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Posted: 2007-12-11 06:36am
by VT-16
Yes, because a 150 year old bad idea for a character really brings it all together doesn't it? I should have put more of the comic writers in the poll just for that atrocity.
The character's Tatooine background is retarded, granted. Doing something actually interesting with him improves it somewhat.

Hett was listed as "missing" long before the Legacy comics began, so it was already established that he survived Order 66. Since he also grew up with the Tusken culture, which is extremely violent, it's not surprising he'd have some dark side dealings.

Plus, he dove deeper into the dark side because of meeting the Vong, and used them as stooges for the Sith, which should at least bring a smile to any YV hater. :P

Posted: 2007-12-11 01:25pm
by Darth Fanboy
VT-16 wrote: The character's Tatooine background is retarded, granted. Doing something actually interesting with him improves it somewhat.
The interesting thing that they did with him was pair him up for a brief time with Anakin Skywalker. I will admit that. But ;resurrecting' a second rate filler Jedi from the Clone Wars and turning him into the scourge of the galaxy because the SW comics community really loves to circle jerk over their own creations? That's not interesting, it's stupid.
Hett was listed as "missing" long before the Legacy comics began, so it was already established that he survived Order 66. Since he also grew up with the Tusken culture, which is extremely violent, it's not surprising he'd have some dark side dealings.
If the Wookiepedia article on him is right then he was born in 47 BBY, even during the NJO he was old. he's pushing over 200 years now. They had to insert throaway lines about "stasis" just to make this idea feasible. Even in the SW galaxy humans don't live for 200 years and they knew this. Here's the best part though, he was a Sith Lord in stasis and one of his underlings didn't kill him.
Plus, he dove deeper into the dark side because of meeting the Vong, and used them as stooges for the Sith, which should at least bring a smile to any YV hater. :P
Just another convenient plot device for hack writers.

Posted: 2007-12-11 02:06pm
by VT-16
Darth Fanboy wrote:The interesting thing that they did with him was pair him up for a brief time with Anakin Skywalker.
No, I was referring to him being a Sith. Hett in the CW era is a complete non-entity to me, which made his reveal in Legacy better than if they'd take either a new or a well-known character.
If the Wookiepedia article on him is right then he was born in 47 BBY, even during the NJO he was old. he's pushing over 200 years now. They had to insert throaway lines about "stasis" just to make this idea feasible. Even in the SW galaxy humans don't live for 200 years and they knew this.
Bohhuah Mutdah (Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon) was about a century old when he was killed and Duke Teta (ROTS) was pushing 300.
Here's the best part though, he was a Sith Lord in stasis and one of his underlings didn't kill him.
Because he fashioned a new Sith culture of total devotion to himself and went as far as to destroy or hide information about the old order.
Just another convenient plot device for hack writers.
A good way to minimize the YV's importance, for me.

Posted: 2007-12-11 03:23pm
by QuentinGeorge
John Ostrander did not create A'Sharad Hett - he was created by previous author Tim Truman.

Hett was the main character in the "ongoing" series before Quinlan Vos showed up.

Posted: 2007-12-11 04:51pm
by Darth Fanboy
VT-16 wrote: No, I was referring to him being a Sith. Hett in the CW era is a complete non-entity to me, which made his reveal in Legacy better than if they'd take either a new or a well-known character.
I know what you were referring to, I was giving my opinion. Pitting up the Tusken Jedi with Anakin was the only time I was ever interested in HEtt's character.
Bohhuah Mutdah (Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon) was about a century old when he was killed and Duke Teta (ROTS) was pushing 300.
Mutdah was pushing a century? Gee that's funny, because there are people in real life doing that right now. Two hundred though is quite a bit more though, even you should agree. Duke Teta meanwhile had countless replacements of organs and medical treatments, treatments that Hett as far as we know has never had plus we do not even know if that would work given his messed up Vonged out physiology.
Because he fashioned a new Sith culture of total devotion to himself and went as far as to destroy or hide information about the old order.
A good in universe explanation, but the out of universe explanation is that these writers wanted some fancy new Dark Side Order, but slapped the term "Sith" on it to try and be cool although it doesn't apply. Apparently the Sith MUST encompass all darksiders.
A good way to minimize the YV's importance, for me.
Ah, but the Vong's role Legacy actually givens them even greater significance! Because even over a hundred years after the war they are still in the forefront of galactic politics as a convenient Imperial scapegoat.

