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Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 06:53pm
by doom3607
Max research on both, hire the astronauts, launch two more at normal times in the fall. That fails, research to three on the rocket and one on sputnik in the fall and schedule two more standard launches for next spring. That ought to give me a good enough margin to get one of the damn things to orbit. It also runs me out of cash. Again.

NEIN! NEIN, you buffoons! Launch a rocket right or my last act will be to send you all to Zyberia! After hobbling you! With a pickaxe!

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 07:11pm
by Simon_Jester
I, that is, Comrade Pavylyvych begin(s) drafting own alternate plan for 1958.

I didn't realize the game was on until this afternoon so I don't know the rules; my plan will probably not be complete till PeZook wakes up tomorrow morning. So by the time he sees my plan by which point he may have already implemented von Evilstein's plan.

IF PeZook does not implement Dr. von Evilstein's plan until tomorrow, and IF all of the following apply:

1) Dr. von Evilstein's plans fail,
2) He is executed or fired for failure,
3) Pavylyvych is appointed in his place,
4) IF it is possible to change budgeting and plans in between quarters/seasons...

Then I would ask a shift from the Evilstein Plan to my plan. If not, my plan will wait until 1959 or later.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 07:17pm
by noncredible

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 07:21pm
by OmegaChief

"Comrade, your egarness to do your patrotic duty is noted, your request is being considered, please cease knocking on the door"

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 07:32pm
by Vehrec
Excuse me mister Federation man, but that ain't true.

[A crowd of 'Merican rocket scientists parts for a man wearing a labcoat over an air force uniform.]

Now, Ah'm Billy Bob Bernstein, and while Ah might be a child of hillfolk with only a high school education Ah'm also one of the foremost experts on rockets this fine country has! And ah think ah should add that my knowledge of rockets tells me that orbital insertion is a function of the capsule or the payload satellite, not the rocket. Still, that was a pretty poor showing from our rivals, only matched by the poor showing we had. We're ahead in rocket improvements though! That counts for something!

As Ah've been recently assigned to this dog and pony show, ah think we should work on orbiting something now, and hold off on the astronauts until we get started on a capsule to carry them into space. It's hard to say that though, with them walking majestically around the tarmac. Damn fine animals, those Astronauts. We should have gone straight for that from the start, orbited a man and not a robot. Too late ta change course now.

Also, Ah've been looking into the stats on this Ranger program, and ah think we'd be making a mistake to spend money on it now. Seems to me it's primarily an orbiter, and we don't have no rocket powerful enough to send it to go round the moon or out to Mars and Venus. Waste of funds getting it. Save the money for next quarter, do more rocket research. And Ah'm not just saying that cause my grant money comes out of rocket research funds.

(OOC: We need to decide how we're going to the moon-dual launching, traditional, minishuttle, or Direct Asscent, and then stick with that plan.)

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 08:32pm
by Scottish Ninja
IVAN IVANOVICH IVANOV is worried. Despite the great secrecy around the failed launches, word has quietly circulated, and the two names at the top of the roster are his, and that of the man who has been his best friend since their days fighting the Thanasian fascists with the 1st Guards Fighter Division, and after whom his infant son was named: IVAN IVAN IVANOVICH.

Both know that the likelihood of the cosmonaut surviving the first launch is extremely low. IVAN IVANOVICH IVANOV will not allow his friend to sacrifice his life and therefore demands that he be the one to launch.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 08:36pm
by Simon_Jester
MAISNER is accosted by the ever-schemy PAVYLYVYCH.

"Comrade, I have many, many ideas about the future of space flight, but there will be grave technical challenges. I need the best computermen. Much will be asked of you, but stick to your transistors and we will amaze the world!"

"I ask only for your support, and a plague take these arrogant, prating, goose-stepping, unregenerate fascists!"

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 08:46pm
by noncredible
Vho du yu vrrk for?
Simon, does your character work for the Russians or Americans? I still haven't gotten around to reading the first two pages, and since Maisner wasn't around there, he wouldn't know either.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 08:47pm
by doom3607
But of course you get to launch, Ivan! We're launching both missions at once as a form of redundancy. Not to mention, wouldn't one of you going up into space and the other staying behind rather distance you from your friend? This way, you both get to be heroes!

