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Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 01:53pm
by PeZook

Fall 1961


"Okay...", Johnny von Braun murmured, still fighting his jet lag, "So we move on to the mission schedule for the spring...I'd like to do two manned Mercury launches, one with McCain and Kelly, about OhJesus and Hardbeef? Sam, can we do that?"

Sam Francisco flipped through his notes with a certain slowness. He accompanied the Director to Stenchia for a while, and that week away from the nuts and bolts of THE CAPE resulted in him lagging a bit behind.

"Uh...let's just ask Wehrner, okay?", the Director of Research said, rubbing his temples.

"Who the hell is Wehrner?"

"Jawohl!", one of the men gathered in the room reported. He was old and very scrawny and still wearing a hard hat and launch pad coveralls. There was a huge dog sitting right next to him. The dog had a pen and notepad prepared in front of it for some reason.


When his sudden appearance and report met with shocked silence, the man turned to his dog. The dog barked a few times.

"Jawohl, Wehrner von Shapp reporting, Director Of Flight Crew Operations! I've been here for a while, ja, aber since no need was to use exposition I remained silent."

"Just get to the point!", the Director said impatiently. His headache was getting worse.

"Naturlich, herr director. Mein hund here, Maximillian, says zat the astronauts vill not be able to properly rest up and train between Mercury IX and Mercury XI or XII. And ve do not have enough free crews to do it with fresh astronauts. I am sorry, but I must veto that plan."

"Can he do that?", von Braun whispered to Sam

"Uh...", Sam quickly glanced at MASA's organizational chart, "It says here that he can."

"Well, damn. Now what do we do?"


Note: Unfortunately, you can't reuse crews that fly this season for missions planned for the next. Therefore, MASA cannot fly two manned missions this fall: four crews are tied up in Mercury IX and X, two are needed for Mercury XI, and you only have one spare.

The currently unassigned crews are I (Modem), IV (McCain) and V (Kelly).

Also, I must ask you for mission rules. It is possible your first launch this fall will catastrophically fail, reducing capsule or booster safety ; I need go/no go rules for the second manned launch, since it is possible to scrub a mission right before launch.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 02:11pm
by HMS Sophia
So for those launches we can use McCain, Kelly or Modem?
So we don't have enough pilots. Ok, scrub the second launch, as we dont have enough crews.

As for mission rules. If there is a sudden risk of manned missions being dangerous (say due to a catastrophic failure the launch before) cancel it. We will not risk astronauts.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 02:22pm
by PeZook
Good. I will be simulating shortly.

The haxxoring might take a while, though.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 02:34pm
by PeZook
Oh man. This is bad.

Oh man.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 02:37pm
by HMS Sophia
PeZook wrote:Oh man. This is bad.

Oh man.
What have you done....

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 02:42pm
by PeZook
There's bad news for the Murcans. Stand by.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 02:57pm
by Narkis
I'm guessing the Murcan capsule crashed and burned after suffering a catastrophic failure, setting them damned Jankees even further behind. :twisted:

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:06pm
by PeZook
Time is: Fall 1961
"Hey man, how about a prayer to get us off to a good start?"

There was a chuckle on the radio. It was well known to the people on base that Astronaut OhJesus was a bit of a religious freak. He didn't even partake in the industrial lubricant, so devoted he was to his faith. While some thought him to be a freak, many admired his dedication.


"And lo for the lord sayeth, let us hope you guys did not mess anything up!"

Chuckles erupted through the control room. Switches were thrown. Buttons were pressed, professional sounding sentences full of techspeak were exchanged. All the rites were sealed.

"We are go for launch.", the flight director announced bombastically. They would show those Zenobian bastards how it was done!


"Rocket ascending...ascent nominal. Check out this bitchin' new camera we have on the rocket body! It's in full color, too!"

"FUCK YEAH! How's that for Murcan engineering?!"

The capsule rose high into the heavens. With nail-biting anticipation, the flight controllers checked out all systems for reentry. It was just a suborbital flight, like so many before it, but everything was still tense.

"Okay Oh, how's your descent rate?"

"A little bit fast...nothing too bad. I am getting a slight...vibration here...the spacecraft is shaking up a bit..."

"Come in Nine, say again?"

"There are...strange my window..."

The Flight Director leapt out of his chair, "FIDO, status!"

"I've lost telemetry!"

"No telemetry, repeat, no telemetry!"



"What's going on? Why don't we have a signal?"

Everyone knew what that meant. Nobody wanted to say. It would've been hours before they learned what happened: the Murcan Navy eventually located the capsule, floating off-target by a hundred miles...scorched and melted due to re-entry.


After the Navy divers cut open the sealed hatch, all they could do was stare into the black eyes of the charred body of Astronaut OhJesus.

The heat shield had failed.


Murca had lost an astronaut.

"Director...", Sam Francisco held up the phone, "It's the President..."
MASA Press Release wrote:Due to recently discovered teachnical trouble with the heat shield on the Mercury spacecraft, the Mercury X mission has been scrubbed.