Posted: 2007-12-11 04:52pm
by Darth Fanboy
QuentinGeorge wrote:John Ostrander did not create A'Sharad Hett - he was created by previous author Tim Truman.

Hett was the main character in the "ongoing" series before Quinlan Vos showed up.
Ah, fair enough. *adds Tim Truman to the list of hacks*

Posted: 2007-12-12 03:17am
by VT-16
Darth Fanboy wrote:Mutdah was pushing a century? Gee that's funny, because there are people in real life doing that right now.
He was also a mountain of flesh, so that's quite an accomplishment that he even survived that long without any heart attacks or other illnesses.
Two hundred though is quite a bit more though, even you should agree.
Not with stasis, which is an established technology in SW.
Duke Teta meanwhile had countless replacements of organs and medical treatments, treatments that Hett as far as we know has never had

No, because he used stasis-treatment as described and shown in several pre-existing sources and finally shown with him in a stasis-tank in issue 14.
although it doesn't apply.
Well, he studied under the supervision of an ancient Sith holocron and gathered some knowledge from others he found over the years, if anything he's gone back to the Sith roots, from a time long before Bane's Order. That still makes him a Sith. His followers, on the other hand, seem to only get a few specialized abilities gifted to them, so they basically are nothing more than glorified Sith Acolytes.
Ah, but the Vong's role Legacy actually givens them even greater significance! Because even over a hundred years after the war they are still in the forefront of galactic politics as a convenient Imperial scapegoat.
They blew up a few planets along the way. That might have an effect on the continued public perception of them. Either way, "Sith stooge" is miles better than "lol invincible conquerors".

Posted: 2007-12-12 03:21am
by Battlehymn Republic
Darth Fanboy wrote:Ah, but the Vong's role Legacy actually givens them even greater significance! Because even over a hundred years after the war they are still in the forefront of galactic politics as a convenient Imperial scapegoat.
I'm not sure. They are scapegoats, certainly, but the time for hunting down and persecuting them was over about eighteen years ago, after the Imps and then the Sith took over. I'm not so sure anyone cared about the failure of the terraforming project after the Sith-Imperial War.

And besides, if everyone wants to exterminate the YV, isn't that a point in the series' favor? Kind of like the concept of an enemy unit that uses Ewoks as suicide bombers?

I agree that Hett is a lame lame character, though.

Posted: 2007-12-12 12:35pm
by Darth Fanboy
VT-16 wrote: He was also a mountain of flesh, so that's quite an accomplishment that he even survived that long without any heart attacks or other illnesses.
You call that Gray Vong stuff all over him flesh?
Not with stasis, which is an established technology in SW.
He went without Stasis for almost one hundred years up until the NJO. He must have been in stasis for quite a long time between the end of the Vong War and Legacy. I am not disputing that stasis isn't legitimate in Star Wars, i'm just pointing out all of the extra bullshit that was necessary in order to shoehorn Hett into the role of Darth Krayt.
No, because he used stasis-treatment as described and shown in several pre-existing sources and finally shown with him in a stasis-tank in issue 14.
Fair enough, I did not know that duke Teta had stasis treatments as part of his regimen. However, that still doesn't refute the part where he had a series of organ replacements.
Well, he studied under the supervision of an ancient Sith holocron and gathered some knowledge from others he found over the years, if anything he's gone back to the Sith roots, from a time long before Bane's Order. That still makes him a Sith. His followers, on the other hand, seem to only get a few specialized abilities gifted to them, so they basically are nothing more than glorified Sith Acolytes.
So basically, even though Korriban was supposed to have been stripped of its Sith artifiacts long ago IIRC, there was magically still one there so that the Legacy Comic writers could insert Sith into their comic in order to be cool. I've seen bad fanfiction with better plot devices.
They blew up a few planets along the way. That might have an effect on the continued public perception of them. Either way, "Sith stooge" is miles better than "lol invincible conquerors".
Agreed. At least they don't have an entire swath of planets somewhere. One of my last fears for this series is that a Vong Fleet will show up from out of hiding and aid the Galactic Alliance Rebels or something along those lines.

Posted: 2007-12-12 12:54pm
by Sidewinder
Kevin J. Anderson, for lobotomizing Luke Skywalker and reducing the "Hero of the Rebellion" to an overgrown "Emo Teenager Who Thinks With His Dick." Seriously, reading 'Darksaber' was as painful as shoving a two-by-four up my ass.

