excommunicated from the Mechanicus, and all known examples of their work destroyed. This then, is the last example of that forbidden pattern.
Although the probe is only lightly armed, it is host to a machine spirit that has attained a degree of sentience entirely at odds with the mainstream dogma of the Cult Mechanicus, hence their dictates against its builders.
Admech "probe" of machine intelligence type. It shows what they have, even if it is (now) considered heretical.

Page 36
The majority of the warp routes by which the Navies of the Imperium travel the voids are relatively well known, their dangers mapped so that void-farers might have some chance of traversing the perilous depths of interstellar space. Despite this, space is riven with stellar anomalies, many the remnants of the warp storms that engulfed the galaxy for thousands of years at a stretch in Mankind’s distant past. Others are entirely inexplicable, owing to phenomena for which the Cult Mechanicus and the great Navigator Houses can offer no explanation. Still more may be the result of the actions of long-since-destroyed alien civilisations, marking the sites of destruction on a scale so terrible that reality itself is scarred.
The benefits of known, well mapped routes.

PAge 36
...the ship cries out as if in pain, its metal structure groaning as titanic pressures are exerted upon it by the warp beyond the Gellar Field. The Navigator will know instantly that the vessel has encountered a previously undetected stellar anomaly. Thankfully, he sees that this is the warp shadow of the death of a star in real space, and not a peril born of the powers that lurk within the Empyrean. The Navigator will also know that the only way to save the vessel is to drop out of the warp immediately.
Once in real space, the entire vessel will be shaken by titanic energies, as if the effects experienced in the warp were a mere shadow of a storm raging here.

This damage is due to the severe shockwaves and gravitational fluxes, and ignores armour and void shields.
...the raging energies of the dying star dissipate, and the glittering of stars on the black backdrop of the void becomes visible once more.
Warp shadow of a "death of a star" I'm assuming this means they were not caught in a black hole or supernova :P

Page 39
..the world was once, countless eons in the past, an outpost of the galaxy-spanning empire of the Eldar. The world was not what is known to scholars as a Maiden World, but was instead valued by the Eldar for its location amidst the celestial cartography of the region. To the Eldar, Quppa-Psi-12 occupied a propitious location amidst the firmament, and Farseers visited it frequently to conduct their rituals of arcane prognostication.
Some sort of precog compass or something?

Page 40
...It occupies the Nexus Point at which all of the region’s celestial energies converge, allowing the seers to draw upon vast power. When the Eldar civilisation collapsed, these energies were thrown wildly out of alignment...
It is referred to as a star map, but this is no ordinary celestial chart, for its impossibly complex features describe far more than the positions of stellar bodies. Instead, the very fates of those worlds are plotted, and the interplays of impossible dimensions predicted.
Some weird sort of eldar Astrographic thingamajig.

page 40
As the shuttle descends, ancient wardings placed on the world by the long-departed Eldar will be reawakened, the formerly-serene atmosphere churning around the shuttle as it penetrates the ionosphere.
Eldar planetary defences.

PAge 41
In the event that the Explorers teleported down to the planet’s surface, as soon as the systems activate and attempt to engage the teleportation, the augurs and readouts in the teleportarium go haywire as the planet’s wardings attempt to disrupt the process.
Yet more defenses.

PAge 42
This psychic material is the basis of all Eldar technology, and is unique to the Eldar. Eldar technology, from the simplest of hand tools to the largest starship, from delicate runes to temples such as that found of Quappa-Psi-12, adheres closely to natural biological shapes and structures.
The materials the Eldar use in their engineering are complex and varied psychoplastics that can be readily formed in solid shapes under psychic pressure. In some respects they are more like living tissue than inert substances, growing and reacting to their environment in a similar way to plants. The completed device or structure is a semi-organic machine or component that works in a conventional manner, though it is often operated by psychic means.
..Wraithbone itself is a living thing, slowly repairing itself where a structure built by man would have crumbled to dust many millennia ago.
Eldar psychoplastics and psychic engineering. And the Eldar self repair capability.

Page 45
They hope to do this by throwing the entire structure out of phase with the universe around it, plunging it into the shallows of the very warp itself so that none may have access to the secrets it holds.
Not an uncommon trick for Eldar.

Page 48
Each of the competitors present will seek to capture an image of the star map, an easy enough task using servoskulls, ocular augmetics, or portable sensor equipment,
Image capcutre equipment.

Page 52 is not uncommon for Explorator Fleets to spend centuries charting new regions of space
Explorator fleets mus be very self sufficient.

Page 54
A bloody war world, Zayth is a ruined and battle-scarred place of radioactive storms and smoking craters. The world’s remaining inhabitants live in great moving city-fortresses, veritable battlehives, which cross the planet’s blasted surface and wage neverending war on one another
yet another planet where whole hive cities move about and fight.

PAge 55
Gerrit’s Navigator is just as capable as the Explorers’, and has read the same strands of fate in the star map. However, Gerrit’s crew has found a different method of following the strands, utilising the archeotech sub-etheric sensor vanes Gerrit’s vessel is equipped with.
FTL sensor/navigation gear I suppose.. it follows 'strands of fate'. I didnt even realize those gave off detectable emissions :P Warp sensors of a kind I suppose is another way to think of it.

Page 57
..the land-ships themselves are artefacts of a time now lost to the Imperium; dark-age technology of incalculable value..
Even within the vaulted halls of the city-sized land-ships...
More superhives.

Page 57 seems that Zayth was once a green and verdant world, settled millennia ago during mankind’s great expansion across the stars....
Still in control of powerful dark age technology—city-levelling macrocannons, virulent bio-agents and mighty land-ships the size of hives...
Everything was laid to ruin as armies swarmed across the land, bombs dropped from the sky...
"City levelling" macrocannons (hive city) entire planet wiped out.

PAge 58
After a time (impossible to gauge from fractured records), only the land-ships and their crews remained, protected from their now-toxic world by thick hulls and flickering void shields.
Shieleded mobile city hives...

Page 58
Zayth is a wasteland pocked with craters and divided by vast dry ocean basins, long since boiled away by radiation and nuclear fire. Even the world’s mountains have been shattered and smashed by titanic exchanges of firepower until they are little more than lines of jagged foothills crisscrossing dust choked plains.
Aftermath of the planetary wars.. we're talking tons of energy (e27-e29 joules from the oceans alone)

Page 58
Beyond these broken memories of the world that once was, the only other major landmarks on Zayth are the Great Craters. Caused by the first bombs dropped in the Big War, these craters are kilometres across and sometimes hundreds of metres deep. So potent were the bombs that made them that the land-ships still avoid crossing them, for fear of radiation hard enough to slice though their shields and fry their hulls.

The Great Craters also act as a guide to those crossing the wastelands, their greenish glow visible for thousands of kilometres in all directions. In fact, they can even be seen from orbit as eerie glowing dots of light powerful enough to pierce the thick toxic atmosphere.
at least megatons for the craters/bombs.. probably not more than gigatons though (there's no penetration to mantle.

Page 58
After centuries of warfare and the complete destruction of its biosphere, the world of Zayth has become a hellish place to visit.
Without natural barriers to stop it, the wind howls around the world creating tornados of dust and ash that can strip a man to bone in seconds —if the radiation and airborne toxins haven’t already reduced him to bloody slag. For the most part, these storms wash harmlessly over the land-ships’ heavy shields, but once every so often a titanic one tears across the wasteland and any land-ship in it path must stop and dig into the hard earth to survive.
The enviroment, such as it is, as a result of the destruction.

Page 59
From a distance, a land-ship looks not unlike an Imperial hive, its ringed hull tapering toward a point hundreds of metres above its vast base.
At its base, behind a billowing cloud of ash and dust, legs, tracks and suspensor arrays can be glimpsed, holding the mighty structure aloft. There is nothing in the Imperial arsenal that completely compares to a land-ship, and more than one traveller from the Imperium has commented that it is as if a light cruiser had landed and sprouted legs—certainly a land-ship’s firepower is comparable to many battlefleet ships of the line.
Description of the city-hives.

PAge 59
Beneath the tacticians are the Gun-Masters, those men and women specially trained to operate the weapon systems of the land-ships, be they conversion-beam batteries, macro-cannon turrets, or squadrons of missile-laden dust gliders.
weapons of the city-hives

Page 59
It is said that far out in the dust basins are deep ravines, that once long ago would have been deepsea trenches—before the oceans boiled away—and within these deep cracks in the earth is the remains of an alien city, undisturbed and unvisited for millennia.
mention again of Oceans boiling away.

Page 59
The Zayth Nexus is located in a deep ravine, which was once a stygian trench deep below the world’s oceans. These oceans have long since boiled away, consumed by the nucleonic fires unleashed at the beginning of the Big War. The entire area is now a sea of dust and ash, dotted by the occasional craggy spire of rock, wreck of an ancient sea-going war vessel, or even the pitted skeletons of gargantuan sea creatures rising from the otherwise formless wastes.
The bombs boil away the oceans "during the beginning of the war.' - events the hive cities endured hanidly.

Page 60
Even as you watch, one of the immense weapons on the land-ship’s flank roars fire and smoke, and a titanic projectile cracks through the air at supersonic speeds. Though you are near deafened by the blast, you can still hear a thundering explosion in the distance, and see a mushroom cloud billowing up over the horizon.
For a height of hundreds of metres (for a hive) we're bound to be talking a good 50 km or so range... and velocity is implied to be seconds tops (many km/s velocity for the shell)

Page 61
...two of Zayth’s mighty land ships, which even now are trading fire with one another with macrocannons more suited for starship combat. The second landship is out of sight over the horizon, but it is quickly drawing too close for comfort.
Again more on/over the horizon battles.

PAge 63
However, the Indestructible is beginning to fare the worse in its centuries-long engagement.
Centuries long battles. This tends to argue against the,m packing starship firepower, considering fleet battles don't last even clsoe to this long.,

Page 63-64
The land-ships bristle with gargantuan macro-cannons, and the Zaythians have achieved, or in truth retained a secret long lost in the Imperium, a high degree of automation. Where the gun deck of an Imperial starship is crowded with hundreds of straining shell-serfs, hauling on the vast chains that manoeuvre shells the size of tanks into the breeches of the cannon, the gun-decks of the landships are instead dominated by arcane and complex autoloader systems.
Consider the complications thrown up when a huge shell passes between two sides engaged in a gunfight...
tank sized macrocannon shells. The hive cities use automated systems. To be fair, we know of automated loading systems of various kinds for the Imperium, which can be as simple as servitors. But for the Navy ratings work well and they have other reasons to want to use and keep them anyhow. We know of auto loading systems on navy warships even now anyways. It would be a 'lost' art on a sector by sector basis in any case. (although I'd say its not exaclty the rule.)

Page 64
Where an Imperial bridge would employ servitors and tech-adepts to man each station, the Zaythians crew each station with an ancient and wizened technician-mystic, one who is able to commune directly with land-ship’s systems through the clarity and wisdom of his thoughts, and thus maintain its operation.
I guess there are limits to their automation :P

Page 64
Note the Zaythians’ particular interest in mass pyrumtransmission systems, with which it is believed they hope to construct large-scale meltaweapon banks for use in combat against other land-ships. It is believed that offering them such technology would ultimately lead to the destruction of that which we seek to study, so do not under any circumstances offer, or even carry, any type of melta device.

Once relationships with Contact X2v are established, do all in your power to obtain
Hive city construct destroying super meltacannons :d Also note the AdMech wanting to study (and conquer?) these planets and their tech.

Page 65
Alternatively, if the Explorers dealt with the Elder- Tacticians, Graves is willing to offer them some technology examples for their aid, such as the secrets of auto-loader technology.
One of the few items the Zaythians are still able to craft (that are worth anything to the larger Imperium) are macroweapons. Their crafters have honed their trade for centuries, and the macrocannons of Zayth are some of the highest-quality starship-class weapons found in the Expanse.
Theire weapons ystems. The autolaoder tehc is available (in theory) in Calixis.

Page 65
Alternatively, the Explorers may offer to wipe out some of the Indestructible’s enemies with an orbital bombardment. This is riskier than it sounds, because the land-ships are tough, protected by multiple void shields, and have banks of macrobatteries The Explorers’ vessel must enter low orbit (well within 10,000 km or one Void Unit of the planet’s surface) to initiate a bombardment.
It also has the equivalent of two Mars Pattern Macrocannon broadsides, which—while designed for surface work—are easily capable of hitting a starship in low orbit.
Interesting that "low orbit' is defined as 10,000 km. Also they can hit a ship in low orbit implies a velocity of tens if not hundreds of km at a minimum, probably thousands.

Page 66
At first glance, they are much like the humans of any Imperial world, though closer inspection reveals their distinctly feline features and deep-set cyan eyes, adapted for the harsh brightness of their world. Vaporians are also typically hairless their bronzed skin smooth and unblemished.
Abhumans? Mutants?

Page 73
The Light of Terra was old even before the Angevin Crusade— dispatched as part of an armada of Imperial warships to reclaim the vast stretches of space along the western rim...
Some even speculate that it was constructed, its hull at least, during the time of mankind’s first great expansion across the stars. If this is true, of course, the vessel is truly ancient. What is known for sure is that it was as mighty a battleship as the Imperial Navy had ever seen, equal to such vessels as the Grand Redemption, Emperor’s Word, or Divine Right.
an old Imperial battleship as big and powerful as an Emperor class.

Page 74
Apart from its incredible salvage potential (a monumental task for even the most wellequipped of scavengers) the Light holds both secrets and wonders from a time when it plundered entire worlds and carried their wealth back to the Imperium in glory. There are vast holds, hidden within the bowels of the ship that have remained sealed for centuries, containing alien treasures or forgotten archeotech. The Light was also home to several Imperial Guard regiments and much of their equipment remains, from racks of lasguns and flak armour to Vulture assault craft and Leman Russ Battle Tanks.
Interior holds of the ship.

Page 74
Some sections of the ship remain sealed, either by ancient purity-locks or a simple lack of power that keeps hundred-tonne blast doors firmly closed.

Page 75
Descended from the ship’s gun crews, the Wargars live mostly in the great ammo stores, making huts from ancient macro cannon shell casings and burning flash-powder to fill their chambers with the smell of war.
'macro cannon shell cases' flash powder.. *shrugs*

Page 78
...the Light is almost entirely without functional systems beyond those required to provide basic life support. The ship is also very large, almost 10 kilometres long, and there is no indication as to where the message came from or who sent it.
10 km long battleship (nearly) There are larger battleships though.

Page 79
Lord-Captain Draken Roth, the legendary master of the Light of Terra, sits before you in his command throne, tethered for all time by arcane life-sustaining devices that have preserved his body, if not his mind, for countless ages.
Roth himself has been kept alive by the systems of the command throne...
That's some command throne to keep a guy alive (if insane) for thousands of years.

Page 81
Within the vault are rows of tethered stasis crates, each with a small blinking telltale light revealing they are still active. The crates range in size from small hand-held boxes to something a Sentinel Power Lifter would be required to shift.
stasis crates

Page 82
This is a small circular device that fits neatly into the palm of the hand and is easily concealable...
When the hand is opened however the device sprouts a thin blade of shimmering power, counting as a Best craftsmanship power weapon...
magic lightsaber.

Page 82
Darloth Chain Cannon: This bulky and fearsome multi-barrelled weapon counts as a best-Craftsmanship Orthlack Heavy Stubber... with the Tearing and Storm qualities. In addition, it is a self-loading weapon..
Self loading gatling stubber.

Page 82
Retribution Bolt Shells: Extremely rare, these bolt shells incorporate duel explosive tips designed to finish off targets that survive the initial impact. In all respects, these count as bolt shells and can be loaded into a boltgun or bolt pistol. However, in the round following a successful hit, they will deal their damage again as the secondary charge explodes.
Tandem charge bolt shells.

Page 82
Ghost Voice Auspex: A sensory device of ancient and wondrous design, the Ghost Voice functions as an auspex in all respects (but has a 100 metre range that cannot be blocked by normal materials). In addition, the auspex constantly whispers to the user, alerting them of danger.
Verbal function auspex.

Page 82
Crusade Combat Servitor: A brute built for combat and held within a stasis casket, this servitor has seen a lot of fighting, but remains ready for more. The Crusade Combat Servitor counts as a Charron Battle Servitor..
Battle servitor.

Page 82
Skitarii Cyber Weapon: Crafted by the Adeptus Mechanicus for their Tech-Guard, this weapon is at first glance a best-Craftsmanship cybernetic arm. Closer inspection reveals that it incorporates both a las weapon and grenade launcher hidden within its armoured plates. These count as a best-Craftsmanship hellpistol and grenade launcher with the Compact upgrade...
Neat weapon.

PAge 83
The storm is not tied to the Immaterium, but beyond that, ship-born augers are unable to glean any other information. Only a remotely piloted or tethered probe sent in to the raging storms is likely to have any chance of taking such measurements, and if any such probes have been launched, it is likely that none have returned.
Sensor/recon probes.

PAge 83
The storms cover the world’s entire surface, and extend thousands of kilometres into near space. The raging energies are capable of inflicting catastrophic damage on vessels attempting to pass through them. In places the storms rage so fiercely that shuttlecraft are incinerated by boiling plasma, crushed by pressures more often found in the depths of the deepest oceans, or barraged with crippling radiation.

These are the worst effects of Dross’s storms, yet even the quietest regions inflict such debilitating interference upon a shuttlecraft’s systems that delicate cogitation systems melt and the interference stuns the most robust machine-spirit. This is the real reason so many expeditions have been lost at Dross—although most were able to avoid the worst of the storms, interference shut down all advanced systems and forced the shuttles to land in an unpowered glide.
Nasty storms.

Page 87
However, in the course of making the reading, the Navigator should also learn that the storms are linked to the psychic dissonance generated from the partially malfunctioning Nexus
psychically-generated storms.

PAge 88
Stories tell of a place where death holds court over a limitless flotilla of ancient, desiccated vessels and ruinous mouldering worlds, each drawn across the reaches of space by a deep and slumbering evil. A ship’s graveyard of more than a million-million vessels, the Processional is a tempting target for scavengers and treasure hunters,
A trillion vessels of unknown type.

Page 88
What is known is the star at the centre of the Processional—a writhing, flickering mass of dark matter—has some kind of pull within the warp, and dead ships, their crews long since perished, are drawn in to join the vast rings of wrecks in its orbit. Such is the power of the Processional that even dead worlds are not outside its grasp and several blasted, crumbling planetoids jostle for positions amongst the sea of space hulks.
And a weird star.

Page 89
It is said that long before the coming of man to the Expanse, the Eldar were aware of the Processional, having tracked lost ships to its forsaken shores. What they found there was a creature with a connection to the fabric of fate itself, something of great interest to the Eldar farseers. This creation of fate beyond fate, or entropic spirit as the Eldar referred to it, was a sinkhole in reality and a dent in the fabric of time. If any of this is true or not, and whether the Eldar have any interest in the Processional, is not known for sure. However, the xenos have constructed a webway portal to connect it to their domains, indicating at least some importance placed upon this cursed system and its dead inhabitants.
I wonder if this is some sort of C'tan.

Page 91
The portal appears as a small point (only a few kilometres in diameter) of violet-hued light framed by gleaming wraithbone shards, wide enough for a ship. Navigating the ship into and through the portal taxes the abilities of the helmsman...
Webway portal.

Page 91-92
As the vessel eventually clears the cloud, the bridge crew reports activity amongst the wrecks, within only a couple of hundred thousand kilometres.
The activity in amongst the wreckage is in fact a group of Hollow Men, stalking the Explorers’ vessel through the debris field. Each is wearing an armoured suit, and so presents no more than a miniscule target that barely registers on the Explorers’ fire control augurs.
This is potential, as the scene hints that if they are particularily unlucky, they may not realize or detect/figure out the truth until its too late. Implied fire control range (not accurate, at least not against man sized targets) of hundreds of thousands of km. They do mention shooting at the,

PAge 92
Instead, they wear large suits of battered, scrap-built exo-armour with jury-rigged thruster packs, making them loom larger than a man..
The Hollow Men are extremely well armed and armoured, although all of their equipment serves as much as tools as weapons. Short-range fusion beamers are just as useful for dismantling a wreck as disabling an enemy. To date, none have seen what lurks within the exo-armour
Exo armor.

Page 97
Although at that time a bare, airless planet, Fionnadh’s position amongst the firmament was found to be especially portentous, and the ancient xenos set about sculpting it to their needs and desires.

Through a process of geo-arcane psychic-engineering that lasted for eons, the Eldar slowly changed the planet, making it into a lush paradise one molecule at a time. The undertaking was not the crude, industrial, and ultimately destructive process humanity would one day inflict on the worlds it colonised, but one in which every grain of sand, every drop of water, every living cell whether plant or animal was slowly crafted to the ancient Eldar’s vision for the galaxy, imbuing every living thing on the planet with their grace.

At the end of this noble undertaking, the world of Fionnadh awakened and came into its power, as if it were sentient and somehow one with the race that had created it. In many ways, the world and those Eldar who came to settle it were indeed as one. Even those as long-lived as the Eldar must in time die, but so attuned were they with their abode that their very spirits joined with that of Fionnadh, so that the ground itself was holy, the air blessed, and the oceans sacred.
eldar terraforming.

Page 97
The Eldar had constructed a number of gateways, which passed through the dark halls of the warp and linked to similar gateways on other worlds, light-years distant—thus a traveller could pass between worlds in a single step.
Light years in a single step.

Page 97
The warp engulfed an area of space around the world, spilling out into realspace. Although its surface was protected by ancient wardings placed during its birth, Fionnadh was surrounded by a warp storm so tumultuous that surely none could ever penetrate it and discover the perfect world within.
Planets shielded form the warp.

Page 101
If the Explorers decide to keep a watch for the Eldar, they will have to spend some time scanning the outer reaches of the system, where the Eldar sentinel-vessels are lurking. Such an undertaking would take far more time than the Explorers have available to them, and doing it would mean the competitors would reach the Dread Pearl first. The only conceivable way the PCs might detect the presence of the Eldar would be for an Astropath-Transcendent to filter the aether for alien thoughts.
Astropathic super scanning.

Page 103
Even the ancient Eldar, who resided upon their Maiden World for many centuries (though to them it was only a single generation)
an eldar generation is "centuries"

Page 103
As with many Eldar worlds, Fionnadh is graced with a number of gateways, which allowed travellers to pass from one planet to the next in a single instant. By accessing the Eldar webway—the labyrinth that the race constructed through the other-realm of the warp—the Eldar could travel from one end of the galaxy to the other.
The webay.. again instanteous travel between planets.

Page 103
The fact that their life spans have increased dramatically provides confirmation to the Sanctarchs that they are indeed in some form of afterlife, and sickness and death are rare things on the Maiden World. This is due to the effects of the Maiden World itself, which, down to a microscopic level, is designed to nurture and sustain life in all its forms. Natural death does still occur amongst the population, but only after many centuries of life.
Benefits of Eldar maiden world ecosystems.

Page 107
A Gyrinx resembles a large cat, with very thick fur and bright blue eyes. They can grow to as much as a metre in length. Gyrinx are not intelligent as such, but they have an astounding ability to empathise with other creatures, forming a mental bond with their owner comparable to true friendship. This mental empathy is of great benefit to the creature’s owner, whose own speed of thought and action are actually improved whilst the Gyrinx is in close proximity. What benefit the Gyrinx obtains from the relationship is unclear, but there is clearly some deep-seated need being fulfilled, because an ownerless Gyrinx will actively seek out and adopt some other creature. Oddly enough, Gyrinx show a slow metabolic change so that they come to resemble their owner physically, temperamentally, and in habit.
Some sort of Eldar animal or pet, I guess.

Page 109
With the guidance of a Seer, it is possible for an Eldar spirit to flow into a spirit-stone put aside for that purpose. Such a spirit-stone can then be placed within the robotic body of a wraithconstruct, imbuing its artificial form with a living intellect. Though this process is abhorrent to the Eldar, none can deny that the resultant combination of fierce warrior spirit and impervious host body is a major weapon in the Eldar arsenal.

The predominant type of ghost warrior is the Wraithguard. These are entirely constructed from the resilient psychoplastic wraithbone, and tower above lesser beings. They have the same exquisite design and flowing organic shapes common to all Eldar constructs. However, these wraith-constructs contrast sharply with their living counterparts, for the vitality and alacrity of the Eldar is absent. Instead the Wraithguard stride purposely forward with the inevitability of death, the sepulchral silence of their advance punctuated only by the sound of reality itself being torn asunder by their wraithcannon.

Too heavy for a normal Eldar to carry, the wraithcannon allows a Wraithguard to focus a portion of its psychic power upon a fixed point. This incredible weapon can then open a rift between warp space and the material universe at that location for a split second. If this rift is opened within an enemy, the results range from catastrophic trauma to full bodily displacement into the depths of the warp.

Page 109
Although heavy, the Wraithguard can be borne by a team of servitors or a larger team of crewmen to a suitable transport vehicle.
Carrying Wraithguard.

Page 113
Accompanying Sun Lee at all times is a retinue of the Ma’Kao Household Guard. These resolute warriors are equipped with powerful hellguns and heavy carapace armour...
...replacing their armour and weapons with Hellguns and Storm Trooper Carapace Armour.
House trooper gear.

Page 114
As soon as the Lord-Admiral begins his orbital bombardment, the Explorers become aware of his actions.

The skies are suddenly filled with the black contrails of rapidly-falling ordinance. A dozen islands nearby erupt in fireballs as the bombardment pounds the surface. Bastille’s escort also joins in the bombardment, transfixing ruins with terrible lance fire.
Effect of orbital bombardment.

Page 115
To make things worse, hundreds of Eldar Wraithguard, called forth by the Farseer’s powers, are closing on the Explorers, intent upon expelling the humans whose presence has polluted the Maiden World for so long.
"hundreds' of Wraithguard.

PAge 115
Eldar farseers are masters of prediction, and are the eldest and most experienced of advisors. Even in battle, they can perform their divinations, casting the complex wraithbone runes of the Eldar and interpreting changes in the glowing icons as they orbit around their bodies. In this way, the Farseers explore the myriad skeins of past and future, studying the manifold consequences of the smallest decision to guide their people to victory.

Just as the Farseers guide the fate of the Eldar, so they guide their armies in times of war. A Farseer can uncover the enemy’s intentions, calculate the likely effects of his clumsy attacks, and guide him to his doom.

..So powerful is a Farseer that he can obliterate an enemy’s mind or hurl a battle tank into the air. In the crucible of battle, Farseers shape the future with the skill of a master craftsman.
eldar farseeing.

Page 117
...out to be the resting place of several hundred Wraithguard....
The ruins she had been looting were home to several hundred Wraithguard...
Thousands of Wriathguard more probalby, on the planet

Page 125
The primitive inhabitants of Dross favour spears tipped with jagged hull-metal from the wrecks dotting their landscape, creating weapons as sharp and dangerous as mono-weapons.
That's some magic starship metal.

Page 132
Of all the weapons employed by the Eldar, the wraithcannon—a portable version of the much larger D-Cannon—is among the most feared. Using a form of warp inversion and cohesion unknown to the Imperium, the wraithcannon fires a bolt of unstable exotic matter, creating a small warp space/real space hole in reality where it hits. This can have any number of terrible effects on its targets, such as sending them spinning into the empyrean, teleporting them into solid objects or literally turning them inside out. Usually, it simply tears them into bloody gobbets of meat as their cells are ripped in a million directions at once.
wraith/D cannon.

Page 134
Adeptus Mechanicus Probe
Hull: Unknown
Class: Unknown
Dimensions: 0.1 km in diameter
Mass: 1 megatonnes, approx.
Crew: None
Accel: 9.5 gravities max acceleration

The Adeptus Mechanicus probe is a strange spherical vessel. It seems to have no crew, only a very advanced core cogitator.
It has a warp drive and can navigate. It's mass and density is also pretty hilarious since it suggests starships should be orders of magnitude denser (average density of 1900 kg*m^3) Even assuming that is 5-10x denser than a starship would be (the thing is a nearly solid mass) a 5 km cruiser would mass hundreds of millions of tons (at least an OoM heavier)

Page 135
Chains of Dusk
Hull: Raider
Class: Hazeroth class privateer
Dimensions: 1.5 km long, .25 km abeam approx.
Mass: 5 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 22000 crew, approx.
Accel: 6.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration

Page 136
Hull: Transport
Class: Vagabond class merchant trader
Dimensions and statistics:
Dimensions: 2 km long, .4 km abeam approx.
Mass: 8 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 16000 crew, approx.
Accel: 2.1 gravities max acceleration
Self explanatory.

Page 136
Hammer of Truth
Hull: Light Cruiser
Class: Dauntless class light cruiser
Dimensions and statistics:
Dimensions: 4.5 km long, .5 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 22 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 65000 crew, approx.
Accel: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration

Djanko’s ship is as unsophisticated as he is. Once a swift Dauntless class cruiser, he has heaped it with armour and weapons until its much abused engines struggle to drag it through the stars.
Overgunned/armored light cruiser.

Page 139
Dragon’s Breath Lance Weapon
A rare and ancient variation of the Titanforge, the Dragon’s Breath was designed for short-range power in close engagements.
sshort range lanc wepaon.

Page 139
For some captains, there is no such thing as too much armour. Excess void armour layers heavy plates over existing ones, building up a formidable defence at the cost of speed and manoeuvrability.
Heavier armor.

Page 140
Hull: Frigate
Class: Aconite Class Frigate
Dimensions: 1.5 km long, .2 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 4 megatonnes approx.
Crew: Unknown
Accel: No max acceleration determined in Imperial
Eldar frigate.

Page 140
The Eldar disdain the use of brutish plasma drives, and instead soar across the void powered by the light of stars, caught in vast solar sails that extend from the ship like wings. This both powers the ship and provides propulsion. A solar sail allows an Eldar ship to move, and provides it with power.
Eldar solar sail drive.

Page 140
The Eldar have long perfected plasma technology, and do not arm their vessels with crude projectile cannons. Their ‘macrobatteries’ are made up of multiple turrets of immense clusters of starcannons, capable of punching through armour with intense plasma
Eldar plasma guns.

Page 140
A Holo Field is an ancient wonder of the Eldar race and the bane of Imperial gunners. The field creates a multitude of “ghost images” of the Eldar ship, each in a different location. It effectively masks the ships true position to such an extent that it is nigh impossible to determine exactly where it is, taking random shots into the void in the hopes of scoring a glancing hit.
Holo fields.

Page 140

Eldar ships move by capturing stellar energy through their sails and using this to power their movement. The amount of energy they can capture and therefore the distance they can travel depends on their orientation with regards to the nearest star. The ships are graceful and extremely manoeuvrable, allowing them to dart in and launch an attack and then pull back before their slower moving enemies have a chance to react. Eldar ships are protected by holofields which distort targeting sensors and make them very hard to hit, rather than offering any physical protection.
More Eldar tech.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Soul Reaver:

Page 4
The isolated nature of the alternate dimension within which Commorragh and the thousands of other settlements in the webway existed spared those Eldar living there from the instant demise..
Thousands of settlements in the Webway in addition to Cormorragh. How many are still utilised/inhabited is another matter.

Page 4
..She Who Thirsts would eternally draw upon their souls, leeching them away slowly..
These Eldar of the webway found that the suffering of others could nourish their hollow spirits, renewing their withered souls with the pain and terror of others. Provided they surrounded themselves with the most vile and decadent acts, these Eldar could abate the curse of Slaanesh, keeping them vital and strong and eluding the passage of time.
Dark Eldar means of circumventing Slaanesh. also provides siome measure of agelessness. The interesting thing about this is the daemon-like quailties this attributes to the dark eldar - gaining sustenance of some kind from the psychic emanations of other (At least, partiuclar KINDS of emanations.) Makes you wonder how they figured this all out, and if it is an intrinsic part of Eldar biology/psychic nature, or if it results from their connection ot Slaanesh (some sort of impromptu deal)

Page 5
The majority of Dark Eldar are born artificially, grown rapidly in vitae wombs and amniotic tubes. Only those with power and wealth have the luxury of raising children naturally, and these Trueborn are raised to rule, taught from a young age the secrets of vicious courtly intrigue, and truly believe themselves to be superior to all those half-born around them
Dark Eldar use artificial birthing/breeding processes to create more of themselves. What's interesting is the terminology used is the same as for what creates all the Krieg soldiers as per IA5, which means that the Kriegers are also artifically created.

This may run into a conflict iwth 'Dead Men Walking' which depicts pregnant women, but recall we have several depictions of the Krieg (some as dehumanised child soldier meat droids, and others like actual soldiers, just more hardcore and fanatical.) and the Kriegers could have a trueborn/half-born' thing going on too. Heck, for all we know this is Imperium terminology for hwat the Eldar are doing.

Page 9
Even those xenos that trade with the Dark Eldar must be guided to its location by the city’s scouts through the shattered and perilous twists and turns of the webway. Few aliens understand the webway, and the Craftworld Eldar are loath to utilise more than a fraction of the decayed and fractured network around the Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse. The Dark Eldar, especially those outcast from Commorragh, are more adventurous and willing to risk ships and slaves to find ways through its shadowed links and dark corners, but even they must tread with care
Navigting the webway. we learn a few interesting details. First, non-Eldar trade is permitted through (at least by outcast/Corsair eldar and Dark Eldar) but they need guides (much as the Eldar guided the Imperium via the 13th Black crusade) . The Craftworld Eldar are more conservative than the Dark Eldar when it comes ot navigating the webway, so the Dark Eldar probably have a better command of it (albeit with greater risk.) And few other aliens know of the webway, which leads to examples such as the Necrons

Page 10
The size of a small moon, covered with towers and antennae, the sphere was crafted around a solid core, the remnants of some mineral rich asteroid that its automated systems are slowly eroding away as it adds more and more levels to the sphere.
There are also those amongst the Adeptus Mechanicus who claim to have found a record of the Gaelan Sphere in an ancient binaric pictogram encoded in a damaged cogitator on the Lathe Worlds, and debates between techno-lexographers rage over whether this record suggests that it is of human origin, describes a date when the sphere was merely encountered by the Adeptus Mechanicus in the past, or is a blemish on the cogitator’s most august memory caused by a coolant spill in M.38.
Gaelan Sphere. the technology may plausilby reflect the tech available to the AdMech in that regard, although its not certain (but reasonable, they can at least deduce humans had/have something like it,a nyhow.)

Page 10
It was Salaine Morn and her Kabal that first rediscovered the Gaelan Sphere and decided to put it to use.
...Salaine forged an alliance with Zaergarn Kul and his Kabal of the Splintered Talon, and together they purged the city of its ancient human defences..
Guess the Sphere IS human tech...

Page 16
he Soul Reaver powers the Razor’s Web, without which the Nexus would be largely defenceless. Almost seven kilometres in length and several kilometres across, The Soul Reaver takes up a large portion of the inner chambers, the corridors connecting to the ship and its prow forming the foundation of Zaergarn’s central tower that reaches up above all the others.
Size of the Soul Reaver, Dark Eldar starship. Probably a battlship analogue.

Page 17
The Soul Reaver is a conduit for souls, and gives those that understand it the ability to channel energy from death. It is also a great store of spiritual force, and its thousands of strange, glowing stones can be tapped for power to fuel Dark Eldar technology..
soul Reaver's capabilities, but not clarification of its origins.

Page 17
The gravity-maw was originally constructed so that the Gaelan Sphere might devour asteroids to feed its deep furnaces and turn them into raw materials. Several kilometres across, it is a vast opening in the side of the sphere, surrounded by a wall of suspensor arrays and mag-grapnel towers...
Given that the asteroids that the sphere once consumed would vary dramatically in size from only a few hundred metres across to more than a kilometre or two in diameter..
Size of the resources the artificial moon could consume. A rock 200-2000 m diameter would range anymwhere from 10 million tons to 10 billion tons per rock, and ignoring any metallic (or icy or other) component. Which is fairly hefty resource processing when you think about it.

Page 20
This “sun” is the fusion core itself, where ancient machines break down asteroids and other debris for usable minerals to fuel the repair and construction of the sphere. Held together by a latticework of suspensor arrays and mag-gantries, a dozen engines each with the power to drive a star ship direct their white hot flames into a single point, melting and burning rock and debris to dust and vapour.

Approaching the core unshielded is not unlike trying to get close to a tiny star, and even standing on the viewing gantries hundreds of kilometres away where the outer shell meets the inner void, the heat is almost unbearable.
The 'heart' of the Gaelan sphere so to speak, for manufacturing and resources and an implied (if vagieu) scope of their power. If we go with the 'millions to billions' of tons melted/vaporized from before we'd be talking megatons to gigatons of energy, at a minmum to melt/vapoirzie rocks hundreds or thousands of metres in diameter.

also an implied diameter of the artificial moon, and that the 'fusion core' runs off 'fuel' derived from materials it salvages and breaks down

Page 21
If the constellation were to have access to more power, it could awaken more fully and restore control over the sphere, though to do so it would need fresh fuel for the fusion core (such as a sizeable asteroid or voidship)
Again 'fuel' sources for the fusion core. Clearly they toko a page from WEG Star Wars fusion reactors. lol

Page 23
When the Explorers reach this zone, they become aware of high levels of radiation (void suit indicators or auspexes alerting them).
Human means of rad alerts.

page 28
The Adeptus Mechanicus has long had an interest in the Gaelan Sphere, and has over the centuries dispatched Explorators into the Koronus Expanse to find it.
AdMehc interest in the sphere again. While I've documented numerous cases where they have legit interest in xenox tech, this would technically suggest it is also human technology.

Page 55
Domos Agnelain the enslaved Adeptus Mechanicus Magos...
Domos came to the Gaelan Sphere seeking ancient technology and the secrets of a lost age; what he found was only enslavement and pain, the worst of which is perhaps the knowledge that countless secrets and pieces of lost archeotech rest literally under his feet and yet he cannot explore them.
Again the Sphere seems to be human tech.

Page 31
Eventually, she discovered an ancient artificial moon (a human artefact lost during long ages past and known as the Gaelan Sphere) trapped partially in the webway.
The most obvious commentary that the Sphere is human tech, with all the implications therein. Bear in mind of course, this doesn't reflect current Imperial techology in any way, mind.

Page 31
With The Soul Reaver, Zaergarn was able to channel energy from every death that occurred in or near the Nexus and turn it into raw power for his Kabal and, more importantly, the defence network he had been building.
A means of tapping warp power, perhaps?

Page 33
Finally, hanging in the night before them, they see what appears at first glance to be a small moon.
The Sphere defined as a 'small moon' despite being hundreds of km across at least.

Page 33
...the sheer size of the sphere becomes clear, many times larger than the greatest ship of the Imperial Fleet or the mightiest of the God- Emperor’s space fortresses.
Implies the sphere is considerably larger than any warship or space station the Imperium has. Except perhaps Phalanx, but it could be larger than PHalanx.

Page 33
Though only occupying a small fraction of the sphere, the city still rivals the largest hives of Scintilla, with doubtless countless levels hidden beneath its shadowed streets.
Size of the DE city Given that the Hive Sibellus of Scintilla is over 8000 km across, we're talking both a huge city and a huge sphere.

Page 35
The sphere also has no atmosphere, so the Explorers can bring their vessel as close as they dare, though it is probably be more practical to set their vessel into a low geosynchronous orbit and make their landing in their lighter.
It's large enough to orbit, but small enough not to have any atmosphere.

Page 37
That said, attacks by voidships will obviously draw notice and a more direct reprisal, as lances and macrobatteries pose a danger to the whole city and, more importantly, the palace housing the Kabal of the Splintered Talon and The Soul Reaver.
We dont know the exact duration of bombardment to be a 'threat', but being a danger to an entire city as big as the DE city is implied to be is impressive regardless.

Page 44
Easily six kilometres in length and several across, the vessel sits cocooned in a web of gantries and supports..
Implied size of the Soul Reaver again.

PAge 49
It is a rare occurrence that any slave has anything in their possession which is of any real interest to the Dark Eldar. Even master-crafted weapons and rare examples of artefacts from the Dark Age of Technology are simply flawed human garbage to them, and inferior to their own weapons and armour.
Implying that DAoT human tech is inferior to (Dark) Eldar tech, although this might just be Eldar prejudice in effect. AFter all they colonized a human artifact....

Page 55
..constructs makeshift prosthetics for those whose limbs cannot be recovered.
... [Magos can] craft certain commonplace items, and can even restore limbs and organs should they be damaged or destroyed..

...this means replacing mangled arms, legs, or eyes with strange devices cobbled together from whatever Domos can scavenge. Because of his terrible dearth of supplies, any items crafted by the Magos, including cybernetic replacements, count as being of Poor Craftsmanship. If Domos had access to better materials, he would be able to create better items.
Low quality Imperial augmetics must be pretty easily constructed if a Magos can do them on the fly with whatever he can scavenge from a Dark Eldar slave pit. The Virtues of STC I suppose.

Page 67
The Shadowspine Pits were originally intended as pathways into the Sphere’s fusion core for asteroids and other space debris. To aid in the snaring and transportation of these materials, each pit was ringed with gravity harpoons and suspensor fields so its ancient builders could manipulate the movement of the objects on their journey to be melted down into fuel and building materials.

Page 67
Dark Eldar, like their Craftworld kin, are supremely skilled in the manufacture and operation of field technology, and are able to manipulate energies with a finesse and subtlety that few humans even dream of possessing
But not defensive shields.

Page 68
The Nexus of Shadows has no shortage of junk and debris scattered across its surface and filling its chambers and tunnels. This is the result of centuries of neglect and decay as well as the battles fought by the Dark Eldar against its automated defences.
Which may explain where the Magos gets the materials for his lwo end agumetics.

PAge 83
The Razor’s Web cannot target personal craft, but with Salaine’s fleet in a high orbit just outside of its optimal range, many of the guns have begun to sound, and their discharge can easily vaporise anything unfortunate enough to be near the muzzle of one of the great macrocannons.
Implied range of the Sphere/Dark Eldar city defense guns. If we went with 'high orbit' in Earth terms it could be anything from geostationary (35,000-40,000 km) to nearly 100,000 km as far as ranges I've known have gone. But its debatable whether the Sphere is as big as Earth, so it could be less than that.

Page 87
At this same moment, Salaine orders the renegade fleet to move its assault to the next phase ceasing the long-range bombardment and moving her vessels in to directly attack the holdings and ships of the Kabal of the Splintered Talon, even as the power is fading from the Razor’s Web.
Considering the implied range of the Web, this is quite long range orbital bombardment by 40K standards.

Page 88
Once beyond the Dark Eldar fleet, the Explorers need to close with their “allies” in the renegade fleet. This is almost as dangerous as breaking through the enemy Dark Eldar vessels, as the PCs are flying straight into a crossfire of ordinance and battery fire between the renegade fleet and the enemy Dark Eldar. This requires them to traverse another 35 VUs, dodging not only the fire of their pursuers but also the stray shots from their allies (if they cross between a firing ally and an enemy).
Which would stronly imply weapons ranges in the hundreds of thousands of km, although this is typically not the case in the RPG's ship battles.

Page 89
The Soul Reaver harvests the Warp energy of the dead, turning it into raw power.
Called it.

Page 101
The Dark Eldar was born to power and prestige, and raised to a life of refined cruelty and vicious politics. Unlike the teeming masses of the Dark City, the character was born naturally, and regards himself as superior to the half-born wretches grown in amniotic tanks and vitae wombs who he will strive to rule over.
Again 'Vitae Womb' seems to refer to artificially created life.

Page 102
All Eldar live for centuries if allowed to carry out a natural lifespan. Though most Dark Eldar lives are abruptly ended by the blades, projectiles, or venoms of enemies or rivals, the strong and the cunning can endure for millennia, and even slip through the grasp of mortal wounds, thanks to the dark secrets of the Haemonculi.

DE lifespans

Page 102
Dark Eldar who survive and ascend to such heights are ageless terrors, swifter than human thought and capable of feats of appalling prowess when fuelled by the agonies of their many victims. They can dance through the fleeting gaps in deadly bursts of automatic fire and shear through foes at a tremendous rate in close combat or with vicious and exotic firearms
DE agility/reactions implied, at least on high end.

Page 109
Splinter weapons fire shards of splintered crystal using a powerful magnetic pulse. These shards are covered in incredibly virulent and fast-acting toxins that can ensure a painful death or incapacitate a would-be slave.
Splinter weapons. I like how the crystals can be accelerated by EM fields. :P Basically though, its a fancy needle rifle.

Page 109
Splinter cannons are often fitted with suspensor pods and anti-gravity stabilisers that allow highly mobile warriors to use it more effectively on the move or keep it trained on a target for a longer period of time.
Carrying and recoil stabilization tech.

Page 109

DE weapons listed Shardcarbiune has 60m range increment, single/semi(3)/full(5) ROF, 200 shot clip and weighs 3 kg

Splinter cannon a 110m range increment, Full(10) ROF, 300 shot clip and weighs 15 kg

Splinter pistol a 50m range increment, single/Semi(3), 120 shot clip and weighs 1 kg

Splinter rifle weighs 2.5 kg (lighter than the Carbine!), has a range increment of 80m, single/semi(3)/full(5) ROF and a 200 shot clip.

Eldar plasma grenades weigh .5 kg.

Page 109
The Eldar long ago refined the use of plasma in weaponry, creating devices that are stable and safe to use while still proving effective against the enemy. Their plasma grenades are a case in point— where human-made plasma warheads rely on the unstable and destructive nature of uncontained plasma, Eldar plasma grenades unleash a precise pulse of heat and electromagnetic force that not only burns, but also leaves foes disoriented.
Interesting comment between Eldar and Imperial plasma 'explosives' - basically Eldar have more control over it than the Imperium does (at least for a given yield.)

It's also notable that DE (or Eldar) plasma grenades are purely thermal weapons or seem designed to stun or incapacitate (such as by burns.) THat may mean they inflict non lethal burns - maybe they rely on some effect like 'Pulsed energy Projectile' pain laser weapons. If any race ever would embrace a pain laser, its te DE.

Page 110 - other DE weapons:

Blast pistol has a 20m range increment, 6 shot clip and weigh 2 kg. Blasters a 60m range increment, 18 shot clip, and weigh 4 kg. Dark Lances have a 140m rnage increment, 36 shot clip, and 16 kg mass. All are 'Darklight' class weapons.

Disintegrator cannon have a 140m range increment, Full(5) ROF, 30 shot clip and weigh 30 kg. Heat Lances have a 50m range increment, 10 shot clip and weigh 6 kg.

Hexrifles have a 180m range increment, 1 shot clip and weigh 5 kg.

Liquifier gunhas a 20m range increment, 2 shot clip, and weighs 4 kg

Phantasm Grenade launcher has a 30m range increment, single/semi(2) ROF, 6 shot clip, 4 kg weight

Shredder has a 60m range increment, 12 shot clip, and weighs 2 kg

Stinger pistol has a 30m range increment, 18 shot clip, and weighs 1 kg.

Page 110
Dark Eldar employ high-powered weapons that produce a stream of coherent, ravening unlight, drawn from the hearts of black holes and other deadly celestial phenomena. Darklight reacts explosively with the true matter of the universe, leaving only smouldering desolation where the beam touches. So volatile is this substance that the tiniest fractions of a microgram are employed with every shot, for any greater quantities could enact untold devastation, and each containment cell holds only the tiniest mote of Darklight, locked within powerful wards and fields. To even look upon Darklight unprotected is to scar the eyes forever with its impossible radiance...

The Dark Eldar employ numerous forms of Darklight weaponry, including colossal torpedoes of horrific power...
Any of these [weapons] can shred through the toughest of armour and inflict horrific wounds upon the flesh of the living as tiny specks of Darklight create powerful detonations within the matter they touch.
Darklight weapons are basically magical disintegration weapons, although 'magical' in the sense that they use some sort of technobabble matter-to-energy conversion process akin to antimatter, rather than 'disappearing' disintegrations, since it still creates explosions.

Assuming for a second that darklight matter does obey E=MC^2 (which seems likely but its not definite) a single microgram (or rather fraction of a microgram) would be nearly 1e8 J of energy per shot - of course we dont know what 'fraction' of a microgram is either, so it could be 1/10th or 1/100th (If it were more, I'd expect it woudl be something on the order of nanograms. Assuming all that works out, we might infer that the 'Darklight' weapons as a class range somewhere between high kilojoule and low megajoule to high MJ or so, although it says nothing about the power of the weapon itself.

also given the mention of torpedoes mounting such weapons (and the dark matter weaponry of their space ships) as well as the implications of their powerplants/engines from 'Shadow Point', it could reflect DE power generation.

Page 110
Utilising tiny quantities of plasma stolen from enslaved suns, the disintegrator cannon is a sophisticated weapon, remaining cool to the touch even after a sustained barrage in spite of the boiling energies within.
Again 'disintegration' in the sense of burning to pieces or blowing apart. Like any plasma weapon, in other words. The interesting thing is how they draw on that suppposed 'sun power' - is it stored like a battery or is it drawn in there via some portal/wormhole tyech?

Page 110
These powerful devices combine the focus and precision of laser weaponry with the searing potency of melta weaponry, creating a weapon able to melt armour plate from further away than most comparable meltaguns, but with the fine precision of the most finely-honed Eldar laser weapon
Which would suggest some kinds of melta weaponry share traits in common with lasers - again if this was the 'microwave' style meltas, that would be sensible. I also have to wonder if the Eldar have such weaponry - fusion guns perhaps?

Page 111
Crystalline cylinders containing the tiniest quantity of the disease are fired from the rifles, shattering upon impact and exposing the target to the plague. For all but the hardiest of victims, this momentary exposure is sufficient for the plague to begin its vile work, turning flesh and bone into glass and leaving a transparent, flawless statue where once was a living creature.
Hex Rifles - basically a variation fo splinter/needle weapons and the weird glass plague thingy.

Page 111
This baroque collection of pipes and tubes projects a torrent of highly corrosive fluids that can melt through anything it touches. Typically carried by Grotesques, Wracks, and other servants of the Haemonculi, these weapons are most commonly fuelled by the corrosive ichor that passes for blood in such creatures.

Its stated to behave like a flamethrower despite not being one. Basically it shoots toxic blood at the target.

Page 111
These back-mounted weapons project volleys of tiny, explosive discs that unleash a fine mist of psychotropic vapours, the slightest whiff of which can cause terrible nightmares.
DE miniaturized grenades.

Page 111
The shredder unleashes an expanding mesh of monofilaments with miniscule barbs along their length. The mesh entangles thevictim in an invisible net that slices apart the target as it struggles
Shreddre weaponry. Self explanatory.

Page 112
melee weapons: Agoniser lash and talons weigh 2 kg (lash has a 3m range). Electrocorrosive whip 2 kg also and also a 3m range.. Flesh gauntlets 5 kg. Hellglaive 4 kg. Husk blade 3 kg. Hydra gauntlets 1.5 kg. Impaler 2 kg. Mindphase gauntlet 4 kg. Razorflail 3 kg and a 3 m range.

Reaver's Fang is 1 kg. Shardnets are 5 m range and 3 kg. Venomblades are 2 kg. Wych Knife are .5 kg.

Page 113
Appearing as if made of cracked and pitted bone, a husk blade leaves faint smoke trails as it passes through the air, and instantly evaporates any moisture that comes into contact with its blade. Victims slashed or stabbed by such a blade are reduced to shrivelled corpses that turn to dust in moments, and even those lucky enough to only suffer a glancing hit find much of their vitality dragged away by these deadly weapons.
Where the water goes.. we dont know.

Page 114
Shardnets are a wire mesh covered in tiny barbs that dig into flesh and tear with every moment of struggle, while simultaneously administering electrical shocks that render a victim incapable of self-defence and cause him to jerk and twitch against the barbed net.

Page 114
Each venomblade has thousands of microscopic pores that continually exude a distilled cocktail of hypertoxins.
Self explanatory.

Page 114
These suits of segmented plates are commonly worn by Kabalite Warriors of all kinds..

Each suit of armour is held in place by a variety of barbs and hooks that dig deep into the wearer’s flesh and play against his nerve bundles. His senses heightened by his own pain, the simple act of donning this armour prepares him for battle.
Kabalite armour.

Page 114
Wychsuits and similar garments are little more than flexible bodysuits, adorned in an eclectic manner with armoured plates and reinforced panels. Those worn by Wyches often provide protection only to the side of their bodies that they habitually turn towards the enemy, while Hellions commonly wear armoured collars and vambraces, and many Reavers favour masked cowls and heavily padded shoulders. Regardless, it is difficult to strike a Dark Eldar warrior past even the tiny amounts of armour that these suits provide.

Page 115 DE armour - Xenohide tuncs weigh 1 kg and cover the body. Xenohide cloaks provide full protection and weigh 3 kg. Kabalite armour weighs 5 kg. Ghostplate armour weighs 2 kg. Wychsuits weigh .5 kg.

Page 115
Constructed of strange resinous materials and shot through with pockets of lighter-than-air gases, each suit of ghostplate armour provides considerable protection while weighing far less than any comparable panoply.

Page 115
A shadow field is an arcane Dark Eldar device that creates a defence that is virtually impossible to pierce. Projecting a dark miasma of energy around the wearer, the field is proof against almost any attack, and the warrior within cannot be easily targeted. However, should one manage to penetrate this miasmic aura, the field’s instability causes it to collapse almost immediately.
Shadowfields. Seem to actually act like barriers here.

