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Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-01-17 02:29pm
by Thanas
They can't really kill any of the big trilogy characters. Lucas himself has reserved that right for himself only afaik. Remember that they had to ask him before they were even allowed to kill Chewie?

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-01-17 02:55pm
by JME2
Thanas wrote:They can't really kill any of the big trilogy characters. Lucas himself has reserved that right for himself only afaik. Remember that they had to ask him before they were even allowed to kill Chewie?
Yeah, but the further along the post-ROTJ EU progresses, the more absurd it would be for Lucas to not lift his no-kill policy. Luke, Han, Leia, and company aren't immortal; they're going to die at some point down the road in the timeline. The EU can't maintain a floating timeline. And there are still opportunities for stories involving the characters in other eras.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-01-17 02:58pm
by Thanas
I'd rather they left the original characters well alone and simply focused on other eras, like the legacy comics do. Otherwise it looks like those characters never even got a moment's rest in their life if the whole galaxy is so inept that they need Luke, Leia and Han to come to their rescue every damm time.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-13 08:14am
by Darth Yan
Since the latest book has been released, here are the latest spoilers Spoiler
Niathal commits suicide, cause she thinks she's blameless in helping Caedus get to the top. Vestara gets captured. Moff Lecersen is plotting to become emporer. The mandalorians attack the jedi temple and get their asses handed to them. Luke stops the nightsisters from ruining the dathomiri plan to merge the clans. the Sith approach with an alliance to stop Abeloth, Luke and Ben accept, and they team up. In the excerpt of Allies, Vestara confesses to her dad that she is attracted to ben as much as he is to her, and he tells her "GOOD, use it to corrupt him. make him one of us." In true palpatine style. Oh, and someone tries to assassinate Jag. And Daala has sex with a Bothan. Yahh. kinda wierd
sorry if i'm spamming, I'm not trying too.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-13 12:45pm
by JME2
Darth Yan wrote:Spoiler
And Daala has sex with a Bothan. Yahh. kinda wierd

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-13 01:19pm
by The Grim Squeaker
JME2 wrote:
Darth Yan wrote:Spoiler
And Daala has sex with a Bothan. Yahh. kinda wierd
It's not like the Rogue Squadron books didn't bring it up first ;)

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-13 03:44pm
by Darksider
uuugh. They don't get...... descriptive, do they?

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-13 06:59pm
by adam_grif
Darksider wrote:uuugh. They don't get...... descriptive, do they?
Don't be so unappreciative. Many Bothans died bringing us this information.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-13 07:15pm
by Kingmaker
Don't be so unappreciative. Many Bothans died bringing us this information.
Lie back and think of Bothawui? *shudder*

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-14 03:03pm
by Darth Yan
on the plus side the mandalorians get there asses handed to them, and Daala is loosing support. And there actually is a lot of debate at TFN. Apparently people are learning to open their minds and actually debate rather then be little pussies.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-14 09:00pm
by Havok
Wait... I'm sorry... did you say that Luke is approached by the Sith and agrees to work with them? Because I think that is what you said...

Hold on...

Yup, that is what you said. The Sith... and Luke... team up. Uh huh.

And you guys keep buying this garbage why?

And really... Jedi Sith Marvel team up and you guys are going :wtf: at some inter species sex? Idiots.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-14 11:25pm
by Gaidin
Havok wrote:Wait... I'm sorry... did you say that Luke is approached by the Sith and agrees to work with them? Because I think that is what you said...

Hold on...

Yup, that is what you said. The Sith... and Luke... team up. Uh huh.

And you guys keep buying this garbage why?

And really... Jedi Sith Marvel team up and you guys are going :wtf: at some inter species sex? Idiots.
Well, Luke does die before 137 ABY never know what might happen.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-15 02:51am
by Ritterin Sophia
Gaidin wrote:
Havok wrote:Wait... I'm sorry... did you say that Luke is approached by the Sith and agrees to work with them? Because I think that is what you said...

Hold on...

Yup, that is what you said. The Sith... and Luke... team up. Uh huh.

And you guys keep buying this garbage why?

