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I Bleed Pixels

Posted: 2012-10-21 09:25am
by Vanas
So, They Bleed Pixels is a hard game. It's basically a 2D platformer with an evil book, evil jumps, evil zombie things, evil Assault Cthulus and many, many, many, many spikes. Oh, and the Saws That Hate. They're fun. Also there's spikes.

Its been on Steam for a month or so and I've been slowly chewing my way through the game and recording it as I go. I won't promise a 100% run, but at least I'll get through the levels. Probably.

Video link:
The Book of Claws is a lovely, terrible thing.

I've not quite finished the game yet, and new videos will be added when my muse co-operates and I can finish the next levels in a reasonable amount of time. I suspect that 4-2 and 4-3 as well as The End will require multiple videos per level. It's going to be a blast.

Did I mention there's spikes?

Re: I Bleed Pixels

Posted: 2012-10-21 10:36am
by General Zod
Looks like someone took Vampire Smile and mashed it together with Super Meatboy.

Re: I Bleed Pixels

Posted: 2012-10-21 02:52pm
by Vanas
I've never actually tried Super Meatboy. If it's anywhere near as amusing as TBP though, I may take a look.