An entirely unremarkable mission. All systems worked perfectly.

It didn't put director Pavylyvych at ease, though. News of the Murcan casualty have raced across the world with terrifying speed, and they made the risks of the space program all too apparent to everyone involved.

And they have lost a brave cosmonaut, too! A very angry comissar Omeganski had visited Syrgy's office in order to get his signature on comrade Karzanovski's transfer papers.


It would appear the Central Comittee had issued orders to relocate the cosmonaut to a "more fitting" post somewhere beyond the Polar circle. The space program's funding would also be cut - most likely due to the massive string of desertions, sabotage and failures it had been experiencing so far.

Syrgy could swear the comissar was angry because he didn't get to execute the man for treason. Or something similar - the Chief Designer could tell by now how the Comissar's mood swings went.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:29pm
by PeZook
Time is: Spring 1962

It was really hard to describe the mood at THE CAPE at the time of the Spring budget meeting.

Gone were the innocent days of butt-slapping and high-fiving and the careless, innocent frolicking between the astronauts.

One of their own was dead. A bunk stayed empty, OhJesus's personal belongings nicely packed in a small cardboard box, waiting for his relatives to come and pick them up. They'd have to be removed: nobody came for them since that ill-fated mission.

But they would persevere. They'd have to. Murca still believed in them, and by Jeebus, it showed it by shoveling money at the program!


The techical reports looked grim, however. Much would have to be rethought, much would have to be redone. Especially since astronaut Hardbeef decided to leave the program, leaving the astronaut corps two men short.


Code: Select all

Current funds: 74 megabucks

Current astronaut roster: 
MODEMJR - CAP 3, LM 0, EVA 2, DOCK 1, END 2 (Mercury/I) ; MOOD: 58
FLASHHEART - CAP 1, LM 0, EVA 4, DOCK 1, END 1 (Mercury/II) ; MOOD: 67
CUNTSER - CAP 3, LM 3, EVA 1, DOCK 0, END 1 (Mercury/III) ; MOOD: 67
MCCAIN - CAP 4, LM 1, EVA 2, DOCK 0, END 1 (Mercury/IV) ; MOOD: 90
KELLY - CAP 3, LM 1, EVA 0, DOCK 2, END 2 (Mercury/V) ; MOOD: 65
HARDBEEF - CAP 3, LM 0, EVA 0, DOCK 1, END 2 (Mercury/VI) ; MOOD: 45 - will retire next year


Programs running: Explorer, Atlas, Mercury, EVA Suits

Launch pads: 3

Scheduled missions: Launch Pad A, manned Earth orbital, Mercury/Atlas, McCain/Kelly
                            Launch Pad B,  none
                            Launch Pad C, none

The rocket was sitting, right there, inside a warehouse. Completely unused. Secured with all the proper seals and fastenings. Never used ,never deployed to a launch pad.

It was an extra rocket.

Syrgy Pavylyvych stared at it in disbelief. He was holding, in his hand, a launch report showing results of a failed launch in the fall of 1961. Booster problem on the pad, it said. Launch aborted.

But that rocket, one of the new A-Series refurbished with proper fuel tubing, never left the warehouse. What's more, none of the myriad documentations about a launch, even a failed one, seemed to have existed.

And nobody remembered putting the rocket on the pad, either.

That was strange. Very, very strange. Or maybe the Chief Designer was hallucinating? Maybe he wasn't running the Zenobian space program, perhaps it was all some fevered dream, dreamt on a hard wooden cot inside a worker barracks in Khylima?

It wouldn't be that bad. At least a man would still be alive.

That thought nagged on Syrgy. He knew the Murcans were the enemy, the capitalist arch-fiends using the work of the proletariat to get fat and rich, but he couldn't help but feel bad for the young man, burned to death inside his capsule.

Part of him felt relief, as the failure meant Zenobia had a chance to be the first to orbit ; But some other part felt guilt...and dread.

For something like that could happen to one of his cosmonauts, too. He suspected comrade Karzanovski wasn't an actual traitor ; That he quietly requested relocation to another posting, any posting...out of fear.

Official documents would never say that, of course. They had an image to maintain.


Code: Select all

Current funds: 94 megabucks

Current astronaut roster:
KARZANOVSKI - Reassigned to radar station in Zyberia

FAAABIO  - CAP 2, LM 0, EVA 2, DOCK 0, END 3 (VOSTOK/I) ; MOOD: 88
TITOV - CAP 3, LM 1, EVA 1, DOCK 0, END 1 (VOSTOK/II) ; MOOD: 44

Programs running: Sputnik, A-Series, Vostok, Booster stage, Cosmos satellite, Voshkhod

Launch pads: 2

Scheduled missions: Launch pad A, Manned Earth orbital, A-Series/Vostok, Ivanov/Dostarovski
                            Launch pad B, Manned Earth orbital, A-Series/Vostok, Nikov/Titov

As you can see, in this game, nothing is definitive. Murcans had every chance to expect their launches to go well ; But it's still possible to fail.

