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Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-09 04:23pm
by Galvatron
Crazedwraith wrote:To me that sounds like there could be some delay. They were going after Jabba and Fett and it's implied it's a search and they don't know where they are. Likewise RotJ doesn't have to start and Tatoonie was a rendezvous, not necessarily Jabba's base of operations.
True. It was entirely unnecessary for Tatooine to be the location of Jabba's palace and could have simply been a rendezvous point where Luke and Lando thought they could find a lead. They could have made up a more interesting new planet to serve as Jabba's base of operations instead.
Crazedwraith wrote:They don't necessarily 'dick around with other stuff' that I recall in Shadows Of The Empire, at least not intentionally. they're going after Han and get sidetracked.
SOTE is actually latter-day EU. The old Marvel comics, on the other hand, had over 30 issues of filler between the two movies.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-09 04:30pm
by Crazedwraith
Galvatron wrote: SOTE is actually latter-day EU. The old Marvel comics, on the other hand, had over 30 issues of filler between the two movies.
I know when SotE was published but you specifically mentioned it. As you say though the Marvel comics didn't have a choice if they were actually published between both movies.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-09 04:36pm
by Galvatron
That's just because I have a special contempt for SOTE. It's not just filler, it's grandiose filler.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-10 12:18am
by Darth Yan
Shadows was a test run. They wanted to see if people would go for a movie. Shadows success encouraged them to try the prequels

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-10 03:37pm
by Galvatron
The Romulan Republic wrote:To the first point: Jabba had to be dealt with, so that threat would no longer be hanging over Han's head.
After giving it some thought, here's a rough idea of how I imagine the conversation would go. First, imagine a Mexican standoff with Luke, Chewie, Lando, Han and Leia all pointing their blasters at Jabba, Boba Fett and his other goons. Then, this:

Leia: "I'll pay you double whatever he owes you, right now. Or we can all die together...right now."

Jabba: " interest and another twenty percent just because Solo annoys me."

Leia: "Done."

Han: "Now wait just a minute-"

Leia: "Han!"

Han: "...Fine..."

Jabba: "Ho-ho-ho! Ah-ha-ha! You should come work for me, Princess. Anyone who can silence Han Solo with a word has talents that I'd pay handsomely for."

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-10 04:59pm
by K. A. Pital
I would assume that after the Death Star got destroyed over some remote planet, the Emperor would understand that it has to be heavily protected.

So the battle shifts to Coruscant, where the massive stations are being manufactured in orbit.

Basically, go with the McQuarrie art.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-10 05:25pm
by Galvatron
I may go a step further and have Palpatine order a Starkiller-like weapon built into Coruscant itself.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-10 11:59pm
by The Romulan Republic
Wouldn't that, um, entail blowing up a planet-wide city to get rid of it?

Seems a bit of a genocidal act for the supposed heroes.

Unless its going to be about capturing Coruscant instead of destroying the super weapon. In which case, its a very different kind of battle.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 12:00am
by Galvatron
Disable and capture is what I had in mind.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 09:55am
by Ralin
The Romulan Republic wrote:Wouldn't that, um, entail blowing up a planet-wide city to get rid of it?

Seems a bit of a genocidal act for the supposed heroes.

Unless its going to be about capturing Coruscant instead of destroying the super weapon. In which case, its a very different kind of battle.
Seems pretty in character for Palpatine though

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 09:56am
by The Romulan Republic
Yes, I agree. It does seem like something Palpatine would do.

An assault on Corsucant would be interesting, but it might be hard to explain how the Alliance went in one film from a relatively small force fleeing from Death Squadron, to being able to assault the capital directly.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 10:30am
by Eternal_Freedom
The Romulan Republic wrote:Yes, I agree. It does seem like something Palpatine would do.

An assault on Corsucant would be interesting, but it might be hard to explain how the Alliance went in one film from a relatively small force fleeing from Death Squadron, to being able to assault the capital directly.
That could be explained though. Have the destruction of Alderaan be a catalyst for a lot of worlds to start feeling opposed to the Empire, have the Empire's increasingly brutal methods to hunt down rebels between ESB and ROTJ be the final straw. Have several powerful worlds (Mon Calamari, maybe Corellia so we see those "big Corellian ships" Han mentioned, etc) declare support for the Rebels, if they take their new, powerful fleet and act now to stop this monstrous new weapon the Emperor is building.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 10:54am
by Thanas
Galvatron I appreciate you reporting yourself but I will just leave this issue be with a friendly reminder to keep your temper in check.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 03:06pm
by Galvatron
Eternal_Freedom wrote:That could be explained though. Have the destruction of Alderaan be a catalyst for a lot of worlds to start feeling opposed to the Empire, have the Empire's increasingly brutal methods to hunt down rebels between ESB and ROTJ be the final straw. Have several powerful worlds (Mon Calamari, maybe Corellia so we see those "big Corellian ships" Han mentioned, etc) declare support for the Rebels, if they take their new, powerful fleet and act now to stop this monstrous new weapon the Emperor is building.

The prospect of another planet-kiling superweapon is intolerable to the fence-sitters of the galaxy, so the rebels are finally able to assemble a fighting force capable of going toe-to-toe against the Empire.

The objective would be infiltrating the planet with a commando force to bring down its defenses so the fleet could both land an army and achieve aerial supremacy over the planet.

Once Coruscant is taken, the superweapon would be dismantled.

As I said earlier, the rebel commando team would infiltrate Coruscant on Slave 1 when Boba Fett "delivers" Luke to Vader and the Emperor.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 04:07pm
by Eternal_Freedom
In fact, my suggestion for explaining a much larger Rebel force would fit nicely with Leia's line in ANH: "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 04:36pm
by Galvatron
Eternal_Freedom wrote:In fact, my suggestion for explaining a much larger Rebel force would fit nicely with Leia's line in ANH: "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
I've been saying as much for years. :)

Frankly, the more varied and diverse the rebel fleet, the better. It would make a good contrast with the more uniform-looking Imperial forces.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 07:54pm
by The Romulan Republic
Galvatron wrote:
Eternal_Freedom wrote:That could be explained though. Have the destruction of Alderaan be a catalyst for a lot of worlds to start feeling opposed to the Empire, have the Empire's increasingly brutal methods to hunt down rebels between ESB and ROTJ be the final straw. Have several powerful worlds (Mon Calamari, maybe Corellia so we see those "big Corellian ships" Han mentioned, etc) declare support for the Rebels, if they take their new, powerful fleet and act now to stop this monstrous new weapon the Emperor is building.

The prospect of another planet-kiling superweapon is intolerable to the fence-sitters of the galaxy, so the rebels are finally able to assemble a fighting force capable of going toe-to-toe against the Empire.

The objective would be infiltrating the planet with a commando force to bring down its defenses so the fleet could both land an army and achieve aerial supremacy over the planet.

Once Coruscant is taken, the superweapon would be dismantled.

As I said earlier, the rebel commando team would infiltrate Coruscant on Slave 1 when Boba Fett "delivers" Luke to Vader and the Emperor.
This could work- I've certainly seen worse story ideas from official material.

Assault on a city planet wouldn't make a half-bad film, actually. Though probably a bit darker than canon, if you got into a protracted urban warfare situation, as seems likely.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 08:31pm
by Galvatron
Instead of Ewoks, the rebel commandos could obtain the help of Coruscant's downtrodden masses to complete their mission on the surface.

Imagine the rebels taking control of the planet's AA defenses and using them to aid their fleet against the Imperials, which is what finally turns the tide of the space battle in their favor.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 10:13pm
by The Romulan Republic
I'm guessing that the Luke/Vader duel, with Palpatine, would take place in the Imperial palace then?

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-11 10:23pm
by Galvatron
Sure, why not?

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-18 09:36am
by K. A. Pital
I would have some defecting ISD-type ships in the Rebel fleet by the time of ROTJ to make sure it is understood the rebellion has widened.

A Luke/Vader/Emperor duel in the Imperial Palace would be awesome. I mean, this vs. the rather bland Death Star II interiors?

Always felt it was a wasted opportunity, not making Coruscant the scene...

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-18 04:04pm
by Galvatron
After making his delivery and getting paid by Vader, Boba Fett might even stick around on Coruscant and accompany the rebel commandos on their mission to disable the planet's defense network. Not because he's suddenly a good guy, but because he both wants to ensure that Leia survives to pay him and that she doesn't detonate the bomb in his armor.

Fett's a true mercenary which therefore means that he works for his own self-interests, but this ROTJ could turn him into a great antihero instead of wasting him like the real ROTJ did. Besides, I have a thing for "bad guys" who perform unintentional acts of heroism. :)

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-18 05:04pm
by K. A. Pital
Well, there was the "bad turned good" thing with Lando, so perhaps having the same thing with Fett would be excessive.

But he could go down on Coruscant and not with Jabba... noi chuba noi...

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-02-18 07:59pm
by Galvatron
K. A. Pital wrote:Well, there was the "bad turned good" thing with Lando, so perhaps having the same thing with Fett would be excessive.
It's a recurring theme in the OT. Han, Lando and Vader all had their "bad turned good" moments, but I don't think it's excessive to show Fett helping the rebels so long as it's clear that he's doing so for his own selfish motives.

Re: How would you do ROTJ differently?

Posted: 2017-03-09 05:19am
by Darth Yan
A little late but I might add it. The reason Vader being redeemed wasn't repugnant is because it's clear he's a broken man who hates himself but feels it's too late to change his ways. The "ice cold ruthless killer" is either a facade or it breaks down when confronted with the reminder of his past life that's too strong to ignore (hell one of the reasons he did it was to save his unborn having that child fighting against you would be enough to rattle him and perhaps awaken the humanity he buried)

If it were an asshole who suddenly turns good at the last minute it feels....wrong. Vader's redemption ONLY feels genuine if on some level he realizes what he's become and hates himself but feels it's too late or has a heel realization about how he's the one making everything shitty (i.e. Kerrigan becomes more likable when after being forced to realize how selfish and myopic her revenge quest is she tones it down and spares civilians even if it will get in her way). Gandalf and Galvatron's suggestions just seem insincere and came across more as last minute redemptions rather than something that was bubbling all along beneath the surface or lacked a sufficient heel realization.

I never really bought the "wanted to make the galaxy better." Flawed as the prequels were his motives (desire to protect those he loved, fear of loss due to trauma) and the fact that he hated himself and masked it behind a mask of ice cold ruthlessness were far more compelling then most fanon had him.

It's also why I disapprove of the "Anakin isn't Luke's father." One of the big reveals is that yoda and Obi Wan lied. It adds ambiguity in a good way in that while Yoda and Obi Wan aren't EVIL, they are still flawed people who sometimes make bad calls. You can easily incoporate it without the "point of view" crap