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Posted: 2002-07-18 04:51pm
by Kuja
WTF?!?!!? That is TOTALLY uncalled for!

*Turn to Sith God.* You are a troll. Die, troll. *fires blaster*

*Turns to User099* As for you.... *slaps 099 on the cheek. 099 runs off crying.*

Anyway, I've noticed a problem w/YV technology. Consider the following:

Control Tower: You're coming in too fast!
Y-wing pilot: Oh, crap!
Y-wing hits ground, bounces, then grinds to a stop.
Control Tower: You're coming in too fast!
Coralskipper pilot: Oh, crap!

Posted: 2002-07-23 08:05am
by Darth Gojira
IG-88E wrote:Thracken, Han's cousin? Thracken Sal-Solo? He was in the Corellian Trilogy. In NJO, Anakin hesitated to use Centerpoint Station as a strategic weapon. Thracken grabbed the controls and ended up wiping out both a YV fleet and the Hapan fleet!

As to the gun, thanks...I needed that. *Pulls bullet out of head, reloads it. Now then, to business!

I'm with you!!!!! (Picks up axe, tries to find Salvadore's house)

Posted: 2002-07-23 10:22pm
by Captain Cyran
IG-88E wrote:And it's not just Chewy! Anakin! Anakin freaking Solo gets killed off! And that lousy goon Thracken gets put in charge of Corellia?!?!?!?
Yep.....New Republic are dumbasses...putting Thracken in charge, the guy who killed how many people?....One can only think that the NR won't make it past this.

Posted: 2002-07-24 04:57pm
by Darth Yoshi
Actually, the NR is, for most intents and purposes, dead. I mean, the Advisory council consists entirely of anti-Jedi and appeasement advocates. They even tried to kill off the entire Fleet group three! A third of the NR fleet! I just hope the council gets sacrificed or something.

Posted: 2002-07-24 10:30pm
by Mr. B
One thing is for sure. The Empire would have crushed the YV at the Rim and then went on to burn their entire home galaxy to the ground.

Posted: 2002-07-24 10:50pm
by Master of Ossus
No, I don't think so, Mr. B. The Empire would have been able to crush their vanguards, but I keep hearing that they have several hundred worldships. I don't know if even the Empire could have stood up to that kind of a force. On the other hand, they would have done better than the NR is doing.

Posted: 2002-07-24 10:58pm
by Mr Bean
Empire has
Better Captial Ships
Better Super-weapons of doom....!
Better Command Structor and Commanders
More Crazy Jedi Masters than you can shake a stick at(*cloning)
Force Blocking Alien Lizards
Under Thrawn at least it had all this nice cool stuff...

NR Has
Two Good Commanders(Who where Imperal Trained, Ibus and Ackbar)
Better Star-Fighters(General speaking)
Umm Luke... And Co.. I guess
The only man able to beat a ripped Shirt Kirk... SOLO!
Planet of da Wookies who saddly don't get out as much as they need to

I'd say the Empire lead by Thrawn right at the begining of TLC could kick Vog arse all the way back to wherever they came from easily
Numerical Advantage is allways a temporarly thing when you have tons of ship-yards and Thrawn to command the ships

Posted: 2002-07-24 11:31pm
by Master of Ossus
Plus, with Thrawn in charge, they never would have stopped building capital ships and designing new models like they did in the NR. He would have built far more ships to throw at the YV. I don't think it would have been an easy victory for him, and I don't think he could have kept the YV out of the galaxy, but I DO think he would have stopped them before they reached the Core worlds, and maybe even prevented them from taking Ithor. After their waves from outside the galaxy had died down, he would have pushed them back straight to the Rim.

Posted: 2002-07-26 09:29am
by willburns84
Yes, the Empire would have utterly crushed the Vong in only a few battles. The naked power of tens of thousands of capital ships with uncounted millions of smaller vessels, not to mention fighter craft.

The Empire has nigh limitless resources to draw upon, both in terms of personnel and materiel with which to feed their colossal war machine. Even if Vong tech was decided to be marginally superior, sheer numbers would eventually crush the Vong. To hell with their worldships. A few ISD's can pound one into oblivion in relatively short order even if there are the ultra retarded black hole shields...

Posted: 2002-07-26 03:03pm
by Darth Yoshi
Mr Bean wrote:I'd say the Empire lead by Thrawn right at the begining of TLC could kick Vog arse all the way back to wherever they came from easily
Numerical Advantage is allways a temporarly thing when you have tons of ship-yards and Thrawn to command the ships
No kidding. Thrawn wasted the best of the Pre-Clone Wars troops sent by Palpatine with just six Patrol Boats. How's that for genius?

