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Posted: 2005-06-16 03:50pm
by Pcm979
Now, here's an idea I just thought of today. I bet everyone's beat me to it, but oh well.

Why not have Buzz Droids which go around repairing things instead of ripping them up? They're small and far more manouverable on a fighter than the conventional Astromechs, whose primary job on fighters seems to be FTL jump plotting and general flight assistance. Lord knows those itty-bitty maintenance arms can't reach very far from the socket.

Posted: 2005-06-16 04:16pm
by The Original Nex
Pcm979 wrote:Now, here's an idea I just thought of today. I bet everyone's beat me to it, but oh well.

Why not have Buzz Droids which go around repairing things instead of ripping them up? They're small and far more manouverable on a fighter than the conventional Astromechs, whose primary job on fighters seems to be FTL jump plotting and general flight assisstance. Lord knows those itty-bitty maintenance arms can't reach very far from the socket.
That's actually a really good idea, and may very well be the original manufacturers function for the Buzzdroids, and were just given sabotage programming by the CIS.

Posted: 2005-06-17 03:49am
by Clone Sergeant
A Couple Observations:

Possible Trade Federation Battleship weapons upgrades:

After repeated viewings I've noticed that the much maligned Trade Fed. battleship is noticably different from its counterparts in the previous prequel films.

The ROTS version has new details that may be new weapon emplacements added to give the ship the teeth it so sorely lacked in the previous films.

First, the dorsal surfaces of the docking arms now have a dark strip which may be a massive battery of weapon emplacements.

An image showing the entire starboard dorsal docking arm: Link

And a close up image of the dorsal strip, showing what may be large weapon emplacements: Link

In addition to changes to the docking arms the central core seems to have had weapon emplacements added.

This image: Link and this one: Link show that the core ball is crowned with what may be large weapon emplacements. Their close proximity to the central reactor would allow weapons located here to easily tap into the ship's main power supply with little risk of interruption due to damage sustained during battle.

ARC-170 wing flaps:


The pic speaks for itself. Most likely there to improve maneuverability when operating in an atmosphere.

Posted: 2005-06-18 04:37pm
by Clone Sergeant
Srynerson wrote:Yes, I looked at the picture you posted. :roll: And yes, there is something that looks like an aileron, however the picture also prominently shows the s-foil. You did not specify that you were referring only to the aileron-like structure. You merely referred generically to "flaps", which is a term many people use to casually describe s-foils. I believed that I was offering a helpful link. Excuse me all to hell for not intuiting your meaning.
Thank you for reminding me of the correct term, aileron was the word I couldn't remember when I was writing my original post.

I apologize if I wasn't being clear. However, the ins and outs of Star Wars technology has been discussed at length on this board. I think that it really isn't that much of a stretch to assume I was simply referring to the blatantly aerodynamic feature at the rear edge of the wing (albeit with an incorrect term) and not the split wing which bears little to no resemblance to a terrestrial aircraft's braking flaps anyway.

Posted: 2005-07-01 10:13pm
by Coalition
I'd wonder about the durability of lightsabers. How big a fall was it, from Obi-Wan, to where Bly picked it up, and the lightsaber was still in working order (based upon that Obi-Wan never bothered to check it out).

Posted: 2005-07-02 11:30am
by Axis Kast
Super Battle Droids are apparently extremely strong; one is able to easily heft and toss R2-D2 while in the hanger bay of General Grevious' flagship, despite the probability that an astromech droid is considerably heavy.

Posted: 2005-07-05 05:29pm
by Oskuro
The much speculated memory wipe performed on 3PO might not be as thorough as it seems, since later on 3PO remembers his first job, keeps his personality, and his relationship with R2.

It is both probable, and logical, that memory wipes target an specific cluster of data, in this case data regarding people and events, but not logs of activities performed within its function, or a reset of the personality "quirks" adquired. This way, a droid can be reset without losing valuable functionality.

His remembering R2 can simply be that he's been with him always.

Posted: 2005-07-09 09:52am
by Darth Wong
Locked while I try to sort through this thread and eliminate shit that is either in contention, unsupported, off-topic, chatty, or otherwise not useful to me.