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Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 08:24pm
by Havok
This is just a thread about the newly announced movie.

Let us join in the long standing fascinating tradition of guessing what the movie will be about?

Will it be Episode 7?

Will they recast Luke Skywalker and the rest of the crew?

Will it be something entirely new and what might that be?

NO EU BULLSHIT!! If you can't help yourself, go start your own fucking thread.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 08:34pm
by Saxtonite

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 08:34pm
by Batman
If they reuse the OT characters, it's going to be animation with perhaps the original actors providing the voices, because if they try recasting the original cast for a live action movie there's going to be a civil war.
Frankly I doubt it's going to be anything completely new because they're doing it for the money, and that means they're going with what's known to sell.
Given that this is Disney now this could be anything from brilliant to 'can we have the old EU back please'.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 08:37pm
by LMSx
There was a question in the last thread about 2015 being a tight squeeze, time-wise.

I'm not so sure: they didn't have to give a year for this today, they could have just said "in a few years", which would have left us in the same time frame but more defensibly vague. Obviously there's a chance it could be delayed until whenever, but you'd figure basic competence would dictate at this moment everyone involved is reasonably confident they can release something that year.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:10pm
by Havok
Are you fucking kidding me? :roll:

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:33pm
by LMSx
I'm curious what category of director they'll be aiming at- giant names like Spielberg, more eccentric auteurs, superficially competent hired guns (think generally people who direct Marvel movies), or Richard Marquand-type of puppets for the producers.

Another question tying into that is, Lucas got his shit figured out by the time he made TPM what he wanted the next three movies to look like. and they're certainly consistent in that regard. Is Star Wars fundamentally a mirror back on a 1930s sort of Flash Gordon pulp, or how do they update that sensibility?

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:36pm
by Batman
Did you just call Joss Whedon a superficially competent hired gun?

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:44pm
by Havok
Spielberg may actually want to try his hand at it. IIRC he wanted to do one of the OT, but just couldn't ever get the timing right with his own projects. Or maybe that was the PT?

I think the look depends on the part of the story. Lucas could have made the OT look just as flashy as the PT (albeit with less quality) but he wanted it to look like the ass end of the universe. The PT is supposed to look like super awesome new and shiny because it is the center of the universe. I mean, Tatooine still looks the same in the PT. and Bespin looks super shiny and new in the OT.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:47pm
by Ire
Havok wrote:
NO EU BULLSHIT!! If you can't help yourself, go start your own fucking thread.
The lengths you take your butthurt and vitriol is pathetic

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:50pm
by LMSx
Did you just call Joss Whedon a superficially competent hired gun?
Adverbs, man. Generally!

I was being glib about Favreau and Brannagh, with Joe and Anthony Russo and Marc Webb also on deck. They've been varying levels of ok-to-good/serviceable, and my main understanding is that they're on the affordable end of the spectrum when studios want a high floor/low ceiling type of movie.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:55pm
by Batman
Ire wrote:
Havok wrote:
NO EU BULLSHIT!! If you can't help yourself, go start your own fucking thread.
The lengths you take your butthurt and vitriol is pathetic
That should have been 'to which' you take your butthurt and vitriol is pathetic. And frankly, by local standards 'NO EU BULLSHIT!! If you can't help yourself, go start your own fucking thread.' is not only pretty timid, but unlike your comment actually grammatically correct as far as I can tell.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 09:58pm
by LMSx
Havok wrote:Spielberg may actually want to try his hand at it. IIRC he wanted to do one of the OT, but just couldn't ever get the timing right with his own projects. Or maybe that was the PT?

I think the look depends on the part of the story. Lucas could have made the OT look just as flashy as the PT (albeit with less quality) but he wanted it to look like the ass end of the universe. The PT is supposed to look like super awesome new and shiny because it is the center of the universe. I mean, Tatooine still looks the same in the PT. and Bespin looks super shiny and new in the OT.
Somewhere rattling in the back of my brain I have a connection with Spielberg for AOTC, although I'm not sure whether that meant he just did a pass on the script.

I also mean "look" speaking more broadly about the kind of attitude brought to the project. Things like how they approached "evil", with General Grievous and Ian McDiarmid's performance being corny if you ever had to show/explain it to your grandparents, but part of a fun pulpy vibe if you buy into it.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:05pm
by Enigma
Boba Mouse? Goofy the Hutt? :)

I'm on the fence with the news that Disney acquired Lucasfilm and everything in it.

