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Saxton's Ewok Holocaust Theory

Posted: 2002-08-05 03:23am
by Enforcer Talen

Posted: 2002-08-05 03:51am
by Darth Garden Gnome
I think I speak for everyone when I say, serves em right the little furballs! :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2002-08-05 04:17am
::shrug:: I'm kinda apathetic. Obviously, that's what WOULD happen, but just as obviously, it didn't. Saxton disregards too quickly the possibility of the Rebels extending shields from their ships to protect the moon, in my opinion. Obviously, the Rebs moved their fleet between the DS and Endor for a reason.

That explanation is faulty, true, but it's the only one I can think of that, A: isn't downright impossible, and B: doesn't require total disregarding of evidence from the EU.

Posted: 2002-08-05 08:21am
by David
Please put some effort into your posts and don't just put up a link.

Posted: 2002-08-05 09:34pm
by David
Thread reopened ~ David

Posted: 2002-08-05 10:57pm
by Master of Ossus
I agree with the theory. It is inconsistent for the DS to have been destroyed in orbit and the Ewoks not wiped out. I also think that such environmental difficulties on Endor have been discussed in official literature, but I can't remember for sure. Shows how the NR treats its former allies, though. It never even seemed to care that they had been wiped out. :D

Posted: 2002-08-05 11:04pm
by Jadeite
I completely agree with the Ewok holocaust theory, serves the furballs right for helping bring about the downfall of the galaxy.

Posted: 2002-08-06 12:03am
by David
While I agree that that is what should have happened, it didn't. There is official literature regarding any Ewok Holocaust. In fact, there are several mentions of people landing on the moon, one is Kyp Durron in the Jedi Academy Trilogy.

Posted: 2002-08-06 12:34am
by Master of Ossus
David wrote:While I agree that that is what should have happened, it didn't. There is official literature regarding any Ewok Holocaust. In fact, there are several mentions of people landing on the moon, one is Kyp Durron in the Jedi Academy Trilogy.
Saxton deals with that, though fairly weakly. I think the best response is to say that he was delusional, at the time. The Endor Holocaust could not have been averted.

Posted: 2002-08-06 01:17am
by David
Sorry everyone, I meant to say there is NO official lit on the Ewok Holocaust.

Posted: 2002-08-06 01:21am
by Master of Ossus
David wrote:Sorry everyone, I meant to say there is NO official lit on the Ewok Holocaust.
That's better, and it seems a curious thing to omit, but it could have been omitted in an effort to preserve the NR's shroud of political correctness. It might have been avoided due to propoganda reasons. Again, though, the Holocaust must have happened. It is not possible for the DS to have been destroyed without eventually doing irreperable harm to the Endor moon's eco-systems. In this case I find it likely that the Endor moon was destroyed.

Posted: 2002-08-06 01:23am
by Mr. B
All I have to say is:

Good Riddance!


Posted: 2002-08-06 02:06am
by Scottiemb1
ya every body should have a pet monkey they can do all the jobs you dont want to and even do some you do. i think the world would be better if everyone had a monkey pet. there would be no more litter because you could get the monkey to put your trash away and then the whloe world would be cleanner. I wish i had a monkey. Maybe i will go to the jungle and steal one ya that is what i will do go steal a monkey.....yes.....yes.

Re: ya

Posted: 2002-08-06 02:59am
by RayCav of ASVS
Scottiemb1 wrote:ya every body should have a pet monkey they can do all the jobs you dont want to and even do some you do. i think the world would be better if everyone had a monkey pet. there would be no more litter because you could get the monkey to put your trash away and then the whloe world would be cleanner. I wish i had a monkey. Maybe i will go to the jungle and steal one ya that is what i will do go steal a monkey.....yes.....yes.
And this pretains to anything related to this forum how?

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:02am
by IRG CommandoJoe
What if the Rebels were aware of this and set up planetary shield generators and blocked the chunks of the DSII? Didn't anyone think of that?

Posted: 2002-08-06 04:24am
by Raptor 597
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:What if the Rebels were aware of this and set up planetary shield generators and blocked the chunks of the DSII? Didn't anyone think of that?
The Rebels destroyed the Planetary Shields. Remember?

