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Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-09 10:02pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Steve wrote:
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Curses, I was hoping for an update. Oh well, guess I'll have to keep waiting for my glorious Naval debut :)
If I build a Superb and get an event saying she was sunk by a sub, I am so going to laugh my ass off. :D :lol: comment.

Now excuse me while I cackle evilly for a few minutes.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-10 12:48am
by Simon_Jester
Should I go get a broken dishwasher?

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-10 09:17am
by Steve
April 1901

At the beginning of the month Admiral Garrett provided Admiral Wilburn with a finalized design for a 600 ton destroyer. The 1901 destroyers used the extra hundred tons for a design speed of 29 knots and an additional 3" gun. The greater size of the ship permitted an aft and a bow gun to be employed with the two centreline torpedo mounts without affecting rate of fire from overcrowding. This freed up two 3" guns to be placed on either side of the ship, giving the Blake desired additional firepower to go with the increased speed.

Due to the budget the Navy could only afford two ships. The Blake, as class-namer, and Pepys were laid by the end of the month.



Reilly & Collette Shipbuilding of Bremerton finished a dock expansion that gave the Puget Sound shipbuilder the capacity for laying 17,000T ships. Not to be outdone, their rivals in Vancouver and San Francisco quickly placed similar dock expansion orders.

Admiral Garrett was pleased to provide President McGraw and Secretary McInnes with a wire from Admiral Hencken in San Francisco, confirming that the battleships Fearless and Relentless had finished their working up and were ready for active fleet service.

Meanwhile less welcome news came from Berlin.


The Reichstag approved a new program for German naval development, promising an even greater expansion of the German fleet. The Cascadian press was quick to react to these troublesome developments, with many Conservative and Liberal papers declaring that the Parliament must respond. When one reporter for The Oregonian asked Admiral Garrett for his take on the situation, he calmly responded that he did not feel the German ships were a threat to Cascadian vessels.

Many readers wondered why he would make such a comment. The Germans were spending nearly twice the Cascadian naval budget on their own fleet. They had already sent a battleship in a visit to their Asian holdings. In retrospect, however, it would soon become clear why Admiral Garrett, among others with knowledge in the Government, was so unperturbed by the news.

May 1901

The world's power balance shifted in May when the French Ambassador, at the behest of his government, made the official approach.


In Paris, the issue over Polynesia had begun to die down. The much-feared conference had done little to threaten French suzerainty over Tahiti and other nearby islands. Meanwhile the revanchists saw opportunity in Germany's increased problems with the Cascadian Republic. With the alliance with Russia unconfirmed and relations with Britain prone to another colonial tumult, the French were in need of some new ally to realistically threaten the Germans. And now the revanchists believed they had found that ally.

The Presidential Mansion
3 May 1901

"An alliance?"

Foreign Secretary Biddle nodded at the inquiry of Naval Secretary Semlin. "Yes, that is exactly the proposal of the French Republic," the old man said. His whiskers were white as snow, as were the remaining wisps of hair around the crown of his balding head. "A military alliance, to be brought up for renewal every five years."

"This would be unprecedented," said Secretary of State McInnes. "This nation has never been bound to such an alliance with a European state. Not under these conditions. Why, we would be expected to send our boys to fight and die in the far soils of Europe."

"True. But Frenchmen would also be expected to fight and die for the Rockies, should such a thing come to pass," Biddle reminded the head of the Cabinet.

"Cascadian men will be fighting the Germans in Alsace-Lorraine if we ratify this," said Admiral Wilburn. "I am not certain the nation will approve."

"Let us be honest, Admiral." President McGraw spoke, and the room ceased rumbling with conversation. "We are facing a likelihood of war with Germany in the near future. Alone against the Germans, our nation's growing economy will be at great risk to their cruisers. If they commit just a portion of their battle line we may yet lose what we have so recently gained. This alliance would give Berlin pause. They cannot seriously want a continental war, not when it might yet turn against them. The Russians would tie down many of their troops in the east. And combined, the French and Cascadian fleets could eject them from their empire."

"Signing an alliance may also provoke Berlin into drastic action for fear of the same," McInnes pointed out.

"Be that as it may… I am prepared to move forward. Unless you will oppose me in the Parliament, Scretary McInnes?"

For a moment the Secretary of State, himself the closest thing the nation had to a Prime Minister, was silent. Afterward he shook his head. "There may be concessions to make," he warned. "But I will promote the treaty in the Senate."

Admiral Wilburn returned to the Admiralty and went to the Naval Design and Procurement Offices. He found Admiral Garrett seated in his officer looking over a design plan for a new capital ship. Garrett looked up at him and stood to salute. Wilburn waved him back down. "Hard at work as usual, I see."

"I am looking over a proposal for a new cruiser," Garrett replied.

"The Navajo?"

"No. I've given it the working name of Warrior. You are familiar with the British vessel of that name from the 50s?"

Wilburn thought for a moment. "An ironclad, I believe?"

"One of the first, yes. The HMS Warrior was the first of her kind and promised a change in the way the navies of the world built ships. And I suspect this vessel may very well be the same. Should our design teams and scientists find a way to make it work, that is." Admiral Garrett rolled the design back up and returned it to its silver tube. "What might I do for you?"

"Nothing at the moment. I believed you would appreciate the news. The French offer is real."

"Excellent," the younger Admiral said. "And the President's reaction?"

"Acceptance. As is that of the Cabinet."

"Yes, quite good. Quite excellent, sir. As I told you yesterday, this alliance may secure us in our current time of restriction to our naval development." He sighed. "I would have preferred a British alliance, obviously…"

"So would we all." Wilburn shook his head. "You have two young boys. Do you, Admiral, seriously want to see them bleed and die in the distant lands of Alsace-Lorraine?"

That made the other man pensive. "Admiral, I do not wish my boys to die in any war. But the needs of our Republic are evident. The German Empire is determined to impose its will upon us. They want Samoa. They want a share of the Philippines. We are, to them, upstarts, and they will not suffer to see us prosper by the things they seek to possess. A French alliance must give them pause."

"Or drive them to war."

"That is, I regret, a possibility," Admiral Garrett noted. "But perhaps, if we are doomed to war over this, it is best to get it out of the way now, before their naval programs give them an insurmountable edge over our own smaller efforts."

Wilburn sighed. "God help us all, then."

News of the positive Cascadian response electrified Paris. Foreign Minister Delclasse was still ambivalent about the entire issue; he worried that Cascadian ambitions in the Pacific still posed a threat to the French colonies there. But for many Frenchmen, the alliance was a chance to get at the old foe. Cascadia's armies had been known to fight bravely in the North American War, and they had performed well in their admittedly-smaller campaign against Spanish forces. Though it would take months, the prospect of Cascadian troops reinforcing French forces in the Continent was just as valuable as the prospect of the Cascadian naval force helping to claim German colonies for France. If the price tag were to give the Cascadians greater power in the Pacific, it would be acceptable for these other gains.

In Portland the news prompted a greater division. Many Conservatives, being Anglophiles, were bitterly opposed to a French alliance. France had been the supporter of Maximilian, had opposed Cascadia on several occasions, it was clear their goal was not an honest alliance but to use Cascadian boys as cannon fodder to reclaim Alsace-Lorraine. The handful of Socialists and many Democrats had their own opposition, concerned as they were that the alliance would provoke Germany into a war.

With victory in the Senate threatened, Secretary McInnes proved his political mastery by negotiating an arrangement with the Democrats, led by Senator Paul Crabbins of Klamath. As ludicrous as it sounded, the naval budget would be decreased despite the risk of war in exchange for support from Crabbins and the Democrats for the treaty. The arrangement was completed; the naval budget was shrunk and the treaty of alliance ratified.


On 26 May 1901, the French and Cascadian Presidents each signed their own copies of the treaty and ratifications. The Franco-Cascadian Security Treaty went into effect. The populaces of both nations were in general supportive of the new alliance against what many saw as their natural common foe: the German Empire. "Republics must stand together against the arrogant pride of emperors", declared the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

The reaction in Berlin was explosive. The Kaiser was said to have lost his temper and demanded an immediate mobilization. This was a challenge to the German Empire, an attempt to restrict its progress and rob Germany of its rights, and it had to be confronted. After some initial indications of such a reaction, the mobilization order was withdrawn. Instead the German callups for the year were expanded and German forces further orientated to face France. Diplomatic efforts to keep Britain and Russia neutral were pushed. The need for both forced Germany into reconsidering its planned attack on France and acted as a further restraint to keep the alliance news from leading to an immediate war effort by Germany.

The French responded to the German steps with their own expansion of the yearly callup of troops. In Cascadia, President McGraw ordered the Selective Service Office of the War Department to open its offices and make preparations.

June 1901


With tensions with Germany reaching an all-time high, Admiral Wilburn ordered an immediate deployment of the Cascadian fleet. The Defiant led the bulk of the cruiser forces, with several destroyers, to deployment in the Carolines and Philippines. The protected cruiser Seattle and two of the 500t destroyers were dispatched to join Samoa Squadron, which would be responsible for protecting not just Samoa but, in conjunction with any French forces present, French Polynesia and New Caledonia.



An attempted coup d'etat in Venezuela saw that oil-producing country plunge into chaos. President McKinley ordered American ships and Marines into the country to restore order and put down the coup. After the fighting stopped, the frightened government in Caracas signed a new security arrangement with the United States that effectively turned Venezuela into an American protectorate.


