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Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-10-12 08:52pm
by Thanas
It did. But to be honest, it at least managed to solve some of the worst choices the Voyager idiots ever made with regards to character work. In any case, I am willing to give Golden the benefit of the doubt though.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-10-12 09:08pm
by Darksider
Looking at wookiepedia, it seems like they're trying to correct the biggest mistake they make with NJO and Legacy. The series is shorter, and there are fewer authors on the rotation. Looks like Alliston starts off each three-book part, Golden writes the middle, and then Denning finishes it off.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-10-14 05:30pm
by Darth Yan
The real problem with Legacy was that Traviss made the middle go off on a tangeant with her wankdalorians. Karen, if you want to do your wanking, don't derail an existing series to do so.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-10-14 05:38pm
by Darksider
Darth Yan wrote:The real problem with Legacy was that Traviss made the middle go off on a tangeant with her wankdalorians. Karen, if you want to do your wanking, don't derail an existing series to do so.
Honestly, Legacy was a pretty crappy series that was just re-hashing the prequels even before Traviss got her grubby claws on it. Traviss' bullshit was just the last straw that pushed it from "generic non-original boring" crap to "This completely fucking sucks and I will never read it" crap.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-10-15 06:49am
by Ritterin Sophia
Yeah, when I read Legacy I literally slammed Betrayal up against the wall in NERDRAGEQUIT then took it out to the range the next day to introduce it to this box of .308 I just bought.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-10-15 11:43am
by Darth Yan
Maybe the war would have been better if it was just ex-generals who didn't like the way the GA handled the vong issue and who couldn't let go of the past.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-16 03:28pm
by Darth Yan
And in the latest news, the jedi and sith will actually join forces in order to fight Abeloth. This has either the potential to be really good or really stupid.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-24 09:49pm
by JME2
Darth Yan wrote:And in the latest news, the jedi and sith will actually join forces in order to fight Abeloth. This has either the potential to be really good or really stupid.
That's a partnership that's definitely not going to end well.

This actually sounds somewhat interesting. It's sounding like they're paying attention to the criticisms and complaints of LOTF. I'm not going to buy it, but I will keep tabs on this.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-24 10:33pm
by Darksider
I'm not really certain what sith are left to form a partnership with the Jedi, since half of them got eaten by abeloth, and the other half got butchered by Luke in their half-assed capture attempt. The only one of them who isn't dead is on the run with Luke having marked her with a Dathomiri blood trail, so she'll be caught soon enough.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-25 11:45am
by Pelranius
Darksider wrote:I'm not really certain what sith are left to form a partnership with the Jedi, since half of them got eaten by abeloth, and the other half got butchered by Luke in their half-assed capture attempt. The only one of them who isn't dead is on the run with Luke having marked her with a Dathomiri blood trail, so she'll be caught soon enough.
She still has a lot of fellow Sith back on the home planet. It was the strike team that got nailed (the Lost Tribe even has a fleet of sorts). A joke going around TFN is that she will be hooking up with Ben.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-25 02:48pm
by Darth Yan
they will have to coop in book 5, so it might happen.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-29 05:28pm
by Darth Yan
I liked how jaina was able to play the situation so that they rescued jedi while simultaneously making the GA and Daala look like complete asses. Very well played Jaina. She might actually become the galactic empress of the remnant with Jagged.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-29 06:41pm
by Darksider
Darth Yan wrote:I liked how jaina was able to play the situation so that they rescued jedi while simultaneously making the GA and Daala look like complete asses. Very well played Jaina. She might actually become the galactic empress of the remnant with Jagged.
you talking about how they revealed that the commander of the GA's "not-guantanamo bay" facility was using Valin and Jsylla horn as wall decorations? It seems like Daala's stuffed her ranks with douchbags who'd be better suited to the old empire, what with her decorating her office with imperial symbols and actually wearing her grand admiral's uniform at a fucking press conference. It seems like they're setting up Dalaa as a pro-imperial fanatic who'll have to be taken down by the Jedi before she creates New Orderv.2.0. At the very least, her tenure as chief of state must be pissing off wedge and all the other die hard rebels who saw friends die to liberate the galaxy from imperial tyranny. Remember that line in the beginning of Outcast about palpatine's ghost laughing his ass off? I'm seriously hoping that the Jedi and the elements of the Galactic Alliance who aren't fucking sheep with no memories past the vong war will join together and oust that stupid bitch from her position. Her being chief-of-state is bad enough, but the fact that the emblem of the galactic empire is hanging on the wall of her office must have every dead rebel rolling in their graves fast enough to power all of Coruscant.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-29 07:21pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Okay, I haven't paid much attention to post-Endor EU material besides the Legacy comics, I know the Galactic Alliance is supposed to be the succesor state to the failed New Republic after Coruscant was turned into Yuuhzan'tar v2.0. So, can someone explain to me how Natassi Daala, a woman who has on a number of occasion has attacked not only New Republic forces but shown blatant disregard for the lives of civilians, became the leader of the 'Third Galactic Republic'?

