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Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-05-31 11:00pm
Linked because I can't YouTube for shit on this forum

So this guy's point is that despite numerous complaints about the sameness of games like Call of Duty or Battlefield, people really don't want change in their gaming, and they prove it with their wallets. His proof is the low playerbase of Titanfall 2 (a fun game, BTW), that has remained low even after the usually opening week mess when it got screwed by EA releasing it at the same time as IW and BFI, despite widely-viewed praise in many videos.

Your thoughts?

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-05-31 11:23pm
by Gandalf
Consumers want new things, but nothing new that challenges their idea of the status quo? Makes sense.

"Gamers" are a pretty shitty community, so this is a relatively mild problem. :P

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-01 07:52am
by Flagg
Gandalf wrote:Consumers want new things, but nothing new that challenges their idea of the status quo? Makes sense.

"Gamers" are a pretty shitty community, so this is a relatively mild problem. :P
"Gamers" is such a broad group of diverse people with diverse interests and taste these days that I don't think the term itself is adequate to describe the subset we know is being talked about. :lol:

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-01 11:47am
by Crazedwraith
My thoughts are if it's TitanFall 2 The first one must have been decently well received.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-01 12:13pm
by Flagg
Crazedwraith wrote:My thoughts are if it's TitanFall 2 The first one must have been decently well received.
Yeah, but it had no single player, waaaa I want my mommy!!! :lol:

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-01 12:58pm
by Joun_Lord
Gamers can be massive cunts, though like Flagg above I think we have to keep in mind gamers are an incredibly diverse group and labeling all of them would be like trying to lump all movie fans together, but I don't think Titanfall's failure can be blamed on them anymore then Dredd's failure could be blamed on movie fans. Like Dredd the marketing for Titanfall 2 was pretty shit. Nobody is going to buy something if they don't know it exists. Of course there was probably limited space for marketing because of another reason.

Titanfall 2 also was hobbled by being released right between Battlefield 1 and Call of Dooty Infinite Warfare. For all the whining about those games people are going to want to play those even if just to tea bag their friends. That could be up to 200 dollars or more right there for the people who buy both of them depending on the edition. If they even knew about the game they might not have been able to afford to buy it.

EA really shit the bed releasing Titanfall 2 when they did. By all accounts a good game but a game people just didn't notice.

Then theres bastards like me who rarely ever buy games new, pretty much Bethesda games and dats about it. Though in my defense buying a 60 dollar game that I won't use 30 dollars worth of the contents seems foolish.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-01 01:12pm
by bilateralrope
Flagg wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:My thoughts are if it's TitanFall 2 The first one must have been decently well received.
Yeah, but it had no single player, waaaa I want my mommy!!! :lol:
I rarely buy games before they get at 75% discount. I can't guarantee that anyone is still playing the multiplayer at that time. So single player is a big deal for me.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-01 02:00pm
by Khaat
bilateralrope wrote:I rarely buy games before they get at 75% discount. I can't guarantee that anyone is still playing the multiplayer at that time. So single player is a big deal for me.
This. And that I don't sink all that much time into my gaming. A game I'm willing to multi-player will have to be something that I pick up quickly; poor sportsmanship can ruin a challenging game for me in zero seconds flat.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-01 03:26pm
by Zwinmar
I prefer single player, if I do multi player that is not an MMO it needs to be split screen. FPS games haven't really been fun since Golden Eye, though my brother and I did have fun with Halo 1 and 2 on legendary.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-02 05:08am
by Jub
People got stung with Titanfall. The game didn't have a lot of content, even just counting multiplayer, and the game's multiplayer scene wasn't as long lasting as you CoDs and BFs. Toss in poor timing, and a lack of marketing and you have a failure.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-02 08:42am
by Flagg
I prefer games with SP, too. Especially (and paradoxically) if it's mainly a MP game, as a SP campaign is far better training for every aspect of play than a fucking tutorial, IMO.

I was mostly making fun of all of the whiners who spent 8 hours a day bitching on the game's forum about how much it sucked because it had no SP campaign. It's almost like if they spent 1/4 of that time playing the game, they would be pretty decent at playing MP. :lol:

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-02 10:21am
by Joun_Lord
Its not really a question of skill, anybody can shoot some dude and teabag his corpse, but the fact people who prefer SP over multi for whatever reason. Don't like the toxic communities, don't like getting yelled at by some 12 year old screaming racist, sexist, or homophobic slurs, don't like getting pestered by horny perverts if they are a woman or insulted rude basement dwelling shitbags who think having a vagina makes them not a "real gamer", think it gets boring and repetitive as hell to run around a map shooting people with little in the way of objectives or anything else to do, or has no friends to play with because they are a no friends loser (not that I'd know anything about, not a thing, nope) or walled garden multiplayer keeps them separated so console peasants don't get creamed by the PC gaming gods with their 50 bajillion button mouses and aircooled light up mechanical keyboards.

Like me, why would I buy Titanfall 1 when I rarely if ever play multiplayer? Same reason I never bought EA Battlefront, I don't play multi. I got the Division super duper cheap and still haven't played it because I dread sticking my toes in the usual toxic multi communities.

I buy the Call of Duty games when they are sub 20 because I'm one of those rare beasts who actually buy them solely for the story.

And its not that I suck at headshooting fools, well not totally. When I do play the games I'm not terrible, atleast not dead last in rankings. Its just I don't want to play them, I don't want to play with others, I prefer to play with myself. So no multiplayer games going to appeal to me unless its something super special or super duper cheap.

Titanfall unfortunately just didn't seem interesting enough to warrant a purchase. Titanfall 2 will but at the right price.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-02 04:28pm
by Block
It's... not really a fun game. I've played way more hours of BF1, despite the campaigns or whatever they call the multiround games taking forever, because it's more fun. I love some of the TF2 mechanics, I definitely want NPCs to be part of the fight to give a feeling of scale for example, but overall it's just really repetitive and not much fun.

Re: Titanfall 2 and gamers' hypocracy

Posted: 2017-06-21 12:45pm
by stardust
I'm an awful FPS shooter, so I tend to stay away from them to begin with; that that's the overwhelming majority of games (generalizing here btw) that I hear about doesn't help.

Seen the first game, watched it be played extensively, but couldn't get into it. The second one didn't look much different to me, though I have yet to actually sit and watch my brother play it.

But like others have said, gamers are a wildly diverse bunch, and there will be haters no matter what anyone does.