Upgrade advice

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Upgrade advice

Post by weemadando »

OK. Tax return should be getting me about $600 Aus. So, I need a new Motherboard, Processor and RAM. I'm good for HDDs, GFX and Sound, so people, give me some advice.
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Post by russellb6666 »

well first off what is the change between austrailian money and U.S. money if I knew that I would know how much potential cash and what are you looking for component wise?? Top of the line stuff midrange low mid range what??
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Post by weemadando »

russellb6666 wrote:well first off what is the change between austrailian money and U.S. money if I knew that I would know how much potential cash and what are you looking for component wise?? Top of the line stuff midrange low mid range what??
Well, what I'm after at the moment is advice on the best way to upgrade this:

Soyo POS Mobo,
512 of shoddy SDRAM,
Hercules Gametheater XP,
Assorted HDDs

To a new high-end rig. Like I said, I need a new Mobo, Processor and RAM. What can people recommend?
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Post by Hethrir »

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Post by phongn »

Hethrir's solution sounds good.
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