Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

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Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

In this scenario, the Muggle Prime Minister decides to take a more active hand in dealing with the Wizarding terrorists running rampant across Britain and murdering his countrymen. Following the destruction of the Millennium Bridge at the start of the sixth film (I'm going with the films so that the timelines match up with the Craig Bond era), he speaks to Kingsley Shacklebolt, who gives him a broad overview of the situation in the Wizarding World.

The next day, the Prime Minister calls in M for a private meeting. He reveals the existence of magic, and, recognizing that outright revealing the magical world, even if possible, would cause global chaos, they decide on an alternative plan- a single covert agent will be dispatched to take down Voldemort and his Death Eaters via targeted assassinations- given the small size of the Wizarding forces and their unfamiliarity in dealing with Muggle military forces, this is deemed a viable strategy.

M, naturally, picks her best man for the job- Agent 007, James Bond. Specifically Craig Bond, taking place between the events of Quantum of Solace and Skyfall.

Bond is given sufficient knowledge of the British Wizarding World to locate and enter major locations including Hogwarts/Hogsmede, Diagon Ally/Knockturn Alley, Saint Mungo's Hospital, and the Ministry of Magic. We will assume that since he has been informed of the Wizarding World, for the purposes of this scenario, Muggle-repelling charms will not affect him.

Bond may equip himself with whatever personal weapons he prefers, within reason, and in case of discovery/questioning, is given the cover story that he is a Squib, born to a Wizarding family without magic, who chose to serve in the Muggle armed forces and is acting as a lone vigilante against the Death Eaters.

How does Muggle Britain's best assassin fair against the worst of the Wizarding World?

Edit: In terms of methods, Bond is given carte blanche, with the following caveats:

1. He must avoid, or at least limit as much as practical, any breaches to the Statute of Secrecy.

2. He must not reveal that he is acting on orders from MI6/the Prime Minister to Wizarding authorities.

3. He must eliminate Voldemort and his Death Eaters, though if he can turn any of them, that is also an acceptable option.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Zixinus »

The problem is that even with knowledge to what to look out for, Bond will be severely limited in his ability to act in the wizarding world unless he is given an education. He would be out of his element, he would not understand the world he is operating in, he would not know how to use resources or even know the existence of resources that his targets have. Sure, he would be the Muggle who does the unthinkable and sniper-rifles a Death Eater, but can he do if he encounters a Dementor? He'll be screwed. Wizards live in a mostly-insulated world away from Muggles, a world where Bond would be an ignorant stranger.

He NEEDS substantial, covert support within the wizarding world to get anywhere.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Well, if this were a Bond film, he'd probably end up getting paired up with Nymphadora Tonks, then seduce her before her tragic death. He'd probably seduce Bellatrix as well, because the convention, at least for the Craig films, is two romantic partners per film, one of whom is an anti-hero or working with the bad guys.

If we discard Bond conventions and go with realism... well, he'll have to partner with someone in the Order of the Phoenix, most likely. While Bond is quite capable of blending in and gathering intel on his own, a Dementor is the obvious biggest threat, and one he has basically no counter for without Wizarding support.

I'm not sure who would be the best choice. Someone who has some familiarity with the Muggle world and is reasonably comfortable with using lethal force. That leaves it a fairly short list.

Tonks might actually be the best option, since her father is supposed to be Muggle-born and she's an Auror. Shacklebolt would be another solid choice, especially since I've already worked him into the scenario, but in the book at least, he's busy guarding the PM at this point.

Edit: Also, I've decided to write this scenario up in the User Fiction section. Should I choose to incorporate any ideas anyone else comes up with in this thread, I will of course give credit where it is due.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Darth Tanner »

A bullet in the head of pretty much all the death eaters is quite possible... the problem there is its pretty much required that Bond would have either ministry support or Phoenix support, and if either organisation was willing to simply off the known/suspected death eaters they could do so themselves. Perhaps Mad Eye would be willing to give Bond what he needs... but then again its unclear why he never simply kills people like Malfoy himself.

It would be interesting if Bond was able to get the required information from normal wizards in the various inns and then track down the death eaters independently, shagging madame Rosmerta whilst an angry Ron looks on before running out the window with the ministers suitcase full of files. One interesting point is if Wizards have files in muggle civil services... Harry attended a muggle school so he must have the paperwork to have got him there, presumably the Ministry handles social workers wondering why he never attended a secondary school on anyones records... although they also appear to hush up keeping kids in cupboards and generally mistreating them.