Posted: 2007-12-12 01:04pm
by Darth Yoshi
One of the witches of Dathomir was pushing 300 when she died, although granted she was long past senile.

Posted: 2007-12-12 01:51pm
by VT-16
Darth Fanboy wrote:You call that Gray Vong stuff all over him flesh?
What the hell are you talking about? I'm referring to Bohhuah Mutdah, from one of the Lando books. What does that have to do with YV or ordinary human lifespans? The man in question was filthy rich, as big as a house, and still managed to live to be 100 before being offed.
He went without Stasis for almost one hundred years up until the NJO.
He must have been in his 70s, tops. And given his unmasked appearance, this is where he stayed until "present" time in Legacy.
I am not disputing that stasis isn't legitimate in Star Wars, i'm just pointing out all of the extra bullshit that was necessary in order to shoehorn Hett into the role of Darth Krayt.
Fair enough, I did not know that duke Teta had stasis treatments as part of his regimen.
Teta had biological therapy and organ switches, not stasis. I'm not even sure what you're arguing at this point.
So basically, even though Korriban was supposed to have been stripped of its Sith artifiacts long ago IIRC, there was magically still one there so that the Legacy Comic writers could insert Sith into their comic in order to be cool. I've seen bad fanfiction with better plot devices.
He found it and trained in secret during the Rebellion era, according to the latest storyline. Basically, Palpatine's umpteenth hidden retreat had a squatter. :P
When he finally emerged, he learned that Palpatine and Vader were dead, so he must have been gone in that hidden catacomb for some time.
One of my last fears for this series is that a Vong Fleet will show up from out of hiding and aid the Galactic Alliance Rebels or something along those lines.
That will most likely come to be, given the NJO references and the semi-Vong love from Ostrander.

Sadly, it'll probably be better than all the Hapan-wank the GA got in the novels. At least the Vong could build ships to rival the Empire, rather than laughable "Battle Dragons" that barely rivalled Rendili Dreadnaughts.

Posted: 2007-12-12 03:16pm
by CaptainChewbacca
How old were Orn and Eppie Belden in 'Truce at Bakura'? They were prosperous enough to have the best Imperial med care reasonably available, and were very, very old.

Posted: 2007-12-12 03:51pm
by VT-16
According to Wookieepedia, 164 and 132 years old, respectively.

Posted: 2007-12-13 02:37am
by Darth Fanboy
VT-16 wrote: What the hell are you talking about? I'm referring to Bohhuah Mutdah, from one of the Lando books. What does that have to do with YV or ordinary human lifespans? The man in question was filthy rich, as big as a house, and still managed to live to be 100 before being offed.
Agh, I thought you were talking about Krayt with that line. My bad.
He went without Stasis for almost one hundred years up until the NJO.
He must have been in his 70s, tops. And given his unmasked appearance, this is where he stayed until "present" time in Legacy.

Teta had biological therapy and organ switches, not stasis. I'm not even sure what you're arguing at this point.
I had said that "Duke Teta meanwhile had countless replacements of organs and medical treatments, treatments that Hett as far as we know has never had", then you said "No, because he used stasis-treatment as described and shown in several pre-existing sources and finally shown with him in a stasis-tank in issue 14."

I thought that you were pointing out Teta had some sort of stasis treatment. So I again misread you it seems and I apologize for that. But my original point was that Teta had managed to live over 300 years only because of organ transplants and other biological therapy. This is another point where I am not trying to say that it should not have been impossible for Hett to live over 200 years, but that it is retarded to have to come up with very special sets of circumstances and plot devices so that an Old Republic Jedi can live for over 200 years despite living for a large part of those years with some sort of degenerative condition.

He found it and trained in secret during the Rebellion era, according to the latest storyline. Basically, Palpatine's umpteenth hidden retreat had a squatter. :P
When he finally emerged, he learned that Palpatine and Vader were dead, so he must have been gone in that hidden catacomb for some time.
I wish he had emerged earlier, so that he could have been killed quicker. Hett was a second class Jedi who ends up being one of the most powerful warriors in the galaxy. What, did he find Sith steroids from Darth Bonds somewhere else on Korriban?
That will most likely come to be, given the NJO references and the semi-Vong love from Ostrander.

Sadly, it'll probably be better than all the Hapan-wank the GA got in the novels. At least the Vong could build ships to rival the Empire, rather than laughable "Battle Dragons" that barely rivalled Rendili Dreadnaughts.