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 09:03pm
by FaxModem1
We might have to have two threads. Or for each post, they post on whether they're on the Murcan side or the Zenobian side.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 09:10pm
by doom3607
Hmm... *ponders*

*ponders some more*

Ok, the GalCiv2 LP I'm trying to get time to run will be back as soon as I, well, get time to run it. What I'm wondering is, over the summer, I'll have loads of time. I'm thinking of starting another then. I have three suggestions that opinions on would be nice. One is Dominions 3- if you don't know what it is, either look it up or ask Edi about it, he;s a mod on their forum. Or someone else named Edi with the same avatar is. :mrgreen: Another suggestion of mine is this. Might be fun to run our own country like that. And my third and final idea is Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Latest one I happen to have for the PC. I'll insert whatever mods to any of these games people consider appropriate for use in an LP. Thanks in advance for any commentary, even if it is to tell me to get this the hell off this thread and into its own- nice to know if I fuck up. :mrgreen:

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 09:23pm
by Simon_Jester
fajner1 wrote:Vho du yu vrrk for?Spoiler
Simon, does your character work for the Russians or Americans? I still haven't gotten around to reading the first two pages, and since Maisner wasn't around there, he wouldn't know either.
I apologize, comrade; I remembered you from last year's technical conference and had simply assumed you would recall. Allow me to introduce myself.
I, Syrgy Pavylyvych, Zenobian rocket scientist recently released from gulag after being cleared of dastardly FALSE! accusations of embezzlement of funds, begin scheming to take the vile Thanasian's place in the event of a third failure.
Also, to anyone clear on the rules: we get all our money in the spring, but can make policy changes in the autumn, right?

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 09:43pm
by noncredible
FaxModem1 wrote:Spoiler
We might have to have two threads. Or for each post, they post on whether they're on the Murcan side or the Zenobian side.
Or we could put it in our signatures...
So yu olso vrrk for dis guy behind offis dor?

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 09:47pm
by Simon_Jester
fajner1 wrote:So yu olso vrrk for dis guy behind offis dor?
I wish to replace the guy behind offis dor, for he is a traitor, a louse, and a fool, as proven by his associations with the vile Thanasians and their slave labor programs. And also by his idiotic mismanagement of the rocket program, which imperils both the prestige and the military strength of the [insert equivalent of Warsaw Pact here]!

Pursuant to this, I, Syrgy Pavylyvych, Zenobian rocket scientist, have composed a draft plan for Spring 1958.

It is unlikely to be implemented unless the vile Thanasian, von Evilstein, is removed before implementing his own evil plot to sabotage the Zenobian space program in the spring of this new year. If he succeeds in doing so, I will draft a new plan for Autumn 1958, if need be, based on whatever is left of our resources after the monstrous Thanasian is done ravishing them.



Thanks to the gallant efforts of Comrade Badenov, and despite the interference of a certain accursed moose and squirrel, the Murcan rocket program has suffered grave setbacks in production.

On the one hand, this buys us time to recover from the hated Thanasian wrecker's sabotage and still achieve glorious success. On the other, it means the Murcans will redouble their efforts to improve the quality of their rockets, since they can do nothing to improve the quantity. Thus, in the year 1959, we can expect Murcan missile menaces to have improved immeasurably.

The October sky must resound with the beeping of our first orbiter at all costs! We cannot allow a missile gapski!

Now, let me discuss my reasoning...

The critical decisions to be made are:
1) Do we recruit cosmonauts?
2) Do we initiate new research programs, or continue research on current ones?
3) Do we schedule missions for Fall 1958?

My answers:

(1) Nyet.

Alas, we cannot recruit cosmonauts as yet. Our rockets are nowhere near ready and with the disastrous setbacks caused by Ratzi wreckers, I doubt we will be able to launch men into space before 1961 without taking unconscionable gambles with their lives. Therefore, at this time, it would be premature to begin recruitment and training of a cosmonaut corps.

I respectfully apologize to the Cosmonaut Candidate Cadets, and promise that once the noble work so many of them performed during the Great Patriotic Salvation War is finished and the accursed Thanasian is exterminated, their courage and skill will become the basis for a glorious manned space program, which shall form a grand chapter in the history of the Zenovian state and the cause of International Commienism.

The Cadets are encouraged to study and practice on their own time, in whatever ways seem best to them, but no training budget can be made available, as all resources must be devoted to creating the rockets with which to send them into the heavens!

(2) Da, but not yet. Da plus n'yet averages to "maybe."

Our top priority is to maximize the quality of the A-Series rocket. Improvements to these rockets are of great importance not only to the space program and the prestige of the Zenobian motherland, but also to the Strategic Rocket Forces. In their role as missiles, the rockets can never be relied upon in the event of war with Murca, unless they will reliably deliver their payloads without spontaneously combusting on the launch pad and spraying their surroundings with burning nuke-fragments. So long as the foul Thanasian is placed in command of the rocket program, this will take a long time to achieve.