Bond has highly limited capability to operate in the wizarding world independently, its unclear how he would enter diagon alley seeing as you need a wand to get through the brick wall... which raises the question of how squibs move about. Also regardless he has no capability to kill Voldemort and finally end it, although being shot in the head is going to reduce him to vapour ghost state again and keep him out of the picture for decades at a time, especially if Bond works his way through his supporters with a Walther PPK.

Voldemort makes quite a good bond villain, he likes to talk his hero to death... I'm sure theres a spell for slow moving groin laser beam.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Darth Tanner wrote:A bullet in the head of pretty much all the death eaters is quite possible... the problem there is its pretty much required that Bond would have either ministry support or Phoenix support, and if either organisation was willing to simply off the known/suspected death eaters they could do so themselves. Perhaps Mad Eye would be willing to give Bond what he needs... but then again its unclear why he never simply kills people like Malfoy himself.
Mad Eye Moody has probably killed in the line of duty, yes, though Dumbledore mentions in the fourth book, I think, that Moody tried to bring in Death Eaters alive whenever possible during the first war.
It would be interesting if Bond was able to get the required information from normal wizards in the various inns and then track down the death eaters independently, shagging madame Rosmerta whilst an angry Ron looks on before running out the window with the ministers suitcase full of files. One interesting point is if Wizards have files in muggle civil services... Harry attended a muggle school so he must have the paperwork to have got him there, presumably the Ministry handles social workers wondering why he never attended a secondary school on anyones records... although they also appear to hush up keeping kids in cupboards and generally mistreating them.
They can magically alter paperwork- there's a brief shot in Fantastic Beasts of wizards magically altering the text of newspapers in stands during the big cover up scene at the end.

Its also not unknown in the books for them to subtly insert themselves into Muggle law enforcement/government. Not routinely, but in major crises, yes. Aside from the meetings to inform the Muggle Prime Minister, we have Auror Shacklebolt being given a job in the Muggle Ministry so that he can act as security for the PM, and they released an edited version of the Sirius Black story to the Muggle press to help track him down, saying that he was a Muggle fugitive with a gun.
Bond has highly limited capability to operate in the wizarding world independently, its unclear how he would enter diagon alley seeing as you need a wand to get through the brick wall... which raises the question of how squibs move about. Also regardless he has no capability to kill Voldemort and finally end it, although being shot in the head is going to reduce him to vapour ghost state again and keep him out of the picture for decades at a time, especially if Bond works his way through his supporters with a Walther PPK.
Honestly, the supporters are as much a problem as Voldemort. Simply killing Lucius Malfoy would have greatly reduced the fanatical blood purists' influence on the Wizarding government between the wars, and made it harder for Voldemort to rebuild his forces when he returned.

Diagon Alley would be hard to enter, yes. He'd have to accompany a wizard (or possibly procure some more unusual means of going in or out, likely Floo powder or a portkey). Unless just tapping it with a wand is enough, and you don't have to use actual magic, in which case he could just steal a wand.

Otherwise Squibs, I imagine, either have Wizarding contacts, or are fucked, though the limits don't seem quite as strict on them (in the fifth book, its mentioned that they can see Dementors, while Muggles can't).

Other wizarding locals have different restrictions on entering. Sometimes its a simple as concealment spells/Muggle repelling spells, though clearly Muggles can be brought through those on some circumstances, at least in book canon, since Hermione Granger's parents visit Diagon Ally in book two.

One other problem... I don't recall weather Muggles not being able to see Dementors is mentioned in the films, but if so, then Bond can't see Dementors (but can be effected by them). If that holds, then it simply reinforces that they are the single biggest threat.
Voldemort makes quite a good bond villain, he likes to talk his hero to death... I'm sure theres a spell for slow moving groin laser beam.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Zixinus »

The thing about this scenario is that Bond is essentially acting the madman murderer who kills Death Eaters. The main problem is, how would he find the Death Eaters?

Not to mention, what happens once the Death Eaters realize that someone is looking for them trough the scope of sniper rifle and start taking countermesures like bulletproof skin enchantments?