Posted: 2007-12-13 04:40am
by FTeik
Darth Fanboy wrote:
QuentinGeorge wrote:John Ostrander did not create A'Sharad Hett - he was created by previous author Tim Truman.

Hett was the main character in the "ongoing" series before Quinlan Vos showed up.
Ah, fair enough. *adds Tim Truman to the list of hacks*
Why is Tim Truman a hack, if somebody else made a character he created for the prequel-era into the main villain 200 years later?

Posted: 2007-12-13 01:37pm
by Illuminatus Primus
VT-16 wrote: Well, he studied under the supervision of an ancient Sith holocron and gathered some knowledge from others he found over the years, if anything he's gone back to the Sith roots, from a time long before Bane's Order. That still makes him a Sith.
SO legitimate, in fact, that he is taunted by his predecessors' spirits (as a frightened pretender, no less) who attempt to kill him. Compare this to the acceptance and legitimacy accorded to Bane's Sith by the dead Sith of several lineages. Ditto for Revan's Imperial Sith and the Fraternal Sith. In fact, the only renown Sith movement to be openly rejected, mocked, and sabotaged by the ancient Sith is Krayt's short-school-bus wannabe Sith.

Posted: 2007-12-13 05:16pm
by VT-16
Yeah, he's so mocked by old Sith, he even recieved his main training from one of the first in its history. :roll:

Posted: 2007-12-13 07:03pm
by Darth Fanboy
FTeik wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:
QuentinGeorge wrote:John Ostrander did not create A'Sharad Hett - he was created by previous author Tim Truman.

Hett was the main character in the "ongoing" series before Quinlan Vos showed up.
Ah, fair enough. *adds Tim Truman to the list of hacks*
Why is Tim Truman a hack, if somebody else made a character he created for the prequel-era into the main villain 200 years later?
BEcause the character of A'Sharad Hett:

a) is retarded. A "Tusken Jedi?" Oh it just turns out that his dad hung out with them and raised his son amongst them even though the Tuskens have incredible Xenophobia.

b) contributes to the problem of Tatooine being too important of a locale, when it should be treated as more of a backwater shithole. Everyone and their grandma is SW seems to be from Tatooine some times.

c) is practically a fucking Klingon the way he recounts his Tusken heritage. If I want that kind of crap, I'll lower my standards and watch some TNG-era Star Drek.

Posted: 2007-12-13 07:07pm
by Darth Fanboy
VT-16 wrote:Yeah, he's so mocked by old Sith, he even recieved his main training from one of the first in its history. :roll:
He recieved his training from a Holocron of XoXaan, not the Sith herself. It does not discount the embarassing scolding he recieved from Bane, Nihlus, and Andeddu.

Posted: 2007-12-13 09:19pm
by Battlehymn Republic
Darth Fanboy wrote:b) contributes to the problem of Tatooine being too important of a locale, when it should be treated as more of a backwater shithole. Everyone and their grandma is SW seems to be from Tatooine some times.
Is it just me, or is Tatooine Star Wars's Nazareth?
Darth Fanboy wrote:
VT-16 wrote:Yeah, he's so mocked by old Sith, he even recieved his main training from one of the first in its history. :roll:
He recieved his training from a Holocron of XoXaan, not the Sith herself. It does not discount the embarassing scolding he recieved from Bane, Nihlus, and Andeddu.
I think it's kind of too early to judge either way at this point. We'll have to wait for this month's issue to determine just how the hell Hett became a Sith. And the Xoxann thing is lame because they had to make a new Original Ancient Sith Lord just to justify Hett's abilities.

But I rather like how he was absolutely rejected by his ancestors. It's about time there was something new to the Sith. Jedi vs. Baneite Sith just too damn done.

Posted: 2007-12-13 10:36pm
by Illuminatus Primus
VT-16 wrote:Yeah, he's so mocked by old Sith, he even recieved his main training from one of the first in its history. :roll:
Yeah, because pilfering information from a glorified CD of teachings any Force-sensitive under the sun can get really qualifies as a endorsement. Kun and Qel-Droma received their imprimatur directly from the last undisputed Jen'ari of the First Sith Empire, Marka Ragnos. The Bane Sith were implicitly accepted amongst the ancient Sith and deigned them worthy of advice and consultation. Likewise with the Sith of the Third Sith Empire.