The Cascadian Republic did not respond to these developments. The Caribbean was strictly an American sphere of influence in Portland's mind.

Meanwhile the naval race continued. Great Britain laid down another new class of battleship, the Barfleur-class.


July 1901

Engineering teams inform Admiral Garrett that they have developed new mechanisms for naval engine machinery, further improving the efficiency of existing designs.


After a month of high tensions, Kaiser Wilhelm II throws a diplomatic banquet and expressly invites Ambassador Williams of Cascadia to attend. Whatever else he had said before, Wilhelm now shows his more charming side. He insists that a war with Cascadia would be folly for Germany and, while regretting that Cascadia had sided with France as it had, insisted that the German Empire was committed to a peaceful settlement of the outstanding issues. Williams issued his report to Portland. "The Kaiser insisted that he saw our people and nation as a promising one, a people 'forged by adversity into conquerors', and that he would never allow Germany to be drawn into war with the Cascadian nation."

While many found the Kaiser's remarks to be another sign of his tendency to fluctuate his sentiments on a subject, similar German actions seemed to indicate a willingness to let the situation settle.

In mid-July, with Parliament adjourning until winter, President McGraw departed for a goodwill tour in an effort to alleviate global tensions. He first journeyed to Washington to meet with President McKinley and Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt. A Cascadian-flagged liner, the SS Evergreen, was waiting in New York City to ferry him to Brest and the start of his European tour.

Tensions as of August:

August 1901

In the beginning of August the Evergreen arrived in Brest. President McGraw entrained to Paris, where President Émile Loubet and Prime Minister Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau joined him in closer talks on military cooperation. The President of the Cascadian Republic was welcomed with a parade through Paris and honorary commendations by the French Republic. The entire country was ready to welcome their new ally.

After the stop in Paris President McGraw continued on to Brussels, where he was hosted by King Leopold, and finished a commercial treaty involving Cascadian access to the rubber of the Congo that would come back to haunt him in the eyes of history.

Afterward the President entrained for Berlin, having accepted Kaiser Wilhelm II's invitation to a state dinner and high level discussions. The President of the Cascadian Republic was feted by the German Emperor and his advisors, who were seeking more limited concessions from Cascadia as a means to step back from the growing menace of a war. Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow was particularly interested in a diplomatic arrangement, preferring even minor Cascadian concessions to the risks of a Pacific War. President McGraw and Ambassador Williams went over the German proposals and determined that they were not unacceptable. Minor concessions to permit German economic interests in the Philippines and protection for German rights in Samoa were not considered damaging to the Cascadian interest by McGraw. He wired back to Portland to sound out Secretary McInnes and the Government on the issue.


Four months before the German offer would have been more welcome and considered. But the nation was emboldened by the French Alliance. An unfriendly cabinet minister who was never identified leaked the report to the press and triggered an uproar in the Parliament and populace. For many Cascadians, Admiral Garrett included, Germany had been demanding too much for too long; their new offer, genuine and friendly as it might be, was seen as more likely to be a first step to lead to greater German influence in Cascadia's budding Pacific empire. Secretary McInnes and Foreign Secretary independently wired back the Cabinet's response: a firm no to the German proposals.

President McGraw, disappointed, communicated the results to von Bülow. The state banquet thus became a quiet, tense affair, after which the President immediately entrained for Saint Petersburg.

Word of the Cascadian refusal to consider Germany's reduced requests circulated in Berlin and across the country. German opinion against Cascadia hardened. The German General Staff intensified planning for a war against France and Cascadia.

In Portland, Secretary of State McInnes issued orders to increase military spending and purchase increased orders of artillery, ammunition, and rifles.

President McGraw was welcomed warmly in Saint Petersburg. Tsar Nicholas II proved more welcoming than expected. A new commercial treaty regulating Cascadian and Russian economic interests in China was finalized. On the issue of the Franco-Russian alliance, however, the Tsar and his government remained firm. Russia would not go to war on behalf of Cascadia and France in current circumstances.

The President left the Russian capital with this mixed outcome. After a brief stop in Stockholm and a banquet with the King of Sweden, he took a steamer to London.

September 1901

Once in Britain, President McGraw's visit was attended by a Naval Review. The Cascadian President's visit was greeted with general warmth by the British populace and with welcome by Lord Salisbury's Government. A state banquet with King Edward VII was held. During the visit McGraw signed a new amendment to the North America Treaty on the territorial claims in the Arctic and a treaty concerning Cascadia's growing economic links to Australia and New Zealand. On all occasions the traditional links of Cascadia to the British Empire were emphasized and the President was able to take ship for home, via a state visit to Canada, much impressed with London's friendship.

While the President's great state visit wound to an end, Cascadian naval intelligence delivered plans for the German Bremen-class cruiser. It was a respectable ship for its tonnage, although it lacked the firepower of the Olympia-class.



President Garrett received an unwelcome wire from San Francisco. A naval contractor supplying electrical wiring had overestimated its material orders and thus fell behind on its production. The month's quota of new wiring for the CRS Victoria was thus delayed, pushing back the ship's construction by a month. The contractor was quick to refund the Government.


October 1901

After a year, the Cascadian Navy's expanded regimen of gunnery and torpedo training was showing full results. The Navy considered itself ready to face the German fleet.


The Russian Government okayed an offer by their shipyards to sell improved riveting concepts to the Cascadian Admiralty. At Admiral Garrett's insistence, the Admiralty accepted the sale.



Additional news came from Admiral Garrett's development and engineering teams.


The new Lyddite charges for Cascadian naval shells was particularly welcome.


November 1901

The Admiralty Building
Portland Federal District
6 November 1901

Secretary Semlin listened with a displeased expression to Admiral Garrett. "The Cabinet will not be pleased, sir," he remarked gravely. "We have already suffered a delay in our new battleships."

"I understand, sir, but this was unavoidable," Garrett replied. Kilburn nodded at his side. "The reduction of the naval budget had a critical effect upon our construction program. The Navy cannot afford the current program unless we save costs by suspending construction for the month."

"You would not be in this predicament, Admiral, had you not insisted on this contract with the Russian yards."

"Those riveting practices will prove of immense value in later designs, sir," Admiral Garrett insisted. "They will provide us a qualitative edge."

"At the cost of delaying the battleships our nation desperately needs. War with Germany looms on the horizon, Admiral. We need our expanded battle line."

"And we will have, sir. Particularly if the Parliament were to be persuaded to increase our naval budget. The cuts have placed us behind Japan, sir. Japan. Our nation's naval program is threatened by this parsimony."

"I have done what I can," Semlin insisted. "The Democrats in the House and Senate insisted on the cuts for ratifying the treaty with France. And now they howl over our refusal to accept the Germans' offers in August."

"It is foolhardy to do so," Admiral Garrett insisted. "The Germans would have easily used those minor concessions to expand their influence in Samoa and the Philippines."

"Be that as it may, Admiral, the Cascadian people are clearly not ready for the naval spending you insist upon. Our nation's industries must be expanded further before we can sustain such."

Before either Admiral could point out the obvious contradiction in what the Secretary wanted for them and what they were being given by way of funds, Semlin held up a hand. "I shall do what I can. The Conservatives and Liberals are indicating they will promote higher naval spending when the Parliament reconvenes. We will have to see. That is all I can say."

The needs of the Cascadian budget required the Admiralty to temporarily halt the progress on the Dauntless.

Construction of Dauntless temporarily halted due to lack of naval budget funds.

The two new 1901 destroyers were commissioned.


West Portland, Oregon
23 November 1901

Commander Etps was grateful when young Miss Stamper, the maid for Admiral Garrett's house, allowed him in from the winter drizzle. He placed his gray rain-soaked overcoat up upon the nearby hanger and removed his shoes as requested. "Where is the Admiral?", he asked.

"Upon the patio." The pretty young brunette smiled thinly. "He is reading. And quite intently."


"The latest issue of The Strand was issued yesterday," Stamper whispered to him.

Etps blinked… and then remembered and understood. He remained quiet while the young lady led him through the sitting room, beside the dining room door, and out through the parlor into the patio. Rain gently pattered off the glass overhead. The cool air was brisk against Etps' long-sleeved uniform jacket, just as it had to be against the Admiral's flannel house jacket. He was sitting and amiably puffing on a pipe. Etps knew the pipe, and the cover of the magazine in his hand made it clear just why his superior was so engrossed in it. "He noticed the dog outside, ha!", Admiral Garrett proclaimed cheerily.

"Admiral, Commander Etps is here," Miss Stamper said.

Admiral Garrett looked up. "Ah, Reggie. Good to see you." He set the magazine down and put his pipe to the side. "I do not smoke often, as you know, but there is something about these works that make me want to hold a pipe in my hand."


"I was right. The good Doctor Doyle could not leave his Detective at the bottom of Reichenbach Falls forever!" The Admiral held up the magazine to him. "The first chapter of Holmes' latest adventure, Reggie. I have waited years for this!"

Etps nodded. Understanding dawned. "A new Sherlock Holmes adventure, then?"

"Yes," was the cheery reply. "So, what brings you on a Saturday, Reggie?"

"A late wire from Captain Parkhurst up in Seattle, sir." Etps reached into his pocket and handed the slip to him. "It is not good news."

That caused the big man a sigh. He looked over the slip. "Damn. It appears this 'face hardening' process is causing some trouble to the boys in the Armoring Office."

"It appears so, sir."

The Admiral sighed and laid the slip down. "I'll send him a wire later. Undoubtedly some will question why we pay these men so much if they cannot produce results in a timely fashion. People do not realize that science is not rushed." Seeing Etps waiting patiently Admiral Garrett motioned to a chair. "You can be at home here, you know that Reggie. God knows you have been at my side since I was but a Captain. It was a stroke of luck that the Spanish shell did not kill the both of us at Manila."

"True, sir. I didn't want to impose. I will be going out for the night anyway."

"I see. Well, the offer is there." He stood. "Allow me to show you out, then?"

"I hate to interrupt you and your reading, sir. I am well aware of how pleased you must feel to have a new Holmes story to read."

"Oh, yes, but it will still be here in a few minutes."

Etps relented at that point. He allowed his superior to show him out.


December 1901

The navy resumed construction of the Dauntless.

The dock expansion program of 1901 completed. Several slips across the country were now capable of building ships of such size to be 19,000T displacement.

Naval builders conceive of the idea of medium wing turrets for heavy warships.


Cascadian design teams make advances toward better AP shells.


"It is clear that the German Empire will not rest until it has taken control of Samoa away from the Cascadian and Hawai'ian governments. It is also clear that our Nation needs a superior naval armament. Yet the Admiralty has had its hands tied. My sympathies rest with our naval officers who endure day after day of abuse for not building more battleships, yet are refused - by this very body! - the funds with which to do the same construction! You cannot blame a man for not being prepared for a fire and then deny him the means to prepare with the next breath! This cannot continue! The new budget must be expanded to ensure the safety of the Cascadian Nation. Better to pay hundreds of millions now for our defense than to one day be compelled to pay tens of millions to the Kaiser as tribute!" - Speech by Representative Patrick McKiernan of Kelowna, Republican ("Liberal") Party, 9 December 1901

With tensions still high with Germany, the hawk elements of the Liberal and Conservative Parties push an expanded naval bill through the Cascadian Houses of Parliament.


The cruiser Defiant made a welcome visit to Port Arthur, where the Russian governor in the Liaotung Peninsula granted the officers of the cruiser a large banquet in welcome. Lead Russian officers and the Governor were granted a tour of the armored cruiser in response.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-10 09:32am
by Steve
The Warrior design that Admiral Garrett was reviewing earlier in the year:


I'm not necessarily going to build this, obviously. I can't afford to until 1903 at the earliest due to the costs of building the Bs I've got laid down.

(Honestly, I'm starting to regret not tweaking my budget a little higher at game start, even at the cost of making Cascadia wankier. That said, if my playthroughs have shown anything, this time of difficulty will eventually ease as my Rapid Economic Growth trait starts racking up my base resources).

I only built this once before, actually, and it was after unlocking 3 centreline turrets so it had a Q turret and was thus heavier (IIRC it was 26 knots as well). Anyway, this will probably be my next capital ship project, a compromise between the BATTLESHIPS BATTLESHIPS BATTLESHIPS crowd and those who want to continue Cascadia's cruiser power.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-11 10:02am
by Steve
January 1902

The Admiralty Building
Portland, Federal District
2 January 1902

The day after New Year's, Admiral Garrett stepped into the anteroom of his office and nodded with approval at the small gathering around him. His new staff advisor, Captain Simon Holmes, was present already, dark-haired and dark-eyed with a fine beard and mustache that he had kept properly trimmed. Captain Holmes was assigned as his scientific expert and had a particular knowledge in gunnery due to his background in physics. Yeoman Burke, who minded the office for him, was in his uniform with the petty officer rating insignia appropriately placed.

The two main figures in the office were Etps and his wife. Isabela was brown-eyed and dark-haired - with the light bronze complexion common to the Californios much like Admiral Garrett's wife Rachel - if about ten years younger than his beloved. She cut an attractive figure in her sea-green blouse and dress, with long slender arms at her sides. She and Etps looked like the proper naval couple and reminded Garrett of his family, if they had yet to produce a child between them.

"Greetings, everyone," the large man said. He took out a paper. "I have been waiting to make this announcement for some time." He smiled at the Etps couple. "Commander Reginald Etps, it is my solemn duty and my greatest pleasure to read this order. By order of the Cascadian Navy, undersigned by Admiral Wilcox the Vice-Chief of Naval Operations, Reginald Thaddeus Etps is hereby granted a meritorious promotion to the rank of Captain."

The assembled applauded, save for Reggie Etps who beamed with pride as Admiral Garrett removed the silver oak leaf rank insignia from Etps' blue-gray uniform jacket and replaced it with a silver eagle. The eagle was not quite the same as that seen on American naval Captains; the wings were stretched upward and one talon carried a naval compass while the other bore the likeness of an old muzzle-loaded naval gun.

"Congratulations, Captain Etps," Admiral Garrett said after putting the insignia on his aide. He offered his hand in congratulations.

"My thanks, sir. I will continue to do you proud," Etps pledged. He accepted his mentor's hand and shook it with firmness. Pride suffused every inch, every mere part, of his expression. Isabela planted a kiss on his cheek in congratulations.

"And now that the work day is done," Admiral Garrett stated, "I have reserved us a table at North's. My wife and the children should be arriving there by this time. The finest dining in the Federal District awaits our pleasure."

The party left for the waiting cabs to ferry them to the periphery of the government portion of the district. A celebration, to go with those already enjoyed for the New Year's, was just the thing. They had a long year ahead of them.

What the Admiral would not know is the bittersweet taste he would have for this night when he would look back upon it from a year's distance.

Cascadian naval designers and engineers report success with new six foot rangefinders to improve fire control. Additionally, teams determine how to use double bottoms to improve the survivability of Cascadian naval vessels.


Late in the month, several German leaders call upon the German Government to issue an ultimatum to the Cascadians over Samoa. The German Government begins new defensive works on Guam and New Ireland and announces an expansion of the garrisons there and restrictions on Cascadian shipping in the vicinity of German holdings in the Pacific. German destroyers intercept and shadow Cascadian shipping moving south of Guam. The Cascadian government protests the new German stance.

February 1902

Admiral Garrett is pleased to receive further reports from his design teams and research teams on improved technology. New power rammers for gun turrets promise an increase in rates of fire. The Naval Ordinance Office reports completion of new hardened AP shields that offer superior penetration of enemy armor. And a team from San Francisco submit design schematics for an experimental coastal submarine based off of the Holland concept.


Admiral Wilburn is later informed that some of the design team's final work was made possible by the Naval Intelligence Paris Branch recovering technical schematics from France's own submarine program. The Admiral immediately orders this classified at the highest levels so as to not jeopardize the alliance.

(OOC: I have my intel efforts in France set to low… and yeah, the French probably spy on me too.)


March 1902

It is a quiet month for the Admiralty. Admiral Garrett gets a report from Captain Holmes that researchers from Reilly & Collette were reporting some successes in a new steel formula for hull construction.


April 1902

Careful budgeting by the Admiralty allows the Navy to fund a new series of yard slip expansions.


With the money for the expansions cleared, Admiral Garrett wins Wilburn's approval to order two more 1901 type destroyers of the Blake-class: the Rodriguez and Bainbridge.

During the month new reports indicate that relations with the British and French governments have reached levels of amiability not seen in years. New indications from Germany indicate that the German Empire has been relaxing its stance slightly. The German military cancels plans for further reinforcements to Germany's Pacific bases.

In the Bering Sea, shots are fired by Russian and Cascadian fishing trawlers. Despite the new commercial and demarcation treaty, the shifting patterns of fish in the Bering Strait region cause a renewal of arguments between the Tsar's government and the Cascadian officials over fishing rights.

The American-Cascadian border becomes a source for trouble when Cascadian mounted police chase American bandits into the Dakotas. American cavalry intercept the Cascadian force and compel them to withdraw. Several American newspapers denounce the Cascadian police in Montana for the violation of the 108th Meridian, providing fuel for those expansionists who oppose the Treaty of Chicago's territorial dispositions.

May 1902

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands calls for the world's leading naval powers to check the escalating naval race the world has undergone. Citing the clear indications of a possible war in the Pacific, which might impact the Kingdom's colonies in the East Indies, the Dutch Government supports the Queen's announcement - indeed some believe they asked her to issue it - and offers to host a disarmament conference.


In Cascadia the proposal is met with some approval. Senator Crabbins and his Democrats urge President McGraw to completely back the Dutch negotiation. But Admiral Garrett and Admiral Wilburn publicly criticize the idea as unworkable, citing the failed Berlin conference of the prior year. Many leading Cascadian officials and politicians join in the opposition, seeing any likely treaty as being likely to diminish Cascadian freedom of action. The refusal of Cascadia to join the talks leads France and Germany to do likewise; Britain therefore also refuses to join. The Dutch disarmament conference collapses before it can formally start.

June 1902


The Franco-Cascadian alliance was built on the premise that the Polynesian Question would remain quiet. But Queen Lili'uokalani, while a moderate supporter of the arrangement, refused to back down on the question of Polynesian nationhood. When an island chief in French Polynesia was accused of promoting resistance to French rule, he fled to Hawai'i under the personal protection of the Hawai'ian Queen - indeed, she had sent her yacht to pick him up days before French authorities were ready to arrest him. The French Government bitterly protested this to the Cascadian Government and demanded that the offending chief be turned over to France.

