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Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-24 07:10pm
by Galvatron

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-24 09:10pm
by Knife

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-27 08:50pm
by LadyTevar
Well, that was a hell of a season ending. Again, props to the 501st for stepping up and helping out.

So, we now know Mando's real name. We know that there are Rules in the Mandolorian Code covering Foundlings.
We also know the 2nd Season will be out Fall 2020.

But WOW... that did not seem like just an hour. There was too much packed into it to be just an hour.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-27 10:54pm
by FaxModem1
Interesting oral history of the Mandalorian Wars, making the Jedi always the enemy. Also interesting that the Jedi are more myth than reality in the time of the Empire, at least as far as Mandalorians are concerned.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 01:16am
by Galvatron
I wonder if they even distinguish between the Jedi and the Sith or if they're all lumped together as "sorcerers."

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 11:54am
by Lord Revan
Galvatron wrote: 2019-12-28 01:16am I wonder if they even distinguish between the Jedi and the Sith or if they're all lumped together as "sorcerers."
Possible and we've seen only the point of view of one tribe/clan so it's possible that other mando clans (assuming they still exist that is) would be different.

After all we've seen mando who had no problem revealing their faces to strangers, some like Sabine Wren or Satine Kryze prefering going helmetless when use of a helmet wasn't needed, so obviously the "never take of your helmet in front of a living being" rule isn't universal (or at least wasn't during the republic and early imperial eras). Therefore it's possible that other things differ between the clans as well.

Honestly unless they out right show Mandalore as lifeless ruins with all the dome cities destroyed and utterly barren, I prefer to think the empire didn't so much wipe out the Mandalorians as shatter their unity so that you have several independent clans scattered accross the galaxy and possibly Mandalore itself but the clans have no single leader they follow to oppose the empire and very little co-operation possibly even thinking that other surviving clans are "no true mandalorians".

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 02:44pm
by Batman
That was a 'lot' of content for a mere 45 minutes.
Is it me or was Moff Gideon wielding the darksaber there at the end?

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 03:54pm
by Lord Revan
Batman wrote: 2019-12-28 02:44pm That was a 'lot' of content for a mere 45 minutes.
Is it me or was Moff Gideon wielding the darksaber there at the end?
It's either that or there's another black bladed lightsaber with a physical crossguard we don't know about.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 05:36pm
by Knife
Lord Revan wrote: 2019-12-28 11:54am
Galvatron wrote: 2019-12-28 01:16am I wonder if they even distinguish between the Jedi and the Sith or if they're all lumped together as "sorcerers."
Possible and we've seen only the point of view of one tribe/clan so it's possible that other mando clans (assuming they still exist that is) would be different.

After all we've seen mando who had no problem revealing their faces to strangers, some like Sabine Wren or Satine Kryze prefering going helmetless when use of a helmet wasn't needed, so obviously the "never take of your helmet in front of a living being" rule isn't universal (or at least wasn't during the republic and early imperial eras). Therefore it's possible that other things differ between the clans as well.

Honestly unless they out right show Mandalore as lifeless ruins with all the dome cities destroyed and utterly barren, I prefer to think the empire didn't so much wipe out the Mandalorians as shatter their unity so that you have several independent clans scattered accross the galaxy and possibly Mandalore itself but the clans have no single leader they follow to oppose the empire and very little co-operation possibly even thinking that other surviving clans are "no true mandalorians".
Indeed, they're either throwing out CloneWars/Rebel's established stuff from Madalore or just following some fundamentalist group like a Death Watch type clan after the Purge. Since we still don't know what the Purge was/entailed, I feel we're just following a group of fundies in the same super traditional vein as Death Watch but without their insurgent type attitude since an actual Mandalorian planet/nation/ethnic group may no longer exist. Also, I should point out, that according to Clone Wars, Obi was just a kid (teen?) when he ran around with Qui Gon with Satine, the soon to be or just crowned Dutchess of Mandalore. She was on the run due to already having and being part of a more moderate movement for Mandalore and she was a kid, so I'm guessing the movement was a bit older though may not be much. That said, we're looking at 10-15 years prior to Clone Wars and she died 19 bby, so a whole 30 years prior to ANH, Mandalore was moving to a more moderate civilization.