Posted: 2002-08-06 04:44am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Captain Lennox wrote:
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:What if the Rebels were aware of this and set up planetary shield generators and blocked the chunks of the DSII? Didn't anyone think of that?
The Rebels destroyed the Planetary Shields. Remember?
Agreed. After all, the first time any Rebel had been on Endor was when Han&Co. snuck over. They blew up the shield generator, this was during the battle with the DS2, mind you. After the battle I seriously doubt it's possible that the Rebels could have repaired the Imps generator, or made their own, in time before the DS2 debris fell to Endor.

Posted: 2002-08-06 04:49am
The Rebels destroyed the Planetary Shields. Remember?
Wrongo. The Rebels destroyed the shield generator that was protecting the Death Star, which isn't necessarily the same as a planetary shield generator.

There's no specific mention of a planetary shield generator on Endor... however, there is a slight implication, in that Han, when piloting the Tyderium to the moon, had to broadcast a code to lower the shield. However, if the shield were only protecting the DS, why would the shield need to be lowered for him to land on the planet?

The only rational answer is that the moon was shielded somehow. Saxton's explanation - "Rebel propaganda" and "he was delusional and imagined it" - simply don't comply with the method in which the details are presented... from the point-of-view of the omnipotent author.

Posted: 2002-08-06 05:09am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
Or the shield generator had a small bubble zone near the bottom. In fact, you can see from the diagram that it was a stem like thing, which allows for a small bubble near the surface.

Han has to land reasonably close to the generator. If he has to land say 100 miles away, he might never make it in time. Kind of like the paratroopers at Arnhem.

The planetary shield generator might cause interference with the Death Star shield generator. In any case, there was no evidence of a planetary shield generator, and against the Rebels, who would hardly try and vape the whole planet, a DS protecting shield that provides theater protection near the base is plenty enough. The Imperials might CALL it a Sanctuary Moon, but I doubt they care for its wildlife enough to maintain a high-powered planetary shield.

Posted: 2002-08-06 06:07am
In any case, there was no evidence of a planetary shield generator
Agreed, but either there was some manner in which the moon was shielded from the Death Star's debris, or we must assume that later accounts of Endor's relatively pristine condition were either false or delusions.

Further... recall the party that happened, on Endor, in the Ewok camp, at the end of ROTJ? Did those people seem overly concerned about nuclear winter?

Furthermore.... why, pray tell, did the Rebels move their fleet between the Death Star and the moon? To get a better view?


Posted: 2002-08-06 06:42am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
Saxton explained that. It is simply to do what they can. If we say they can destroy the larger chunks, then immediate effects can be avoided, and the Rebels on the planet can finish their celebration before leaving.

As for the other parts, no one in that party feels any remorse at the deaths of the Liberty or any of the other dead vessels. There were thousands of Ewoks, but likely no more than ten thousand that they knew about (and many of them were dead anyway.) The important thing right after the battle is that the Death Star, and the Emperor is dead, and as a bonus, Death Squadron is in a shambles! Isn't that IMPORTANT? The mourning for the Liberty can wait, it is time for celebration. In fact, it is conceivable in the mood of the situation, not many remembered what would become of the Ewoks, especially among the lower ranks.

You might also notice that Saxton tried his very best to say nobody really lied. It's a stretch, but one has to admire his imagination and skill, especially considering that he managed to (apparently) stretch a rank scheme (however convoluted and confusing) over the confusing rank badges too :D

Posted: 2002-08-06 02:08pm
by Ragnar Rocker
The funniest thing, is that all the rebels must have known that the shit was about to hit the fan, and instead of evacuating as many Ewoks as they copuld, they just hung out until nightfall to have a big party! LOL

The fact that that the rebels were by and large a decent bunch, and were totally unconcerned about the fate of the ewoks, leads me to believe that they had somehow averted the devastation of Endor.

Could the planet Endor orbits somehow have played a part?

Posted: 2002-08-06 02:49pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Why would it take so long for them to set up planetary shield generators? I don't think the Imperials are the only ones that use prefabricated buildings. I thought the Rebels did too. So setting one up would probably only be a matter of hours. I'm not sure how quickly those chunks of debris would hit Endor, but apparantly they didn't hit it yet in the movie or they were already vaporized from the shields that they put up.

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:33pm
by Darth Yoshi
They could have knocked out the larger chunks, and while they're doing that, they bring in some shields to defend against the smaller chunks, which will fall later since they have less mass, and thus greater acceleration and more speed.

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:59pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
They could have had ships destroy the larger, more dangerous chunks of debris, and it could have cleared up- screw it, let's just get a calculation for the impact of the debris!