All other research priorities are inferior to this, but may (should!) be inserted into the program as time and funds permit.

(3) Da!

Despite the uncertain reliability of the A-Series rocket thanks to the contemptible bungling of the Thanasian von Evilstein (that fucker of the devil's horse!), we must press forward. Comrade Badenov's heroic efforts in Murca have, as I said, bought us time; we must not let it go to waste. We must assemble new rockets to replace those destroyed by Thanasian treachery, and strive to improve their reliability as much as we can in the time available. Therefore, we must schedule launches in Fall 1958, but there is no hurry, as the Murcans cannot possibly steal a march on us.

As of now, we have 50 MB in hand. My proposed plan for Spring 1958:

Purchase 2 A-Series Rockets (6 MB)
Purchase 3* Sputnik Satellites (3 MB)
Full research on A-Series Rocket (10 MB)
Full research on Sputnik Satellite (5 MB)
Schedule launch of the 2 Sputnik Satellites atop the 2 A-Series Rockets for Autumn 1958 (? MB)**

There will be no rushing of these launches- there is plenty of time to do the job properly, and no sense at all in trying to rush, as there is no need to forestall the capitalists, as they cannot possibly launch so much as a ball bearing into orbit before 1959.

Cost: 24+? MB

*The budget is tight, but Sputniks are cheap, and having a third satellite in reserve in the event of a crisis will work to our advantage.
**Does it cost to perform a mission independently of the cost of the hardware (and any astronauts involved)?


Now, do I also need to submit a plan in advance for Autumn 1958, aside from the scheduling of the launches? I can, but would prefer to await developments.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 10:03pm
by FaxModem1
As Fax sits on his cot, he plays another diddy on his harmonica. Since most of the power on the MASA base is being funneled into rocket research, the lights in the barracks are out. He now has a chance to see the stars through the windows without the base lights getting in the way.

Fax Modem would consider it a beautiful thing if Sam Francisco wasn't constantly cursing as he walked into things.

Fax returned to playing the harmonica, wondering if he would ever get to go up there and not die in the process.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-23 11:37pm
by Shroom Man 777

Back in the Zenobian capital MOOSECOW Premier STANISLAV SHROOMANSKI rages and fumes and BANGS HIS SHOE IN THE TABLE at the failures and incompetencies of the space program.

He knew that it was foolhardy to recruit the treacherous Thanasians into the space program. Those fascist pigdogs were good for nothing and only wanted to KILL the PROLETARIAN PEOPLES of ze MOTHERLAND. They did it in the Great Salvation War, and now they are doing it again by BLOWING UP ROCKETS on the LAUNCHPAD.

"BALLS SAID LIEUTENANT IKE ONG!" STANISLAV SHROOMANSKI says. He still had flashbacks of the Great Salvation War and remembered its horrer.

He had just received word from the NKVDVDROM of a most disturbing discovery.

It appeared that his suspicions on the foul Thanasians had been proven right, for evidence had emerged that the one called Doom von Evilstein was compromised by the Murcans. An agent from the COLON ASS TURDS had contacted him and was bribing him to sabotage the Zenobian space program from within.

PRESIDIUM PREMIER GENERALISSIMO GENERAL SECRETARY SUPREME SOVIET STANISLAV SHROOMANSKI dares to take another look at the photo incriminating von Evilstein of treason.

It was truly disgusting, the long and hard reach of capitalism made manifest.

Doom von Evilstein had been bribed by the COLON ASS TURDS.

It was a really big bribe.

STANISLAV SHROOMANSKI picked up the phone and called the NKVDVDROM.

After that call, he made another.

"Comrade Syrgy Pavylyvych, I am familiar with your work. I know it was you who created the Kuntushya rockets, the so called Ztalin's Organ. Why, I was so impressed when Ztalin's organ exploded in the faces of those Thanasians, back in the Great Salvation War. That was a really big organ. So long and hard...

"Oh! I also came to congratulate you for your new promotion as the head of the space program, comrade. We need dependable Soviet comrades from the Motherland, not Thanasian fascist pigdogs. Do us proud, Syrgy. Launch your ZiGs with great justice! Da, comrade!"

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 12:09am
by FaxModem1
Oh Shroomy. I knew this thread would entice you in some shape or form.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:02am
by PeZook
Answering herr Evilstein's esteemed colleague: no, it doesn't cost extra to launch a mission. You just pay for the hardware and that's it,but missions MUST be scheduled in advance. You don't schedule one, you don't fly. Also, yes, you can change policy in the fall of a year, but you will only have money left over from spring.

In addition, astronauts are assigned into crews, and each manned flight must have a primary and backup crew.