Mando's group may be as old as Death Watch. Just another group who lost during the Mandalorian Civil War and moved off planet or out of the sector to 'practice the old ways' type thing. Mando's group have been split for over a decade when they intervened on what ever planet that was they found Din Dajarin on. Who knows, maybe they'll expand on it in season 2.

What I wonder is how does Mando, Din Dajarin not remember Jedi? The Clone Wars seems pretty baked in his head. Was he so traumatized by the attack and then so brainwashed by his clan as to repress the GAR and Jedi fighting the droids during the time period? Surely his parents talked about it, or his neighbors, or teachers, or friends, or someone.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 05:37pm
by Knife
Batman wrote: 2019-12-28 02:44pm That was a 'lot' of content for a mere 45 minutes.
Is it me or was Moff Gideon wielding the darksaber there at the end?
It was most definitely supposed to be the Dark saber.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 05:59pm
by Lord Revan
Knife wrote: 2019-12-28 05:36pm
Lord Revan wrote: 2019-12-28 11:54am
Galvatron wrote: 2019-12-28 01:16am I wonder if they even distinguish between the Jedi and the Sith or if they're all lumped together as "sorcerers."
Possible and we've seen only the point of view of one tribe/clan so it's possible that other mando clans (assuming they still exist that is) would be different.

After all we've seen mando who had no problem revealing their faces to strangers, some like Sabine Wren or Satine Kryze prefering going helmetless when use of a helmet wasn't needed, so obviously the "never take of your helmet in front of a living being" rule isn't universal (or at least wasn't during the republic and early imperial eras). Therefore it's possible that other things differ between the clans as well.

Honestly unless they out right show Mandalore as lifeless ruins with all the dome cities destroyed and utterly barren, I prefer to think the empire didn't so much wipe out the Mandalorians as shatter their unity so that you have several independent clans scattered accross the galaxy and possibly Mandalore itself but the clans have no single leader they follow to oppose the empire and very little co-operation possibly even thinking that other surviving clans are "no true mandalorians".
Indeed, they're either throwing out CloneWars/Rebel's established stuff from Madalore or just following some fundamentalist group like a Death Watch type clan after the Purge. Since we still don't know what the Purge was/entailed, I feel we're just following a group of fundies in the same super traditional vein as Death Watch but without their insurgent type attitude since an actual Mandalorian planet/nation/ethnic group may no longer exist. Also, I should point out, that according to Clone Wars, Obi was just a kid (teen?) when he ran around with Qui Gon with Satine, the soon to be or just crowned Dutchess of Mandalore. She was on the run due to already having and being part of a more moderate movement for Mandalore and she was a kid, so I'm guessing the movement was a bit older though may not be much. That said, we're looking at 10-15 years prior to Clone Wars and she died 19 bby, so a whole 30 years prior to ANH, Mandalore was moving to a more moderate civilization.

Mando's group may be as old as Death Watch. Just another group who lost during the Mandalorian Civil War and moved off planet or out of the sector to 'practice the old ways' type thing. Mando's group have been split for over a decade when they intervened on what ever planet that was they found Din Dajarin on. Who knows, maybe they'll expand on it in season 2.
It's possible that Satine was originally suppose to be a puppet ruler for the New Mandalorians but once she came of age she took over the movement, that said it wouldn't be first time the Galactic Republic memberworld/protectorate had a underage monarch (with Amidala having been 14 during TPM), yeah I could see this group having been spliter Group that left Mandalore when New Mandalorians took over, I could also see them being spliter group who thought that the purge happened because the mandalorians "had lost their way"
What I wonder is how does Mando, Din Dajarin not remember Jedi? The Clone Wars seems pretty baked in his head. Was he so traumatized by the attack and then so brainwashed by his clan as to repress the GAR and Jedi fighting the droids during the time period? Surely his parents talked about it, or his neighbors, or teachers, or friends, or someone.
It's possible that his homeworld was one the neutral system and thus never had republic troops on it, also the Jedi had a habit of re-enforcing the myths surrounding them so it wouldn't have been so hard for someone who was fairly young at time the droids attacted to start beleaving that everything he heard about the Jedi was myths or republic propaganda.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 06:33pm
by Galvatron
Knife wrote: 2019-12-28 05:36pmWhat I wonder is how does Mando, Din Dajarin not remember Jedi? The Clone Wars seems pretty baked in his head. Was he so traumatized by the attack and then so brainwashed by his clan as to repress the GAR and Jedi fighting the droids during the time period? Surely his parents talked about it, or his neighbors, or teachers, or friends, or someone.
My guess is that actual Jedi sightings were a rarity during the Clone Wars. If we're talking about thousands of battlefields on thousands of worlds, I'd assume that the vast majority of the conflicts involved droids and clones with nary a lightsaber to be seen.

Even if they were, lightsabers are just weapons. Strange weapons to be sure, but weapons all the same. I doubt the Jedi just casually demonstrated their "sorcery" in ways that would make galactic headlines, so one could be forgiven for regarding the Jedi as simply highly skilled warriors.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 08:59pm
by LadyTevar
Knife wrote: 2019-12-28 05:36pm
Lord Revan wrote: 2019-12-28 11:54am
Galvatron wrote: 2019-12-28 01:16am I wonder if they even distinguish between the Jedi and the Sith or if they're all lumped together as "sorcerers."
Possible and we've seen only the point of view of one tribe/clan so it's possible that other mando clans (assuming they still exist that is) would be different.

After all we've seen mando who had no problem revealing their faces to strangers, some like Sabine Wren or Satine Kryze prefering going helmetless when use of a helmet wasn't needed, so obviously the "never take of your helmet in front of a living being" rule isn't universal (or at least wasn't during the republic and early imperial eras). Therefore it's possible that other things differ between the clans as well.

Honestly unless they out right show Mandalore as lifeless ruins with all the dome cities destroyed and utterly barren, I prefer to think the empire didn't so much wipe out the Mandalorians as shatter their unity so that you have several independent clans scattered accross the galaxy and possibly Mandalore itself but the clans have no single leader they follow to oppose the empire and very little co-operation possibly even thinking that other surviving clans are "no true mandalorians".
Indeed, they're either throwing out CloneWars/Rebel's established stuff from Madalore or just following some fundamentalist group like a Death Watch type clan after the Purge. Since we still don't know what the Purge was/entailed, I feel we're just following a group of fundies in the same super traditional vein as Death Watch but without their insurgent type attitude since an actual Mandalorian planet/nation/ethnic group may no longer exist. Also, I should point out, that according to Clone Wars, Obi was just a kid (teen?) when he ran around with Qui Gon with Satine, the soon to be or just crowned Dutchess of Mandalore. She was on the run due to already having and being part of a more moderate movement for Mandalore and she was a kid, so I'm guessing the movement was a bit older though may not be much. That said, we're looking at 10-15 years prior to Clone Wars and she died 19 bby, so a whole 30 years prior to ANH, Mandalore was moving to a more moderate civilization.

Mando's group may be as old as Death Watch. Just another group who lost during the Mandalorian Civil War and moved off planet or out of the sector to 'practice the old ways' type thing. Mando's group have been split for over a decade when they intervened on what ever planet that was they found Din Dajarin on. Who knows, maybe they'll expand on it in season 2.

What I wonder is how does Mando, Din Dajarin not remember Jedi? The Clone Wars seems pretty baked in his head. Was he so traumatized by the attack and then so brainwashed by his clan as to repress the GAR and Jedi fighting the droids during the time period? Surely his parents talked about it, or his neighbors, or teachers, or friends, or someone.
I followed a link on FB to an article that ID'd the Mandalorians who rescued Din as DeathWatch. Now, I'm taking that with a grain of salt, but weren't the DeathWatch wearing blue armor in the cartoons? Like the ones in Din's memories?
Being DeathWatch (or any other clan that had been banished to the moon), would explain a lot of what we've seen of The Covert's ways. Being a more "Orthodox" clan would explain the rules about helms, similar to how Haddish Jews always wear a head covering, IIRC, in some Jewish sects, women get away with this by cutting their hair short and wearing nice wigs. Presto, head covered, without a hat or scarf needed, right?

Still, I doubt Mando was more than 5-6yrs old when he was rescued. At that age, you're not really paying attention to much outside the house, especially politics. He may not even have known there was a War on, if it was far enough away from his planet.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-28 10:18pm
by Lord Revan
Well one of those Mandos in the Covert was House Wizsla (well it's spelled Wizla for the Covert mando in the credits so it could be different clan/house) who were the primary house in the Death Watch.

Though Prez Wizsla did remove his helmet several times and Clan Wren was also House Wizsla and they seemed to prefer to be helmetless unless they're in combat. So the "no removal of helmets" doesn't seem to be a Death Watch rule though it could be a rule within Death Watch fanaticts that emerged after the siege of Mandalore.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-29 09:41am
by Knife
Lord Revan wrote: 2019-12-28 10:18pm Well one of those Mandos in the Covert was House Wizsla (well it's spelled Wizla for the Covert mando in the credits so it could be different clan/house) who were the primary house in the Death Watch.

Though Prez Wizsla did remove his helmet several times and Clan Wren was also House Wizsla and they seemed to prefer to be helmetless unless they're in combat. So the "no removal of helmets" doesn't seem to be a Death Watch rule though it could be a rule within Death Watch fanaticts that emerged after the siege of Mandalore.
That's what I'm say. Death Watch was mostly political, so they went 'old school' to get peeps and support but mostly political. After the purge, what ever that was, what was left might have doubled down on 'old ways' to get to the point of 'never take your helmet off' bit. It seems a new bit of very old law, especially since we have cannon examples of Mandalorians removing their helmets. I mean Filoni is part of this and he made Clone Wars and Rebels, he's got to have a reason.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-30 06:31pm
by xerex
Imagine a The Force Awakens where instead of Snoke and the First Order ,its Yodaling with darksaber leading a Mandalorian Empire ?

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-30 10:37pm
by bilateralrope
Have there been any other Star Wars TV series or movies that weren't a story about the fate of the galaxy or a backstory for characters before they were involved in 'fate of the galaxy' plots ?

Because I can't think of any. Which might be part of why The Mandalorian is so good. It's not trying to up the stakes any further than they need for the story they want to tell.

Also, when did Luke's students die in relation to this series ?
I ask because having Baby Yoda left to train with Luke before then would be a very depressing ending.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2019-12-30 11:05pm
by Galvatron
bilateralrope wrote: 2019-12-30 10:37pm Also, when did Luke's students die in relation to this series ?
We don't know, but I'd say it couldn't have happened until ~20 ABY at the very earliest if only to account for what I assume was supposed to be a teenaged Ben in the TLJ flashbacks. The Mandalorian takes place around 9 ABY.

I also can't help but wonder if Jacen Syndulla was one of Luke's ill-fated students.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-01-04 01:06pm
by Knife
Another question that is interesting.

This takes place roughly 5 years post ROTJ. SW Rebels takes place roughly 5 years prior to ANH, and in season 2 there is an episode where Inquisitors are kidnapping Force sensitive children for Palpatine that is foiled by the Rebel's and Asoka. Well, at least the couple of kids we see on screen, dialogue indicated there is probably more kids out there not shown that Palpatine has his nasty little hands on.

Anyway, if you do a 3 year time span during the original movies from ANH to ROTJ and drop a year for season 2 of Rebels, you get roughly 12 years from season 2 Rebels to season 1 Mandalorian... and baby Yoda is 50 years old.

Anyone think that baby Yoda might have originally been kidnapped by Inquisitors? Is Filoni and Favreau brave enough to put live action Inquisitors in Mandalorian?

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-01-04 06:38pm
by Galvatron
Anyone else notice that Baby Yoda has Kit Fisto's eyes?

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-03-21 07:30am
by The Romulan Republic
Ahsoka Tano will reportedly appear in the Mandalorian season two, and will be played by Rosario Dawson: ... ive-action

The outrage over the replacement of Ashley Eckstein with Dawson is already rising, but that aside, I think its a fine choice. And hey, Dawson's a Bernie supporter. :)

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-03-21 10:40am
by Solauren
Unfortunately for the 'It's not Ashley!' complainers.....

Ashley is not tall enough, or athletic enough, to play Ahoska. She's about 5 inches to short, and he face doesn't look anything like an adult Ahsoka.

Ms. Dawson, however, is closer in height, build, and appearance to Ahsoka then Ashley is.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-03-21 11:49am
by Knife
It's not a complaint, but I'm having a hard time seeing Dawson as Tano. It's also going to very much matter how they do the head tails.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-03-21 12:53pm
by Darth Yan
Dawson also is in a controversy involving being transphobic and abusive

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-03-21 01:13pm
by Knife
Is she? I had not heard, though I hardly have my ear to the ground on Hollywood stuffz.