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Battlefront II Free on Xbox One

Posted: 2019-04-09 02:37pm
by KraytKing
Turns out the old Battlefront II is backwards compatible on Xbox One and is free for a while. I downloaded it yesterday and played for a solid three hours, reliving childhood memories with every casual comment by the AI.

Also, I need to work on my skills, I'm dreadfully out of practice. My K/D used to be nearly seven as a third grader, now it's hovering around three. Against BOTS. Admittedly, the campaign isn't the best way to rack up kills, as some objective require significant self-sacrifice.

Re: Battlefront II Free on Xbox One

Posted: 2019-05-08 07:31pm
by Lord Pounder
I don’t have Game Pass but got it for £6.00 on Saturday. I’d been wanting this game but didn’t want to give EA my money after the colossal fuck up over loot boxes. I can’t imagine they made much out of my £6 and I’m only interested in the single player campaign, which I really enjoyed. The x-wing levels were my favourite.