Recognizing that the issue could split them from their allies, President McGraw and Foreign Secretary Biddle sought a middle road through the crisis. They could not force the Queen of Hawai'i to relent, not without undermining Hawai'ian independence, but they needed to placate their ally. Secretary Biddle decided upon a public statement on the matter; Cascadia would not support any interference in French rule in Polynesia.

The French were not pleased the chief was not turned over, but the French Government - also desiring to sustain the alliance lest its breaking collapse the Government - was willing to accept the Cascadian statement and withdraw their demand.

July 1902

The budget increased voted on earlier in the year permitted the Cascadian Navy to order a new series of minesweepers.


The increase in the Cascadian budget did not sit well with the Japanese Imperial Government. Cascadian power in the Pacific and the French alliance was casting a new pallor over the relations between the two Pacific naval powers.

August 1902

Admiral Garrett approved a recommendation that the plans developed earlier in the year for submarines be explored. Two coastal submersibles, the Cuttlefish and Salmon, were ordered to be constructed for testing purposes.


The Peruvian government placed an order with Parker & Sons for a new 600 ton destroyer type utiilziing the latest in Cascadian advancements. Vice CNO Wilcox prevailed upon the Government to order the contractor to refuse for fear that Cascadian advancements may fall into foreign hands. But Admiral Garrett considered this risk acceptable, and slight enough, and believed that the licensing rights to the new technology would benefit the Naval budget. Admiral Wilburn signed with Admiral Garrett and indicated to Secretary Semlin his support for the sale. The Cascadian government thus approved the sale.


Additionally, the Engineering Office reported to Admiral Garrett that side drum machinery was now available in new construction.


September 1902


A French fishing vessel, the Jolie Marie, drew too close to Samoa during the Samoa Squadron's monthly live fire exercises. A failure in signaling communication prevented the ship's safe departure from the firing area and a stray 5" shell fired by the Seattle badly damaged the ship, killing several crew and injuring many more. The ship was towed to safety in Apia and the crew treated.

The French Ambassador approached Secretary Semlin on the matter. The families of the deceased were demanding compensation and the court-martialing of the Seattle's officers. Naval Secretary Semlin, aware of the damage the incident could do to the alliance with France, approached Admiral Wilburn about compensation being paid.

Admiral Garrett and the others in the Admiralty responded negatively. "It was a tragedy, yes, but a tragedy brought on by a foolish French fisherman who failed to recognize the clear signs of a naval exercise going on," Admiral Garrett wrote to Secretary Semlin. "It is out of the question for the Cascadian Navy to assume responsibility for this error."

Despite Foreign Secretary Biddle's support for the French note, Secretary Semlin agreed with his Admirals. President McGraw and Secretary McInnes agreed to politely decline the French note. It caused some further stirring in Paris but, for the moment, did not indicate jeopardy for the French alliance.

October 1902

Despite the Jolie Marie sinking of the prior month, the French Government proved supportive of the alliance by offering to the Cascadian Admiralty design work for a reliable pendulum mechanism to use in Cascadian torpedoes. The Cascadian Admiralty supported the purchase, though it would mean delaying completion of the destroyers and minesweepers to fit the naval budget.


A report came to Admiral Garrett that Naval Intelligence's Security Office had indications that agents had successfully purloined torpedo schematics from the Naval Ordinance Offices. An investigation of all officers and personnel with relevant access was ordered.


West Portland, Oregon
25 October 1902

Lieutenant Commander James Hawke was a patient man. He had to be in his profession.

One important element was bland clothes. One mustn't stand own, either through being too open or being too obviously private. The goal was to make a potential spotter's eyes pass over you without comment.

The Commander was also a brave man. During the war with Spain he had led the mixed landing party of Marines and sailors that stormed the Spanish earthworks at the mouth of Manila Bay. A bullet wound in his shoulder still ached when the weather turned just right. Now he showed his bravery in different ways as an officer in the employ of Naval Intelligence's Security Office.

In other words, he was a spy hunter.

The word was that the Russians had gotten a man in the Ordinance Office, or maybe even the Design and Procurement Office itself. Hawke was particularly irritated by the latter. He had respected Admiral Garrett as a bold commander; the Admiral had personally pinned the Cascadian Legion of Merit to Hawke's chest after the war. That the Admiral's office might be the source of a traitor selling his country's secrets…

Therefore Hawke had resolved his investigation to start there. To make sure there were no signs that could rebound upon the man he respected, or if there were, to ensure such treason was paid for quickly and with minimal scandal. He had thoroughly investigated the Admiral's home - surreptitiously of course - and found nothing there. The Admiral never brought his work home and never spoke of it to his family beyond vague, useless generalities. His maid, Miss Stamper, was a patriotic woman. The manservant Liu Ganlu had been cleared with a quick investigation; the Chinese immigrant was loyal to his employer and had no means to be a leak.

Now it was on to other officers. Starting with the good Captain Etps.

Hawke remembered the English-accented officer well. He had served as the Admiral's aide-de-camp during the war. A respectable staff officer who was yet to earn his own command, save a brief time as Executive Officer on the Rodney in a tour during 1899. Married to a Californio woman of middling means - a potential hook, yes.

Thankfully the townhouse that the Captain had leased was across from a mid-range hotel, the Burley-Cain. Hawke was renting a room for this investigation that allowed him to monitor the Commander's movements. Just briefly, just long enough to make sure he had cleared Etps sufficiently.

But there was a strange prickling feeling he was getting this Saturday night. It was 9:30PM, an hour when people were coming home from their nighttime excursions - if they were not already home to escape the growing winter rain endemic to the region at this time of year - and yet… he saw lights on at the main door. A moment later a coated figure emerged from the main door.

Hawke acted quickly. He knew the routes of the cabs that moved through here and how far they were by the sound they made upon the road. He had time. He grabbed his jacket, scarf, and hat and rushed from his rooms. He went down the nearby stairs with alacrity and made his way to the door. The nightkeeper of the hotel eyed him as he went out.

Cool rain came down upon the hat he'd put on. The street light showed that Etps was still waiting. Hawke dare not cross the road here; not when he might get spotted and spook the Captain. His heart began to pound at the prospect that laid before him. Captain Etps… an agent? A traitor? The scandal... it could destroy Admiral Garrett, indeed, it could ruin the entire Admiralty. In these tense times!

A hansom cab rolled up. Now Hawke crossed the road, as if to get to the cab himself. Etps hailed the cab first and started to ascend to it. Hawke's hearing was splendid and he could hear Etps as he called for it to deliver him to the hotel district along the river, across the Willamette from the Government Block of the Federal District.

A streak of boldness came to him. It had been years since he had seen Etps during the war. While Etps might recognize him, he would not know Hawke's current job. The Security Office had given him a cover posting in the Admiralty as a junior aide to Admiral Wilburn's office, the sort of sinecure a wounded war hero might be given until his health was considered sufficienty restored. Rather than risk that a second cab may take too long to approach the street - and knowing he had insufficient time to call for one - Hawke called the cab as well. The driver looked at him and Hawke asked for a destination that would come before the River. An area where he would be more likely to find a waiting cab and, if necessary, had at least a hope of following Etps on foot.

He settled into the cab beside Captain Etps. He gave a nod of his hat. It was kept as one might expect it to be kept in the rain. That it put a shadow over most of his face within the cab was a pleasant aid to the Commander's efforts.

Etps said nothing to him. Immediately Hawke's senses went on alert. His quarry seemed pensive. Tense. Not necessarily from fear - although he did sense Etps was discomforted by his presence - but from a sort of anticipation.

Whatever it was, it absorbed Etps' mind on the trip. Hawke's destination soon came up and he departed. Etps had barely noticed he was not alone, so absorbed he was in anticipation of whatever he was doing. Hawke looked about and was in luck; a brougham cab was waiting for a fare. Hawke hailed it down and gave the order for where he wanted to go. It was a destination that was sure to take the cabbie in the same road. An extra half-dollar was offered to promote the cabbie's speed in the matter and soon they were off. Hawke watched intently as the hansom with Etps in it soon came into sight. It remained so.

Until the last road. Hawke's own cabbie turned. Hawke started for a moment before stopping himself. He cursed inwardly. His planned destination was indeed closer along this tight road, the kind a cab would not ordinarily take… unless a cabbie had a half-dollar inducement to make good time, at least. They clattered along the shadows in a place where smart men usually avoided night time travel. Hawke absentmindedly reached for his revolver. A shooting was the last thing he wanted. To be killed by a robber, though, was even less desirable.

Thankfully this did not occur and soon they were around the corner and back to safer streets. Hawke looked out the rear window. There was some traffic of cabs in the street and they had indeed overtaken Etps' cab. Hawke recognized the chestnut mare pulling the hansom along. He watched it come to a stop in front of a building while his own cab went on. He called for his cab to stop.

"But we're still half a block from…"

Hawke gave him to promised half-dollar addition to the fare… and an extra quarter. "For your time," he said simply. The cabbie shut his mouth and said nothing more.

Hawke clambered down from the brougham and went back down the street. The cab driver of the hansom had already turned to another road. But the red brick building he had dropped Etps off at was clearly the destination; an apartment house of some sort. He read the advertisement beside the door; apartments for "working bachelors of means". The look of the place was fine, clearly not housing for working class men. He slid into the door when another man stepped out, wearing his rain cloak in such a way as to obscure his face. Clearly another man here who wanted privacy.

Hawke spotted Etps going up the stairs. Another man, with fine well-kept blond hair, was at his side. Etps' companion was in a blue smoking jacket and matching nightrobe.

