Siege of Minas Tirith force sub

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Siege of Minas Tirith force sub

Post by Stravo »

The Siege of Gondor as portrayed in the movie (those who have yet to see the movie you can use the book as a reference) except that a wormhole sucks Gandalf out of Minas Tirith and deposits Yoda in his stead. Two Godorian high guards men are plucked away as well and replaced by Anakin (AOTC era) and Obi Wan (AOTC). Can the trio help save Minas Trirth in place of Mithrandir?

The forces of Mordor aren't left untouched by this weird wormhole. The WitchKing of Agmar is sucked away replaced by Vader (ESB era). Vader knows that he must take Minas Tirith if he is to return home and the forces of Mordor follow him blindly as they do the Witch King.

The battle lasts as long as it did in the movie and at the correct point (unless VAder has already taken the city by your estimation) Aragorn arrives on the black ships, save that instead of finding the dead from the Paths of the dead, he stumbled across Mace Windu and the Jedi sent to rescue Anakin and Obi Wan in the arena. Can they turn the tide as the undead did?

Some caveats Anakin AOTC will not know that it is his future self the same as Vader will not know that it is his past self so no copouts like "Anakin talks Vader into joining the lightside, etc."

There IS Force coordination in effect here so the Orcs will be allowed to fight better under Vader's command and the same holds true for Yoda. (Obi Wan and Anakin are assumed to NOT know this ability for this exercise so if Yoda is killed Bye Bye Force coordination for the Men of Gondor)
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Post by Stormbringer »

The simple problem is that Yoda isn't going to have the trust of the men of the Guard nor Denethor's trust so in all likelyhood he'll be treated with suspicion, if not out right hostility.

Now if he were simply replaced Gandalf with all his respect and awe then he has a cash of rallying the troops and holding back the siege but isn't terribly likely to change much in the actualy seige.
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Post by Stravo »

Stormbringer wrote:The simple problem is that Yoda isn't going to have the trust of the men of the Guard nor Denethor's trust so in all likelyhood he'll be treated with suspicion, if not out right hostility.

Now if he were simply replaced Gandalf with all his respect and awe then he has a cash of rallying the troops and holding back the siege but isn't terribly likely to change much in the actualy seige.

You know that is a good point that I did not address. I went out of my way of saying Vader would not be dealing with leadership issues. Yoda will be trusted because as Gandalf vanishes he tells the people to trust in Yoda. SO you put Yoda in Gandalf's shoes, Denethor will not trust him but the men of Gondor will listen to him.
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Post by 2000AD »

Does Yoda count as a man for the Witch King's prophecy? If he doesn't am i right in saying that he'd own WK ?
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Post by 2000AD »

Ignore above as i just remembered WK is replaced :banghead:
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Post by Ted C »


Vader's outnumbered at least three to one, and Yoda ought to be able to keep him under control if Obi-Wan and Anakin can't.

That means we have two Jedi free to deflect inbound catapult stones away from the city and aim outgoing trebuchet stones at siege towers, catapults, and Grond. That should severely reduce the number of orcs that make it into the city. A jedi at a breakthrough point will go through orcs and trolls with ease; Minas Tirith's outer defense is not going to be penetrated as easily as it was in the movie.

Assuming Vader flies on fell-beast back to counter the Rohan flank charge, Eowyn is toast.

Dozens (a few hundred at most, I'd say) of jedi will have a harder time scouring the field of orcs than the ghost army did, but at least they won't have to worry about massed blaster fire and sonic cannons. The orcs might drag the down by sheer weight of numbers, but orcs aren't know for their bravery, and they'll be asked to go against foes who can all match or outperform Legolas.

The jedi force are definitely my favorites in this fight.
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