Posted: 2002-07-26 03:14pm
by paladin
Darth Yoshi wrote:Actually, the NR is, for most intents and purposes, dead. I mean, the Advisory council consists entirely of anti-Jedi and appeasement advocates. They even tried to kill off the entire Fleet group three! A third of the NR fleet! I just hope the council gets sacrificed or something.
I guess this would be where we could see a new empire raising with Anakin Solo as emperor.

Posted: 2002-07-26 03:32pm
by Darth Yoshi
Fascinating. I will have meditate on this.

Posted: 2002-07-26 09:42pm
by Master of Ossus
I hope the Advisory Council takes Jacen with them, when they go to hell.

BTW, I have heard from some friends of mine (who have a friend....) that the NR IS going to go the way of the Dodo. Actually, I have some friends who would be able to tell me. :D

Posted: 2002-07-26 10:26pm
by Darth Yoshi
Nuh-uh. We've lost enough Solos already. Don't give Han something else to not live for.

Posted: 2002-07-26 10:34pm
by Soontir C'boath
Plus to the fact that SW main Chars.. are not immune to that invulnerable thingamajig. Kill off Lando he's practically not written one bit in NJO.


Posted: 2002-07-26 10:41pm
by Darth Yoshi
No kidding. He's only appeared in Vector Prime.

Posted: 2002-07-26 11:28pm
by TheDarkling
Darth Yoshi: He appeared in more than that but he hasnt really done much.

Posted: 2002-07-26 11:57pm
by Master of Ossus
Darth Yoshi wrote:No kidding. He's only appeared in Vector Prime.
That's not true. Lando had a moderately important role in SbS, creating the YV droids, attempting to sell them, and later commanding a failed attempt to protect Coruscant.

NR vs Vong

Posted: 2002-07-28 01:36am
by Tychu
The miain problem i think with the New Republics lack of action against the Vong are all the things that were said in this message board put together. All problems can be taken from the non-human species that are in high ranking power in the NR. Just imagine what would happen if Palpatine was still in power and still on a force crusade. There are other problems besides the NR characters. the authors of the NJO seem to give Nom Anor many lives. he should have died many times in the NJO. The only time i was rooting for Borsk was when he knew he was going to die but wanted the Vong to make Tsavong Lah show himself to Borsk so he can blow up the building he was in and kill both him and Lah. I have one other thing to say, i want Boba Fett to show himself in the NJO before its through

Posted: 2002-07-28 01:40am
by Master of Ossus
I think the main problem with Jedi inaction is this:

"Oh my god(s, or no god, depending on which race is talking), they're killing everyone and sacrificing the prisoners to their own gods!"

"Maybe if we're reeeaaaallllly nice to them and just give them the galaxy, then they'll go away."

"Good plan, let's do it without consulting anybody else who might know more about the Yuuzhan Vong than we do, and who might try to talk us out of it!"

But you're right, Tychu, that is a problem.

BTW, welcome to

Posted: 2002-07-28 10:16pm
by Darth Yoshi
Master of Ossus wrote:
Darth Yoshi wrote:No kidding. He's only appeared in Vector Prime.
That's not true. Lando had a moderately important role in SbS, creating the YV droids, attempting to sell them, and later commanding a failed attempt to protect Coruscant.
Hey that's right. I totally forgot about SbS. I feel so stupid now. :oops:

GE whips YV like the Trekripoffs they are

Posted: 2002-08-10 06:41am
by Darth Gojira
Darth Yoshi wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:I'd say the Empire lead by Thrawn right at the begining of TLC could kick Vog arse all the way back to wherever they came from easily
Numerical Advantage is allways a temporarly thing when you have tons of ship-yards and Thrawn to command the ships
No kidding. Thrawn wasted the best of the Pre-Clone Wars troops sent by Palpatine with just six Patrol Boats. How's that for genius?
Not exactly a tactical genius, huh? Thrawn is overrated

Posted: 2002-08-10 01:49pm
by Master of Ossus
The Empire would have defeated the YV easily, as stated in Traitor. Grand Admiral Thrawn likely could have won, had he been able to take over the Galaxy instead of being killed by Ruuk.

Posted: 2002-08-10 01:57pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Thawn, overrated? Yeah right! Anybody can make a mistake, and frankly I'd like to have seen any Imperial commander do better! It's only through sheer luck (and Leia, that meddling kid) that the entire galaxy didn't have to bow down and pledge their allegiance to a man named Thrawn!

Posted: 2002-08-10 02:46pm
by Master of Ossus
You don't seem to understand what Thrawn did. He massacred a larger force, made up of ships far more powerful than his own, without casualties. That is an enormous benefit to his forces. It is said that Napoleon might have been worth 10,000 men on the field. Thrawn puts Napoleon to shame. He is clearly a Force magnifier, by as much as ten or even thirty times.