I thought Lucas had said that there would be no SW sequels as long as he lived? Now he does a 180? I guess getting over $2 billion from the sale plus 40 million Disney shares (another $2 billion) would change almost anyone's mind.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:13pm
by Batman
Not mine, but then I spend more than that every year on bat gadgets anyway. That being said, 'as long as he lived', and the man does have diabetis.
And frankly, George has been doing Star Wars for (literally) 35 years. Maybe he just decided he's tired of it.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:18pm
by Havok
Enigma wrote:Boba Mouse? Goofy the Hutt? :)

I'm on the fence with the news that Disney acquired Lucasfilm and everything in it.

I thought Lucas had said that there would be no SW sequels as long as he lived? Now he does a 180? I guess getting over $2 billion from the sale plus 40 million Disney shares (another $2 billion) would change almost anyone's mind.
That isn't what he said. He said there is no more story about Luke after ROTJ so he won't do any more movies.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:26pm
by TK-984
Same general character archetypes with all or some of the old main cast to do a hand off. I doubt they'll touch the EU except for alien or planet ideas.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:27pm
by Marikina
LMSx wrote:There was a question in the last thread about 2015 being a tight squeeze, time-wise.

I'm not so sure: they didn't have to give a year for this today, they could have just said "in a few years", which would have left us in the same time frame but more defensibly vague. Obviously there's a chance it could be delayed until whenever, but you'd figure basic competence would dictate at this moment everyone involved is reasonably confident they can release something that year.
The franchise being in Disney's hands means they might have more flexibility release-date wise. July gives them more wiggle room, and December even moreso.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:40pm
by JME2
There's also the matter of The Avengers 2 hitting in May 2015, so I'm thinking either later in the summer or winter as you posited.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:42pm
by Pelranius
I'll hazard a guess, the time jump will be at least 30 years.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:45pm
by Darksider
Truth be told i've always expected there would be more movies, or a reboot or something, I just didn't expect it until after Lucas died. Like maybe one of his kids would do one or something. I was expecting the SW franchise to be mostly EU and TV based until at least 2020 or 2025.

A new Trilogy with new people producing it and Lucas only consulting would actually play to his strengths. Lucas is a good Idea guy, he did a wonderful job creating a rich vibrant universe with interesting locations and characters, but when he tried to do everything like writing and directing single-handedly, the work suffered for it. Better writers and directers combined with Lucas' imagination could be a powerful combination.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:46pm
by Havok
I'm not sure why people assume Disney is going to start changing things just because they bought it, when they didn't do it at Pixar or Marvel.

That said, the reason "Blockbuster" movies get released when they do is because of Star Wars, I don't think they are gonna mess with the May release date.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 10:48pm
by Havok
JME2 wrote:There's also the matter of The Avengers 2 hitting in May 2015, so I'm thinking either later in the summer or winter as you posited.
If there is ONE movie that will not have to worry about The Avengers 2, it is going to be Episode Fucking VII of fucking Star Wars. :lol:

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 11:01pm
by Pelranius
Havok wrote:
JME2 wrote:There's also the matter of The Avengers 2 hitting in May 2015, so I'm thinking either later in the summer or winter as you posited.
If there is ONE movie that will not have to worry about The Avengers 2, it is going to be Episode Fucking VII of fucking Star Wars. :lol:
Could one try to place one (say, the Avengers) at the beginning of May, and the other (Episode VII?) at the end of May?

Or is that still close for comfort?

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 11:04pm
by LMSx
I'm not any kind of a cinema sales expert, but I would think there'd be some competition with availability in theater screens and IMAX, and simply as far as how much marketing any one company can do at once.

None of this would be a problem if Episode 7 and Avengers were competitors, but under the same company there's zero reason to even remotely risk cannibalizing one or the other by putting them within 2 months of the other. I would think Disney gives each movie a wide berth.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-30 11:15pm
by Covenant
Remember, while Summer Blockbusters are a big thing, the Avatar/Titanic timeslot is something Disney might like to sink to the goddamn bottom of the ocean with the weight of Star Wars VII. Mid-December is a great time for movies, and while there will be competition from a bunch of truly abysmal shittastic Christmas movies, absolutely nothing will be able to scare up the box office domination that another Star Wars movie could. Since that's a time when people are usually starving for something non-awful to go to, and Star Wars is generally a kid-friendly genre (even when it's up to a PG rating or whatever), it could really be the world's biggest slam dunk. I know if I had kids I'd be bringing them to Star Wars in 2015, not to something like "Rudolf and the Red Nose Kids" or whatever else someone will push out that year to be trampled to death.

Dominating both the Winter and Summer markets could make for a very lucrative year, and it would be far enough apart that people wouldn't see them as competition except in terms of "What's the best thing this year to give my money to Disney for?"