And really... Jedi Sith Marvel team up and you guys are going :wtf: at some inter species sex? Idiots.
Well, Luke does die before 137 ABY never know what might happen.
The average life of a human in Star Wars based on Leia's estimate about Han is ~120 years before major problems start arising, and something about Force users makes them live slightly longer than the average, so it's completely possible that Luke could die of old age.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-15 10:30am
by Gaidin
General Schatten wrote: The average life of a human in Star Wars based on Leia's estimate about Han is ~120 years before major problems start arising, and something about Force users makes them live slightly longer than the average, so it's completely possible that Luke could die of old age.
Nothing stopping them from doing that of course. My only problem with an old age death is how relatively young his force ghost is when they use it in those comics. Going by the movies the force ghosts tend to favor the Jedi's last sense of 'true identity'(I lack a better term) given how young they made Anakin's after Episode 3 was out and when they modified the end of Episode 6 to suit. Of course, I'm not the most knowledgeable of the intricacies on how they work their canon so I have no clue how much attention they'll pay to that.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-15 12:02pm
by Darth Yan
It's largely due to the appearence of Abeloth, an obscenely powerful eldritch abomination who seeks to control all the galaxy. Also these sith are more well intentioned extremists. They feel that the galaxy (and the world they lord over) need strong leadership. As I said back when this first plot point was introduced, it would either be really original or really stupid. Although my father also found the idea ridiculous when I mentioned it. Still, it could actually work.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-15 01:07pm
by JME2
Havok wrote:And you guys keep buying this garbage why?
Don't look at me; Millennium Falcon stands as my last EU purchase unless Luceno pens another book. 8)
Darth Yan wrote:It's largely due to the appearence of Abeloth, an obscenely powerful eldritch abomination who seeks to control all the galaxy. Also these sith are more well intentioned extremists. They feel that the galaxy (and the world they lord over) need strong leadership. As I said back when this first plot point was introduced, it would either be really original or really stupid. Although my father also found the idea ridiculous when I mentioned it. Still, it could actually work.
I'm just sick of the Sith at this point. They've become for Del Rey what the Imps/Super Weapons were for Bantam. Suffice it to say, I'm missing the Yuuzhan Vong more and more these days.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-15 11:43pm
by Stofsk
JME2 wrote:
Havok wrote:And you guys keep buying this garbage why?
Don't look at me; Millennium Falcon stands as my last EU purchase unless Luceno pens another book. 8)
Did you read that book with the crazy title, Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor I believe it was called? Was it any good?
Darth Yan wrote:I'm just sick of the Sith at this point. They've become for Del Rey what the Imps/Super Weapons were for Bantam. Suffice it to say, I'm missing the Yuuzhan Vong more and more these days.
Hey, I hear you - I'm a Zahn fanboy. :)

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-17 12:07am
by JME2
Stofsk wrote:Did you read that book with the crazy title, Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor I believe it was called? Was it any good?
Stover's my second favorite EU writer; I've been meaning to pick it up once my library gets it, but the reviews here on SDN were generally positive, IIRC.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-21 05:22am
by Darth Yan
well the sith aren't the big bads, which is a point in their favor. and luke's actually using vestara as a sort of hostage to keep them from doublecrossing him (from what he's seen the sith actually give a rats ass about family.)

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-22 12:13am
by JME2
Darth Yan wrote:well the sith aren't the big bads, which is a point in their favor. and luke's actually using vestara as a sort of hostage to keep them from doublecrossing him (from what he's seen the sith actually give a rats ass about family.)
Good points. But I'm still sick of the Sith overall.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-22 12:39am
by Havok
Darth Yan wrote:well the sith aren't the big bads, which is a point in their favor. and luke's actually using vestara as a sort of hostage to keep them from doublecrossing him (from what he's seen the sith actually give a rats ass about family.)
So, the Jedi take hostages now? :roll:

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-03-22 02:49am
by Darth Yan
It's more what anyone else would have done. Your dealing with a known treacherous race that won't hesitate to doublecross you? I would have done the same thing. It's as more as an unfortunate but necessary evil

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-04-17 06:49pm
by Darth Yan
it's also been implied that Callista will show up in either Allies or Vortex. And Luke will have to meet Akanah in book 6. AWKWARRRRRD!!!!!!!!!!

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-07-12 06:41pm
by Darth Yan
Things first:

Jaina and Jagged end the engagment for the time being because things are too awkward, and the conflict of interest is too strong.

Luke and the Sith fight Abeloth. It's also revealed that Abeloth murdered Callista years ago and absorbed her; she actually pretends to be callista to fool luke but luke sees through the illusion and attacks her. She seemingly dies, but the blurb for Conviction reveals that she survived. Ben duels Garver Khai, and the fighting is inconlusive. Bwuatu dies, and it ends with a recording of when Tahiri murdered palleon playing during her trial. I actually felt that it was a very well written and kind of tragic scene; tahiri now seems like a monster to the jury, even though the reader knows it's tearing her apart. For all it's weaknesses, the series still does have quite a bit of potential left to it. In short, it might actually save the EU.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-07-12 09:30pm
by JME2
Again, it looks like they're trying to repair the damage and laziness inflicted by LOTF. Not bad, but I'm on the outskirts of the EU these days.