Posted: 2007-12-14 12:00am
by Desdinova
Krayt is as legitimate as you're going to get, although I'm very much amused at the importance some of you place on:

-Bane, the founder of a Sith Order more interested in hiding and playing power games for a thousand years than doing anything significant in the galaxy.

-Nihilus, whose claim to fame is that he could eat the life force of planets, yet still be defeated by a second-rate video game character.

-Addendu who... wait, sorry, we know nothing about this mummified clown.

So Krayt singlehandedly resurrects the Sith and brings them to a level of power unheard of since Palpatine's time. These three old farts are probably just jealous that none of them could do anything remotely similar.

That being said, if you're going to dismiss the XoXaan holocron as "a glorified CD," you have to do the same for the holocrons of the three ass-clowns mentioned above. Consistency matters, after all.

(Side note-I've long been amused that, despite the scale most here embrace for the military-industrial, historical and technological capabilities of the Star Wars universe, there are still a number who cry foul at the thought of someone living to the two hundreds. Whatever. I like the comics just fine, especially since, like Cade, I didn't know who Hett was beforehand.)

Posted: 2007-12-14 01:58am
by Illuminatus Primus
Desdinova wrote:Krayt is as legitimate as you're going to get, although I'm very much amused at the importance some of you place on:

-Bane, the founder of a Sith Order more interested in hiding and playing power games for a thousand years than doing anything significant in the galaxy.
Too bad that silly shit worked for his Order and Sidious, right?
Desdinova wrote:-Nihilus, whose claim to fame is that he could eat the life force of planets, yet still be defeated by a second-rate video game character.
Yeah, and legitimacy has what to do with following or political accomplishments. If a jackass usurps someone's throne or sets up a military dictatorship, and is famous, that makes him a legitimate successor? If the sedevacantist Antipope Peter II (Manuel Alonso Corral) has more followers than Saint Peter, is he a more legitimate claimant to being Bishop of Rome with respect to Roman Catholicism?
Desdinova wrote:-Addendu who... wait, sorry, we know nothing about this mummified clown.
Desdinova wrote:So Krayt singlehandedly resurrects the Sith and brings them to a level of power unheard of since Palpatine's time. These three old farts are probably just jealous that none of them could do anything remotely similar.
Okay? Not only do political accomplishments - in a vacuum and not accounting for circumstances or other variables, as well - not necessarily imply more political skill, or proficiency in any other skill set. Again, if the sedevacantist Antipope Peter II has more followers than Saint Peter, is he a better theologian? A better politician? More divinely inspired? Is General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, the successful leader of a military coup and thereafter, President of the Government Junta, a better tactician than the merely General George S. Patton? Marcus Antonius Gordianus (Gordian I) donned the purple and became the Emperor of Rome in 238. He ruled over a significantly larger territory than Prince Bismarck. Does that mean the former is a more successful leader than the latter? A more able politician?
Desdinova wrote:That being said, if you're going to dismiss the XoXaan holocron as "a glorified CD," you have to do the same for the holocrons of the three ass-clowns mentioned above. Consistency matters, after all.
Except you are implying that his finding and using the "glorified CD tutorial" automatically affords him with legitimacy with respect to the Sith religion, and also claiming that it is supporting evidence for his capability relative to other well-known Sith Lords. I never said that any of those Sith Lords' holocrons implied anything of the sort. Listening to Darth Sidious' editor's notes in the Telos Holocron does not make one the Sith Master of the Order of the Sith Lords. Nor does it make one the Galactic Emperor of the First Galactic Empire.
Desdinova wrote:(Side note-I've long been amused that, despite the scale most here embrace for the military-industrial, historical and technological capabilities of the Star Wars universe, there are still a number who cry foul at the thought of someone living to the two hundreds. Whatever. I like the comics just fine, especially since, like Cade, I didn't know who Hett was beforehand.)
That doesn't make Hett intrinsically less of a stupid character, or less of a bad choice to be the evil terrible Sith Lord, who apparently cannot even get a break from millennia-old dead guys who're supposed to be his ideological forbearers. And regardless of how you spin it, they very very nearly killed him in order while making fun of his ass.

Posted: 2007-12-14 02:38am
by VT-16
He recieved his training from a Holocron of XoXaan, not the Sith herself. It does not discount the embarassing scolding he recieved from Bane, Nihlus, and Andeddu.
Thanks for the double-standard, there. Those were all Holocrons as well, unless Sith Spirits now tie-in to their Holocrons. :roll: