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Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-14 09:57pm
by Count Chocula
Ohh, yes-a. Don't forget your muy-muy popcorn!

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-14 10:08pm
by Darksider
here's a scary thought.....

what if it's actually funny?

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 02:15am
by The Romulan Republic
I just saw the episode with a group of rookie clones on some remote outpost. And despite the mild clone wanking, I was amused to hear the clones repeatedly bitch about how their were no Jedi there. The clones certainly showed no resentment of the Jedi, but rather appreciated the value of having them along. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not another subtle break from the Travis view of the Clone Wars? This show is winning me over, if only for weakening Travis's position.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 05:25am
by Old Plympto
Latest episode:

1. What used to be composite VFX on film is now part and parcel of this series' virtual environment, allowing blaster flashes and lightsaber glows to illuminate their surroundings. Also, blaster hits on the crates caused them to move back bit by bit. Nothing really important, but I'm glad that the animation directors are putting these kind of thoughts into the production.

2. As a 6 year old after watching the first movie in the late 70s, I filled in the blanks of what Artoo is like and what his capabilities are when I was playing or drawing about Star Wars. It's as if someone picked out Artoo's extra awesomeness from my mind and put it onscreen in this episode (and some scenes last episode).

Despite the dread watching next week's promo, there's this niggling thought that maybe, just maybe, the writers are able to make HIM a wee bit likable. Maybe. Fingers crossed.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 07:42am
by VT-16
Yeah, that kill came out of nowhere! :shock: Thought for sure the Republic characters would get a shot at it.

R2 vs R3 was the cutest thing to come out of SW. Ever. I laughed at their initial head-on confrontation, with the relatively slow rolling towards each other and the zapping attack. :mrgreen:

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 12:03pm
by NecronLord
Darksider wrote:Did anyone else not expect grevious to actually kill that smuggler-guy?
I'm sort of expecting that either he or Dooku will kill Asoka.

And, though I rather like her, I would far rather she escaped more narrowly here. Or preferably had to be rescued while being marched off by some battle droids. She's what, twelve, and she can take on General Grievous and live? :wtf:

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 01:08pm
by VT-16
And the director said Grievous was mostly toying with her.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 01:24pm
by Havok
The Romulan Republic wrote:I just saw the episode with a group of rookie clones on some remote outpost. And despite the mild clone wanking, I was amused to hear the clones repeatedly bitch about how their were no Jedi there. The clones certainly showed no resentment of the Jedi, but rather appreciated the value of having them along. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not another subtle break from the Travis view of the Clone Wars? This show is winning me over, if only for weakening Travis's position.
I noticed this as well. However, I thought of it more as appreciating the Jedi as they would appreciate an effective cannon or a strong shield. It is still a break with Travis IIRC, as when she writes them, the clones think the Jedi are mostly useless.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 01:25pm
by Havok
NecronLord wrote:She's what, twelve, and she can take on General Grievous and live? :wtf:
Size matters not... :wink:

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 01:37pm
by VT-16
It does to Dave Filoni, since he said she's small enough to duck and hide easier than an adult. :P

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 03:26pm
by NecronLord
VT-16 wrote:14.
And the director said Grievous was mostly toying with her.
Yeah, that much was obvious. But she still managed to take his hand off, or am I mis-remembering?

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 03:37pm
by The Romulan Republic
NecronLord wrote:
Darksider wrote:Did anyone else not expect grevious to actually kill that smuggler-guy?
I'm sort of expecting that either he or Dooku will kill Asoka.

And, though I rather like her, I would far rather she escaped more narrowly here. Or preferably had to be rescued while being marched off by some battle droids. She's what, twelve, and she can take on General Grievous and live? :wtf:
Personally, I'd prefer Ventris. Her character is always underused compared to Grievous, and having her kill Asoka would make future conflicts between her and Anakin much more personal. I'm thinking that sequence in the original Clone Wars cartoon where Anakin goes berserk on her.

However, I personally have doubts Asoka will even die. While Lucas, unlike say, Speilberg, has shown a willingness to kill children in his films (Episode 3), the fact that this show is clearly intended to be an all ages or kids product makes me wonder. Maybe they'll contrive some way for her to escape Order 66, with everyone believing she's dead or something.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 04:52pm
by Darwin
The Romulan Republic wrote: Maybe they'll contrive some way for her to escape Order 66, with everyone believing she's dead or something.
apparently order66 didn't actually kill anyone popular, so this is likely.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 04:56pm
by VT-16
It would be funny is Anakin manages to cope with not being attached to her, like Yoda mentioned in the film, if he kills her as Vader at the end of the series. Thus providing some dramatic irony.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 04:59pm
by The Romulan Republic
VT-16 wrote:It would be funny is Anakin manages to cope with not being attached to her, like Yoda mentioned in the film, if he kills her as Vader at the end of the series. Thus providing some dramatic irony.
To dark for a kid's show. Plus, I suspect it will end before Episode 3 begins. Else how do they explain Asoka's absence from the film? Her existence creates certain continuity issues after all. :wink:

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 06:04pm
by Elfdart
Is it me or does the music from the beginning of Episode 6 sound like Vampire Hunters from Bram Stoker's Dracula?

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 07:23pm
by Connor MacLeod
NecronLord wrote: Yeah, that much was obvious. But she still managed to take his hand off, or am I mis-remembering?
Grievous in some ways is as stupidly arrogant as the Jedi. Thus, he's not immune from making mistakes.

Its not like losing a hand is going to greatly inconveninence him though, either.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 07:35pm
by seanrobertson
Darksider wrote: If a Venator can sustain multiple hits from 60-petaton prow turbolasers on the Munificents, and indeed sustain 230 petatons worth of firepower before they "have trouble" then shouldn't triple digit gigaton and single digit teraton level weapons bounce off their shields like a summer rain?
My apologies, Darksider. When I posted that message, I was thoroughly buzzed on cold medication. I can't even remember why I took any issue with your post :?:

My guess is that I don't have a serious problem with the Munny prow TL's "ice moon-melting" shots knocking out or, at least, seriously threatening a Venstar's shields; rather, I might've objected because I thought it didn't seem likely that a 5 petaton blast would do the job.

The reason I say that's because Venstars have a power output on the order of 3.6E24W. A petaton is ~4E24J; thus, a 5 petaton shot, or 2E25J, delivered in a split second would hit a Venstar's shields with at least 2E26W -- nearly 100 times the ship's entire power output and, seemingly, more than enough to get through her shields as well.

:? Hell, man, I dunno. I'm starting to think I was wrong! If Venstars, like Padme's royal yacht, have a shield strength some 2 times or more in excess of the ship's power output (not unlikely), that's grand but it's still insufficient to prevent local shield failure v. one of those nasty Munny prow TL shots -- especially given that, as I said before, it seems like it'd take well upwards of 50 petatons to "blast-melt" a 1,000 km-wide ice body.
a single shot from a fully-charged prow turbolaser is roughly equal to 6000 shots from one of the heavy turbolasers on the venators and ISDs (and that's rounding up) do we know how many shots it takes for those guns to take a Venator apart?
Another good question.

With ISDs, at least, "ROTJ" indicates they and roughly-comparably armed Rebel capships can duke it out for minutes on end without doing serious damage.

Again I can only guess that was the original source of my skepticism regarding Munny's effectiveness against Venstars. Well, that and how Vennys held up against Munnys 4:1 in the CW movie (or, again, so I'm told; I've not seen it yet).

What I can say is that, since we figure Munificents' mega-guns can't sustain more than a few overpowered shots, they may well be guaranteed a few shield-killing -- and, consequently, hull-rending -- blows; however, as previously noted, since Venstars can face-off against 4 Munnies, it's also likely that the Munificient is not built for a sustained battle. I.e., their best bet is to group up on a Republic warship and cripple it from the get-go. When they lack the numbers to do that, and the Republic ship gets some shields back online, the CIS ships' only chance is to focus all shield power toward the quarter facing the enemy. (Witness how lowly AT-TEs and canonically gigajoule-ranged weapons tore the shit out of Grevious's unprotected flank. That one still puzzles me.)

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-15 07:39pm
by seanrobertson
Elfdart wrote:Is it me or does the music from the beginning of Episode 6 sound like Vampire Hunters from Bram Stoker's Dracula?
I know when Grevious's fleet enters the asteroid field in ep. 6, the Gary Oldman Drac movie's music was definitely in play :)

I'd noticed that, too. I thought it was perfect for the scene if a surprise for a SW show :)

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-16 04:00pm
by FSTargetDrone
I was a little disappointed that Anakin didn't hop into one of those Magna Droid's fighters in the background and blast away at the Vulture droids and the others pouring into the hangar. :)

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-16 04:05pm
by charlemagne
The droid fight really was cute and awesome at the same time :D I liked how they smashed into each other and then used their gadgets without straining SoD too much.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-17 12:30am
by TheSpaceman?
So are people liking the series so far? I've read about it on Wookiepedia and I've seen one episode, but I'm wondering how you guys feel about it.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-17 12:39am
by DesertFly
I think it's been a fun diversion, but not something you should go into expecting SUPAR-DRAMA! It's had a couple of interesting episodes focusing on clones, which are in my opinion slightly cooler than the all Jedi-ness of the movies and most episodes, although the plot-forwarding ones have had their good points as well.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-17 04:36am
by Cal Wright
I've been thoroughly enjoying the series. I go in there expecting a half hour adventure in the Star Wars universe. I'm just in the mindset that Anakin and Grevious never actually meet until the bridge encounter in RotS.

Re: Clone Wars series (SPOILERS)

Posted: 2008-11-17 07:57am
by Darth Fanboy
Definitely enjoying the series, the only parts of it I take any issue with I can deal with rather easily seeing as how this show is geared towards a younger audience. Ahsoka could be written less Mary Sue-ish and I wouldn't object however.

I will be skipping the next coming episode entirely, and will not watch it unless a miracle happens and I hear good reviews.