Always faithful,
Hans von Smallhausen
I would request that both sides submit plans for spring and fall, as I will be unable to run the game before evening, therefore I'd prefer to jump across two turns today. Unless you guys prefer to wait for mission results, that's cool too.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:14am
by PeZook
Capital of Zenobia


"Nyet! Comrade secretary, I will not allow this!", the head of the Central Planning Comittee For Development Of Space Flight screamed at comrade Stanislav Shroomanski, "Not right now!"

"Do you support fascist Ratzis, comrade?", Stanislav screamed back, waving his shoe around.

"Comrade secretary, this is immaterial - we cannot dismiss von Evilstein based on evidence that might be forged! At least not yet!"

"That is my decision! The Ratzi must go, his track record was full of dismal failure!"

"Nyet, comrade! We will not allow this without more investigation!"

"Is that so?"

"That is so!", Stanislav's opposition answered in chorus. Stanislav fumed, but could not override the decision.

Unless he got rid of the Ratzi sympathizing troublemakers, but that would take time...

Result: The Central Comittee is apparently engaged in a corridor war with the general secretary. Results of this war are inconclusive, but comrade Stanislav's decision had been overriden, and von Evilstein will remain head of the space program for the time being.

However, comrade Stanislav has secretly promoted comrade Siergiei Pavlovich as Director Of Operations of the Baikonurek Cosmodrome, allowing him to butt heads with von Evilstein.

Also, Shroom, please don't butt into the staffing of my let's play :P

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:25am
by Simon_Jester
Oooh, good one, 'Zook.

I may not be able to come up with an Autumn 1958 plan before 'evening' in Poland, depending on the definition of 'evening;' you're six hours ahead of me. I will try, however, to respond to this at some point in my morning or early afternoon.

I'm also hoping to see something from Doomy. What's his plan? What will we do if the plans conflict?

My own plan for late 1958 would depend heavily on the fate of the two scheduled Autumn 1958 satellite launch attempts. If those fail too, we're in trouble; if they succeed, the logical next step is to forge ahead on the manned program as far as possible.

So at the moment there are too many contingencies for me to present an Autumn 1958 plan; I'm sorry.

To reiterate, Syrgy Pavylyvych's plan for Spring 1958 is:

Purchase 2 A-Series Rockets (6 MB)
Purchase 3 Sputnik Satellites (3 MB)
Full research on A-Series Rocket (10 MB)
Full research on Sputnik Satellite (5 MB)
Schedule launch of the 2 Sputnik Satellites atop the 2 A-Series Rockets for Autumn 1958

Total cost: 24 MB.

Also, Hero of the Zenobian Onion, First Class, to be awarded to Comrade Boris Badenov, for his heroic sabotage of the Murcan rocket production program.

How much of this plan will be left after Dr. von Evilstein gets through with it, I do not know.

Another question: looking at their budget screen, it looks like the Murcans have 264 MB in the bank. Is that a typo? If not, how did it happen?

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:29am
by PeZook
Generally speaking the decision for fall is threefold.

1) Do you schedule more unmanned missions for spring?
2) Do you recruit astronauts in the fall?
3) Do you start a manned program in the fall?

Also, do you want to perform additional research on the Semyorka and Sputnik in Fall 1958, before the launch? If you do, include it in the budget and you'll know what you'll be able to do.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:33am
by PeZook
Simon Jester wrote:Another question: looking at their budget screen, it looks like the Murcans have 264 MB in the bank. Is that a typo? If not, how did it happen?
Yes, typo. Corrected.

When in doubt, refer to this:


These are in-game screens with the actual money to spend.

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:37am
by PeZook
I mostly want declarations for the fall since not much is going to happen in the spring, save some research etc, and I'd prefer to show the launches :D

von Evilstein actually has a plan for 1958, so unless Siergiei wants to use his new position to obstruct him, I guess it will go ahead?
doom3607 wrote:Max research on both, hire the astronauts, launch two more at normal times in the fall. That fails, research to three on the rocket and one on sputnik in the fall and schedule two more standard launches for next spring. That ought to give me a good enough margin to get one of the damn things to orbit. It also runs me out of cash. Again.

NEIN! NEIN, you buffoons! Launch a rocket right or my last act will be to send you all to Zyberia! After hobbling you! With a pickaxe!

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:55am
by Simon_Jester
I would like to hire cosmonauts in the fall, and I would like to start a manned program ASAP.

However, if the unmanned satellite launches fail (as well they might), then if there is to be any chance for us to beat the Murcans into orbit we must concentrate all our resources on launches for Spring 1959.