They were holding hands.

"Excuse me sir."

The voice prompted Hawke to turn. A large man stepped up to him in a fine jacket. The glint of a revolver in a holster at his belt came to Hawke's eye as the figure stepped toward him. "This is a private dwelling," the man said in a clear tone. Clear, not hostile, and certainly not welcome. "Unless you are a tenant or have business with one, I must insist you leave."

"Very nice housing you have," Hawke noted. "Might I ask what it would take to become a tenant?"

The man looked him over closely. "I do not believe you would be able to live here, sir."

"I have an excellent income. The rent is unlikely to be an issue if it is under a hundred dollars a month."

"It is your look and manners. You are not suitable for a tenancy. Please leave or I will be forced to remove you."

Hawke noticed that others were looking his way. Many quickly averted their gazes when his eyes swept over them. Others kept their looks on him, as is defying him to identify them.

Oh yes. This was definitely a place he was not suited to live in.

"My apologies, sir," Hawke replied. "I will leave."

"Good. And I do not wish to see your face again. Our tenants value their privacy highly and do not suffer detectives like yourself well."

"Of course not," he said, walking out as he did. Hawke stepped back into the fall rain and drew in a sigh.

His instincts had been mostly right about this late sojourn. But not in the way he had feared.

Unfortunately, his discovery had only made the question more difficult, and delicate, for the Admiralty.

November 1902

As expected, the expense of the French torpedo research compelled the Navy to suspend construction on its new destroyers on the cusp of their completion. A minesweeper was also suspended in construction.

Later in the month, the Argonaut was the first of the new minesweepers to be completed. On trials it was found the ship was capable of a faster speed than designed for. Which, granted, was not of much use for a minesweeper.


It is in retrospect that we must see the November 1902 elections as the final moment on which the future events could reasonably have been averted. The rise of the Democratic and Socialist Parties in Cascadia had long been predicted by many political observers. 1902 had thus loomed as their year. Had the two parties' planks been reconciled, the events of the following year might yet have been averted and much to the benefit of the orphans and widows of the fighting to come. - Excerpt from "The First Pacific War: A General History" by Sophie Garrett, published 1942

The November Elections changed the shape of the House. The Socialist Party won several seats from the industrial cities of the Republic and the Democrats made other gains, changing the makeup of the House to remove the Republican plurality there. New election results in the provinces also portended a change in the Senate to give the Democrats an equal number of Senate seats to the Republicans. The election result's main effect was to effectively eliminate Secretary of State McInnes' Republican-Conservative coalition government. Secretary McInnes promptly dissolved the Government. President McGraw, a Republican himself, was forced to turn to Senator Crabbins of Klamath to form a new Government.

Crabbins attempted to form a coalition with the Socialists, under Congressman Flagg of Surrey. But the Socialists' demands were too far even for Crabbins' Democrats, involving sharp military spending cuts and negotiations with Germany. Flagg believed the election results to indicate that the Cascadian populace was against the prospect of war and the Cascadian imperialism he had spent years denouncing; as such he demanded the Foreign Department and a free hand to renegotiate the Manila Treaty to effectively end Cascadian primacy over the Philippines, as well as an abrogation of the French Alliance - "Cascadian workers will not die for Imperialism". This was too much for Crabbins, who recognized that his own party would fracture and it would cost the Democratic Party their first Government in over a decade. He turned to Senator McInnes and Congressman McKiernan to form a Democrat-Republican coalition government instead, which would maintain the French alliance but fulfill Democratic promises for reforms to unemployment insurance and worker pensions. This would mandate cuts to the naval and defense budgets.

McInnes agreed to the coalition. While the Parliament would not meet until December, he won for himself the Foreign Department and ensured Semlin's retention as Naval Secretary. Thus guaranteed that the Republicans would keep control of those two vital elements of Government policy, he acquiesced to Crabbins' Democrats taking the Treasury as well as the Interior and the War Department. Crabbins was made Secretary of State.

As the new government took shape, Chancellor von Bülow made a public statement to the effect that if the Cascadian Government reduced its naval spending, Germany would recall some of the garrisons sent to the Pacific and re-open talks on German interests in Samoa. The prospect of a drawback from a war thus loomed.

But despite the arrangements, Crabbins had not accounted for the strong Republican support in the Cascadian Navy League. Admiral Garrett privately signaled concerns that the new legislation and naval cutbacks would imperil future Cascadian naval programmes. Admiral Wilburn publicly supported the Navy League's protest against the military cutbacks.


The Russian Government now lodged an official protest, accusing the Cascadian Government of ignoring the repeated violations of Russian fisheries in the Bering Sea by Cascadian fishermen. A Russian cruiser nearly collided with a Cascadian fishing trawler while paying a visit to Dutch Harbor to protest the issue.

December 1902

When Parliament met in the first week of December, the new budget bill formed by Crabbins was defeated in the House by a narrow vote; while over half of the Republicans supported it, others rejected the vote, as did the Conservatives, the handful of Representatives of the Cascadian Populist Party, and a clique of Democrats led by Rep. Alonso Muniz of New Mexico who believed that war with Germany was inevitable and that the party's plank could not sacrifice the national interest. An effort by Crabbins to employ the Whip failed and Muniz threatened to cross the aisle and sit with the Opposition, specifically the Populist Party. Crabbins' control over the Cabinet was thus immediately weakened.

The Germans responded to the bill's failure by not recalling their latest reinforcement convoy. German destroyers began to reconnoiter the Cascadian fleet base at Chuuk (Truk) Lagoon. One destroyer veered so close to the lagoon's defense perimeter that the cruiser Reliant fired a warning shot across its bow. Cascadian cruisers later retaliated with a close pass of the German naval base at Rabaul, where the German ships sortied to intercept the cruisers and fired warning shots that nearly struck the cruiser Fairbanks.

Meanwhile the two new Blake-class destroyers were officially commissioned into the Navy..


Trouble erupted in Africa later in the month. A native revolt gripped the Portuguese colony at Mozambique. Portuguese forces on hand failed to suppress the uprising in time and the rebels declared a new government. Violence by native forces expanded to attack other European interests, as well as a Cascadian commercial interest.

In light of the issue, Admiral Wilburn instructed a small force led by the Defiant to the Indian Ocean. The Cascadian squadron rendezvoused with an Anglo-French force off of Lourenço Marques and sailed into the harbor. Royal Marines and Cascadian Marines deployed to secure the British consulate and restore order to the city. The Portuguese were able to use the intervention to regain control and push the rebels out into the countryside. The rebellion collapsed and its ringleaders fled the country, many going into German Tanganyika.

German ships attached to the German Indian Ocean Squadron arrived to joint the international force as the fighting reached its zenith. Although the Germans cooperated, the Cascadian and French ships were clearly hostile to their presence, such that the British Admiral on station was forced to take command of the force and keep the two forces separate. But this did not extend to shore leave. As New Year's approached, the pacification of the city finally allowed for shore leaves to be granted to the sailors of the squadrons.

Although efforts were made to keep the crews separate, eventually they crossed. There was only light tension at first, but when crewmen of the cruiser Olympia accused German sailors of cheating during a card game, a brawl broke out. Shots were fired and three German sailors were killed in the exchange. Two French and four Cascadians were wounded; two of the Cascadians later died of their wounds. British forces broke up the riot and the Portuguese authorities banned all of the offending parties from further leave.

News of the debacle went out over the wires. German opinion was inflamed at the conduct of the Cascadian sailors. The German government demanded they be tried for murder. In Portland the Cascadian government accused the German crews of instigating the fight and firing the first shots, and thus refused the demand.

The British were not entirely pleased by the conduct of the Cascadian fleet either. Several admirals opined that it might be best that Britain avoid working with the Cascadian Navy until it imposed more stringent discipline on its crews.

Meanwhile, on the 27th of December, the German General Staff ordered its forces to go on standby alert. Plans were made to issue a general mobilization. The Pacific territories of the German Empire were ordered to prepare for conflict and all non-German shipping was ordered out until further notice. All leaves and furloughs in the German Navy were canceled.

On the 28th of December, the French canceled all military leaves.

On New Year's Eve, Admiral Wilburn wired the commanders of Samoa Squadron and East Asia Fleet Command. All shore leaves were canceled. The ships returning from Mozambique were ordered to refuel and put all efforts into scraping their bottoms and being ready to deploy after the New Year. The new Secretary of War, Gregory Burnell, canceled all Army leaves and ordered the Cascadian Army into war preparation.

By New Year's Day, 1903, the war that had been feared for the last two years now crested over the Cascadian nation like a tsunami, terrifying in its imminence.

But for Admiral Garrett, another matter remained to be dealt with.

The Admiralty Building
2 January 1903

The entire building was stirring with activity. War with Germany seemed imminent. The Cascadian fleets were readying to deploy. The battleships would, upon war being declared, be dispatched to East Asia, either to supplement the defenses of the Cascadian and French possessions there or to begin, if possible, invasions of the German Pacific Territories.

As Chief of Naval Design and Procurement, Admiral Garrett's job in this situation was more limited. It was to go over the naval program, to determine what construction should be pursued and how it might relate to the needs of the war. Long-term planning was harder when one needed to potentially replace losses. Even now he had a proposed design for an Armed Merchant Cruiser on his desk, to be potentially ordered when the war commenced to provide further, and more quickly employed, commerce raiding potential.