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-29 08:37pm
by Darksider
General Schatten wrote:Okay, I haven't paid much attention to post-Endor EU material besides the Legacy comics, I know the Galactic Alliance is supposed to be the succesor state to the failed New Republic after Coruscant was turned into Yuuhzan'tar v2.0. So, can someone explain to me how Natassi Daala, a woman who has on a number of occasion has attacked not only New Republic forces but shown blatant disregard for the lives of civilians, became the leader of the 'Third Galactic Republic'?
The writers and planners of the Legacy arc were fucking retards. It seems like a good portion of FoTJ will be spent fixing the shit they broke.

EDIT: In universe, she was nominated to be chief-of-state by Han Solo. No, i'm not making that up. See the above comment about the legacy writers.

In the Falcon novel, Han basically admits that his grief over loosing Jacen and all the shit that happened impaired his judgment when he nominated her

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-29 10:07pm
by JME2
Darksider wrote:In the Falcon novel, Han basically admits that his grief over loosing Jacen and all the shit that happened impaired his judgment when he nominated her
Yeah, I loved how Luceno used Han as a mouthpiece for the stupidity of the LOTF team.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-29 10:10pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Darksider wrote:In the Falcon novel, Han basically admits that his grief over loosing Jacen and all the shit that happened impaired his judgment when he nominated her
'Impaired his judgement'? Han 'Shot First' Solo? No that's not impairment, that's outright delirium, fuck that's retarded.

Jesus Christ, Yodakenobi's review of Betrayal wasn't even the half of it.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-29 11:29pm
by Darksider
JME2 wrote:Yeah, I loved how Luceno used Han as a mouthpiece for the stupidity of the LOTF team.
Again, one of the things I like about FoTJ is that it seems to be going to great lengths to fix all the shit that Legacy fucked up.

Remember Traviss' mando-wank bullshit in Betrayal? All that crap about how they were better fighters than Jedi and were "hard to read" and all that shit?

In FoTJ Dalaa contacts Fett to get mandos for use as her secret anti-jedi gestapo, and they get caught spying on the temple. There's a fight as the Jedi attempt to capture one of the Mandos with top-secret spy gear that Dalaa had no legal right to hand over to them, and the Mandos attempt to stop the Jedi from escaping with their crazy jedi prisoner.

End result: No dead jedi, five dead mandos, three being killed due to jedi-induced jetpack malfuntions, one mando permanently blinded 'cause she was watching through some fancy scope when Leia activated her lightsaber, and the Jedi get away with their prisoner after forcing the rest of the mandos to flee. The only thing they can put in the win column is that they didn't get caught red-handed with their fancy scope, but they failed every other objective, and failed to even injure any of the Jedi. And the only reason more mandos weren't killed was because they were fighting defensively, trying to disarm the mandos rather than kill them outright. Hell, these weren't even top-ranked Jedi, 'cause Leia is the only master among them and she spends most of the fight chasing the blind chick with the scope.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-30 06:53am
by Darth Yan
One of them was Jaden Korr who's not exactly a minor knight. The dude went toe to toe with Marka freaking Ragnos and won. And another one was Bazel, who had wierd powers granted by psychosis.

I also suspect that Abeloth's involvement will help oust Daala.