The chief and pretty much only mayor advantage Bond has is surprise. They wouldn't think that a Muggle would be much a threat to them and the chief reason for that is that they can overpower a Muggle with magic. If Bond wants to maintain his advantage, he needs to leave zero footprints in the wizarding world as he gathers information, he cannot be identified, he cannot be recognized. Once he his, once they know his name, it will be easy to turn the tables. Once that happens, Bond has no defense, not even as much as an average wizard has. The only recourse Bond would have is to use increasingly large amounts of firepower to compensate and make a gigantic mess in the process, one that will upset both the wizarding world and the regular one.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Stewart M »

Zixinus wrote:The only recourse Bond would have is to use increasingly large amounts of firepower to compensate and make a gigantic mess in the process, one that will upset both the wizarding world and the regular one.
Storytelling-wise, that may not be a bad thing.


- Would Bond's special forces torture training make him a natural Occulmens? Would he be immune to veritaserum?

- Dementors "drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them ... Get too near a dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you." While it's never said that anyone is immune to dementors, either their passive effect or their soul-stealing kiss, some people are more resilient than others. Sirus Black survived solitary confinement in Azkaban due to his mental fortitude and obsessive focus on his innocence. Craig Bond is part of the modern line of functional depressive action heroes; obsessive masochists who don't have much peace, hope, or happiness to begin with. Their day-to-day existence feels like a dementor, so it's not clear whether being near an actual dementor would disable them. Also, dementors are sentient and evil. They joined forces with Voldemort because they saw an opportunity to sow misery. Meanwhile, Craig Bond has killed tens of people. His motives are hazy (see "obsessive masochist" above), many powerful groups see him as the boogeyman, and his 'vibe' or 'soul' might look evil. We don't know the thought process of a dementor, but it's possible that a dementor who met Bond might join him.

- Wizards are long-lived, so the same characters and issues tend to echo across generations. (E.g., Dumbledore was already old when he fought Grindelwald in 1945.) The First Wizarding War happened in the 1970s. Suppose MI6 investigated the threat then as well. If we accept the "Bond is a codename" theory of the franchise, then 007 was either Sean Connery or Roger Moore. Obviously, 70s Bond failed to stop the Death Eaters, but perhaps succeeded in surveillance or minor confrontations. That Bond would be the muggle expert on anti-wizard wetwork. Perhaps Craig Bond learns about his retired predecessor and visits him for advice. Or a team-up?

- Bond is a globetrotter; he rarely spends much mission time in the UK. Voldemort's focus was domestic, so Bond's targets may all be at home, but he may discover resources overseas. We know the International Statue of Secrecy is not followed uniformly. For instance, American wizards are most serious about segregation. Presumably, there are places where the opposite is true, with more communication between magic and muggle. Likewise, it may be handy to understand different styles or approaches to magic. Example: Durmstrang has a reputation for combat magic. There are entire branches of the Dark Arts which are forbidden at Hogwarts yet openly taught (or mandatory?) at Durmstrang. Bond has contacts everywhere, and entire governments owe him favors.

- Bond is uncannily good at riding a broom. He gets involved in a slaloming chase where other broom-riders crash into obstacles behind him.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Zixinus wrote:The thing about this scenario is that Bond is essentially acting the madman murderer who kills Death Eaters. The main problem is, how would he find the Death Eaters?
Part of Bond's profession is tracking down murderers and terrorists who don't want to be found.

Now, it would probably be very difficult for him to breach somewhere like Malfoy Manor, at least without Wizarding assistance, due to defensive spells. However, their may, even at this point in the conflict, be suspected Death Eaters who the Ministry can't touch for political/legal reasons, but who Bond can target extrajudicially.

Also, he could set up a stake-out of somewhere the Death Eaters are likely to hit at some point, then snipe them as they arrive. Take Harry's house, for example. Harry's departure at the start of book seven lead to a battle which would give him (depending on the range of his weapon and accuracy against arial combatants) a shot at pretty much every Death Eater, including the Big Man himself.
Not to mention, what happens once the Death Eaters realize that someone is looking for them trough the scope of sniper rifle and start taking countermesures like bulletproof skin enchantments?
Canon isn't terribly clear on how effectively Wizards can defend against guns. But yes, he's going to want to make the first few hits count for as much as possible.

Once the Death Eaters realize an assassin is picking them off, they'll come looking for him, and as good as Bond is, I don't like his chances if Lord Voldemort drops in on him unannounced.
The chief and pretty much only mayor advantage Bond has is surprise. They wouldn't think that a Muggle would be much a threat to them and the chief reason for that is that they can overpower a Muggle with magic. If Bond wants to maintain his advantage, he needs to leave zero footprints in the wizarding world as he gathers information, he cannot be identified, he cannot be recognized. Once he his, once they know his name, it will be easy to turn the tables. Once that happens, Bond has no defense, not even as much as an average wizard has. The only recourse Bond would have is to use increasingly large amounts of firepower to compensate and make a gigantic mess in the process, one that will upset both the wizarding world and the regular one.
Pretty much, although a gun isn't that badly off in a fight with a wand. If nothing else, guns are faster than casting most spells is going to be. It doesn't matter if you can shield against bullets or telekinetically disarm someone if they put a bullet through your head before you finish casting.

Potter magic is not very good in head to head fights. It excels at guerrilla warfare, however.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Stewart M wrote:
Zixinus wrote:The only recourse Bond would have is to use increasingly large amounts of firepower to compensate and make a gigantic mess in the process, one that will upset both the wizarding world and the regular one.
Storytelling-wise, that may not be a bad thing.
No, no it would not be.

Although an outright failure of the Statute of Secrecy has such massive narrative ramifications that its pretty much a story in and of itself.

- Would Bond's special forces torture training make him a natural Occulmens? Would he be immune to veritaserum?
This is subject to debate. It is not ever really clarified in the books or films, to my knowledge, weather Occlumency is something that requires spell-casting ability, or is purely a matter of mental discipline.

If forced to guess, I would probably say that he could learn Occlumency if taught, but would not be immune to veritaserum due to it being more a chemical reaction.
- Dementors "drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them ... Get too near a dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you." While it's never said that anyone is immune to dementors, either their passive effect or their soul-stealing kiss, some people are more resilient than others. Sirus Black survived solitary confinement in Azkaban due to his mental fortitude and obsessive focus on his innocence. Craig Bond is part of the modern line of functional depressive action heroes; obsessive masochists who don't have much peace, hope, or happiness to begin with. Their day-to-day existence feels like a dementor, so it's not clear whether being near an actual dementor would disable them. Also, dementors are sentient and evil. They joined forces with Voldemort because they saw an opportunity to sow misery. Meanwhile, Craig Bond has killed tens of people. His motives are hazy (see "obsessive masochist" above), many powerful groups see him as the boogeyman, and his 'vibe' or 'soul' might look evil. We don't know the thought process of a dementor, but it's possible that a dementor who met Bond might join him.
While I can't see a Dementor working with Bond as likely, if only due to his Muggle status and inability to even see them, it is a possible that his personality might give him an edge in resisting their effects. Basically, the key seems to be that they can only take happy thoughts, so a fact or thought that gives you focus and direction, but isn't happy (like Sirius knowing he was wrongfully convicted) cannot be taken (short of being outright Kissed, anyway), and can help keep you sane.

I suppose Bond's devotion to his duty might well suffice for those purposes. Its an interesting thought.

Although Bond, particularly Craig Bond, has a lot of pain to exploit, and at this point its not too long after the death of Vesper.
- Wizards are long-lived, so the same characters and issues tend to echo across generations. (E.g., Dumbledore was already old when he fought Grindelwald in 1945.) The First Wizarding War happened in the 1970s. Suppose MI6 investigated the threat then as well. If we accept the "Bond is a codename" theory of the franchise, then 007 was either Sean Connery or Roger Moore. Obviously, 70s Bond failed to stop the Death Eaters, but perhaps succeeded in surveillance or minor confrontations. That Bond would be the muggle expert on anti-wizard wetwork. Perhaps Craig Bond learns about his retired predecessor and visits him for advice. Or a team-up?

I'm not sure where I stand on the "Bond is a code name" theory, and Skyfall would seem to contradict it, at least for Craig Bond.

Again, an interesting idea, but I tend to think that Craig Bond works best if viewed as an entirely separate continuity (more's the pity).
- Bond is a globetrotter; he rarely spends much mission time in the UK. Voldemort's focus was domestic, so Bond's targets may all be at home, but he may discover resources overseas. We know the International Statue of Secrecy is not followed uniformly. For instance, American wizards are most serious about segregation.
Well, in the '20s. We have no idea where they stand now, as far as I know.
Presumably, there are places where the opposite is true, with more communication between magic and muggle. Likewise, it may be handy to understand different styles or approaches to magic. Example: Durmstrang has a reputation for combat magic. There are entire branches of the Dark Arts which are forbidden at Hogwarts yet openly taught (or mandatory?) at Durmstrang. Bond has contacts everywhere, and entire governments owe him favors.
- Bond is uncannily good at riding a broom. He gets involved in a slaloming chase where other broom-riders crash into obstacles behind him.
Again, a fun idea that (probably) contradicts canon. Broom-riding in Potterverse seems to require innate magic.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Zixinus »

The story actually implies that it's not just Bond but the Muggles in general that had enough of Voldemort's shit. Which is scarier. Yeah, you'd keep it low but why limit it to only Bond? You'd make a special task force just for this, who will support and assist Bond.

