- Anti-science whores do apply science, but only when it suits them.
- Anti-science whores do not understand how science is used in real life (if an observation is made which contradicts a scientific theory, we revise our theories to incorporate both the old data and the new data, rather than simply throwing everything out the window).
- Anti-science whores are woefully ignorant of science, which is probably the single biggest reason for their behaviour.
- Anti-science whores do not recognize that if you can prove a particular anime, comic, or fantasy series is depicted in a hopelessly subjective way, that it is impossible by definition to produce objective conclusions, with or without science. In essence, any excessively subjective depiction of a story becomes a one-sided myth like the Bible, in which you can take nothing at face value because no effort was made at objectivity in the first place. They want to have their cake and eat it too: pretend that you can generate objective conclusions without having to obey any of the rules for objectivity and logic.
- Anti-science whores think that people who apply science intend to dismiss any event which is not possible according to known science, because they seem to be too stupid to recognize that this is not what we're trying to do (see item #2).
If you're an anti-science whore and you think I'm being unfair to flame you in an announcement like this, then go to another fucking website. I am under no obligation to create a website which was primarily created to discuss sci-fi and other subjects from a rational, objective point of view and then humour people who want to remake this board in the image of some other shit board full of scientific ignoramuses that they would rather be on.
If you want to discuss this subject, go here and enjoy the flames: http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=25912