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Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil SPOILERS

Posted: 2011-02-17 05:20pm
by Equinox2003
I just finished it, what did you guys think of Darth Bane & Zannah?

Who did you want to win the final duel between them? And would you like to hear
more about Zannah & Cognus in the future?
The ending was a bit of a surprise for me, I thought Bane & Zannah would kill
each other and Cognus and Set the Dark Jedi would be the new Sith pair.

Re: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil SPOILERS

Posted: 2011-02-17 07:10pm
by Imperial528
I would like more books, especially since while this series wasn't the best SW books I've read, they're decently good and there aren't very many deus ex machinas, and those that are there aren't guaranteed success either. And personally, I think that Bane won.

Re: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil SPOILERS

Posted: 2011-02-17 11:32pm
by Darth Paxis
I was surprised that Set survived, but not that he didn't become a Sith. The story makes it clear that Set would be a terrible Sith Lord because of his self-centered tendencies, plus Cognus' first apprentice was Darth Millennial, who from his physical appearance is clearly not Set Harth.

Re: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil SPOILERS

Posted: 2011-02-18 12:59am
by Eleas
I read it a while back. A bit weaker than the previous two books, but still decent. I thought Bane was an interesting character, Cognus had a bite to her, and Harth was oddball in a mostly good way. Zannah, however, was pretty much a blank slate; her characterization is barely that of a Noir-style femme fatale, and she has no real personality.

Also, Rule of Two probably has the worst cover of any recent Star Wars book, which is saying a lot.