But you also have to consider that the PM doing this is essentially sending a big "Fuck You" to the Minister of Magic (unless he's deliberately doing it behind his back). What happens if the Ministry of Magic finds out and decides to become an independent, mini-government rather than tolerate this sort of interference?

I also imagine what would happen if Bond approached Dumbledore or someone else opposed to Voldemort. Would Dumbledore refuse a hidden assassin on principle? Would he put him into his plans?
Part of Bond's profession is tracking down murderers and terrorists who don't want to be found.
Yes, but in a world he understands deeply and has skills that are effective in that world. Using a gun for instance. Or knowing who is who and how to spot is someone is setting you up or not. He would be walking in pig-ignorant while walking around the wizard world without a guide.

The Death Eater, once they know he is after him, could just as easily set him a trap by pretending to be anti-Death Eater.

You can kill wizards in a straight-on fight with a gun, especially with explosives, fairly easily. But if they have a moment to prepare for him, a simple disarm is enough to render Bond harmless. Bond needs some sort of anti-magic protection for him as well, from general-area magic that might hinder him trough something to protect him from detection to maybe something that can allow him to actively resist spells directed at him.
Also, he could set up a stake-out of somewhere the Death Eaters are likely to hit at some point, then snipe them as they arrive. Take Harry's house, for example. Harry's departure at the start of book seven lead to a battle which would give him (depending on the range of his weapon and accuracy against arial combatants) a shot at pretty much every Death Eater, including the Big Man himself.
That would require him to know what Death Eaters are planning and how would he know that? How would he know that they are targeting Harry? Plus, this would mean a long-term stakeout that is a passive act when Bond is being sent as an active agent. You want him to kill the terrorists before they do more damage, not wait around until they show up.

Though the idea would give an interesting point of meeting between Harry and Bond. Imagine a meeting like that.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Zixinus wrote:The story actually implies that it's not just Bond but the Muggles in general that had enough of Voldemort's shit. Which is scarier. Yeah, you'd keep it low but why limit it to only Bond? You'd make a special task force just for this, who will support and assist Bond.

Now, Bond is basically a one-man commando team, and I figured they'd want to keep things very low-profile, but if the conflict expands further...

Yeah, that could get messy.
But you also have to consider that the PM doing this is essentially sending a big "Fuck You" to the Minister of Magic (unless he's deliberately doing it behind his back).
I think it would have to be done behind his back, because the Ministry would not tolerate this sort of thing. The PM may be authorized to know of magic, but random MI6 agents knowing would probably be regarded as a massive breach of the Statute of Secrecy. Possibly enough to even get other countries and the ICW involved.
What happens if the Ministry of Magic finds out and decides to become an independent, mini-government rather than tolerate this sort of interference?
Entirely possible

Mind, they already are, for most practical purposes, a de facto sovereign state.
I also imagine what would happen if Bond approached Dumbledore or someone else opposed to Voldemort. Would Dumbledore refuse a hidden assassin on principle? Would he put him into his plans?
Dumbledore can be hard to pin down, because we never see the full extent of his plans, or see the story written from his point of view.

But I think that he would accept such tactics (the Ministry of Magic authorized use of Unforgivable Curses by Aurors during the first war), even if he personally elected not to use them.
Yes, but in a world he understands deeply and has skills that are effective in that world. Using a gun for instance. Or knowing who is who and how to spot is someone is setting you up or not. He would be walking in pig-ignorant while walking around the wizard world without a guide.
I think we've already established the need for Wizarding assistance of some sort, yes.

Though I do maintain that a gun can be effective against Wizards in certain circumstances.

To back this up with film canon, Newt seemed wary of Muggle police guns in Fantastic Beasts.
The Death Eater, once they know he is after him, could just as easily set him a trap by pretending to be anti-Death Eater.
A very real possibility, though again, its a concept I think Bond would be highly familiar with, even if the specifics were different.

Its not like he's never dealt with a double agent before. Up to and including ones he was sleeping with/in love with.
You can kill wizards in a straight-on fight with a gun, especially with explosives, fairly easily. But if they have a moment to prepare for him, a simple disarm is enough to render Bond harmless. Bond needs some sort of anti-magic protection for him as well, from general-area magic that might hinder him trough something to protect him from detection to maybe something that can allow him to actively resist spells directed at him.
I'm not sure such a thing exists in canon that can be used on an individual.

Well... maybe dragon-hide clothing? Dragons are supposed to be magic resistant. And there's no reason I can think of that he couldn't buy or steal an invisibility cloak, although they're supposed to be rare.

And he could carry one of the various dark detection devices.

Oh, and a bezoar, for countering poison.

Hmm... we should try to put together a "Magical Self-Defence Kit For Muggles." Hell, that could be a thread in and of itself. :)
That would require him to know what Death Eaters are planning and how would he know that? How would he know that they are targeting Harry? Plus, this would mean a long-term stakeout that is a passive act when Bond is being sent as an active agent. You want him to kill the terrorists before they do more damage, not wait around until they show up.
Fair point.

Now, if he had someone on the inside who told him when something was likely to go down...
Though the idea would give an interesting point of meeting between Harry and Bond. Imagine a meeting like that.
Heh, yeah.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

I will add, though, that even a very minimal knowledge of the Wizarding War, such as could be found simply by reading books or back issues of the Daily Prophet (if one could get access to Diagon Ally or Hogsmede) or talking to any wizard on the street, would likely suffice to identify Harry as a likely target.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Zixinus »

Not so much. They allowed Harry to grow up, attend usual school and even then attend Hogwarts. That's what, over a decade of letting him live?

Also, why would anyone among the Phoenix order and such trust Bond? To be even let near Harry, never mind given sensitive information?
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Zixinus wrote:Not so much. They allowed Harry to grow up, attend usual school and even then attend Hogwarts. That's what, over a decade of letting him live?
During a time of peace, yes.

He's been attacked on, what, four occasions at school at this point (at least one of which is public record), and once by Dementors at his home, plus was directly involved in the battle at the Ministry?
Also, why would anyone among the Phoenix order and such trust Bond? To be even let near Harry, never mind given sensitive information?
They likely wouldn't.

But they wouldn't need to.

If Bond can get his hands on Wizarding newspapers, he could piece together that Harry is a likely target. If he can get just the name "Dursley" from anyone, he can probably find them in a flipping phone book, or failing that, through the Muggle government.

Now, granted, knowing exactly when the Death Eaters would be likely to attack would require someone to let something slip, yes.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Rogue 9 »

Zixinus wrote:But you also have to consider that the PM doing this is essentially sending a big "Fuck You" to the Minister of Magic (unless he's deliberately doing it behind his back). What happens if the Ministry of Magic finds out and decides to become an independent, mini-government rather than tolerate this sort of interference?
If it's easy for them to do that, then they effectively already are one.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by Crazedwraith »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Zixinus wrote:But you also have to consider that the PM doing this is essentially sending a big "Fuck You" to the Minister of Magic (unless he's deliberately doing it behind his back). What happens if the Ministry of Magic finds out and decides to become an independent, mini-government rather than tolerate this sort of interference?
If it's easy for them to do that, then they effectively already are one.
They basically are already. Communication is entirely one way from minister of magic to prime minister. He's appointed by the wizarding community (somehow) not the PM.

There's only lipservice to being part of the PM's government.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Prime Minister's revenge (James Bond vs. Voldemort).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Yup. The Wizarding governments are, for all intents and purposes, sovereign nations.

Mind you, if either side ever tried to force the issue, things would get very ugly, very fast. The Muggles have the numbers and firepower, but the things an insurgency could do with Potterverse magic are terrifying, and the paranoia that would result would probably turn most Muggle nations into dictatorships before long (while the Blood Purists would likely take power due to fear of the Muggles on the Wizarding side).

So, police states and genocide all around.

Of course, if people were sensible about it, the obvious solution would probably be to recognize physically isolated/self-contained Wizarding locals as sovereign territory (just as a foreign country's embassy is considered their soil), expect the magical populace to be accountable to the Muggle authorities and laws if they leave those enclaves and grant them all duel citizenship.

For Britain, it would probably just be Hogwarts/Hogsmede, Diagon/Knockturn Alley, and maybe the Ministry and Saint Mungo's that would deserve such recognition. Oh, and Azkaban (though really, it would probably violate all kinds of human rights legislation), though it might possibly be in international waters (though perhaps not- Sirius had to be able to swim to shore in dog form during his escape).

But since when are societies that sensible?
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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