Edit: Schatten, your thinking of Revelation not Betrayal. Allston wrote Betrayal.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-30 01:46pm
by Darth Hoth
Darksider wrote:Hell, these weren't even top-ranked Jedi, 'cause Leia is the only master among them and she spends most of the fight chasing the blind chick with the scope.
Heh. I can picture a Wayne Poe machinima based on that. With Yakety Sax as the Leitmotif. :twisted:

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-30 04:02pm
by Darth Yan
as i said two of the three average knights weren't exactly average knights. Jaden Korr fought and defeated Marka Ragnos (one of the most powerful sith of all time) and bazel warv had this wierd power that was presumably given by abeloth. either way abyss was a turning point. the jedi were able to gain sympathy points by revealing that Daala had appointed complete douchebags to the post, while saving jedi

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-30 10:58pm
by JME2
Darksider wrote:In FoTJ Dalaa contacts Fett to get mandos for use as her secret anti-jedi gestapo, and they get caught spying on the temple. There's a fight as the Jedi attempt to capture one of the Mandos with top-secret spy gear that Dalaa had no legal right to hand over to them, and the Mandos attempt to stop the Jedi from escaping with their crazy jedi prisoner.

End result: No dead jedi, five dead mandos, three being killed due to jedi-induced jetpack malfuntions, one mando permanently blinded 'cause she was watching through some fancy scope when Leia activated her lightsaber, and the Jedi get away with their prisoner after forcing the rest of the mandos to flee. The only thing they can put in the win column is that they didn't get caught red-handed with their fancy scope, but they failed every other objective, and failed to even injure any of the Jedi. And the only reason more mandos weren't killed was because they were fighting defensively, trying to disarm the mandos rather than kill them outright. Hell, these weren't even top-ranked Jedi, 'cause Leia is the only master among them and she spends most of the fight chasing the blind chick with the scope.
Heh. Poor, stupid Fandalorian fan-whore. Only know at the end does she understand that her precious Mando's are no match for the power of internal logic -- and saner minds at LFL... 8)

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2009-12-31 03:41am
by Darth Yan
i'm curious as too how the fanwhores at tfn reacted.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-01-16 01:09pm
by Darth Yan
I'm curious as to who the warrior jacen saw in his vision was? The only thing that's certain is that abeloth will be involved in the events of the vision.

Still, Backlash seems to be were the struggle between the jedi and daala kicks into high gear. also they confirmed that the guy on the cover of Allies is Vestara's father. The main problem with Legacy was that things didn't kick into high gear until book 5, with this, it kicks into high gear with book 3.

Here are my predictions

Book 4: Ben and Vestara meet, ves gets captured, Luke and Ben learn about tribe, while Abeloth finally starts making an impact (beyond terrifying Allana and acting creepy in book 3.) Struggle on coruscant kicks up

Book 5: Jedi Sith Team up. Something happens with luke or ben. Ben and Ves start to fall in wuv.

Book 6: Struggle starts to build up with Tahiri trial, abeloth plot line developed

Book 7: Abeloth breaks free from prison and tries to launch plans. political battle reaches climax in tahiri trial,

Book 8: Abeloth curbstomps the sith world and society; Daala finally grows up and admits that maybe she needs the jedi after all, what with abeloth. stage for final battle is set.

Book 9: Final battle between Ben, Luke, Vestara, Jedi, Sith Remnant, and Abeloth. Battle is won and abeloth is destroyed (alebeit with many casualties), scoring the jedi a public relations victory that turns their situation around. Jaina and Jagged tie the not, Ben and Ves shippers are pleased, and Luke probably sacrifices himself to destroy abeloth. Family finally comes to terms with Jacen's actions.

Re: are the Fate of the Jedi books any good?

Posted: 2010-01-16 08:47pm
by JME2
Darth Yan wrote:...and Luke probably sacrifices himself to destroy abeloth. Family finally comes to terms with Jacen's actions.
Ever since his Force Ghost appeared in the comics, I've been curious as to the circumstances behind his death, if they were planned or if they left themselves an opening at some point down the line. I'm all but certain it's the latter, but nonetheless I'd be very curious if they go for the gold and off Luke here.