Page 115
In place of coherent fields of energy, a clone field projects holographic duplicates of the wearer, all identical in aspect and moving in perfect and lifelike synchrony. Only through trial and error can the true wearer be identified, and few combatants have the time to find the real threat amidst a swarm of falsehoods.

Clone fields.

Page 116
This stimulant alters the warrior’s adrenal glands, producing a substance that is far more potent.
Accelerai accelerates the user’s attacks to a blistering tempo...
Dark Eldar fast-reaction drug

Page 116
Though inherently toxic, Corpse Obmulen is a popular additive to steroidal compounds that saturates muscle fibres and makes them superhumanly resistant to the stress and tension of use, allowing the warrior to exert himself to an extreme level for a protracted period of time.
DE strength enhancement.

Page 116
..Shudderstep is designed to hyper-stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibres. A dose of Shudderstep enables a warrior to run at incredible speeds.
DE speed enhancement.

Page 117
Distilled from the cranial fluid of slaves who have been poisoned with a combination of other drugs and toxins including Corpse Obmulen and Liquid Agony, Murder’s Boon amplifies a warrior’s killer instincts.
Makes em a better killer basically.

Page 117
Heightening the adrenaline sensitivity of perception centres of the brain and the conductivity of synapses and nerve fibres, a dose of Eviscerine makes a warrior more able to perceive and avoid the attacks and defences of his enemies.

Yet more DE drugs.

Page 117
Perfect Vitriol is the universal solvent, a corrosive agent capable of dissolving absolutely everything. Created by the Stryxis for reasons they refuse to explain and traded to the denizens of the Nexus of Shadows for use in their arenas and shadowy plots, no substance is proof against this liquid’s fury, and it must be stored in magnetic suspension because no material container exists that can hold it.
..the Dark Eldar of the Nexus of Shadows cleverly use fields and other exotic distribution systems to imbue their blades and projectiles with the vapours produced by this substance without degrading their own equipment too quickly..
Magic acid poison.

Page 118
Apparently a defence mechanism against predators, this poison coats the spines and self-replicates within a victim’s body, polluting his blood with a kinetically unstable chemical that may ignite at any moment. Vigourous motion is often sufficient to set the poisoned blood off, consuming the victim with a fire within his own veins and arteries, burning up the oxygen in his blood.
Burned AND suffocated.

Page 118
This toxin causes the victim to begin exsanguinating rapidly, his blood pouring from every wound as if seeking to escape from his body.
A DE poison that makes you spontanteously bleed out

Page 118
Vitae Rebellion aggressively transforms the biochemistry of its victims, transmogrifying critical fluids into chemicals and compounds that react violently with one another. The end result is gruesome and spectacular, as the victim detonates in a shower of mutated gore.
As if burning blood weren't bad enough, they can make you blow up.

Page 121
Even the least of Archons, Succubi, and Haemonculi are powerful individuals indeed, with wealth, power, and influence unimaginable to nearly any in the Koronus Expanse but a Rogue Trader. Each is a ruler of countless thousands, if not millions, of other beings, and possessed of vast resources the likes of which even most Rogue Traders would envy.
Power of High tier Dark Eldar. Not sure if the thousands or millions refers to DE alone or includes slaves and such.

Page 126
Each has been subjected to agonising augmentative and transformative surgeries, grafting great wings to their shoulders, augmenting their flesh with synth-muscle and adrenaline dispensers, and hollowing their bones so that each Scourge can truly fly.
DE scourge

Page 126
Drecarus and his coven have countless thousands of assistants, collectively known as Wracks. These degraded, twisted beings no longer resemble the Dark Eldar they once were..
Probably safe to say there are 'countless thousands' of Dark Eldar in general, probably tens or hundreds of thousands. If we assume such a population is 'normal' for the thousands of other DE settlements, we might figure there are at least millions (tens or hundreds of millions probably) existing.

Page 128
Tau are sometimes captured in raids by the Dark Eldar of the Nexus of Shadows, more as a curiosity than for their actual worth, for the souls of Tau are pale, flickering things, meagre even compared to the sputtering light of the human spirit.
Which implies while the Tau have a insignificant connection to the warp, it is still there. They aren't 'soulless' in the sense Necrons or Pariahs are.

Page 129
..most of those who find themselves in the Withered Blade’s dungeons are fighters, and already bear the scars of las-burn, bullet, and blade.
las burn.. thermal damage.

Page 130
..Ludvos Tarn was the senior squad sergeant of Strike Force Falchion, a small Imperial Fists battle group operating from a squadron of rapid strike vessels, intended to quell a campaign of Eldar raids within the Calixis Sector.
This seems to imply the Imperial Fists have quite a few escort scale vessels in their fleet reserve.

Page 130
..he was given as a gift of patronage to Drecarus, so that the Haemonculus could break the warrior’s iron will and unmake his superhuman flesh. Drecarus, to his ire, was unable to achieve either, for the fortitude of the Imperial Fist was too great for even the Arch-Agonist to overcome,..
Testing the limits of his Chapter’s vaunted resistance to pain and despair has occupied the Cult of the Withered Blade for years, and their best efforts have not yet revealed any results besides the broken corpses of his foes.
I guess the Dark Eldar's fascination with pain cannot hope to match the Imperial Fists pain obsession. :P

Page 132
A chrono-gladiator is a warrior living on borrowed time—each one is fitted with devices that will slay him when his own personal clock reaches zero. The only way to increase the time remaining is to kill.
Each is subjected to horrific torments and forcibly addicted to a unique cocktail of combat stimulants and pain suppressants. Injectors within their bodies provide the chemicals with every life they take, but the doses provide only brief respite. The quantities within each gland are small, and the withdrawal symptoms are lethal, resulting in agonising pain as their bodily fluids react violently, and then explosively, with one another. To ensure that the deaths of chrono-gladiators are not wasted, they are held in stasis between battles.
DE Chrono Gladiators... again not everything humanity produces seems to earn their contempt, although its unclear whether these versions bear any resemblence to the ones humanity makes. And again note the 'explosive body fluids' capability.

Page 133
Countless trillions of species of spiders and similar organisms exist on innumerable worlds and parts beyond, and the webway is no exception.
..the Ariadne Helspider is a vicious, manylegged creature that seems unfettered by the normal passage of time. Its wounds heal as if its flesh was reverting to a past state, its attacks seem to strike home even though the creature remains some metres distant, and blows struck against it seem impossibly to miss, as if they had never happened.
The Webway seems to have its own ecology, although unsurprisingly it affects that sort of biology its own way too.

Page 134
Spawned in fractured corners of the Warp where mortal dreams twist, grow, and burst forth into living creatures of nightmare, Khymerae are savage, feline hunters kept in realspace through the copious efforts of Dark Eldar Beastmasters. Despite the difficulty of keeping these creatures in the materium, to say nothing of keeping them under control once there, Khymerae resonate with the sadistic psyche of the Dark Eldar in a way that natural beasts canno...

Akin to Furies, I suspect.

Page 135
Servitorisation is not a concept entirely unfamiliar to the Dark Eldar—Grotesques are, after all, lobotomised slaves of a similar sort—but the notions of Murder-servitors and Arco-flagellants found approval in the dark cliques of the Nexus when they were mined from Magos Domos’ brain. Autonomous killing machines designed to terrorise and slaughter..

DE versions of combat servitors.

Page 135
As such, the vessels of the Dark Eldar, while bearing many superficial similarities to one another, are all unique creations..

Classifying such ships is difficult, and though many long and dusty treatises exist to exhaustively classify these differing configurations in Imperial Navy archives, each new contact with the Dark Eldar invariably renders some of these theories invalid.
Classifying DE vessels.

Page 135
Whilst such pedantry may be entirely fitting within the comfortable confines of Naval bases and Administratum facilities, the needs of front-line commanders are different, and Imperial Navy captains and Rogue Traders alike have come to refer to these wildly differing vessels by two broad designations..
Again that two-tier approach to thing that reflects differences in 'theory' vs 'practice'

Page 136
Dark Eldar vessels are impelled by all manner of exotic technologies, ranging from rows of aethersails that capture the spectral winds of the webway, to plasma drives that burn with the chained fury of enslaved stars, to gravitic impulse engines that bend the potent energies of a captured black hole to the crew’s will.
DE means of propulsion. I'm not sure what are described are reactionless drives per se, but rather they seem to rely on either, psychic versions of solar sails, or reaction drives powered by either Eldar engineered plasma reactors or singularities/black holes.

The interesting thing I wonder is.. do the sails mentioned behave in the same way Eldar sails do? would make more sense than them literally being 'solar' sails that can somehow push multimegaton ships at multi-gee accelerations.

Page 136
Shadowfields: Rather than the brutish void shields employed by humans, the Dark Eldar wreath their vessels in an inky blackness that makes them almost invisible against the cold, dark void. These fields confound even the electromantic scrying of starship augurs, concealing the vessel’s heat and emissions from prying eyes.
Shadowfields seem to be more passive and stealthy than holofields - masking the various signatures of the craft (visual, EM, thermal, etc.) from detection.

Page 136
Macrobatteries, which operate by filling the void with ordinance..
Referring to the 'proxomity effect' nature of Macroweapons (at least of some kinds - beam weapons can't do 'proximity.)

Page 136
Many Dark Eldar ships are equipped with strange devices that can be used to project false emissions during their approach, tricking their enemies into thinking that an ally approaches, not an enemy.
mimic engines.

Page 136
Unlike the solid shells and unrefined lasers of human vessels, Dark Eldar employ weapons similar to their vehicle-mounted disintegrator cannons, sophisticated devices that unleash salvoes of unstable matter torn from the hearts of stolen suns.
So again.. plasma weapons of some kind.

Page 136
Phantom Lance: These weapons harness the unstable energy known as Darklight, said to be drawn from massive celestial phenomena, to annihilate their foes. Even the tiniest quantity of Darklight reacts explosively with matter, and phantom lances channel colossal streams of the stuff, tightly controlled within constrictor fields to inflict catastrophic damage.

Sort of like an antimatter weapon, without the antimatter.

Page 136 - DE attrack craft: Raptor interceptors have a Squadron size of 12 and a Speed of 12 VU (240,000 km/hr) Tormentor bombers have a squad size of 6 and velocity of 0 VU (180,000 km/hr) DE assault boats (Slavebringers) have 12 VU as well (240,000 km/hr) and a Squad size of 5.

Page 136
Dark Eldar torpedoes come in two varieties: void torpedoes and leech torpedoes. Void torpedoes employ a pulse of Darklight contained within a bubble of force to blast smoking hemispheres of matter from enemy vessels
Offensive DE torpedo. They also have leech torpedoes which sap power from a ship.

Page 137
Class: Torture-class cruiser
Dimensions: Varies; 4.2 km long approx., 1.3 km approx. abeam
Mass: 18 megatonnes approx.
Crew: unknown
Accel: 8 gravities max sustainable acceleration
DE cruiser performance. slightly slower than Eldar ships, but faster than Imperial equivlaents. Although given they are also slightly less than 2/3 the mass that's not surprising. Assuming a 1000-10,000 km/s exhaust velocity you could expect power generation in the e18-e19 watt range, probably.

Page 137
Class: Corsair-class Escort
Dimensions: Varies; 1.2 km long approx., 0.1 km approx. abeam
Mass: 4 megatonnes approx.
Crew: unknown
Accel: 9.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Stats of the Corsair. Assuming same exhaust velocity as before, power output would be e17-e18 watts at least.

Page 137
As with all Eldar vessels, the sensor-confounding technologies these ships employ to defend themselves also makes accurate identification virtually impossible, and Dark Eldar cruisers of all kinds are frequently confused for one another...
As with their larger counterparts, the Corsair-class Escorts are more a collection of broadly similar vessels. Accurate identification of these ships has so far been impossible,
Again difficulties in classifying DE warships, at least in part due to their stealth capabilities.

Page 138
Hull: Cruiser
Class: Unknown
Dimensions: 6.6 km long approx., 1.6 km approx. abeam
Mass: 30 megatonnes approx.
Crew: unknown
Accel: 7 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Soul Reaver vessel stats. Not going to try calcing the power generation based on the engines, because frankly we dont know how they work.

Page 138
Raider S kimmer
Cruising Speed: 350 kph
Crew: Pilot, Gunner
Carrying Capacity: 10 warriors with gear.
Gunner operated Dark lance (range increment 160m) or disintegrator cannon (150m range increment) Dark lance has a 50 shot clip, and the Disintegrator a 150 shot clip.
Ravagers are also mentioned as heaveir Raiders, with heavier armour and a bigger crew (1 pilot, 3 gunners) and 3 cannon as opposed to one, and no troop carrying capacity.

Page 139
Venom Skimmer
Cruising Speed: 380 kph
Crew: Pilot
Carrying Capacity: 5 warriors with gear
Weapons include twin linked splinter rifles forward (500 shot clips, 80m range increment, single/semi(3)/full(5) ROF. and passenger operated splinter cannon (110m range increment, Full(10), and 300 shot clip.)

Page 139
Flickerfield: This highly advanced optical distortion field makes a Venom difficult to target effectively, with the craft appearing almost to flicker in and out of existence at random.
Not unlike a Holofield./

Page 139
Reaver Jetbike
Cruising Speed: 400 kph
Crew: Pilot
WEapon is a single splinter rifle operated by the pilot -200 round clip stats like other splinter rifles.

Page 140
Razorwing Jetfighter
Tactical Speed: 40m/20 AUs
Cruising Speed: 1,750 kph
Pilot operated twin linked splinter rifle (500 round clip, stats same.) Two pilot operated dark lances (160m range increment, 50 shot clip.) and four missiles (necrotoxin, monoscythe, shatterfield) The fighter can act as both a skimmer or a flyer.

Page 140
Monoscythe Missiles: These exotic devices detonate above the ground with a pulse of force that extends in a flat plane parallel with the ground. This pulse, infinitely thin, can shear through flesh and armour like the finest blade, leaving dismembered corpses behind.
Not unlike a nastier version of a seismic charge.

Page 140
Necrotoxin Missiles: These missiles contain a large quantity of virulent poison. When the missile detonates, the casing shatters into thousands of toxin-coated razor shards.
Poison AND fragmentation

PAge 140
Shatterfield Missiles: These missiles contain two systems that work in sequence, detonating in a carefully timed manner for greatest effect. The first blast rips all the heat from the surrounding area, leaving frozen statues in the place of any unfortunate enough to be in its radius. A split-second later, a shockwave of kinetic force erupts from the missile, shattering those statues.

Interesting for the shockwave effect.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Edge of the Abyss, part 1:

Page 4
The edge of the map...
.. where hundreds, if not thousands of Rogue Traders flock...
This is the Koronus Expanse;
There are hundreds of Rogue Traders operating within the Expanse...
Implies "hundreds" or "thousands" of Rogue Traders in the Expanse. Each would have a vessel of some kind, implying that hundreds or thousands of ships, many of them an escort if not a cruiser, persist in the region. The navy is probably as big if not bigger. :P

Page 7
Translation complete. Estimated duration of Transit: 123 days.
"My Navigator informs me that there is ample reason for our emerging from the warp two weeks ahead of schedule. "
"the Warp here is disturbed, and we must cross this sector in real space before re-entering the Warp in order to proceed safely... adding perhaps as much as a month and a half to our journey."
123 + 14 = 137 days of transit. Over what distance we don't know, but we're talking a good 3-4 months.

Page 7
Alpha Shift: 5 hours, 25 minutes..
Passive Augurs Have Discerned Object. Distance is 4.0E+5 Kilometres in Port-side/VEntral Augury arc. High Levels of Ionising Radiation Detected. High Levels of Warp Energy Detected.
"Boarding team departing from Glorius Aegis, estimated time to arrival: 24 minutes."
Implies that a boarding shuttle takes ~24 minutes to cover ~400,000 km or so. Implied acceleration (assuming nonstop acceleration) is anywhere from 30-80 gees. Probably less, since there ought to be at least some initial velocity from the starship. Velocity is ~278 km/s average, at least. Possibly as high as 75-80 gees if from a zero velocity over that range, and a maximum velocity closer to 500-600 km/s.

Page 8
Beta Shift: 2 Hours, 37 minutes.
"The Praecursor is moving. It flares with light and power...
"It slowly approahes us. I have ordered the ship to re-enter the Immaterium. The Navigator assures me that the preparations shall take only another five minutes."
Beta shift: 2 hours, 38 minutes - Auto-Log. Macrobatteries Discharge.
Beta Shift: 2 hours, 40 minutes- Lord-Captain Gideon Herain. "No effect. I've just unloaded a full broadside to no effect, against an unshielded, derelict ship barely the size of a frigate..."
No more than two minutes. Inferring from the evidence they haven't moved (they can still re-enter the warp and intend to, despite the fact that the area is specifically stated earlier to be disrupted and take a considerable time to cross, and the fact that the detection was lateral to the ship's path of travel.) that the distance is roughly the same - eg hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Lauching the shuttle and then deciding to re-enter the warp only reinforces the idea they didn't bother to close much if at all. Hell even assuming a full 15 minute burn at 15-20 gees, they're still only going to close aorund to maybe a light second or so, if that. Inferring no more than 2 minutes for the broadside to close we're talking.. 2500-3300 km/s average velocity.. and quite probably less than that, and an effective engagement range of 300-400 thousand km. KE for the projectile would be 'only' in the tens of megatons (~20-95 MT, assuming a 40-70 ton 'tank sized' projectile)
I'm sure it will still be argued about but... its not that big a difference in an order of magnitude perspective. Macro cannon still have to travel far faster than broadside missiles and torpedoes, which can easily achieve many hundreds of km/s (and still penetrate shields.) Depending on how one interprets broadside we're talking thousands to tens of thousands of km/s (a rolling broadside might take longer.) Hell we dont even know what kinds of weapons we're talking about, although energy beams would travel far faster and strike more rapidly, which would require interpretation of 'sustained' broadside - which is certianly possible. Hell even if its a mixed battery that sort of broadside is required. If these are missiles macro cannons (and railguns) would travel faster still.
Given that the shuttle itself (slower than torpedoes probably) is travelling at well over 300-500 km/s to reach the target we're likely talking a much higher velocity for broadside weapons.

Page 9
a list of ships missing over roughly a year : 4 frigates, 2 light cruisers, 2 cruisers, 3 raiders/destroyers, 1 Explorator and 3 transports. Presumably most, if not all are Imperial. Judging by the names, the Raiders may be pirates or neutral/civliialn, as well as the transport, but most of the frigates, and probably the cruisers are definietly part of some Imperial organization.

PAge 10
Vigilant class Reconnaissance Frigate, assigned to surveillance operations against the Ork menace of Undred-Undred Teef
Recon and observation frigate.

Page 10
4,029 Hours out of Port Wander: Successful translation from the Warp at the outer edges of system Designate...
Ship rigged for silent running, passive augury for potential planetary bodies commencing.
Ship took a little over 167 days to reach H-H-T from Port Wander.. maybe 100-150 LY or so going by map (and assuming straight line. 5 1/2 months. A mere 328c

Page 10
4,031 Hours out of Port Wander: Preliminary auguries complete. One stellar body and three planetary bodies detected. Stellar body classified as Umber-III (Corpse-Star)./ Planetary Body Primus, telluric planet .5 AU from primary, 5,000 km diameter, no observed satellites. Planetary Body Secundus, jovian planet 1.2 AU from primary, 45,000 km diameter, 8 observed satellites. Planetary Body Tertius, telluric planet planet 14.9 AU from primary, 9,500 km diameter, 1 possible observed satellite. Preliminary reports nevagive for hostile presence. Beginning secondary augury sweep.
4,034 Hours out of Port Wander: Secondary auguries complete. Primus atmosphere non-existent. Secundus atmosphere helium-argon mix. Tertius atmosphere carbon-dioxide nitrogen reducing atmosphere. Auguries negative for life-signs or hostile presence within system. Entering system at one-third forward, commencing tertiary (active) augury sweep.
4,068 Hours out of Port Wander: Tertiary Auguries complete. No additional relevant information to report.
4,097 Hours out of Port Wander: Signal detected from Planetary Body Tertius. Signal weak and intermittent, unable to resolve. May be Imperial in origin. Beginning quartary (active-focused) augury sweep of Planetary Body Tertius.
4,100 Hours out of Port Wander: Potential satlelite orbiting Tertius reclassified possible starship. Course change, approaching Tertius full forward. Hailing possible starship.
Ship makes passive scan of system. Note it is more than 15 AU away from the star, probably for sensor purpsoes. Spends several days sweeping the system. Hard to run estimates because we dont know distances. It takes over a day to get close in system though, so they aren't moving very fast. Even assuming a 10 AU distance from the target we're talking 2 days or so to reach within a few hundred thousand km or so of it it wouldn't be much faster than 8-10 thousand km/s. Hundreds to thousands of km/s seems likely.
Altrneately, if we assume 1/3 forward up to 4100 (32 hours) at 1/3 accel of about 2 gees or so, velocity is 2300 kps. Another 10 hours or so is going to double that.. so we're talking 4500-5000 kps perhaps as an upper limit. call it 3-5 thosuand km/s roughly.

PAge 10
4,108 Hours out of Port Wander: Approaching to maximum weapon range. Signal decrypted as distress beacon from starship Gaunt Triumph out of Footfall.
..Boarding Parties to shuttles.
4,110.5 Hours out of Port Wander: Boarding parties away.
4,111 Hours out of Port Wander: Boarding parties transmit preliminary report. Ship interior sustained moderate to severe damage.
Assuming "maximum weapon range". going by previous example it took the shuttle
Going by hundreds or thousands of km/s velocity we might get range sof hundreds of thousands or millions of km. Depends alot on how the accel/decel plots played out. 300-400K km seems liekly, as that matches the previous "boarding time' transit from before. Might be as high as 500-600 km/s depending on relative velocities and the slightly longer time in this case (for "maximum weapons range, that is.'

PAge 11
[Image shows grainy footage of corridor illuminated by several stab-lights. image appears to be taken from helmet pict-corder.]
Boading crews have helmet mounted picture recoridng devices.

PAge 11
[Individual in void suit consistent with Naval armsman moves towards door.]
[second suited figure moves to door. Glare, intermittent flashes consistnet with thermal lance.]
[Image lost for 349 seconds. Resumes, new corridor. Bulkhead walls appear wapred, as if subjected to intense heat.]
[Subject 3: registering heightened stress levels]
[Subject 4: registering extreme stress levels]
Thermal lance, void suits, the pict cam or some other device can detect stress levels. They have lots of information available

All astropaths on stations lost due to Scholastica Psykana conditioned self suicide...
Probably a security measure against possession. If they are going to go daemonic.. better the potential host dies.

Page 13
This would, normally, have been unremarkable save for the fact that the Brutal Interdiction was at the time still in the shipyards of Cypra Mundi, undergoing final consecreation, and due not to be launched for another four years.
4 years to "consecrate' a firestorm class frigate.. this sort of lengthy shit would be the thing that can stretch out shipbuilding to decades.

Page 17
The planet's atmosphere is thin to the point of uselessness - although if someone attmepted to breath it their lungs might well freeze before they suffocated. The following heavy-duty enviromental gear is a must if one wishes to walk on the planet's surface:
*Some form of rebreather with air canister.
*Survival suit, sealed and heated carapace armour, power armour, or a void suit.
It implies that they couldn't survive more than a matter of minutes.. less than an hour, in the cold even if they have some sort of cloak or coat. Mention of varied "enviromental" gear available to rogue traders.

Page 17
The extreme cold also has an effect on weapons, sapping energy and causing components to warp, degrade, and deform. Unless specially adapted for cold operations with wire heaters and the like, weapons can suffer these effects from prolonged cold exposure (at least a day or more). Las weapons reduce their clip size to half normal as the cold drains their charge packs.
any weapon that fires projectiles gains the Unreliable trait. Plasma and melta weapons are unaffected by the cold.
Chain, shock, and power weapons reduce the damage they deal... as charge packs falter and gears freeze up.
Effects of atmosphere on weapons. Even the ['reliable' lasweapons suffer. Plasma nad melta don't funny enough.

PAge 18
While its most common use is as an additive greatly enhancing promethium, nephium has other properties that are little understood by the techno-magi of the ADeptus Mechanicus. For one thing, nephium reacts violently to organic tissues - to touch unrefined nephium with bare skin usually results in eventual, painful death.
if there's any correlation betwene the abundance of the semi-solid material...
Nephium - Promethium additve. A semisolid one.

Page 18
Most of them are now lost beneath tracts of vast Imperial machinery, thermally shielded habconstructs, and gargantuan storage tanks.
Cold weather facilities.

Page 19 geosynchronous orbit over the nephium fields..
Victory station is a heavily modified Chasm class void-station, a ring construction roughly as large as a cruiser. IT has a small population for its size - only 20,000 souls.
harvest foodstuffs from the starch-vats and protein pits...
Geosynch, cruiser sized orbital station, with food producing facilities.

Page 20
..instead the workers, whoa re slaves in all but name, are hustled into various squads and suicide-auxiliaries. They are issued armoured heat suits..
bearing unexploded nephium-laced explosives, mining charges..
Nephium used to enhance explosives as well.. it seems. Also armoured heated suits for suicide troops.

Page 23
By taking shards of Egarian crystal and subjecting them to specialised chemicals and treatments, the fragments can become pliable; allowing them to flex in a way similar to rope or netting. Because the crystal is able to channel light and energy, once fashioned into a flexible mesh, it can then be used to supplement armour. Once bonded to the standard armour shell, the suit has energy-channelling properties that allow it to bleed off heat and other forms of energy. Geode Mesh is an armour upgrade tht can be applied to Flak, Mesh and CArapace Armour.
..but adds +3 kg to the armour's weigh. It has an availability of Very Rare.
Armour upgrade in an interesting way. Not unlike Vitrian mesh.

Page 25-26
the multitudes of perfectly spherical rocks - several hundred metres in diametre - spin in many complex orbits around the star.
Auspex scans reveal these spheroids to be nothing special; just ordinary rock, completely inert and unresponsive to all scans. However, no expedition has been able to drill more than a few centimetres into the stones before the mining equipment mysteriously failed. It is said that one Rogue trader even tried to fracture a rock with lance-fire to no avail.
Super lance-reisstant rocks.

Page 27
..some unknown individual built an astropathic relay tower on the surface of the newly discovered Station of passage. Perhaps this unknown individual intended to earn a tidy profit, relaying and boosting astropathic signals through the unreliable maelstrom of the Maw.
The records simply refer to when the station went operational - 002.M41 - and record that five astropaths and attendant minders were disaptched to the site. For the next five years, teh same number of astropaths were dispatched to 2819-Rho...
However, every 17 minutes the installation still broadcasts its astropathic beacon-signal, detectable up to several light years away.
Astropathic realay tower. Broadcast signal of some kind, used to relay and boost signals for various purposes (communication, etc.) Assuming the propgation rate is 17 minutes, and a 2-3 LY range we,re talking 60-90 thousand c propogation rate for the signal. FOr a single astorpatha t least. This is a lower limit, as it could be quite faster.

Page 30
The crumbling remains of ancient hive cities thousands of kilometres across span the entire planet, and fully two thirds of the land lies in the shadow of their shattered domes. The whole planet is a single landmass punctuated here and there by deep, broad, freshwater lakes.
It is a human planet. Perhaps a DaoT culture..

Page 30-31
Those who have explored the abandoned cities report they are covered by massive, powerfully constructed domes towering three kilometres high, built of reinforced plascrete and parchment-thin glass that is harder than diamond. The shattered domes are supported by rusted buttresses a kilometre high mounted in armoured bulkwarks forty metres thick.
The few who have braved the deadly, crumbling underhives report even greater discoveries - huge arcane arrays of machinery, vast banks of slumbering cogitator arrays, underground caverns a kilometre long that look for all the world like barracks, armouries, marshalling yards and immense gun emplacements mounted with macrocannons large enough to hull a battleship in high orbit. Some say the underhives go on forver, that they burrow straight to the heart of NAduesh...
underhives, super durable domes... and lots of crazy shit.

Page 30
Other structures contain either powerful augur arrays or retractable weapons batteries which he states dwarf those on Imperial battleships.
Generally alot of hints and rumors state about the planet being artificial in many ways, its orbit and roation, its interior and surface, the animal population, etc. And incredibly well armed as noted before.

Page 33
In the Imperium, it is rare that ships are broken and scrapped. Each starship is a valuable prize representing decades of construction and filled with arcane and priceless technology. However, through battle, disaster, or hard use, some ships do become unenable.
Ships represent 'decades' of construction... although considering all the rituals and shit that years are devoted to.. small wonder. A Lunar class can be built (in contrast) in 11 years by a freaking feral world!

Page 33
The Receiving Yard is a massive, spindle-shaped space station thirty kilometres long that orbits the Breaking Yards.
30 km long station.

Page 34
The Breaking Yards are built on and throughout a clump of asteroids and planetary fragments roughly 3,500 kilometres in diameter, loosely bound together by one of SR-651's errant gravitational anomalies. Massive chains and hundreds of kilometres of flexible, semi-rigid pressure corridors connect the disparate pieces of the complex.
The asteroids are home to crude hangars, slips and workshops for the breaking of ships. Interesting construct.

Page 34
The facilities of the yard mount hundreds of salvaged, dismounted macrobatteries and lances, along with thousands of close defence turrets, bristling from the rocks and asteroids.
Yard defences.

Page 35
..the Anvil more closely resembles an abandoned forge world than a typical hive. The face of the planet is covered with obscure laboratories and sprawling factories hundreds of kilometres long. Its great hives are a twisting maze of steel and stone and unidentifiable composites under crystalline domes thousands of metres high.
Above it all orbit silent stations..
..and empty shipyards, some still with keels laid in their slips..
A recently discovered dead world... human, but the inhabitants are long gone.

Page 36
He brought his not-inconsiderable martial assets to bear and invaded the planet, causing millions of deaths and untold destruction. Not long after the invasion, Seldon was killed when his ship was destroyed by saboteurs, and his forces bogged down fighting the well equipped and highly trained professional armies of Pastorus.
Now, decades later, the remains of Seldon's armies are still entrenched on the planet they've renamed Seldon's Folly, forever fighting the dwindling planetary defence forces.
..these armies have reduces the once-beautiful world to a smouldering, crater-filled warzone. Where the land is not poisoned it is radioactive, and the skies are clouded with chemical weapons and blackened by the smoke of charnel fires. Eventually, all life will be destroyed on Seldon's Folly...
Convnentional warfare renders planet uninhabitable in decades... millions of death in the short term at that.

Page 41
During their survey, it was discovered that somnium VIII, along with an inordinate wealth of precious stones and metals, held an extremely rich adamantium deposit, a vein hundreds of kilometres wide stretching halfway around the planet's equator.
Not unlike Nostramo I guess.

Page 43
The Disciples of Thule discovered Illisk after following up on log entries regarding contact between xenos worlds and the Imperium, found within the famous Dolorium Vaults in 745.M41. After collating the dat from hundreds of servitor-manned probes, they located what they thought was the location of a possible lost Explorator colony.
These "servitor probes" I suspect may have been warp capable, since they located a lost colony that way.

Page 44
Each niche was surrounded by monitoring systems and displays resembling the sensoria-beds used in Imperial medicae facilities.
(relatively) high tech medical gear in medicae facilities.

Page 46
An ancient log purported to have been recovered from an automated servitor-piloted drone have reported that the habitable worlds appear ot be in a state of evolutionary suspension - that is, the planet's ecology has been the same for the past several thousand millenia!
This type of stagnation is only commonly found on Eldar Maiden and Exodite worlds.
Given the distinct lack of Eldar presence in the system (aside from the occasional pirate and corsair fleet), it would appear that this practice is no longer limited to their worlds alone.
There's also mention of the things being subjected ot intense radiation yet remaining utterly lush and habitable.. generally all the "paradise world" shit attributed to such worlds. Theory is they were marked for colonisation but the eldar never got around to it. Why this 'method' seems to be spreading.. who knows. It may be the Eldar, or someone else.. or it may be something that got out of hand and spread.
note again the Automated servitor-piloted drones. :P

Page 47
Due to the massive gravity wells generated by the twin stars, all but the most exceptional Navigators must exit the warp well away from the system, leaving the dangerous and dense field of rock and debris between the ship and the interor of the Serpent's cradle.
Dual stars prevent evne more of a navigational error

Page 51
Moving at speeds that baffled Navigators who witnessed it, the Orks traversed the Maw in mere days, striking first at those vessels that rushed to depart Port Wander. Thirty-seven merchant haulers and transports were reduced to burnign wreckage, and a dozen Rogue TRaders found their prized vessels torn apart by swarms of raiders and frigates...
Forces destroyed by the Orks. I'm guessing we're talking tens if not hundreds (perhaps thousands?) of light years spanned in mere days

Page 51
Lord Admiral Androvast Strophes is credited by many as being the hero of the war, leading fully two-thirds of Battlefleet Calixis in the final assault from his flagship, the Retribution-class Battleship Fist of Adamant...
..a punishing braodside duel that sentenced the Fist of Adamant to spacedock for half a century.
repairs for a battleship in dealing with orks. 2/3 of battlefleet calixis.. if we use BFK as a benchmark there could be 100+ ships in BF Calixis/

Page 51
..a fleet consisting of hundreds of vessels burst form the Maw, laying siege to Port Wander for two years until Battlefleet Calixis and the Adeptus Mechanicus shattered the Ork forces...
The Ork fleet. One infers the Admech/Calixis forces may have been of roughly similar scale.. even if they were outnumbered 3-4 to 1 you'd expect a good 50-60 ships.

Page 52
A vast and barren world beneath a searing white star, Krakskull only barely supports life. A complete lack of native life has allowed Orkoid flora and fauna to spring up in places, though the generla lack of moisture and the blistering heat make this difficult at the best of times.
heat and lack of moisture can hamper Ork growth. They are fungus of a kind after all.

Page 53
A Waaagh! is forming.
..the remaining few Kaptins not already subordinate to a greater Ork engage in vicious battles and cunning raids to see who will lead an army of billions of Orks.
A billions-strong WAAAGH. This isnt as big as Armageddon's WAAGh.

Page 55
However, occasional survivor's reports claim that the Warlord is some three and a half metres tall and may weigh as much as half a tonne, carrying a massive chain-axe that, wielded by Morgaash's immense strength, is sufficient to shear thorugh deck plating and leave gouges in bulkheads and blast doors.
3.5 metre tall, half a ton ork walrord. Not the biggest ever born.

Page 56
Da WurldBreaka
Hull: Ork Battleship
Class: Unique Ork "Battlekroozer"
Dimensions: 11 km long approx, 1.8 km abeam approx.
Mass: unknown, believed to be greater than 100 megatonnes
Crew: Unknown, but likely at least 250,000 greenskins.
Accel: 2.4 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
An Ork battleship. Earlier assessment conisdered it to be in excess of 100 megatonnes. Gives a good indicator of 'battleship' sizes.

Page 56
Dorsal pulsa rokkitz Battery: Too small and short-ranged to act like true torpedoes, these bizarre rockets generate concussive shockwaves, gravity pulses and magnetic fields that disrupt enemy vessels.
Amusingly Weirdboy towers can fire as a macrobattery or lance.. so they must have two kinds of both. Also the pulsa rokkits.

Page 57
Da Big REd Button: If this vessel chooses not to turn, it may move an additional 2d5 VUs during its Manoeuvre Action.
To go faster. Ork afterburn, even on a huge battleship.

Page 57
..while clouds of dust and gas cause void shields to flicker sporadically and interefere with augurs, making navigation into the heart of the cluster perilous at the best of times.
dust and gas clouds mess with augurs and void shields. by themselves they wouldn't do much, but its perhaps suggestive of how fast the ship is travelling when it 'collides' with dust/gas clouds (friction and such) - it might imply hundreds or even thousands of km/s velocity.

Page 58
..the Eldar have been a scattered and divided species, surviving within myriad Craftworlds, Corsair fleets, Exodite colonies and in other places besides.
Eldar "populations' Does not include Maiden world colonies settled by the craftworlds (mentioned below.)

Page 59
Already, several of its outposts and a number of the Maiden Worlds under its [Kaelor's] protection have suffered..
Kaelor, incidentally is the craftworld created by CS Goto in the "Eldar Prophecy" novel and a number of short stories... it seems to have been appropriated and somewhat altered to suit the FFG. I honestly consider this a good thing. The Events of Eldar Prophecy, incidentally, seem to hav etaken place in the distant past, some 3 millenia ago. Like all other Craftworld, there are colonies and outposts in their sphere of influence. One imagines all sectors have such, and have contact with at least one craftworld.

Page 61
void-sealed armour (Grants full life support, long-range encrypted vox, auspex, and Dark Sight, and contains inbuilt void impellor units which grant Flyer 12 in null gravity),
Void armor.

Page 62
Memory of Lament
Class: Customised Solaris-class Light Cruiser
Dimensions: 3.8 km long approx, 0.4km abeam approx.
Mass: 13 megatonnes, approx
Crew: unknown
Accel: 9.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Stats of a modified light cruiser.

PAge 66
The Kroot homeworld of Pech lies on the far side of the galaxy to the Expanse, a distance that typically takes years to cross. That the Kroot have arrived in the Expanse is peculiar, at least to those who know of their origins and understand how far they are from the planet of their birth.
..many Kroot hired as mercenaries speak of Pech as if it is within easy reach of the Expanse.
IT would take "years" to cross the galaxy. Whether this is for the Imperium, for anyone else, or both we dont know. Tens of thousands of c, dependng on how many years.

Page 66
However, their archaic-looking rifles fire powerful charged-particle blasts, and they navigate the stars in massive starships called warspheres - vessels that are part warship and part migratory home for countless Kroot.
Kroot rifles fire "charged particle blasts" - pulse ammo is modified from tau fire warrior ammo.

Page 73
By the standards of the Imperium, Rak'Gol technology is quite primitive.
Important to remember.

Page 73
Most of their weapons are deadly mono-blades, spears, or some combination of the two...
Rak'gol favor simple projectile weapons, firing either oversized stub ammunition, or barbed razor-shells that tear and rend on impact.
Rak'gol personal arms.

PAge 73
- Marauders have implanted vox, photo-visor and suicide devie, as well as a bionic respiratory system.

Page 74
The war vessels of the Rak'Gol are seemingly primitive compared to those of the Imperium of Man...
One of the most unique features of Rak'Gol vessels are their propulsion systems; they use fission-pulse drives powered by unshielded atomic piles. The radiation produced by such abominable devices is extremely intense....
They tend to favour the short-ranged, rapid fire macroweapons, compensating for smaller warheads with increased rate of fire.
Their vessels also bristle with many short-ranged defensive turrets, designed to fill space around the ship with clouds of high-velocity slugs.
Again Rak'gol ships are 'primitive' compared to Imperial ones... especially their drive systems and projectile weapons. Note despite using 'atomic piles' and 'fission pulse' drives, it has to be a magic (magical torch0 fission pulse drive, because realistic versions could not possibly push a multimetagon starship at single digit gees. And Imperial starships can perform better, performance wise!

Page 74
RAk'Gol Marauder Hull: Raider (Xenos Pirate vessel class)
Dimensions: approx 1.5 km long; approx 0.8 km abeam at widest fins
Mass 7.2 megatonnes approx.
Crew: unknown number, but thought to be upwards around 20,000-30,000 xenoforms
Accel: 7 gravities maximum sustainable acceleration.
Rak'Gol escort.

Page 74
..have impressive amounts of speed thanks to their fission pulse drives. However, though they are quite fast they are slow to manoeuvre...
"Stutter' class Fission-pulse drives are inferior to the standard plasma drives employed by vessels of the Imperium, relying on explosive 'pulsed' fission reactions to move their ships through the void. In general, they can accelerate to great speeds, but fall short on manoeuvrability.
Note the drives are 'inferior' to plasma drives.

Page 79
Stryxis Caravan Vessel
Transport hull, Xenos Merchant Trader
Dimensions: approx 2.0-5.0 km long, approx 0.3 km abeam
Mass 7-14 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 5,000-20,000 crew approx. (most will be non-STryxis)
accel 2.3 gravities max acceleration.
Stryxis ship. They have weird "ghost' wepaonry that can phase through or ignore shields, among other weird shit.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2 of Edge of the Abyss Prepare for the insanity that is the Death-star scale of commerece and resource usage a Rogue Trader engages in... TRILLIONS OF MEGATONS. annually. Yes, the filthy maximalist number-wanking side of me cackled at that too. Its not even firepower related. Its commerce. COMMERCE! muahahaha!

Page 80
..the Saynay Clan is composed of bloodthirsty cannibals and sorcerers and is descended from the exiled scions of a vile and depraved noble family.
... is reckoned they bound dameons into tormented, half-dead Navigators and used these unfortunate wretches to guide their journey and allow their escape into the Koronus Expanse.
..they have used their viciousness and sorcery to raid other vessels across the Expanse, capturing crew and passengers to use as food, sacrifices, and daemon-hosts, and where possible stealing ships to add to their rag-tag flotilla.
Redneck cannibals in Space. With daemons.

Page 81
..the reavers and pirates who voyaged to this befouled world set forth into the Expanse, snatching up hundreds of thousands of unfortunates...
..Iniquity has become the dark port for piracy and the wolf packs of the Expanse...
The mortal cargo of lost souls brought to the world are driven into the mines to toil unto death and sometimes beyond, with some scraping minerals and metals from the stone, while others labour in grand forges and furnace-pits to turn the metals into starship components, weapons and wargear for their masters.
The scope of Reaver activities.

Page 81
The world upon which Vall's empire will begin remains unknown and unnamed..
..yet dozens of pious Rogue Traders have sworn to locate and burn it...
Dozens of rogue traders in teh sector at least.

Page 82
With a simple hand gesture, the psyker seizes the target's vital organs with his mind, squeezing and twisting to cause agonising pain and bleeding.
A bit like a similar power described elsewhere, but alot more brutal and optimised for prolonging the suffering.

Pgae 83
The psyker can mould his flesh like others would mould clay, making himself stronger, tougher or faster. However, every change comes with a price.
He can increase one of his abilities (Eg STrength) dramatically, but must also decrease one of his other abilities (agility) to compensate.
...he may alter his appearance. Gender, height and body mass must remain the same, as must eye colour. However, the psyker can change hair colour, skin tone, muscle tone, and even apparent age - within 10 years of his actual age.[/quote]
One assumes that this is a "bad" or chaos power because it is too close to mutation in how it works. Given that the next power listed describes growing scales.. otherwise it is mutation but also like psychic polymorphine.

Page 83
The psyker warps his flesh into something aliena nd utterly terrible. His skin hardens into roughs cales, his arms ripple with cords of muscle, and his hands warp into sharp talons.
He turns into a Necromundan Scaly.. an abhuman lizardman thingy.

Page 83
The Psyker's mind descends into the warp, making contact with one of its nefarious denizens. Thorugh force of will, the psyker attempts to compel the creature to do his bidding, though the process scars his soul.
summons some kind of daemon under the user's control.
They also describe "descending into the warp" to whisper lies to his enemies (psychically) to fuck with their heads and turn them against their comrades. A rather common feat we've seen in the fluff (Eg Battle for the Abyss.) The next page also describes "listening" to the warp to learn secrets and hints of upcoming events. (A sort of precog.)

Page 84
Both sorcery and psychic powers manipulate the warp. however, psychic abilities are an abnormality that manifest in a relatively rare few individuals, a pure and potent connection to the immaterium allowing a that person to manipulate the fvery fabric of reality. In theory, the only limits on what psykers can accomplish with their powers are the limits their own mind imposes - although in actuality many facets of a psyker's life will determine what their abilities can accomplish.
Makes a sort of sense. The warp is heavily influenced by belief, especially the unconscious stuff, and the unconscious is generally stronger than anything conscious (logic compared to baser feelings like fear, greed, lust, etc.) It also maks sense given that the truly powerful psykers, like Alpha-level, are invariably insane.
If rationality and logic are actually a detriment to manipulating the warp efficiently (which could explain why Chaos powers tend to abhor logic, high technology society in general, and so on.), this would explain much the rationale behind the Emperor's "Imperial Truth" during the Crusade and his general attempt to stamp out religion.

Page 84
Sorcery, on the other hand, is theoretically available for anyone to use. The sorcerous arts rely on formula, ritual, rite and the user's own belief in such practices to briefly dip into the bottomless well of the Immaterium. Every mind - with a few rare excpetions such as Untouchables - has a presence within and a connection to the warp. Sorcery works through that connection.
This makes sense as well. We have countless examples of non-psyker types who can, in some degree tap the warp in some manner (mass belief like with the Sororitas, Orks and the WAAAGH, etc.) and it gives some snse to the apparent absurd notions of "rites" and "rituals" ascribed to even the most mundane of things (like in operating cogitators, guns, etc. We know the warp can adversely influence and even corrupt technology and inert material, so countering it with faith/belief is perhaps a necessity.)
Ritual and all the other trappings of sorcery also serve as artificial "amplifiers" to that power, the same way a Astorpath or other psyker might use bits of technology to amplify existing warp links or create adidtional connections for tapping the warp (psy-reactive crystals or the Emperor's Tarot, for example.) I would also include connections to warp entities and gods as amplifiers.. they either strengthen the innate connection, or provide other, artificial connections that can be channeled (and ones that are protected at that, much like Soul Binding. albeit with a cost usually.)
Of course, we also know that even inanimate objects (like swords, dead bodies, etc.) can be infused with their own warp connections (most often by imbuing it with a warp entitiy like a daemon), so it shoudl be possible to implant a connection in someone who has no link to the warp at all (you probably could in an untouchable, but you would have to burn out the anti-psyker aura to do it. Witness Wystan frauka as an example.)

Page 86
Their [Saynay sorcerer] rituals involve sacrifice, blood, and cannibal consumption, preferably while the victim is still alive to witness the feast.
They use their warp-divination to plot courses for their masters, and consume their masters' foes in hellfire.
Sorcerers are also known to infiltrate the worlds and statison of the Koronus Expanse [to conduct murders].
Sometimes, the Saynay sorcerer may summon fell warp-creatures to do their bidding, preferring to do so in packed marketplaces and other locations where helpless folk tend to congregate.
Uses of sorcery. AS we know from other sourcs (EG soul Hunter) you can use sorcerers for navigation

Page 87
The Blade-thing is a daemon that thrives on fear and blood. It possesses a mlaicious, animalistic cunning, and often shows a proclivity to slay unseen, only to leave evidence of its work for others to discover.
..tales are told that if the sorcerer has any open cuts or owunds on himself, the Blade-thing will take his life instead, and return to the warp.
Ususally its brought by a sacrifice killed by a blade cut and the resulting blood, but as we see, there are hints that the warp as usual plays by its own rules.

Page 89
Promise of Sedition:
Class: corrupted Murder-class cruiser.
Dimensions: 5 km long approx, 0.9km abeam approx.
Mass 31 megatonnes, approx
Crew: 95,000 approx
Accel: 4.2 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
Murder class cruiser.

Page 90
..fewer than one in a hundred thousand star systems are reckoned to be home to Imperial worlds, with those that remain often uninhabitable or held by one of the innumerable alein species that exist within the galaxy.
There are a WIDE vareity of estimates for the number of stars in the galaxy, both in real life and in the 40K sources. The minimum most often cited is 100 billion (and some 40K fluff supports that) whilst other common numbers range between 200-400 billion (which also has some support in the fluff.) Others suggest higher, anywhere upwards of a trillion or more systems (which at least has support with one other refrence, which actually is a FFG one ironically.)
This alone can lead to a wildly variable number of Imperial systems, anywhere from 1-4 million at least, possibly upwards of a billion (albeit highly unlikely in that respect.) what's more, the context leave sit possible for it to be "less than one in a hundred thousand", so that number could go down some, within limits (EG its probably not 1 in 200,000, else they would have used that.)
Also keep in mind this is merely the numer of systems claimed by the Imperium, not individual planets, moons, and other settled areas, which could in light of other sources (eg billions of "worlds") could suggest many Imperial systems are typically quite densely inhabited (although it also indicates that "worlds" includes stuff like moons, dead worlds, etc. which does fit in with what is known.)
All in all though, it is still just an estimate, so probably shouldn't be read into either way with too much precision on its own. Rather, it helps us to refine all the other data into something more meaninful (EG we can probably rule out "billions of worlds" meaning billions of systems in the Imperium.)

Page 90
It is very likely they voyaged into the Koronus Expanse secretly long before Purity Lathimon discovered the Koronus Passage.
..while rumours and legens of the Koronus Passage have existed for several millenia... Thule's Explorators have only rarely been seen entering it from either side, leading many to suspect that the Magos and his closest followers know of other, secret routes through the Great Warp Storms.
As usual we see the AdMech likes to keep secrets (even from itself, probably.)

Page 90
Many of the smaller fleets that identify themselves as Disciples of Thule are led by Magi who studied under Thule himself...
Others simply have adopted Thule's philosohpies - for his views are ones commonly and often controversially aired amongst the Tech-Priests of the Calixis Sector and surrounding regions...
Thule is of a more progressive/radical leaning than most AdMech.. as is often the case with Explorator types. This means he's more forgiving of things like 'research' and 'innovation.'

Page 91
Noble families, commerical concerns, even religious factions, local branches of the military and the adminsitratum and the Imperial Commanders of dozens of worlds all owe at least some of their prosperity and power ot the support and financial backing of House Krin.
..being one of the few remaining noble bloodlines of the Sector to have remained true to its familial roots rather than becoming a corporation hidden behind the facade of nobility...
..the banking house soon invested money in a succession of Rogue Traders....
House Krin was no different, finding fully half of its investments into the Koronus Expanse rendered worthless by death and disaster. Those that triumphed, however, brought back incredible wealth; by some accounts many of those who returned were able to pay back ten times what had been invested in them.
Largely, whilst others have also bankrolled Rogue Traders, most backed off as the majority ended up failing, often bankrupting the backers in the process. Krin is one of the few to continue being able to do that, which tells you something about the scale of its wealth and its ability to gamble despite the fact the Expanse, thus far, seems to be a generally losing proposition.
Krin represents the sector level 'banking house' system.. which in the Imperium is privatized entirely.

Page 92
the roll of years giving their [Krin again] agents in Port wander the experience needed to better judge who to back and who to refuse until almost eight in every ten of the expeditions they invested in return with their holds overflowing.
.. was Istain Vanerre-Krin, who operated the Port Wnader offices, who opened his coffers and secured the services of every mercenary present - some hundred thousand men in total - for the port's defence..
Naturally he didnt stick around for the fight, but that he bought out forces to defend the port is still telling. That smore than other Normas.

Page 92
Even as Vex attmepted to wage war, Krin issued privateer commissions to hunt him down and claim his ship in the House's name. The threat of repossession - not to mention House Krin's political elverage - was sufficient to convince Vex to capitulate. Soldon VEx was bound to their service for twenty years before his debts were considered repaid.
Repossession in 40K is just another word for legal piracy.

Page 92
Every year, dozens of Rogue Traders deal with House Krin for loans, using the finances obtained to fund a planned expedition.
Dozens of rogue traders "every ear' annual dealings iwth Krin.

Page 93
Carried into the sector to settle the worlds of the Drusus Marches...
..a dozen old and established criminal syndicates from worlds in Segmentum Solar warred silently even on the colonist transports that took them to newly-conquered worlds. By the time the transports finally reached the Drusus Marches subsector, the war was almost over, the shattered remannts of each crime baron's armies slowly rebuilt into a single, larger one - the Kasballica.
Shortly after Calixis was settled they fragmented again into warfare, until the Expanse came to their attention. They eventually moved into the Expanse due to the Cold Trade in xenos/archeotech technology, and operate out of Footfall, although this success put it at odds with the Calixis faction and caused another war until the threat of other criminal syndicates forced a unity between Expanse and Calixian factions.

Page 93
Lacking the reosurces to venture out into the Expanse by themselves, they must contet themselves with trade deals, dealing illicit goods for ac ut of the profits.
They apparently don't have the capability to obtain or maintain starships, at least not legally (and anything illegal probably won't do for smuggling or the Cold Trade.)

Page 95
And while they cannot so easily wnader beyond the edges of Imperial space themselves, thre are Inquisitors always watching the ports that lay scattered across these myriad frontiers, like Port Wander, waiting for a Rogue trader to return so that he migth be "questioned" about his activities and discoveries.
For any Rogue Trader, a confrontation with an Inquisitor is likely to be an unpelasant thing, for few Rogue Traders routinely deal with other individuals as powerful or forceful as they are. That is, essentially, what an Inquisitor represents to a Rogue Trader: an authroity that matches their own, and may evne surpass it,...
Inquisitorial operatiosn within the Expanse are limited by a simple lack of legal authority. Aboard a Rogue Trader's vessel, outside the Imperium, a Rogue Trader is lord and master and speaks with the Voice of the Emperor Himself.
Rogue trader vs Inqisitor.

Page 96
..they believe the Contessas are remnants of the Meritech Clans, a group of nomads with blasphemously advanced tehcnology that rebelled against the Imperium more than six hundred years previously.
To supply a fleet of ships while remaining outside the jurisdiction of the Imperium requires talent and resourcefulness. They may have to rend the hulls of those unfortunates they come across, salvaging whatever possible form the wreckage.
Meanwhile the four increase the size of their now-formidable fleet and have drawn the attention of the Imperium.
The Meritech clans... technologicla nomad/pirates. The Contessas are tied ot them, and are the leaders of the Cortalax confedreacy.. which is how they are so high tech.

