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Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-06 09:22pm
by Agent Sorchus
Lord Revan wrote:As for Nejaa Halcyon (or how ever you spelt his name again), he hid his family from the order (he's a secondary character in the novel "Jedi Trial")
I have to cry bullshit at this. He had a hologram in the Museum of him training his son, how could he have hid his family from the order? Much more likely is the straight up "Corellian Jedi do things their own way." Especially since his family actually was known for their oddness in abilities, and that it was hereditary.

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-07 09:25am
by Lord Revan
Agent Sorchus wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:As for Nejaa Halcyon (or how ever you spelt his name again), he hid his family from the order (he's a secondary character in the novel "Jedi Trial")
I have to cry bullshit at this. He had a hologram in the Museum of him training his son, how could he have hid his family from the order? Much more likely is the straight up "Corellian Jedi do things their own way." Especially since his family actually was known for their oddness in abilities, and that it was hereditary.
I can dig up the parts from the book they discuss it in, it's one SW books I got in english so I won't even have to translate it back to english.

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-07 10:06am
by Sidewinder
This is a stupid issue to argue over. BioWare is allowing same-sex coupling, i.e., "If you want to play a gay Jedi, go ahead, we're not going to stop you," NOT mandating it, i.e., "If you want to play a Jedi, you must play a gay one, or your account will be suspended."

Besides, this is a COMPUTER GAME. What about gamers who prefer to play characters of the opposite sex? If a man playing as a female Jedi, tries to couple with another female Jedi, does this make him a lesbian? What if the other female is played by another man? How can you tell the difference, if the gamer doesn't tell you?

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-08 09:30pm
by Korto
I believe (and I'm open to being corrected on this) that homosexulality is due to errors being made during brain development. Not that "errors" have to be a bad thing. Every point of difference between us and simple protein chains floating about in water is due to reproductive error at some point. Errors can be good, bad, or indifferent..
I could imagine the possibility of a very patronising and controlling government "fixing" these errors for the people's "own good". The Australian government's done some bloody terrible stuff, for people's "own good". I don't see the chaotic and very un-patronising Star Wars universe doing it, however (although I've never read any OR).

Cowl also seemed to make the mistake of thinking that all gays want to BE the other sex, when I don't believe that's the case. A gay man feels like a man.
Yes. I meant that. :D

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-09 02:31am
by Spoonist
We are pack animals, there doesn't have to be an error at all. If it increases the likelyhood of reproduction and survival of related genes then its selected for.
For instance if it (like some research suggest) is related to increased fertility in females, then it will be selected for. Or if it helps the pack to have members who do not focus on reproduction (like other research suggest) but can instead help the overall success of the pack, that is selected for through related offspring.
Occams, why look for an error when we know its a competetive trait?

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-09 03:31pm
by Korto
I thought I remembered Alyrium Denryle saying things along the line of errors during brain development, so I did a quick search and found this.
Too long to quote AD's full post, so selected parts:
The first model is an alliance building and competition reduction model. Competition for mates and resources is very strong, and males benefit from forming alliances. Alliances can be cemented by sex.
The second model is that brain feminization is a selective advantage in agrarian societies.
The third model goes as follows.
Another route is similar, but relies on bisexuality being an alternative reproductive strategy. Bisexuals have more sexual partners in their lifetimes, tend to begin sexual activity at an earlier age, and also tend to have fewer long-term partners. For males this is an advantage, to an extent,...
All of which lends some support to your argument, and pisses on mine, so I'll consider myself corrected.

This doesn't change what a patronising and controlling government might do, of course, it just takes away their last semblance of scientific justifiction.

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-31 08:16pm
by Tychu
FaxModem1 wrote:Is Star Wars really that low on the gay characters? I thought the EU had enough material to be more diverse than that?
I read the quote from BioWare "There is no gay or lesbianism in Star Wars" as a very enlightened way of thinking that the people of the Star Wars Galaxy don't lable a couple of the same sex as anything. Not to mention there is a very high probability that there are species on the galactic stage that has more than two sexes.

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-03-31 08:29pm
by Batman
Why wouldn't they? Gay or lesbian couples are different from straight ones, or marriage groups of more than two. Just as there's a difference between a blue wall and a red one. The problem in the real world is people seeing something wrong in that.

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-04-01 06:49am
by Grumman
Batman wrote:Why wouldn't they? Gay or lesbian couples are different from straight ones, or marriage groups of more than two.
Er... could you elaborate? There are some heterosexual couples that have no same-sex equivalent, but I think a childless heterosexual couple would have more in common with a childless same-sex couple than they do a heterosexual couple that has kids.

Re: Christians outraged by gay Jedi

Posted: 2012-04-06 12:25pm
by Abacus
If I'm not mistaken, I would think the terms "gay" and "lesbian" had been removed from the lexicon by the time Star Wars universe comes rolling around. Meaning that there are just relationships between beings with who gives a flying flip if they are the same sex, let alone the same species.