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Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-08-31 12:41am
by Rogue 9
It just came across my Facebook feed that the Space Marine third person action game is free for about the next 36 hours. Thought some of you might like to know. :)

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-08-31 01:38pm
by Elheru Aran
Yeah, I grabbed it. It's a pretty decent hack and slash shooter, though I still hate third-person games with a passion. I should just turn down the horizontal sensitivity on my mouse so Titus isn't doing pirouettes in the middle of battle. That, and I need to re-map a few controls because it's assuming I have a 5-button mouse. Meh. It's still a game I've always wanted to play, but could never get around to justifying buying. And it actually runs on my computer!

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-09-01 03:01am
by Marko Dash

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-09-02 12:02am
by bilateralrope
I played the demo and found the FOV too low for me. Still, it's free now, so I've grabbed it. Worst case, if there isn't some way to adjust the FOV, I'll just not play it.

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-09-03 11:48am
by Zixinus
The game is pretty fun, with your steps audibly stomping while you run and gore aplenty.

My only mayor gripe is that the melee combat is not developed enough. You can't defend or counter enemy attacks, you can just keep hacking away and hope that you've done enough damage to stagger or kill enemies. I am playing on Hard and actually avoid melee whenever possible because it is guranteed to dip away my health and only use executions if it's safe, because you can be harmed while doing them.

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-09-03 12:20pm
by Jub
Co-op would really have made this game go from a short burst time waster to a must-have. Not sure how they managed to screw up by not adding that.

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-09-03 12:49pm
by Iroscato
Thanks for the heads-up. I grabbed the game and have had a blast with it so far :) It's my first foray into the WH40K universe and so far I like it.

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-09-04 04:20pm
by Elheru Aran
Still having issues melee'ing in the right direction. Practice will help, but in general this is why I detest third-person games. The PC is on a fucking swivel.

Also, I loathe bomb-squigs with a passion.

Re: Humble Bundle giving away Space Marine for free

Posted: 2018-09-05 02:15pm
by Zixinus
Jub wrote: 2018-09-03 12:20pm Co-op would really have made this game go from a short burst time waster to a must-have. Not sure how they managed to screw up by not adding that.
There is co-op actually, as a DLC. You play Chaos Astertes. If you're interested, I'm willing to try it out with you (or anyone else that can PM me).