Speed Demos Archive's Charity Gaming Marathon

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Agent Sorchus
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Speed Demos Archive's Charity Gaming Marathon

Post by Agent Sorchus »

Seeing as these guys do good things in the world and I'm too poor to donate towards any of it I am going to do my best to promote this for them. Their last marathon was in January and raised $448,000+ for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, while their upcoming summer games done quick is raising it for Doctors without Borders. The first link is a video archive of their last marathon and is worth viewing by itself.
Last edited by LadyTevar on 2013-07-11 11:04pm, edited 1 time in total.
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the engines cannae take any more cap'n
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
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Agent Sorchus
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Re: Speed Demos Archive's Charity Gaming Marathon

Post by Agent Sorchus »

It has now started. Watch it here or on Twitch.TV.

The Schedule can be viewed here: http://marathon.speeddemosarchive.com/schedule

Currently playing OkamiHD and today has Donkey Kong, Metal Gear, Amnesia, Resident Evil, Hotline Miami and Luigis Mansion.
the engines cannae take any more cap'n
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
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