But as much as he wanted to focus on that, it was another report he had to consider. And another duty he wanted to do. And all he could do was think back a year in time and considered what it said about how fast a man could rise or fall.

The door opened. Captain Etps entered, well-kept as always. "Sir, the yeoman said you needed to see me?"

"Yes, Captain." Admiral Garrett looked over the letter before him. "Given our situation, I have been impressed by the Security Office to deal with this situation immediately."

"Sir?" Etps eyed him. The sour look upon his mentor's face made clear to him that Admiral Garrett was not going to share anything happy with him.

"You remember that issue with the Russians, Captain?"

Etps nodded. "The torpedo designs, yes. I heard the chaps in the Security Office found that some clerk in the Ordinance Offices had laid his hands on them for money. Fellow had a bit of a gambling problem."

"Yes." Admiral Garrett considered the letters in his hands. Etps couldn't read them. "Of course, you must know that discoverying the perfidy of Yeoman Bates did not come without a thorough investigation of these offices, yes?"

"I would imagine not. I myself was interviewed two months ago by a fellow from Admiral Wilburn's office. I remembered him from the war. Commander Hawke."

"Yes. Commander Hawke was helping Security Office with its duties." In truth Garrett knew otherwise. He was one of the few privy to Hawke's real job, and that had only come about due to this… issue. "You are clear of this obviously, Captain. But investigations like this… they tend to lead to things. Innocent things. Not so innocent, I suppose."

And that was when Etps knew. Admiral Garrett watched his student's face blanch. He paled so greatly it was as if the blood simply rushed from his head.

"I may not be Mister Holmes, Captain, but it is hard to not notice the look you have just had," Admiral Garrett observed sadly.

"It is a private matter, sir," Etps insisted. "Completely private. I am not a traitor and you know it."

"Yes. We all do." Admiral Garrett put his hands together. "However, men with such secrets… they may be turned to treason in these cases. As you well know. Captain… if a man from the Security Office could follow you to that… set of domiciles, shall we say, what makes you think a German agent cannot?"

Etps remained silent. He looked like he could barely breathe. "Sir… I assure you, it is discreet. Very. And I would never betray the nation. I would never betray you."

"I believe you. But Admiral Dougherty and his men in the Security Office, they are more cynical. They know you enough, they know your family enough, to know how potent a weapon your interactions with these gentlemen…"

"Gentleman," Etps corrected. He could barely speak as he was. But he was unable to let that remark pass. "I am faithful to him and he to me."

"...I stand corrected," the Admiral stated. "But we both know the result if news of your gentleman friend was to become public."

"My mother would die of the humiliation," Etps said. "And my father… my family… even you would be humiliated, sir. I know what people would think of my habits."

"Indeed. And the risk is there, Captain." Admiral Garrett put his hands on the desk. "I myself hold my moral judgement. I did not know this inclination lived within you. Perhaps I should have suspected, given the clear difficulty you and Isabela have shown in having children. I can only imagine what she feels if she knows…"

"She does. She knew from the beginning."

Admiral Garrett nodded. He put two and two together. "A marriage based on a mutually beneficial arrangement, then?"

"I will not break her confidence."

"You needn't. Again, I am not Mister Holmes in the flesh, but it's not a hard deduction. Now, I myself would not judge you harshly on this, Captain Etps… Reg. But you must understand the point of view of the Security Office. You would be easily blackmailed. You are, indeed, a prize catch for a foreign agent. Once caught in a net you could be compelled to share all sorts of vital information. The Security Office will not stand for that risk, Reggie. They want you gone."

Etps swallowed. "Sir. Sir, if you simply remove me, my family will be curious. They will ask questions…"

"I know."

"If it comes…" He stopped. Admiral Garrett couldn't hide his sympathy for the poor man. Whatever his private morals, he had smelled battle smoke with Reginald Etps. They had faced Spanish shells and Pacific typhoons together. Reggie had played with his children with all the charm of a good father. Indeed, "Uncle Reggie" was beloved of his little ones, especially his little girl. "I… I will not bring disgrace to my family and to your office, Admiral. I request to be dismissed so that I can do what I must to avoid…"

There was something dangerous in that pale face. In the expression of Captain Etps. Admiral Garrett jumped to his feet and rounded the desk to interpose himself between his protege and the door. "Reggie, if I let you out the door right now, we both know I won't see you alive again."

"I must spare you and the others the disgrace, sir," he insisted. Tears started to appear in his sky blue eyes.

"Do you not realize what an investigation into such an event would inevitably turn up? You would cause everything to come out."

"I have prepared for this possibility. Isabela has the necessary letters and testimony. They will prove that I hid my stress from the work, that I was on the verge of a break. It will be explained."

"Damn you, Reggie. What will my children say to that? Think of the people you'll hurt!"

"Sir, you would bring disgrace to…" Etps broke down weeping at that point. He lost all strength and nearly fell, until the Admiral grabbed him and guided him into a chair. A glass of fine brandy was placed before him.

"There, there, drink up Reg. Steady yourself. It is a shock to be outed, I imagine. I almost cannot fathom it, honestly, but I did enough to be afraid you would respond this way. But I'll be damned if I let you take your own life over this."

The Admiral waited patiently while Etps regained his composure. The drink helped to steady his nerves - just enough to do so, no more being poured. "I have dreaded this day for years, Admiral," Etps confessed. "I have always been careful. But I never imagined I would be followed. They're right, though. If I were to remain here, I would be a risk. I can't bear the thought of bringing you disgrace."

"I know. Which is why I have made arrangements, Reg." Admiral Garrett picked another form off of his desk. "Captain Cartwright of the Anchorage came down with severe appendicitis last month. Indeed, his life nearly ended from it, and he faces months of recovery before he is fit for duty. With the war looming we need a man with experience commanding that cruiser. She will be needed to intercept German shipping in the Indian Ocean before long and to work with the French fleet and naval bases in Djibouti and Madagascar. Your French has always been superb, better than mine."

Etps looked at him intently. "You… wish to give me the command?"

"Yes, Reggie. I do. You're a brave man and have all the makings of a good captain. The nation will have need of such men before the month is out, mark my words."

"Where is the ship?"

"She put in to Bremerton before New Year's. Just a quick rotation, she's due to depart on the fifth for the Indian Ocean. You'll have little time to get accustomed to her, I'm sorry to say, but you've seen her type before."

"The Executive Officer…"

"Commander Parker never saw combat in the war, Reggie. He's a smart man, one of our rising stars, but he needs a commander who has seen combat. You'll do fine."

For several moments Etps remained quiet. He had felt like he was in darkness, with no hope of a way out, but now his mentor had lit the way to safety. At the same time, he knew what else this meant. "I'll… not be coming home, will I? I mean, even if my ship makes it through the war."

The Admiral's stern look said it all. No. He wouldn't be coming back home, not as an officer. He could win battle honors, promotion, he could rise to being an Admiral, but that report in the Security Office would always be there awaiting any effort to summon him home. Any shore posting that might threaten to see his proclivities yet come out, to enable a foreign agent to discover what he was, would be denied him. He would be living out in in the Pacific, among the islands of the Cascadian Pacific Empire (presuming it survived the war, at least), stationed in Apia or Manila or the Chuuk Lagoon or anywhere else. He would only come home when he handed in his commission and retired from the Navy.

"I understand, Admiral," he said. "I understand the chance you are offering me. I will do you and the nation proud, sir."

"I know, Reggie. I know you will." He clapped a hand to the man's shoulder. "Best to get ready, then. You'll need to be on the Puget Line in the morning. Give my regards to Isabela."

"I'll make sure she knows, sir. I'll make sure she knows what you've done for me, even now. Please, my best to Rachel and the children."

The Admiral accepted Etps' hand for a handshake. It wasn't necessarily their last - indeed, he would try to see Etps off in the morning, if his schedule permitted - but it felt like it. He was sending his young friend off to war, where glory and death awaited him. It was entirely possible that he had saved Reggie from his revolver's bullet just to doom him to the depths of the ocean or the terrible end that could come from a German shell.

But it was the best he could do for the man. The only thing he could do that had met the approval of the Security Office. Captain Etps could still serve the Cascadian Republic he was sworn to, despite whatever private issues he might have, by defending it upon the oceans that were her lifeblood.

All the Admiral could do now was pray that his friend survived the war that was soon to come.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-11 11:43am
by Raesene
A Redl-affair prevented ? Looking forward to seeing Etps in command.

Well written, as always.
And you managed to make me buy the game :-)

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-11 12:48pm
by Steve
Raesene wrote:A Redl-affair prevented ? Looking forward to seeing Etps in command.

Well written, as always.
And you managed to make me buy the game :-)
VICTORY. :mrgreen:

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-11 03:59pm
by Steve
January 1903

The march to war was temporarily averted in the first week of January. Lord Salisbury directed wires to the relevant governments and invited them to accept British arbitration over their disputes. While hawk elements in each government dreaded the idea of backing down, the prospect of preserving the peace for a little longer won over each of the leaders in turn. The Kaiser, having come down from his rage over the incident in Lourenço Marques, wired Lord Salisbury his thanks for the British intercession in the march to war.

Each government dispatched instructions to their ambassadors in London for the talks with Lord Salisbury. Their positions were the same as before. Germany accused Cascadia of ignoring German rights in Samoa with their protectorate declaration in 1899. Furthermore, the German Empire argued that the Cascadian primacy in the Philippines was against the spirit of international commerce and the rights of other states.