We will only have a 26 MB budget in Fall 1958. If we're going to hire cosmonauts, that only leaves us with 6 MB left to work with- which will still leave us with very unreliable rockets even in Spring 1959, due to the neglect of rocket research in favor of precipitous rushing of undeveloped prototypes by von Evilstein.*

If, in contrast, we wait to recruit the first crop of cosmonauts until Spring 1959, they will become available in Spring 1961 for manned missions, yes? And in spring of '59 there will be plenty of money to budget for recruiting them along with other important projects, whereas now money is tight and we are hard pressed to accomplish even the most basic unmanned mission possible.

*(the accursed grandson of the devil's chickens!)

Therefore, the beginning of the manned program will simply have to wait until Spring 1959, when there are additional funds and hopefully after the program has demonstrated its recovery from the heavy-handed incompetent Prussian assery of von Evilstein.

Since I must make the Fall 1958 budget before knowing the outcome of the Fall 1958 launches (and yes, the game works this way), I am forced to fall back on a near-repetition of the Spring 1958 budget.

My proposed Fall 1958 budget is thus:
Purchase 2 A-Series Rockets (6 MB)
Purchase 1 Sputnik Satellites (1 MB)
Full research on A-Series Rocket (10 MB)
Full research on Sputnik Satellite (5 MB)
Schedule launch of the 2 Sputnik Satellites atop the 2 A-Series Rockets for Spring 1959

Cost: 18 MB, leaving 8 MB in reserve; we should seriously consider rushing those launches when Spring 1959 rolls around, because the Murcans may be hot on our heels by that point.

Now, comparing this to von Evilstein's plan, we have... how is he making the numbers add up? Over the two periods of his budget, he's got:

-20 MB on hiring cosmonauts
-6 MB on six team-seasons of Sputnik research
-16 MB on eight team-seasons of A-Series rocket research
-8 MB on two rocket launches in Fall 1958 (counting satellite and rocket cost)

He can potentially postpone paying for the Spring 1959 launches until the budget comes in for that year... OK, that does add to fifty. Where's the hole in my budget, then? Where's he getting the extra 12 MB to fund the creation of the cosmonaut corps?

In contrast, I'm using the same budget to pay for:

-10 MB on ten team-seasons of Sputnik research
-20 MB on ten team-seasons of A-Series rocket research
-8 MB on two rocket launches in Fall 1958 (counting satellite and rocket cost)
-1 MB on surplus Sputnik satellite

11 MB in reserve... ah. I see. The key difference is that he postpones purchase of the hardware for the 1959 satellite launches until next year's budget comes in, thus leaving room in this year's budget for the cosmonaut corps' training to begin.

I bow to Dr. von Evilstein's accounting skills, though I have extreme doubts about his commitment to continue the program, and his ability to make rational long-term decisions. It is... possible that the disastrous 1957 program was merely the result of stupidity, not malice, however.

EDIT: Also, we are still in trouble if the Fall 1958 launches fail, even more so than under my plan. But I will not stand in the Ratzi's way; let the Thanasian spin enough rope to hang himself well and truly...

[Also, unwise to rock political boat while Shroomanski is battling in the corridors of the Kremlin]

Re: Let's play: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space

Posted: 2011-05-24 03:57am
by HMS Sophia
Sam headbutts a deck when he hears the news on the booster construction. "Oh well. Gives us time to test test and test again I suppose."

Fall 1958:
-continue project: Explorer satellite
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 5MB
-continue project: Atlas rocket
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 10MB
-begin project: Mercury capsule
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 25MB
-Launch Explorer-Atlas combination
-----Cost: 4MB

Spring 1959:
-continue project: Explorer satellite
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 5MB
-continue project: Atlas rocket
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 10MB
-continue project: Mercury capsule
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 5MB
-Train astronauts
-----Cost: 20MB
-Build launch pad
-----Cost: 20MB

Fall 1959:
-continue project: Explorer satellite
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 5MB
-continue project: Atlas rocket
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 10MB
-continue project: Mercury capsule
---Assign 5 research teams
-----Cost: 5MB
--Schedule 2 x unmanned launch, Explorer-Atlas combination
--Schedule 1 x unmanned launch, Mercury-Atlas combination

(I'm right in saying no launches till fall '59 right? Fun fun. I'm putting Fall '57's budget here just for easiness' sake.
Also, did that second pad get built? Also, why yes, I want a mercury project ASAP. I hope thats okay with all those young yanks in those tents)
(Is that do able? Gets us three launches in spring '60. I think that's the next possible launch time.)
(Can I make unmanned mercury launches?)