The "launch nobody rememebers" failed in the first stage, with a 92% roll on launch. So it was scrubbed, except nobody remembers it even happened. The hardware is in Zenobian inventory for later use.

Astronauts have began dropping out of the program for various reasons ; You should plan for that.

As it is, the race goes on, though Murca will have to work hard to regain their lead again.

Current prestige summary:


Current director rankings:


The Politburo seems downright gleeful a young Murcan died in space last year.

They might even gloat.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:30pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:36pm
by doom3607
*Cackling quietly in a corner in an empty room*

"One untermenschen down, a billion or so more to go..." :twisted:

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:37pm
by Force Lord
Can I say "space gap"? :D

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:39pm
by PeZook
The good doctor should remember he is still nominally the director.

Shroomanski hasn't made his move yet ; If von Evilstein wants to make a move on Pavylyvych's position, now is a good time.

Or next season if the manned orbital fails.

If he wants to defect, though, it would be better to do it now. If the orbital shot fails, the NKVDVDROM will be locking down the facility and looking for saboteurs, as usual.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:51pm
by OmegaChief
You know the Commissar after all, any excuse to lock down the base is a potential oppertunity to execute someone.

Also it's quite amusing to compare this space race with the actual space race, for want of a nail indeed.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 03:58pm
by PeZook
The actual space race did have a few moments when things could go terribly wrong ; The game is much, much deadlier for the astronauts, though. Expect more deaths before all is said and done.

I actually feel kinda sad for Ohjesus. He was a caring fellow, even if not much of a character...

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:03pm
by Simon_Jester
Narkis wrote:I'm guessing the Murcan capsule crashed and burned after suffering a catastrophic failure, setting them damned Jankees even further behind. :twisted:
Syrgy Pavylyvych glares. "Do not cheer. Men are dying."

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:05pm
by PeZook an incredible poem.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:09pm
by doom3607
A) von Evilstein can cheer all he wants when he's alone. As he's doing right now.
B) And how, exactly, would I try to take over the space program? I don't even know who my goddamn supporters are, let alone how to get them to overrule Shroomanski. :roll: :wtf: :banghead:

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:14pm
by OmegaChief
Well, Pezook can probably outline your supporters better, but to try and take control of the space program, if you remove both Syrgy and the Commissar von Evilstien can more or less pull rank on everyone else and get them into line. So it's more a case of working out how to do that, though it may really just be easier to defect and try to gain control of the Murican space program, which is always an option.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:26pm
by doom3607
Well, PeZook, would you mind telling me... who the hell are my supporters and why are they supporting me over the Commisar and Pavylyvych? Be nice to know that... :mrgreen:

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:29pm
by PeZook
Okay, I will prepare a short brief for you tomorrow.

EDIT: Also, it's probably not necessary to remove the comissar per se, just make him not obstruct you. Omeganski probably sees no particular loyalty towards Pavylyvych ; Syrgy just delivers results. So far.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:36pm
by Simon_Jester
doom3607 wrote:Spoiler
Well, PeZook, would you mind telling me... who the hell are my supporters and why are they supporting me over the Commisar and Pavylyvych? Be nice to know that... :mrgreen:
Honestly, the second question, "why are they supporting von Evilstein," strikes me as a very logical one to ask.

I cannot for the life of me come up with a reason, since von Evilstein's policy of winning the space race by attrition would predictably lead us to suffer so many prestige-damaging deaths. Notice that losing Ohjesus has cost the Murcans ten points of prestige; that translates directly into a smaller launch budget! Indeed, the prestige losses from losing an astronaut can easily be greater than the prestige gain from being first to accomplish whatever the manned mission was intended to do.

It's just... such a freaking bad plan, it doesn't make any sense either in-character or out of character that anyone would be behind it.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:39pm
by doom3607
Maybe threats of Zyberia from his supporters will make von Evilstein "learn" that trying to kill off the untermenschen in that fashion is never going to work? :twisted:

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:44pm
by PeZook
The Politburo members are not really supporting von Evilstein's plans ; It's more about opposing Shroomanski. Evilstein had the good luck that his plans hadn't killed anybody before he was deftly replaced, and for some poliburo members like Beznov, loss of rockets and payloads wasn't of much concern as long as Murcans were beaten. Had shit happened and the Politburo became annoyed with the loss of face...well, von Evilstein could always be replaced with somebody else.

That of ourse means Syrgy could deftly outmaneuver the politburo's hatred by siding with the anti-Shroomanski faction :D

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-06-05 04:57pm
by doom3607
So in other words von Evilstein is screwed anyway because if I manage to get Shroomanski overruled Pavylyvyvh'll just switch sides to the people who were about to put me in charge since they'd undoubtedly prefer him to me anyway. Great... :roll:

In that case, any way to defect and ensure the rocket blows up? :twisted: