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Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 04:00pm
by Boeing 757
Whatever they decide on doing, I just hope that they disregard the post Endor EU, and hire new actors up till now unknown to us. I for one do NOT want to see the old greying and fat gang.

Except for Ian McDiarmid, of course. Does anyone else want to see him again in a SW film? I know I do.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 04:20pm
by Luke Skywalker
Imagine this opening scene:

A star destroyer approaches a lush green planet.

OFFICER: Sir, we're advancing at full acceleration. All weapons are at full power. All shields are functional at full power. As you have commanded, should any component of the ship not be at full operational status, loud sirens will ring.

[show ship accelerating at around 200 meters/s^2]


In atmosphere

MYSTERIOUS FIGURE: Kill them...kill them all!
OFFICER: At your wish, sir. [turns to manual gunners] Set turbolasers to maximum power. Fire at will.

[turbolasers fire. Zoom to planet's surface. A turbolaser hits and vaporizes a large house.]

OFFICER: Sir, we've got an incoming warhead! In-

[Point defense systems try hitting warhead, all miss. Warhead detonates in an airburst -- looks like a MOAB. The star destroyer is shattered. Its pieces fall into the ocean and are crushed by the immense pressure.]

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 04:30pm
by Darksider
are you retarded?

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 04:31pm
by PeZook
The fuck did I just read?

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 04:49pm
by Flagg
That made my ass hurt.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 04:55pm
by Skywalker_T-65

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 05:03pm
by RogueIce
Darksider wrote:are you retarded?
He's the Goddamn Skywalker.

But anyway pretty sure he's one of those fans that would want Imperial officers to say "FIRE THE 200 GIGATON ULTRALIGHT TURBOLASERS!!!" every 30 seconds or so; that way he can run to the Internet and rub it in those silly Trekkies' faces about "G-canon G-canon HAHAHAHA!" and shit.

Just my guess, could be wrong.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 05:11pm
by Knife
I would want an epic story told in the SW universe. We've had King Aurthur and the black knight, let's move on to something else. I kind of joked with Hamlet, but honestly that's not a bad idea if you skip a generation and have the new young Jedi trying to live in a world of what Luke and Han made.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 06:20pm
by Havok
Oedipus? :D

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 06:22pm
by Ralin
RogueIce wrote:But anyway pretty sure he's one of those fans that would want Imperial officers to say "FIRE THE 200 GIGATON ULTRALIGHT TURBOLASERS!!!" every 30 seconds or so; that way he can run to the Internet and rub it in those silly Trekkies' faces about "G-canon G-canon HAHAHAHA!" and shit.

Just my guess, could be wrong.
My first impression was that he was talking about a Star Wars ship getting smacked down by Star Trek and implying how butthurt people would get over it.

But I think I'm mixing this thread up with the one at SA where people were talking about the possibility of Trek vs Wars movie.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 07:32pm
by PeZook
RogueIce wrote: He's the Goddamn Skywalker.

But anyway pretty sure he's one of those fans that would want Imperial officers to say "FIRE THE 200 GIGATON ULTRALIGHT TURBOLASERS!!!" every 30 seconds or so; that way he can run to the Internet and rub it in those silly Trekkies' faces about "G-canon G-canon HAHAHAHA!" and shit.

Just my guess, could be wrong.
No, it's the exact opposite of that.

It's just terrible, that's all.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 08:10pm
by LadyTevar
What happened to the proposed Rogue Squadron TV show?

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 08:49pm
by Havok
LadyTevar wrote:What happened to the proposed Rogue Squadron TV show?
Never heard of it.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-10-31 08:52pm
by Batman
I wondered if I was the only one to whom that was news.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 12:04am
by aussiemuscle308
Batman wrote:Not mine, but then I spend more than that every year on bat gadgets anyway. That being said, 'as long as he lived', and the man does have diabetis.
And frankly, George has been doing Star Wars for (literally) 35 years. Maybe he just decided he's tired of it.
He did joke that he was a famous director despite only doing two movies.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 12:32am
by Jim Raynor
LadyTevar wrote:What happened to the proposed Rogue Squadron TV show?
Now that you mention it, I very vaguely remember seeing mention of that years and years ago. I don't think it ever rose above the level of fan rumor. The only TV shows are the animated ones, and the written but still unfilmed Underworld.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 12:54am
by Havok
Well he did American Graffiti, THX1138, Tucker, Red Tails, Howard The Duck, Willow, The Indiana Jones Series and the Star Wars saga. I know I am forgetting something, but he had major roles in quite a few pretty damn good films.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 02:39am
by Optimus Metallus
The thing is that he's only actually directed six movies. THX 1138, American Grafitti, Star Wars, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. He was Producer on the Indiana Jones movies, but Steven Spielberg directed those. As for the rest of the movies on that list, he certainly didn't exactly cover himself with glory with Howard the Duck, Red Tails, or Willow...

He's a great idea man, without a doubt, but a good idea does not a good story make. Execution is also important, and that's where he falls flat. He works best when he has talented writers and directors take his ideas and make them reality.

