So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

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So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by mr friendly guy »

What do you guys think? Here are some opinions and information. ... comic-con/

Jul 29th 2011 By: David Uzumeri

The New 52: What We Really Learned About the DC Relaunch at Comic-Con

At San Diego Comic Con 2011, the editors, writers and artists behind DC's New 52 initiative -- in which they're relaunching every DCU book soup to nuts in September -- pulled back the curtains a bit to show how the sausage is made, and gave a lot more hints as to the nature of what we're going to be seeing when Flashpoint concludes, confirming that Flashpoint is indeed the story where we'll see the transformation of the old DC Universe into the new one. So, what did we learn about the New 52 at Comic-Con? We've got the breakdown and analysis.

Q: When Did DC Comics Pull The Trigger on the Relaunch?

A: A few months ago, by their own admission -- most likely as Brightest Day was wrapping up, considering that ended with a few loose plot threads that will seemingly be ditched by the relaunch. Grant Morrison stated he started working on Action Comics #1 in March, so at least that early, but it's also possible that when Morrison started his work on the title, the reboot was smaller in scope and only affecting certain titles.

DiDio stated straight out that his original pitch was all-new #1s except for Action and Detective, but the Powers That Be (perhaps President Diane Nelson?) felt they wouldn't be taken seriously unless they relaunched those two titles as well. Either way, the fact that the relaunch didn't leak until May is a good sign that this must have been a relatively recent decision, since changes this sweeping don't stay secrets for long. So while it's been in the works for a few months, it certainly hasn't been planned for years like many other recent DC events like Blackest Night and Flashpoint, which were teased years before their release.

Q: What's Staying and What's Going from the Old DCU to the New?

A: While a lot is unclear as to the exact makeup of the new DC Universe, there are quite a few things we do know. For one thing, the WildStorm characters -- including Midnighter, Apollo, Voodoo, Grifter and the crew -- have been integrated into the DCU's history, seemingly replacing the Justice Society as the reason why Earth hasn't been blown up by forty billion alien dictators before Superman's arrival.

While Stormwatch, by Paul Cornell's admission, has been working underground for decades, the concept of the gaudily-dressed superhero as public figure is relatively new, created in the past five years by Superman. As a result, the "modern" DC Universe as we know it is compressed into that five-year time period, and Executive Editor Eddie Berganza claims to have built a timeline to that effect that we won't see, at least for a while. Batman's career will extend a decent period of time before that as an urban legend in Gotham City, allowing Grant Morrison to continue with his grand Batman story -- and the myriad legacy sidekicks Batman has had -- to keep going undisturbed. Doing this restores Superman's status as the World's First Superhero in the DC Universe, even if he isn't the world's first superhuman.

As for the Justice League itself, apparently Cyborg is a founding member who will, according to Johns, later go on to join the Teen Titans, seemingly keeping the Wolfman/Perez run in continuity. Confirming that, Scott Lobdell stated that his Teen Titans title won't be the first iteration of the team in the DC Universe, but seemingly the first one featuring these characters (Red Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, etc.)

Francis Manapul confirmed on Twitter that Barry Allen still died in the Crisis, which means that that story still takes place; in an interview with, well, me, Grant Morrison stated that Nix Uotan will play a major role in Multiversity, which means that Final Crisis must have occurred in some form. Exactly how these series happened without the existence of the Justice Society is unclear, and Manapul declined to comment on who the Flash was (or if there was one) during Barry's absence, continuing to leave Wally West's status in the new DC Universe completely unknown. And if Wally West never existed, then the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans would be totally different, and we're looking at a Mexican Train of falling dominoes we're unlikely to see the results of until a while into the relaunch.

Q: So is this a really a reboot, or a relaunch?

A: It seems clear not that this is just a relaunch. The entire history of the DC Universe is not being swept under the rug of the New 52; certain elements are, but many of the defining moments will still have occurred, likely in different forms. This could lead to tangled mess of is-it-or-isn't-it-real continuity similar to what occurred after the first Crisis, or it's possible that Berganza's timeline is sufficiently exact, and distributed enough, that everyone's on the same page with the new history of the DC Universe.