The Cascadian government re-affirmed its position that the protectorate over Samoa was in line with the request of the Queen of Hawai'i, the lawful sovereign of Samoa by the voting of the island chiefs. Its position in the Philippines was earned by the blood shed to liberate the islands from Spanish rule. The Cascadians regarded the German demands as unacceptable and accused Germany of provoking the tensions with their deployments to the Pacific.

The French Government supported the Cascadian in its arguments and further argued that Germany's failure to recover the rebels from Mozambique indicated that Germany might have supported the violence there to expel Portugal.

The talks thus did not get off to a good start. They were further harmed by the German refusal to allow the Hawai'ian consul in London to sit in on the discussions. Germany did not recognize the 1898 determination that made Lili'uokalani Queen of Samoa. Cascadia refused to negotiate on samoa without the Hawai'ian government's presence. To break the deadlock, Lord Salisbury wired Honolulu and asked the Queen if she would permit Cascadian negotiators to stand for her interests. Not wishing to see a Pacific War for the damage it might do her domains, the Queen agreed. The German and Cascadian positions were thus reconciled and the talks could commence. All preparations froze in place as the governments in question waited to see the result of Lord Salisbury's efforts.

Meanwhile Cascadian Naval Intelligence delivered a complication. An agent attempting to establish a network in the Japanese Naval Command was detected by Japanese security and arrested. The Japanese government protested. The Admiralty was forced to disavow the agent in question to avoid a complication with Japan as war with Germany now threatened.


The Japanese Government responded with clear shows of favoritism toward Germany, a stern reminder of how Japan might weigh in on any conflict if driven to.

Cascadian metallurgical specialists finished the necessary work to allow the shipbuilders to account for Face-Hardening processes to naval armor.


February 1903

Spooked by the Japanese intelligence failure, the Naval Intelligence Office was ordered to suspend all foreign efforts save those in Germany.

The talks in London began to break down. Despite the best efforts of Lord Salisbury, his growing health problems made it difficult for him, and Arthur Balfour was increasingly called upon to take over. The issue of Samoa proved insurmountable: Germany would not accept the current disposition, Cascadia would not relent on the issue of political control of the island.

As word came from London on the disappointing progress President McGraw asked Admirals WIlburn and Garrett on whether they were ready for war. They answered in the affirmative.

Word meanwhile came into Admiral Garrett's office that naval designers were having issues with a proposed design with three centreline turrets.


The Ordinance Office confirmed that new safe fuses were available for Cascadian shells. The Admiralty's staff studies on active minefields were further completed.


The minefield study was completed just in time.

On 10 February 1903, the German Empire withdrew from the London talks. The hawks in the German government had won their way with the Cascadian intransigence over Samoa making it clear that the moderate course would not attain the goals by which the German Empire had set its power to.

On the 11th of February the German Empire issued an official ultimatum through the German Embassy in Portland. The February Ultimatum, as it came to be known, demanded that Cascadia recognize German claims to Samoa, permit the German Empire commercial rights in the Philippines, and reduce the Cascadian naval presence in East Asia to a level considered sufficient for German security. The Cascadian government was given 48 hours to respond.

An official war warning was wired to German naval commands in the Pacific and the German government ordered full alerts to army forces in Alsace-Lorraine.

The Presidential Mansion
Portland Federal District
11 February 1903

President McGraw allowed time for Foreign Secretary McInnes to finish reading the text of the German ultimatum to the Cabinet. Secretary of State Crabbins listened quietly. The man looked the part of a populist politician with his suit jacket and lack of a tie, with his wiry white hair only partially combed. "There is no further negotiation?"

"None is offered. Germany means to secure Samoa and will not be dissuaded," McInnes commented. "The German Government has undoubtedly felt pressured to exercise its power in the pursuit of its world status. They cannot accept any offer that does not include unacceptable concessions on our part."

"Then there is nothing to be done," Naval Secretary Semlin stated. "We have finally come to this moment."

Crabbins glowered at that remark. His Party had been elected on a platform of finding a way to peace and controlling the increasing defense budget. But in these few months since the November election, he knew that Semlin's comments were more right than he wanted them to be. Germany's demands were not something Cascadia could accept. The Germans knew this and were ready for war.

"France stands with us," McInnes reminded everyone. "We will have the support of the French for the duration of the war."

"They will expect our army to supplement their own in Alsace-Lorraine. We will shed a lot of blood, I fear, before this is over," McGraw lamented.

"We cannot back down, Mister President," McInnes insisted.

"No. We cannot. Mister Semlin, Mister Palma, issue the orders. Put all forces on full war alert. The National Selective Service is to be instituted immediately. Mister McInnes, I will address the Houses of Parliament in the morning."

The Cascadian President's weary words were echoed by his fellows. After all of these months, all of these hopes for things to quiet down, it had come to this. Cascadia had taken its step to recognition as world naval power. Now it would have to defend that status from the German Empire.

It would not do so alone.

Late on the 11th, the Cascadian Government wired Paris to inform the French Government of their intended reply to the German ultimatum. The French leadership immediately responded with an affirmation of the alliance with Cascadia. It was the 12th by this time and it was in the middle of the night that the French Cabinet issued its orders to the country. General mobilization was declared across Metropolitan France. The French fleet was ordered to sea.

News of the French action reached Berlin as the 12th continued on. The French Ambassador went to Secretary Holstein and asked for his passports. Ambassador Williams did so an hour later.

At 14:20 hours Berlin time, the German Empire ordered mobilization. The German fleet put to sea.

Half an hour later, the Cascadian fleet departed San Francisco Bay.

"The records of the prior three years will bear out our cause to history. Cascadia has attempted, repeatedly, to respect the proper rights of the German nation in the Pacific. But Germany has insisted upon rights that are not natural or safe for our nation. They have demanded our submission to their will. This we cannot do, not without forever degrading our nation to the dictates of other powers. Now they have escalated their demands to be denied only at the cost of a war. And so it is with a heavy heart that I, and the Cabinet, ask the Parliament of the Cascadian Republic to grant full war powers to my Administration. Further war measures will be presented to you as necessary.

Our duty, gentlemen, is clear. Our Republic, arm-in-arm with the Republic of France, must fight until such a time as we have achieved a peace that is honorable and sufficient to the dignity of the nation.

May the Lord of Hosts recognize our cause and grant us His divine providence in the months to come.
" - President John McGraw to the Cascadian Houses of Parliament, 12 February 1903

President McGraw's speech was somber and dignified. While the hawks might have preferred more fire, the speech won over many Parliament representatives who would have rejected a more heated address. After a half hour of deliberations, the joint Houses of Parliament invoked the War Powers Act of 1880 and granted wide war powers to the Government. Additional military funding was ordered, to be funded by war bonds, borrowing, and a new series of taxes on luxuries, property, and gas. The Parliament confirmed the Government's decision to activate National Selective Service.

At 15:20 hours Portland time (00:20 hours Berlin time on the 13th) the Cascadian Government officially rejected the German ultimatum. A public statement, including the terms of the German ultimatum, was issued to the press. The report swept across Cascadia and would prompt multiple public demonstrations of support over the next day.

At 06:00 Paris time, the French Republic warned the German Empire of its intention to honor the terms of the Franco-Cascadian Security Treaty.

The following morning, Chancellor von Bülow reported the Cascadian rejection and French warning to the Reichstag. The German Sozialdemokratische Partei attempted one last push at avoiding a war by demanding a review of the ultimatum and a revision of the German position on Samoa. The German Government easily won the resulting vote in the legislature.

At 10:10 hours Berlin time, February 13th 1903, the German Empire declared war on the Republic of Cascadia.


At noon, President Loubet informed the French Assembly of the German declaration of war against Cascadia. The French Assembly voted immediately on the issue.

At 12:14 Paris Time, the Republic of France declared war on the German Empire.

The First Pacific War had begun.

West Portland, Oregon
13 February 1903

It was the evening when a somber Admiral Garrett entered his house. His children met him at the door eagerly. They had heard all of the rumors and stories at school and now wanted for their father to confirm. Rachel stood at the doorway leading to the kitchen hall. She was frowning deeply at him. She had heard the news more directly.

"Pa, is it really happening!?", Thomas, the 12 year old, asked insistently. "They say there's going to be a war!"

Admiral Garrett could tell his wife would rather not discuss the issue. He intended to obey that. But there was no point in hiding the news from his family. He nodded somberly. "We just received word from Berlin. The Germans have declared war upon us."

"But the French are on our side, right?" Diego asked that. "So they'll be joining. The Germans can't fight both of us, can they?"

"We'll have to see, Diego," was the Admiral answer. "That's all I can say."

A low cry filled the sitting room. Sophie raced up and grabbed her father's leg. "I don't want you to go, Daddy!", the little six year old cried. "Please don't go!"

Of course. She had heard from her big brothers how he had been gone for the war with Spain. Admiral Garrett leaned down and picked his crying daughter up. "Don't worry, my little darling. I won't be leaving this time. My job is here in the city now."

"You promise?", she pleaded.

"Yes." He held her close to ease her fears. "I promise."

Unfortunately, as he knew, there were plenty of other Cascadian fathers who could not say the same to their children this day...

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-11 05:26pm
by RogueIce
Raesene wrote:Looking forward to seeing Etps in command.
If his ship winds up under A.I. control, it may not turn out so well for him. :|

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-11 05:48pm
by Raesene
RogueIce wrote:
Raesene wrote:Looking forward to seeing Etps in command.
If his ship winds up under A.I. control, it may not turn out so well for him. :|
Found that out the hard way, too - my AI DD squadrons were everywhere, but nowhere close to the french battle line they were supposed to attack. My own BBs were murdered, and I was sacked :-(

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-11 10:50pm
by Steve
Raesene wrote:
RogueIce wrote:
Raesene wrote:Looking forward to seeing Etps in command.
If his ship winds up under A.I. control, it may not turn out so well for him. :|
Found that out the hard way, too - my AI DD squadrons were everywhere, but nowhere close to the french battle line they were supposed to attack. My own BBs were murdered, and I was sacked :-(
The AI will usually be very stingy with ordering torpedo attack runs. Usually only in knife-fighting visibility conditions - night time and/or rain.

Captain-level realism lets you manually control them. Of course, it makes fleet battles incredibly annoying and time-consuming unless you set most units to AI control anyway (you could do so and then take control solely to run your torpedo attacks, since Captain realism lets you manually fire one torpedo per term. Just one, mind you, an annoyance once you get to the multiple torpedo mount technologies and destroyers and CLs that can mount them.)

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 12:55am
by Jub
It's slightly off-topic, but could you show us the design limits (for things like firepower, armor, and speed) for what you can currently create? I know your designs are going to be solid, but it's neat to see which way you lean in absolute terms.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 01:32am
by Steve
It's not quite so easy to immediately quantify. Essentially, I only have the first few machinery techs, so my speed for anything larger than a DD is roughly limited to 25 knots at the absolute most for CAs or future BCs. Similarly, with only the first few armor techs, I'll probably be at about 10" belt armor, maybe 11", until the late aughts.

The way those techs work is that the higher your tech, the more armor you can get per ton, so to speak. As in selecting a 10" belt requires less tonnage than earlier.

I can't yet build dreadnoughts because I need at least 3 centreline turrets. This game will actually consider any battleship with more than two main turrets as a "BB", or dreadnought. Even if it's just three turrets. To build something like the Kawachi or Dreadnought, I need to unlock both 3 centreline turrets or, in the former case, just main battery wing turrets would enable it (both techs are needed for a Dreadnought clone obviously).

I've yet to unlock any of the superimposed turrets.

The game's criteria for BCs is different. You can't build a ship that would be considered a BC until you've unlocked at least two ship design techs, even if it's just the first two: secondary battery double wing turrets and heavy secondary guns (that is, secondary batteries above 7" are allowed). I can, right now, lay a ship like Warrior which would basically be an armored cruiser with 12" guns (the game considers a ship a BC if it has a main battery above 10" in caliber and a speed of at least - I think - 23 knots). Yes, even if I only have two twin 12" turrets, it's still a BC in the game mechanics. In the case of Warrior I intend to add to the firepower with 10" secondary guns - basically the battlecruiser equivalent of the Satsuma-class and pre-dreadnought battleship-level armor.

As for gun calibers, I've yet to research any new naval guns. As things stand I can use guns up to 12". My 8", 9", 11", and 12" guns are of inferior quality (-1, which is most starting guns). Cascadia starting with Quality 0 10" guns is actually an advantage.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 01:39am
by Jub
Thanks for the info, it helps me to follow along at home.

I understand that it doesn't want players to be able to make a dash for things that hindsight has shown to work, but it would be cool to make a navy out of exclusively paper designs that fall on the ludicrous side of things. In that vein, are there any issues with building a BC that the game labels as a B, or making a 'DD' out of a very light CL?

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 02:09am
by Steve
Jub wrote:Thanks for the info, it helps me to follow along at home.

I understand that it doesn't want players to be able to make a dash for things that hindsight has shown to work, but it would be cool to make a navy out of exclusively paper designs that fall on the ludicrous side of things. In that vein, are there any issues with building a BC that the game labels as a B, or making a 'DD' out of a very light CL?
By definition you can't make a BC that would be labeled a B. Either it has cruiser speed or it doesn't. If you're referring to building a BC with only two main turrets like a B... as said, it can be done. The AI does it sometimes. If I build Warrior, that's what she'll be, unless I delay her until later in the war and I get 3 centreline turrets first.

You can theoretically make something like a 2,000 or so ton CL as a "destroyer leader", but it'll never be fast enough to keep up with actual DDs. Frankly they're something to consider only in late game when you can just give them a bunch of light guns and load them up with torp launchers as cheap torpedo cruisers for fleet engagements. Although I believe they'll only be able to carry double torp launchers below a certain displacement. I think you have to be 5,000T displacement to have quad torp launchers on a CL since they have to be wing mounts and can't be centreline torp mounts.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 02:24am
by Jub
Steve wrote:By definition you can't make a BC that would be labeled a B. Either it has cruiser speed or it doesn't. If you're referring to building a BC with only two main turrets like a B... as said, it can be done. The AI does it sometimes. If I build Warrior, that's what she'll be, unless I delay her until later in the war and I get 3 centreline turrets first.

You can theoretically make something like a 2,000 or so ton CL as a "destroyer leader", but it'll never be fast enough to keep up with actual DDs. Frankly they're something to consider only in late game when you can just give them a bunch of light guns and load them up with torp launchers as cheap torpedo cruisers for fleet engagements. Although I believe they'll only be able to carry double torp launchers below a certain displacement. I think you have to be 5,000T displacement to have quad torp launchers on a CL since they have to be wing mounts and can't be centreline torp mounts.
I didn't know that it restricted speed by class. I figured speed would be a function of machinery, weight, and hull design.

I'm surprised that they don't have something like an ahistorical mode to unlock certain things earlier than in IRL. Or something like springsharp to set certain values by looking at other values.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 03:09am
by Steve
Uh. No. Speed is entirely determined by a selection - you set the speed you want and the game tells you how much it weighs, depending on necessary horsepower of the machinery and your current machinery tech. You can further modify it by selecting machinery to be built for speed (lighter, cheaper, but more prone to breaking down) or reliability (heavier, more expensive, less prone to breaking down). But specific speeds can cause the game to forcefully re-designate a ship.

If I start to build a B and give it 26 knots of speed the game will declare it a BC. If I start a B and give it a third main battery, the game will re-designate it a BB. If I, say, take my Olympia design and try to give it a 2.5" armor belt instead, due to its 7" armament the game will re-designate it from CL to CA.

That's what I mean by limitations by design type.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 03:16am
by Jub
Okay, that makes sense. It seems a bit of a backwards way to do things, but I can understand why it would be done.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 04:04am
by Steve
So apparently I was timing things wrong. When the game says February 1903, it means the month of February is already over and everything to come is completed in March.

Because I just ended my March turn, got into a battle, and it's dated April 15th.


Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 07:24am
by Steve
Well, Captain Etps has certainly not had a boring war. I just finished a 10 hour running battle between the Anchorage and the German raider Hela. It will likely be its very own update when I get to it and is the only naval battle worth posting so far (my first was a very quick engagement where my CL and DDs broke off from a German CA prowling near Samoa, and the Germans refused three other engagements).

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 07:36am
by Thanas
Is there any reason why Germany does not take her 24 BBs she would have at the time and hit you over the head with it?

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 07:48am
by Steve
The game doesn't use historic fleets. At the start of the game, each country is given so many funds - determined by the fleet size selected - with which the Human or the AI fills out the countries' starting fleet and ships partly constructed. I can select to have the AI fill out my starting fleet as well if I want.

As of the end of July 1903, Germany has 13 commissioned battleships (pre-dreads) and 12 commissioned CAs. Against 4 Cascadian Bs and 8 French Bs as well as 5 Cascadian CAs (all of which are better armed than the German CAs, three of which are also faster than any German CA afloat - quality over quantity, basically) and 7 French CAs.

Even Britain only has 15 Bs with 7 building and 14 CAs with 2 building. Of course, they also have 20 CLs and 40 DDs.

Edit: Also, I'm not sure how many of her designs are only Short Range. The AI sometimes builds short-range ships because they save on tonnage, giving you more space for guns and armor and speed, etc. But the drawback to Short Range ships is that once a war starts, they cannot be moved strategically to other sea zones. That means any short-range German ships in Northern Europe cannot move out of Northern Europe for the duration of the war.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 08:55am
by U.P. Cinnabar
Historically, much of the German navy was short-ranged, as it was built from the start to go head to head with the RN. There were a few vessels(gunboats and some light cruisers) built for colonial service with longer legs, but most of the German navy was dependent on extensive coaling facilities to have the reach necessary for deployment worldwide. This would hinder it during WWI.

How radically their naval doctrine will change, if they have to fight a Pacific war with Cascadia, I don't know. There probably would be a shift in doctrine, but there's also inertia to contend with.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 09:01am
by Steve
I'd have to C&P new files of the German B designs and change their file extensions to .d00 to be able to load them in my game and see what range they have. Or alternatively remember which number determines which fuel range if I loaded them into metapad.

Edit: I used metapad to read them. 4 of the German Bs are Short range only.

Re: Let's Play "Rule The Waves" w/ Steve's Custom Country "Cascadia"

Posted: 2016-06-12 11:34am
by Simon_Jester
So... the short Watsonian (as opposed to Doylist game-mechanics) answer is that the reason for Germany not to try and send its whole fleet against Cascadia is because they'd be in lousy shape when they arrived after repeatedly refueling and having machinery go 'creeak' after long journeys, sort of like the Russians at Tsushima. Gotcha.