But anyway, as long as we're talking the new Star Wars movie, I can't say I really care about their jettisoning the EU. They shouldn't throw it away completely, but there're definitely some good ideas here and there that they can pick out and take while throwing all the garbage out. I do think, though, that Episode VII - IX should be the continuation of the story of the Skywalkers. Any Star Wars movie with the word "Episode" in the title should be about the Skywalkers. And frankly, after the misfire of the prequel trilogy, I want the new trilogy to be about that story to give it the sendoff it properly deserves. Not only that, but I'd be thrilled to see some of the original cast members return. Let's get Mark Hamill back and have him be the Obi-Wan Kenobi to a younger character, if not the actual protagonist. That's something I'd be very happy to see. Once they wrap up Episodes VII - IX THEN tell other Star Wars stories unrelated to the Skywalkers. No more Episode Whatever. Just "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic", or whatever. Jump forward, back, or sideways in time and tell other stories set in the Star Wars movies. But for now I want to see the story of the Skywalkers come to a satisfactory conclusion, and there's no better time to do it then now, when we can see an aged and mature Luke Skywalker and what's become of the galaxy after decades of fighting.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 03:37am
by DrMckay
I never heard of the proposal for a Rogue Squadron Tv Show, and I'm not sure what Ep. VII would be like, but I imagine that despite the heavily-disputed EU there are still a lot of things most of the fans want to see.

I for one would be fine with a recasting, and adaptaion of the Thrawn Trilogy (recasting done in a similar manner to Trek 09,) with the sort of "Films as second draft to the books" that the Game of Thrones Tv show has done. I imagine most people would be okay with a Thrawn Trilogy in theatres with an adaptation of the X-Wing Series as a Tv show to fill in the gaps. I know I would.

I'd love to see Thrawn, Isard and Zinsj chew scenery, and I think Mara Jade would get a pretty good reception from audiences.

Such a movie series directed by Whedon, given how he handled Avengers and Firefly could be really, really good.

and yes. I'm already doing fantasy casting in my head.

Plus, the X-Wing show would come at a time where practically no space opera exists. Fantastic market.

oh. and Kevin J. Anderson? NEVER EXISTED.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 04:34am
by Havok
Nobody but fat nerds on the internet cares about Thrawn or Mara Jade or any of those other lame characters. They were cool one off characters to fill the Star Wars void, but they need to stay in the EU.

Even regular people that read the books when they first hit (Because it was the ONLY Star Wars thing out there and was actually exciting for a bit) probably have no idea that there have been more stories with Art Boy, nor do they care. To think that any EU character stands on the transcendent Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and Vader is ludicrous.

As Elfdart posted (and man am I glad) the story treatments for the new movie(s) are supposedly completely new and original and have no connection whatsoever with anything that has been done before in any level of Star Wars.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 06:27am
by Grumman
Havok wrote:Even regular people that read the books when they first hit (Because it was the ONLY Star Wars thing out there and was actually exciting for a bit) probably have no idea that there have been more stories with Art Boy, nor do they care. To think that any EU character stands on the transcendent Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and Vader is ludicrous.
So instead of using book-only characters with a correspondingly small fanbase, we should use new characters with no fanbase?

Don't get me wrong, I agree that the Thrawn books shouldn't be made as live action films. I just think you're wrong about why.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 02:46pm
by Jim Raynor
The Thrawn fanbase, such as it exists, is the SW fanbase. No SW fan is going to not watch this movie because Thrawn isn't in it. The EU is irrelevant.

And I don't want them to pattern these movies after the Thrawn Trilogy. Thrawn might be considered a high point of the EU, but to be honest those books lack the sense of scale and spectacle that SW movies are known for. And all three had anticlimactic cop outs in their endings.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 03:06pm
by Korgeta
Well so far the handover to Disney has been a smooth transtion, with the statement of a release in 2015, (which isn't that long for a film to be devloped) adds to the idea that Disney/lucasfilms have got a deft shortlist of candidates for casting, directing etc and perhaps won't be long before we get more info on who's doing what.

I imagine it could be Joss Whedon or even steven spielberg who always wanted to do a star wars film and would be the man Lucas would trust to mould his vision onto the next star war films, though I am expecting minor or cameo roles of the orignal characters such as solo, luke. I think out of the reutrn of old series Solo would be the most likely candidate due to harrison Ford still making films and pals with GL. I'm expecting chewbacca (not his incredibly lame ass named lowbacca cousion!) and of course those two droids.

We could see the Empire ships again but perhaps more modified with them under rebel hands, along with a mix of orignal material as well as briding the old series with the new. I don't want to see a splinter group of the empire or some kind of rebirth. the civil war is done with, but more importantly the new film needs a grand story and a powerful trailer, and needs to be unquie. To be fair on episodes I-III they were ok, just bogged down by bad writing and had scenes that were entirely predicatable at times. It needs to be Epic with a capital E.

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 05:21pm
by Boeing 757
I have to wonder whom or what Disney will present to us as a credible villain. Will it be the left over remnants of the Galactic Empire, or perhaps some other faction like the Yuuzhan Vong? Given that Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine are two of the most iconic evil-doers in the whole history of film-making, Disney has its work cut out for it. Thrawn, Zsinj, Isard and so forth do not even come close to that level of "badassness."

Re: Star Wars: 2015

Posted: 2012-11-01 06:21pm
by Jim Raynor
There's going to be a Dark Side Force user involved; no SW movie has ever gone without a lightsaber duel.

And even before the article stating that no previous EU would be used, there was no chance of the Vong being used. They're not just extreme BDSM and body mod freaks, they wear that on their sleeves. There's no way you can get a PG rating with villains like that. They'd repulse the moms and ten year old target audience.