Unquestionably, some characters are more affected than others -- Batman's history seems to be almost entirely untouched, while Superman seems almost entirely rebooted. In fact, when asked what Superman stories were still in continuity other than his death and return, Berganza was forced to resort to iconic elements of his origin such as the explosion of Krypton and being raised by Ma and Pa Kent, implying that almost everything else about him is being reimagined from the ground up.

Q: Is There Any Chance of Going Back to the Former Status Quo?

A: In short: no.

DiDio categorically stated that nobody would remember the old DC Universe, or Flashpoint. When asked about Booster Gold, Dan Jurgens intimated that even that character might not. DiDio was adamant about there being no "trap doors," no characters remembering past events, nothing to even imply the existence of a DC Universe before this one from a storytelling perspective. This was the entire purpose behind renumbering even Action and Detective -- to make absolutely clear the degree to which they're willing to commit. This is the new DC Universe, and it's up to the readers to decide if they want to live in it.
DC Comics and the Nonsensical Reboot
"Everything Will Change In A[n Unwanted] Flash..."
This summer, DC Comics launched "Flashpoint," a massive event that would reshape the DC Universe, but we didn't know how. It was speculated that some things would change in the ongoing continuity, and that some things from the altered reality presented in "Flashpoint" would carry over. Well, today, DC Comics announced their plans for the future of the heroes and villains we know.

"The rumors of a massive DC Universe reboothave been confirmed. In September, comic fans will be the recipients of 52 #1 issues as the entire line of DC Universe titles gets a relaunch. Everyone from Superman to Booster Gold will be getting a revamp, which includes redesigns and a "younger" continuity," states the press release that hit the web earlier today.

That's right. They're cancelling almost every book that they have and starting fresh, which sounds great to the "prospective new readers" they are always talking about, but what about the fans and collectors? Recently, DC hit a landmark with Action Comics #900, which saw the return to form for Superman after a stellar run starring Lex Luthor. This 900th issue was a major accomplishment, as the series has ran for that long without a single reboot, renumber, or cancellation... until now. DC also has recently launched several very good titles, such as "Batman: The Dark Knight," "Batman Beyond," "Superboy," "Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors," and others, that are all solid, but only in the single digits in their publication runs, and they are going to be ending along with the other tentpole series like "Batman" and "Superman," which both also reached issue #700 last summer. All these cancellations and shakeups that happen every couple of years has led to an incredibly high number of short "ongoing" series, which end up seeming like a bunch of miniseries.

Aside from the numbering problem, I'd be remiss if I didn't say how great the DC lore has been over the past couple of years. Batman has transformed and branded himself globally, Dick Grayson ascended to the mantle of Batman, Superman has finally gotten back to his good ol' ass-kicking self, Green Lantern Hal Jordan has returned and championed the Corps through some major crises that were great, such as Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night, and Booster Gold has become a more mainstream hero, saving the universe without anyone really knowing it. The world of DC has become a great, modern mythology rich with solid characters and stories, and now they are wiping the slate clean, making all the heroes younger, and giving them new costumes...

Yes, that is Superman back there with the high collar (how does he hide that under his civvies when he is Clark Kent), a clunky looking new "S" shield, and... no red undies. Hal Jordan Green Lantern looks about the same... just a lot younger. Batman looks like he did a couple of years ago, as it seems we will never be seeing his new look that we just now got used to. The Flash looks unnecessarily clunky, not agile and quick like he should. Wonder Woman looks similar to her previous redesign which happed a whole ONE YEAR AGO. And... is that Cyborg? People care about Cyborg? And is Aquaman a male model?

I love Jim Lee, and I think his work is almost always solid. But this idea of "modernization" has just ended with gratuitous overkill. People aren't going to see this stuff and say "I recognize these heroes, I should pick this up," but instead will say "What the hell is going on? These all look like kids trying to be heroes that I recognize... for the mostpart... is that supposed to be Superman?!" I'm not going to blame Jim Lee for this, but it is mostly his doing.

Now Geoff Johns, on the other hand... He has been my personal god and my favorite comic book scribe. His reinvention of Green Lantern has been nothing short of incredible. The 2009 event series "Blackest Night" swept the comic world by storm and is one of the best comic stories I've ever read. However, he was overextending himself over multiple books and events, and it showed with "Brightest Day" and a couple of issues of his "Flash" reboot. And now, after crafting this massive "Flashpoint" event that has been hyped for a year now, he is going to undo everything he has already done, as well as everything all the other writers that have put their souls into this company have done. For what?

I admit, I think it'll be nice to finally see a solid Justice League of America book with the big members of DC like Batman and Superman since they haven't been members of the JLA for a few years now, and the book has been suffering due to poor writing and a roster of little known or little liked characters. But do they really have to say "screw this noise, let's start EVERYTHING over again"?

Also, what is the incentive to keep reading until the reboot? We already know that everything that happens doesn't matter at all, so why bother reading since it's all going to be erased anyways.

Well, now it's time for a conspiracy theory of my own that I can only hope will happen at this point. DC will be launching 52 titles, which is, coincidentally, the number of alternate universes in the DC lore, as well as the amount of weeks in a year. Maybe this whole thing will be yet another event, and be a reintroduction to all the characters and places in the DCU, and maybe it will end in a year, and then the normal numbering and series will continue in a continuity close to what we already have right now. Yeah, we'd have a year of pointless storytelling to deal with, but in my opinion, that would be more entertaining knowing that we'd get to return to the worlds and storylines we have become invested in over the years.

What is the point of dragging characters back to square one? Readers care about characters that learn, age, grow, stories that go somewhere, lead to new things, bring us new places, unfold over time and draw from a rich past. Until today, I've had the utmost faith in Geoff Johns, and I've stood beside DC in their events, even during periods of time where weak issues dominated the racks (for the mostpart), but this is ridiculous. They've effectively alienated their core fanbase in an effort to appeal to a new group of readers that they've always wanted, but have never gotten, because quite frankly, that group doesn't exist. Sure, people get interested and pick up comics here and there, and sometimes that develops into collecting. The influx of comicbook based movies has also helped a little by almost being commercials for the comics, also leading to more people picking up comics. But "rebooting" everything WILL NOT magically attract a whole new readership in droves. In fact, they might lose readers, as all of the stories we have already read will be null and void, and we have to start the whole thing over again, which is a lot of reading, a lot of work, and hardly rewarding.

Maybe this is a knee-jerk reaction, and I hope to whatever god or gods that may or may not be that I am wrong with my frustration and anger, and that this pans out as a fun ride that is enjoyable. But it is quotes like "fans will see a new approach to our storytelling," "start, not at the beginning, but at a point where our characters are younger and the stories are being told for today's audience," and "redesigns and a "younger" continuity" that raise concern with me.

As a friend of mine said today, "How is it entertaining to see Hal Jordan running around while worrying about the recession?" Great question, my friend, great question.

I think this quote is awesome : They've effectively alienated their core fanbase in an effort to appeal to a new group of readers that they've always wanted, but have never gotten, because quite frankly, that group doesn't exist.
I detest this we must get new fans at the cost of screwing the old fans mentality, which seems to have pervaded various forms of fandom.

Now its interesting that the Wildstorm characters are being merged into mainstream DC continuity, the same way Fawcett characters and a host of other company character's DC acquired were merged after the Crisis of infinite Earths. This not only destroys DC's previous history and continuity, but Wildstorm's as well. I guess we miss the black humour, government over throwing aspects of the Authority.

My personal thoughts on this whole business are on the apprehensive side. There were loose ends I was interested in, such as how did the GLC become so weak in the future, why are they using a different oath, one which sounds suspiciously more militant. Now the story most probably won't be told, and even if they did do such a story it will be for a different continuity. I am also worried they are rebooting the Legion (again), after all that effort to get the classical LSH back, with freaking Paul Levitz writing them.