PAge 96
Though unable to use her hands, she surpasses this disability with her vast technical knowledge in the realm of engines, weaponry, data systems and augury devices. In fact, she has constructed a host of augmentic systems that more-than compensate for her birth defect - and it is said that her back and skull is covered with MIU links and cortical plugs that can connect her to a horde of machine minions.
One of the "Contessas" Noted to control the largest contingent of ships and the ones most often encountered. Would suggest that there are at least four separate fleets of the Cortelax confederacy.

Page 96 unknown man encased from head to foot in sophisticated carapace armour appeared out of thin air on the bridge of MAaer's ship, the Golden Finch (suggesting the Confederacy has attained sophisticated archeotech or xenos technologies.) Armed with a heavy bolter on grav-suspensors..
suspensors, implied high end carapace (depends on what sophisticated means, and probable teleporters.

Page 96-97
Initial reports from teh Golden Finch suggest that the Confederacy controls dozens of vessels in a hodgepodge variety including an array of capital ships and escorts.
..its captain communicated sighting another felet, similar in size but in another neighbouring system. Spread throughout nearby systems but never far apart, the Confederacy trolls about the Expanse.
..are able to quickly mobilised to each others aid, capable of amassing scores of ships.
Scores and dozens.. is probably an underestimate.. quite possibly upwards ofa h undred, although how many are "proper" warships are up for debate. Size of the Confederacy forces, though not all ar tur ewarships Id gather.

Page 100
For every Aspyce Chorda and Calligos Winterscale operating out there [in the Expanse] there are dozens, possibly hundreds of younger, hungrier Rogue Tradrs waiting in the wings.
There are four others mentioned here, but other sources, like Lure of the Expanse, mention others of similar power (at least a good 2-3 others for sure).. which could translate into lots of rogue traders (on the scale of "hundreds" or "thousands" mentioned earlier.) Clearly there are lots of Rogue traders (with lots of vessels - hundreds or even thousahds) in the sector.

Page 102
Winterscale's fleet runs the gamut of vessels from seedy tramp freighters and lurking raiders to huge mass conveyors and everything in between.
..his fleet has a higher number of "ships of the line" than any other Rogue Traders. Multiple cruisers sail under his banner, led by his flagship, the grand cruiser Emperor's Vow.
Calligos prefers to commision or employ "independent" interests for his tasks, and thus the ship flying the Winterscale flag that shows up at a port may or may not actually be a Dynasty vessel. Therefore, the size of hsi fleet is constantly in flux, making it impossible to estimate Winterscale's true strength.
Scope of Winterscale's fleet and naval assets. One of the few Rogue traders with a grand cruiser.

Page 103
Emperor's Vow
Class: Modified Avenger-class Grand cruiser
Dimensions: 6 km long, 1 km abeam at finms approx.
Mass: 31.7 Megatonnes approx.
Crew: 120,000 approx
Accel: 2.9 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
Grand cruiser.

Page 103
The Grand cruisers straddled the line between cruisers and battleships, heavier and slower than a cruiser but less armed than a true battleship. In the last few millenia the Imperial Navy has moved away from grand cruisers, preferring the more agile and versatile battlecruisers. However, grand cruisers can still be found in reserve fleets across the Imperium.
Grand cruisers are sluggish and more specialised.. but wre also supposed to be tougher and more powreful. They ar reserve fleet vessels.

Page 103
No one knows for certain where the Emperor's Vow first originated, although the reserve fleets of Battlefleet Gothic are a likely possibility.

The Gothic sector has its own reserve fleets.

Page 104
At the age of eleven, her father got her a commission in the Imperial Navy...
The Navy accepts women into its ranks. In theory, although we have seen female ensign and midshepmen and such.

Page 105
The Chorda Dynasty's mercantile fleet is the envy of most Rogue Traders in the Expanse, and rivals even Winterscale's vast flotillas in number of hulls and sheer firepower. Chorda's ships tend toward small, fast frigate and raider class hulls. These are multi role ships...
Since she tends to haul smaller, higher yield cargoes, there are few capital ships in the service of the Chorda dynasty...
Difference between Chorda and Winterscale fleets.

Page 105
..the location of its headquarters and shipyards remain unknown for securtiy reasons, the Dynasty has interests in every major region.
The Assets in the Expanse are only a fraction of the wealth of the Chorda Dynasty, whose homeworlds are in the Calixis sector, along with the bulk of their business and investments.
They have alot of territory and assets, obviously.

Page 106
Implacable Flame
class: Modified Ignis-class Cruiser
Dimensions: 5.1 km long, 0.8 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 27.5 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 95,000 approx.
Accel: 2.9 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
RT cruiser.

Page 106
Initially laid down in M37 at the Ryza yards as Searing Light, the Impaclable Flame was the lead ship of her class, the experimental and failed Ignis-class heavy cruisers. Designed to carry devastating plasma weaponry in large broadside batteries, the Ignus class was to be a close-quarters ship that would operate in squadrons of battleship killers. Their powerful engines and thick armour would allow them to weather fire while they closed with larger prey, where concentrated plasma broadsides would cripple a target. While good in theory, the plasma drives could not provide power for the weapons while maintaining thrust under heavy armour.
Cruiser squadrons armed with plasma cannon tried as "battleship killers" Note the obivous and consideable connection between engine outputs and weapons and ship mass. tRadeofss and tradeoffs/

Page 106
..the continued upkeep of the only Ignus vessel was too expensive and she was decomissioned and sold out of the service.
... she saw service with numerous provincial navies and private shipping concerns.
She was rebuilt so often that it's thought her keel is the only part of the original ship remaining.
note the ship was too expensive to maintain as an active naval ship. And rather than mothballing her, they sold her out of service (not unlike the Grand cruisers like the one Winterscale owns.) We constnatly get told how rare and precious and hard to build warships are, yet they decomission and even sell them and build new ones. Clearly there are some hefty limits to this. :P
Secondly, 'provincial navies' - EG local defence forces bought it as well as private (commerical/merchant) ships. Yet another indication of how local governmental and mercantile/commercial interests may maintain their own military fleets (or hire mercenaries who do) - probably to aid in protecting shipping and patrol the routes for pirates and such.
Keel is only remaining part of ship.

Page 106
After decades of painstaking restoration and uncounted trillions of Thrones, Implacable Flame sails the void once again.
From hulk to warship,, the time needed to rebuild it as well as the money spent in rebuilding. It gives you a good idea of the scope a Rogue Trader, a provincial navy (a planetary force), or a Shipping/mercantile empire can devote to a cruiser-grade vessel. Any one faction would have to have trillions of thrones (or a similar magnitude of money or its near equivalent) available for purchase and maintenance. Can mean hundreds of trillions, or quadrillions of thrones over a span of decades for the whole sector.

Page 108
The Trade fleet of the house of the House of Saul is composed mainly of numreous Vagabond, Pedlar and Exchequer-class merchantmen and Jericho-class colony ships. While these massive bulk haulers are certainly majestic, they are also slow, wallowing, poorly handling tubs with thin armour and precious little in the way of ordnance.
..Saul employs a rotating list of preferred mercenary captains, privateers and even Rogue Traders from smaller, less powerful dynasties on retainer to act as escorts.
A large fleet (possibly rivalling Winterscale or Chorda) - but few warships of his own, devoting mainly to cargo and passenger ships. Mercs, rogue traders and privateers form the escort forces, again indicating how a substantial non-naval 'force' of warp capable ships must exist in the Imperium.

Page 108
First and Foresmost, Trade-Admiral Saul is a merchantman. His fleets crisscross the Expanse, carrying trillions of megatonnes of bulk freight per annum and serving even the most benighted and backwater worlds. In their holds they've carried guns and grain, penitents and prisoners, detachments of the Adpetus Astartes and even high ranking officials of the Ecclesiarchy.
This is separate from missionary and colonial work, however.. the trillions of megatonnes is likely in cargo. Anyhow, this is an immense amount of cargo. We're talking Death-star mass shipping, or equal to 'stripping away the oceans of a planet and hauling them off' scale. And even more crazy is this is supposed to be the annual shipping quantity! Hell even if we assume it was really decades (or millenia) it still remains a tremendous amount of materials (or people!) to be shipping about. Hell even if we assume its 'tonnes' instead of 'megatonnes' its incredible amounts of shipping. To put it another way. 1 trillion tons of people would be 10-20 trillion, which gives you an interesting idea into how many people might get shipped. Certainly billions at least. either way its still trivial compard to the inanimate (bulk) cargo by a huge margin.
What's more, this is just for one rogue trader amongst dozens or hundreds in the Expanse - we're not even in a 'real' Imperial sector. He's an important Rogue Trader, perhaps the equal of Chorda or winterscale, but even if there are a handful of others like him in this sector that's still massive.... and it is highly unlikely that he is massively, massively atypical for a sector. It is quite likely that there are other Traders within an OoM or his abilities in other sectors, which only adds to the impressiveness of this feat even ignoring the megatonnes or 'per annum' bit. Hell this doesn't even address Imperial fleet/Navy shipping, Navigator shipping, or the civil/merchant shipping combined (in the sector) - it's likely to each be equal to within an OoM and that would still be impressive. Multiply this by hundreds or thousands of sectors (at least), and it becomes more impressive still.
His merchant fleet must likewise not only be numerous, but also capable of huge amounts of shipping. With hundreds or even thousands of ships he has to be hauling billions, or trillions of tonnes of cargo (and more likely quadrillions) per ship. And even breaking that up into dozens or hundreds of trips across the sector that's *still* a ton of cargo each way. Considering too that they are hauling this cargo across the sector each year, we're talking trips that take months at most, and weeks (or even days) if broken up into multiple trips (as little as a few days per trip) That could be tens of light years or hundreds. Certainly within a year we're talking 400 LY (across the sector, if not a circuit) in the context of a quote, but it could be thousands of c (10-20 LY in a few days, for example, as "between system' hauling.)
One can also consider the energy expenditure as being immense. Simply hauling billions or trillions of tons of cargo to and from orbit, neverming across in-system distances, requires something on the order of e19-e20 J for the orbital trip. Across system is going to be hundreds if nt thousands of km/s velocities, which should be e22-e23 Joules at least, easily. And that's just the KE from moving the ship. The actual energy and propellant expended for engine thrust is massively greater.. and the energy expended for warp travel is going to be considerable as well (especially for multiple trips.) And this will be done multiple times per year (at least twice.. on departure and arrival, and more likely several trips). Hell taking the quote at face value, the energy expenditure well in excess of e28-e29 J, and e31+ J for in-system travel. Again this is annual, per sector expenditures!
No matter how you slice it (or try to cut it down) it remains an imprssive feat, and taken at the full quote it is truly staggering, nevermind carrying the implications across the Imperium as a whole.
Another way to look at it. The 34K Armageddon-like hive worlds of the Imperium might need at least 100 million tons of food each day to feed their populations, within an order of magnitude (assuming ~1 pound of food a day per person average) Over a year that is some tens of billions of tons of food annually per hive. That's 13 trillion tonnes of food for each Hive world of that standing. Necromunda style hives need a similar magnitude. Forge worlds probably do as well. And 'other' hive worlds (like Thacian primaris or similar) which migth have 10-20 billion people within an OoM.. many times the Armageddon style hives.. perhaps hundreds of thousands or even millions (several dozen implied in Calixis alone, across thousands/tens of thousands of sectors..) Hundreds of trillions, even quadrillions of hives possible for them (although this is iffy since some are quite self sufficient and could partly or completley support themselves, depending on size) or Raw materials usage. The Earth produces/uses some 2 billion tons of raw iron each year. Spread that over a million or so worlds (to within an order of magntiude) and thats at least 2 trillion tons a year. If we go with the larger territory sizes that can increase by an order of magnitude or more, especially considering the usage/scales of forge and hive/industrial worlds.
another figure: The hive worlds of the Imperium tithe some 100 million men annually routinely. for 34,000 hives thats some 3.4 trillion troops. The other worlds (assuming around a million men each on average) of the imperium might add a trillion or so to that. So maybe 4-5 trillion annual tithe at least. Assuming a 70 kg person.. thats 315 billion tonnes of troopers moved. Some logistics on This page indicate ~7 tonnes of material per soldier initially. It also says 20 kg of stuff per day per man, which works out to another 7.3 tonnes annually. This source is closer to 24 tonnes per year per man for a more modern force, I think. Call it between 15-30 tonnes per soldier per deployment (at least) That works out to tens or hundreds of trillions of tonnes of mateiral moved with the infantry (not including tanks or artillery or their supplies!) annually just for the troops.
So yeah.. damn impressive all around.

Page 109
Necessary Expenditure
Exchequer class Merchant Trader
Dimenions: 2.8 km long, .5 km abeam approx.
Mass: 10 Megatonnes approx.
Crew: 21,000 crew approx.
Accel: 1.8 Gravities max acceleration
Merchant ship of some kind.

Page 109
...she and her sister ships, including the led ship Exchequer, were designed and built to the specifications of a wealthy Free Trader...
Almoner, Exchequer and their sisters lay partially completed on the slips for nearly a year before being sold at acution to cover the slip fees.
Once more ship construction appears commonplace and accessible enough that even wealthy civilians can comission whole classes, much less that they will be sold off for monetary purposes. What's more its not taking centuries.. a few decades at most.. probably years (they aren't warships after all.)
Page 110
Aoife Armengarde is now nearing her first century of age, though careful use of rejuvinat drugs and treatments leav her looking young. She is fit and athletic, with a wiry build.
Probably looks in her twenties or early thrities, judging by her picture.

Page 112
The Bansidhe is a Lunar crass.. 2.4 Gravities accel, 80,000 crew, 28.5 Megatons.. so slightly different than regular Lunar class.

Page 112
Most starships are expected to remain at void for months or years, but the Bansidhe is singularly well-equipped in that regard. Vast supply vaults mean the ship is largely self sufficient..
6 months is the usual figure per the RT stuff (or BFK)... but you can make ships self sufficient with the right tradeoffs. i imagine internal fabrication and owrkshops can add to that.

Page 113
..he uncovered a lost Adpetus Mechanicus Explorator vessel and exchanged its location for a gleaming suit of power armour presented by the grateful Magos of Altar-Templum-Calixis-Est-17.
All you have to do to get power armor is do the AdMech a favor. Rogue trader (yet again) with his own powered armor.

Page 113
it is well known that Trask seeks closer ties with both the Adpetus Ministorum and the Adeptus Mechanicus, establishing outposts and auto-temples upon far-flung worlds..
'auto-temples' - some sort of ATM like temple or perhaps a self fabricating/modular one or something. Who knows with the Ministorum.

PAge 113
It is rumoured that Trask has stumbled across an stockpile of ancient Imperial atomic weapons on some world..
atomics, again.

Page 114
..his [Trask's] recent overtures towards gaining a larger, more powerful ship, and his designs upon creating a shipyard in his home system...
Rogue Traders can have shipyards.

Page 121
The system's star is old, its light weak, and its biosphere extends only half an Astronomical Unit.
"biosphere" in BFG terms I suspect.. as in "region"

PAge 121
It is unknown how many ships have floundered amongst the complex tides of Abundus/12f, for a vessel can be becalmed in an instant as it is locked in the gravity neutral "Lagrange point" between several bodies, and then expelled violently the next as another mass exerts its capricious influence.
a rather odd thing to happen to starships with thrusters.

Page 124
The guards are well armed and equipped...
They cary the finest hellguns the Forge Worlds of the Calixis Sector can provide, as well as carapace armour,h eavy stubbers and a range of personal survival equipment.
It is possible (with money and influence) to outfit troops very well.

Page 124
Mankind can accomplish little of import within the Imperium, or indeed beyond it, withotu the aid of the Tech-Priests and other servants of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
..has secured the services of two Tech-Priests, a dozen lay-technicians, and twenty servitors.
It is mentioned these are probably heretical members from some proscribed sub-sect, and probably having bounties on their heads.

PAge 127
Three Chimera Trojan support vehicles. A non-combat variant of the military Chimera armoured transport, these vehicles are used to move loads around the camp, clear debris with their zoer blades and the like.
They have been pressed into duty in other purposes, though.

Page 127
Sundry tools, including a dozen auspexes and combi-tools, five demolition charges, a (damaged) diagnoster, a hundred glow-globes, fifty micro-beads and a multicompass.
Interesting equipment load microbeads and auspex dont seem terribly uncommon.

Page 127
this has been upgraded with additional heavy weapons and a containment field.
Twenty metres beyond the perimeter a ring of containment field pylons provide the first line of defence should an actual assault be launched upon the Omega dig. The pylons are some thirty metres apart, and between each is projected a shimmering blue field of energy. Due to the power required to maintain the field, it is usually kept at a low setting, suffiicent to inflict shock but not to kill. Were an assualt on the lines to develop, the guards in the gun towers would throw a switch increasing the field to its full, lethal power level.
Pylon established forcefield barriers. Not unlike those from Anphelion project.

Page 133
..the Rak'Gol bring up one of their assault ships, an ominous barbed assault boat thirty metres long..
30 m Assault boat.

Page 134-135
He orders one of the ever-present guards to allow none into the chamber, and orders one of his men to incinerate the body immediately.
..the guard goes off to fetch a flamer, returns, and does as ordered.
..the Overseer states that he has ordered the incineration of the body in case it has been infected with alien microbes.
Flamer to cremate a body. That's a damn effective flamer even if they use all the fuel up.

Page 144
Trojan support vehicle (Idumea Sub-Pattern)
Type: ground vehicle
Cruising Speed: 45 kph
Crew: driver, chief operator
Carrying capacity: 8 passengers or approximately 4 tonnes of ammunition.
Trojan performance and carrying capacity and cruising speed.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And now the home stretch. The Warpstorm trilogy in two parts. Part 1 will be frozen reaches standalone, because there was more stuffs than I usually post from these adventure modules. PArts 2 and 3 will be lumped together as they're much shorter.

Page 4
Damaris is a virtually unique phenomenon in the Koronus Expanse: a thriving Imperial-aligned colony; complete with its own Planetary Defence Force and flotilla of intersystem warships.
"imperial aligned' colony. Also not unusual to have a defense warship flotilla (a few to half a dozen or a dozen starships perhaps?)

Page 7
Its one habitable planet, Damaris, lies halfway between the star and the vast ice fields at the edge of the system and is home to a relatively young and burgeoning Imperial colony. The rest of the system consists mainly of gas giants, barren rocks with trace atmospheres and the aforementioned ice fields, a treacherous, ever-shifting expanse of ice asteroids the size of moons that ring the system like a wall.
Composition of the system.

Page 7
The seas are full of edible creatures that are highly in demand throughout the Expanse as well as the Calixis sector, and many valuable ores and precious gems are ensconced in the world's ancient, wind-worn mountains. The planet boasts a remarkably modern infrastructure for such a relative backwater, with power and running water more common than not and a generally efficient transit system of roads, ornithopter ports, and maglevs connecting the capital city with the numerous outlying communities, amnses, agri-combines and commercial and industrial complexes.
The colony has potential as a mining, agricultural and industrial world all in one.. that means its firmly a potential "civilised" world, insofar as classifcations go. note the transit and travel systems.

Page 7
Agri-combines concerned with growing food and cultivating livestock dominate commerce and industry...
..the planet also boasts a strong mining industry that produces millions of tons of raw and refined ores for export to other systems. There is also a small but respected ship-building industry centered at the Bulwark, Damaris' orbital defence station. Whilse Damaran shipwrights lack the skills and technology to produce warp capable ships, their small craft and inter-system ships are sturdy and well made, adhering to ancient and respected designs.
Colony capable of producing "millions of tons" of raw ore (annually?)
They also have a sub-stellar shipbuilding capability,, but cannot produce warp-capable vessels (this matters later.)

Page 8
There is also trade between Damaris and nearby worlds, facilitated by Rogue Traders. Damaris exports ores, foodstuffs, livestock and ship components in exhcange for luxuries, vehicles and durable goods from throughout The Cauldron, and levies heavy tariffs on any imported agricultural products.
Inter-world trade.

Page 8
As is typical in Imperial society, there is no social mobility within Damaris' society, and it is heavily stratified along class lines.
The government pays regular tithes to the Administratum, provides an appropriate number of men for the Imperial Guard every annum, and even maintains an important shrine to St. Drusus in the capital city. In exchange, they receive the protection of the Imperium by way of an Imperial Navy garrison and the planet enjoys all the privileges that an actual official colony would.
Damaris government, including the tithing.

Page 8
A bustling city home to nearly a third of Damaris' three billion souls...
While it boasts the typical array of services and amenities found on most advanced Imperial worlds...
the 'colony' has 3 billion people :P

Page 8
Sphinx's Landing is Damaris' primary spaceport and a major hub of planetary and inter-system travel. Tens of thousands of Damarans pass through its doors on an average day, flitting here and there on personal or business journeys.
without its berthing facilities and powerful directional auspex scanners, teh majority of trade and traffic on and off the system would grind to a halt.
tens of thousands involved in daily travle across planet and through the system.

Page 10
..the Bulwark is a fortress designed to defend Damaris from interstellar threats. It is covered with military-grade sensoria and weapons systems, giving it the reach and punch of a dozen battleships.
Battlestation with firepower of a doze battleships.. although its completely immobile.

Page 10
.. the Bulwark is home to the 1st Damaris Naval Infantry regiment . These troopers are tasked with patrolling the station,manning the Flotilla patrol ships, and genreally keeping the peace. Security teams consist of four to eight naval infantrymen, each equipped with a micro-bead and numerous sets of manacles and restraints.
They use pump action shotguns. t also provides repair faiclities. Naval infantry PDF force.

Page 10
There are two branches, the interplanetary ships of the Damaris Defence Flotilla, and the planetary defence forces of the Damaris Highland Levy...
PDF forces.. the defence flotilla and the ground troops.

Page 10
With tens of thousands of men under arms and equipped with Imperial Guard surplus, the Levy is a respectably modern fighting force comprised of both conscripts and professional volunteers.
...the Levy strongly resembles the Imperial Guard after which it is structured. Posessing good communications infrastructurea nd a competent logistics chain, the Levy can establish a forward operating base anywhere on the planet within two local days. This allows them to stay close ot the captial city and still retain the ability to respond quickly to any emergency.
Geared mainly towards open warfare, the Levy is, at its heart, an infantry force. The backbone of the ground forces are the 1st and 2nd Highland LEvy Regiments. A rough and ready group of straight-leg and mechanised infantry, the regiment has an officer corps made of volunteers...
..with enlisted conscripts and non-comissioned officers from the poorer sections of the cpaital city and surrounding villages. The average conscript soldier is equipped with a lasgun and flak armour, along with the typical kit of gear and supplies needed by a soldier in the field.
While they are well trained and kept at a high stat of readiness.. ... they have fought precious few battles, have never faced an off world threat serious enough to require a mass mobilisation of troops...
PDF capabilities. Probably hints ath teh capabilities of a guard force, although "tens of thousands" is not much relative to a 3 billion population. (1 soldier per every 30-150 thousand people)

Page 10
Adding heavy armour support to the bloody infantry of the Levy are the Sphinx Heavy Guard's armoured forces.
..the Heavy Guard operates the numerous Leman Russ tanks, fighting vehicles and artillery pieces (organized into a separate unit,t he Highland WArdens.) Equipped largely like their brothers in the infantry, the Armoured forces prefer lascarbines and autopistols to the bulky lasguns and heavy stubbers of the 1st and 2nd.
The rest of the Levy is made up of various auxillary support gorups and transport elements. DAmaris' Levy is also supported by a small air force, mostly Valkyrie Assault Carriers and Vulture gunships for transport, air support, and airborne assaults.
The armoured forces, as well as others (an 'air' force too. Although this probably doesnt include fighters, which would be on the PDF.)

Page 11
Ork technology is extremely primitive, even by the standards of the Imperium. Even so, these creatures are somehow able to cobble together functional devices that would be scrap in the hands of others.
Ork Kroozers are monstrous slabs of twisted metal, scrap and bristling guns.
Ork Roks are nothing more than hollowed out asteroids with engines and weapons bolted on for good measure.
..Roks are a true menace - easily-constructed mobile fortresses with increidble resilience. While the Orks typically use them as bulkwarks to cordon off areas of space...
Instead of mobile defence stations, the Damaris Roks are used as dropships. Fitted with looted plasma drives and retro thrusters...
The Roks then muscle their way through human defences and plummet to the planet below. Naturally, many of the greenskins perish on the way in, but a good deal more survive.
Ork technology is generally unsavlagable by humans. For some reason, Ork ships, weapons, and other technologicla items function far worse for humasn than Orks, if they function at all.
Ork waagh- powered tech and starships.

Page 11
Not a wealthy planet by the measure of most worlds, Damaris was never able to afford heavy, warp-capable warships. Instead, the Flotilla is made up of numerous fast, heavily armed inter-system patrol craft and a handful of defence monitors. These ships, along with the few fighter squadrons based at the Bulwark, ar responsible for patrolling the system and keeping it safe for commerce and travel.
It is possible for local systems to build and maintain their own warp-capable starships. Indeed this seems to be expected of most Imperial worlds (at least the significant or major ones, rather than colonies.) They seem to be able to buidl them big too (bigger than escort.. crusier grade?) suggesting PDF forces can have at least some short-ranged warp capable starships (probably to help patrol subsector-inter system routes or respond to threats of piracy and such.) I am still sure all worlds would rely far more on sub-stellar monitors and patrol craft. Damaris seems to have lots of both too (dozens?) It'ds a good benchmark for other worlds 'sub stellar' defnece forces.

Page 11
Thanks to its status as a quasi-Imperial colony, Damaris has been afforded the honour of hosting an Imperial Navy garrison. This garrison, essentially a small suite of officers and a recruiting/impressment staiton near the main shipyard within the hollow moon.
Lord-Captain Locke, a marginalized career officer from Battlefleet Calixis, has at her command the might of her light cruiser Aegis.
It seems somewhat normal for "important" or even semi importnat colonies with large popualtions to have A naval garrison of some kind. They probably supplement the local system forces in fighting ability (man warships, etc.)

Page 11
Nestled in the bosom of a hollowed-out moon in orbit above Damaris, the Bulwark is the centre of Damaris' Oribtal Defence Forces. Mined for centuries by the Damaran colonists, the ore deposits were eventually depleted...
Damaris initially used it to store mining ships and the remains of the ancient colony ship used to settle the planet. As the years passed and Damaris' ship-building industry expanded, the moon slowly became a fully operational space station. The moon was moved to a higher orbit with massive plasma drives. The interior spaces were expanded and sectioned into hangars, dry-docks, slips, housing, and hundreds of kilometres of corridors.
The super battlstaiton was made out of a hollowed out moon, and seems to house their shipbuilding as well. Given they mention that its 30 km in diameter later on, even assuming a styrofoam density and that the thing is 99% empty space we're still talking many billions of tons of mass moved by those engines at a minimum. Of course its not styrofoam so we're probably talking hundreds of billions to trillions of tons of mass at a bare-ass minimum.. Assuming iron and 90% empty space, we've got something like 10 trillion tons for example. That's going to be pretty damn impressive even with ludicrously slow acceleration.

Page 12
Today the Bulwark houses the small defence flotilla within its massive docks. Along with the ships and crews there are tens of thousands of soldiers, pilots, customs officials, government and military functionaries housed among its blasted rock and tisting corridors.
Tens of thousands of "naval' soldiers and other crews and such.

PAge 12
Orbiting close to Forsellis are the Burning Ones, Ignus, Aestus, and Aduro. These small, lifeless rocks have been blasted clean by the immense heat and radiation produced by Forsellis. They have trace atmospheres made of toxic gasses and where their surfaces aren't parched, super-hot deserts, they are covered in seas of molten lead and copper.
It is assumed that they are rich in precious ore and other resources, but the cost and danger of extracting them from the planets has kept the Burning Ones largely unexploited.
If an enterprising individual or organization came along with the Thrones and technology to mine the worlds, it might be worth a great deal.
Note that it is psosible to mine those worlds using Imperial technology, it jus wouldn't be cheap (at least as an initial investment..

Page 12
Standing at the edge of the Foresllis system like a wall millions of kilometres thick is the treacherous ice field know as the Frozen REaches. Composed of countless ice boulders ranging in size from a few inches to hundreds of kilometres across..

Page 16
..the Warp currents are favourable and the Explorers arrive much sooner than expected (within several days at the most if they are close by.)
Implies warp travel between systems of hours, several days at most. For a 10 Ly distance we're talking thousands, tens of thosuands of c

Page 16
Almost immediately upon their return to real space, the ship's long-range augur arrays detect several vessels in orbit.
The Bulwark is a massive station built into a small moon in low orbit around the planet. A gigantic entral spine , presumablty the stations' reactor core and other essentail systems, juts out; it is studded with thousands of spine-like sensor masts.
Detection range from warp emergence point. Presumably the vessels have been present for hours for them ot be detectable (else they have some notable FTL "emission" that a ftl sensor can detect.)

Page 19
"We only have the Bulwark and a handufl of inter-system ships to defend us from their onslaught."
"handful" of defense ships.

Page 21
..governor Kapak had little interest in governing, and even less in the welfare of the three billion souls under his protection.
Again 3 billion popualtion.

Page 25
Just what really resides within the stasis casket...
The cakset itself is impervious to most weapons. In fact, the amount of damage what would be required to breach the container would destroy the contents within (this owuld cause a catastrophic tear in space/time, similar to the effects of a Vortex bomb as the entropic power cells of the stasis casket unload).
overloaded/disrupted statsis casket can simulate vortex warhead. This suggests stasis fields, like void shields, might be a form of warp tech. If thats the case one wonders why vortex warheads re so rare? its not like stasis fields are totally lost tech, only on certain scales.

Page 25
..the shrine is home to over five hundred custodian guards who are utterly loyal to the Bishop and the cult.
Unless these re all women, this could technically be a violation of the restriction preventing the Ecclesiarchy from having "men under arms." Of course, out on the Expanse, who is around to care or demand they obey?

Page 25
..those who come to his forge to listen or learn will find a knowledgeable and erudite - if absent-minded and disconverting - enginseer conversant in subjects as varied as philosohpy, quantum physics, literature and numerology.
The planet has its own 'forge' and techpriest in charge.. who seems quite knoweldgable rather than a blinkered nutjob.

Page 26
They [Enforcers] are all competent fighters and possess a well-stocked armoury, a handful of cyber-hounds, and half a dozen Rhino personnel carriers.
The enforcers not ARbites, have Rhinos.

Page 26
Astropath STasys is an ancient and loyal servant of House Kapak whose family has been servng the governing house of Damaris for centuries. Tall and spare with a body ravaged by decades of exposure to corruption and the Warp, the leader of Damaris' Astorpathic Choir...
A "family" of astropaths? Does it really breed true consistent like that? How do they handle the Soul Binding?

Page 31
As befits an essential wartime institution, the Fortress is equipped for extended siege and houses hundreds of well trained and well armed Enforcers.
"hundreds" of enforcers.

Page 31
The walls themselves are roughly 30 metres thick and 30 metres high with bunkers and storerooms inside them - tapering towards the top until they are about ten metres thick.
The defensive emplacements themselves are spaced out at uneven intervals ranging frm a few hundred metres to over a few kilometres. Each emplacement houses a half-dozen heavy bolter and autocannon emplacements, two twin-linked lascannon sentry turrets, and a trio of artillery pieces (either long-range Earthshaker cannons, the shorter range Medusa siege mortars or Bombard artillery peices.)
Fortress defenses, including the weaponry.

Page 32
Inside [the bunker] are a variety of command and control systems, cogitators, and data-looms for coordinating a ground war. Massive hololith projectors emit eerie green glows showing different aspects of the battlefield...
The armoured shaft leading to the Command Bunker is blocked by four Adamantine bulkhead doors, each a metre thick.
There is a secure transmitter that allows real-time communications between the bunker, any starships in the system, and the orbital Bulwark.
Command center, with computers, maps, comms, and well armored.

Page 32
The majority of the mineral wealth pulled from the ground is sent back to the Imperium, but some of it is distributed and throughout the Koronus Expanse with the aid of various Charter Captains and Rogue Traders.
The twin refineries outside the city...
The refineries hold most of the processed ore that is loaded onto the various haulers and shuttles via a complex conveyor system...
Moreover, this location produces the majority of the Levy's munitions. Should this infrastructure fall... ... the Levy will lose their primary source of bullets, bombs, and power packs.
The refineries have some low level industrail use too.. at least for munitions and such. I wonder why the power packs need to be constantly replenished? Are they using non-rechargable batteries?

Page 32
The Starport is an important asset...
..its the onyl place that Levy fighters can take off and land from, and the only location where the Flotilla's space fighters can stage from on the surface. In addition, various shuttles and ore-conveyors are parked here.
The Starport is protected by several defence laser batteries, anti-aircraft Hydra emplacements, and Manticore missile batteries to fend off any raiders who manage to bypass the cordon established by the Bulwark.

Page 32
..the Levy has established numerous bunkers and outposts...
Each of these bunkers is equipped with firng ports and turrets for heavy weapons, and has enough food and supplies to sustain a platoon of troops for several weeks...
Each bunker and outpost is connected ot the city and to one another by a network of underground tunnels...
This system allows the Levy defenders to move troops from one location to the next without exposing themselves to the enemy.
Bunker and tunnel systems.

Page 33
..there will only be one other location from which air support can launch and recover: the Kapak Memorial Starport. the Training fields are also where the Levy reserve forces will muster to be equipped prior ot the invasion.
The aerial forces have two deployment points (the training fields and the starport) There's also a planetary militia 'reserve' I guess.. their national guard. This may mean they only have a small standing army due to costs and the bulk of the force is made up of reservists or something.

Page 33
It represents the various water treatment plants and pumping stations, switching stations, back-up power reactors, transportation hubs, medicae facilities, and other locations that are needed by the people of the main settlements.
Settlement facilities.

Page 33
..the Forge of the ADeptus Mechanicus provides much of Damaris City's technology and manufacturing base. The Master of the Forge, Magos Shard, has hundreds of Skitarii Tech-guard to oversee the defence of his domain. Keeping the Forge intact is vital for the planet's defences as the main power reactor for the entire Damaris settlement is located in the Forge. Though the settlement has various backup generatoria and power systems, these haven't been tested isnce their placement and only provide power to a small area . Should the Forge fall, the city and surrounding locations will be without power, shutting down the defence laser emplacements and other vital systems.
Forges must be commonplace on most (non feral or feudal) Imperial worlds and colonies with a sizable population. They may also represent the only (or the only significant) industrial base, or perhaps the only really hihg tech ones (ones.) This may be one of those 'facilities' mentioned when there are billions of worlds with workshops and such
unsurprisingly, they also house the main power facilities, which makes sense since its likely the AdMech who would maintain such..

Page 34
As the Levy consists of thousands of Troops and armour, the amount directed by the Explorers is not the total military strength.
In addition, troops must man and maintain the various anti-aircraft weapons and defence laser stations scattered across the globe, and ensure that supply lines and reserves are maintained.
8 Infantry Battalions (four each from the 1st Damaris Highland Levy Regiment and 2nd Damaris Highland LEvy Regiment)
2 Armoured Tank companies (from the Sphinx Heavy Guards)
2 Armoured Artillery Companies (From the Highland Wardens):
4 Damaris system Defence Vessels
The Bulwark
Lower limit (perhaps) on standing military forces. May not be full detachments.

Page 34
2 Magistratum Enforcer Cadres:
1 Magistratum Suppression Cadre
2 Skitarii Cohorts.
Additional forces provided to the Explorers. No idea how big Cadres are, but if a Cohort is equal to a Romon Cohort, the implied Skitarii forces on planet could be bordering around thousand or so, not ncluding potentially whatever forces were held back to defend the Forge.

Page 35
2nd Platoon, 8th Calixian Storm Trooper Company: There ar eless than 40 of these highly-trained veterans under Locke's command, but their effectiveness should not be understated. They are equipped with Valkyrie Assault Carriers with two Vulture Gunships for support.
Interesting that Locke has a storm trooper contingent stationed onboard. The novel 'Fire Warrior' suggested that formations like this (detachments of Storm trooper forces aboard warships for boarding actions and rapid response) was not unusual in Segmentum ultima. One presumes this is along those lines.

Page 35
The 1st and 2nd Damarian Levy Regiments: each of these regiments consists of roughly four thousand soldiers, with some ligth armour and artillery support. THey are trained and equipped to the level of the Imperial Guard, and have the numbers to absorb heavy casualties. The 3rd and 4th Damarian Levy Regiments have been deployed to defend the walls and outer settlements of the planet, and are not available to deploy.
Sphinx Heavy Guards: The Sphinx Heavy Guards is Damaris' only tank unit. Equipped with a core of forty Leman Russ-pattenr tanks and supported by eight Demolishers and a dozen Sentinels, it is Damaris' only real optino for offensive attacks...
Highland Wardens: This is Damaris' sole concession to mobile artillery, as the planet has had little need of it until now. The Wardens are equipped with twenty Basilisk Tanks mounting hte fearsome long-ranged Earthshaker cannons, and heave three Griffons with short-range mortars.
The ground forces. Not terribly impressive. Perhaps 16,000 troops (at least 4 regiments, 4000 troops each). the "Highland levies" could be interpreted as separate forces that might add another 4-8 thousand to that number.

Page 35
MAgistratum Enforcer Cadres: Magistratum officers are hardly equipped to fight a full-scale war, but armed with shotguns, riot shields, and a small number of heavy stubbers...
Magistratum Suppression CAdre: The Suppression Cadre is a small unit intended for riot suppression and operations against armed cults. It is equipped with Rhino and Repressor tanks, giving it a surprisingly powerful punch.
Enforcer units.

Page 35
Skitarii Cohorts: Shard only has two companies of these fearsome warriors at his disposal, but their augmented frames and powerful Mechanicus weaponry means they are quite effective in all situations.
200-500 troops, maybe?

Page 35
System ships: Transport vessels with some macrocannons and no warp capability, the system ships of Damaris are no match for true warships, and best used in supporting roles only.
The Bulwark: The Bulwark is extremely powerful and deadly. However, because it is an orbital installation and cannot move under its own power, it must wait for enemy ships to come within range of its guns.
Orbital defenses. Wonder what happened to the plasma engines on the bulwark?

Page 38
The Explorer sets up defences using arcane war-systems such as automated Tarantula sentry turrets, minefields, jamming beacons, and localised void shields.
Terrain defenses of varying kinds the Explorers have. Rather useful, especailly the sentry guns and voids.

Page 39
A mob of Ork Boyz with some heavy weapons. Mostly dangerous due to their numbers, and a threat to under-defended fortiifcations.
A Skitarii Cohort could match this force, as could an unsupported Artillery Company or Magistratum Suppression Cadre operating within the city. A company of House Troops, force of armsmen, or Battalion of Levy could defeat this force handily.
Ork vs human comparison.

Page 39
A sizeable horde of Orks with wartrakks, trukks, and some kannons and lobbas. These could very well break trhough undefended walls and fortified areas.
A Battalion of Levy, company of House Troops, or company of armsmen could match this force, but a Skitarii Cohort, Storm Trooper Platoon, or Magistratum cadres might well lose. An armoured Company or an Artillery Company with support will defeat this attack.
More Ork vs human compariosn

Page 41
The Kommandos stumbled across an outlying monitoring station with powerful auspex scanners, designed to detect air attacks against Damaris City and guide powerful Manticore missiles.
Fixed manticore missile battery.

Page 41
If a System ship is tasked for orbital bombardment...
The system ships are not designed for orbital bombardments.
Ships must be purpose-designed for orbital bombardments to be most effective.

Page 42
The station's powerful auspex arrays have detected the arrival of the Orks in force. They should be in range of the stations' guns in roughly four days.
Damn slow of the Orks. Assuming between 1 and 10 AU we're talking maybe 800-8000 kps. Acceleration won't be more than a few gees either way.

Page 43
Each asteroid looks as if it has been fitted with massive Ork-type plasma engines and cannons. These are Ork Roks, hollowed-out asteroids fitted with engines and weapons. These particular versions are designed to brutally force their way past any blockade and crash onto the planet below.
Ork Roks.

PAge 43
The mission beings with two Onslaught Raiders and two Ork Roks starting 20 VUs from the surface of the planet of Damaris.
(If the GM likes, he can have VUs "count as" shorter distances so the Explorers are more focused on their area of space.)
The defenders' ships should be deployed within 5 VUs of the planet, as they are in orbit.

PAge 43
However, the Roks have to approach the planet relatively slowly lest they break up in the atmosphere. If a Rok reaches the planet on a turn where it moves further than 3 VUs, it crashes and is destroyed - bad for the local biosphere, but far worse for the Orks inside.
This is.. interetsing for a number of reasons. For one thing, while we're talking about multi-km asteroids largely, they've been hollowed out to the point where they "merely" mass 15 million tons. To put this in perspective, this is equivalent to a solid 200 metre stone asteroid. A stone astoerid given the dimensions in the stats would be 1000x more massive (solid, at least). 100 meters or so is a rough threshhold for breakup of asteroids. Indeed using the url=]Impact calculator and a 1 km stone asteroid at even 11 km/s (or even a tenth of that!) it would still break up in the atmosphere.
An iron asteorid could survive (solid) or a 2 km stone asteroid might endure entry more or less intact. The problem is, however... these aren't solid. They're apparently massively hollowed out, which is going to greatly weaken it's structure.
One likely explanation is the use of powerfields and other forcefiels to help the descent and shield the ship. 3 VU is 30,000 km per half hour (60,000 kph or 16.7 km/s) Even if its only 15 million tons, the rok is going to hit with many hundreds of megatons worth of KE and survive reentry. Any faster would be gigatons

Page 44
..the Bulwark's massive sensoria and augur arrays detect a bow-wave signature emerging in the middle of the staging area.
"Sirs! Our Augurs have picked up echoes in the Immaterium, the wakes of several ships. They are close.. strangely close..."
The Orks have staged a sneak attack raid upon the ships of the staging area. To that effect, they have managed to rig their ships to exit the warp not only near the planet (reportedly a near-suicidal stunt) but within the middle of the small fleet amassed at the staging point.)
Orks seem to have a gift for doing this. It happened in Rynn's world too.

Page 45
The Rok hurtles towards Damaris City, shrugging off the impact of defence laser fire. Massive braking rockets and plasma drives fire for the last time, slowing it just enough as it crashes into the Damaris plains outside the city.
Rok impacts. Defence lasers don't do much to stop it, unsurprisingly.

Page 46
...will be able to see (either via pict-feed or some other method) that the Rok is resting in its crater, vast swathes of smoke pouring off its ruined and glowing surface. The Rok is out of range of the gun emplacements on the city walls, and quickly hatches fly open and hordes of howling greenskins spill out onto the plains.
Pict feed observation.. and the Ork rok must have struck with megatons of KE to make a crater big enough to hold it.. and the Rok is still intact.

Page 46
In addition, now that the Rok's engines are no longer providing thrust, the Meks on board seem to be setting up a series of power fields to protect it. Orbital bombardment may kill plenty of Orks, but may not destroy the Rok.
Power field defenses to protect the Rok from bombardment.

Page 47
Damaris has a stockpile of powerful seismic charges, which should be enough to destroy one of the Roks.
Auspex and geo-scans show the interior of the Rok consists mainly of hollow chambers. It's presumed that these chambers house Orks, gretchin, and their various equipment and systems.
Again for Ork roks to be as massive as stated, they would have to be ludicrously thin skinned. Given the dimensions later on, I estimate the rock's must be around 99.9% empty space. (solid rock it would be some 12 billion tons.) and the thickness of the "hull" would be on the order of maybe a meter or so, average. I guess it's some sort of ultra-light "magic" rock with a density slightly better than aerogel on average. And yet this thing could make a kilometer+ wide crater without falling apart, and accelerate at over a gee (or more) without problems...
What's even worse is that I basically ignored any mass added by the thosuands of Orks, internal systems (like engines, weapons etc. Which are not going to be minor) and so on.
That's not really the only hilarity here. The Rok almost certainly had to be entering the atmosphere at tremendous speelds (8-10 km/s probably) nevermind gravity assist, and it only fired its retros towards the end. That has interesting implications either way, considering the "engines" are supposed to have only a single gee of thrust (I suppose the retros count, but how are they going to be orders of magnitude more powerful than the main engines??) one could not expect them to dramatically alter the impact velocity any. Hell the Crater alone being multi-km has interesting problems for the mass/velocity issue, since we're talking a multi-megaton KE event quite easily.
Clearly, the Orks have mastered the WAAAGH effec to produce a mass lightening field to allow them far greater performance than listed!
Alternately, the numbers are estimates and are goofed.
Also seismic charges.

Page 47
..a total of four seismic charges (each weighing 15 kilos) taht must be placed.
15 kilo seismic charges to shatter a multi-km asteroid. Each maybe yielding several hundred kt to several megatons? That would be around tens or hundreds of kt per kg of mass. Far beyond conventional nuclear payloads, i might add, or even high efficiency fusion.

Page 48
As they fly away or flee the scene, the seismic charges detonate. For a long moment, the Rok appears unharmed, then a multitude of cracks run across the outer shell. In a matter of minutes, the Rok collapses into a massive pile of rubble, crushing all inside in a long, drawn out roar.
Actually, given the flimsy hull thickness, and the fact it crashed into the ground, it probably was greatly weakened and only neede d a small nudge to make it fall apart. ;)
The real interesting bit is that whatever the charges do, they don't appear to be particularily "explosive", at least in the sense of HE or nuclear weaponry. One wonders how this bears on simialr cases (like Shadow point.) It might also throw off my previous estimates to 'yield' :P

Page 48
[qute]...If the Explorers have made an enemy of Dante, he sends an ambush team of assassins disguised as refugees..
(... replace the laguns with hellguns..)
The explorers must investiaget to learn who their attackers were. One promising lead is that each was a former member of the LEvy's 1st REgiment listed as "dead in training exercises."[/quote]
Implies that the PDF has access to Hellguns in at least limited quantities. Interesting as well they came from the 1st Regiment (elites?)

Page 49
Lazur Four-Two is a massive Tribune (an officer, of sorts) augmented with a variety of cybernetics and bionic enhancements. HE leads a maniple (a squad) of ten other Skitarii.
Skitarii forces.

Knowing that the Roks are not Warp-capable, the Explorers will know that they are somewhere within the system, presumably the Frozen Reaches where the supply of Roks is nigh-infinite.
Usinsg ice Roks probably would help the mass/density issue somewhat, but not enough to offset the absurdity of everything (reentry for one thing)

Page 52
..each carries a shuriken catapult, deadly weapons that fire mono-filament disks.
Shuriken weapon.. monofilament discs.. etc.

Page 52
"This shows where the hideen giant will appear next, in six times ten of your hours."
60 hours to reach the locale.

Page 52
Those who seek out the planet rarely return, as its situated within a dense belt of frozen ice and rocks that destroy most ships.
The frozen reaches, In other words.

Page 54
Snokgritz's forces are scattered across the system, keeping watch over likely approaches and gathering more asteorids to turn into Roks. It will take approximately forty hours to reach the outer edge of the Frozen Reaches at best speed.
It takes several days in total to make the journey, and if the ships remain outside the Frozen REaches while a scouting vessel goes ahead, the assualt may take far too long to pull off.
The best option for the Explorers is to bring their ships through the belt and have them stand off a few hours out from Skadi.
Traversing the belt should take 2d5+2 hours
4-12 hours for the belt (which could be millions of km) .. at least 4 gees for 4 hours... (12 hours probably assumes either a longer journey or getting lost/doding) Again order of magnitude estimate could mean double digit gees. And 40-48 hours to travel across hundreds of millions (billions?) of km. At 1.5 AU we're talking 3-4 gees... anything more and it just gets bigger. If its billions of km (more likely) we're talking tens of gees. Velocity is somehwere between 1-9% of c.
We could also interpret this as 40-48 hours - 4-12 hours

Page 61-62
Damaris Levy Trooper: The Damaris Levy is the world's Planetary Defence Force, patterend loosely off the Imperial Guard:
Armour: Guard Flak Armour
Weapons: Lasgun... 3 Frag grenades... mono knife
.. Levy Trooper per every ten has one of the following...
Flamer... Grenade Launcher...
.. two Levy Troopers per every 20 are oufttited as a heavy weapons team (sometimes these are goruped into squads of six to ten weapons teams). Tey may then have one of hte ofllowing Heavy weapons:
Man portable lascannon
Heavy Stubber
Missile Launhcer.
Gear: 2 spare clips for weapon, vox-bead...
... 1 week's worth corpse-starch rations, respirator.
PDF force equipment. Note the corpe startch rations and the vox-bead. Oh and they have mono knives as standard.

Page 62
Each [Skitarii] has been modified extensively with various cybernetic and bionic systems. Often, one arm of the Skitarii is replaced with a ranged weapon, while the other is free to wield a close-combat weapon.
Armour: Skitarii Flak and Subskin Armour
Augmentations: Synthetic Muscle Grafts, Augmented SEnses (Eyes and Hearing), Subskin armour, Vox implant.
Weapons: The Skitarii has a single Basic or HEavy ranged weapon built into his arm or body Choose:
* Augmented Las-weapon (basic: 75m, Single, semi (3), full (5), Clip: 100.
*Precision Boltgun (Basic; 120m, Single, Semi(2), Clip 30.)
Heat Lance (Basic; 30m, Clip: 10)
Rotary Cannon (Heavy; 40m, Full (6), Clip: 240 Storm trait)
Automatic grenade launcher (Heavy, 60m, Sngle, Semi(2) - fires either Frag or Krak, Clip 20 of each type)
In addition, the Skitarii have a personal sidearm, either a Hellpistol, or a Shotpistol, and one melee weapon. This is either a Chainblade, or a Mono-Great Axe.
GEar: Skitarii flak armour and robes, red-dot laser sight, extensive cybernetics, ammunition reloads.
The skitarii are pretty damn nasty a ll told.

Page 63
- Rogue TRader household troopers have the following gear: Naval Flak armour, a lasgun, 3 frag grenades, mono shortsowrd. One per every 5 troopers has a addiitonal weapon (Flamer, Grenade Launcher, Storm bolter, or meltagun)
Ammo: 2 overcharge packs for lasgun, 2 hotshot charges for lasgun, perosnal vox, respirator and photovisor.

Page 67
Munitorum Ore Hauler: A massive, twenty wheeled trnaport, ore haulers handle much of the bulk transport on DAmaris. They are armoured and even armed, for long journeys into lawless territory.
Cruising Speed: 75 kph
Carrying capacity: 15 metric tonnes, and can pull up to 4 ore trailers.
2 Gunner operated autocannon (left and right)
Interesting transport vehicle. Munitorum issue and the armament suggests they're a military vehicle.

Page 67
The Bulwark:
Hull: Space Station
Class (Special, heavily modified mining station)
Dimensions: 30km in diameter, approx.
Mass: unknown
Crew: 70,000 crew, approximately 250,000 other additional inhabitants.
The Bulwark is a hollowed-out moon orbiting Damaris. It has been converted into a planetary defences station, staging point and repair depot.
I guess I was wrong about the size earlier.. although it puts interesting context into other things.. *shrugs* 30 km is still pretty big though (and impressive to be moving with engines.)

Page 68
Da Rippa'
Hull: Cruiser
Class: Ork Kill Kroozer
Dimensions: 4.5 Km long, 1 km abeam, approx.
Mass: 32 megatonnes, approx.
Accel: 2 gravities, max sustainable acceleration.
Ork Kill Cruiser.

Page 69
Ork Rok[Damaris Version]
Dimensions: varies, approximately 3 km long, 1.5 km wide
Mass: 15 megatons, approx.
Accel: 1.5 Gravities, max sustainable
Ork Roks are essentially large asteroids hollowed out and fitted with numerous drives, weapons and crew facilities.
These Roks are designed to crash into a planet's surface and deliver boyz to the fight.
Our magic, superlight mult-km asteroids.

Page 69
Being made of star-tempered stone, the prow of an Ork Rok is ideal for smashing into things...
Or it would.. if they weren't so damn lightweight.

Page 69
Ork Rok production facility
Dimensions: approximately 10 km radius
Mass: unknown
In orbit aroudn the gas Giant Skadi, the Rok production facility is busy converting the gas giant's collection of asteroids and moonlets into Roks.
And doing it fast.. we're talking days/weeks at most.

Page 69
System Defence Craft These are small non-Warp-capable ship sthat patrol the Forsellis system for pirates and raiders. Their main role is to support the Bulwark station. Use the stats for the Wolfpack Raider..
meaning its an escort/raider sized ship.. 1-1.5 km in size and armed appropriately. :P This means there are millions (tens/hundreds of millions) of ships of that scale in the sub-light defense fleets of the Imperium.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

PArts 2 and 3 of the Warpstrom trilogy.

Citadel of Skulls:

Page 7
..and their navigators are aided by a blasphemous mockery of the Astronomican called the Beacon of the Damned. A constant sacrifi ce of slaves and prisoners to the Dark Gods by the Daemonettes known as the Sisters of the Sybaritic Host fuels the beacon, which is housed in Vall’s stronghold, the imposing Citadel of Skulls. Although the Beacon has a much shorter range than the holy Astronomican, its tortured howl can only be divined within the Dioskouri System. Due to the pained shrieking and the malefi c nature of the Beacon, it is dangerous for any Navigator to use it.
Chaos raiders have their own Astronomican analogue, so apparently it scales. :P

Page 8
Settled aeons ago by a loose conglomerate of mining and Manufactorum guilds, Iniquity has long been an industrial world. While the long degradation of strip mining and industrial development did lasting damage to the planet’s surface, it was the deep, greedy shafts driven into the very bowels of the world that ultimately caused its undoing. In their haste for wealth, the original settlers unleashed an unnamed daemonic horror from deep within Iniquity’s core. As whatever evil they set free boiled to the surface, it brought with it choking brimstone, molten rock, and ores.

The planet’s entire population was consumed in the space of hours...
Daemonic forces festered in the valleys and the echoing tombs of the hive-factories until the very stones of the planet were twisted by corruption. It is said that numerous expeditions were mounted to reclaim the mines and dormant industry by interested parties, but no records can be found, and they presumably met with the same fate as the initial settlers.
Now fully in the grip of Chaos, Iniquity is a seething, bellowing, industrial hell. Its core is riddled with countless thousands of kilometres of mines and tunnels, and where the surface isn’t barren rock or sheer cliffs, it is littered with massive, hive-sized foundries and manufactoria...
The temptation to say 'they released the Balrog' is strong here.. :P In other events it represnts a rather industrious Chaos port, all things considered.

Page 9
Cobbled together from old ship hulls and scraps of wreckage brought to Iniquity from every corner of the Expanse, the shipyards sprawl across hundreds of kilometres, held in place by powerful plasma engines and gravitic generators. Dozens of ships of every description, both Reaver ships and captured prizes, can be found in the slips here,
Scope and capacity of the Reaver shipyards. Might be indicative of capacity for other (industrial, hive Forge) yards.

PAge 12
The main entrances for many of Iniquity’s largest and most prolifi c mines are located here as well. Shafts as deep as fi ve kilometres burrow into the planet, and no one is sure how many tunnels are beneath the surface, their length, or where they all lead.
... is said by miners that a man with a thorough knowledge of the mines and a good sense of direction can get anywhere on the planet without ever seeing the sun.
Depth and implied scope of mining on the planet. Not as insane as some of the more notable forge worlds (or Chaos forges, like the one from Rites of Battle) but its pretty impressive. It's also mentioned there are still daemons in the deeper mines.

Page 12
Wedged between the spaceport and the Manufactoria, its crooked streets are lined with all manner of outfi tters, vendors, and kiosks catering to the esoteric tastes of the visiting pirates and Reavers.
Even on Chaos/Pirate worlds there are economies and trade, although of the more black market varitey :P

Page 16
More importantly, they failed to locate the vessel’s core cogitator. The report was closed with the entry that the cogitator may have somehow become prey to the warp—perhaps causing the vessel to become trapped within it for so long.
A massive battle in space leaves the Explorers’ own cogitator damaged—leaving them to face a choice: attempt to run with no ability to translate to warp, or attempt to connect the ancient (and possibly corrupted) core cogitator of the Gaunt Triumph.
This would tend to suggest ocmputers are involved even in Navigator-piloted jumps - I'd guess that maybe the Navigators are useful for predicting and refining the computer calculations of a warp jump. This may explain why at least some Navigators link into their ships directly, for example.

Page 19
This is also where the various hydroponic farms, algae tanks, and food processing facilities are located. Since Chorda’s Folly is a virtual wasteland, feeding the large population is a logistical nightmare. To help offset local efforts to feed the populace, various Chartist captains make this world one of their stops, where they would drop off food and other supplies in exchange for processed ores and minerals (and the occasional lot of manufactured goods).
Food sources on a mining world.

PAge 19
Unable to support a fully–functional Planetary Defence Force, the settlers were organised into a small militia. Every able– bodied adult in the settlement had to serve for two months out of the year.
Militia forces. One step lower than a true PDF (which tends to suggest most PDF are actually professional/semiprofessional military forces.)

Page 19
Outside the massive barracks are three large defence laser emplacements aimed out at various points into the air. These in turn, were powered by the settlement’s main reactor, housed within the Manufactorum District.
The settlement’s sole fusion reactor also resides here.
Orbital or aerial defence lasers, and the fusion reactor powering stuff.

Page 19-20
Outside the bunker, there are several heavy defence laser batteries pointed at the sky. In addition, massive vox masts and other types of communications and augur arrays a mounted at the apex of the building.
The bunker itself is made of a heavy–duty alloy that could withstand several impacts from orbital assault. It also contains enough food, water, and other essentials to last out a year– long siege.
planetary defence bunker.

Page 26
There is no real fixed point in the warp that a Navigator can use as a reference if he cannot locate the Astronomican, and therein lies the real danger and diffi culty of travel within the Expanse.
This is probably more of a local problem, as we know of cases (like astropathic relays) used to provide beacons for Navigators to go by (this means the Exapnse has few or no such relays, even though the Chaos Reavers appear to have their own version set up.)

Page 26
Determining the amount of time it takes the Explorers to travel from Chorda’s Folly (within the Cinerus Malefi cum) to Iniquity (located in the Foundling Worlds) is similar to crossing from one sub–sector to the next.
The base amount of time it takes for the Explorers to travel from Chorda’s Folly to Iniquity is 14+1d10 days (average time 18 days in the warp).
average 18 days, with a 15-24 day range for travelling many tens of light years. Given the 'crossing subsectors' range and the map were talking half a sector (or equivalent's) distance.. maybe 100 LY or so (up to 150 or so depending on how linear the path is) For 100 LY the average travle speed is ~2000c for 18 days.

Page 27
Each segment has a number of average days it takes to travel through the warp (it can be assumed that the Navigator takes the ship out of warp to realign his navigations between each segment).

Chorda’s Folly to God–Emperor’s Scourge: 4 days average

Travel through the God–Emperor’s Scourge: 8 days average

God–Emperor’s Scourge to Iniquity: 6 days average.
Breaks down the 18 day average a bit better. Figure Folly to Scourge is 50-100 LY, and roughly the same for Iniquity. That's around 3-4500c, with the bulk of the time trying to pass through the Scourge. Possibly also gives an indicator of how 'multiple' warp jumps can skew speed figures.

Page 28
By entering a psychic trance, Skar can sense the location of the psychic beacon generated from the surface of the Chaos– infested moon.
The Reaver can detect the Astronomican analogue. Earlier it was mentioned he is a minor sorceror, indicating it is possible for sorcerors and other psyker types to navigate in place of a Navigator - they just don't do as good of a job.

Page 29
A cross between a nebula and ionised clouds, the particles within ion spreads have the ability to short out unprotected electrical systems and other nuisances. At times they seem to be almost sentient—suddenly changing course to strike at nearby vessels. The reality is that they are simply drawn to the electrical fields generated by void shields, plasma reactors, and other energy–hungry systems.
electrical fields are generated by reactors, voids, as a byproduct of their power consumption.

Page 29
While deadly radiation blankets the dying star system, there are pockets where the radiation spikes and fl ares. This is mainly due to dying planets ripped apart by the maelstrom and by the gas jets exiting the black hole at high velocities.
...the vessel suffers 1d5 damage to the Crew Population and Crew Morale as waves of nausea and headaches run rampant through the crew. Medicae staff must dose the crew with anti–radiation potions and unguents. Additionally, 1d5–1 random Components become Unpowered from the sudden electromagnetic pulse.
I'm guessing they mean relativistic gas jets emitted by black holes. Whilst I dont know much in the way of black hole outputs (I've heard them as small as megawatts) it does provide an interesting insight into effects.

Page 40
Within are several controllers and servitors who monitor the systems at all times in case of attack (or the occasional meteor shower that threatens the Citadel).
Overloading the shield generators will vaporise a large section of the Citadel within 30 minutes;
Citadel voids for protecting against orbital attack or meteor showers :P It also mentions you can overload the voids to create a massive explosion.

Page 41
....generates the beacon through the sacrifice hundreds of beings to the Ruinous Powers of Chaos.
The beacon room itself rises up 300 metres into the heart of the Citadel.
At the apex of the room is a eries of crystals that somehow amplify the psychic energies released below, and focus them into the beacon that is used by the pirates of Iniquity.
Pirate beacon. I imagine the Astorpathic realys are something similar or are related.

Page 42
In the centre of the star rests a plinth carved from the same living crystal, surrounded by a group of seven lithe female daemons with fl owing black hair and eyes of solid blue.
Living Crystal and Daemonetts part of the beacon. the daemonettes are not standar dissue.

Page 42-43
There are several genatoriums providing power to the entire Citadel of Skulls. These massive plasma reactors produce the energy needed for everything; the massive forge, defensive batteries, void shields, and even the lights. Banks of these reactors and their associated capacitors are situated throughout specially–shielded rooms within the forge.

However, it is possible to overload a reactor; causing a massive explosion in the process (one such reactor room sits almost above the location where the Vault of Secrets is located).
It takes roughly 30 minutes before the reactor reaches critical mass and explodes, vaporising everything within a 100 metre sphere (this area is enough to breach the entrance to the Vault of Secrets).
Citadel reactors and power systems. At least 2-3 reactors, possibly more. Assuming 100 metre pshere of solid iron or rock, we're talking several megatons to vaporize. Figure the accurate value is somewhere to within that Oom (materials potentially tougher than rock or iron, but being less than 100% solid)

Page 43
Within this forge chamber, various starship components are manufactured. The area is hot from the molten metal and ores, and the items are assembled by industrial servitors. Slaves and their overseers move about the area, taking the completed items and placing them on conveyors that lead to the cargo bays for awaiting shuttles.
Servitor based manufacturing.. salves only used for simple/menial tasks.

Page 44
Dominating the centre of the Vault is a massive crystalline cube with hundreds of copper-coloured connectors on each side. A faint purple light pulses within, as if the cube has its own power source.
...this device as a starship’s core cogitator.
Appearance of a starship core cogitator. more specifically one from a Grand cruiser.

Page 46
A core cogitator is, in essence, the “brain” of the ship. It controls the environmental systems, the gravity, the life–sustainers, the lights, the targeting arrays, the output of the plasma drives, the Gellar Field, and just about everything else. Granted, much of what the core cogitator does is overseen by servitors hardwired into its systems, and isolated Tech- Priests who pray to the plasma reactors—but without it, the ship’s systems have to be brought online manually, if at all. It’s the core cogitator that calculates the proper angle the ship’s macrocannons should be aimed to strike a target moving at relative speeds. It’s the core cogitator that routes the energy to the void shield projectors that protect the ship; and without the core cogitator the protective Gellar Field could never be raised—thus dooming a ship in the warp, or preventing it from ever entering the Immaterium.
A starship core cogitator described, and the various functions it carries out -basically everything aboard a ship. Again not only is a ship 'alive' in a snese, but it is also (in truth, going by RT stuff) highly automated, althoug as it says it relies on a fair bit of servitor aid for this. It also has interesting implications for the 'human fuel/slave labor' aspect of 40K starships - not so much that such things don't happen, but rather they are more a secondary/backup function. It could be some ships lack that proper automation (or it fails and never gets repaired) and they have to resort to the manual (brute force) methods for many things - loading guns, aiming them, etc. but it does not mean they ALWAYS do so or that is the only option. It's a redundancy issue but also the 'lack of standardization' thing. It shows how 40K can encompass both of those extremes without contradiction, as well as allowing for the extremes in combat (EG the Abnett-style 'thematically inappropriate' starship combat as well as the more 'commonly accepted' slower BFG style ones or close in planetary battles.)

It is also key for making wapr jumps, even with a navigator. I imagine the cogitator is what makes the jump calculations in a non-piloted warp jump.

page 47
The core cogitator is not something that can be carried out of the Vault (it’s as big as a Rhino APC).
Size of the Corge Cogitator.

Page 47
The Explorers can choose to lock out and detonate one (or more) of the Citadel’s plasma reactors. In fact, the Genatorium on the Forge Level above them is ideally placed to facilitate an escape route.
The Explorers can also use one of the melta warheads stored within the Vault to blast a path to the surface...
Orbiting above Iniquity is the Explorers’ vessel. With the proper coordinates, their ship could put enough fi repower into the ground above the Vault to clear a path for the Explorers to escape with the modules in which the Vault is contained.
Means of escaping with the Cogitator. all of them imply a similar magnitude of firepower/capability, and as previously noted we might figure megaton range or so for the plasma reactor explosion, so the metla warheads and orbitla bombardment could fall into that range as well.

Page 48
Although the core cogitator, the soul of their vessel, can be repaired by a Mechanicus Forge, such a feat is beyond their resources.
Repairing a core cogitator.

Page 51
The Vault is actually several standard cargo and storage modules like those found on many bulk transports and cargo ships. The doors can be set to hermitically seal the contents within, and each has its own separate life-sustainer functions: allowing the temperature, gravity, atmosphere, and a variety of other variables to be set within.
Functions and capabilities of 'standard' cargo containers.

Page 52
Three of these massive [melta] warheads are locked into specialised frames and fi xtures. Each of them is neatly stacked against the far wall. They are penetrator–pattern warheads that resemble enormous-looking, jagged-edged spearheads. Currently, they are in “stasis mode” and inert. However, a Tech-Priest or someone knowledgeable in the workings of these mysterious weapons could wake their slumbering war–spirit. The Explorers can use one of these warheads to blast enough earth away above them to remove the cargo modules with a bulk–lifter, shuttle, or guncutter.
'blast away enough earth' is hard to measure, but I'd wager we're talking 100+ metres in diameter (judging by size of the various craft ot haul away) and at least that similar depth (which meshes roughly with the plasma reactor overload). We dont know if it melts or vaporizes (it probably is one or the other, sinc ethis is a melta weapon) but again we're *probalby* talking at least megaton range.

Page 60
Modifi ed with artifi cial muscle grafts and built-in tools, these mindless brutes are commonplace among the mines and industries of Iniquity. Even in death, there is no escape for a slave from the industrial hell of Iniquity’s mines, furnaces, and foundries.
Chaos Reaver servitors.

Page 66
The Valkyrie Sky Talon is a variant of the Valkyrie airborne assault carrier commonly used by the Imperial Navy. The Sky Talon is a support aircraft that is used for heavy lifting in combat situations, and has become favoured amongst many Rogue Traders who need a rugged, dependable vehicle that can carry a heavy load under fire.

The Sky Talon uses magnetic lifting clamps to secure its cargo, assisted by dual grav/pressure clamp rigs and lifting cables when necessary. It is armed for self-defence with a nose turret-mounted heavy bolter for anti-personnel fi re and two Hellstrike missiles under the wings for anti-armour.
Sky talon. note the grav lifters

Page 66
Sky talon: Tac speed 20m/10 AUs (air uints). Cruising speed of 1,100 kph

Carrying capacity: 1 to 2 vehicles (size Hulking or smaller, typically 2 Sentinel walkers or 1 rapid assault vehicle) or equivaelnt sized cargo pod, up to 14 tonnes deadweight lift via line rigs.
This aircraft is capable of hovering in one place via powerful vector thrust engines for extended periods of time, but also traveling long distances while utilizing aerodynamic principles
Sky talon. The carrying capcaity is interesting.. it could carry (for example) a Trojan modified for combat use.. which is a mere 3.5 tonnes as per Forge World. Or a Centaur carrier. Not much but it would give some Drop Commands light armour capabilities.


Fallen Suns:

Page 7
The decadence and malignancy and sheer hubris of our ancestors rent the very fabric of space and time, and brought forth the existence of a new god of Chaos. We owe a debt to all races that we repay with the slow death of our own.
wow, a non arrogant, non condescending Eldar Farseer. Goes to show that between this and the Eldar 'path' novels not all Eldar are egotistical bigots.

Page 7
They had mastered technology and tamed the Webway, transcended the need for toil and suffering, and their worlds were peaceful and rich with art and music.
Pre-Fall Eldar Society.

Page 7
These Eldar, derided as self-punishing puritanical fanatics by their brethren, built massive, planet-sized ships with which to flee the depravity of their people. These ships, called Craftworlds by their masters, fled to the furthest reaches of space.
As they travelled and the centuries passed, the Craftworlds slowly took on their final shape. They grew in size to meet the needs of their populations, the Bonesingers reshaping the vessels into something more akin to wandering planetoids than mere starships. Each Craftworld became a world unto itself.
The building of Craftworlds and their growth/evolution.

Page 9
Once home to hundreds of thousands of Eldar, the Craftworld also features massive crystalline domes kilometres long that cover whole cities complete with public spaces, broad street capillaries, towering spires, Exarch shrines, and everything else one would expect to find in any Craftworld built by the ancient and advanced Eldar.
Population of a craftworld.

Page 9
Directly in the centre of the main dorsal side habitat towers the ancient, seething core of the Craftworld’s plasma generators. Dozens of kilometres high, the plasma core is the tallest structure on Lu’Nasad, and perhaps the most important.
For innumerable centuries the core has generated the power for the great Craftworld, and it is a testament to the craftsmanship and technical acumen of the Eldar that it has done this for the past ten millennia without any support or regular maintenance.
An Eldar 'plasma' core that has been running for hundreds/thousands of years unattended and unmaintained. Where is it drawing power from? What does it usea s fuel? Is it related to Imperial plasma reactors? If so it would provide another hint at the bizarre operations of such (the incredibly long, lifespans for example.)

It's interesting that they actually have plasma generators of any kind, normally the infinity circuit is alluded to be the Craftworld's power source. Maybe both are the case, but in different ways?

Page 11
Indeed, every Eldar born is trained in the common weapons and tactics of their people so that they may take up arms to defend their Craftworld. They know more about the art of war than man will ever know, and they were waging war among the stars before mankind had progressed much farther than using sharpened stones as weapons.
Eldar military training.

Page 11
Within their echoing halls the remaining Aspect Shells continue to gather, their bodies long since turned to dust. Along with the dangers of the Aspect Shells...
Seems like the Craftworld Aspect armour got hit by a Rubric-like effect of their very own.

Page 12
Every bit of Eldar technology, from the simple suits of psych-plastic armour worn by the citizen-soldier Guardians to the twisted, towering spires of the dead Craftworld, is made of Wraithbone. Wraithbone is an extremely malleable, psychoreactive substance that is shaped by the Eldar Bonesingers. It is incredibly strong, can take any form imaginable, and due to its Empyrean nature possesses innate psychic properties.

Page 12
When an Eldar dies and his soul flees his body, the Spirit Stone acts as a trap that captures the soul before it can return to the Warp and the excruciating embrace of She Who Thirsts. Once safely embedded in the Spirit Stone, the Eldar’s soul can be returned to his home Craftworld to be joined with that Craftworld’s Infinity Circuit.
Spirit stone function

Page 12
...Spirit Stones of long-dead Eldar heroes can be plucked from an Infinity Circuit and placed in the Wraithbone bodies of Wraithguard and Wraithlords. Much like a grievously wounded Space Marine entombed in a Dreadnought, this allows the Eldar hero to once again rise to his peoples’ defence. Spirit Stones can also be embedded in Eldar fightercraft and fighting vehicles where they perform functions similar to those of the Machine Spirits venerated in the Imperium, assisting the pilot and even taking over operation of the vehicle if the pilot and crew are incapacitated.
Spirit stones duplicating the functions of Machine Spirits or Dreadnoughts.

Page 12
Composed of Wraithbone and home to the collected souls of all the Craftworld’s dead, the Infinity Circuit is the massive ship’s keel and the skeleton of its hull. It is within the Infinity Circuit that the souls of the Craftworld’s ancients lie in safe keeping, forming a massive ancestral “living memory” that serves to advise and guide the living.
The Infinity circuit

Page 24
A Corsair of the Crow Spirits, Garadhun serves as the Istaurmen—diplomatic liaison—for Fate’s End. Because of this, he is far more tolerant of humans and other non-Eldar races than most of his kind.
Corsairs have a diplomat for non-Eldar relations.. which shows that there is at least some commmunication even with humans probably.

Page 25
The space station is a massive structure, more than twelve kilometres in length. The central core of the spire is a ribbed cylinder, terminated by massive crystalline structures at either end. Six graceful arches are arrayed symmetrically around the core. These extend out more than three kilometres each. Large viewports are visible from bulbous structures along the arches and the core.
Eldar space station.

Page 29
Anaris directs the Explorers towards a workstation dominated by an unlit crystal. After a few moments, he explains that this structure provided the Whisper with a link to Lu’Nasad. The link must have been severed when the Craftworld was corrupted by the Rifts of Hecaton.
Until some sort of replacement component is installed, the vessel is incapable of tracking Lu’Nasad.
Farseer Anaris explains that they need access to a device that has melded with Lu’Nasad since its corruption in order to be able to home in on it. As he parted ways with the Craftworld before it became corrupted, he no longer has a link to its Infinity Circuit.
An interesting system, but one that makes a fair bit of sense, since ships away from the Craftworld would need to be able to track its location. Given the data revealed in the Eldar "Path" novels by Gav Thorpe I now suspect that the tracking system is tied into (and transmitted via) the Webway. So we can figure the WEbway has sensory, communications and beacon like properties for Eldar starships. Failing that it may be one of the rare examples of FTL sensors - I imagine passive FTL (warp) sensors could track a unique warp baesd signature as large as a craftworld.

The interesting thing her eis that repairing it is implied to be possibel with Imperial tech if some jury rigging is done, which also suggests some capability fo this exists amongst Imperial tech.

Page 30
Anaris also points out that the Whisper can use the webway to reach Footfall much more quickly than an Imperial vessel. If the Explorers were to travel separately, the two vessels would likely arrive weeks apart.
Interesting, considering that Eldar craft have taken Imperial ships into the webway befre (gothic War). In either case the difference in timeframe over the same distance is weeks (as opposed to instant, or hours, or days for the webway)

Page 31
Ultimately, because the Whisper travels the webway, the transit time to Furibundus is unexpectedly brief. Rather than the two weeks it took to reach Serpent’s Cradle, the return journey takes less than three days relative time. Of course, such a rapid transit means that they have likely left their personal craft days behind them.
If (and this is a big if) the ratio stayed constant, the warp is potentially 1/5 the speed of the webway. I doubt its 'effective' speed but rather more an ideal and even then its still more an 'order of magnitude' estimate.

Page 34
The webway in Footfall is relatively stable and well mapped. They offer to guide the player characters through the webway to the station. In this way they can accomplish the journey in a matter of minutes rather than hours and avoid any risk of exposure.
Webway is at least 60-100+ times faster than in system travel. Hours to reach station (however far away) from edge of system (warp point). If the ship were one AU from footfall we'd be tlaking 10+ gees depending on how many hours (could get up to hundreds). Of course this isn't certain and goes down if its closer :P

Page 34
...Its pathways lead to the Craftworlds, to the surface of the verdant worlds of the Exodites and to untold thousands of other places throughout the galaxy. Though the webway still connects many Eldar planets and Craftworlds to one another, the baleful energies of the Fall have ruptured its hyperspatial pathways in countless places.
The webway

Page 35
The moment it emerges in the system, every psyker can immediately sense its presence. The desperate cries of millions of mental voices trapped in endless torment swiftly extend throughout the system, leaving the Warp in the region tremendously unstable.
This may represent the souls on the craftworld, or it may be the total Eldar (inifinty circuit plus population) - although infinity circuit is probably destroyed or warped.. and they were never very vocal dead..

Page 38
Some vessels may approach even closer to the Craftworld, in hopes of either landing or to make a futile attempt to attack the planet-sized construct.
"Planet sized" Craftworld.

Page 39
By taking this route, they can effectively discourage pursuit—only a maniac would dare to fly a starship so close to a star as unstable as Furibundus. However, they also run the risk of seriously damaging or even destroying their craft.
If the Explorers choose to lay in wait for Lu’Nasad, they run the risk of damaging their vessel in a stellar flare. In order for them to attain a location where the star’s radiation interferes with the auspex systems on the Chaos fleet, they need to be extremely close.
Close proximity to the star by itself (even nstable) isn't harmful, but the solar (stellar?) flares are.

Page 39
The Whisper of Anaris is equipped with Solar Sails that give it a +2 VU speed boost when moving away from a stellar body (such as Furibundus).
Apparently the sails are only useful in close to the star.

Page 41
Finally, the Explorers must identify the location of one of the severed webway tendrils associated with the corrupt Craftworld. Hundreds of these are scattered throughout the Furibundus system.
The number of webway tendrils/connections tied to the system and the craftworld. I'm not sure if they eare all separate or linked.

Page 44
Craftworld Lu’Nasad is the size of a large moon. It is simply too large for the weapons of even a small fleet of vessels to damage the Craftworld enough to effect its course or speed.
With dozens of ships (including several cruisers) and the timeframe spanning osme 127 hours we're talking quite a bit of durability for a Craftworld

Page 45
Dozens of these massive weapon towers are spaced regularly throughout the Craftworld.
The massive weapon emplacements are currently controlled by spirit stones attached to the devices.
Craftworld pulsar lance defensive emplacements.

Page 46
Each Eldar tank weapon weighs in excess of 500 kilograms
Weight of Eldar tank weapons.

Page 46
Surrounded by the core spires, the massive central core of Craftworld Lu’Nasad is an enormous plasma generator. This system has stably provided the construct with power for dozens of millennia. Such is the technological artistry of the Eldar that even though it has been more than ten thousand years since anyone performed routine maintenance checks, the core continues to function near peak efficiency.
....causing the plasma generator to undergo a meltdown and massive explosion that would effectively destroy the Craftworld. Alternatively, they could use explosives to shatter the plasma containment field, triggering a comparable explosion.
Craftowlrd plasma core (reactor?) I thought they were powered by the infinity circuit myself. But maybe they use multiple power sources!

Page 51
Only an unprotected view of the warp or a Greater Daemon could compare to the potency of hundreds of thousands of damned souls crying out in agony and hunger.
Implied scope of the Craftworld's infinity circuit. It might be that most of them have been lost in teh corruption of the circuit, or not all agreed to go along with their pact with chaos, but it generally says that the 'native' living population paralleled that of the infinity circuit population, I think (Eg hundreds of thousands or millions of Eldar.)

Page 55
Once the Explorers have safely left the Craftworld, it quickly leaves the Furibundus system via the webway
Craftworld using a webway portal.

Page 65
Over time, the rich spirit essence of the Eldar spirit stones and psycho-reactive materials composing the armour of their Aspect Warriors and Wraithguard drew the attention of predators within the warp.

Daemons infested these constructs, inhabiting the spirit stones that once housed the ancient spirits of Eldar heroes. Little more than empty shells animated by the cruel and capricious whims of daemons and warpspawn, these warriors stalk the halls of Lu’Nasad, eager for slaughter and to claim new victims.
Possessed Aspect Warrior/wraithguard shells.

Page 65
Wraithcannon use a form of warp inversion and cohesion technology unknown within the Imperium. They fire a bolt of unstable matter, creating a small warp anomaly wherever it hits.
Interesting here that Wriathcannon fire a bolt of matter.

Page 66
Death spinners are heavy, pistol class weapons, half again as big as the delicate shuriken pistols, and fire a writhing, fast expanding ball of monofilament known colloquially as a “spinner cloud”. Spinner clouds have a broad area of effect, and are particularly lethal against tightly packed formations of un-armoured and lightly armoured infantry.
Intresting how Deathspinners are big pistols. Also I wonder what kind of 'lightly armoured' troops a re meant - flak? carapace?

Page 66
This weapon is a variant of the standard Eldar shuriken catapult designed specifically for the Dire Avengers aspect warriors. It has a longer barrel and an upgraded energy propulsion system that improves both range and accuracy, and has a built-in sight that combines the functions of a preysense sight, a red-dot laser sight, and a telescopic sight, much like the omni-sight found throughout the Imperium.
Dire avenger shuriken weapon with high end scope.

Page 66
To achieve this, they use ancient and arcane technologies that allow them to travel relatively safely through the Warp for short distances. Mounted in armoured backpacks, these Warp Jump Generators allow the Warps Spiders a flexibility and freedom of movement nearly unmatched by either their peers or their enemies. In game terms, the Warp Jump Generator allows a Warp Spider or Warp Spider Exarch to teleport up to 50 metres
Warp Spider jump generator range. 50 m per jump.

Page 66
Aspect armour is a lightweight, incredibly durable mesh and plate armour worn by Eldar Aspect Warriors. Made of a psycho-sensitive mesh that stiffens on impact and articulated wraithbone plates, it constantly moulds and reshapes itself, clinging to the wearer’s body and providing excellent protection while not compromising the wearer’s natural agility. The armour also has a number of onboard techno-arcane systems that provide full life support, long-range encrypted vox, auspex, and Dark Sight.
Aspect armour capabilities.

Page 67
Whisper of Anaris cruiser
Dimensions: 6.5 km long approx, .8 km abeam
Mass: 30 Megatonnes approx.
Crew: Unknown
Accel: 6.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
Ghost ship stats. goes without saying that being as massive as an Imperial cruiser, with greater accel... more power, or at leats it would if they had plasma engines :P Identified as Void Dragon class./

Page 68
Class: Kali-class
Dimensions: 4.8 km long, .7 km abeam
Mass: 26 megatonnes
Crew: 85000 approx.
Accel: 2.7 gravities max. sustainable acceleration
Kali class cruiser.

PAge 68
Laid down at Orestes at the beginning of the Angevin Crusade as Kamala, Annihilator is the last surviving ship of the short-lived and ill-fated Kali-class fast attack cruisers. Designed to close with larger ships and batter them from within the range of their heavier, longer-range armament, the Kalis were fi tted out with outsized engines, heavy armour, and short-ranged, powerful macrobatteries.
Kali class fast attack cruiser. Not unlike some Grand Cruiser designs or Voss Pattern light cruisers. It also shows that depending on armaments and ship designs, they can be designed to punch above their size class.

Page 68
By the end of the Angevin Crusade, Kamala was the only remaining Kali-class cruiser of the original ten.
10 such cruisers built before the end of the crusade (fewer than centuries I think.)

Page 68
She was decommissioned and towed to a navy yard where, due to a bureaucratic mistake, she was laid up in ordinary instead of being scrapped. After nearly two centuries in storage, she was purchased by the warlike House Amardi....
Another 'rare and precious' starship that ends up getting sold off.

PAge 69
Recently purchased by House Feckward, Freedom’s Price is a Dauntless-class light cruiser that began life as Liberator. Initially laid down as a long-range scout and augur picket ship, Liberator served with distinction alongside her sister ship Aegis among the Drusus Marches at the end of the Angevin Crusade. She was sold out of the service hundreds of years ago, and disappeared from record until recently when she turned up at Port Wander in the fl eet of a minor Rogue Trader from the Calixis sector sailing under the name Freedom’s Price. A number of missteps and poor decisions on Port Wander broke the Rogue Trader, and he was taken into custody by the Arbites and his assets liquidated.
Amusing economic details. Again note how ships can play a role in economics and can be bought and sold.

Page 70
Hull: Heavy Cruiser
Class: Hades-class
Dimensions: 5.2 km long, .8 km abeam
Mass: 33.5 Megatonnes
Crew: 130,000 approx.
Accel: 2.4 Gravities max acceleration.
Hades class heavy cruiser hull.

Page 71
Optimus Nemesis is a tough ship and has withstood battles that would have scuttled lesser vessels. She is reinforced with additional adamantine bulkheads in strategic locations throughout her hull.
Structural durability reinforcement.

Page 72
Hull: Eldar Cruiser
Class: Shadow-class
Dimensions: 4.7 km long, 1.4 km abeam at wings.
Mass: 16 Megatonnes approx.
Crew: Unknown
Accel: 8 gravities max sustainable acceleration

Eldar Shadow class cruiser.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next up for Rogue Trader: Koronus Bestiary

two parts

Page 7
Settlers, miners, researchers, agri-toilers, and others often disturb hidden creatures or bring forth long-slumbering beasts from what were thought to be relatively safe environs. The implantation of Imperial manufactorums and hydroponic bastions into some biospheres can also result in the introduction of chemical effluent and other sewage, creating monstrous mutations and causing some flora to erupt into deadly new variants. Other creatures seem to have been deliberately introduced onto certain planets, in what could be attempts to hinder efforts from competing Rogue Traders or merchant interests. Radical xenologists speculate that specially bred beasts have been implanted into some native biospheres for sport or other less commercial reasons as well, including simply to eliminate humans from a world.
Conditions and hazards of inhabiting planets (at least in Koronous expanse). Intresting that not only does Imperial manufacturing, but its hydroponics can be polluting, which leads to mutations and.. blh blah.
For that matter, the 'introducing fauna' to a new enviroment for commercial or other reasons is pretty disruptive on its own.

Page 9
Each claw is larger than an Ork’s finger and is cruelly shaped. The curved mass of chitin that forms each talon comes to a dangerous point and the edge is almost as sharp as a mono blade.
More disquieting studies go so far as to wonder if this behaviour is even due to natural evolution, or perhaps the result of careful breeding or gene-engineering.
Koronus expanse creature that has claws 'almost mono edge' sharp. Supposedly it also can go into berzerker frenzies, has massive size and strength and speed, etc. It's also mentioned the thing will release endorphins, adrenaline and other chemicals when wounded, and that its enraged by the scent of its own blood (due to pheremones.

Page 10-11
At such close range, each round barely had time to ignite before they slammed home, splattering the creature (and what was left of its two victims) over the frozen landscape.
The average Creeping Stalker is a flat, vaguely diamondshaped creature two to three metres long by one to two metres across.
human scale bolt rounds (less than the full clip I assume) blow apart an alien creature and the remains of two human bodies.

Dimensions of the creature in question provided below.

Page 13
Khymerae are terrifying creatures, literally born from a person’s nightmares. They spawn in the warp, coalescing into existence like malignant cysts around the psychic energies that fear and terror leaves in the Immaterium. They do not form at the whim of the Chaos Gods nor do they appear to be fragments of these powers. Taxonomists of the Ordo Malleus classify them not as actual daemons but as warp creatures, one example of the many unnatural flora and fauna existing in the Immaterium, though this distinction is usually lost on those facing the beasts
Warp Creature rather than daemon. Interesitng that they can have similar origins, even if they aren't a daemon or a 'fragment' of a Chaos god. Having no corporal bodies they can phase and teleport.

Page 18
Each began stirring, only wounded, it seemed, and still able to stand and carry our now much-lighter weights. Even their wounds seemed to close, with only dribbles of blood leaking before the solid hide condensed around the jagged tears. They were magnificent, maintaining pace across the wastelands despite their injuries.
The dry winds and scorching sun were brutal, yet the Mukaali trod on without stop, heads rocking as they navigated the unsteady dunes.
That night, we slowly came upon their camp, the Mukaali silent except for muffled panting.
Mukaali. Docile, but can close wounds somehow. And tough with greate ndurance. Worth noting, given that the Tallarn rough riders use them (EG Taros.)

Page 19
In these arid regions the beasts thrive like no other, able to live for long stretches without either food or water. Their skin is exceptionally condensed and acts both as an insulator from external heat and a barrier to prevent interior moisture from escaping. The hide protects powerful muscles, designed more for duration than sprinting but still capable of reaching good speeds over short distances. Unlike other creatures that metabolise stored fats to provide energy, the Mukaali’s metabolism is acutely efficient, and can extract nourishment to an extremely thorough degree. Their traditional thin diet has always been tough shrubs and other sparse vegetation, which they chew and regurgitate through multiple stomachs and digestive organs, some beginning in their bulky necks. Each organ extracts more and more moisture and nutrients, allowing the creature to sustain itself far longer on far less than would be expected for its size.
A Mukaali can easily outlast a human or even the sturdiest of pack animal, though, especially as the temperatures rise well into threatening levels.
Again comments on Mukaali endurance and biology.

Page 19
A Mukaali can bear a prodigious load with no break in stride, easily capable of carrying not only a rider but also a full set of packs as well. Some have even been used to tow wheeled cargo containers. This capacity for heavy transport, along with their generally docile temperaments, has made them ideal mounts in many desert locations and for many desert riders. In these harsh conditions, they often outperform mechanised transport, and certainly require less maintenance and upkeep. Riders need little or no training, as the beasts respond well to direction and can keep to a directed course for long hours without correction.
Mukaali transport and endurance assets.

Page 19
Mukaali soon began appearing on numerous other planets with similar climates as local tribesmen struck deals with Rogue Traders to export the beasts for many uses, including combat roles—most notably with the Imperial Guard mounted regiments hailing from Tallarn. Lacking any sense of aggression, Mukaali have no actual offensive strengths other than accidentally trampling their enemies as they stride forward. Unless actively controlled, the animals quickly run from almost any perceived danger and must undergo strong training to be able to gallop forward towards enemy lines. Despite this, the beasts take part in many operations where their tough skin, strong muscles, and survival characteristics keep them and their riders alive and fighting longer than many other mounts.
Mukaali role in the IG.

Page 20
The size of a mythical Terran hawk or eagle...
The creature is known to be an incredibly fast flyer; vid-captures show flocks of Razorwings actually out-pacing Chiropteran Scouts and other low-flying craft for short periods of time. While the creatures have tremendous speed, they rarely use it except for the initial dive, as otherwise they would overshoot their target.
Razorwings. Size and their speed, which is interesting from an 'organic tech' perspective (lol magic!)

Also 'mythical' hawk and eagle.

Page 21
The claws and beak of the Razorwing are strong enough to cleave through the mass of its prey to get to the bones inside...
The feathers of the avian, from its filoplumes on its head to the rectrice feathers on its tail, are as sharp and as durable as a mono-blade. Imperial scholars think this may be due to the excessive amounts of calcium in the Razorwing’s diet, as the beasts are known to especially delight in crushing and eating the bones of its victims as well as the flesh. It is believed that it uses this calcium to strengthen and sharpen the feathers into tough and incredibly sharp tissue, like oceanic coral.
An interesting comment on 'organically provided' mono-edge knives. Its interestng that they're made from calcium and are likened to coral (although whether the process or nature of the material is 'like coral' or it can behave like it, we don't know.) I did some searching on the web and apparnetly you can make coral (or at least some kinds) into knives although the viability/advantages of such I have no clue. I know obsidian knives can be used for surgicla purposes for their extreme sharpness, and I've run across claims on the web that flint can also be SUPER SHARP compared to other knives. If that's true, , I would imagine coral might behav elike flint and thus be a close enough comparison.

Either way Mono-edge deosn't mean what we usually take it to - 'molcule-width cutting edge' crap, but rather 'really fucking sharp'. And if you could make a blade that was as sharp as obsidian (or purportedly flint) but without any of the disadvantages, that would be pretty freaking sophisticated and neat, at least in my opinion.

Page 21
This means the entirety of the Razorwing is a weapon, with such speed in its dive that it is akin to firing a bullet at its target, allowing the creature to slice or, in some cases, tear completely through a victim’s body.
Mono edge + high speed.

Page 21
Their presence has severely cut into the profits of many merchants who rely on meat-supplying beasts on several worlds, leading to many attempts to cull this xenos harshly and investigations as to if they are being used as biological weapons by rival traders.
Apparently the razorwing is considered a potential bioweapon of sorts. Whehter it was discovered and transplatned from another location, or whether it was created this way is not stated.

Page 23
The creature’s skeleton is made entirely of translucent, rose-tinted crystal, comprised of a molecular structure that no member of the Adeptus Mechanicus has been able to replicate.
Even if the skeleton is unharmed in the effort, removing it from the flesh is also an effort as the two bond on a near molecular level, possibly part of how the crystalline bones are formed.
AdMech can't replicate some osrt of weird organic crystal bone shit.

Page 25
...the inhabitants grew more and more desperate for food. As the technology broke down, they took to raiding each other’s estates; when that failed to assuage their cravings, they turned first on the fallen, then on their slaves, then on each other.
..reduced to the most profane of existences. In time, their bodies altered to reflect their degraded lives..
The Shadowkith are still mostly human, though barely so, and many of the Magos Biologis would name them mutant.
Basically.. cannibalistic zombies. The interesting thing about this is how they 'changed' physically to adapt to the enviroment after a warp storm isolates their planet. Given they classify as mutant I would say that the warp changed them to reflect their thoughts/emotions/beliefs brought on by the adverse conditions. Or to put it another way, the warp turned them into zombies.

PAge 27
Additional research led them to investigate what could drive such behaviour and, by accident, they uncovered the planet’s terrible secret.

Something about Orn’s biosphere, perhaps due to ancient exposure to devastating warp storms or an intrinsic quirk in its sun’s radiation, is anathema to certain types of neurological patterns. Lesser beings are not affected, but the brains of higher sentients are slowly eroded. With time, those exposed find their cognitive abilities faltering and memories fading

Heretical RESEARCH yet again, and yet another 40K world with a horribly dangerous secret, possibly warp-inspired.

Page 31
The sudden and unexpected way it attacks, along with the horrifically painful nature of its feeding manner, leads many to believe it also feeds on the prey’s psychically released terror and agony, perhaps even more so than the actual flesh consumed.
Great. Even more sadistic psychic predators.

Page 35
While the theory of parallel evolution is somewhat accepted by most branches of the Magos Biologis, to have such a creature evolve on so many differing planets with different climes and ecologies seems to suggest transportation rather than evolution.
Purported AdMech view on evolution. or at least 40K's version of it I suppose.

Page 37
Given the run of the bridge, I was passing the interminable days of travel between the equally tiresome warp jumps when a hue and cry was raised among the deck officers.
Days of 'sublight' travel. Over what distances we dont know, but its probably not from planet to warp point, since its 'between' warp jumps, but rather travelling over some sort of anomaly.

Page 36
Even as our ship began to turn, the thing reacted, uncoiling kilometre-long silicate tentacles to reach out across the void toward us. I could only look on in horror as this beast of stone and crystal, which must have been at least two or even three kilometres in length...
Suddenly the night was illumined by lance fire as Alberse gave the beast a broadside, beams and blasts powerful enough to punch through void shields merely washing over its hide. With a terrible shriek of metal, one of the tentacles tore down the side of our craft, but thank the God-Emperor it did not catch...
Void Kraken. Organic spaceship (or spaceship analogues) are not the sole province of Tyranids in 40K. Assuming there's no connection between the two of course :P Also its evident resilient to space based weaponry, which could mean (depending on your viewpoint/agenda) that 40K weaponry is not quite as uber as some sources suggest (CONTINENT DESTROYING) or the Void Kraken is just that insanely durble.

It's also noted that there may be multiple 'kinds' of Void Kraken often mistaken to be a single species.

Page 36
They are almost certainly some form of silicon-based creature, without blood, true bone, or fluid to keep them alive. Instead, it is believed by those few adepts to consider the beasts that the Void Kraken draw their animus from the very space debris they often resemble.
Possibly another geneitcally engineered 'bioweapon' - keeping in theme with alot of the other possible creatures in the Bestiary.

Page 37
VVoid Kraken feed off minerals found in rock, which explains their interest in ships. The hulls of most void-worthy vessels present a Kraken with a concentrated collection of metals, ores, and silicates for it to feed on, a tempting and tasty morsel for the beast.
Composition of (Imperial) starships. One wonders how Void Krakens might react to Tyranid or Eldar starships, given their natures. Or Necron, for that matter.

Page 37
Even larger vessels are not immune, however, and Void Kraken attack things many times their own size, latching onto them like a limpet mine. Only ship-borne weaponry is any defence against a Kraken, and only then if the vessel detects the Kraken early enough and manages to drive it off with broadsides or lance strikes.
We dont know if it means length ior mass, but 'many times' could mean either, whichmay mean 'larger vessels' could be as large as 8-9 km (definteily possible as Grand Cruisers adn battleshisp reach that scale) Although mass would probably be more consistent.

Page 37
Void Kraken
Hull: Unknown (Void Beast).
Class: Unknown (Void Beast).
Dimensions: 1.8 km long (+1 km with tentacles extended), 500m
abeam approx.
Mass: 7 megatons approx.
Accel: 1.3 gravities max acceleration
I like how 'hull and class' remain unknown. Anyhow, assuming something squidlike (roughly cylindrical, although some sources on there liken it to an asteroid or moon (more ovoid perhaps) Gives an average hull density of 15 kg/m^3

One assumes the Kralen propels itself by some sort of reaction drive, and its mass and even relatively low accel mean its propulsion is almost certainly alot stronge rthan mere chemical reactions. ASsuming it reaches at least a few km/s (it can reach escape veloicty on low gravity airless worlds) and lets say it uses about a fifth its mass as propellant - although I suspect I'm being conservative since it only means a few min of acceleration for the Krkaen between 'refueling' we get about 5-10 thousand tons per second propellant, which translates to an exhaust velocity of 'only' 9-18 km/s - the Kraken needs to expend at least 400 to 800 TW to move itself. If the velocity is higher the energy is higher (say 300 km/s exhaust velocity, which leads to a propellant mass of 300 tons per second - sustained output is e16 watts.) Given its a living creature (admittedly one with alot of silicate in it) and what would be necesssary ot power itslef, this may actually say something about its durability (and hence something about ship weaponry - although like with most calcs they're not super duper precise and dependnet upon those pesky assumptions I'm making. :P) To be fair I would find it unlikely that these ships could actually punch out relativistic exhausts or anything, but still...

It also goes without saying that if the hull figures suffer from the same possible problems I've alluded to with other 40K starships the mass may be understated (MASS LIGHTENING!) which would also change the figures above. And if for some reason they use some other means of propulsion than reaction drive (quite possible) the calcs of course won't apply, so bear that in mind as well.

Page 37
Void Kraken are monsters of truly gargantuan proportions, some growing to the size of small escorts with tentacles that can stretch for kilometres trailing through the void.
Implied sizes of Void Kraken again.

Page 37
Void Kraken are largely made of rocky material and have few components that can be damaged by ship weaponry or ordnance, as even their tentacles can be re-spawned as needed.
Void Kraken - reiterating their (mostly?) rocky nature. But they can also regenerate/self-repair.

Page 37
Void Kraken are fiendishly difficult to detect, as they are, in essence, living asteroids and only the most sophisticated sensors can reliably pinpoint them.
Which is interesting because.. well.. it implies they have no normal biological signatures, such as giving off heat. Which is also interesting given the implications it has for propulsion (EG nothing like a fusion torch or a Imperial plasma drive.) Indeed the creature must have very unusual biological (magical even) processes to generate so little heat. I mean even if we use the 'it shuts down/runs silent/hibernates in space' argument it still would have to dispose of residual heat damn quick, which again speaks to an unusual/magical nature. Or as alluded above it may ues some sort of propulsion other than reaction drive (some sort of naturally-occuring repulsor or reactionless drive, perhaps) which as I said before would significantly alter (or rather, negate) my above calcs.

Page 37
Most of the elaborate heraldry and iconography had been torn off, sheered away cleanly without the normal indications of explosive void weaponry.
Void weapons are 'normally' explosive. Presumably this means even the energy ones (laser, plasma, and even lances) and not just projectiles, although it might mean projectiles, which tells us something about their naturea nd operation (they rely on more than just purely thermal damage, but may be mostly mechanical like a pulsed laser, or even both thermal/mechanical.)

Page 38
The Koronus Expanse offers vast resources ripe for plunder, with the easiest involving acquisition and transport of megatonnes of mineral wealth or agri-world foodstuffs.
Resource trnasport. Implies trnapsorts carry at least 'megatonnes' of cargo.

Page 38
Non-lethal weaponry is also needed, such as specially formulated needle rifles or sedation grenades that can subdue a creature without harm.
Nonlethal weaponry.

Page 39
Initial scans had indicated the planet hosted large promethium deposits buried deep under the swamp waters, and pre-fabricated drilling stations and refinery plants were quickly dropped from orbit along with attendant populations of indentured labourers and servitors. Soon regular shipments of weapons-grade promethium were making their way to Port Wander for transport into the Calixis Sector...
Promethium drilling - again it suggests 'space oil' given the drilling and refinery (which are pre-fab and deployed from orbit, nice touch there.). The 'weapons grade' reference is interesting, since the only context I have often heard that in is either nuclear weapons (referring usually to the purity of the material) although others (bio and chem weapons, I think) can simply refer to weaponization.

Page 39
The Tech-Priests of the Magos Biologis have endless fascination with the variety of species living in the Koronus Expanse. Studies of these creatures offer new revelations into the ways of the flesh, the better to replace it with holy machine. They also offer new possibilities for toxins and other alchaemical processes, or perhaps something as mundane as a new foodstuff to feed the teeming masses of the Calixis Sector. Xenologists also crave the alien, desiring such creatures to enhance their knowledge of the xenos races across the Expanse.
This combines the heretical RESEARCH angle with the even more heretical FASCINATION WITH THE ALIEN. *snicker* Of course not every AdMech coggie will be into this, but at least some are- they're as riven by interpersonal politics and radical/puritan factionalism as every other faction.

Page 40
The megafauna located on many worlds are a prime example, each capable of tearing apart entire manufactorum complexes or flattening a Baneblade super-heavy tank with ease.
More Giant space creatures.

Page 42
Despite the official proscriptions against such things, there is a huge appetite for xenos knowledge and technology in the Calixis Sector, and plenty who pay handsomely to quench such desires.
Such xenotech is highly sought after in the Sector by heretical xenographers, jaded spire-nobles, Ordo Xenos agents, radical factions of the Adeptus Mechanicus such as the Disciples of Thule, and many others for a variety of reasons.
Possession of xenotech is heavily proscribed (often to a lethal degree), so most trading occurs through the channels of the Cold Trade.
Comment again on the 'heresy' of the alien - technology or otherwise. Again ont everyone is this way, but it shows there is a non-trivial part of the Imperium who will ignore those 'forbiddings' for their own reasons, and due to politics or influence or whatever, will get away with it. The advantages of being rich and powerful.

Page 42
..Eldar ambushed a small fleet led by Rogue Trader Synbar Lockhart; these “Crow Spirits,” as they call themselves, managed to destroy nearly a dozen of House Lockhart’s vessels.

His house was crippled,...
Size of a Rogue Trader fleet.

Page 43
He offered to aid us in navigating the asteroid fields surrounding the fragment as well as hold off the Orks for a small cut of bounty the ruins might offer.
..the Eldar never offer assistance without a significant interest, and Eldar seldom share when it comes to artefacts and relics—and never if they are taken from the ruins of their long lost empire.
It was then we discovered the extent of the treachery; our own party had been murdered by the Eldar, which had then taken the artefacts from the ruins (which we only then discovered to be Eldar), and made their escape.
While its likely these were Corsair eldar, it bears remembering that Eldar and humans have a history of being dicks to each other, because they're both arrogant SOBs.

Page 43
..the Eldar once controlled or traversed much of the domain humans now claim.
Implied scope of Eldar territory.

Page 43
..has largely become nomadic, its once-great clans and peoples travelling in vast armadas of ships and aboard mighty Craftworlds, gargantuan vessels the size of cities or larger in space.
Implied size of craftworlds.

Page 44
The Eldar mind is a complex and tangled labyrinth of emotion and thought, and Eldar are far more susceptible to the highs and lows of extreme emotions.
Which makes sense in context of the warp, but its a double edged sword (goo dand bad parts.)

Pge 44
Compared to the crude blunt sounds of High or Low Gothic, its words flow from one to the next, each sentence a complete idea as much as a collection of letters or numbers. Humans can imitate Eldar speech to a certain degree, with sufficient training,..

...the Eldar language is not words alone, but also accompanied by a detailed set of poses and gestures. The way an Eldar stands, the cast of his features or how he moves his hands can all change the meaning of words, sometimes dramatically. Further complicating matters is that each Eldar word or symbol is as much a concept as it is a name for something.
The complexity of Eldar language. Another factor not cited here but in other sources (and another barrier to toher races speaking it) is how the highly psychic Eldar race may incorporate a psychic element into its language.[

Page 44
Cults sprang up devoted to hedonistic pleasures and debased rituals, the side effect of a culture that no longer needed to concern itself with common labour or the need for personal wealth
It seems the Eldar in the past were what might have been called a post-scarcity society, and something that contributed significantly to their downfall (idle hands and all that, at least in a universe where the Warp is a reality.)

Page 45
..a dark power deep within the warp took notice of the Eldar, a psychic echo of their own excessive culture and the depths to which it had sunk in the pursuit of increasingly powerful emotions and sensations. Though it had no name at first, it was given life by the Eldar themselves and their increasingly depraved actions. As it grew in power so did the Eldar’s madness; each a vile reflection of the other, each feeding off the other’s twisted heart.

Slaanesh existed in some form or another before acutally becoming a God of chaos - it seems its rise to power was largely fuelled by the Eldar themselves. This means that any potential warp entity might, under the right circumstances, become a Chaos God, concepts which strongly echo all the details presented in the 'REalms of Chaos' novels.

It must be said that not only did the Eldar suffer - its mentioned humans, orks, etc. suffered in Slaanesh's birth. One must wonder if the situation on Earth was affected by this in any way.

Page 45
Part of these differences lie within the physical nature of the Eldar and their long natural life span, which far exceeds that of even the most long-lived human, even taking into account the many ways in which man might try and prolong his existence and cheat death.
This means Eldar lifespans can easily beat out most or nearly all forms of rejuv. Considering an Eldar can easily anticipate living to a thousand or more, this suggests a broad upper limit on the majority of humanity's potential lifespans - although as we know there are many excpetions (the AdMech can live for thousands of years, albeit as decrepit madmen or inhuman machines, and some Astartes can approach or exceed that age, although they are quite uncommon.)

Page 43
..though the Eldar have exceptional longevity, their metabolism is far faster than that of a human, their hearts beat more quickly, pumping their blood around their body in a rapid crimson torrent. It is speculated that this increased blood flow improves their reaction speed and brain function, allowing them to act and react far more quickly than humans can.
Implication of Eldar havng greater biological speed/reactions than humans. This also suggests their lifespan may not be biological in nature - quite possibly its tied to their highly psychic nature instead, or may be a reflection of their 'artificial' origins (products of the Old Ones) - not unlike the way Space MArines were 'engineered' by Big E.

Page 43
Within the Koronus Expanse there are several different Eldar clans and at least one documented Craftworld.
Scope of Eldar activity in Koronus. This may give a hint at the scale of the Eldar across the galaxy.

Page 43
Corsairs are also the most likely of the Eldar groupings to make deals with human traders and void-farers,..
Making them (in a sense) the Eldar version of Rogue Traders.

Page 46
Once the Eldar had many gods; each was an aspect of their rich and diverse civilisation, and an expression of the differing aspects of the Eldar themselves.
All of these were lost when the Eldar civilisation was destroyed, lost to the warp and to the memory and minds of countless Eldar.
Hints on the origins and natures of Eldar gods pre-Fall. It echoes the 'Dark Eldar' novel comments on 'racial soul' methinks.

Page 46
..Khaine was strong enough to survive the battle, but in the process was rent into a thousand pieces and scattered across the void, where he eventually came to rest in the heart of each of the Craftworlds.
Taken literally (if we can) it means that at least 1000 Craftworlds may have survived the Fall, although how many survived to present times is up for debate. Given a popultaion of hundreds of thousands or millions of Eldar, that would also hint at a population in the hundreds of millions or billions, approximately.

Page 46
These cities of /the void have the resources and power to conquer worlds should they see fit, and arguably have the most effect on the galaxy as their Farseers work quietly behind the scenes to manipulate the course of galactic events.
That Farseers are the main threat on a galactic scale (due to manipulation and divinatory abilities) the fact that a single Craftworld could conquer worlds is interesting as a comment on their military capability. Indeed, it tends to point to *quite* significnat (military) populations, givne an inhabited planet would doubtless have millions or even billions of people. Whether or not this includes wraithguard or not is unknown, although such are unlikely to contribute significantly to the probable numbers unless you're Iyanden.

By and large this capability would affirm the noiton in other sources of Eldar having hundreds of thousands or millions of population.

Page 46
To harness this part of Eldar nature and use it for more productive means, the inhabitants of Craftworlds choose to focus their attentions and energies into specific areas, mastering a craft or vocation rather than let themselves be seduced by new sensations or distractions. These areas are known to the Eldar as Paths, each a specialised role which an Eldar devotes his abilities to and masters over the course of decades or even centuries of training and practise.
The Craftworld Eldar 'Paths' system. Againt he fact that a single Eldar can be expected to master several paths over their lifetime can imply quite a few things aobut thier long ages (at least by 'centuries' of mastery.)

Page 46
When an Eldar dies, his soul, like that of a human’s, is cast off into the warp. While a human soul retains nothing of its living consciousness, an Eldar’s mind is stronger both in will and psychic power and remains aware of its terrible fate.
A fact which strongly echoes the parallels between Daemons and Chaos Gods (or warp entities of varying power levels.) It also reflects that stronger psykers probably are in a similar case as the Eldar are.

Page 47
Eldar Craftworlds can only travel slowly through the void and are incapable of the warp travel used by the Imperium, and while Eldar vessels can and do make use of warp voyages they prefer not to, as it is dangerous, unpredictable, and still relatively slow.
Craftworlds are sublight (unless they can use the webway), but Eldar vessels can and sometimes do use Warp drive. At least some do, but the Eldar warp travel is slower and shorter ranged than the Imperium. Probably fits into that 'few light years' range or so. One presumes it's still faster than Tau ether drive.

Page 47
Each Craftworld has its own gate, and therefore access to the network, which it uses to send men, materials, and even ships to far-flung destinations.
Webway is thus the main commercial as well as military routes for the Eldar race as it is. This can provide them much greater protection for their logistics and infrastructure than most races, but some (like the Necrons, or Chaos daemons) can still be a risk.

Page 47
Since the Fall which claimed so many of their race, the Webway has become damaged, the psychic birth of Slaanesh tearing at its seams and cracking its gateways. Now the Webway has become a dark labyrinth of tunnels and portals where a wrong turn or pathway can lead a traveller to his doom..
As seen in the Eldar Path novels, the Webway is not without dangers.

Page 47
Using psychotropic engineering, nearly all Eldar weapons, armour, ships, and even cities are crafted from living plastics that respond to the user and are psychically attuned to the Eldar themselves.
Eldar weapons and armour are more grown than manufactured, often at the hands of skilled Bonesingers, the architects of the Eldar cities and masters of shaping the wraithbone.
Eldar construction techniques.

Page 47
Eldar technology is usually as beautiful as it is deadly, with smooth lines, ergonomic grips and sights, and lightweight design..
Each one is crafted for a specific owner and made with his or her body in mind. An Eldar’s weapons or an Eldar’s suit of armour are never as effective in the hands of a human as the Eldar it was created for, the imprinted psychic purpose lost to the blunt mind of mankind.
Eldar craftmsanship. The interesting bit about this is how it implies almost nothing the Eldar possess or use (at least most tech) is what we might consider mass-produced. Rather it is crafted individually for each person, and it works best for them. The fact that there is a psychic dimension to this only highlights that Eldar tech is highly psychic in nature.

Page 47
..the weapons of the Eldar mirror many of the effects of Imperial weapons, casting bolts of plasma or sending out rays of burning concentrated light. These are but cosmetic similarities, however—Eldar weapons are considerably more advanced in nature, and considerably more deadly.
Confirmation that las weapons (or at least some) are photonic. Also that Eldar weapons are better to an unknown degree, which is a change from the POV of the 2nd edition Eldar Codex (but then again that was 4 editions ago lol.)

Page 47
Eldar make use of many kinds of close-combat weapons, from mono-edged chain blades to flickering, energy-wreathed swords and spears.
..each of these weapons is perfectly balanced and keen edged, reducing the user’s reliance on raw strength..
Eldar weapons are less dependent upon raw power (probably a result of the mono edge stuff or powerfields) and emphasize lightness and balance to faovur Eldar speed and reflexes.

Page 47
Eldar missile launchers use the same ancient principles as human weapons, though they differ in both size and design, and are almost universally lighter and easier to wield. They also use far more advanced projectiles, missiles with massive destructive force at a fraction the size of anything humanity can produce. Such is the difference in scale that Elder missile launchers rarely need to reload in battle, since their pods bristle with scores of ordnance.
Eldar have massively better explosives, and use this to create far smaller projectiles and cram their launchers with more ammo. A good example is probably Dark Reaper weaponry. It also probably represents the closest Eldar come to duplicating bolter tech.

Page 48
Some Rogue Traders have even tried to map the “Koronus Web” as humans know it, however more explorers disappear down its twisting paths than return to tell the tale. Regardless, the location of a functioning Webway portal is an extraordinarily valuable piece of information, especially
if it leads to a place which has yet to be exploited by the Imperium. Needless to say, the Eldar are very protective of the Webway and its secrets, and aggressively deal with any who try and use it to plunder their worlds.
Implying that humanity may have (somehow) gained very very limited access to the webway, at least in Koronus. Whether this applies elsewhere is completely up to debate, and even if they did their knowledge si bound to be far inferior to the Necrons.

Page 48
...Edar long ago mastered the use of light as a weapon and created some of the most advanced and effective laser weapons known to the galaxy.

..laser weapons make up a significant proportion of the Eldar arsenal. One of the things which makes these weapons so effective is the perfection with which the Eldar craft their laser-focusing crystals, each one masterfully grown and polished to a flawless finish.
Eldar laser weapons.

Page 48
These terrible weapons enmesh the target in a tangle of almost-invisible wires which literally cut them to pieces, either where they stand or as they try to escape.
Monofilament weapons, which often pass as artillery for the Imperium.

Page 48
..the plasma weapons of the Eldar are both sophisticated and safe to use.
..their Star Cannons and similar weapons, which capture the fury of burning plasma in complex containment fields while never risking overheating or explosion.
Eldar plasma guns, like tau plasma guns are safer than their Imperial counterparts, although the eldar bring this about due to advanced tech, whereas the tau rely not so much on sophistication as trading firepower for reliability. Also not a plasma supersoaker.

Page 48
Ranging in size from pistols and rifles up to vehiclemounted cannons and support weapons, shuriken catapults and casters work using the same basic principle. Each has a clip of solid core ammunition. When activated, the weapon then uses high-energy pulses to shave off a mono-molecular “shuriken” from the solid ammunition core and fling it down the barrel at hyper velocities...
Shuriken weaponry described. The scaling is unsurpriisng (EG they all work the same regardless of design), but the 'hyper-velocity' bit is new. One would be tempted to say 'hyper velocity' in the sense it means multiple kilometres to tens of km/s, although the fact they slice through targets rather than exploding would tend to argue about that. There is the other definition I've used alongside Honour Guard (this definition) which applies more to firearms and cannon. The small arms definition would be 1500 m/s of course.

High velocity would also offset the un-aerodynamic and low mass of the shurikens, enabling those weapons to have something resembling a plausible range of course.

Calling it between 1.5 km/s and a few km/s though, probably would fit the bill all around without getting too far into 'explodey' territory. If we assume a momentum of between 10 kg*m/s to 35 kg*m/s to represent the weapon's total recoil (Shuriken weapons have very little recoil compared to modern guns IIRC) the combined KE would be between 7.5 kj and 26.3 kj at least. While that seems low, bear in mind that a shuriken projectile is edged and meant to slice/cut through it starget, it doesn't penetrate the same way a bullet does, so velocity isn't *quite* so essential to damage - its more like a bow and arrow or crossbow in that regard. Even though the KE implied is equal to (or less than) a modern assualt rifle, the penetration and destructive qualities (due to the number of shots and the way in which the ammo is designed) are bound to inflict considerably greater damage.

If we do adopt the former interpretation of 'hyper velocities' however, the firepower becomes considerably greater AND the wriathbone projectiles are prtty damn durable to not vaporize explosively on impact - far more so than modern materials. KE of course would also go up.

Page 48
..these weapons manipulate reality itself, tearing holes in the materium and flinging foes into the madness and horror of the warp. Known as distort cannons, commonly called D-Cannons, and used primarily as support weapons (and by the silent and terrible Wraithguard
Eldar D cannon.

Page 48
..each suit of armour is fitted for its user, and responds to their psychic signature.Lightweight and allowing unrivalled freedom of movement, it reacts to attacks by hardening before a blow lands, then becoming flexible once more.
Eldar armour. Again custom designed like their weapons and other devices, and also possessing of qualities reminsicient of the older definitions o Mesh armour (which Eldar originally had as standard the way flak was common for IG and Orks.)

Page 48
Eldar do not just make use of personal armour; they also use a variety of sophisticated fields and cloaking devices on their persons, vehicles, and even their starships, ranging from energy barriers and repulsion auras to holographic mirages and distortion effects.
eldar forcefield defenses. Again whilst it includes stuff like holofields, there is implication left open that starships may use some sort of damage-resisting shields too.

Page 49
The thick plates and reinforced strapping of their psycho-sensitive armour is adorned with weapon stabilisers and graceful limb supports.
Dark Reaper armour The stats list the Reaper armour incorporating a scanner, Omni-Scope, rebreather, photo-visor and micro-bead.

Page 49
Warriors of this temple carry the large Reaper Launcher into battle. It fires a fusillade of armour-piercing missiles with such a withering number of shells that an entire area can be saturated with a single salvo. Though smaller than the bulky Imperial shells, each Reaper missile round can pierce all but the strongest armour.
Cap[abilities of the Reaper Launcher - again Eldar explosives are more powerful which has resulted in more compact projectiles without a loss in performance.

Page 50
..few protective armours, including the mighty Tactical Dreadnought Armour of the Adeptus Astartes, can withstand the concerted attention of the Fire Dragons.
Fire Dragon capabilities Stats wise Fire Dragon helmets have rebreather, photo visor and microbead. They also carry scanners.

Page 50
..Their dreaded fusion gun allows them to bring this fire to their enemies, fuelled by the heat of the very stars themselves. These weapons are capable of reducing flesh and armour to molten slag in moments, and only its relatively short range mitigates its lethality in combat.
Star like analogy may be a reference to temperatuer or nature of the weapon (plasma guns? Hybrid melta/plasma?) And the whole melting thing is unsurprised. If we assume power armour and made of iron you might figure on double to triple digit MJ at least (over unknown but presumablty brief) time period.

Pgae 51
he characteristic bodysuit armour of the Howling Banshee temple is lighter than other Aspect Warriors, allowing for more freedom of movement but retaining the characteristic flexibility and rigid defence when struck.
Howling banshee armor

Page 51
This mask contains an array of psychosonic amplifiers that intensifies their distinctivebattlecry into a devastating weapon. Crushing waves of sound and psychic force hammer the target, stunning and even causing horrifying neural damage to their foes.
Banshee mask capabilities. Also has photo-visor, micro bead and rebreather as standard. like all other aspect warriors HB's carry scanners.

Page 52
That hill is hundreds of metres away, and at that range, a few infantry can hardly pose a threat to -”
Last words of Imperial vehicle driver. Impiles anti-vehicle/anti-armour weapons are only effective at close range, at least whne it comes to man portable wepaons like plasma and melta guns. It probably doesnt include heavy weapons, alhough whol knows.

Page 52
Their weapon appears to be a laser rifle variant of the crystalline cannons found on their heavy grav-tanks, called a Prism Rifle. These smaller weapons share many traits with the Eldar Lasblaster, with the additional ability to somehow link together for more power and range; this may explain the wildly varying reports of the weapon’s efficacy in combat reports
Shadow Spectres prism irfles.

Page 52
Multiple Shadow Spectres may use the sophisticated targeting matrices in their Prism Rifles, called Ghostlights, to combine their weapons for one devastating attack.
Eldar superlaser.

Page 52
These exotic devices break up the image of the wearer as he moves, making him difficult to
target with any accuracy.
Personal holofields. Shadow Spectres also have rebreathers, photosights and comm beads.

Page 53
Striking Scorpions wear a heavy, plated suit of psycho-sensitive armour that conforms to their bodies’ fluid motions but turns rigid when struck.
..these weapons fire in tandem to launch a fusillade of needlelike crystals in a rain of accelerating lasers, erupting in a devastating plasma discharge.
Striking scorpion armour and mandiblasters. Alongside that they also have the standard scanner, rebreather, micro-bead and photo visor.

Page 54
Aside from the impressive wings that sweep up from their shoulders, each made up of thousands of feather-like gravitic plates.
Swooping hawk backpack. also have scanner, microbead., photovisor, and rebreather.

Page 54
Their primary weapon is the Lasblaster, a refined and elegant energy rifle far more efficient and powerful than the standard Imperial lasgun. In addition, the Swooping Hawks also carry small micro-grenade packs that can drop devastating explosives..
Swooping hawk weapons. Unsurprisingly, they're better than IG lasguns.

Page 55
..the Warp Spiders use arcane technology to circumvent enemy defences or frontline formations to make precise, targeted attacks at the most significant threats...
This arcane technology allows the warrior to make short, controlled warp jumps in a much more precise and predictable manner than any fielded by Imperial forces. There is still a deadly element of risk involved in each jump, however; there are reports of these warriors sometimes teleporting into solid objects or even other soldiers with spectacularly fatal results.
Warp spider teleporters and their risk. They also carry the standards canner, rebreather, photo-visor and microbead.

Page 55
..Death Spinner, which spools a ball of monofilament wire into a temporary suspension field at the muzzle of the weapon, then hurls the deadly snarl at its target.
Death Spinner monowire gun. Seems to be force-field propelled, which isn't really surprising.

Page 56
Constructed from the same psychoplastic, bone-like material as the larger Wraithlords, Wraithguard share the same basic design, down to the beautiful gems scattered across the armour. Although not as powerful or implacable as a Wraithlord,...
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Page 56
The Wraithcannon uses unknown xenos technology to fire unstable matter, opening a small warp rift at the target in a wide variety of effects. These can range from messy implosions to a sudden and complete disappearance as the foe is dragged into the warp forever. No armour has ever been found to be effective against this weapon, and only its relatively short range and long recycle time offer any hope at all to forces arrayed against the Wraithguard. Its power source is unknown; all that can be determined is that once removed from its bearer, the weapon becomes nothing more than interesting but useless xenos sculpture.

Page 57
Wraithlord’s seemingly delicate armour is nearly impossible to breach without the heaviest of military-grade weapons,..
wraithlord durability.

Page 58
Protected from head to toe in intricately-decorated psychosensitive bone plate glittering with multi-coloured gems of dazzling quality, the Autarch is also warded by the most advanced personal forceshields to be found in the Expanse.
Autarch defenses. Naturally as Aspect Warriors do they have scanners, rebreahter, photo visor and micro-bead.)

Page 59
Renowned Rogue Trader Bradfreid Craven was rendered all but destitute when he was stranded on Solace Encarmine, his ship destroyed in orbit when Mihrendelas created a new asteroid field from the planet’s third moon in search of a legendary artefact.
Autarch possessing weaponry capable of destroying moon of unkonwn size.

Page 60
Eldar are typically quicker and more coordinated than humans, and though they are not especially more resilient to injury, their speed coupled with their skill means they often avoid harm by giving their foes only a fraction of a second to react before they make their own attack, be it a well-aimed shot from a Shuriken Catapult or a swift stroke from a mono-bladed chainsword.[/uote]

Eldar speed and reflexes again, also mono chainswords.

Page 60
An Eldar’s mind also works faster than that of a human’s and this, in conjunction with their natural speed and grace, also allows them to work flawlessly when in combat groups..
Not only move faster, but think faster.

Page 60
This manner of warfare is also central to the Eldar’s mentality, for they shun the kind of attrition attacks, and blunt, bloody assaults so common to humanity and many of the aggressive xenos of the Expanse.
Eldar warfare approach

Page 61
Unlike the common conscripts of humanity, Eldar Guardians come to their calling already armed with a wealth of knowledge of war and combat, which they then hone for many more years, focusing on the task as only the mind of an Eldar can. This means that every Guardian is an expert at his or her role within their squad and capable of taking on other tasks should the need arise. Eldar also possess more independence and initiative than human warriors, and while a human soldier has his individuality beaten out of him, the Eldar embrace their uniqueness and accept that the false ranks so loved by humanity are but titles which do not especially empower or elevate the man or woman who bears them.
Eldar vs Human soldiers. I'd say that its broadly true (more in how the Guard is viewed and the Munitorum's approach) but it doesn't take into account for the variety and diversity of the Guard (EG Catachans and other Death Worlders, tanith, etc.)

Alternately it refers to the mass-conscription troops (usually in emergencies) rather than the volunteers or the regular tithings from the PDF.

There's also the obvious drawback that Eldar take for fucking ever to train to that levle.

Page 62
the Avatar towers over the battlefield; a fiery juggernaut of death standing three times the height of a man and clad in molten armour of baroque and eldritch design.
Height of the Avatar of Khaine.

Page 62
Such is the power of the Avatar that its blade can cleave battle tanks in two or hack apart even fortress gates, leaving only scraps of molten metal in its path. Its flaming aura is equally deadly and those that stray too close to the Avatar feel the heat rolling off its ancient armour, hot enough to burn flesh and set hair and cloth aflame if its passes too near.
Capabilities of an Avatar.

Page 62
..the Young King is completely consumed by the Avatar and ceases to exist as he once was, his essence instead mingled with that of the Bloody-Handed God and funnelled into the Avatar, giving it the strength and will to move and fight...
Partly like a daemonic sacrifice, but also akin to how Exarch/Phoenix king armour operates (or infinity circuits in general.)

Page 63
the Avatar can use the Wailing Doom to focus its terrible rage into a bolt of searing energy, literally melting enemies where they stand and turning vehicles into piles of smouldering slag metal.
Capabilities of the wailing doom - implied multi-gigajoule range power - it melts shit basically.

Page 63
Those that stray too close to the creature are burnt and weapons which rely on fire themselves are largely ineffective against it, their beams, sprays, and blasts washing off it like smoke striking water.
..weapons which cause Energy Damage have no effect on the Avatar unless exotic and unusual in nature..
Which would suggest lasfire and such are highly thermal in nature, even if they have some secondary explosive effects.

Page 63
The Avatar of Khaine cannot be truly killed; even should its form be broken and destroyed, as long as its Craftworld endures, it can be awakened to return again and again. When the Avatar is destroyed, its body burns to nothing as its essence is returned to its Craftworld; therefore its body, armour, or weapons cannot be taken by its foes.
It can (and does) get its ass kicked many times.

Page 66
The standard Ork stands approximately six to seven feet tall, with a heavily-muscled but hunched posture, and its weight is over twice that of a man. These xenos have green skin that is extremely thick and tough.
Height, weight, and toughness of Orks. That would imply perhaps somewhere between 150-200 kg perhaps.

Page 66
Studies of Orkoid cells reveal that they contain fungal and algal strains, which in turn makes them very resilient. Many Orks have been hacked to pieces only to have their Mad Doks stitch them back together again. As an Ork ages, he also slowly becomes larger and stronger.
The two seem to be closely related, in fact.

Page 66
It is believed that Orks reproduce by spores and do not have a standard reproductive cycle. This is also believed to be why infestations are so hard to eradicate; spores left behind after the menace is defeated can result in new creatures emerging years after the original Orks were killed.
Spore theory.

Page 66
Imperial researchers remain puzzled how these clans have each spread so far and wide and yet maintained a sense of identity. Many hypothesise Orks possess a form of genetic “racial memory” containing their knowledge of technology, beliefs, and customs.
More probably its their warp based 'raical soul' - the thing tha tmanifests as their Gods, the WAAAGH effect, and generally controls Orkish 'adaptation' to conflict and general growth and population as has been discussed in previous Codexes and the like.

Page 66
Adepts of the Machine God have long been fascinated and horrified by the arms and equipment of the Ork race. Simply put, Ork technology should not work.

...from the weapon blowing up when in the hands of a non-Ork.

The crude nature of these assemblies of weapons and vehicles show that the Orks possess an uncanny ability to make things work no matter the technological base, using only what they refer to as “Orky No-Wots.”

Mechanisms created by Ork Mek Boyz defy all logic on power sources, proper containment and shielding, and even means of locomotion
Not all Ork weapons behave this way. recall that some of their weapons are built by slave labour (humans, etc.) and alot of it may be salvaged or taken as tribute (or loot) from other races, even if it is 'adapted'. And even then, most basic Ork firearms are simple neough in design that reliability shouldn't be an issue (sluggas, shootas, etc.)

When it comes to the fancy, mek produced stuff, especially the exotic stuff like tellyportas, Shokk attack guns, etc. things like this are likely. Stuff like this more than liekly represents a crude version of Orkish psychic engineering, except instead of the wraithbone shit of the Eldar, they use regular items put together in a way that looks 'proper' to the Ork, wich then acts as a talisman to trigger the desired effect.

Page 67
Kill Kroozers, a common ramshackle Ork voidship, has this manner of prow. These vessels can be massive, and are classified as Battle Kroozers when they have reached a size in excess of thirty megatonnes or more.
Kill Kroozers and Battlekroozers.

Page 67
These titanic amalgamations of numerous ships, asteroids, and other debris become mobile colonies for Ork raiders. When a space hulk is found by a tribe of Orks, they quickly board the vessel and begin scavenging all they can from the ship to fuel their war efforts. Mek Boyz begin fabricating weapons, armour, and vehicles almost immediately as metals and other valuable assets are salvaged and stockpiled in areas of the hulk. Often completely new ships can even be built inside the huge holds or caverns inside of massive space hulks.
Space hulks are not just transportation, they're mobile resource/fabrication facilities for Orks, as wlel as their battleship analogues and spacegoing colonies.

Page 67
A space hulk usually has no means of propulsion of its own.

Industrious Meks and Weirdboyz can sometimes assist in moving a space hulk into a warp rift or other passage, but this is by no means an exact form of travel.
Space hulks normally have no predictable means of warp travle (they just get sucked in and cast out of the warp randomly), although Orks can sometimes sort of control it, as this quote indicates.

Page 67
These vehicles continue the Ork custom of defying logic in their construction; they look like they might fly apart at any second under the forces exerted upon them. This trait is also true of Ork starships and flyers, and many Speed Freaks find that piloting voidships is the ultimate expression of their way of life; many have secured themselves the coveted role of voidship pilot for Freebooter Kaptins across the Expanse.

The Orks of the Kult of Speed are able to achieve amazing speeds with their equipment due to what the Orks consider a must for most of their vehicles—a Red Paint Job. In their culture, Ork Boyz simply believe the red ones “go fasta.”
Waagh in effect: red ones go faster. Doesnt matter the kind of vehicle.

Page 68
Many theorise it is simply that the better-constructed vehicles get this special paint, but then why would they slow down when the paint is scorched away? Common myth in the Expanse has it that it is the manifest will of the massed Ork consciousness. Orks are insistent that it be true, and thus it becomes so, despite any mechanism for it to happen other than their sheer determination. Despite ongoing investigation by the Adeptus Mechanicus, no definitive conclusion has been reached.
Discussion of WAAGH effect. Note the AdMech 'investigation' is ongoing.

Page 68
Deffguns are cobbled-together shoulder-mounted weapons favoured by Ork Lootas, who pillage battlefields for as many different guns, ammo sources, and other weaponry as they can find, mashing them together indiscriminately to create these dangerous long-range guns.

Page 68
A Grot Blasta is similar to a blunderbuss or other primitive slug thrower and is usually filled with nails, scraps, and other debris to fire a lethal burst of shrapnel at a foe.
Grot weapons

Page 69
The Scorcha’s long handle contains a nozzle at the end to distribute the highly combustible material in great gouts of flame. Conversely, it can be used as a shortrange cutting instrument in the Ork scrapyards by focusing the flame into a tight, torch-like end. Burnas often use this setting in close combat to slice apart their opponents.
Burnas. sometimes Iw onder if Imperial flamers might be similar but magical. Because when you think about it its rather interesting that a flamer that could be more like a regular flamethrower could transform into a blowtorch simply by variable focus...

Page 69
..the Shokk Attack Gun, which opens a small tunnel through warp space.
He then sends a band of Snotlings through the force-field-protected tunnel and out the other end. One end of this tunnel is in front of the gun, while the other end is wherever the operator aims. When the Snotlings emerge from their journey through the warp, after being assailed all along the way by daemons and other horrors, they are crazed and in a state of mad frenzy.
Shokk attack gun. Note that the gun can create some sort of force field 'barrier' to guard the snotlings (sort of) as they pass through said tunnel.

Page 69
Ork Technology (or Tek) takes on a variety of forms and appearances, though there are many common similarities throughout their race. A Shoota, for example, is a common weapon amongst the greenskins all throughout the galaxy, though the actual appearance of a Shoota can vary greatly. The same standards apply to vehicles such as Warbikes, Trukks and Wartrakks—all have a common function and basic design while the actual look and workings can be very different. Why this is so is a matter of great debate amongst the Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Scholars, and the most widely accepted belief is that there is a form of genetic memory common to all Orks in which these technological ideas and advances are passed along. This hypothesis continues to be heavily debated across the Expanse.
This seems ot suggest Ork guns benefit from the WAAAGH effect too in some way, although as noted before this might simply be Ork-built guns.

Page 69
Gitz are also known to hardwire their Snazzguns into their crude bionics to increase their accuracy. This does not often result in making them better shots, but it makes them feel bigger and more important around the other Boyz.

Snazzguns can shoot either solid projectiles or energy bolts and have a random penetration value listed because the velocity can vary with each shot fired.
Snazzguns, basically upgraded Ork weapons of varying kinds for greater lethality and othe rperformance (If they have targeting equipment or bionic augmentation they stop being 'inaccurate' and simply become 'normal'

Page 69
Big Choppas are the huge two-handed variant of this staple device. These can be whirring chainaxes, massive meat cleavers, oversized weighted pipes, or many other large kinds of crude but effective implements of death.
choppas/big choppas can include chainweapons. Similarily we might assume that shootas/sluggas might encompass bolt weaponry of some form as well, and that the general type of Ork energy weapon might include plasma as wlel.

Page 70
Ork ranged weapons: big shootas have a range of 80, single/semi(3)/full(10) and a 40 shot clip and weigh 6 kg

Deffguns weigh 45 kg, have a single/semi(4)/full(8), 90 m range increment, and 50 shot clip. Sort of an Orkish storm/combi weapon basically

Grot Blasta has a range of 30 m, 5 shot clip. So not so much like a muzzleloader in that regard. weighs 7 kg too, which makes it heavy for a Grot weapon.

Rokkit launcha has a 120m range increment and weighs 15 kg

Scorcha has a 20m range increment, 6 shot clip and weighs 8 kg

Shokk attack gun: 200m range increment, 8 shot clip (8 grots IOW) and weighs 40 kg.

Snazzguns have 100m range increments, single/semi(2), 20 shot clip and weigh 7 kg.

melee weapons: Big choppas weigh 10 kg, Grod prods 2 kg, Power Klaw (!7 kg) and Tankhammers 10 kg. Note if the power Klaw weighs that much, one must wonder how Yarrick can heft his - suspensors or augmented strength (bionic?) maybe.

Page 70
This mighty maul is nothing more than a sledgehammer with explosives wired to it. The shockwave produced from the contact of the hammer and discharge of the explosives often sends the wielder flying backwards a few metres. When he has regained his senses, a flaming wreck is usually waiting to greet him.

Page 70
All Orks are latently psychic, an ability that increases in strength the more of them there are in one place, bolstering their confidence and courage to near fearless levels when they gather en masse.
Consequaently, killing lots of orks (or the right kinds, eg Nobz or bosses) can degrade this quality.

Page 71
After untold years of battle throughout the Expanse, especially on the outskirts of the Rifts of Hecaton, some Freebooter Nobz found themselves affected by the nearby warp rifts in strange ways. The powerful and unusual energies began to alter their brains, bringing on madness and overwhelming battle lust even beyond that normally found in Orks. Cunning Kaptins restrain these crazed Nobz below decks, bound in chains where they scream their war cries and chants to Gork and Mork to sate their thirst for battle.
Ork berserkers basically (by Ork standards, that is.) Interesting that even though they are resilient against Chaos itself, they can be affected by the Warp (although in their own, orky way.)

Page 72
Ork Kaptins tend to tower over their subordinates and stand nearly eight feet tall. They are pure muscle from head to toe and proudly sport the scars of hundreds of battles.

Ork Captains.

Page 73
A group of Imperial settlers established the outpost to take advantage of the rich promethium veins located deep within the planet.
..the Kaptin’s Mek Boyz performed all manner of experiments to discover the various uses of promethium. Krod became increasingly more and more demanding for vast stores of promethium to be mined, and he worked his crews round the clock to harvest all he could.
..Krod gathered his Boyz and left the world a shattered, broken shell. The excessive mining had destabilized the veins of promethium running deep in the core of the world, and as his ships left orbit Tyrex IV exploded. The massive explosion rained debris throughout the system and crippled three of the xenos ships as they made their escape.
Yes. a planet blew up due to Promethium over mining. We're talking mass scattering level here easily, with an implied time to scatter of hours/days/weeks depending on how long you think insystem travel takes and how big a system it is.

Sufficed to say, unless the planet in question was mostly (over 50-75%) promethium in mass, and was near perfectly efficient, and that promethium had the density of rock or iron, its unlikely that a hugetastic amount of Promethium could have been involved. So for 'Promethium' to explode in this case it has to have an energy density considerably greater than conventional fossil fuels or explosives. It *might* be possible with something the energy density of hydrogen (or close to it) although even then a good 15% of the planet's mass has to be solid 'fuel' to achieve that. Odds are quite good that promethium has far greater energy density (as if events in Caves of Ice, Flamer cremation, and similar couldn't be used to highlight this.) If the energy requirement increases however (and its very hard to avoid this) the problems come back.

It's quite likely that the fuel in question was not using chemical energy. Recall that 'Promethium' may not be a specific kind of fuel but rather a class of them, and could represent a wide range of fuel sources (that may be chemical energy or better. Possibly fusion or similar. Some promethium is used to fuel starships, after all, and the higher energy density types of 'Promethium' could quite easily blow up the planet without the insanely high quantities or densities required by chem explosions.) Something with the energy density approximating that of fission or fusion (~e14-15 J per kg roughly) would require 'only' an amount of fuel in the e17-e18 kg range (about a a millionth the requirement above.) Although it couldnt' truly be fusion fuel, and probably not fission, given that both often require very specific and hard-to-replicate conditions to trigger a chain reaction. One of the myriad 'magic' mateirals available in 40K and that are volatile could, however.

Page 73
..the development of a massive ship-mounted Shokk Attack Gun. Like its smaller, shoulder-mounted counterpart, this massive weapon opens a tunnel between two points through the warp. Rekka uses this weapon to send hordes of Boyz into enemy ships; the sudden appearance of scores of greenskins inside the secured areas of a ship catches the defenders off guard and gives the Freebooterz a decisive advantage.
Basically, the Nova cannon version of a teleporter, only far less practical. I'm more impressed with the tellyportas from Third Armageddon. The mek also created special helmets for his troops to wear to prevent the boyz sent through from suffering madness.

Page 73
Too ‘Ard Ta Care: The Ork is simply unconcerned with trivial matters like extreme temperatures, hard vacuum, poison, disease or breathing.
WAAGH effect ocupled with Orkish resilience. Gives them a benefit to resist the aforementioned effects (heat cold, vacuum and suffocation, disease, posion, or other adverse enviromental conditions.)

Page 74
When Kommandos engage in open warfare, they often enter battle astride massive Warkoptas that have been assembled from a variety of looted vehicles. These twin-bladed vehicles drop their passengers directly into battle behind enemy lines through the use of repelling lines (though many Kommandos ignore the lines and just dive straight into battle from above). They also make use of individual Deff Koptas as support vehicles and fast attack flyers. The speed at which they can disrupt enemy lines is staggering and the unmistakable whirl of a Kopta’s blades can send shivers down even a hardened veteran’s spine.
Orkish Kommando vehicles.

Page 75
To say that Ork physiology is resilient would be something of an understatement; missing limbs, gaping holes, and even smashed heads can all be repaired by the insane science of the Mad Dok.
Orkish resilience

Page 76
Ork technology has been the subject of much study and debate throughout the Imperium, and entire teams of the Adeptus Mechanicus have dedicated years of their lives to researching it. How it functions—when all laws of science say it should not—is something that only the Mekboyz can ever truly know.
Heretical RESEARCH into the nature of Ork tech and how it works by the AdMech (and Imperium at large.)

Page 78
Throughout the Expanse, most consider Speed Freaks crazy even by Ork standards. They think nothing of sling-shotting a Kill Kroozer around a neutron star to give them an increase in speed for an attack run; never mind the lethal levels of radiation this exposes the crew to in this tactic.
Interesting if we knew the distances they slingshot around at, given the strength (and radiation output) of neutron stars.

Page 78
Near the Frozen Stars on the far side of the Accursed Demesne lies a massive asteroid belt known as the Shipbreaker Field...

Over the course of three days, these insane pilots run a route deep through the heart of the asteroid field; careening around the constantly moving rocks and often exploding off of them.
Time to cross the aformentioend asteroid belt. Assuming it had a 'width' approximately that of what I can figure for the solar system asteroid belt (1-2 AU) we'd be talking a constant accel of 1-2 gees for a straight line course and a max realspace velocity between 1200-2400 km/s. Odds are though, that the acceleration is higher (for the non-linear course of dodging and avoiding) and the velocity is lower.

Page 78
According to a recent interview I conducted with Rogue Trader Vin Speng, these troops were responsible for the loss of the escort vessel Indomitable Will. It appears that these xenos are able to alter their flamethrowers to function as a highpowered cutting torch as well, and used them to bypass a number of decks on the ship after a successful boarding action during battle. The Burnas had made their way into the engine room and during a prolonged shootout, they managed to set fire to the fuel reserves and cause a catastrophic explosion that tore the ship apart.
Ship's fuel supply set fire to, and the ship blows up. Promethium again? :P

Page 80
How the cannon works is not said, but its rays evidently permeate the hull of the target vessel and anyone caught in the blast begins to transform as their DNA begins to mutate into something akin to that of a Squig. There is no actual proof of this weapon or its effects, but after
losing several merchant barons and their valuable holds to the Kaptin

Purported Ork Squig Cannon.

Page 80 large as the common Ogryn dockworkers. Auspex readings of the station did not turn up any xenos life signs, but many areas are heavily shielded or blocked from internal sensors for a variety of reasons, rendering many of the scans inconclusive.
Ogryn dockworkers on space station, and portions of Port Wander are blocked or shielded from (internal) sensors, and preusmably other ones.

Page 81
These small greenskins are similar in physiology to an Ork but stand less than half their height.
Gretchin would be 3-4 feet tall then, roughly.

Page 81
Orks also utilise Gretchin to be their weapon carriers, ammo porters, footstools, mine detectors, emergency victuals, and for other less appealing jobs not related to actually fighting the enemy. Some Orks even use specially-trained Gretchin as assistants in repairing vehicles or conducting medical operations.
Gretchin tasks.

Page 83
A Snotling appears to be a miniaturized Gretchin. It stands roughly half a metre tall and has the same gangly appearance of a tiny Grot.
Snotling size.

Page 84
While travelling near the Accursed Demesne, the mercantile frigate Light of Macharius intercepted the following transmission.
Merchant frigate.

Page 86
Astropaths have been unable to consistently divine future attacks, even with the assistance of the Emperor’s Tarot, as the simple brutality occurs at unpredictable intervals across a huge range of locations.
Use of astropaths divinatory skills to antiicpate eneemy. Attacks. The randomness of the RAk'Gol atacks makes them difficult to predict.

Page 87
..they always have samples of the xenos tech to use or provide to the Adeptus Mechanicus for analysis.
..Inquisition and Adeptus Mechanicus agents have successfully assembled far more information about Rak’Gol technology than they have managed to glean of their history or culture.
In the years since the Rak’Gol emergence, various xenographers and Adeptus Mechanicus explorators have undertaken exhaustive studies of Rak’Gol technology at their own initiative or at the behest of those Rogue Traders who want to see the Rak’Gol destroyed.
The Rak'Gol tech has been analysed/investigated by the AdMehc. Again HERESY.

Page 87
The results of those studies reveal a race possessing an inferior technological base to humanity, though the beasts seem able to compensate for this somewhat with their hyper-aggressive demeanour. Rak’Gol energy production seems firmly rooted in primitive atomics, meaning their ships’ motive power comes from dangerous and inefficient fission pulse engines, rather than the mighty plasma drives of Mankind. Though they can reach an impressive speed, their turning and acceleration is greatly limited.
Comments on Rak'Gol engine and power generation technology, all of it inferior to humanity. 'Primitive' atomics is inferior to plasma drives/reactors. Since the Rak'gol engines put out some hefty accel and pushing multi-megaton starships without much trouble, this is saying something for an already 'magical' fissin drive being so primitive. It would also suggest that the energy density/power generation for plasma drives/reactors is considerably superior to fission/atomic power (duh.) and probably the same for weapons. (Again duh.)

Given that some Rak'Gol ships (like Maulers) are frigates and have an edge over Imperial ships (6 gees as oppesed to the 4.5-5 gees of most frigates) and are still yet heavier (8 4 MT compared to 6 MT for the Sword) Cobras are faster, but even lighter (7.6 gees and 5.7 MT.) Rak'Gol Marauders pull 7 Gees and are 7.2 MT and are the same dimensions (roughly) as a Frigate or Destroyer.

The Mangler light cruisers are 2 Mt lighter than a Dauntless (18 vs 20 MT) but are .7gee faster (5 grav vs 4.3) so they still pull an edge.

Given that plasma drives can accel better, the max accel' on a Frigate or Cruiser can potentiall be much greater, but must be restricted normally for whatever reason. If we take into acocunt the differences in mass as well as accel, then ships massing as much as a Sword or Cobra would pull 8-9 gees on Rak'Gol drive performance

Page 87
The rest of their technology shows the same limitations. The Rak’Gol have little skill with the arcane sciences of energy weapons. While the few such devices they do possess are potent atomic beam weapons, they are also bulky and unwieldy.
Their beam weapons on starship sare often spinal mount. Again inferior to the Imperium. :P

Page 87
Simple projectile weapons make up the majority of the Rak’Gol armoury. Some of these weapons are very similar to human heavy stubbers or autoguns, though this is more likely a quirk of similarly evolving technologies. Another common variant of projectile weapons fire barbed razor shells that shatter into sharp fragments on impact, ripping through a target’s body and causing massive and usually fatal tissue damage.
Rak'Gol projectile weapons. Given the comments bout their tech above, it's likely to consider they're not as advanced as the Imperium in this regard as well.

Page 87
Cybernetic enhancements are a clear hallmark characteristic of the species, though again, these are almost always bulkier and cruder than their human equivalents.
Rak'Gol cybernetics are also more primitive.

PAge 88
It is unclear if this was a consequence of the implant’s unusual biochemical interface or if the implants affected the brain directly.
Rak'gol Augmetics having a 'biochemical' interface. This may reflect human augmetics as well, givne the tech disparity.

Page 88
..symbols that learned scholars of the arcane and the forbidden claim are debased and simplified symbols of the Ruinous Powers of the warp.
SCholars who make a study of the Ruinous Powers and their stuff. Must be at Inquisitorial behest (and control) given the risks involved.

Page 88
The most common ranged weapon among these xenos, these weapons use chemical propellants to hurl finely barbed slugs at their targets. These weapons are most effective against lightly armoured targets and often inflict savage wounds upon their victims. The slugs create a distinctive high-pitched whine as they corkscrew through the air at hypersonic speeds.
Rak'Gol razor guns. Chem propelled, hypersonic rounds. Which is.. interesting. Probably some sort of flechette gun (except with more wicked, barbed rounds) like the Steyr ACR which had a mV of around 1450 m/s.. the chem propellant (or design) must be alot better to pull near-hypersonic, but if its saboted it could do that (tank guns do, after all.)

It goes without saying that given the Rak'Gol are consistently stated to have inferior tech all around to the Imperium, that the Imperium should be capable of creating hypersonic slugthrowers (or somethig approaching it) of some kind as well (low mass/high velocity projectiles.. either like the flechette rifles like Steyr ACR and high end sniper rilfes, or tank guns, and/or sabots...) Say like a 2-3 gram projectile at 1.7 km/s.. recoil would be comparable to 'modern' weapons (maybe a bit higher with efficient propellant or a strong wielder.

Most effective against 'lightly armoured' troops may indicate flak armoured troops, although Rak Gol weapons are considerably bigger (and with heavier rounds) than normal weapons so that may account for the pentrateion (its quite possible that Flak - at least the rigid stuff - could be designed to resist hypersonic autogun rounds.)

Pgae 88
The rounds are made of a dense, ceramic-like material fired by highly volatile propellent

The tri-barrelled weapon spits out thousands of these rounds per minute with great gouts of flame, yielding a characteristic wailing noise as it showers unlucky targets with lead.
Howler rifle. Thousands of rounds a minute suggests a minimum ROF of 30-35 rounds per second, which is an INSANE rate of fire for anything not an assault cannon. again its quite possible/likely the Imperium could duplicate this in their weapons, assuming any crews could hold up to the ammo expenditure (again Rak'Gol are bigger and stronger than humans.)

Page 88
The cannon discharges a blast of high intensity atomic radiation that voraciously breaks down armour and materials and kills living tissue. The radiation is focused through an unstable ionisation field, meaning the wielders often suffer doses of radiation whenever it fires.
Particle beam basically. Despite the 'fission' base of their tech, they probably aren't neutral particles or neutrons given the 'ionization field' bit. Possiibly alpha and/or beta radiation, though. which would mesh with the 'ionization field'

Page 88
The massive blade on this pole-arm is characterised by an ionisation field that focuses a massive radioactive discharge.
Rak'Gol equivalent of power weapons, I guess.

Page 88
Others use a vicious collection of implanted mono-blades and armoured, razor-edged gauntlets
Despite being more 'primitive' the RAk'Gol have mono edge weapons.

Page 92
The xenos creatures reached behind their backs to drawlarger spiked rifles, and I fully recognised them as belonging to those cruel Eldar pirates I’ve had the misfortune of encountering.
..Adept Everson was caught in their opening salvo, ripped apart by shards of razor-sharp material.
The spikes suggest Dark Eldar spike weapons, although the 'tearing apart' suggests shuriken weapons, although there's no reason Eldar psike weapons couldn't do the same. They could be modified.

Page 93
They seem to prefer the vicious shard weapons favoured by Eldar pirates..
That would seem to answer my earlier question. Maybe the DE don't provide them with the 'pain' ammo.

Page 95
This technology is theorised to be incapable of penetrating energy shielding and nearly useless when pitted against a psyker’s abilities. Æther weapons are often considered a myth by all but the most experienced of traders,

Limitations of Stryxis Aether weapons.

Page 96
Although these weapons are similar to the Imperial Guardsmen’s standard issue las weapons; the basic rifles, pistols and cannons of Stryxis design fire a continuous beam of energy and are extremely accurate.
.. in different spectra. Every different design is capable of firing a focused energy beam that acts in accordance to its specific spectral output function. Each of these spectral outputs possesses its own peculiar capabilities.
Although slightly weaker than Imperial las weapons, some Stryxis weapons have the ability to fire a constant and focused beam at a target over a long period of time. These are sometimes referred to as “lightburner” weapons by those humans who have had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of their fire.
Stryxis laser-like weapons and their comparison to Imperial weapons

Page 96
A much more powerful laser device, the so-called “lightburner cannon” is a Stryxis heavy weapon, and must be crew-served or mounted on a vehicle. It focuses a deadly laser beam on a target for a long period of time, until metal runs like hot wax, and flesh incinerates to a smeared black char.
Lightburner weapon - probably comparable to multilaser or lascannon Ability to melt metal of varying types (but in unknown quantities) and 'incinerate' flesh (either badly burn or creamate) points to at least megajoule range outputs, possibly gigajoule, although over unspecified time.

Page 97
The Stryxis have developed a technology that creates a barrier that conceals all items and life signs behind it. This effectively hides whatever the phase shifter’s shield envelopes from all augury attempts save for those of the most powerful of psykers
Phase reality shifter.. some sort of Stryxis version of a holofield. Exist in personal and ship baesd versions.

Page 102
In place of traditional void shields, many of the xenos vessels incorporated foul devices that functioned by directly interacting with the Immaterium.
Right because void shields don't utilize warp technology- oh wait.

Page 104
The second major blasphemy of Yu’Vath technology is that much of it incorporates synthetically constructed spirits. Unlike the blessed machine spirits that dwell within all sanctified Imperial technology, these entities are unliving creations of the extinct xenos.
More hypocrisy, since we know some 'Machien spirits' are also synthetic.

Page 105
While rare, these devices often enhance vessels in ways that are not in keeping with the Imperium’s understanding of science.

Page 105
Voidsmens’ tales include Yu’Vath engines that can allow a vessel to complete a warp transit at shocking speed, travelling from one end of the Expanse to the other in moments.
Scores or hundreds of light years in a second trnaslates to hundreds of millions to billions of c

Page 105
...weapons capable of shearing through a battleship in a single salvo.
Implied power of Yu'VAth weaponry.

Page 107
..a ship’s crew discovered an active Bone Conqueror in their hold after human remains awaiting processing to corpse starch were temporarily stored near a cache of unknown xenos artefacts.
MMMMMMM corpse starch!

Page 108
I eventually found and eliminated the spherical floating creature that had taken Tarbin’s memories, leaving shards of ruptured crystals on the deck plating along with my spent bolter casings.
AGAIN bolter casings.

Page 108
...the crystalline body proved vulnerable to sufficient concentrated fire, and once the explosive rounds had torn that apart, it expired.
bolt round tears apart crystalline alien.

Page 108
Physically, the Crystalwisp resembles a cluster of floating crystals interwoven with crackling energy. Typically one of these crystals is much larger than the others. The largest reported specimen was estimated to have a central crystal that was more than two metres in diameter. The smaller crystals are typically less than half the size of the central one.
Size of the Crysalwisp's body, which gives us an indicator of how much damage the bolt round had to affect to shatter it.

Page 109
Whenever one of these luminous tendrils comes into contact with an object storing information, the data is gradually erased through unknown means. This effect works on electronic, mechanical, and living storage mediums; scrolls and murals may be absorbed just as easily as the information stored within a vessel’s cogitators or a human mind.
Cogitators are probably electronic/mechanical.

Page 111
..a Fossil Horror burrowed through the armourplas shell of a mercenary drop-base to reach the unwary fighters asleep inside.
Merc 'Drop Base' - orbit deployable habitat I'm guessing. Or maybe just aerially deployed.

Page 113
The survivors insisted that they were only able to tell their stories after a desperate escape aboard a saviour pod and years in cryosleep awaiting recovery

Void ship escape pods can have cryo capability

Page 116
Daemons are fragments of the Chaos Gods given form and animation, created to carry out their unfathomable objectives throughout both the warp and in the material realm of mortals.

Page 116
Thus, daemons cannot be said to be truly alive; they are the raw energies of the warp given physical form, as opposed to the flesh and blood of an organic being. That said, a daemon encountered in real space can be “killed,” although in most cases this only serves to sever the daemon’s tenuous link to the mortal realm and send them back into the warp, where they eventually reform. This is why daemons seem to shrug off so much of man’s ordnance, and only those weapons made specially to combat the daemonic threat can truly destroy them.
Daemonic resilience and their destrucion.

Page 116
..but human minds and souls burn brightly to the senses of the warp-born. Those with psychic abilities shine even brighter, and the mere presence of a psyker such as a Navigator, or worse yet a nascent psyker unaware of his powers, often draws daemons as moths are drawn to a flame. Even the best protected vessel entering the Immaterium is soon surrounded by hordes of daemons and other beings of the warp, all seeking entrance in order to glut their desire for souls.
Daemonic tracking of the living.

Page 117
These rifts are also known to form around areas of intense emotion. Battlefields, torture chambers, execution grounds—all can be the cause of a breach in the dimensional barriers. Worse yet, psykers who lose control of their powers may inadvertently (or by design) release the energy of the warp into real space. And perversely, a large enough daemonic incursion may be sufficient to open further rifts,
Lots of factors and parameters to opening warp rifts, and many of them can chain reaction. small wonder the Inquisition shits a brick over these things.

Page 117
Some also enter through dreams and visions, slowly gaining dominion over their victim until they have enough of a hold to infuse their mortal host with a measure of their power.
Sleep seems to subconciously 'open' the soul-portal into the warp, as do visions. In a way it makes sense (astral stuff and the like.)

Page 120
Reputedly formed from the souls of mortals who tried to draw on the power of Chaos without swearing allegiance to one of the Ruinous Powers, these unclaimed daemons are doomed to endlessly wander the Immaterium in a state of endless, meaningless existence. Furies are barred from entering any of the Realms and must contend with the tumultuous storms of the Immaterium on their own. Weaker than most other daemons, which often enslave them for their own uses, they are nearly-mindless manifestations of Chaos in its purest form.
Chaos furies.

Page 122
...destroyed several key auspex cogitators and their servitors before losing himself in the depths of the Aureus. We were now blind except for our own eyes peering through the ports, dangerous stuff while as close into the system as we were
Starship navigation seems to rely more on sensors and servitors than on the mark 1 eyeball.

Page 135
Intimidation from orbit rarely works, as the xenos typically have no conception of the threat they face until everything that could have been of value has been scorched to glass or shattered under macrocannon barrages.
Effects of orbital bombardment via macrocannon.

Page 142
The Magos Biologis hold that all life is made up of the same building blocks—basic chemicals that bind human and xenos alike. Some creatures defy this elementary law, however, and are formed of what amounts to living stone or crystal.
This would suggest a significant percentage of life known ot the imperium is carbon-based.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next up: rogue Trader hostile acquisitions.

Part 1

Page 6
Book of Judgement (itself actually countless ever-growing volumes as Imperial law constantly refines and develops), the Imperium is far too great for each of its worlds to be held under a single code. Instead each segmentum, each system, each world has its own set of laws and punishments dealing with the specific minutia of that particular locale, while the Lex Imperialis oversees the Imperium as a whole.
Like most other things in the Imperium, law is variable from place to place, non-standardized, and incredibly complicated as a result.

Page 6-7
...the interpretation of the Lex Imperialis by various Sector Lords and Judges became more and more bloated and unwieldy from numerous additions, amendments, exceptions, and clauses, the remnants of interpreting Imperial law to the needs of specific locales. There exists a veritable army of thousands of clerks, litigants, and barristers toiling away on Scintilla just to interpret its ever evolving decrees and dicta. Indeed, the most astute Rogue Traders, trade houses, and merchant interests keep their own teams of legal scholars in their employ, both to keep them abreast of the current state of law in the Sector as well as to give them protection and guidance should they become embroiled in legal proceedings.
Not unlike the legal enviroment of the United States. Only with more skulls. Anyhow, they mention 3 broad classes of law: Imperial Law - laws of the Imperium as a whole (stuff the Arbites deals with) Sector Law - the more 'mundane' crimes and punishments, and Ecclesiarchal law, which is all the religious shit the Ecclesiarchy controls and dictates (Heresy and whatnot.) Obviously the potential for overlap and hence conflict is enormous.

Further, it isn't surprising that each category has its own subcategories and listings and such, because it makes things more complicated.

Page 7
These [Imperial ]crimes threaten the stability of the Imperium’s hold on the Sector, or undermine the strength of the Imperial Adeptus Terra. Since the Calixis Sector is a frontier sector..
Imperial Crimes basically concern the imperium as a whole and threats to it - threats to tithes and the execution of Imperial laws on planets, threats to or attacks on the various Adepta, things like heresy, treason, etc. There's alot of overlap and gray areas of course, because in some cases its implied threats to the planet itself may qualify, whilst in other cases its been noted planets are ignored by the Adepta as long as their obligations are met. On the other hand, Imperial Commanders are 'technically' part of the Adepta so they should be dealt with by the ARbites.

Page 7
...intent to deprive that official or branch of its rightful gelt or property.
..the Adeptus Arbites takes a dim view of preying on the branches of the Adeptus Terra or planetary governments for ill-gotten gains.
One sort of 'Imperial Crime' - can basically be seen as interfering with the tithe/taxation process (basically taking away those resources beofre the Imperium can snatch them up. The Imperium does not share.)

hilariously they mention sale of (interplanetary) voidships to a planetary government - apparently you can build such in other sectors and sell them to another world (And transport them!)

page 8
...sedition as the act of fomenting insurrection, violent or otherwise, against the Imperium and any duly appointed officials appointed by the Administratum such as planetary or sector governors. Seditionists often use subversive means to act against the rightful governance..
One of those 'gray' areas I mentioned. On one hand the Imperial government is said not to give a shit what happens on a world so long as tithes are met - basically the internal politics and events of the planet are of no matter ot the Imperium at large.. and yet this argues that the Arbites take a dim view to internal revolts or dissention. And the Imperial Commander is *technically* part of the Adpetus Terra. The criteria defining when the Arbites does and doesn't give a damn must be pretty obscure all told.

Treason is mentioned too, which seems the same as sedition (fighting against the right ful rule of the Imperium) but who knows. The distinction seems to be in the style of action (treason calls for direct -eg brutal- action.)

Page 10 - some crimes and punishments are mentioned. Predictably the answer si 'variable' since worlds can have their own laws and judgements about what is tirival and dangerous. For example, Scintilla treats theft of common property as an imprisoning offense (or perhaps being turned over to voidship crews or penal legions), whilst theft of nobility means you become a servitor. On Baraspine theft of water or survival neccessities equates with murder, and merits harsh penatlises. Vandalism is also variable - hives and other artificial enviroments would treat it as worse, since damage to their enviorment can lead to deaths (arson = mass murder for example.) Murder seems to always warrant the death penalty, although some worlds (like where serfdom is common) may treat it as an unimportant crime - and when it is the punishment can vary according to the power and positions involved.

Rogue Traders can get away with murder, vandalism, etc, due to their status as 'peers of the Imperium' - unless they kill someone of equal or greater status.

Fraud is another 'variable' crime, and again can depend on the power and position of the victim and perpetrator.

Page 11
The various branches of the Adeptus Terra have often been competitive and territorial, and this can often translate into fights over jurisdiction.
Such as arbites with Inquisitors, Inquisitors with Ecclesiarchy, Ecclsiarchy with ADMech, and so on. Law is no different in this regard. Infighting in the church or other brnaches won't help this either, but Ecclesiarchal vs Imperial law can be a common ground for argument amongst the repsective branches, and can get muddied by politics (at least from the Ecclesiarchy side. The arbites is above such.)

Page 12 [Calixis Ministorum] is riven by multiple factions and disrupted by constant political manoeuvring by the various synods and individual Cardinals. This means the definition of crimes such as blasphemy can vary wildly from synod to synod (or even world to world)...
...various churches and branches of the Ecclesiarchy maintain their own definitions of blasphemy, which vary wildly based on tradition, local planetary cultures, or even the whims of an important Ministorum official.
...heresy is defined as the rejection of the orthodoxy and authority of the Imperial Cult and the substitution of unsanctioned beliefs for those deemed proper by the Ecclesiarchy
..while the broad definition of heresy leaves much room for interpretation and therefore gives priests and Inquisitors incredible latitude in persecuting heretics, it also leaves them in a quite untenable situation in regards to two respected and essential branches of the Adeptus Terra: The Adeptus Mechanicus and many chapters of the Adeptus Astartes.
Blasphemy and Heresy (Ecclesiarchal laws) - as much a problem as an useful tool for the Ecclesarichy, causing conflicts both within and without.

Page 13
Maintaining prisons is expensive, both in gelt and the services of guards and wardens.
Other worlds turn their prisoners into an indentured workforce...

...[sub-sectors] establish prison worlds where convicts run entire manufactorums to feed the Imperial war machine. Some opportunistic Imperial governors even sell their prisoners to passing voidships as low-decks crew.
The economic factors dictating crime and punishment. Capitalism aat its finest. It also doesnt mention penal legions, although 'low deck' crews (EG the ones who do the shit work) seem to be the navel equivalent of Penal legions.

Page 14
...many worlds prefer packing a convict off to one of the many penal worlds within the Calixis Sector.
..convicts toil away in fields and foundries until they drop, are conscripted into penal battalions for the Imperial Guard.
Penal worlds.

Page 14
Order is kept by different branches of the Adepta Sororitas, including elements of the Orders Militant. The holy sisters fill the roles on Maccabeus Quintus that the Adeptus Arbites and Magistratum fill on other worlds. They serve as police, judge, jury, and executioner,...
This suggests there may be some Orders of the Sisters who are devoted to battle (or combat like duties) but are not Sisters of Battle per se.

Page 14
...a thriving black market has arisen catering to all manner of sinful pleasures from music, gambling, idolatry, and the distribution of non-ecclesiastical literature
Black market entertainment.

PAge 14
...these lavishly appointed warships are the result of a rare collaboration between the Imperial Navy and the Ecclesiarchy...
..penance ships cruise as system patrol craft, protecting Imperial (and specifically Ministorum) assets in places where the Navy cannot commit the time or resources to do so themselves.
a penitent wears a harsh, chafing garment, a body glove made of materials that abrade the skin and cause constant pain whenever the penitent moves. They wear filter plugs in their noses...
sound-deadening earplugs...
Each ship is permanently sealed...
...the outer decks are patrolled and defended by savage servitors called arco-flagellants..
Penitent ships. WE saw something like them in Crossifre, albeit it was a merchant ship rather than a warship. I wonder if these have navigators or astorpaths? probably neither. They may be related to the 'frateris' ships we've heard mentioned in the Eisenhorn novels though.

I wonder if they might be another example of ships that fill the gap between 'sub-stellar' and true warp-capable (navigator piloted) warships? If so that may explain why the Navy collaborated with the Ecclesiarchy or let them even have any ships at all.

Page 15
...Malfian litigants and barristers are in high demand throughout the more civilised regions of the sector
The most brilliant 'legal minds' of the Calixis sector :)

Page 16
...nobles, military officers, powerful merchant brokers, industrial magnates, government officials, and the like, enjoy a nearly crime- and inconvenience-free existence thanks to the constant presence of the Magistratum.
The noble citizens of the highest spires also enjoy a fair amount of leeway from the law thanks to their wealth and influence.
The lower classes who live in the middle hives must make do with poorly equipped and poorly trained Magistratum officers.
Magistratum officers operating in the middle hives cannot possibly hope to contain all of the crime that happens in their precincts, so they concentrate on the most violent and heinous crimes, ignoring the petty and nonviolent...
The lowest levels and the underhives have been completely abandoned by the Magistratum...
The Adeptus Arbites also maintains strong presences on the Scintillan hives, though they tend to focus on larger crimes such as sedition, cult activity, and interference with the Imperial Tithe. They also utilise their paramilitary strength in suppressing civil unrest and the largest riot...
Enforcer and Arbites activity on Scintilla. This is fairly representative of Hive Worlds in general (Its similar to what happens in the Necromunda novels at least.) They mention the MAgistartum hate the arbites, the arbites ignore the Enforcers, and the nobles get away with trivial crimes and even murder can earn a slap on the wrist.

Page 16
Hive Sibellus and Hive Tarsus’s laws favour the nobility by both design and tradition, although crimes such as murder, theft, and destruction of property are held as technically illegal for everyone. Gunmetal City and Ambulon’s laws are slightly more egalitarian—Gunmetalicans have a greater respect for individual merit,
Gunmetal City is not unlike an entire Hive of Underhivers in that respect - the Underhive has long been about personal freedom instead of security and conformity. Duelling is also legal - the amusing thing is that while some hives (like scintilla) prefer swords, the Gunmetallicans go by the 'don't bring a knife to a gunfight' mentality :)

Page 20
..they are not formallyrecognised as an official part of the Imperium....
Damaris is not a hive world as such, but it is a densely populated planet that is home to over three billion souls. It has a thriving industrial and commercially based economy, a relatively strong planetary and orbital defence force that contains a handful of powerful and well piloted inter-system ships and an armoured space station-come-orbital defence facility carved out of a moon.
Damaris also hosts a small Mechanicus forge...
As a nominal Imperial world....
Damaris is from the first book of the Warpstrom trilogy. Not a Hive World, nor an 'official' Imperial world. Again its possible (likely?) to even have worlds sort of part of the Imperium, but not officially so.

Page 21
Within the Imperium’s borders, Rogue Traders are often treated as one would a planetary governor—immensely powerful but subservient to the will of the Adeptus Terra. However, beyond those borders, Rogue Traders are bound only by the limits of their Warrant and their own ambitions.
Powers of a Rogue Trader in and out of the Imperium.

Page 22
...the sense of complacent superiority at walking through yet another customs inspection with a dozen kilotonnes of contraband hidden away in the dark corners of one’s cargo holds.
Assuming the 'kilotonnes' represent a minor fraction of the overall material being held, ships might roughinely hold megatonnes of cargo (Assuming contrabad is 1% of the ship's actual mass. It might actually be more, for the mass percentages to be trivial.)

Page 22
Many of these things are only proscribed on certain worlds: intoxicants, narcotics, or slaves for example. Meanwhile other contraband such as xenos artefacts or heretical writings and technology, are illegal (and extremely so) nearly everywhere in Imperial space.
Heretical and xenos stuff is illegal 'nearly' everywhere, and there are actually places where slavery is illegal.

Page 23
Battlefleet Calixis, already stretched thin by the day to day work of patrolling the vast Sector, is ill-prepared to deal with full scale pirate infestations. They have been known to contract this work out to mercenaries and Rogue Traders, and many small and less influential star systems are left to fend for themselves.
Ship patrolling and defence in Calixis. Not ehow they 'subcontract' to privatters (Rogue traders or mercs.)

Page 24
...the might of the Imperial Navy acting to hound and eradicate such criminal actions [Piracy] across the region. Augmenting the Navy are private fleets chartered by merchant houses, trading corporations, or the nobility, all eager to stamp out such drains on their profits.
Examples (as well as Mers and rogue Traders) of 'independent' or 'allied' naval forces 'assisting' the Navy - probably filling a role between planetary defence fleets and the batttlefleets (eg the military version of chartist ships.) - it also tend to reinforce the idea that at least some planetary defence fleets migth be permitted to have short range warp-capabile ships (at least with ranges within a subsector/sector region.)

Having such forces makes sense in the same way having mercs/private militaires and PDFs alongside the guard make sense - in emergencies the Guard can conscript private/merc/pdf forces to bolster their numbers, and likewise the Navy could conscript 'private' forces to bolster their own fleets

PAge 32
The Adeptus Mechanicus jealously guard the knowledge they possess, and brutally enforce their monopoly on technological lore. It is easy enough, then, to become a heretek—simply defying their authority over matters technological and scientific is sufficient.
To survive long enough to gain true skill with, and mastery over, technology takes considerable cunning. To become an equal to the Martian Priesthood takes greater knowledge still...
AdMech monopolies and how they control them. Not unlike the Ecclesiarchy in this resepct. Funny enough this implies that the higher ups in the AdMech can experiment and explore or research all they like (for their own purposes, at least) but this migth be forbidden to the 'lesser' ranks upon pain of being declared a Heretek. There's a certain 'aristorcaitc' element to that which would fit the Imperium perfectly.

Page 34
Millions of ordinary smugglers work throughout the Expanse and the neighbouring Calixis Sector, making their living supplying planetary populations with mundane luxuries forbidden on account of esoteric variations of the Imperial creed.
Scope of smuggling in and around Calixis.

Page 38
..there are those who make their way by playing the great game of secrets, sabotage, manipulation and blackmail.

As immense political forces in their own right, Rogue Trader dynasties, the houses of the Navis Nobilite, the Imperial nobility and many others play this game as well as any other, save perhaps the dread Inquisition.
Spymaster,s surveillance, interrogators/torturers, saboteurs, espionage, destabilizers and rabble rousers, and so on. Evey organ of the Imperium (except the Inquisition, perhaps) uses them as a means to gain advantage in political matters and advance their own causes (personal or organizational.)

Page 48
The first ‘Retribution’ Long-las was reportedly a modified Guard issue long-las, constructed by a Brontian Longknife sniper.
..similar weapons have been constructed by various artisans in the Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse.

The Retribution is a stripped down long-las, sacrificing some of the weapon’s reliability and clip size. In exchange, the Retribution has a much shorter barrel (for easy concealment) and can be broken into half a dozen pieces that can easily be concealed within a specially designed pack. In addition, the weapon is rigged to fire in a non-visible light spectrum, decreasing penetration slightly but ensuring the Retribution’s discharge is unnoticeable.
A field modification that goes into official/semi-official usage as a design. Whether its approved or not we dont know. Notable traits are more compact and easily disassembled and the visible beam (Trading off reliability, clip size, penetration)

Page 48
An illegal modification of a standard lasgun popular amongst the techwrights and armour-mongers of Footfall,, the ‘shotlas’ is rigged to discharge more energy per shot, at the cost of beam coherence, with shots swiftly losing power and becoming ineffective at longer ranges.
I suppose its meant to be a laser shotgun. The picture of (I think) it shows a three barreled lasgun with a 'drum' clip.. I'd guess its a good 10-15 cm diameter and 15 cm long. Probably isn't as wide a dispersion as we think, but 'wide nozzel' or 'wide beam' lasguns have been seen in the Heresy novels, so its probably akin to what we're seeing here. Range is halved from a normal lasgun.

Page 48
Another common illegal modification, stutter-las pistols trade accuracy and reliability for rate of fire, charging quickly to unleash a hail of lasblasts. Though seldom as potent as the discharges of most las-weapons, the spray of light and heat is effective at close quarters.
Las autopistol,

Page 48-49
Auto-carbines are a fairly common version of solid projectile weapon than the bulky autoguns. Shorter barrels, removed stocks, and pistol grips make these weapons concealable under storm coats or flak cloaks, and easily used in confined spaces. However, most auto-carbines are less accurate and shorter ranged than their larger cousins.
Auto carbines.

Page 49
Wrath-pattern stubbers utilise a similar fragmenting round to the more common Naval Pistols. This increases stopping power, while reducing the chance of dangerous ricochets or damage to important components when repelling a boarding action.
Also called an autogun. noted to be an alternative to shotguns on naval ships.

Page 49
Essentially a large-bore, triple-barrelled shotgun....
Loaded with heavier, more powerful shells than most shotguns, the weapon has punishing recoil that, combined with its weight, makes it impractical for any but the strongest men to wield.
Because 40K needed an even more over the top shotgun weapon than a shotcannon, I guess.

Page 49
stat block time

Retirbution longlas 90m range increment, 10 shot clip, weighs 4 kg. Assuming a 400 gram clip at 150 watt hours per kg, we'd be talking 21.6 kj per shot.

Shotlas 20m range increment, Semi(3) and single, 40 shot clip, 4 kg weight. At the mag weight as per above we're talking 5.4 Kj per shot. Assuming the volume (1.25 kj per cubic cm) and a 10-15 cm diameter, 15 cm long drum we'd be talking 1.5-3.32 MJ per pack. which is 37.5-83 kj per shot.

Stutter las is 35 m range increment, single and full (5) auto, 25 shot clip and 2 kg. 4.32 kj per shot for the 150 watt/hr per kg battery.

Auto carbine 35 m range increment, full (5), 20 shot clip 3 kg weight

Auto stubber 60m range increment, single/semi(3), 20 shot clip, 4 kg weight

Crazy ass boarding gun is single/semi(3), 3 shot clip, 6 kg weight

Razorhail gun 35 m range increment, 1 shot clip, 5 kg weight

Persecutor shotgun 35m range increment, single/semi(3), 20 shot clip, 6 kg weight.

Bolt carbine (Ceres ) 90m range increment, single/semi(2), 12 shot clip, 5 kg weight

Footfall bolt pistol 25m range increment, single/semi(2), 6 shot clip, 4.5 kg weight

Footfall boltgun: 80m range increment, single/semi(3), 18 shot clip, 8 kg weight

Archaeotech boltgun: 120m range increment, single./semi(3), 30 shot clip, 10 kg.

Melta cutter: 5m range increment, 5 shot clip, 8 kg weight

Flameburst flamer 40m range increment, 6 shot clip, 7 kg weight.

PAge 50
Cobbled together from scrap and spare parts, these weapons spew hails of jagged, razor-sharp blades which tear and lacerate anything in their path. While not particularly powerful, the spread of blades are ideal for tearing open voidsuits and leaving ragged gashes that are difficult to quickly repair. Most versions are easy enough to manufacture, but are easily foiled by armour, though some examples exist that utilise mono-edged blades to better tear through protective suits.
RAzorhail guns. I like the monoblade firing.

Page 50
..the Persecutor Combat Shotgun is a solid, reliable weapon, designed to withstand the rigours of battle. To better support the needs of an Arbitrator in combat, there is a retractable shock-prod mounted beneath the muzzle, allowing some of the utility of a shock maul without needing to stow the shotgun.
Mentioned as used on Calixis voidstations.

Page 50
Bolt Carbines are typically easier to wield than full-size Boltguns, due to lighter, simpler construction and a lower rate of fire. Without the multiround burst ability common to many patterns of Bolter, a Bolt Carbine is incapable of the wholesale slaughter that characterise volleys of bolter fire. However, their simpler design means that they misfire less frequently and are much easier to maintain.
Bolt carbines and their tradeoffs in design.

Page 50
Bulky beyond the means of most men to wield, these weapons may once have been wielded by the Emperor’s warriors during the earliest days of the Imperium, and bear the eagle’s claw and thunderbolt symbols common to that distant age. More than merely fine examples of ancient Bolters, these weapons are holy relics, imbued with a tiny fragment of the Emperor’s wrath.
Relic/Archeotech boltguns. The symbols uggests they might be Thunder Warrior weapons, although in the examples of those we have they are generally considered cruder. Maybe a Unity era weapon post-Thunder Warrior.. perhaps made for the Astartes before leaving Terra?

In any case the interesting thing is that they are, indeed. blessed and do extra damage to daemons.

page 51
Often favoured for the ability to cut through bulkheads and hatches, melta weaponry is commonly used in boarding actions.
Metla weapons are baording weapons. Melta cutters (the only weapon in this category) is described as being shoter ranged but more powerful than meltas, but more of a tool.

Page 51
The fuel is run through a crude but effective compressor before reaching the nozzle, generating brief gouts of flaming promethium that reach further than those projected from conventional flamers. However, the compressor pump does not work quickly, causing a seconds-long delay between shots.
Long range flamer modification at the cost of rat eof fire. Has a metre wide jet rather than 30 degree arc.

Page 51
A wonder of ages past, and still produced in tiny quantities in certain remote corners of the Calixis Sector, microgrenades are tiny, marble-like devices that detonate almost as fiercely as full-size grenades. They are normally stored in a tube-like container that dispenses and primes a handful of grenades simultaneously, allowing them to be thrown immediately.
Each dispenser contains 12 microgrenades, and the listed weight is for a single dispenser.
Micor grenades. cannister weighs half a kilo, meaning each grenade must weigh around 42 grams. For comparison a real life grenade weighs in at around half a kilo itself. a microgrenade is not neccesarily exactly equal to a full sized grenade, but even a fraction of that yield would be impressive (it has ROF 4 for example, so 4 micro might be equal to one full grenade.)

Also it has frag and krak variants. Micro-grenades may have some similiarity toDIME explosive.

Page 51-52
Wrought by ancient and arcane technologies, rad grenades produce intense pulses of lingering, deadly radiation. While somewhat erratic, few things can protect fully against these grenades’ emissions, making them a powerful weapon against any foe. The effects of a rad grenade are invisible and insidious, and cannot be detected without an auspex or similar equipment.

The tiny radioactive particles housed within this grenade create a cloud of dense radiation with such a miniscule duration that only those in the initial blast radius are affected. It is powerful enough, however, to leave those affected severely weakened and vomiting blood for hours
Rad grenades

Page 52
Containing fast-acting psychotropic toxins that induce intense feelings of dread and paranoia,
As scare toxins are absorbed through the skin, those in sealed or self-contained environments or armour suits (void suits, carapace armour with rebreathers, or sealed power armour) are immune to the effects.
Scare grenades.

Page 52
Operating similarly to most melta weapons, firepikes project a lance of intense heat and radiation over a considerable distance, capable of melting flesh and steel, carving through the toughest armour with deadly precision. Rare even amongst the arsenals of the Eldar, they are most often borne by the mightiest champions of their kind, relic weapons beyond contemporary means to reproduce.
Eldar firepike.. ledar lost tech

Page 53
Similar to meltaguns in effect and purpose, the fusion guns used by the Eldar are far more accurate and efficient, utilising technologies far more advanced than those of the Adeptus Mechanicus. In the hands of a skilled warrior, a fusion gun can sear through the weak points of an armoured vehicle, disabling or destroying it with almost surgical precision and contemptuous ease.
Eldar fusion guns.

Page 53
Shuriken Cannons are a common support weapon amongst Eldar forces, variously carried by an Eldar warrior, mounted on a floating gun carriage or fitted to a vehicle. Extremely light for their size, Shuriken Cannons are capable of unleashing a deadly torrent of blades at speeds sufficient to dismember or decapitate men or to pierce the armoured hides of all but the toughest vehicles.

Because of the Eldar mastery of anti-grav technology, some Shuriken Cannons are fitted with systems equivalent to the suspensors occasionally used on Imperial heavy weaponry.
Shuriken cannon.

Page 53
..the Spinneret Rifle shoots a single monofilament wire over a considerable distance until it pierces a target, at which point it coils tightly within flesh and armour, causing considerable internal injury before recoiling swiftly to re-enter the weapon.
A well-placed shot can shred a man’s heart or brain with startling efficiency, leaving nothing but ruined flesh behind the tiniest of punctures.
A bit of a mix between a Warp Spider death spinner and a harlequin's kiss it osunds.

Page 53
Similar to the Deathspinner, but significantly smaller, the Shredder fires clusters of barbed monofilament wire that rapidly unfurl to envelop groups of enemies and eviscerate them.
Dark Eldar Shredder.

Page 53
While their light weight comes partially from their alien construction, there is other trickery at work, manipulating gravity to make these weapons easier to wield on the move.

DE splinter cannon. Seems to have something that is a step up from a supsensor supporting it.

PAge 53

Firepikes have range 60, 20 shot clip and weigh 6 kg

Fusion guns are 20m range incremnt, 10 shot clip, and 3 kg

Shredder os 2 kg, 60m range increment, 12 shot clip.

Shuriken Cannon is 110m range increment, Full (6), 200 shot clip, 25 kg

Spinneret rifle is 60m range increment, 1 shot clip, 4 kg

Splitner cannon is 110m range incrmeent, Full(10), 300 shot clip, 10 kg

Kustom blasta is 15 kg, 90m rnage increment, 7 shot clip

Page 55
Hydraphur chainsword is 9 kg

Eldar chainsword is 3 kg

Eldar biting blade is 7 kg

Eldar mirrorswords 2 kg (power fields

Dakr Eldar scissorhand is .5 kg

Nadueshi twinblade 5 kg.

Zayhtan Warblades are 9 kg/

Page 55
Sometimes called a chain-cutlass...
Their shorter length makes them easier to wield in the close confines of a starship corridor, while their more compact design conceals two parallel rows of teeth, allowing it to deal greater damage than its size might otherwise suggest, at the cost of poorly-distributed balance.
the Hydraphur pattern.

PAge 55
Almost silent, they produce little more than a sibilant whisper as they tear through flesh and bone. Swiftly-cycling rows of mono-edged teeth cause considerable damage to any creature in their path.
Eldar chainsword. Considered a 'seldom seen' weapon.

PAge 55
Biting Blades are long-bladed, two-handed chainswords. However, where eviscerators are heavy, noisy machines, Biting Blades are slender and quiet, but no less deadly for their relatively light weight. Wielded properly, the razorsharp teeth can tear through flesh and bone with horrific speed, and a skilled warrior can cleave a man in two without difficulty.
Eldar version of an eviscerator

PAge 56
Each talon is impregnated with a variety of potent venoms and toxins, all of them capable of inflicting terrible, debilitating pain. The slightest cut from any of these blades is sufficient to deliver an agonising dose of poison, and thus the number of blades allows a deft wielder to incapacitate a victim quickly.
DE scissorhands.

PAge 56
..the outer casing of these non-STC swords conceals a pair of chains mounting serrated blades far finer than the hooked teeth of an Imperial chain weapon. Running in opposite directions, these razor-sharp blades slice and tear anything caught between them. Though less effective against armour, Twinblades cut more swiftly and cleanly through flesh and bone. Although they are found on Naduesh, they are far beyond the local population’s ability to produce, apparently relics of Naduesh’s bygone and far more advanced ages.
Naudeshi twinblade.

PAge 56
Large and deadly chainblades, these two-handed swords are wreathed with a flickering power field that significantly increases their effectiveness. Favoured by the greatest clan warriors of the city-engines of Zayth, these weapons are relics of a lost age, and bear a resemblance to a number of advanced chainblades from the very earliest days of the Imperium, fuelling theories amongst Explorators of the ‘synchronism of the holy mechanism’ and ‘convergent design’. This weapon requires two hands to wield.
Yet another powerfield enhanced chainsword.. note the convergent design shit. :p

Page 57
Because of the scarcity of alien weapons, those who regard them with greed must often satisfy themselves with copies of human manufacture, inferior to the exotic and blasphemous technologies that make the originals so deadly.
Implies that the Imperium (or human tehc) could at least to SOME degree replicate alien weapons. Examples could be like the shuriken weapons in Inquisition war or Jokaero digital weapons

Page 57
The gun’s spirit rebels against those who attempt to wield it, save for its one true owner. Arcane nomen-augurs use a variety of means to discern the wielder’s identity, allowing the spirit to choose whether or not it will operate for the current wielder. While many legitimate examples of weapons with loyalty spirits exist, numerous crude versions adorn the weapons of pirate-lords and similarly paranoid men, and alien species such as the Eldar are known to employ similar technologies on some of their weapons.

The simplest of these devices are controlled by a vox receiver or dermiprint, using the wielder’s voice commands or the shapes on the skin of their hand to identify them. More advanced versions sample the wielder’s genes to determine his identity, or even commune with the spirits of the wielder’s powered armour to glean this information. The rarest and most advanced use methods that defy easy explanation, the result of technologies long lost to the Imperium. They simply know when their master wields them.
Gun security measures - vox, dermal, genetic and 'arcane' types.

Page 57-58
Thanks to technologies no longer commonplace on such small devices, these projectile weapons are not reliant on the chemical reactions that normally propel bullets and shells, instead using powerful magnetic fields to hurl projectiles at great speed. The Adeptus Mechanicus Magos of the Lathes are scornful of those who attempt to create such weapons without the guidance of STC designs, condemning these artificers as hereteks and confiscating the devices they create. However, certain agents of the Disciples of Thule eagerly seek out these items, uncaring that their actions contradict their nominal superiors.
converts to EM weapons basically. What's interesting is that it doesn't WHOLLY rule out such weapons fo rthe Imperium (or being created by them) - it just probably isn't very common (or approved of.) . Probably limited to rare cases like needlers.

Page 58
Extremely small examples of conventional weaponry, these devices are beyond the skills of all but the most talented artisan to create, be they sanctioned or heretical. Allowing a pistol-sized weapon to unleash firepower equivalent to a rifle, such technology is desired by warriors in either side of the law
ultra-compact/miniarization technology. Or modifications.. some pistols have been modified for heavier outputs before (Imperial Glory) but this does confirm pistols and rifles do different levels of damage normally.

Page 58
A mono-sight consists of an augmetic monocle connected by a thick cable to a pict-thief attached in place of a weapon’ssight. This device allows a warrior to fire his weapon without exposing himself to enemy fire, using the pict-thief to aim from the weapon’s perspective.
Mono-sights. They cropped up in Necromunda and 3rd edition mentioned IG lasguns packing them.

Page 58
An adaptation to the nozzle of the weapon, this upgrade focuses and contains the blast of heat more tightly, allowing it to affect targets much farther away. However, the process is inefficient, requiring much more fuel to generate the same effect.
Melta upgrade.

PAge 58
The sophisticated targeting cogitator built into this advanced telescopic sight can swiftly determine the distance to a target and assist the wielder’s aim accordingly, allowing him to hit targets much farther away than would normally be possible.
..and may fire at targets up to five times the weapon’s listed range away..
5x instead of 4x means about a 25% greater range when a rangefinder is added.

Page 58
This powered, articulated metal arm extends from a bulky and awkward harness, supporting a weapon’s weight and spreading it across the wielder’s body. The harness is difficult to move around in, and difficult to remove. Often used as a cheap alternative to the extremely rare suspensors, they allow warriors to wield heavy weaponry with some degree of mobility, and prevent them from being easily disarmed.
Suspensor alternative for heavy weapons.

Page 58-59
These dangerous modifications alter the muzzles of plasma weapons, lessening the magnetic containment that allows coherent bolts of plasma to form. Instead, these weapons project short, intense jets of superheated, ionised gas, operating in a manner more akin to a flamer, albeit one capable of melting through most armour.
Which is funny considering most authors already make them like plasma flamethrowwrs... and the depicted example is basically a 'steam gun'. lol

Page 59 - Ork customization can convert any weapon to an energy weapon (Blasta), adds extra barrels (like a storm bolter), adds chainblades, or explosive ammo, increased ROF (more dakka!), or a shotgun like quality (shrapnel rather than bullets), and 'zappy gubbinz' which give shots a power field quantity (the device discharigng as the wielder attacks inflicting thermal damage.)

Page 60
As many Imperial Guardsmen are quick to attest, one of the greatest difficulties of using las-weapons is their visibility. Where projectile weapons can have their report dampened with relative ease, the distinctive luminescence and familiar crack of a lasgun are not so easily concealed. The mercenary Whisper-bolt weapons require a replacement for the emitters in the barrel, discharging las-blasts that are all but invisible and which create a far less noticeable sound.
However, the necessary changes mean that the discharges are less intense and less deadly...

Page 60
Decried by the Adeptus Mechanicus, numerous illicit munitionsmiths in the bowels of hive worlds and starships and the lawless fringes of the Imperium have long been adapting bolt ammunition so that it can be fired from shotguns.
Apparently shotguns can be adapted to fire bolt rounds.

PAge 60
Rather than the conventional payload of dense metal shot, these shotgun shells instead contain bundles of fin-stabilised mono-edged darts. Far more aerodynamic than normal shot, these darts are more effective at longer ranges, and more capable of piercing light armour than conventional shotgun shells. Some examples of these shells contain toxinimpregnated darts, for additional lethality.
Shotgun flechette rounds.

PAge 60
Difficult to manufacture, these bullets contain a small quantity of Fyceline, an explosive commonly used by the Imperial Guard, and are designed to detonate upon impact with a target. On smaller weapons, the tiny quantities have only a minor effect, but on the largest weapons, the increased lethality is particularly noticeable.
Explosive bullets for stub and auto cannons.

Page 60
Replacing the conventional payload with a small capsule of compressed gas, these shells are designed to replicate the effects of larger gas grenades, allowing shotgun users to deploy debilitating or obscuring clouds of vapour at a distance without the need for a grenade launcher. The resultant clouds are smaller, as the shells can only contain a small quantity of gas.
Gas shells for shotguns.

Page 60
An exceedingly rare creation, these tiny needles contain miniature explosive charges, which detonate a split second after they embed themselves in the target’s flesh. Some assassins prefer the explosive impact of these needles to the toxic payload of conventional needles, particularly against more resilient targets that may not be as easily felled by envenomed darts.
'Micro blast' needles. Someone's been playin too much halo methinks.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2

These rounds are tipped with tiny quantities of hot-burning material that ignites as they fly towards the target. The heat can cause serious burns on a target, igniting flammable materials.
Incendiary bullets.

PAge 61
These barbed crystalline discs are hollow and filled with a virulent genetic toxin that turns a victim’s biochemistry against itself explosively. The ammunition gets its name from the harrowing noise the discs produce as air is dragged into the poison reservoir to replace the toxin as it floods into the target’s body. The toxin subverts the victim’s genetics, defiling tissues and causing organs to fail spectacularly. The resultant damage often causes the victim to detonate, spraying tainted blood and viscera everywhere—something quite distressing for his allies.
Eldar shrieker ammo.

Page 61
Perhaps the most common alternate form of shotgun ammunition, a solid slug is literally just a solid lump of dense metal.
Solid shotgun slugs.

Page 60
Used by some enforcers, Arbitrators, bounty hunters and game hunters to subdue targets rather than kill them, these shells contain a small, single-use shock generator connected to a collection of sharp metal prongs. The shell discharges into an enemy struck, expending its entire charge in one go.
Taser shells. LOL.

Page 61
Dangerous toxic chemicals are mixed with weapons-grade promethium, intended to burn off and produce noxious fumes when a weapon filled with such fuel fires. These fumes are often as deadly as the flames themselves.
Burning your enemy to death or ashes apparently isnt enough for flamer,s you have to make them TOXIC as well.

Page 61
This armour is primarily used to protect against the hostile environments and physical hazards of a starship’s enginarium, though more martially minded Tech-Priests serving aboard the Navy patrol vessels in the Koronus Expanse have been known to repurpose suits to serve in combat. While hardly designed for agility, engine-plate is extremely resilient, being composed of heavy ceramite-bonded plasteel plating over thick layers of vulcanised rubber and flak-weave.

Augmetic engine-plate is environmentally sealed and proof against vacuum, toxic or corrosive environments, underwater and most other atmospheric conditions, keeping the wearer alive through a large, reliable rebreather system that lasts for a little over eight hours before the air tanks require refilling. These suits also contain an internal micro-vox, mag-boots and a photo-visor.
poor man's power armor. Seems to be a naval specialty too

PAge 62
Favoured by the wealthy and paranoid, as well as any others who must keep up a particular appearance without leaving themselves completely vulnerable, mesh-woven clothing is extremely expensive and difficult to obtain. There are perhaps only a dozen individuals in the entire Calixis Sector, and maybe only two in the Koronus Expanse, whose skills allow them to craft clothing which is both protective and sophisticated. However, the armour is virtually undetectable by conventional methods, the mesh layers so perfectly concealed that they escape the notice of all but the most vigilant of observers.

The finest and most extravagant of mesh-woven clothes are believed to incorporate elements of mesh armour salvaged from the bodies of Eldar warriors, the armour being extraordinarily lightweight and almost as fine as silk, and thus easily added to fine clothing without looking particularly out of place. Such items, as well as being extremely expensive and difficult to acquire, are deemed heretical for their inclusion of xenos craftsmanship.
Bulletproof clothing.

Page 62
...a pressure carapace is armour first and a voidsuit second. Constructed from lightweight ceramite plating over a thin, multilayered, sealed undersuit, pressure carapace is not really designed to protect from the hazards of the void long-term, instead serving more as an incidental safeguard against accidental exposure. Adeptus Arbites boarding parties, such as those serving as part of the Calixis Sector’s Precinct Astra, tend to employ suits of pressure carapace during their raids upon illegal shipping, though they are far from the only organisation to use this type of armour.
Higher-quality versions of the armour contain an exotic fluid layer that swiftly welds shut any breaches in the suit.
Pressure carapace. Fully sealed armor.

Page 62
Extremely rare and utterly blasphemous, this carefully-wrought armour is composed of pieces of the chitinous exoskeleton of Tyranid creatures.
Tyranid chitin is roughly as protective as flak or light carapace armour.
Gives a rough indication of how protecitve Tyranid carapace is. Given how uttelry lightweight it is and fashioned to wear by humans, it probably isn't the 'full' Nid carapace and probably off smaller creatures (meaning on a NBid its much tougher

Page 62
Augmetic engine-plate is 20 kg

Mesh-weave clothing is 1 kg

Pressure carapace is 16 kg

Xenos Chitin armour is.. 3 kg lol.

PAge 63
Plasteel, adamantium, armourplas, synth-leather and other sophisticated materials are used for all sorts of purposes within the Imperium, and are typically far more resilient than their archaic equivalents. Archaic styles of armour are seldom effective against advanced weapons, and rarely used in any case, but many of those who hail from primitive cultures favour the styles of wargear they are accustomed to. Wrought from plasteel and armourplas instead of bronze, iron and steel, a suit of chain or plate can be a quite effective defence, often the equal of more modern armours.
A comment on advanced materials vs 'older' materials.

Page 63
The shape of this armour is oddly angular, not conforming to the natural shapes of the wearer. Whether made of hard plates wrought into unusual shapes, or semi-flexible material stretched over a customised framework, this armour deflects blades and blasts through the odd angles and curves of its design.
Angled armour.

Page 63
Durable cells of impact-dispersing gel are concealed within the structure of the armour, spreading the shock of impact more evenly, reducing its influence upon the armour’s wearer. The cells are tough enough to remain intact amidst the pressures they are subjected to, preventing the gel from leaking out or being exposed to the atmosphere.

Impact specialisation upgrade.

Page 63
The astronomical and gravitational alignment of the Lathe worlds creates the conditions for the production of metal alloys of rare and singular properties. Lathe armour is strong and light, flexible enough to withstand the most powerful blows, and even resistant to intense heat or the crackling edge of a power weapon. The cost and rarity of such armour is beyond the means of most individuals, with maybe only half a dozen suits of Lathe-wrought armour constructed in a decade, each created under commission for a specific wearer.
More imperial super materials.

Page 63-64
Crafted in a similar way to Night Cloaks...
...this armour’s surface absorbs almost all ambient light, while the undersuit contains almost all the wearer’s body heat. When the armour is completely sealed, the user can disappear into the dark, hidden even from thermal imaging. Attempts have been made to combine this technology with power armour, but the immense amounts of heat the armour generates swiftly renders the suit impossible to wear if it cannot be released.
Concealment measure. Insulation means though that it cna't radiate heat which can be uncomfortablef or people

PAge 64
The armour’s weight is carried by a complex array of supports and servos, which boost the wearer’s strength and allow him to carry weightier loads. Similar to power armour to an extent, this upgrade is significantly less advanced, and normally added to a suit of armour for some utilitarian purpose, such as heightening the strength of labourers wearing engine-plate.
This is power armor sort of.. but it can apply to flak or carapace. Powered flak sounds kinda silly though lol. Standar dpower supply (in backpack) lasts 1-5 hours

Page 64
Made immediately obvious by the silvery sheen of the coating, reflec is used to disrupt and disperse attacks from las-weaponry.
Reflec coating. Not a mirror.

Page 64
..Such tools are commonly known as servo-manipulators, consisting of an array of probes, micro-claws, magno-clamps and tool connectors on omnidirectional articulated arms, operated by a control unit that tracks the user’s eye movements and facial muscles, and responds to vox commands.
Allows for fine manipulation with certain kinds of bulky armour (probably like powered armour.)

Page 65
Commonly used by the Guardian forces of the mysterious Craftworld Eldar to carry heavy weaponry, grav-platforms seem to require no obvious power source in order to maintain their perpetual lift, and are quite capable of supporting considerable weights without suffering any particular detriment.
Eldar grav platforms. Acts like giant, self propelled suspensors.

Page 66
...occlusive vaults are created from advanced and arcane technology and are extraordinarily rare. Normally taking the form of a large heavily-armoured chest, an occlusive vault conceals its true contents behind sophisticated holo-blinds and force barriers, projecting the appearance of false contents, controlled by a micro-cogitator.
Stealth/security measures.

Page 66
While most warp-capable vessels are able to make short hops through the Immaterium, covering four or five light-years at a time along stable routes, some pirates and smugglers desire the means to travel farther and along the more dangerous routes to better elude those who hunt them. A prognosticator is a forbidden device using minor examples of blasphemous maletek to more accurately map and predict the tides and flows of the warp than conventional cogitators can, though not as precisely as a Navigator.
Short-range warp hops and another technology that can improve warp travel. I beli9eve the Imperium has 'prognosticators' of some kind itself. Maybe it varies from region to region.

Page 66
Voidbait is a collective term for these lures, a range of devices that project false signals discernible by unsuspecting vessels. Fraudulent distress hymns, augur readings and even astropathic messages—though the latter requires particularly exotic and blasphemous technology.
More advanced versions (Good and Best Craftsmanship), crafted using blasphemous technology and scraps of the brains and blood of psykers, can send weak psychic signals, discernible by astropaths and Navigators from nearby star systems.
.. can be detected using a Psyniscience Test up to ten light years away.

It is possible to fake astropathic signals. This strongly suggests they should be (to some limited degree) be able to be artificially duplicated. More accuratley a sort of psychic servitor I suppose.

Also Ten LY away qualifies as being in the next system. :P

Page 67
A rare example of a machine-poison...
The method by which it functions is a secret known only to very few within the Cult of the Machine...
Nanotech or micro-tech maybe?

PAge 68
Grafted to the spine and affixed by thick cables to heavy metal vambraces, these metre-long poles are designed to conduct psychic energy, allowing a psyker to channel more greedily and aggressively, bleeding away some of the excess power. Implants of this sort have been extensively tested by the Calixian Adeptus Astra Telepathica, but it has been found that the power and utility they provide is dangerously unstable, and they are now banned by the decree of none other than Lord Inquisitor Caiden.
Aehteric Wave Spars.

Page 68
A simple skinplant, a thief ’s light is a simple luminescent panel housed in the palm of the hand...
the panel glows with a soft light, enough to illuminate objects within a few centimetres...
The light is powered by the user’s own body heat, and the design is extremely simple and reliable.
Another device/augmetic powered by body heat. The Imperium seems to have a well developed understanding of this and similar technologies.

Page 68-69
An articulated, powered network of cables, hydraulic support struts and locking mechanisms are built up the recipient’s arm, beneath the skin and connecting between both muscle and bone all the way up to the shoulder and upper back. All the way along, but concentrated mostly on the forearms and hands, are magnetic clamps that push up beneath or even through the skin, and can affix to specially-altered weapons.

The reinforcement spreads the weight of the gun along the arm and absorbs the shock of firing. The system requires no external power source—it runs off of the heat generated by the recipient’s own body—and can accommodate almost any rifle-sized weapon, though ones rebuilt to better fit the bracing (clamping the weapon to the forearm, and relocating the gun’s grip and trigger farther forward) can take better advantage of the structure.
Counter-recoil augmetic.

Page 69
These implants consist of additional layers built into the cornea of the recipient, whether gene-altered organic matter just beneath the surface, or advanced photo-augur technology implanted over the surface of the eye. Regardless of the source, the implant enhances the vision of the recipient, allowing him to see in ways he would otherwise be unable to.
can see in the dark and are immune to bright and sudden flashes of light (like photon flash grenades.)

Page 69
A complex network of micro-servos and subskin synth-flesh dispensers, twitch-masks allow the user to adjust his facial features at will, altering shape and texture in a matter of moments. Rare and difficult to implant, they are nonetheless favoured by confidence tricksters and any others for whom being recognised is a liability.
Good quality versions incorporate pigment glands and vox-manipulators...
Another cheap, limited mechanical version of polymorphine.

Page 69
For some vessels, a safe journey is far more important than a timely one. The risks of warp travel are astronomical, and anything that can offset those risks can be of tremendous value because Ships and their cargo are phenomenally expensive assets. Conversely, just supplying a ship is a costly undertaking. The longer the journey, the greater the profit margin must be in order to offset the costs in maintenance, supplies, and crew.
A wapr drive trading speed and performance for safety, apparently. Makes entries into and travel through the warp easier, although doubles travel times.

Page 69-70
This variant on the warp engine was designed for vessels following well established routes through the Immaterium between relatively nearby systems, and for three centuries the Kormisoshi Shipyards installed a small number of the engines in select starships. The design intent was for these ships to travel without a Navigator. The Navis Nobilite has lodged many formal complaints against the use of these designs, but due to their limitations, and the speed of Imperial bureaucracy, they remain in (very rare) use.
Multiple redundant cogitation systems aid in finding safe passage. However, the systems required for a Navigator to interface with the Warp Engine are not present.
A drive specialized for non-Navigator travel. Despite its 'illegal' status I imagine something like it is used quite often by Chartist captains and the like (if not this exact, official model.) Interesting is that it is considered 'safe' but within the confines only of a predictable route - it cannot 'anticipate' unusual 'warp weather' the way a Navigator can, so using it outside safe routes can be risky.

page 70
In an effort to decrease the number of devices that needed regular maintenance and repair, the adepts of the Mezoa forge world deduced a mechanism to combine the Geller Field with the void shield system. The results of the modification remain controversial.
Another indication that void shielding are tied to warp drives in some way.

Page 70
..containing advanced sensors, hidden compartments and complex cryptographic realspace communication voxers designed to converse with a multitude of disreputable crime syndicates and other nefarious organisations.
Capabilities of a Smuggler's bridge

Page 70
The Euphoric is designed to keep the crew content and the ship functional in even the direst of circumstances. By adding a steady stream of intoxicating chemicals into the vessel’s air and water, the ship’s officers can avoid the threat of mutiny and might even resist boarding efforts. The biggest risk may be that the crew is so tranquil that tasks might not be accomplished properly. These intoxicating chemicals may be activated or deactivated at will.
Drugs in the water of life support systems. And like any drugs, it has drawbacks (withdrawl)

Page 71
This network of arrays is dependent upon a series of carefully placed and finely tuned receiving antennae and sensors distributed the entire length of the vessel. The increased variety of sensors enables the system to depend upon ambient signals to resolve data rather than broadcasting its own scanning signals.
Really good passive sensors. The inteesting thing is that this implies most Imperial (and possibly alien) starships rely heavily on active sensor detection much of the time.

Page 72
...the Variable Figurehead has up to five different design patterns, which are commonly all variations on an Imperial Eagle. Modifying these patterns or creating additional ones requires an extensive refitting, as the process of reconfiguring its form is purely mechanical.
Transforming figureheads!

Page 72
Ancient cogitators, arrays of auspex systems, and volume upon volume of documentation supply an Adept with the tools and information necessary to capably analyse a recovered technological artefact.
Research/analysis cogitator.

Page 72
If provided with raw organic materials, this Component can synthesize any drug for which it has a known pattern. Drugs manufactured in this plant may be intended for medicinal or recreational purposes. The Component is capable of synthesizing enough of any substance to provide an adequate dosage for the vessel’s crew each day.
Drug synthesizer. Sort of a orgnaic replicator. :P

Page 72
Within its chambers, the voidfarers may select from a broad array of pleasures or a combination to satisfy their wildest desires. The presence of this Component on a vessel is often viewed by official Imperial Bureaucracies as a sign of moral failing, which may lead to legal difficulties.
Sensorium. 40K version of a Holodeck?

Page 73
The vessel is equipped with an extended energy storage system, enabling it to function for an extended period of time, even when critically damaged. The craftsmanship required to construct these systems has been lost. Those few which remain are reserved for those vessels which have garnered the favour of the Adeptus Mechanicus
Ships batteries, in other words. LOL

Page 73
...this Component collects ambient gravitons, which may be later launched into the void around the vessel. When so ejected, the resulting gravimetric field disturbance plays havoc with all augur arrays in the region. These fluctuations can be used to grant a vessel the advantage of a surprise attack or a stealthy escape.
Graviton flare. Royally fucks iwth sensors. REquires 24 hours to recharge.

Page 73
These forbidding chambers are lined with rare and exotic psychically neutral materials. The gleaming black walls of the cells in these holds are capable of containing all but the most powerful psykers in relative safety...
Psyker prisons.

Page 73
The unscrupulous Rogue Trader Horak Ilganus was drawn, quartered, then placed in stasis at the moment of his death (so he may live forever in agony) by a cabal of Inquisitors
Stasis torture.

Page 73
...these induced sleep chambers allow a vessel to place a substantial portion of its crew into suspended animation.
Unlike the cryo-stasis tubes of the so-called “cold quarters,” induced sleep chambers take much longer to activate and deactivate, and are designed to be used with large masses of crew at a time.
Its mentioned that these are disliked by ships crews and medicae.

Page 73
An accessory Component to the vessel’s augur array, the Witch Augur grants the vessel the capacity to sense objects in the warp nearby. Though its range is limited, the device can offer an enormous strategic advantage.
Warp sensor. Basically can duplicate the effects of Astropaths and navigators or enhance their own efforts.

Page 74
..the vessel’s hull to change colours. Additionally, the hull may be programmed to include markings with its change. This enables the vessel to also change any registry markings, names, or distinctive patterns at the same time...
Chameleon hull. Said to be taken from Eldar starships, suggesting their vessesl can do this pretty much at will

Page 74
This Component launches a shell that expands out into a webbing of bio-organic materials. These materials are drawn to the target’s engines, where they congeal into a mass that absorbs energy away from the vessel. Once the mass has reached its capacity, the webbing flakes away and falls off into the void. How the weapon creates the bio-organic substance in the first place remains known, as does the identity of its creators.
Some alien race in 40K has weaponized the mynock. Bet its Tyranid.

Page 74
Once attached to a hull and supplied with power, they generate repelling gravity waves strong enough to stave off collisions with asteroids or other objects in space.
While activated, Grav Repulsors push away anything coming close to the hull. They have little effect against fast-moving objects like macrobattery shells, but against asteroids, torpedoes, and ramming ships they can lessen a blow.
so they operate opposite to voids - block slow moving things but allow fast moving ones through. It confirms that macro shells typically move much faster than torpedoes, which move at tens or hundreds of kilometres a second.

Page 74
By modifying its resonant harmonics, the vessel changes the signals output by its engines to resemble those of another Imperial or xenos craft. An unnatural seeming node of bone-like structure is mounted on the ship’s bridge, which connects directly to the Mimic Engine.
Guessing its a Dark Eldar mimic engine adapted for Imperial starship use.

Page 75
A defence found upon some Eldar vessels, the Shadowfield protects a vessel by concealing it within a cloud-like fog of darkness and false shapes. Even if a vessel is able to identify the presence of such a shielded starship, little information about its Components or its precise location can be identified.

Page 75
By capturing a moment of perfect agony and then broadcasting it into the warp after massive amplification, this Component disrupts all psychic communications within a region. Unfortunately, in order to capture that moment of suffering, the psyker who broadcasts the signal must undergo physical trauma.
The Night Lords have used such as a beacon, and the Word Bearers something like that as a jamming device, although to mess with warp travel instead of comms (but it owuld do both Iimagine)

Page 75
This xenos artefact may be connected to the vessel’s augur arrays to generate a broad spectrum map of the galaxy and the region surrounding the vessel. Indicators on the map show various warp gates that enable the vessel to make rapid transitions between regions of physical space.
So, while a vessel may use the map to quickly exit a system, they may not emerge in the system they intended to reach.
This MAY be the webway, although I doubt it because neither the Eldar or Dark Eldar had such maps. Perhaps the necrons had or used these, but we've never seen/heard of them doing so (although it would make sense for them to have such.) The only official 'map' of the webway I ever knew of was the Atlas Infernal, but mechanical versions for (starhsip) gates are possible.

It certainly does sound like the webway, but its possible this is another intergalacitc gate network of some kind.

Page 76
One of the reasons few Imperial starships are alike, even when built from the same basic template, is that over the centuries a starship is in service it undergoes innumerable customisations and modifications.
Essentially true.

Page 76
This ancient piece of engineering adds a series of baffles around the engines. These baffles may redirect the vessel’s forward thrust in a uniform fashion that effectively counteracts its forward momentum. Ships modified in this fashion may slow their speed much more abruptly than those without this modification.
Arrestor engines. Not unlike the engines on the Invisible Hand.

Page 77
This upgrade provides an opportunity to hide in plain sight. Rather than attempting to offer excessive concealment, the upgrade enhances the engine’s output so that it appears as a much larger vessel, typically either a cruiser or light cruiser when observed by detection systems.
Dark Eldar tech again, adapted for Imperial vessels.

Page 77
The Void Shields on a vessel with this upgrade are equipped with an extensive network of rapidly charging capacitors and a redundant set of shield projectors. This combination enables the void shields to rapidly cycle, even after an overload. These ancient systems are generally reserved for the most vital of military vessels.

Overload Shield Capacitors enable a vessel to reactivate its void shields at full strength immediately after they are overloaded by a salvo. This permits the shields to effectively overload more than one time within a single strategic turn. This reactivation occurs automatically; no actions are required. The upgrade does have a limited capacity. This reactivation may only be performed once per combat encounter (or once per 24 hours).
Good Craftsmanship examples provide additional reserve power for the void shields and may be reactivated three times per combat.
'overload' voids.. the interesting thing (except the redundancy) is the fact that power draw (and rechage) seem to be the major limitation in the speed at which voids can be restored - not neccesarily in absolute power (or just that) but at the rate at which power can be (safely) fed into the capacitors. Given 'warp-based' voids this makes a fair bit of sense, but other kinds of voids (energy absorption/reradiation types or just force field deflection) are less iffy.

I imagine the tradeoff is in internal volume (for the capacitors and redundancy), extra power draw, cost and maintenance,

Page 77
A vessel equipped with Secondary Reactors uses the additional power from augmented plasma reactors to rapidly increase its speed for a limited amount of time. These modifications are most popular among those vessels that need to escape from them. Agents of the Mechanicum are always reluctant to make these modifications, as the machine spirits of the engines equipped with them are so often in pain. This upgrade invariably dictates a substantial increase in the amount of time that the vessel must spend at repair docks.
Basically a specialized 'afterburn' or 'overpower' option, at the expense of increased maintenance ('machine spirit in pain' - hah. Atlhough given the semi-aware nature of the ship in truth, it may actually be in some sort of 'pain'.)

Page 78
The hull has coated with a sacred unguent that can seal gashes that might otherwise lead to depressurization. Whenever possible, the vessel’s interiors were constructed of flame retardant materials. The crew are equipped with a far more extensive supply of replacement parts and tools than the standard requirements for Imperial vessels.
Improved damage control. Higher quality ones will seel and vent components to space (in 'fire' lol.)

Page 78
The Targeting Matrix adds an additional system of autocogitators and extended range augurs into the vessel’s weapon systems. These systems dynamically calculate targeting solutions that compensate for the relative speeds of both the target and the firing vessel. In addition, they may identify weak points in an enemy’s defences and identify decoys so that they are not targeted.
Improved targeting systems. Note the mention of 'decoys' And hence some form of EW.

Page 80-81
Alongside planetary defence forces stationed to protect a world from invasion, many worlds extend the reach of their security forces across the entire star system, using sub-light craft to patrol around moons, asteroids and uninhabited planets. Such vessels, though tiny and lightly-armed compared to true warships, are normally the first line of defence against pirates and smugglers.
Sublight defense forces.

Page 81
A hive world near the rimward edge of the Drusus Marches, and about six days by warp from Port Wander, Thical is the closest hive world to the Maw and thus frequently ends up as a destination for smugglers moving goods from the Koronus Expanse.
Rogue Trader lists Port Wander as being on the edge of the Drusus Martches and the Koronous abyss is on the riward end of Calixis. Going by the DH map by the edge I'd guess maybe 30-50 LY to 100 LY. Assuming a linear route we're talking between 1800-6000c at least. This may be for navigator or non-Navigator piloted ships. 100 LY is probably the limit, since we're talkinga bout across less than half thse sector roughly (although te Calixis map might be a bit bigger in one dimension than another, so its not perfect.) Call it no more than 1.5-2x the distance for a 'straight line' course (non-linear routes and mor than one jump is not included or factored in.

Page 81
Thical’s defence forces, known collectively as Wardens, are numerous and encompass both local law enforcement and the world’s Planetary Defence Force, essentially meaning that Thical is constantly under martial law.
Several dozen Warden Commanders oversee the operations of hundreds of Warden companies, which include the world’s defence fleet.
A case where the PDF and Enforcer duties overlap. hundreds of warder 'companies.' How big a company is up for debate but we coudl be talking tens or hundreds of thousands of men at least. Although it depends on if it is 'hundreds of companies' per Warden Commander, or total, which means thousands. Recall this is a hive world, so unless we're talking a 'minor' type hive (something more like a civilised world, or a mining world with a hive rather than a necromunda/armeagddon type hive) the numbers would be large.

Page 81
Hull: Frigate
Class: Bastion-class Defence Monitor
Dimensions: 1.4 km long, 0.6 km abeam and fins approx.
Mass: 7 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 20,000 crew, approx.
Accel: 3.1 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Example of a system defence vessel. Heavier yet smaller tan a warp-capable escort, ironically., but its also slower. And fewer crews.

Page 81
The Bastion-class is one specific design of a type of ship that exists all across the Imperium, favoured within the Calixis Sector for its reliability and relative ease of repair. Dozens of Bastion-class defence monitors exist in the system fleets of hundreds of worlds across the Calixis Sector, and ones crewed by Imperial Navy personnel help guard major ports and facilities such as Port Wrath, Port Wander, Scintilla, Sepheris Secundus and Iocanthus.

The Shield VII is, as its name suggests, the seventh ship of Shield squadron, itself one of three squadrons of system ships of various kinds that exist to patrol and defend the Thical system. The vessel itself is fairly unremarkable—like most system ships, it isn’t equipped with a warp drive, and thus it has never been outside of its system,
'dozens' of system defence monitors in system fleets in 'hundrds' of worlds across Calixis. For a million world Imperium thats tens or hundreds of millins of sublight escorts, not including other classes. At least 21 or so for Thical in particular. Does not include Navy pickets either.

Also of note is how its implied that only 'most' system (defence) ships don't have warp drives, but they could. Although givne the stats this is at a cost of offensive power and durability.

Page 82
The Intervention and the Precedent are unique within the Calixis Sector; two voidships staffed and controlled by the normally planetbound Adeptus Arbites. Each is far more than a mere patrol vessel or retrofitted transport; they are both potent warships in their own right. Their very existence raises howls of objection from the Battlefleet Calixis headquarters in Port Wrath.
Interesitng that in Calixis/Koronus ARbites ships are considered unusual or objecitonable (at least to the Navy) - we've seen them in both Execution Hour AND the Shira calpurnia novels.

On the other han the Navy objects to anyone but them having ships. They object to the Astartes having em.

Page 82
..a minor Rogue Trader had recently salvaged a small space hulk. Amongst the vessels pried from the space hulk’s embrace were two warships of ancient human make, a fast and well-armoured cruiser and an equally fast and armoured frigate.Envedine saw them as perfect for his needs, and made to purchase both.

..and the Calixian Arbites suddenly acquired two warships. Dubbing the ships the Castigator-class patrol cruiser Intervention Sanction-class rapid response frigate Precedent...
This is interesting because he just managed to acquire 2 ships out of nowhere for the Calixian Arbittes. This despite the fact that Calixis Proper was stated in book of judgement to have only 3 warshis itself total.. meaning that the fleet assets had been increased by more than 2/3 in that one purchase, but in just one relatively narrow region. If they could afford two opportunity purchases like that, why can't Goreman gain more ships? Is the Navy blocking them? Is other politics or other factions involved?

Pgae 83
..the Arbitrators running the ships are constantly hard-pressed to keep them in working order. Battlefleet Calixis has no interest in aiding the Calixian Arbites in what they see as encroachment on their territory, thus the Arbites must be resourceful in the repair and re-provisioning of their vessels.
Politics, specifically the Navy, seem to be obstacles in the Arbites having their own fleet.. at least in Calixis.

PAge 83
Now in his late fifties (and with limited access to rejuvinat drugs)..
Limited rejuvenat for 'arbitrator primus' captain of Arbites ship.

Page 84
Hull: Light Cruiser
Class: Castigator-class patrol cruiser
Dimensions: 4.2km long, 0.6km abeam at fins
Mass: 20 megatonnes, approx.
Crew: 44,000 crew, approx.
Accel: 4.3 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Arbites cruiser. Looks alot like a Punisher-class Strike cruiser from Execution Hour's BFg stuff. Only known ship of its class however, so its not a 'formal' ship class. EVen has a bombardment cannon

Page 84
the Intervention is as much a void-faring precinct as a combat vessel. Containing thousands of Arbitrators, Judges, Chasteners, Detectives and Verispex Agents, the vessel serves as a mobile base of operations to hunt down void-based malefactors
Indication of a the size of a 'precinct' of some kind. Assuming one such precinct per planet we're talking billions of arbites of all kinds (most probably Arbitrators though)

Page 84
Hull: Frigate
Class: Scourge-class frigate
Dimensions: 1.6 km long, 0.4 km abeam and fins approx.
Mass: 6 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 28,000 crew, approx.
Accel: 5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Arbites frigate. Assuming ship/crew ratios hold constant, the Frigate would add between 60-65% more ARbites to the 'precinct.'

Page 85
The Adeptus Mechanicus and its magos have long pursued knowledge and understanding of arcane science and holy technology, and enforced their control of these things as they see fit. Through the vigilance of its priesthood, augmetic warriors, lay-technicians and other vassals, do they observe the masses of humanity, seeking knowledge and all who abuse it.
As ordained and initiated members of the Priesthood of Mars, the secrets of the machine are theirs to know, and thus it is their divine right to determine how that knowledge is to be used. Those further up the hierarchy have greater knowledge and greater authority, and greater forces at their command with which to enforce their will.
Again the AdMech control/monopolize technology in a myriad of ways. And like any organization in the Imperium, it has its castes/aristorcracy (the magos/archmagos.) which are permitted rights and privileges that the lesser classes are forbidden even within their own ranks.

Page 85
...every Tech-Priest inevitably specialises in a narrower field of understanding. Some, a rare few, choose to devote their minds to the study of the Machine God’s will rather than the knowledge it embodies, removing themselves from the Quest for Knowledge in order to preserve it from the heathen masses of mankind. These individuals, sometimes known as the Magos Juris amongst their colleagues of the Calixian Forge worlds, relentlessly pursue those who would commit tech-heresy or steal the secrets of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Tech priests dedicated to hunting hereteks, tech smugglers (piracy!), users of unsanctioned technology, etc. All to maintain the copyri- err monopoly. For the Omnissiah.

Page 87
The Skitarii forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus take a variety of forms. On warships and Explorator vessels operating within the Koronus Expanse and the Calixis Sector, specially-created armsmen-Skitarii are a necessity, serving as boarding parties, security personnel and bodyguards where other forms of Skitarii would be impractical. Within the Mechanicus territories of the Calixis Sector, these warriors are known as Classiarii, a term of obscure meaning within the ancient traditions of the Calixian Mechanicus, believed to mean “mariners.”

Nigh-impervious to vacuum, fitted with thick, implanted armour, and equipped with an array of implanted weaponry, a Classiarius trooper is literally built for ship-to-ship combat.
Naval Skitarii. They have implanted armour, atuo-stabilized, night vision, limited flight in null-G. Armament includes Shotcannon with amputator shields, or MIU-linked flamer, MIU-link meltagun, or MIU-linked compact storm bolter. AS well as chainsword. Also backpack ammo supply, meltabombs, augur array, subskin and cranial armour, synthetic muscle grafts, voidskin, vox implant, MIU weapon interface, bionic respiratory system and heart, and Chem injectors with hyper-stimms and Frenzon.

Page 87
..murder servitors are ghoulish, skull-masked killing machines. The Lathe-pattern, developed on and favoured by the augment-artisans of the Lathes, is a hunched, predatory monster, driven by sadistic and aggressive machine spirits. Mono-talons and viscerator-limbs allow them to tear apart most living foes, while melta-cutters allow them to burn through bulkheads and destroy equipment.
..they spend hours hunting any living creature not programmed into their spoortargeters..
Murder servitors. Admech Arco-flagellants. Mostly melee equipped except for the melta cutter arrays, and built in armor plating, micro bead and photo visor.

Page 88
Hull: Cruiser
Class: Unique Mechanicus research vessel
Dimensions: 5.1 km long, 0.7 km abeam approx.
Mass: 6.4 megatonnes approx.
Crew: 19,000 approx.
Accel: 4.6 gravities max sustainable acceleration
AdMech cruiser. Even more ludicrously lightweight than other cruisers. Also a tiny fraction of the normal crew

Page 88
The fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus are often far more sophisticated than those of the Imperial Navy, utilising technologies that are deemed too sacred for the masses of humanity to use. In many cases, archeotech systems are placed aboard starships solely to test them, so that their effectiveness can be properly determined and studied. The Omnissiah’s Vigil is one such vessel, fitted with ancient targeting systems and plasma reactors as part of one extensive research project
Admech starships, serving as technology testbeds as well as proof that the AdMech withold tech knowingly from the rest of humanity.

Page 88
The Omnissiah’s Vigil is crewed almost entirely by servitors, overseen by Tech-Priests and protected by phalanxes of Classiarii.
for having only 19,000 crew, we're probably talking the servitors being at least 5-6x more effective than conventional naval ships. go figure.

Page 88
..the agents of the Administratum are an innumerable and ever-present facet of interstellar commerce and politics, with the largest concentrations found on worlds with particularly high military presence, high tithe requirements, or large-scale commerce. In particular, extensive offices on Scintilla, housing hundreds of thousands of archivists, ordinates and prefects, scrutinise sector-level operations with a keen eye and unwavering adherence to ancient doctrine.

Administratum in Calixis.

PAge 89 Quaestors, these Auditors are empowered to travel the Sector and demand access to all records of any government or organisation they come across..
..the ranks of the Divisio Auditae have swollen to include over six thousand separate Quaestors. Each possesses the freedom to move and investigate whatever and wherever they see fit, much to the consternation of the Inquisition, planetary governors, and Rogue Traders who see such freedom of remit for what is essentially a bureaucrat as dangerous and intrusive into matters better left in other hands.
Theoretically they can freeze any funds a Rogue Trader might possess within the Calixis Sector and drive them to bankruptcy.
An interesting sort of SEctor-level oversight by the Administratum, a bit more independent minded than they normally are. It also gives the Adminsitratum a more direct, tangible power (through finacnial/economic means) than they might otherwise have.

Page 90
"The lives of uncounted trillions rest in our hands…”
Uncounted trillions in the hands of the Navy. Whethe rthis is sector navy or the Imperium as a whole is up for debate.

Page 90
Many patrols are fairly light, consisting of a squadron or two of destroyers or frigates,..
Only in areas of known hostile activity are patrols heavier—referred to as “fighting patrols,” consisting of as much as a cruiser and several squadrons of escorts, often supported by attack craft for more detailed investigations. Where patrols cannot frequently reach, long-range augur stations and sentinel satellites provide a measure of security against enemy forces, giving system ships a degree of early warning about invading fleets, marauding pirates and other void-borne menaces.
Size of Navy Patrols, 'fighting patrols' and other surveillance measures.

page 90
the patrol group consists of seven vessels: a light cruiser and two squadrons each of three frigates. The patrol is technically classified as a minor battlegroup..
Another patrol group who is a 'minor battlegroup'

Page 91
..Naremmus is a powerfullybuilt man in his late sixties, appearing to be in his mid-thirties due to extensive rejuvenat treatments...
Late sixties, with a body in the mid thirties due to juvenat.

Page 91
To maintain discipline, and to defend the ship in battle, Imperial Navy vessels employ thousands of armsmen.
.Vessels will have several detachments, each consisting of as many as fifty men..
Implies thousands of armsmen per ship.

Page 92
Broadly speaking, the Vengeful Martyr is somewhat more capable than the average Dauntless-class cruiser, being slightly more resilient and significantly more manoeuvrable than most, and fitted with a rare but potent drive to power its forward lance battery.

Modified Dauntless clas with a potent drive designed to power the forward lance battery, suggesting it draws a significant portion of the ship's reactor power.

Page 107
The ammunition might not fit, the blessed unguents might foul the engine, or the tech-priest might turn out to be specialised in maintaining fission cores instead of plasma engines.
Plsama and fission stuff - clearly the same thing! :P

Page 118
Nearly all of the souls inhabiting the billion worlds of the Imperium of Man are reliant on the blessings of the Omnissiah in their daily lives.
Not only a billion worlds, but they all seem to involve high technology to some degree or another.

Page 133
The Ordinati Xenologis is a rogue cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus which has an overwhelming commitment to the study of xenos artefacts. Magos Nadya Kimura has sequestered herself and her courtiers in a secretive station far in the clouds of Port Wander...
The Adeptus Mechanicus presence within the Calixis Sector typically ignores this group, but remain ready to act if their research or conclusions become too heretical.
A 'rogue' AdMech cult, and yet its presence is ignored for the most part until they become 'too heretical'. I guess the possibility they might stumble across something useful is too good an opportunity to pass up unless they go too far.

Page 136
Other Imperial agencies may also be watching, especially the Adeptus Mechanicus and Adeptus Ministorum. The former is always searching for archeotech, though it may take a certain interest in the technologies of alien races as well. The Tech-Priest Magi desire to perform the examinations themselves, and if needed destroy the tainted xenos items that would mock the Machine God.
Again AdMech interested in xenos technologies.

Page 136
Xenos items are often proscribed for excellent reasons, for they were never meant to be used by humans. Many can transfigure the human psyche or combine with human body chemistry in horrific ways. A slab of xenos hull might actually be a powerful explosive when combined with breathable air, or a simple alien harp might be unknowingly tuned to attract warp denizens. Worse still are those items that defy investigation, for who can tell what dangers might be hidden? The infamous objects known collectively as Halo Artefacts are the prime example..
Why alien artefacts can be dangerous.

Page 138
Expanse, its clean lines and seamless hull stand out from the typical encrusted space hulks...
Appearing without warning, often much closer to a system than normal vessels would attempt...
Despite the best efforts of the Adeptus Mechanicus it always descends back into the Warp...
..closer scans reveal worn lettering in ancient gothic to indicate it is a creation of man. Unlike the proper voidships of the Imperium, it is utterly smooth and lacking any of the normal Imperial ornamentation or iconography. This alone makes it a cause for great interest for the Adeptus Mechanicus..
Either it is of an age best left undisturbed from before the true emergence of the Machine God, or the result of lost human civilisations who construct without the proper blessings of the Omnissiah to their creations. Either are grounds for technological heresy of the worst kinds or intensive study and possible worship, depending on the Mechanicum faction in question.
AdMech interest in a starship, as well as its divisive nature on its fate (Study it or destroy it.) Quite possibly a DAoT starship, given what we learned of such in 'Daemon World'.

Page 140
...finest of ancient cogitators or chem-acellerated lexmechanics.
chem accelerated' lexmechanics.

Page 143-144
Without exercising restraint, a psyker risks the lives of those around him with his arcane practices: anything from the evocation of strange sensations to the summoning of daemonic entities could come about. His allies fear him for the damage he might cause at any moment. As of yet, no sacred technology or xenos relic has mitigated this flaw in the psychic design, which is why the Ataxis is so coveted.

When in the hands of a competent psyker, the Ataxis functions as an anchor in space and time. Although he still draws on the Warp for the energy which fuels his techniques, the psyker and the reality around him maintains a large degree of stability. He may reach further and longer into the Warp with a reduced risk...
This is interesting for the 'literal' approach it takes to a psyker (or any thing with a soul/connection to the wapr) being a gateway to the immaterium to draw power for affects - to 'mutate' or 'alter' reality or its laws to achieve desired effects. We might also infer that the risks stem from a sort of 'inefficiency' in the process - the power or skill of a pskyer determine how effectivley/efficiently they use the energy they tap, as well as how much my leak away or bleed out into reality and have adverse effects (evoking strange sensations or messing with reality in unusual ways.) Heck, there may even be risks associated with drawing too deeply and 'breaking' the portal open becoming a gateway- nevermind the risks of possession or invasion through said portals by a warp entity. Or maybe drawing too hard risks the same sorts of dangers a ship trying to drop from the wapr too close to a system risks...

Under that interpretation, treating the ATaxis as the sole means of countering this is a bit flawed - soul binding to a higher being (a god, daemon, etc.) can provide similar 'anchoring', and we know that races like the Orks and Tyranids - who have a strong 'racial soul/gestalt/'godlike' entity' backing them - have a solid/stable means of tapping psychic powers without drawing directly on the warp. The Ataxis presumably duplicats this effect on a smaller scale.

Page 144
Only those who chose discretion over treasure have reliably reported of the true nature of the Barrows. Their tales of the apocryphal kraken star-beasts appearing out of the void’s darkness, dragging devastated vessels in their serpentine clutches only to discard them into carefully selected orbits, seems more that of a drunken tavern tale than reality. The ancients of the Expanse only nod their graying beards
Why not Kraken? There are freaking spacewhales (some of which are planet sized) after all. Or hell, the Tyranids!
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Twofer again: Navis Primer and Stars of Inequity. I'm doing it this way because Battlefleet Koronus and Into the Storm are HUGE and will take time to continue updating (unless I want to post some six or seven separate posts at once, and I don't lol.) So I'll break it up into 2-3 smaller updates for each book.

First Stars of Inequity: two parts

Page 8
The million worlds of the Imperium are spread across hundreds of thousands of star systems, each a lonely jewel, linked to its brethren in an intricate web across unfathomable distances. The maintenance and protection of this web is the duty of the Adeptus Terra and their agents, but its expansion is a task belonging to the great dynasties of the Rogue Traders.
Which again is indicative that the actual number of systems occupied by the Imperium is less than the number of worlds. As noted before, thought, this is largely dependent upon whose sources/interpretations you use, since we've ranged from millions to billions of planets/systems in the Imperium depending on context at any given time.

Page 8
Though the Koronus Expanse does not lack for lonely stars in the uncharted depths of the void, the majority of its stars and attendant systems share some measure of connection. Some systems are snared together by their mutual gravitation, and others orbit kindred stars birthed in the same massive upheaval. Even more physically distant systems can share a common resonance in the Immaterium, which eases navigation and travel between them. These linked systems are a boon to the Imperium’s expansion, whatever their nature. The Explorator fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus often find that the common features of such regions aid their cataloguing immeasurably, and sometimes gain unique and valuable data from studying these phenomena. Rogue Traders, on the other hand, simply capitalise on the swifter, easier travel between the systems in such a set, ever aware of the age-old axiom on the conversion rate between time and Thrones.

Within the territory controlled by the Imperium, such regions are usually the basis for designating subsectors, and provide the hearts of those subsectors that they do not make up entirely.
Resonance seems to be a big factor in the ease of warp travel between systems within a sector/subsector... or rather 'like attracts like'. That they often form the nexus of sectors or subsectors also indicates that the Imperium's importance on worlds rests as much on the ease and scope of trade the world facilitates as well as its material/industrial/agricultural/manpower contributions.

Page 9 some regions of space, the cataclysmic turmoil of certain fundamental forces causes gravitational fields to churn like a storm-wracked sea. Fierce gravity riptides have been known to tear apart the hulls of voidships too incautious to head the warnings of their augers..
Some tides of gravity are gentler, and can be a boon to crews desperate for planetfall, swiftly bearing vessels along hidden currents in space.
Gravitational 'storms' or weather or whatever. It indicates sensors can pick up gravity, but how this shit is created is not specified. I'd guess adverse warp phenomena (or warp/realspace incursions) could be accompanied by such (indeed Angel Exterminatus hints at a few warp-based 'singularities') and we know of the odd relationship between warp and gravity as well.

The more beneficial gravity effects seem to suggest reduced travel times between planets (thats at least the in-game effect, I gather.)

Page 10
A powerful pirate fleet is based within this area, possibly making use of its worlds for resources, or even slave labour. Most such fleets are comprised of base traitors and rogues of the sort that plague the shipping of more civilised regions.
By default, a Pirate Den consists of 1d5+4 Wolfpack Raiders..
...led by a more formidable flagship (usually a well-armed Frigate, but on occasion, an exceptionally powerful Raider, or even a Light Cruiser can be found in this role)

A Pirate Den is never home to less than five ships, and rarely houses more than eight. The quality of xenos or heretic fleets is often more than most renegades can muster, generally featuring a wide variety of vessels, and often including at least one ship of Light Cruiser or even Cruiser size, which bears their flag.
Estimates on 'typical' pirate fleet size. Just how much we ascribe to game mechanics and how much to 'in' universe is up for debate, of course.

Page 11-12
Many of the most well-known and well-defined sub-Sectors and star clusters are centred around a noteworthy celestial object. These objects frequently serve the same purpose on astromantic charts and the secret rutters of the Navigator Houses as terrestrial landmarks might serve on a surface map.
The massive forces exerted by a Stellar Anomaly sometimes seems to stabilise local Warp routes, though many dismiss this as voidsmen’s superstition and no record exists of any Navigator’s comment on the matter.
Navigational 'landmarks' in subsectors and such. Its implied that these can make warp travel easier, implied to be more a result of bleief than fact.

Page 13
The Inner Cauldron is a hostile region, scourged by solar flares and arcs of radiation, and whatever worlds exist within it are harsh and punishing to life. Toxic atmospheres and incredible temperatures are common on Inner Cauldron Planets, as well as rich mineral deposits that spur on development, despite the hostile conditions. Still, only the richest and most well-connected Rogue Traders can hope to acquire the necessities for a colony that can survive amidst such conditions.
Probably implying Mercury or at least Venus-like conditions which can still (technically) be colonised.

Page 14
The furthest border of a System’s Outer Reaches is often called the halo, comprised of assorted interstellar debris, tangled in the edge of the gravity well.
Also a common warp entry/exit point.

PAge 14
The encircling line of an Asteroid Belt can cause difficulties to ships seeking passage deeper into the system. Any direct route requires successful navigation of the ring, although it is possible to bypass an Asteroid Belt by leaving the orbital plane of the system. Such detours tend to be lengthy, often adding several full days of travel.
Assuming the Asteroid belts are comparable to the ones distant on Earth (2-4 AU, which means 1-3 AU distance.) and a straight line course, we're talking at least 2 gees of constant acceleration (on top of what else they make) and 1800 km/s velocity at a 1 AU distance. At 3 AU its 6 gees and 1.7% of c.

Page 15
The signs that warn of these destructive vortices can be nearly impossible to spot until a voidship is nearly upon them, the augers registering the anomaly barely soon enough to scream a klaxon of warning. The customary sweep of a newly discovered system seldom, if ever, turns up these hazards from the distance at which it is made.
Hardly surprising. Its highly unlikely there is an 'active' scan that can simply pick up gravity, so it would be detected passively, and given the presence of other stellar bodies in a system it oculd be harder to pick up at a distance. Of course what the gravity 'riptide' actually means and how it persists (magically) is up for debate too.

Page 16
It is said that the Imperium is comprised of a million different worlds, across the galaxy. Though the precise number rises and falls with each righteous crusade launched, or warzone lost to the enemy, it is incontestable that the reach of Mankind spans the galaxy across untold dominions, united under the rule of the God-Emperor.
Yet again 'million' seems to be an approximation more or less, and depending on circumstances (time, locale, conditions, etc.) it could be greater, or lower.

Page 16
According to the doctrines of the Priesthood of Mars, visible light is but a small part of a spectrum of different energies. The auger arrays of voidships rely in large part on these forces, and are often overwhelmed by an excess of input when travelling close to particularly active stars.
Suggesting Starship sensors are EM in nature (active or passive.)

Page 16
Seeking the treasures of the Inner Cauldron can make a cautious captain rich, but it can utterly destroy the greedy and reckless. Many stars seethe with volatile energies that erupt forth with little notice, and consume whatever is caught in their cataclysmic path.

Each day a ship remains in this area, roll 1d10; on a result of 10 or higher, the ship is caught in the effects of a Solar Flare, unless it can find shelter in a safe orbit behind a sheltering object. Treat the effects of a Solar Flare as inflicting 1d5 hits from a Macrobattery with a Damage of 1d10+3. This Damage is stopped by Void Shields. Further, the effects of the flare are spread across such a vast area that it does not inflict Critical Hits like a weapon with a Crit Rating. Damage past the Armour of a Crippled ship still inflicts Critical Hits normally.
If we assume a cruiser-scale vessel, a e25 joule flare and conservatively assume its radiating in all directions you get several watts per square metre to about an eighth of a watt per square metre you'd get several GJ at least, up to several tens of GJ for half an hour. tens to hundreds of GJ for a day Mind you thats for a single macrobattery 'hit' although as we know macrobatteries can also represent dozens. On the other hand, if we figure 100 million km away, and radiating over a 300 million square km area (Possible as implied here) and assume an output somewhere in the e25 J total... assuming I did everything right math wise, I figure the average intensity would be several hundred to several thousand kj per square metre, which is 'only' several TW.

On the other hand that assumes a star like our sun, and suns can vary quite dramatically in intensity. What's more the range is purely guesswork, and since its per day it could easily encompass multiple flares. So it could be much higher or much lower. And it doesnt address whether its just a solar flare, a CME, or both. Oh and the whole game mecahnics thing. But if we take all that as true and my assumptions hold of course, that's still alot higher than the BFG implications even disregarding what I said above, given it onyl does potential damage, and may not guarantee a kill, but also still alot lower than some of the 'high end' 40K calcs imply. That said the examples of 40K ships surviving in close proximity to stars (EG Essene from Eisenhorn) cannot be disregarded here, either.

Page 17
The remains of an invasion fleet pounded to scrap by the system’s defenders could circle the system’s rim,...
A Starship Graveyard can consist of anywhere from three to twenty or more vessels..
Crushed Defence Force/Routed Invasion: The wreckage is all that remains of a defeated battlefleet. Whichever side of the long-ago conflflict that fifielded these vessels was decisively defeated, with most or all of the hulks belonging to the same force. The graveyard consists of 2d5 ships, of which most or all have been shattered beyond any value.
Fleet Engagement: A massive conflflict once raged here, as evidenced by the abundance of battle-scarred hulls left behind by both sides. The graveyard consists of 1d10+6 hulks...
Implied size of system defence forces and (typical) fleet battles.

Page 18
Translation from Warp space always occurs within the Outer Reaches, as only the most catastrophic failures to exit at a safe jump point get anywhere near the heart of the system...
Upon arrival in a new system, one of the first tasks any captain gives to his crew is a long range sweep of the system with his vessel’s augers.
... should be assumed that such a scan is performed shortly after leaving the Warp, unless there is a reason not to do so. Long range scans are more intensive than most such efforts, requiring the gathering and processing of enormous amounts of input and data. They typically take 1d5 hours to complete, and any sudden course changes or collisions require the process to begin again.
A completed long range scan automatically provides the following information: the System’s Star, the presence and identity of any dominant or weak Solar Zones, the presence (but not details) of any active vox traffic in the System, and the presence and location of Planets, Gas Giants, and similarly sized System Elements.
Long range scans. They cna also detect (or localize) vox traffic, locate signs of life, or other system features. Implies it might take several light hours (passive detection probably, although active would halve that.) but that's also factoring in time to 'process' and that may reduce range too. That said we know billions of km is not impossible, and hundreds of millions is at least likely.

Page 18
While voidships travel at almost unimaginable speeds even without entering the Warp, the vastness of space means that crossing a system can take a considerable amount of time. A typical trip from the safe jump points at a System’s edge to a world in the Primary Biosphere can take weeks. As a general rule, crossing the entirety of a Solar Zone in a straight line from its outer rim to the inner edge takes a ship two weeks. The trip through a dominant Solar Zone might take up to three weeks of travel, and even a weak Solar Zone rarely takes less than ten days to cross. System Elements are usually spread out within a Solar Zone, so that it takes a minimum of two days to travel between them. All of this assumes that the journey passes along a straight line through the system, but there is no guarantee that the orbit of a given System Element places it along such a line, which could add days or weeks to the trip.
Assuming straight line, and we're talking from the edge of the system to the habitable edge of the planet, we might be talking anywhere from 2 to three weeks roughly. This probably means, given context described above and such we're talking between 30 and 50 AU distance, 1-2 gees of constant acceleration woudl cover 30 AU in 2 weeks, and even 50 AU could be covered at 1 gee in 3 weeks. Max speed would be between 2-3% of lightspeed at that rate of accel. Average velocity would be between 2,480 km/s and 3,720 km/s though, and at 2 gee accels would only take a couple days to achieve (or slow). At 50 AU average speed would be 4000-6000 km/s approximately. Not as fast as some examples (EG SAbbat Martyr) but its not exactly slow, either.

As for the two day accel.. assuming roughly a third of an AU (roughly distance between Venus and Earth, or Mercury and VEnus) at one ge it would take slightly less than one day to cross that distance, wtih a max velociy of 600-700 km/s, and 295 km/s average velocity (quite a bit slower, obviously.) On the other hand, if it were, say, Mars and Jupiter we'd be talking a 3.68 AU distance. Jupiter and Saturn would be 4.34 AU, Saturn and Uranus would be 9.68 AU, and Uranus and neptune would be 10.78 AU. At 2 days and 3.68 AU it would be 7-8 gees sustained accel and a peak accel of 2% of c and average velocity of 3200 km/s. whereas at 10.78 AU distance 2 days would be over 6% of c max speed and over 20 gees accel, average velocity in excess of 9300 km/s. To be fair I do consider the 'high end' to be less likely than the low end, and it coudl be longer.

Page 18
Though a swift ship can cut down on travel time somewhat, the sustained engine output and momentum of more ponderous vessels often matches the advantage of smaller vessels over a long trip.
Difference in travel between large and small starships.

Page 22
For a world to be truly habitable to humanity requires the conjunction of a wide variety of disparate elements. The most basic, such as a breathable atmosphere and a bearable temperature, result from immutable conditions, formed in the genesis of the world. With access to off-world supplies, any world so provided for can be colonised, and technologies exist that allow expansion onto a world even without these basic necessities. However, a world is not actually labelled as “habitable” in the archives of the Administratum or the records of the Explorator fleets without the presence of potable water. The worlds that are seriously considered for colonisation efforts also generally have some existing ecosystem of native life, which can be used to provide or perpetuate a food supply.
Criteria for the definition of a 'habitable' world by Imperial standards. Its rather precise, but its interesting in the sense that its fairly exclusive - whilst we know of tons of worlds that are not 'habitable' in the least (either due to industry or pollution, inhospitable conditions, etc.) and are still colonised (significantly) by the Imperium, they seem to desire 'habitable' worlds. This could yet again explain the discrepancy between territorial numbers, as 'habitable' may be much narrowly defined (1 million for example) whilst there may be a larger number of 'uninhabitable' worlds that are still colonised.

Page 29
Among the materials most highly valued throughout the Imperium are a number of commonly occurring metals, such as iron, copper, or lead. Of particular note is iron, supplies of which manage to be both abundant and insufficient to demand in nearly every sector’s tradehouses. The reason for this paradoxical value can be found in the ever-grinding gears of the Imperial war machine, which requires a vast supply of these metals for the billions of weapons and vehicles it produces every day.
'common' industrial materials used in industry, particularily warmaking. Demand is constant. Implies billions of weapons adn vehicesl per day. If its 'weapons as per lasgun or pistol we'd be talking millions of tons daily, whilst if it were vehicles like tanks or IFVs (chimera or Russ) we're talking tens or hundreds of billions of tons daily. It may also be total or just for the sector (with the latter being implied) or possibly even just per planet (least likely but still possible.) Implied output of billions if not trillions of tons of military material (metal stuff alone) per year. Given the 5th IG codex implies hive worlds can produce at least sveral million vehicles per year (hundreds of millions or billions of tons) billions of tons for a whole sector annually is not implausible in the least.

On the flip side, it suggests that the vast majority of military 'vehicles' are not particularily super durable compared to modern materials (EG not much adamantium or ceramite used in their makeup.)

PAge 29
Demand for radioactive materials can be extremely limited, as most technologies making use of their properties became obsolete well before the Great Crusade. Infrastructure in the Imperium being what it is, Rogue Traders can and do find worlds that have not progressed beyond primitive nuclear furnaces, but such societies are rarely able to offer the necessary compensation for supplies. Instead, trade in radioactives is done almost exclusively with obscure branches of the Adeptus Mechanicus, known for particularly arcane or esoteric practices.
..those Rogue Traders who manage it very rarely have any idea of the purposes to which their cargos are put. Given the incredible prices a Magos might be willing to pay for a regular (but discreet) supply run of even the most limited cargos, few are inclined to ask. Those who do push the issue are usually threatened with termination of the supply contract, or even excommunication from the Omnissiah’s favour, but more subtle negotiations are the rarely discussed source for the majority of newly produced atomics
Once again we discover that the Imperium does not have much widespread need of radioactive materials for atomics or fission, as theyre considered primitive and the Imperium clearly has superior technologies (fusion and plasma tech.) This means Imperial plasma reactors are at a bare minimum equal to atomic weapons and reactors in terms of output/capability, which is extremely conservative. It also suggests Imperial fusion weapons are genreally 'pure fusion' designs, as thermonukes would need at least partial fissionables.

All that said, there are plenty

PAge 29
The rarest of mineral resources do not make up a category in themselves, so much as they define a specific lack of one. Some such materials would be considered staples of Imperial manufacturing but for their rarity. These include the hyperdense ore from which adamantium is derived, or certain elements used in the production and refinement of highgrade ceramite and promethium.
'exotic' materials. as opposed to industrial metals. Adamantium and Ceramite and such are different from the more common 'exotic' industrial materials, and presumably 'better' (Although low grade or medium grade ceramite may difffer from high grade. Adamanitum may also have variable 'grades' as well.) Oh and Adamantium is 'hyper-dense'. WE dont know what that means sadly, but its useful to know anyhow.

Page 30
A number of procedures and drugs exist throughout the Imperium to extend life and youth, collectively referred to as juvenat treatments. While many require arcane techniques and devices provided at great cost by the Adeptus Mechanicus, others involve injections, ointments, and elixirs derived from various species across the galaxy. Such treatments vary in effectiveness, and are sometimes limited in application if the subject builds up a tolerance for the drug, but there have always been those who are willing to pay fortunes for even a single additional year of life.
Juvenat Compounds must be processed in an appropriate facility before use, and are usually toxic or otherwise dangerous in their raw form.
Facilities specialising in creating the treatments are rare, with only a handful operating in the entirety of the Calixis Sector.
Juvenat stuff. Its rarity in calixis, the dangers of the 'raw' stuff, and the diversity of procedures and drugs/techniques that can create it. Also, it not only encompasses life extension, but also youth restoring technologies. In other words, highly variable technology, as standard for the Imperium.

Page 32
In most cases, a Crater Landmark represents the impact point of an object originating beyond the planet, usually a meteor. Some craters show signs of being formed from a longago barrage by orbital weaponry, instead.
Origins of craters.

Page 35
On less sparser planets, a predator unchallenged across the whole of a continent might barely rate the notice of desperate beast traders, while the more competitive Death worlds might have countless different, hyper-evolved killing machines for even the smallest changes in climate and terrain.
Apex predators on death worlds.

Page 39
Even within the confines of Mankind’s lost colonies, innumerable permutations and bizarre variants on the most seemingly inviolable patterns can be found. Groups unable to work metal might have developed advanced mathematics and a far-ranging network of roads, travelled on stone wheels. Towering cities, emanating powerful energies from their generator cores, could house a population that treats their technology as a natural phenomenon rather than something to be created or maintained. Attempting to apply a system of categorization to xenos species is more difficult by an order of magnitude, as the minds of xenos often develop on entirely unique paths and approaches.

Or worlds without wheels that relies solely on antigrav robots. The Worlds of humanity are as variable as humanity itself.

Page 40
The defining limitation of a civilisation with Advanced Industry is a lack of capacity for serious void travel. Elements of this capacity are evident, including possession of advanced lifesupport or power generation technologies. The upper limits of this level of Development include civilisations in possession of all the technologies necessary to manufacture system ships, but that have never attempted to combine them appropriately. The technologies and devices known to these civilisations can include las or bolt weaponry, an abundance of submersible and flying vehicles, and even plasma reactors and void shields. Their knowledge of the void is extremely limited, and might not include knowledge of anything beyond their own system. Awareness of the Warp is typically limited as well, although a population plagued with a high incidence of psykers could have more understanding of such matters, as a necessary evil.
'Advanced Industry' Obviously since it includes shields and plasma reactors its probably more sophisticated than our society at least in most respects. (or some, depending on how critical you are of 40K society. I mean its not as if 40K has any great consistency in its industrial base.)

Page 41
The upper limits of this Development level are distinguished from those of Advanced Industry largely by matters of focus. A civilisation has transcended Basic Industry when its manufacturing and production capabilities are theoretically able to provide for the essential needs of the whole of its populace. Of course, few civilisations actually meet the needs of all, instead allowing power and resources to congregate around a few individuals. Advanced manufacturing techniques often begin to emerge at this level of development, including mass production lines, and the synthesis of materials that cannot be found in nature. Vox transmissions, advanced solid projectile arms and basic las weaponry, and moderately advanced flyers, have each been known to emerge at this stage. Some or all of the weapons and armour produced by such a group likely have the Primitive Quality.
Basic industry. I suspect this means something like 'modern' society. as we know it, although that doesn't mean a perfect correlation, fo course. Intresting how the weapons can be 'primitive' automatically.

Page 41
Civilisations of this sort are not defined in terms of technological limits, as they are almost universally in possession of supplies of highly advanced technology, possibly including powerful generators, defence lasers, void shields, and even system ships, However, this technology is never the product of the Colony itself, and their industry is usually limited to maintenance of the existing supplies, rather than any significant degree of production and expansion.

Colonies. The interesting thing is the sorts of equipment they can be outfitted iwth, up to and including the system ships and defenses, although it makes sense (they have to fend for themselves after all.)

Page 41
Orbital Habitation is not primarily defined by the technology of the populace, but by their living conditions. Such populations do not dwell on the surface of their planet, but in large stations, circling above it.
Given the necessities of maintenance in the survival of an orbital populace, the technical aptitude of such groups tends to be both significant and widespread. The limits on raw materials and production facilities imposed by their circumstances do tend to limit the degree to which these skills can be applied, however. In some cases, asteroid mining and similar efforts can make an orbital population the equal of, or even superior to their planetbound equivalents.
It's mentioned that orbital populations will circle worlds that are too hostile to normal habitation, but other circumstnaces may make it appealing or taboo. One such we know is the Imperial Commander overseeing a Feudal/feral world and not letting his presence be known. It's also mentioned that they may simply lack craft capable of enetering the planet's atmosphere. I also
suspect these can be adjuncts to the populations of a whole system (other planets and moons as well as orbital stations, asteroid mining, etc.) It's also mentioned that if there are local threats the orbital facilities may have defenses.

In any case the interesting bit is the comparison to planetary populations - clearly orbital infrastructure can match planetbound equivalents in manufacturing or industry (potentially at least) Which can further expand on both population/capabilities of the Imperioum. I imagine in the cases of advanced systems (Forge or Industrial or Hive) you will see this as well. Considering that as far as resources go, you have more in the asteroid belts than you do on planet.

Page 41
The limits of Pre-Industrial Development are shaped by the absence of significant manufacturing or mass production efforts. Technologies that rely on this level of infrastructure are almost unheard of in such civilisations. A lack of standardisation frequently limits the proliferation or acceptance of higher-end technologies at large. Despite these limits, Pre-Industrial civilisations are often able to produce black powder weapons, good-quality steel goods, and other items reliant on the efforts of individual craftsmen or trade guilds.
Pre industrial. Impiles mass production happens fairly often in the Imperium, but given its 'variable' tech level we can say some of that still applies in even advanced societies.

Page 42
...human colonies that have lost vital technology knowledge can descend to this level, in some cases. This is the level of Development found on most of the Imperium’s feral worlds. It is defined by a limited adoption or even complete lack of agricultural techniques or permanent settlements. Large-scale industry is all but unknown...
...many basic crafts, common to more advanced Development levels, should likewise be absent.
Primitive clans. Bear in mind that despite the lack of industry, its not quite true that 'advanced' equipment and such would be absent. We've got lots of examples of advanced weapons and vehicles and shit being traded for other important materials (Iocanthus as an examples.) and there are of course 'feral' societies which are post-apocalyptic Road Warrior/Fallout shitholes (like Baal.) And even feudal worlds like Caliban (Dark Angels homeworld) had a feudal/feral/death world society alongisde some fairly sophisticated tech (crude powered armor, chainblades and bolter analogues, IIRC.)

Page 42
There is no limit to the technologies a civilisation of Voidfarers can produce. Such civilisations are frequently involved in efforts to expand beyond their home world, and are rarely found without at least a handful of system ships devoted to such efforts. If the local government has found evidence of life beyond their world, they might have even built defences or voidships as a precautionary measure.
Voidfarers development level. Probably matches the Imperium's tech level roughly.

Page 42
Since the fall of that ancient race, they have maintained few of their former holdings. The majority of the Eldar population exists on the tremendous vessels known as craftworlds, and set foot on a planetary body only rarely. Some xenographers devoted to the study of the Eldar believe that a large population could also be found dwelling in their legendary webway, perhaps even as a remnant of the original, vast empire. Rogue Traders consider such speculation as irrelevant as it is unlikely, as these supposed webway-dwellers show even less inclination towards the upkeep of planetary outposts than the craftworlders.
Apparently Dark Eldar are still something of a mystery to the great majority of the Imperium, including Rogue Traders, and its believed Craftworld Eldar form the majority of the population. Apparently they don't know much about Exodites either.

Page 42
In most cases, an Eldar-held planet is the home of an Exodite population, or a hub of operations for a corsair fleet. In rare instances, the Eldar presence is limited to unmanned sentry stations, to detect the approach of potential intruders.
Conditions of Eldar planetary occupation. THere are mentions in earlier fluff of Craftworldd planetary habitats though.

Page 42
The terraforming processes used by the ancient Eldar are legendary, with even incomplete efforts being responsible for many of the most wondrous paradise worlds known to the Imperium.
Eldar Terraforming.

Page 42
Eldar found maintaining a society on the surface of a planet are almost universally part of the barbaric Exodite culture.Certain proscribed texts describe their lifestyle as an act of self-denial against the excess that brought low the empire of their ancestors

..the Exodites make some exceptions to their prohibitions when threatened with war. These worlds often maintain stockpiles of the potent personal weaponry for which their race is feared, though Exodite tribes replace the grav-tanks soaring through the lines of their cousins with exotic cavaliers, riding xenos beasts known only as “dragons.”
Exodites and their military capabilities.

Page 42
The Imperium’s limited understanding of Eldar politics indicates that the Exodites are considered a separate nation from their craftworld kin, which has invariably been backed by assertions made during the limited instances of peaceful contact with either faction. Many Lord-Generals, Rogue Traders, and operatives of the Ordo Xenos have concluded that this is a fiction, maintained by the envoys of the Eldar for their advantage...
The Imperium believes that because the Craftworlds come to the aid of Exodites they're actually a single race. Which is of course an oversimplification. THey're still a single race of course, but divided along fairly substantial cultural lines (Craftworld Eldar, Corsairs/Outcasts, Exodites, the Dark Eldar, and of course the Harlequins.)

Also mention of diplomacy between human and Eldar.

PAge 43
In one example of particular note, the grand fleet of War Trader Noemi Odette was reduced from dozens of vessels to a single crippled frigate, by an attack from massed Eldar dragonships.
Size of a Rogue Trader armada.

Page 43
The armies of the craftworlds are toothinly spread for any sort of permanent garrison, and the elusive Rangers never stay in one place for long. The corsair fleets maintain the few permanent settlements among the voidfaring Eldar, if their secret havens can properly be called settlements.
Many fleets take care to protect significant ruins and artefacts on worlds their kind once held, and find a permanent base useful in this vigil.
Eldar orbital, non CRaftworld habitats.

Page 44
It should be noted that even civilisations of Voidfarer Development cannot equal the Imperium in the scope of the technologies to which they have access. Even the most advanced Imperial forge worlds are dependent on support and expertise from other worlds, and it is this network of infrastructure that provides the Imperium’s greatest assets.

... [Individual] Planet can never have Navigators, sanctioned psykers, Titans, or voidships larger than Cruiser class, and only rarely has Warp-capable vessels of any kind.
Advantage the Imperium has over individual human civilisations is its 'interdependency' or interconnectivity. Basically it has more resources than the Imperium does, and that includes technological resources.

The interesting part of the rest of the quote is that 'cruiser scale' limit for ships, especially in conjunction with the 'warp capable' reference, in that it implies its possible to have sub-stellar capital ships, not just of cruiser but quite possibly larger. Whether that is just battlecruiser/grand cruiser or includes battleships is, of course, anotehr question. Because we really haven't run across any big substellar ships (certainly no battleships, anyhow.)

Page 44
Human civilisations at the Basic Industry or Pre-Industrial Development levels can... ... still have some form of advanced technology integrated into the fabric of their society. In most cases, a single, narrow category of device remains, such as a grav-rail network, a vox station, and a handful of receivers, used for propaganda displays, or a small stash of lasguns, whose charge packs have not seen a proper outlet in centuries.
One example of advanced tech in a less advanced setting.

Page 44-45
Sometimes a Warsphere passes a world with particularly promising genetic diversity, which inspires one or more Shapers to lead their Kindreds on expeditions to these worlds
..give up their mobility in exchange for a chance to pursue unique new genetic advantages...
The goal of these settlements is not to put down roots or claim land, but to hunt and consume one the local fauna until the Shapers in charge of the colony have mastered their gifts.
Kroot planetary settlement, its all about evolution.

PAge 46
A world claimed by a powerful Ork warband undergoes a rapid and destructive scouring, as its resources are alternately strip-mined for their value, or wantonly destroyed for the amusement of a deranged warlord. If left unopposed, such a warband can irrecoverably ruin a paradise world in under a century. To encounter a world held in the thrall of the Orks’ savage “kultur” is to gaze upon a devastated wasteland, dotted with a mix of ramshackle structures and shattered ruins, nearly indistinguishable from the intact buildings.
The irony is that much of this could be highly applicable to any number of Imperial worlds, as well. In any event Orks are as industrious/wasteful as the Imperium can be, if not moreso.,

PAge 46
It should be noted that while most Ork clans technically have access to the level of technology to support living on an uninhabitable Planet, such presences have never been confirmed. This is partially due to the fact that few Mekboyz would ever think of the idea, or bother attempting it, and partially due to the tendency of the handful that do attempt it to vent their comrades out the airlock for their amusement shortly afterwards.The inevitable lack of continued maintenance finishes off the few settlements that survive this danger within a few months of the resident Mekboy becoming distracted by a new project.

Which is probably why the closest to an Ork hive city you'd get is a space hulk.

Page 46
The concept of a true colony of Orks is widely considered a fundamental impossibility, as the savages have no understanding of concepts such as overpopulation, overconsumption, or any sort of higher purpose.
.. is no practical difference between the settlements that spring up around a crashed Rokk or the planetbound wreck of an overconfident Brute Ram Ship, and the sprawling factory-complexes and fortresses of the greatest Ork strongholds. The first of these inevitably becomes the second, if left to its own devices for a sufficient length of time.
Again Ork development technologically parallels their biological growth, in some respects. And the Orks reflect human expansion/infestation of worlds only at a greatly accelerated pace.

Page 46
..In Imperial space, they are typically found as a recurring menace on worlds that have successfully repelled a Greenskin assault or invasion force. Their presence is believed to be due to leftover Ork genetic material or spores from the earlier incident, a taint which has proven all but impossible to fully remove.
Ork spore reproduction again. It's mentioned that some worlds outside Imperial space also endure this affliction. Its even mentioned some feral clans arise on worlds that oculd never have repelled conventional Ork attack, leading to how the feral clans actually arrived. My guess would be mercs or freebooterz, although the book mentions 'exiles and outcasts' which I suppose qualifies as a ffreebooters.

Page 47
Severian’s Postulate, as it is known, claims that Ork spores can be found drifting through the void all across the galaxy, and regularly fall upon almost every world. Most are burned up in re-entry, and the remainder are rendered inert, due to their isolation from further Ork presence. The examples in the Expanse are often the result of spore clusters sufficiently dense to survive planetfall in the numbers necessary to generate a new Ork population.
Alternate theory posited by Disciple of Thule as to why Orks can arise ona world not obviously conquered by Orks.

Page 47
These Orks usually lack the technically-minded Mekboyz that develop most Ork technology, but their primitive Pigdok equivalents are still capable of exceeding the commonly understood capabilities of their Development. They sometimes have limited supplies of the more common sorts of Ork weapons, including choppas and sluggas. Some Pigdoks have even mastered the construction of crude cybernetics, although they are as likely to apply them to the quasi-tamed fighting beasts they keep as they are to an actual Ork.
Feral ork technology levels.

Page 48
Ork Voidfarers do not deplete their Planet’s Resources any further than is typical for this level of Development, although they consume all Resource types. The frequent urges of the Kaptins to engage in acts such as carving insulting messages into a planet’s crust with orbital weaponry does result in an astounding degree of destruction in the local landscape, however.
Possibly an indicator of Ork starship firepower. Or writing accuracy. Or both :P

Page 48
Orks invariably come into conflict with any other species they meet, although since this also true of any other Orks they meet...
Peace with Orks is quite literally impossible, as the species has no ability to grasp the concept.
Galaxy full of war, blah blaah. Orks don't have diplomats basically.

Page 48
The best that most who encounter them can hope for is that the Orks are unable to
notice or attack them, due to a lack of ships or surface-to-orbit ordnance. Such lucky cases often allow for the Orks’ numbers to be thinned quickly, but the tenacity and resourcefulness of the Greenskins often means a final clean-up must be done up close, where they cannot simply wait out the attack in a bolthole.
Or Exterminatus, although this limits the utility of the planet as well so its not always desirable.

Page 48 might still be possible to redirect their aggression.
These efforts often involve outright bribery, though the Greenskins rarely show interest in any payment other than armaments and ammunition.
Promises of more tempting targets can work even better than a direct payoff, especially if the new tlarget promises both a good fight and valuable loot.
Bribery of a better fight or with weapons and shit to carry out a fight work, though.

Page 48
..certain common factors have been found among all Rak’Gol habitations discovered to date. In most cases, the bulk of the xenos actually dwelled in orbit and reduced vast swathes of the planet to irradiated deserts for no discernible reason.
Rak'Gol seem to bhave an obsession with nuking plaentary surfaces.

Page 48
Rak’Gol Planets frequently house a fleet presence as well, with even minor encampments being defended by at least a single ship. Their more significant holdings often have a major battlegroup patrolling the reaches of the System.
If we knew how many planets they had we might be able to make estimates. I'd guess at least they have scores, perhaps hundreds.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Okay.. I didnt estimate this as well as I thought.. 3 updates here.
Part 2

Page 49
As far as can be told, establishment of a Rak’Gol Colony always precedes a devastating barrage of nuclear fire, to create one of their infamous Rad-Zones.
Again, the Rak'Gol fetish for nuking planets.

Page 49
A widely circulated but unverified tale even claims that the xenos aboard an orbital station were once discovered in the process of examining to their planet’s surface, only to turn the station’s weaponry on the continent they occupied, reducing it to rubble as soon as the observers were detected.
In all recorded encounters with Rak’Gol orbitals, their stations were heavily armed and well-protected, with even the most densely-populated habitats being the equivalent of dedicated defence stations. They bristle with the infamous Howler Cannons and Roarer Beams found on their warships
Imperial strategists suggest that this could be due to the fact that the xenos are known to construct variants designed exclusively for raiding and slave-taking, rather than as actual weapons.

It is believed that their stations are often constructed with a weapon specifically designed for such work, although this is impossible to verify, since no example has been captured intact.
Rak'Gol can 'demolish' a continent (preusmably irradiating/nuking it as described before, hence mention of 'weapons' which might imply gigaton or even teraton firepower, although the exact duration is not specified (implied to be short by 'as soon as detected', but not definite.) On the other hand it also is theorized they may have a special weapon for such work, so the firepower may not be by conventional weapons at all, but rather the Rakgol have a exterminatus-like weapon (or less.) although it could still be brute force.

And once again most other sources referencing the Rak'Gol note their tech is distinctly inferior to the Imperium, so presumably they coudl do better iwth similar facilities, although 'dedicated defence stations' implies some sort of orbital weapons platform as well.

Page 49
Major Rak’Gol worlds beyond the Alenic Depths remain scattered and rare for the time being, but each is a unique horror, surrounded by a fleet devoted to no other goal than annihilation.
The surface of these planets is often reduced to nothing but a radioactive wasteland, broken only by cyclopean monoliths and hideous fortresses, with walls like enormous knives or fangs thrust forth from the earth.
Implying Rak'Gol fleets can devastate/mass extinction worlds, again via their weapons, although duration is not implied. Again, the Imperium can obviously do better.

Page 50
Some Rogue Traders make use of highly trained lingua-savants or near-heretical cogitators to decipher new languages more quickly, usually allowing them to bridge this gap before tensions rise too greatly.
Rogue Trader language translation tech.

Page 50
Even the most advanced and powerful cultures have been known to react with fearful awe when they learn of the scope and grandeur of the Imperium represented by a Rogue Trader, while a lack of understanding can lead to fearlessness in facing down an army many times more powerful than the natives’ defence forces.
Analogies to the tau come to mind here...

Page 52
Among the great darkness of the void, both within the regions claimed by the Imperium of Man and beyond, lie a million, million glittering worlds, most untouched by the spread of humanity
An implied trillion worlds in the galaxy, most 'untouched' by humanity (although humanity doesn't mean the Imperium.) Might give an idea of total human expansion in the galaxy though depending on how seriously one takes it.

Page 56
The Ministorum lays down the paths of countless holy pilgrimages within the Calixis Sector and the near regions of the Expanse, growing wealthy on the passage of pilgrims and the lines of travel to holy places and sacred worlds.

So it seems the Ministorum makes an investment in making interestellar travel available to a broader swath of humanity, but it does so to expand its own power and wealth by exploiting them. Which again comfirms my belief in the Fucking Priests and that Shrine worlds are basically the 40K equivealent of Disneyland, only more violent and/or theological.

Page 57
The Margin Crusade was lost years ago in the wilds of the Expanse, though only a handful know of its true fate.
Implied fate of the Margin Crusade. Except that IIRC it was still meant to be 'fed' troops and shit as an ongoing concern, depending your source.

Page 58
Tireless millennia of war have left the galaxy littered with the ruins of once great worlds and civilisation, and the hulks of ancient vessels and cities. The Imperium alone has lost contact with millions of its worlds since the Great Crusade, be they worlds lost to Warp storms, celestial phenomena, or the aggression of alien species. Some of these worlds are scattered across the Expanse, waiting for explorers to rediscover them and plunder their lost wealth.
The implication being that the Imperium has millions of worlds out there, but it has 'lost contact' with them or only has infrequent contact (or knowledge) of them. In context we might infer this as meaning that they have millions of worlds total, but onyl a small fraction (a million or so) are in routine contact. Or a million systems :P

Page 58
It could be a voidship that has crashed onto the surface of a world, a Space Hulk temporarily in a planet’s orbit, or even a starship buried deep in an ocean or beneath a mantle of molten rock.

Interesting to know how a starship got 'buried' under molten rock.

Page 58
These are the remains of battles fought long ago, and blight the land with devastation. Some areas are steeped with foul radiation, while others bubble with molten slag, but most are broken stretches of rock and bones, littered with hulled tanks, shattered weapons, and other detritus of war.
I would love to know how you can have persistant bubbling molten slag areas from a war. Besides 'MAGIC' I mean.

Page 59
Larger vessels are adventure settings in their own right, especially if they are the remains of Warp capable ships which once held tens of thousands of crew and were kilometres long.
Implied sizes (and crews) of Warp capable vessels.

PAge 60
Prime Salvage: A relatively intact void ship is a great prize for salvagers, with basic components, tempered metals, and machines worth millions of Thrones. The real wealth of such a ship is to find an intact plasma core, Warp engine, or weapon system, any one of which would make the trouble of recovery more than worth it.
givne a ship might have hundreds (or thousands) of such components, machines, or whatever, we might infer the cost of starships as being quite.. significant. billions of credits perhaps (considering they must have hundreds/thousands of components and machines)

Page 62
Some worlds are home to unique ores and minerals, like living crystals that can be grown into any shape or obsidian-like stones that hold a monofilament edge sharper than anything man can create.
Again suggesting that in 40K terms 'mono edge' means something like obsidian (or a scalpel perhaps.) when it comes to 'sharp'.

Page 62
The depths of gas giants and the atmospheres of toxic worlds can also hold rare chemical compounds, such as vapours that burn far faster and hotter than even the purest promethium.
Considering that high quality promethium si considered rare, and as per the Cain novels it can be mined from Gas giants, that says something, methinks.

Page 62
Lost cities can also be the result of deliberate human or alien intervention, such as in the case of a greater empire keeping a lesser one subservient to its desires. Among the heretic human empires of the Expanse, it has been documented that some human worlds are kept in a permanent primitive state after being subdued by a greater force, stripped of their technology and kept alive only as a source of labour or conscript soldiers in a vile parody of the Imperium’s own system of planetary. tithes. It is suspected that alien races like the Dark Eldar also “farm” such primitive worlds for slaves, descending from the sky to take humans when they require new stock, and creating a world living in terror of their dark sky gods.
Its kind of funny as a comparison, because I'd say its not so much a parody as a duplication. I mean the Imperium technically 'farms' its subordinate worlds for manpower and resources (tithes) and the sole distinction is that there's a chance that they won't a.) exploit the world into ruin and b.) might actually allocate troops and sships to defend it in the case of attack, so the distinction is less parody and more degree of 'care', but its still functionally exploitative by and large. The only other possible difference is that MAYBE the technology levels aren't artificially suppressed, there's bound to be more economic inteaction (although exploitation is still present.)

The text mentions the Yu'vath as another example of 'farming' human worlds.

Page 70
These areas have known the foul blessings of the Warp, and are forever more tainted and unnatural.
Some are the result of Warp intrusions into the Materium, but none can say if they are the result of random chance or the unfathomable designs of the Chaos Gods. Others represent where overreaching psykers allowed their powers to consume them, in eruptions of scouring energies that blasted the land down to the bedrock. A few planets host the remains of crashed voidships, where Warp engines have exploded, leaving glowing regions where the Immaterium seeps out like a bloody wound. Most hazardous, though, are those areas where the Ruinous Powers have launched invasions against mankind, or fought massive battles against the Imperium. Here, little remains to indicate life once existed, and Daemonic flesh pollutes the soil, along with the remnants of Chaos war machines and weapons....
Chaos-scarred regions. I think the first two are obvious ones, but the explosion of warp engines in or on a planet is one of those rarely discussed ones (mentioned int he Rogue Trader novels for example) that underscores a serious danger of warp engines (and one reason why their use may be heavily restricted or controlled, at that, since they can be an impromptu WMD in this respect.)

That even chaos battles can leave a lingering taint is also interesting, as it indicates that even if a threat is destroyed, its effects may linger or even return (corrupting others unknowingly.) not unlike the way Ork spores can produce new greenskins over time, or genestealer/Tyranid infiltration/infestations, and so on.

Page 70
Massive craters pit these areas, some so large that multiple other craters line their interior....
The sheer violence that marked some battles still mars the area, though, leaving a more permanent record visible from orbit. Where unspeakable weapons devastated enemy emplacements, molten and irradiated metal has fused into the native rock to form bubbling masses of liquid sludge. Titanic war machines, many larger than cities, lie in ruins where they fell against engines even more powerful than they.
More extreme examples of the aftermath of 'ancient' warzones. Not neccesarily human, though.

Page 71
Ancient Warzones mean ancient weapons, and the Explorers chance upon a rare archeotech device near a blasted mountain or kilometres-deep crater.
And a 'kilometres deep' crater would imply an explosion perhaps tens or even hundreds of megatons deep. At a mere 2 km deep it would be over 10 megatons, while something close to 10 km deep would be over a gigaton.

Page 71
Radiation Slag: This area is permeated with hazardous energies where weapons of forbidden power were unleashed in desperate battle, possibly annihilating both sides.
Tectonic Disruptions: The land itself is fifinally collapsing from the forces applied against it long ago. Volcanic
eruptions fifire up through the ground, as if the ancient battles have been rejoined.
..or fall to the shaking ground amidst the molten rock...
Again indications of the scale of devastation in 'ancient battlegrounds'.

Page 77-78
Blood blades are single-edged mono-swords with micro-serrated edges, favoured by the assassins of several sanguinary death cults for their ability to be drawn at lightning speed and tear ragged gashes with a single swipe.
How can you make a monoblade worse? Add 'micro serrations' that inflict even greater bleeding!

Page 78
...a few individuals naturally excel at shooting, and have honed their ability to superhuman levels. Whether drawing down on an opponent with a bolt pistol or stubgun or lining up the crosshairs of a long-las, a gunslinger rarely misses his target. In the Expanse, gunslingers hailing from Gunmetal City on Scintilla in the Calixis Sector have a reputation for being the most lethal and efficient killers, and their services are always in demand.
hired gunslingers. Wear flak dusters (full body coverage) Ambidextrous (and dual wielding) with a bunch of shooting related talents, high reflexes, nevers of steel, quick draw and fast reload, Crack/deadeye shot, gunslinger, shoot from the hip, independent targeting, etc.

Their weapons are also interesting. Hellpistol with red dot sight. Scalptaker stb revolver with expander rounds, a long lase, or a pump action shotgun. Gear is 2 blind grenades, 2 spare powerpacks (for long las or hellpistol I gather), 12 extra expander rounds (for slugthrower), photo visor, filtration plugs.

Page 79
A Genestealer possesses an ovipositor within its maw that implants the alien’s DNA into its victim, seeding the target’s body with a parasite that will grow into a hybrid creature.
...can remove the Genestealer’s taint, but doing so requires a week of care in an advanced medicae facility.
Its technically possible to 'cure' Genestealer infection, although its far from simple. Probably why its just easier to execute most who get infected (EG Guardsmen in For the Emperor as an example.)

Page 81
Solar storms, coronal mass ejections, gamma-ray bursts, and supernovae can all wreak unparalleled devastation. While such events are rare occurrences, an ill-timed expedition to a distant system could potentially have unfortunate consequences for a Rogue Trader. A solar storm could severely impede communications with ships in orbit, or even knock them out altogether for a time...

..a sudden gamma-ray burst from an old star, binary system, or stellar anomaly could strike a ship in the system, not only knocking out vox communication, but actually damaging components of the ship itself, or even killing some of the crew. Rogue Traders foolish enough to journey to a system whose star is on the verge of going supernova had best pray to Saint Drusus and the God-Emperor for divine protection, as they are surely putting their lives and the lives of their crews in peril of almost certain death.
Variety of interestellar 'weather' that can threaten a starship. Solar storms aren't teribly threatening except for the loss of communications, whilst on the far end Supernova within the system can be quite lethal. Oddly CME's aren't mentioned, so if they represent a threat it would probably be between Solar storms and GRB's , although those and GRB seem quite a bit less harmful than the 'solar flares' mentioned earlier.

GRB are the interesting thing, but also a wildcard. For one thing, is the GRB in the system, (as implied by solar storms and CME and Supernova) or is it hitting them from another system? That can make quite a differnece. Also, GRB are harmful (clearyl can do damage, or even severe damage) but its hardly fatal either. Near as I can tell all GRB occur outside the milky way and come from billions of LY away (whilst laso releasting more energy than the sun will release in its entire lifetime.

Its also possible they are somethign called 'Soft Gamma Repeaters' which are related to (but different) from GBR but can occur within the milky way (and releas between e27 and e29 joules accoridng to here Either way the implied energy out put is... significant to say the least quite potentially. At least as equal as the 'solar flare' bit earlier for the SGRs, but depending on how the GRB is interpreted it coudl be less impressive or downright insane.

Page 86
This device is unbelievably small, given its purpose, or can be folded to fit in places one would not expect to look. Though the techno-arcane rites used to miniaturize its internal workings are long-lost, it remains as an impressive testament to the miraculous knowledge of the Dark Age of Technology.
Reduce the weapon’s weight by half.
This armour is extremely lightweight. Reduce its weight by half.
This device has been miniaturized, but nonetheless performs all of its functions as well as its larger counterparts. Reduce its weight by half.
Basically halves weight in all examples and it makes the devices vastly easier to conceal. Armour can even be concealed on the body, although its easier to notice it under clothing and such.) Ship components can be 'compact' as well reducing the space they take up (although its expresed numerically in game terms,, one images that in tonnage/volume its halved as well, so you could presumably fit in twice as many whatever components if you had them.)

Page 86-87
..this item is built to function reliably in all conditions, through challenges and tests that would push lesser creations well beyond their limits.
This armour helps to keep its wearer in place, supporting him by dynamically redistributing its weight as necessary.
Gear or Tool: This device is steadfast and reliable, and its users often come to depend upon it.
Ship Component: This Component is extremely reliable.
Reliable bits (tools or components) means its more likely to funciton or succeed in adverse conditions or against difficult challenges. Armour is improvemnet on movements (acrobatics, climinb, etc.) although the weight distrubtion is interesting. Ranged weapons become very accurate, or if they are already accurate become reliable, and increased penetration. Melee weapons gain balanced quality, and if they have that gain increased penetration as well.

Page 87
This device surges with the raw might available to its creators during the Dark Age of Technology.
This weapon is ruthlessly lethal, coldly eviscerating one target after another in showers of gore.
This armour is extraordinarily sturdy.
The workings of this device are difficult to master. In the hands of an expert, though, its seemingly excessive design can prove to be extremely useful.
This Component is unfailingly powerful, and its grandeur strikes all who see it in action.
Potent quality. Weapons do more damage, armour is tougher. Tools are a bit more complex, they suffer a slight reduction in their chance to succeed, but if they do provide a greatly enhanced result on susccess. Ship components enhancement varies - weapons do more damage, plasma drives generate more power (but apparnetly not more speed/thrust), and all else work extremely well (comforting the crew and enhancing morale, basically.)

Page 87
A shroud of energy surrounds this object, shimmering, glowing, or perhaps even flaring into existence before vanishing periodically.
This weapon is fed by internal power cells that unleash a devastating blast when its attacks strike home.
This armour is wreathed in an invisible protective field that periodically springs to life to protect its wearer, forcibly pushing aside projectiles or the swing of a sword.
This device makes use of a small internal generator that vastly improves its functionality and longevity in the field. It never needs to be recharged..
If it would not normally require power, this generator makes it easier to use properly, and helps to preserve and maintain the device.
If this Component would ever become unpowered or stop generating Power, so long as it is not destroyed in the process, it continues to do so for 1d10 minutes after it would normally shut down.
'Swirling energy' quality. Melee and ranged weapons basically discharge powerful energy/electrical attacks (shocking quality) that increases penetration and damage on both melee and ranged weapons (how you do that with lasers, I have no clue.)

Armour gets a magic forcefield that blocks the first attack that successfully hits. Gears and tools seem to get some sort of magic forceifeld that enhance durability or an effective self-repair mechanism, and a near-infinite power soruce. Ship components seem to have some sort of battery/power reserve to back up their energy storage.

Page 87
The manufacture of this device was so utterly precise that many users find its exactness disconcerting until they grow used to the greater level of meticulousness in craftsmanship that it displays.
This weapon is exquisitely weighted, to make it optimal for hurling flurries of phantom blows before landing a killing stroke or delivering a precise shot into a small target at great distance.
If it is a ranged weapon, double its Range.
This armour allows its wearer to move with utmost freedom, sliding past those attacks that might penetrate it.
This Component is so finely honed that it draws less power than it might otherwise, takes up a minimum of space, and often makes maintenance unnecessary
Incalculable precision. Melee weapons basically add success to 'attack' rolls (easier to wield or strike with.) ranged weapons get range bonus. Armour makes it easier to dodge and 'turn aside' blows by making them glancing hits (increasing armour protection), Gear/tools provide a bonus on usage 'rolls'. And of course components have reduced size/power requirements and improves morale as it is easier to maintain.

Page 87
Carved from a material that defies explanation or analysis, forged from a lost alloy, or otherwise created in a miraculous fashion, this item is nearly impossible to damage by natural means.
This weapon is made of an adamantine, mysterious metal, cut from crystal, or warded from within by an unseen and perpetually active field. It never loses its edge, and never seems to suffer from the wear and tear
of use across countless battlefields.
Forged by means unknown from a mysterious material, even the sharpest of blades seem to slide off it without piercing. [armour]
This device is virtually unbreakable, and even its complex, moving parts never seem to need maintenance. Though it can run out of power if it requires energy to function, it never breaks, and cannot be rendered inoperable by external effects (other than being shut down via normal procedures).
This Component is shielded by a vast and powerful field that crackles to life whenever it would be damaged. Unfortunately, this field draws a great deal of power away from the Component itself.
Mostl yself explanatory except for a few cases. Melee weapons gain a penetration and damage bonus, Ranged weapons never jam. Utterly indestructible. Armour is vastly more difficult to pierce (it ignores 'penetration' stat on all weapons basically). And in the case of components it draws neergy from the weapon for 1-5 'strategic rounds' to shield itself. (localized shields, in other words.)

Page 88
This device, simply put, should not function. Given its rough, slab-like construction and dented exterior, whatever species built it clearly did so in an entirely unintuitive fashion, with extra parts that consume power extraneously and savage blades strapped on for good measure, regardless of the device’s function.
Ramshackle quality. While it doesn't out and out say it, this is basically Ork weaponry in design and function, although it seems they imply its a more generalized 'quality'. Including spikes, shiny bits etc that seem dangerous to the user and otherwise serve no functional purpose. All weapons, armour, etc. weigh double, and even the tools/gear can be used as weapons. Starship components are massive and inefficient (although being massively tougher) and emits smoke that may be toxic. Oh and ranged weapons gain explosive quality if Impact. And in Ork hands its never unreliable :P

Page 88
This device was not built, but grown, not forged with sweat and fire, but merely asked to become the thing that it is now in a voice that it could not refuse. Shining gemstones and brilliant colours adorn it, revealing its inhuman origin to all who see it.
This ranged weapon’s graceful design belies its killing power, and it spits forth monomolecular razors, lashing microfilament wires, or searing bursts of pinpoint energy that slay their targets without waste or mercy.
This armour conforms perfectly to its wearer, shifting imperceptibly to provide optimal protection without hindering movement.
Eldar weapons to a tee. Half weight, improved capabilities (damage and penetration) for melee weapons. Unwieldy or unbalanced weapons are massively less so. Ranged weapons quadruple clip size, become Reliable, and get rending quality if otherwise would be 'impact'. Armour does not boost strength, but has no power requirement and no concealment/stealth penalties. Starship components reduce power requirement sisgnificantly and reduce space. Power generation compoents can overcharge weapons to increase damage.

Page 88-89
Optimised for efficiency in a way that baffles and terrifies the disciples of the Machine God, this device was crafted by some species that cares for progress above all else.
Treasure in this category was obviously created to serve its users as effectively as possible. It could be new or it could be ancient, but the xenos who designed it were clearly unrestrained by the protective rituals and traditions of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and might well have delved into realms not meant for mortal creators.
This weapon is built for one purpose: killing with greatest efficiency, without malice or relish.
This Armour is practical and effective, grantingrespectable protection without sacrificing freedom of movement.
This device is elegantly constructed, designed with both aesthetics and utility in mind.
This component is highly modular, for ease of replacement.
Tau tech, if one could not tell from the emphasis on 'efficiency' and 'progress' the title of the treasure is 'INNOVATIVE DESIGN'. Ranged weapons gain double the range, automatically equipped with omni-scope (duh), energy weapon quality, and greatly inreased damage/penetration. Melee weapons, perversely, are halved in weight and have reduced damage (honour blades and all that. But even those ceremonial blades are elegant and efficient. Cuz its Tau) Armour comes equipped with photo visors in helmets and provides enahnced protection. Power armour gets a jump pack (battlesuits, duh.) Gear and tools improve performance and weigh half as much as Imperial equivlaents. Ship components (the least impressive and wanked out) take less space and can be eaisly detached from ships.

Page 88-89
This device is a technological marvel beyond comprehension, its form cylindrical or rectangular by turns, and wrought with translucent sections that glow with an unearthly radiance.
These items seem ageless, and despite unfathomable ages of neglect, they function as if they had been well-maintained the entire time. They are marked by a silver sheen and odd luminescence that disturbs most who look upon them.
This Armour is infused with a crackling field of verdant energy that flicks out menacingly to drive off attackers.
This device never runs out of power (if it requires it) and never shorts out due to electrical interference. If it does not require power to function, it is extraordinarily resilient—it takes minimal effort to maintain, and takes a great deal of effort to damage or destroy.
Eerily, this component has no Power Requirements at all—it seems to generate its own energy from the glowing green coils set within. If it is a Plasma Drive (or rather, the inscrutable and sinister equivalent device),..
Quite obviously Necron shit. The 'plasma drive equivalent' is hilarious (rpvoides additional power. Armour generates a green electrical discharge against anyone in melee attacks the target. Melee weapons become energy damage type, gain power fields (if not already have it) and increaesd penetration. Also has a chance to ignore psychic defenses and force fields.

Ranged weapons have infinite ammo, energy 'damage' type, and has a chance to ignore armour. Gear/tool is self explanatory.

Page 89 - not Dark Eldar weapons per se I think, because its 'stone and crystal' but they seem to be powered by madness and insanity (and inflict such on the users.) melee weapons made of stone and crystal, enhances psyker psy ratings when exerting him/herself. Ranged weapons are fuelled by draining victim's sanity to reload. Energy weapon purely, but lots of crystals and spines. Will inflict insanity on wielder to refill if runs out of ammo. Thrown weapons inflict insanity on target. Armour will heal rents in it, and also close wounds in wearer, but the armour grows into the body, coincidentally driving the wearer insane and making it impossible ot remove as flesh and armour fuse. Even the tools and stuff which enhance performance can inflict insanity. Starship components immune to severe damage, but also inflict insanity except on a whoel crew.

beyond this there is a whole (blatant) subset of Chaos oriented weapons enhancements Khornate shit is all blood and batlte oriented (absorbs blood, drives user into berserker rage,s etc. Weapons components inflict accidents, and so on.,) Too bored to cover these, since its basically Chaos.

Page 93
Using a combination of additional reinforcement, gyroscopic balancing cogitators, and specialized arm and leg supports, these heavily specialized armoured suits can ensure that even the most unwieldy cargo can be safely transferred through the most dangerous environments.
The armour comes equipped with a built-in auspex, chrono, vox, microbead, and rebreather, all contained within the helmet. As long as the wearer keeps the helmet on, the suit also counts as a sealed environment and a void suit. It has also been modified for long-term heavy use, and the power cells arrayed along its back can last for up to 24 hours of continuous full operation before the wearer must recharge it, a process that usually takes about a day.

Delphis Mark II "PRensio' Lifter armour. weighs 155 kg, and is sort of a combination of Sentinel powerlifter and power armour. Oddly despite having power cells it seems to have exhuast vents for some reason :P Also mentioned it can be used for tearing apart bulkheads, speed clearing forests, or rapid installation of Colony facilities.

Page 94
Meant for especially dangerous environments, the Resciscum has built-in fail-safes to stop all but the largest breaches. Incredibly sensitive sampling instruments crafted through ancient and ritebound techno-science allow the wearer to collect and analyse any material with which the sensor portions of the suit come into contact. Dedicated equipment located in the suit’s helmet automatically stores the data-tracks that the suit records.

In addition to these features, these arcane suits includes a built-in auspex, vox system, rebreather, and microbead. In general, all of these systems can remain fully operational for up a week of continuous use before a day of recharging is required. In the case of a power failure, the suit puts priority on the rebreather and sealing systems to keep the wearer safe for as long as possible.
Resciscum Exploration suit. High end exploration gear. Weighs 22 kg, as protective as Guard Flak game stat wise.

Page 94
Its original design was pieced together from fragmented archeotech descriptions of a an attempt to create a melta melee weapon The result is a device capable of continuous, short-ranged melta energy emissions, permanently connected to a hefty, backpack-mounted fuel source
Cogitators built into the handle allow for variations in the dimensions of the emissions, from as small as 10cm to as large as 1 metre in diameter. It can bore into all but the hardest of materials, cutting through at a maximum rate of 1 metre per second.
Melta drill. Weighs 15 kg, although whether this includes the backpack we don't know. Extremely unwieldy for combat.

Page 94
Light-bringer Torch provides a substantial amount of illumination, burning the promethium that powers it with an efficiency that alone clearly roots its creation in the Dark Age of Technology. It can burn for months without being refuelled,..
Basically an Arcaheotech oil lamp in torch form. For whatever bizarre reason it weighs 6 kg.

Page 95
..30cm long metal rod with a handle, the extendable retraction rod is capable of telescopically extending outwards up to a total length of 4 metres at the press of an activation rune. Given reliable anchor points, it has a maximum load capacity of 150kg that it can bear without bending or other signs of stress.

Good and Best Craftsmanship versions increase the range by 1 meter each, and increase the load limit to 175 and 200kg respectively
Mezoa-pattern Long Distance Extendable Retraction Rod. Seems like a cross between a pole vault and those collapsible quarterstaves B5 Rangers used. Weighs 5 kg.

Page 95
Using technology similar to the potent gravity generators present on voidships throughout the Imperium, portable gravity adjustment panels allow for limited control of the forces of gravity within a chosen area.
..they have been adapted to an extraordinary variety of uses, including specimen entrapment, criminal imprisonment, transportation of sensitive substances, and even combat. Though their sheer weight limits their usefulness in more delicate or time-sensitive situations, the sheer array of possibilities afforded by devices make them popular for countless different uses across the Koronus Expanse.

Each panel affects a 1 metre by 1 metre square of space that extends 10 meters above the panel, and can be remotely activated to manipulate gravity within the zone to anywhere between 0.1 and 10x standard Terra gravity. A single remote can be keyed to affect either a single panel, or up to ten panels at the same time. Once activated, a panel requires one full Round to activate, and creates an audible whining noise as it measures and adjusts itself to the ambient gravity force.
Assuming these plates are identical to ones used on starships, it implies certain things about starship acceleration. For one thing, the upper limit on starship accel would be 10 gees (compensated.) and anything beyond that would afflict starship crews (you'd need to be braced/anchored down to pull higher gees.) The fact it takes a round (about 5 seconds) also means that the AG, if it was acting to counter acceleration, takes time to ramp up to that speed, and thus can limit how rapidly acceleration can 'ramp up' accordingly. Likewise, the ability of AG to 'compensate' for extreme gravitational forces (collisions, impacts, etc.) would also be limited by this (recoil from weapons or impacts would probably be difficult to compensate for, which places certain implied limitations on firepower as well from a momentum standpoint.)

Its quite possible this isn't the 'upper' limit I speculate on though, because we know of certain small starships that pull greater than 10 gees, and they're quite larger than starfighters (pulling several tens of gees sustained, which is well beyond safe human tolerances.) note that being 'gravity' plates does not mean this is inertial damping automatically, although a number of sources (like the BFG novels) suggest that AG does double duty as the inertial damping as well so its not impossible either. It's also quite possible that AG/ID tech is as 'variable' as everything else in 40K - perhaps some ships don't have dedicated inertial dampers, and thus may have to make do with their AG fields suiting that purpose, with the aforementioned limitations therin

Other than that, the implied commonality of such devices (average rarity, which is more common than certain kinds of other devices) and their relatively low weight (at least 50 kg) indicate this sort of 'inertial damping' could be fairly commonplace on fighter craft, drop ships, and the like.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Rogue Trader RPG analysis/discussion thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

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Page 95
A marvel of lost techno-rites, hydromotion boots use dedicated cogitator units and low-energy gravity manipulation technology to allow for safe travel over liquid surfaces.
..each (rather oversized) pair automatically adjusts to comfortably fit virtually any size foot, and can support up to 250kg over liquid surfaces.
Heat-, cold-, and chemical-resistant variants exist, but have an Availability of Very Rare. Such pairs should be able to withstand even the most extreme environments,
Using AG fields to permit water walking.

Page 95
A tool popular amongst some of the (usually short-lived) brand of Rogue Traders who fancy themselves “adventurers," a grapplewhip is a reticulated length of metal that can rapidly extend to latch on to a surface, or snatch an object when swung like a groxwhip.
A claw-ended whip for those who want to imitate the 40K version of Indiana Jones.

Page 96
Specialized, extraordinarily delicate servo-arms and collection pods all coordinate together to allow for perfect observation, collection, measurement, and archiving of up to ten separate samples. These samples are then fed through a series of filters and processes all within specially built chambers, allowing for full analysis of their properties and market worth. In addition, as part of a backup system to flush out and sterilize the sample chambers, each can be forcefully ejected from a spout on the end of the arm if needed. This mechadendrite also contains a built-in auspex, chrono, glow-lamp, and compass, and specialized sensors spread throughout the limb.
Exploration Mechadendrite.

Page 96
A particularly brave Explorer can choose to undergo a painful and costly techno-surgical process to enhance the range of motion his limbs are capable of achieving. This set of microsurguries, performed only by a select set of Malateks in the Koronus Expanse, increases the pliability of all major joints within the subject’s body, allowing the Explorer to manipulate and contort his body through much smaller spaces. It also reworks the target’s major joints to be completely reversible and able to rotate up to 360 degrees.

An interetsing (and probably heretical) augmentic/augmetic process. Adds 2 kg in weight.

Page 96
These devices of rockrete and plasteel, which range in size from a metre across to much larger constructions, allow unaugmented humans to survive some of the worst weather, rad-storms, and even small-scale bombardments that the Koronus Expanse can throw at them.

..[popular as] both short-term bases of operations in hostile environments and as cramped housing for colonists on planets with regular rad-storms or other predictable hazards.

The Synford-pattern Rapid Deployment Shelter, in its compact form, appears to be a plank roughly a metre thick and several metres long and wide. Once activated, however, it begins to unfold, internal servo-motors cranking it into a rough shape, usually rectangular.

While the solid rockrete slabs provide a good deal of the protection this device offers, it also features a number of other, more potent defences. Thrice-blessed rad-scrubbers built into the walls hiss and whir in the secret cant of the Omnissiah, granting his august protection from the most ravaging effects of wide-spread regional radiation and cleansing this taint from those inside the shelter. The slabs of rockrete are also veined by sacred technology that allows the shelter to generate its own defensively charged zone for a few brief moments at a time in response to the rage of storms or artillery.
A Synford-pattern Rapid Deployment Shelter can go from flattened to assembled in the span of a half-hour, if activated and left to its own devices.
Once activated and assembled, the shelter provides a haven against extremes of atmosphere, temperature, and radiation..
Interesting sort of self-assembly survival shelter and base/bunker, with forcefield properties and other protections it seems. Its mentioned that guided activation can reduce time by 5-10 minutes or more. The Shelter weighs 200 kg or more.

Page 98
countless hardy men and women of the Calixis Sector have left their homes and livelihoods to strike out on their own in the Expanse
Groups of settlers band together to homestead on lush, uninhabited planets, in hopes of a fresh start, away from oppressive Ecclesiarchy or governmental restraint. Others hire on as labourers, scribes, or to fulfil other posts related to the many industrial, mining, agricultural, and commercial concerns slowly expanding into the newly charted Expanse. Still others travel into the darkness of the Expanse to bring the God-Emperor’s light and teachings to those benighted souls who have existed so long without His guidance.

There is incredible wealth to be made by establishing Colonies, and this money-making potential has not gone unnoticed by the Expanse’s many astute and canny Rogue Traders
Aside from the Guard, or recruitment into other arms of the Imperial Adepta, colonization seems to be one of the few ways the 'common' individual may gain wealth or power within the Imperium, if one can weather all the risks and dangers therin to gain wealth and assuming the Imperium doesn't exploit the fuck out of them.

Page 100
...Rogue Trader houses are occasionally called upon to assist others in the founding of their Colonies. This assistance typically takes the form of handling all of the logistical aspects of colonisation, while the backer, be they the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Adeptus Arbites, or a powerful Calixian mercantile concern, provides the majority of the financial backing.
Rogue traders may thus found their own colonies, or in a joint venture with other organizations (like the AdMech or Adminsitratum), or they may be hired to provide the logistical aid to one of those organizations in creating a colony. Profit and risk vary accordingly, but some of these tasks may be part of obligations built into a specific warrant (rendering aid to an organization by agreement) as well as the fact that rogue Traders are often one of the few individuals with the resources capable of carrying this sort of task out.

Page 101
A Colony’s charter is a legal document, typically issued either by one of the branches of the Adeptus Terra, or by a powerful Rogue Trader house, that grants the Colony its right to exist. At their most basic, colonial charters define the relationship between the Colony and the backers. It also states the mission of the Colony, as well as defining the Colony’s governing body, and naming the leader of the Colony, and all of its officers. It outlines the responsibilities of all parties, sets goals for production and growth, and grants the leaders of the Colony extraordinary powers, such as the ability to annex land for the growth of the Colony, in the name of the Imperium, or of the backing Rogue Trader house
That they would allow something as trivial as a legal document to 'define' any relationship otehr than 'master/slave' is frankly amazing, or allow the Colony any say, or that the backers have obligations/repsonsibilities ot the Colony (EG tow way rather than one way.)

Page 102
Items such as a suitable world for the Colony, the settlement’s hab-installations, any terraforming or atmosphere generation equipment needed, or contracts with branches of the Adeptus Terra.
Impyling that colonies could have terraforming of osme kind done by the Imperium.

Page 102
The majority of the work is finding and organising the dizzying number of items needed for such an endeavour, such as prefabricated hab blocks, earth moving and construction equipment, servitors, infrastructure material, and the like.
Colony-building equipment.

Page 104
Founded by Rogue Traders entangled with the Adeptus Mechanicus, or other, less savoury individuals with an eye for the miracles of the Omnissiah, Research Missions are typically established on worlds with some notable feature, flora, or fauna of interest to the learned classes of the Imperium.
RESEARCH colonies.

Page 105
Perhaps the most common type of Colony, Mining and Industry Colonies form the economic backbone of many Rogue Trader dynasties. Best suited for worlds with high concentrations of ores and precious metals, these Colonies are optimised for high production, at the expense of the comfort, and often the very lives, of their inhabitants. Mining Colonies use immense amounts of machinery and manpower to strip a world of its natural resources, in as efficient a manner as possible. While they may have foundries and refineries to process their ores for export, they are largely concerned with the extraction and production of raw material, as opposed to finished products. Industry Colonies manufacture finished goods, anything from mundane items, to weapons and voidship components for export. While they often have mines to provide raw materials, their focus is on manufacturing.
The interesting thing about Mining and Industry colonies, aside from their apparnet commonness, is that they imply significant material output (both of materials and finsihed goods of all kinds) If Colonies of sufficient size could be considered 'hive' worlds (and thats not unreasonable) it could be that there are literally billions of 'hive' colonies in the Imperium, which helps reconcile pesky numbers of billions of inhabited (or hive) worlds with industrial capability, as hinteda t in various sources.

Such 'colonies' can also form satellite settlements supporting major worlds of a given system as well, I imagine.

Page 105
Agricultural Colonies are founded on particularly verdant worlds, to provide both fresh and processed food for growing Rogue Trader empires, and for export to the Calixis Sector. They may also produce goods made from animal or plant by-products, such as treated hides, paper, parchment, vellum, dyes, natural medicines, or other, more esoteric items intended for consumption. While Agricultural Colonies can span whole continents, or even worlds, they have relatively few inhabitants, due to the massive amount of space required for fields, plantations, pasture land, and the raising and keeping of herd animals. Additionally, due to the highly automated nature of agriculture work when performed by servitors and farming machinery, few inhabitants are necessary.
Agri colonies are interesting not so much for their agri purposes, but because they are highly automated (few people involved, much machinery and servitors) which one imagines could also apply to the aforementioned mining/industrial colonies, and the fact they can produce other goods as a 'byproduct' of their primary agricultural duties (fertilizer being na obvious one :P) Agri colonies would make an ideal 'satellite' settlement for Forge nad Hive Worlds to supplement their own requirements without going beyond the system, although in many cases this probably requires hydorponics.

Page 112
At the most basic, a Colony’s Transport Infrastructure includes all roads, streets, bridges, dispensor-ways, and tunnels, along with any and all lights, signage, and maintenance for these systems. It also includes any mass transit, maglev lines, canals, port facilities (air, sea, and spaceports), and any other systems used to transport people or goods from point to point. In addition, any and all airborne, voidborne, or seaborne navigation aids, such as radio buoys, orbital signal repeaters, and the like, are all covered under Transport Infrastructure.
Colonial transport infrastructure. Pretty sophisticated potentially for colonies, esp Imperial ones.

Page 113
The heart of a Colony’s power network is its power generation plants, and the network of switching stations, sub-stations, power cables, and other transmission sources, such as energy wave transmission. Every sector of a Colony relies on clean, dependable energy, from the mighty foundries and production facilities in the manufacturing sector, to the individual habs of the Colony’s citizens. Power can be generated in any number of ways, from simple, peat burning heat-exchange generators, to vast fields of solar panels or wind turbines, to massive, hab-block sized fusion reactors that power an entire city. The power network also includes any wells or pipelines used to extract and transport liquid fuels and gasses, and the transmission infrastructure needed to utilise steam power, a side-effect of many industrial and power generating processes.

Colonial power generation/transmission infrastructure. Again quite variable, but the high end stuff can be impressive.

Page 113
At its core, a Colony’s Water Management Infrastructure deals with its drinking water supply, and the system of pipes, reservoirs, pumps, purification, and filtering plants, and all other systems designed to collect and distribute water among a Colony’s inhabitants. It also involves drainage systems, flood controls, and the collection and treatment of a Colony’s sewage.
Water management and purification. One imagines that in some cases, given starships and hives, they can make effective use of filtering/purification and such to recycle water from various sources (including organic ones.)

Page 113
Whether through large-scale agriculture, hydroponic growth facilities, or simply regular deliveries of corpse starch rations....
Food Production and Distribution Infrastructure includes farms and food production facilities, as well as the transportation systems needed to move and distribute that food throughout the Colony.
In cases where the food must be imported this can cover the structure needed for such importation as well ad the distribution. Again suggesting some worlds (mining, industrial) which inhabit hostile enviroments (mentioned here) may be quite hive like in nature. Oh and CORPSE STARCH. Can't forget that, since recycling human bodies is likely to be a good source of FOOD. Human bodies being the most plentiful imperial resource and all that.

Page 113
Communications Infrastructure includes the founding and administering of a system to deliver personal correspondence, as well as the operation of electronic telecommunications networks, media broadcasting systems, satellites, if the Colony is large or well equipped enough, and any emergency warning systems. It can also include Astropaths, and the necessary buildings and accoutrement needed to provide these powerful psykers with the environment they require to accurately and efficiently communicate, via the Warp, with far flung ships and holdings of the founding Rogue Trader’s empire.
..Communications Infrastructure is important as a tool to keep colonists both informed, and under the control of the authorities. Broadcast and hard-copy propaganda from both the colonial government and the Imperium at large is disseminated through a Colony’s communications system. The Ecclesiarchy also uses mass communications to spread the word of the God- Emperor, and constantly remind His followers of their manifold duties in His service.

The 'communications' stuff is interesting not just for the implied sophisitcation possible, but also the propoganda elements involved (the 'information' and propoganda probably are, for the Imperium, much the same thing.)

Page 114
While every Colony has a set of laws codified in its founding charter, and is provided with the means to uphold and enforce those laws..
..a Rogue Trader can appeal to the Adeptus Arbites for a detachment of Arbitrators to set up a precinct within the Colony.
Arbites presence in a colony.

Page 114
Ecclesiarchy Missions come in many shapes and sizes, and run the gamut from single missionaries, to hospitals and schools, built and administered by various orders of the Adepta Sororitas, to churches, chapels, cathedrals, and other grand works, dedicated to His name.
Alnog with the religous and propoganda elements that help keep te population in line, one imagines the potential of hospitals/schools and such can be of a benefit./

Page 114
Much prized by scientifically minded Rogue Traders, or those who run Industrial Colonies, a Mechanicum Mission bringsthe blessings of the Omnissiah to even the smallest of outposts. Taking the form of research stations, forges, or other technoarcane missions, the addition of a Mechanicum Mission to a Colony has an energising effect on that Colony’s productivity.

AdMech Colonial assistance.

Page 114
The strength of the standing army is not to be underestimated, and even the safest, most secure Colony can benefit from the smallest presence of soldiers..
..Rogue Traders gain great benefit to their Colonies, and their dynasties in general, with the addition of a Military Garrison. From the mysterious and arcane red-robed Priests of Mars sent to assist with the Omnissiah’s blessed devices to rank upon rank of square-jawed infantrymen ready to give their lives for the God-Emperor, the men and women of the Imperial Guard stand ready to repel the enemies of the Imperium of Man. Petitioning the Imperial Guard, the Adeptus Mechanicus, or another suitable force to station troops in an independent Colony..
Military garrisons in a colony. The interesting thing is that it may not be strictly from the Guard, but also the AdMech or other organizations. Or possibly even private troops (mercenaries are mentioned.)

Page 115
There are even some Rogue Traders operating in the Expanse whose Warrants of Trade contain numerous clauses allowing some or all of their vessels to be called into Imperial service by any Imperial Navy officer who sees fit to do so.
It is possible for Rogue Traders to be inducted into the Navy in times of emergency. Must be useful for the Navy, less so for Rogue Traders.

Page 115
Rogue Traders with ties to the Navy, or those blessed with the charisma, influence, or thrones to command the attention of the Battlefleet, can petition to have a permanent Imperial Navy presence at their Colony.
... Imperial Navy Station, even if it only consists of a small frigate and a handful of inter-system patrol ships, is a powerful addition to a Colony’s defences.
The benefits of an Imperial Navy Station are manifold. Along with the obvious benefit of having a flotilla or squadron of highly efficient Imperial Navy voidships and their officers and crews to protect one’s assets..
One, this confirms the Navy can run its own sub-stellar patrol ships (at least in territory or shit it controls) in addition to its warp-capable asset.s Moreover, the idea that 'only' a small frigate being asisgned to a mere COLONY is fucking impressive in my book, especially when you consider just how many potential colonies of tha tnature there may be. It also implies that a 'flotilla or squadron' is not uncommon defenses around worlds, even if they're just system defence ships. Having 3-6 such ships would indicate millions (or tens of millions) of sub-stellar ships in the Imperium.

Page 115
Largely the purview of the Ecclesiarchy, which has a monopoly on what passes for culture in the majority of the Imperium of Man,
Reliquaries, arenas, elaborate cathedrals,...
Also mentioned are statuary and artwork of various kinds, Bas reliefs, shrines, and so forth.

Page 115
White-hot blast furnaces, bustling refineries, deep and sprawling mine complexes, and the constant clamour of massive foundries are all hallmarks of a healthy industrial sector. Industrial production in the Imperium of Man is undertaken on a grand scale, and whole worlds are regularly consumed and stripped bare of their resources, and even their atmospheres, by the everravenous economy of the Calixis Sector.

While we don't knwo what 'regularly' means, that does tend to suggest a considerable amount of resources consumed, considering how many planets are available, and the fact it basically says that 'stripped bare' probably means worlds tapped out of resources in centuries or millenia (at most.) Which as noted many times before when I've undertaken such calcs, significant resource consumption, especially since it implies multiple worlds within a sector may routinely encounter this.

Page 115
Industrial Facilities include all manner of heavy industry common in the Imperium, and can produce anything from corpse starch rations to voidship components. Mines, refineries, and even large-scale agriculture operations are also considered Industrial Facilities, as each produces something of tangible value to the Imperium of Man and their operators. Industrial Facilities are the heart and soul of Industrial and Mining Colonies, the driving economic force behind their growth, and the main provider of wealth and power for the backers. Even those Colonies with other priorities, such as Ecclesiastical Colonies, have one or two Industrial Facilities to prop up their economies.
Again importance of industrial and mining colonies and infrasturcture.. even other kinds of colonies will have at least some of both for economic purposes. The funny thing is (aside from the fact starship components may be made in colonies, which must be useful to the Navy and Merchant fleets) is that large scale agriculture and the making of shit like 'corpe starch rations' can be industrial. (or maybe thats disturbing. 40K version of spam and other processed foods would be implied by this shit. Space America indeed.)

Page 116
A Rogue Trader might choose to maintain certain useful facilities based in his personal lodgings, such as an extensive armoury, nigh-impregnable dungeons, a teleportarium,..
It must be either a well connected Rogue Trader (or relatively common teleport tech) that could allow a Rogue Trader to place one in a colony. Given the risks of a colony, and the fact teleporters are supposed to be restricted to SPECIAL people like Space Marines.

Page 118
..a piece of ancient Imperial technology is discovered in some long-buried ruins.
..the unknown object turns out to be some manner of automated fabrication machine, of an unknown but obviously very ancient pattern. If the Colony’s leader or an Explorer can refurbish and activate the fabricator..
Imperial automated fabrication technology.

Page 118
Battleflfleet Koronus takes an intense interest in the Colony. Perhaps the Colony is located in a highly strategic location along a shipping route...

..operating in the subsector, and [The Navy] needs a base nearby from which to operate.
End result is that the colony gets the 'Navy station' upgrade, meaning a squadron/flotilla stationed at the colony. Which suggest subsectors can have at least one squadron/flotilla per subsector, at least potentially.

Page 118
A cruiser-size voidship plummets from space and makes a barely controlled crash landing, many kilometres away from the Colony. While the crash kills most of the offificers, crew, and passengers, enough survive to make a valuable addition to the Colony’s population.
This would probably mean Colonial populations are on the order of tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands. Perhaps a few million, but that might be stretching 'valuable', given most cruiers tend not to be more than 90-100,000 total.

Page 124
Within the bounds of the Imperium, numerous factions and groups, both official and unofficial, open and secret, dictate the delicate balance of power. Even the monolithic organizations of the Adeptus Terra are riven with internal discord and factionalism. Despite radically different approaches, fundamental similarities do unite the noble houses, Planetary Lords, and the servants of the Priesthood of Earth. Outwardly, at the least, these groups all serve their function in the name of the Emperor, and for the good of mankind.
comment on how, even though the fucked up politicking hampers the smooth functioning of the Imperium, a certain amount of pragmatism ensures that it will still function to some degree (even if only barely) because the inter-depnedent nature (economic or otherwise, such as agri worlds and mining worlds feeding forge and hive worlds, and in return providing manpower or finished goods to those worlds.) requires that cooperation in order for societies for function and those in charge to maintain some control ove rtheir power.

Page 125
“We have determined with 27.439% accuracy that the xenos dwellings are built atop a human city, pre-dating the Age of Strife. The virus bombs are being consecrated as we speak. Cleansing can begin upon your order.”
AdMech possessing (and using) Virus bombs 'tactically' to cleanse a world of xenos presence whilst sparing the Important human technology they're sitting on.

Page 125
The vessels that make up the Explorator Fleets are amongst the most sophisticated in all of the Imperium, as they are invariably constructed in the orbital dockyards of forge worlds, or even salvaged from ancient pre-Imperial hulks. The Tech- Priests apply their full knowledge and ability in crafting (or repairing, as the case may be) these ships, incorporating alchemical alloys and esoteric processes that are unavailable elsewhere. Even the newest vessels constructed by the Adeptus Mechanicus far surpass those available to all but the most powerful of Rogue Traders.
Predictably, the Admech saves all the neatest toys for itself and its Explorator fleets.

Page 125
Explorator Fleet KX–557.V comprises seven vessels of cruiser class, accompanied by numerous escorts. Additionally, this stellar caravan tows several orbital sensoriums, that it might leave a Mechanicus presence to observe any particularly worthy phenomena or systems. These orbitals are designed to be entirely self-sufficient, accommodating a single Tech- Priest and a servitor crew almost indefinitely.
Thus far, Explorator Fleet KX–557.V has seeded four such orbital stations in the depths of the Koronus Expanse..
Makeup and resources of Explorator fleet. Probably means it started out towing eleven such stations.

Page 126
The cruisers and escorts of the fleet mount a fearsome array of plasma batteries, lances, and even more esoteric weapons.
... mount a formidable defence against boarding actions, in the form of combat and murder-servitors, and even the infamous Crimson Guard of the Lathe Worlds. Large numbers of these warriors are retained,..
..waves of assault boats, carrying advanced murder-servitors, allow for the Tech-Priests of KX–557.V to acquire control of a vessel without risking its destruction through ranged fire.
Armament and defences of Explorator ships. The interesting bit is the use of servitors not just for defensive operations, but in offensive boarding as well.

Page 126
Explorator Fleet KX–557.V has encountered many wonders, from semisentient nebulae to heretofore unknown xenoforms.
Semi-sentient nebulae.

Page 126
Ulmir Arvein secretly supports the replication, adaptation, and utilization of xenos technology. In his mind, all knowledge comes from the Omnissiah, and so there is no inherent taint in the works of the alien. As an extension of this heretical doctrine, Arvein holds that all technology is equally holy, and supports the integration of xenos technology into Imperial systems, believing that such hybrid systems are a logical—even necessary—step, in order to unlock the full mysteries of the Omnissiah.

Were his beliefs to be discovered by his peers and superiors, Arvein’s life would be forfeit.
More likely a reflection of the conservative nature of the Calixian Admech than an absolute stricture since we've had tons of AdMech types who just drooled over obtaining xenos technology samples.

Page 126-127
The Tech-Priest is willing and able to trade generously for xenos artefacts, and even a moderately skilled negotiator with such items to offer could easily make a favourable deal. Arvein would willingly trade rare Imperial weapons or other items— even patterns and schematics held secret by the Mechanicus.
It is thus possible for 'secret' AdMech technology to proliferate, albeit illicitly.

Page 130
..Imperial scholars believe that the Navigator Gene first developed sometime during the Dark Age of Technology, greatly increasing Mankind’s capacity for space travel. Though many Navigator families met their demise during the Age of Strife, with the survivors forming the Navis Nobilite of today, some theorize that other family lines possessed of the Navigator Gene may have survived amongst the far-flung colonies of the galaxy, beyond the reach or knowledge of the Imperium. Such a possibility is of grave concern to the Navis Nobilite, as the discovery of such “rogue Navigators” could be highly damaging to their own power. Even worse, such a discovery could be a great boon for the enemies of the Imperium,
Interesting given that earlier it was said (although that may be game mechanics) that no non-Imperial human world would have Navigators. I mean we know the Traitor Legions (or at least some) had Traitor Navigators. And there have been examples of 'renegade' or exiled Navigator houses, which amounts to the same thing (more or less) as what is described above (Navigators outside the direct control fo the Imperium) A challenge to Navis Nobilite authority yes, something that poses a danger ot the Imperium, yes, but its clearly not destroyed it either. I mean for one thing to truly make full extent of the Navigators they would either need to use the Astronomican or evolve their own beacon-analogues (which can't be as powerful as the AStronomican anyohw.)

Page 137
The Forsaken operate from a Kroot Warsphere called Keth, over 12 kilometres in diameter—large, even by the standards of these mighty vessels.

12 km diameter is large for Kroot Warspheres.

Page 139
Psykers are not unknown amongst the Kroot; such powers are sometimes manifested by the shamanistic Shapers, and by Kindreds who have consumed the remains of Eldar, or other psychically attuned creatures. Hrrithck displays a very different sort of connection to the Warp. Hrritchk’s physical body straddles the division between realspace and the Warp, and over time, he has learned to consciously shift his being further into the Warp, while maintaining a tenuous hold on reality. In Hrrithck’s role as a Stalker, this ability has proven invaluable. In this ghost-like state, Hrrithck can move in complete silence, hide within solid objects, and even pass through solid walls.
Kroot and psychic powers. A rather unusual mutation even for Kroot though.
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