Lastly Jim Lee along with Rob Liefeld was involved in that heroes reborn crap Marvel churned out a decade and a bit ago. I am sure that had more sales, but frankly it really didn't do much story telling wise (partly because the continuity just reverted back to the 616 universe continuity). To be fair, I only read liefeld's avengers, and I didn't touch Lee's contribution.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Eframepilot »

Man, screw DC. They're just going to reintroduce old pre-reboot elements yet again and then reboot in another five years, if that. Make mine Marvel.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Panzersharkcat »

Still sticking with DC, if only to see where this goes. Not going to dive into the convoluted continuity of yet another major company.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by mr friendly guy »

Hey, does that mean that JLA / Avengers now becomes non canon. :D

Since these days I read my comics for free (ie borrow from the library, friends etc) I think I will adopt a wait and see approach. DC's recent attempts have been a bit of a hit and miss. The last TPB I bought was the Blackest Night which was awesome, the Flashpoint books frankly so far are meh, Brightest Day was ok, although war of the Green Lanterns and Legion of Superheroes had good storylines.

As to the comment whether Marvel does the same thing... they haven't rebooted it as far as DC did with Crisis of infinite Earths. However they have given us some real doozies as well. Brand New Day anyone? And I hear (while not a reboot), Thor has just gone back to maintaining the status quo, that is Loki and Odin are brought back. In which case the only difference between Marvel and DC in terms of reintroducing "old pre boot" elements is that DC does it with a new continuity (new time line).
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Panzersharkcat »

If you meant me, I just meant I'm not about to switch companies over this. I do feel bad for Hawk and Dove, seeing how they're being drawn by Rob Liefeld.
"I'm just reading through your formspring here, and your responses to many questions seem to indicate that you are ready and willing to sacrifice realism/believability for the sake of (sometimes) marginal increases in gameplay quality. Why is this?"
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Enigma »

Something like this was already posted here a few months ago when they unveiled Superman's new look and resetting the comic numbers.

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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Havok »

mr friendly guy wrote:I only read liefeld's avengers, and I didn't touch Lee's contribution.



This absolutely and irrefutably invalidates every opinion you have ever had, have, or will ever have about comic books. Period.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Havok »

mr friendly guy wrote:Hey, does that mean that JLA / Avengers now becomes non canon. :D
Actually, this is an interesting question. The DCU is part of the Marvel Multiverse from the Marvel perspective. And vice versa, (although it's not one of the 52 on DC's end IIRC, but still exists "outside" the 52.)

In theory, Marvel could be the one remaining "trapdoor" to DC's soon to be defunct past. :lol:
Since these days I read my comics for free (ie borrow from the library, friends etc) I think I will adopt a wait and see approach. DC's recent attempts have been a bit of a hit and miss. The last TPB I bought was the Blackest Night which was awesome, the Flashpoint books frankly so far are meh, Brightest Day was ok, although war of the Green Lanterns and Legion of Superheroes had good storylines.
I basically follow comics through the internet whining constructive feedback whining of fans these days, but I actually enjoy all the crossovers and reboots and universe threatening anomalies in DC. It's a nice change from Marvel which does everything on a smaller scale and is relegated to only a few galaxies really. Even Anhillation, which was great BTW, was all ANNIULUS THREATENS THE UNIVERSE!!! but in reallity, he only threatened the Skrulls Kree and Nova Corps as there isn't much else out there and the writers suffered from severe minimalism. I mean, even Galactus is supposed to be this threat to the civilizations of the universe and was reborn from his old version in the big bang, but he never seems to leave the Milky Way and when writers talk about his history, and the galaxies and universe actually, they do it in "centuries" and not even millenia, let alone millions of years. I don't even think they know the word "billion" at Marvel. :lol
As to the comment whether Marvel does the same thing... they haven't rebooted it as far as DC did with Crisis of infinite Earths. However they have given us some real doozies as well. Brand New Day anyone? And I hear (while not a reboot), Thor has just gone back to maintaining the status quo, that is Loki and Odin are brought back. In which case the only difference between Marvel and DC in terms of reintroducing "old pre boot" elements is that DC does it with a new continuity (new time line).
Oh gawd no. Marvel never comes close to what DC does. Everything is Earth localized. Only the off planet entities that have interacted with Earth or the Fantastic Four are even mildly effected by what happens on Earth.

They do things like Thor or what they did to Spidey. Thor was, even from issue one of his new book, working towards putting things back the way they were. BND can always be undone, and probably will be, by Mephitso.

But no, nothing in Marvel is universe shattering like in DC.

Honestly, if this doesn't work out, you Ultimates it. Just say, "OK, this is another universe that was created during 52 and we focused on it for a while", then you go back to the status quo, or if it is really bad, you nuke it and do a REAL reboot. Start it all from day one. Batman and Superman have just appeared. Wonderwoman and Green Lantern show up. Aquaman and the Flash say hi. Martian Manhunter finds Oreos. The Justice Society was in the 40s. Shit like that.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Stravo »

Back when Crisis on Infinite Earths happened it was a game changer. I don't recall either Marvel or DC ever doing a reboot of that magnitude, literally wiping out whole continuities and in some cases killing heroes seemingly for good and changing others irrevocably. As I was reading the series I knew I was getting into a real event with real change. I fully embraced this reboot loving the Byrne Superman run, grudgingly accepting then preferring Wally West Flash over Barry Allen Flash, loving what they did with JLI, etc. There were some casualties like they obviously had no idea what to do with Hawkman. The poor bastard kept alternating between the hard core Thanagarian cop with a drug problem they tried to introduce and the old mace wielding Flash Gordon reject from the original continuity and the less said of the Legion of Superheroes the better.

But then as Superman slowly turned into his Silver Age version, old continuity stuff came crawling back in, and the core creative teams of the new reboot left the whole vision of what the Crisis was supposed to bring faded away and we started getting crappy "events" like Crisis that supposedly changed things but never did. I still have no fucking clue what Zero Hour was supposed to have accomplished and the next thing you know the DCverse is what it was before Crisis. Eventually I soon dropped out of comics and only peak in from time to time to hear what people are complaining about this time.

In the end none of these reboots carry any real weight? Why? Because we know that any commitments to change only last as long as the current editorial leadership. No one is going to want to be bound to what his predecessor set up. So in the end even if you renumber it that doesn't mean a thing. The only real constant in the comic world is that there is no such thing as change. Comic characters generally end up being exactly what they were in the Silver Age. Maybe, just maybe, as younger writers come in who don't have baggage from the Silver Age then we'll see real changes "Superman has a superdog?! WTF?" but even then the fandom may never want to see change either. That's the other side of the equation too.

We can blame these companies for never really changing anything but can we blame them? Whenever they do change anything there is always a fucking backlash from some vocal component of the fandom. You wanna change Spiderman's costume? Fuck no! You want to change Superman's origin? Are you mad?! In the end the fans are actually getting what they want - status quo.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by mr friendly guy »

The problem with reboots becoming back to the status quo, even from the perspective of someone who likes the old status quo, is that we waste years telling the reboot version before it comes back to the status quo. For example Legion of Superheroes. When did they stop telling the classic Legion? IIRC around the 1990s. Since then we had two different versions, both from Mark Waid I believe.

The post zero hour or reboot version was quite nice, great art and great story telling. Then they rebooted it to the post infinite crisis or threeboot version, which frankly tried to be too different from what made the Legion great. It could have been a nice Elseworlds story I suppose.

Finally they got back to the classical Legion, and explained those other two legions away as from alternative time lines in the awesome Legion of 3 Worlds storyline. However if you were a fan of the classic Legion (I actually started reading from the reboot version BTW), you would have to put up with several years / miss several years worth of stories before the forces of the status quo bring back your favourite characters. **

I want character development, and resent some of what is considered the status quo for some comics. However I am not too keen on the idea of rebooting things entirely just to develop the character. Lets face it, reboots are primarily aimed at capturing new readers, at the very real risk of alienating the old ones, rather than character development per se.

** I have heard (ie hearsay) that the Legion won't be rebooted, merely renumbered. I will try and get a copy of the new Legion to verify for myself.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Tsyroc »

Dropping the JSA and replacing it with the Wildstorm characters seems a bit odd if not WTF? level weird depending on what they do. Certainly the covert team characters (Team 1-7) could work out okay for what they have in mind, as could the "Century Babies" like Elijah Snow and Jenny Sparks, but are they going to have characters from WILDcats and the Authority around before Superman? Because having Mr. Majestic around before Superman, and well before Superman has anything close to the same sort of powers would be bizarre and should really change how Superman is perceived in the DC Universe. I'm assuming The High won't even be a factor at all.

I also can't picture having Midnighter and Apollo around before Batman and Superman. To me that would be a screwy turn around unless there's some serious tweaking to the characters.

Stormwatch being around could be interesting. It could essentially replace Checkmate as the UN whatever force. I'm assuming they will go with a mostly normal or completely normal human staff for Stormwatch. Otherwise they kind of diminish the impact of the JLA, more or less so depending on the power levels of the Stormwatch metas and just how far DC has decided to dial down the JLA characters in this reboot.

However it goes I'm going to miss the JSA. It's been one of the few DC TPBs I've still been reading the last couple of years.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Bedlam »

mr friendly guy wrote: ** I have heard (ie hearsay) that the Legion won't be rebooted, merely renumbered. I will try and get a copy of the new Legion to verify for myself.
I've heard much the same, there are two legion titles Legion lost, set in the DC present and Legion of Superheroes set in the 30th century (they've done a similar thing a few times most recently about 2 years ago). The preview text seems to suggest that from the Legions point of veiw the latest reboot is the 'wrong' past for them so it suggests they will remember the current DC at least in the short term. Where the writers will go with it I dont know.

I agree that if they want an opt out at any point in the future they can just say well we've been watching Earth 28 for the past few years now back to our regularly scheduled programs and back to how things were, Unless they change / remove the whole multiverse idea.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by mr friendly guy »

Bedlam wrote:
mr friendly guy wrote: ** I have heard (ie hearsay) that the Legion won't be rebooted, merely renumbered. I will try and get a copy of the new Legion to verify for myself.
I've heard much the same, there are two legion titles Legion lost, set in the DC present and Legion of Superheroes set in the 30th century (they've done a similar thing a few times most recently about 2 years ago). The preview text seems to suggest that from the Legions point of veiw the latest reboot is the 'wrong' past for them so it suggests they will remember the current DC at least in the short term. Where the writers will go with it I dont know.

I agree that if they want an opt out at any point in the future they can just say well we've been watching Earth 28 for the past few years now back to our regularly scheduled programs and back to how things were, Unless they change / remove the whole multiverse idea.
The last time they did a Legion lost title it was with the Reboot version. In it Element lad turns into the God Emperor or some genocidal race he created and we finally meet the Reboot version of Dawnstar, who turns out to be a flying insectoid humanoid. :D Needless to say I wasn't particularly thrilled with that version, so here is hoping that this current version is better.

Moreover the Legion finding out the rebooted DC universe is the wrong past is hardly new. Shortly after crisis they did the same thing and ran into post crisis Superman. IIRC Blok noted Superman didn't seem as strong as before. :D It turned out the Time Trapper had preserved some history from the original Pre crisis universe and kept it in a pocket universe. Who knew?

On another note, I doubt they will ditch the multiverse idea. After all that effort with Kingdom come sequels to reintroduce hypertime and infinite crisis to bring back the concept of the multiverse, I don't think they will ditch it anytime soon. Then again they plan to merge the Wildstorm characters with the main DCU continuity so who knows, they may be doing another crisis of infinite earth type scheme with merging universes into one.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Bedlam »

mr friendly guy wrote:The last time they did a Legion lost title it was with the Reboot version. In it Element lad turns into the God Emperor or some genocidal race he created and we finally meet the Reboot version of Dawnstar, who turns out to be a flying insectoid humanoid. :D Needless to say I wasn't particularly thrilled with that version, so here is hoping that this current version is better.
I was thinking more of the splitting of the team between present and future teams rather than Legion Lost.

There was one for about a year in the reboot which I quite liked although In think it occured just before the series started to nose dive. More recently they did it again just as they reintroduced the latest legion with a fair chunk of the Legion hiding in present day to keep Mon-el and Supermans history on track.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Superboy »

I'm a big DC fan, but I only really follow a few of their titles. I love Green Lantern and Flash, regularly read Superman and Batman titles, and adore the JLA. I'm not at all happy that these titles are getting rebooted after all the great world building that's been going on in the past few years.

That said, I am looking forward to having the chance to get into some of the other titles that have always seemed too dense for me to jump into. Legion of Superheroes is confusing as hell to someone with no knowledge of the history so I've never been able to get into that title despite hearing that it was great. The same is true for a ton of more minor titles that I've always wished I could get into.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by mr friendly guy »

Wikipedia is your friend. If there is a title I am not so familiar with, a few moments on wikipedia explains the gist of what has happen before. In fact I am surprise more people just don't google it.

But to give a summary of LSH, basically it was initially set in the 30 th century (now its set in the early 31st century since in the real world we are now in the 21st century, whereas LSH was originally published in the 20 th century). Three super powered teens rescue RJ Brande, who is one of the richest men in the galaxy, and in return he funds their super hero activity, and creates the Legion of Super heroes.

Now here is where it gets confusing. Basically the 3 founders are inspired by the adventures of Superboy (Kal El when he was a kid) and so regularly invite him and pre crisis Supergirl to the future via time travel. Now enter crisis of infinite Earths, and Supe's history is rebooted, such that under the Bryne version there was no Superboy, and Kal El only became Superman when he was an adult. This naturally screwed over the Legion's time line.

To explain it away, one of the Legion's foes the Time Trapper created a pocket universe preserving what was left of the pre crisis universe where a Superboy existed. When the LSH time travelled, they ended up in this pocket universe instead of the post crisis DCU. Eventually we saw post crisis Superman meet up with the LSH in this pre crisis remnant. Oh, and we also see Supes take on pre crisis Superboy and kryptonians and here we find out pre crisis kryptonians are stronger.

This current incarnation was more or less the same as pre crisis with a few differences, namely Supergirl having been killed by the Anti monitor was now replaced by a Daxamite known as Andromeda. Various other differences occur as well. I think the main important one was, that DC later settled for having Mon El (aka Valor) being the inspiration for the LSH instead of Superboy, hence explaining away this troubling aspect. Note at this time in the 20 th century, Mon El would be stuck in the phantom zone and only escapes in the 30 th century.

Now enter Zero hour. In the mainstream DCU it didn't seem to do much, but for the LSH it totally rebooted their continuity. Along the way we meet clones of the Legion who have their own book, and I must admit I get confused as well. However this was all rebooted. In universe it was explained that Glorinth had killed Mon El after he rejected her attempts at seduction and hence the time line would be totally screwed (Mon El plays a big part in history you see, and she killed him before he was exiled to the phantom zone to reemerge in the future). However the Mon El clone (with memories of the original) took his place. Then it goes white and the reboot begins.

This new Legion known among fandom as the reboot version had their own adventures, also interacting with the current post crisis, post zero hour DCU. Eventually this legion had an x-over with the Teen Titans which led to another reboot, with a third incarnation of the LSH, known among fandom as the threeboot version.

Eventually Superman again encountered the classical pre crisis Legion in a good storyline. This was post infinite crisis, so Superboy's, er I mean Superman Prime's punch across the multiversal wall must have altered history or some shit. :D His pre crisis encounters with the LSH (as a boy) were explained away as the Legion mind wiping him and only now did they restore the memory. So presumably he had adventures in the future as Superboy, but did not adopt his super hero personae in the present until he became Superman. There, not so confusing isn't it.

Superman again encountered the classical LSH in the storyline "Legion of 3 worlds", where its explained that the reboot and threeboot version of the LSH were Legions from alternative time lines. The 3 legions team up to fight Superman Prime and his own Legion of Supervillains, including Mordru, the Fatal Five, the previous LSV, and Earthman and his human supremacist buddies.

At the end of this, it seemed like DC would again focus in on the classical legion, with the reboot version being renamed the wanderers and they left to find survivors from their universal disaster. Oh, and one of the Legion members known as Gates from the reboot version, stayed with the classical legion. Note Gates was a member who had no equivalent in either the classical or threeboot versions. And here we have it, into the current LSH storylines, where we see Sodom yat as the last Green Lantern, but now Oa selects Mon El to be the first of the new GL. We see an ancient evil take root again, and generally LSH has just become awesome again.

Lets hope DC does them justice.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Havok »

Is anyone else annoyed that Grant Morrison has somehow allowed Batman to escape all this nonsense and he is the only character that gets to keep all his backstory, already there, i.e., Grayson already as Nightwing, Todd already back, Damien, Drake etc,... because Jenn IS FUCKING PISSED! :lol:
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Panzersharkcat »

Nah. Then again, I'm probably one of the few people around here to like Morrison's Batman.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by mr friendly guy »

Bedlam wrote:
mr friendly guy wrote:The last time they did a Legion lost title it was with the Reboot version. In it Element lad turns into the God Emperor or some genocidal race he created and we finally meet the Reboot version of Dawnstar, who turns out to be a flying insectoid humanoid. :D Needless to say I wasn't particularly thrilled with that version, so here is hoping that this current version is better.
I was thinking more of the splitting of the team between present and future teams rather than Legion Lost.

There was one for about a year in the reboot which I quite liked although In think it occured just before the series started to nose dive. More recently they did it again just as they reintroduced the latest legion with a fair chunk of the Legion hiding in present day to keep Mon-el and Supermans history on track.
Well the other Legion Lost series split the two teams as well. One that was lost and the other that remained in UP territory.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Tsyroc »

So DC is rebooting things but not Batman????

I like Dick Grayson better as Batman or Nightwing (preferably Nightwing) than I did him as Robin but why in the hell wouldn't they take the opportunity to get Bruce Wayne back in the cowl, without the mileage of Knightfall, or the post "No Man's Land" baggage? At the very least shit can that Batman as a franchise idea. I'm sure a good writer could do something interesting with that story line but they are rebooting the DC Universe. Fucking put Batman back as Batman and do the Bat franchise idea as an Elseworlds series or something if they are that determined to go with it.

They sure have me wondering about just how much they are going to fuck this up. Superman is going super retro and Batman is staying the same? That's just weird.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Havok »

It's right in the article. Batman has existed as "legend". Yeah right. A legend, with not one, not two, but three Robins running around Gotham with bright yellow and red suits. Like what... four different Batgirls? How many Batmobiles, bat cycles, bat copters, bat jets. Bet $10 bucks he is gonna have the giant penny and t-rex in his cave still.

Not to mention the Joker, Two-Face, Penguin, etc., don't exactly keep a low fucking profile. :lol:

Legend my ass, he would have been front page news for YEARS to have all that.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Batman »

The public doesn't know about the penny and the T-Rex and who's the fourth Batgirl? There are Babs, Cassie and nowadays Stephanie, unless your counting Helena's antics during NML or I missed somebody.
And if you feel nitpicky, it's five Robins-Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie and Damian.
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Majin Gojira »

Didn't they try that "He's only a myth"/"Shrouded in Myth" thing in the 90s? I remember it kept Robin from "revealing" himself in Young Justice...

In fact, does anyone else get an extreme 90s vibe from the style of this reboot?
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Batman »

I think they tried to keep the 'urban myth' aspect to this day (despite the fact there's no way that's going to work what with there being a gazillion actual sightings of me, if I don't exist, why the hell does the GCPD have a big honking Batsignal, and apparently every last person I saved on the job was delusional but then, this is Gotham-criminals are terrified of me despite everybody knowing I actually never kill. Presumably one of my villain's schemes at some time or other-probably Crane, nonlethal WMD attacks are his thing-rendered the population of this city even more incredibly stupid than the rest of the DC nation).
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
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Re: So the DC reboot will soon be upon us

Post by Panzersharkcat »

Batman wrote:I think they tried to keep the 'urban myth' aspect to this day (despite the fact there's no way that's going to work what with there being a gazillion actual sightings of me, if I don't exist, why the hell does the GCPD have a big honking Batsignal, and apparently every last person I saved on the job was delusional but then, this is Gotham-criminals are terrified of me despite everybody knowing I actually never kill. Presumably one of my villain's schemes at some time or other-probably Crane, nonlethal WMD attacks are his thing-rendered the population of this city even more incredibly stupid than the rest of the DC nation).
I just think that every civilian in the DCU drinks themselves into a stupor over the fact that there's a near-apocalypse every other week. It's the only explanation I have for how they managed to elect Lex Luthor to the presidency.
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